This site is dedicated to providing in-depth Bible teaching. This is its raison d’être, its reason for being. Everything else flows from this underlying purpose.
The below links represent my effort to document how this site works, and why. Read straight through, this is a fair bit of material, so I would instead recommend referencing sections over time, as needed.
This page goes over how content on the site is organized. Among other things, it explains how this site supports text, video, and audio (all three content mediums), the content types this site uses, the hierarchical page types within each content type (list pages, aggregation pages, and content pages), the concepts of content level (spiritual difficulty level) and writing level (how hard the writing itself is to read), and the fine-grained sectioning this site employs by using special content sections to mark out different types of content (for example discussion of application, as opposed to direct teaching).