Group Study - Ichthys' BB1 Theology - The Study of God

Introduction - The Essence of God



In this lesson, we are going to be kicking off our new study of BB1: Theology on Ichthys by starting to discuss the Essence of God. We’ll talk about how God is being (Exodus 3:14-15), as well as exactly what essence means as a concept.


0:00 - Intro and outline
01:06 - The essence of God is being. He is the Great I AM
11:43 - The resplendence of God: light and glory
13:24 - Q: 1 Timothy 6:16 talks about God’s unapproachable light. It also says God alone possess immortality. What does that latter statement mean?
25:01 - Q: We say God dwells in this unapproachable light that no one has seen nor ever can see. What then of cases in scripture where people seem to have “seen God?”
35:52 - Comment: God’s glory as it relates to “every knee will bow, and every tongue confess”
49:16 - Essence, nature, character… ???
59:09 - Summary and outro

God’s Infinite Nature



This lesson, we are going to be talking about God’s infinite nature, and what that means in terms of His abilities.


0:00 - Intro and outline
02:01 - Introduction: God’s infinite nature
02:57 - God is Spiritual
09:47 - If mankind is at present “a little lower than the angels”, why do angels desire physical bodies like ours?
16:05 - God is Eternal
23:40 - Angels are subject to time
24:28 - The relationship between future prophecy and the time continuum
30:03 - God is Immeasurable (in a spatial sense)
35:38 - God is Unique
50:17 - God is Omnipotent
51:20 - “Could God create a rock so big even He couldn’t lift it?”
01:08:16 - God is Omniscient
01:08:57 - God’s knowledge of hypotheticals
01:21:58 - God is Omnipresent
01:26:45 - Summary and outro

God’s Perfect Character



This lesson, we are going to be talking about God’s perfect character, and what that means in terms of His motives.


0:00 - Intro and outline
01:40 - Introduction: God’s perfect character
08:07 - Q: Why are we told to be perfect like God in Matthew 5:48 if we can never live up to that standard?
11:57 - Q: What does it mean for Noah to be called “perfect in his generations”?
15:54 - God is Good
29:56 - God is Holy
43:22 - God is Faithful and True
56:51 - God is Sovereign
01:18:42 - God is Love
01:34:00 - God is Just
01:53:12 - “How is it just for unbelievers to face infinite, eternal punishment for finite sins?”
02:17:18 - God is Life
02:23:43 - Contrasting eternal life and eternal death
02:32:50 - Summary and outro

Conclusions - The Essence of God



In this lesson, we are going to be summarizing what we’ve done in the last several lessons, sort of pulling it all together. This will then conclude our discussion of the Essence of God: both His infinite nature, and His perfect character.


0:00 - Intro and outline
00:51 - A reminder of what we’ve been going over
05:50 - An overview in words
08:03 - An overview in picture form

Introduction - The Trinity



In this lesson, we are going to be starting an examination of a new topic in our study of God: the Trinity. God existing in three persons yet with one shared essence is about as core a concept as any we have in Christianity, which is one of the reasons that heresies related to the Trinity have been among the most existential of all threats to truth in the Church. This being the case, it is very important for us to understand the ins and outs of this keystone doctrine, so that we may stand firm in the truth of the Bible and its teaching.


0:00 - Intro and outline
02:23 - The core definition of the Trinity: God is One in Essence, Three in Person
09:42 - Is the terminology itself important in considering the development of this doctrine?
36:39 - Even at the time the Bible was written, there were already incipient challenges to the Trinity
38:30 - Not being able to fully understand the Trinity this side of heaven is a human universal equally applying to all
39:37 - Progressive revelation: The Trinity was veiled from believers in the Old Testament
42:12 - Spelling it out a bit more
44:03 - Summary and outro

All Members of the Trinity Are Deity



In this lesson we kick off a series of discussions we will be having about what the Trinity is not, to help throw into starker relief what it actually is. This lesson’s main focus is examining the point that God is one in essence, but that does not mean that only one person of the Trinity is deity.


0:00 - Intro and outline
01:38 - Our next several discussions: understanding the Trinity in terms of what it is not
03:19 - Key point: God is one in essence, but that does not mean that only one person of the Trinity is deity
30:14 - What does it mean for God to be Spirit, if the Holy Spirit is just one member of the Trinity?
43:44 - Why wasn’t the Spirit sent to indwell believers before He actually was (i.e., only after Christ’s ascension)?
56:29 - Revelation 1:4 - What is going on with the mention of seven Spirits?
01:02:42 - What exactly does being baptized into God (becoming united with Him, as part of the body of Christ) actually mean?
01:17:29 - The Father is God
  01:27:51 - A deeper dive into the interpretation of Ephesians 3:14-15
01:42:17 - The Son is God
02:18:31 - The Holy Spirit is God
02:51:55 - Summary and outro

All Members of the Trinity Are Distinct Persons



This lesson’s main focus is examining the point that God is one in essence, but that does not mean that the Trinity is only one person (merely displaying three modes or aspects of Himself).


0:00 - Intro and outline
02:01 - Key point: God is one in essence, but that does not mean that the Trinity is only one person (merely displaying three modes or aspects of Himself)
05:32 - The Father is a unique person in His own right (for He is distinct from the Son)
10:55 - The Son is a unique person in His own right (for He is distinct from the Father)
19:28 - The Holy Spirit is a unique person in His own right (for He acts as a distinct person)
29:30 - Summary and outro

All Members of the Trinity Are Coequal, Coeternal, and Consubstantial



This lesson’s main focus is examining the point that God is three in person, but that does not mean that there is any inferiority or disparity of status, activity, or substance between the members of the Trinity.


0:00 - Intro and outline
01:24 - Key point: God is three in person, but that does not mean that there is any inferiority or disparity of status, activity, or substance between the members of the Trinity
06:16 - They all possess a full and equal share of the status of deity
13:29 - They all possess a full and equal share of the eternal function of deity
42:26 - They all possess a full and equal share of the substance of deity
57:35 - Summary and outro

All Members of the Trinity Are Joint Partakers of the Same Essence



This lesson’s main focus is examining the point that God is three in person, but that does not mean that the Trinity is composed of three (or more) different “gods”.


0:00 - Intro and outline
01:54 - Key point: God is three in person, but that does not mean that the Trinity is composed of three (or more) different “gods”
15:37 - The Father is revealed to be uniquely God
18:57 - The Son and the Father are revealed to be uniquely God
  24:06 - Regarding the notion of us being “small G gods”, what words are used for such in the Greek and Hebrew?
30:32 - The Holy Spirit and the Son and the Father are revealed to be uniquely God
41:24 - Summary and outro

Introduction - The Trinity in the Bible



In this lesson, we go over how the Trinity can be a tricky concept to understand and explain, which makes it very important to keep our focus on the Bible when discussing it. Otherwise, we might otherwise end up off in the weeds, which is certainly not where we want to be in our understanding of this core doctrine of Christianity.


0:00 - Intro and outline
01:16 - Review
03:12 - The Trinity can be hard to explain properly
12:16 - So keeping the focus on the Bible is necessary
25:35 - Is Jesus “the Father’s seed”? Is the Holy Spirit “the Father’s spirit”?
36:24 - Summary and outro

Illustrating the Trinity



In this lesson we discuss illustrations that seek to help explain the Trinity. Since nothing in this created universe is truly like God, all of these illustrations are necessarily lacking in one way or another, and it is for this reason that we need to be quite wary of reading too much into them. If they help us better wrap our minds around the core teaching of the Trinity (namely, that God exists in three persons sharing one essence), then all to the good. However, we ought not ever build doctrine on top of things that are merely analogies, and analogies that are not even in scripture at that.


0:00 - Intro and outline
02:40 - Perils in attempting to use illustrations for the Trinity
16:27 - An illustration from the early church: the Trinity “triangle”
21:10 - The illustration of the family of Man
30:16 - The illustration of the human mind
38:03 - Illustrations from the world of nature
48:31 - Illustrations from the physical realm
54:57 - Conclusions: these illustrations are only the loosest of analogies at best
01:03:42 - Summary and outro

Roles of the Trinity in the Plan of God



All three members of the Trinity are referred to by common names in both the Old and New Testaments: Elohim and YHVH (the so-called tetragrammaton) in the Hebrew Old testament, and Theos in the Greek New Testament. However, each member of the Trinity also has an individual name, based upon the role they play in God’s overarching plan to redeem mankind: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Aside from going over the shared names, this lesson also examines the origin, significance, and person of each of these individual names.


0:00 - Intro and outline
04:25 - Roles of the Trinity in the Plan of God
13:44 - General Introduction: The Roles of the Trinity Are a Biblical Way To Get Additional Perspective
16:05 - The Names of the Trinity: Shared Names
29:01 - The Names of the Trinity: Individual Names
35:21 - The Father (the 1st Person of the Trinity)
49:20 - The Son (the 2nd Person of the Trinity)
  01:08:47 - Discussion of subordination, not in person/essence, but in role
01:33:23 - The Holy Spirit (the 3rd Person of the Trinity)
01:50:13 - Note: Analogies Are Just Analogies, and Nothing More
02:02:58 - Summary and outro

Trinity Roles as Seen from Specific New Testament Scriptures



The Trinity Roles are clearly visible in many passages in the New Testament. While the Bible does not have a specific passage where it gives us a full accounting of how the Trinity Roles work together to bring about God’s purposes (with all the specifics listed out in tidy boxes), one would be entirely remiss in stating that the Bible “doesn’t talk about the Trinity” (or the roles therein). Quite to the contrary, the Trinity is all over the New Testament, and not even in shadows and symbolism as in the Old Testament. With the benefit of the specific revelation given to us in our day and time (cf. the concept of progressive revelation), God’s triune nature is evident at every turn, and inescapably so.


0:00 - Intro and outline
00:55 - Matthew 3:16-17
12:05 - John 14:16
14:53 - 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
22:48 - 2 Corinthians 13:14
29:00 - Ephesians 3:14-17
36:02 - Ephesians 4:4-6
52:47 - 1 Peter 1:1-2
58:27 - Revelation 1:4-6
01:10:57 - Summary and outro

Trinity Roles as Demonstrated in Gods Plan for Human History



The best way to get an understanding of how the three members of the Trinity work together in perfect unity to establish their shared Will (despite their different roles) is to go through some examples. The principle is true generally, but by examining the the roles taken by the Trinity in several specific areas, we can come to get a better view of how this concept actually works in practice. The roles the Trinity chose to adopt do not restrict God; rather, they are labels given to us to help us better conceptualize Him, given the confines of our limited human understanding.


0:00 - Intro and outline
02:31 - Overview
11:34 - A non-exhaustive list of examples
13:24 - The Plan of God Generally
15:50 - Creation of the World
33:45 - Revelation of the Word
41:15 - Christ’s 1st Advent
45:01 - The Victory of Salvation
53:17 - Reconciliation of the Believer
56:54 - Regeneration of the Believer
01:09:02 - Walk of the Believer
01:30:50 - Virtues of the Believer
01:50:46 - Spiritual Gifts of the Believer
01:58:04 - Prayers of the Believer
02:10:29 - Caveats
02:26:01 - Summary and outro

Introduction - The Trinity in the Old Testament



God has always been triune in nature; He did not somehow change to become three persons in New Testament times, but rather, has always existed as such. What has changed is not God, but our perspective and understanding of Him. As to why God might have chosen to veil his triune nature until the time He actually did reveal it to mankind, we put forward two explanations: that God did not reveal His triune nature in order to head off idolatry among the people of Israel, and that God did not reveal His triune nature simply because it was not possible for humanity to fully grasp it until the First Advent of Christ.


0:00 - Intro and outline
05:21 - Given the benefit of subsequent clarifying New Testament revelation, the Trinity is visible in the Old Testament
17:05 - Matthew 22:41-46
37:57 - Prophetic foreshortening
47:42 - Why did God decide to veil the triune nature of His essence in Old Testament times?
01:01:36 - Idolatry as an explanation for God’s veiling of His nature
01:15:53 - The person of Jesus Christ not yet come as an explanation for God’s veiling of His nature
01:35:31 - Summary and outro

The Messiah Pre-figured in the Old Testament



From the very beginning, the scriptures spoke of a Messiah that would come to save His people from their sins. All the way back in the earliest chapters of Genesis (with the protoevangelium and Abel’s blood sacrifice, for example), we can see that the Old Testament clearly pre-figures the Messiah. In this lesson we go over how both blood sacrifice and prophecy (in a more general sense) point not only to the person of the Messiah, but also His suffering.


0:00 - Intro and outline
01:31 - Introduction: the Old Testament’s portrayal of the suffering of Christ
22:07 - Blood sacrifice
38:46 - Prophecy
50:04 - Summary and outro

Appearances of Christ in the Old Testament - Introduction



In this lesson, we primarily examine the concepts of Theophanies (appearances of God) and Christophanies (appearances of Jesus Christ), and argue that due to the Father’s invisibility, inaccessibility, and dignity, it is the second person of Trinity (that is, a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ) that appears before mankind in the Old Testament, not the Father. This means that all Theophanies in the Old Testament are in fact Christophanies.


0:00 - Intro and outline
02:29 - Overview
17:14 - Definition of Theophany and Christophany
33:07 - The invisibility of the Father
48:27 - The inaccessibility of the Father apart from Christ
01:19:31 - The dignity of the Father
01:53:44 - The visibility, accessibility and humility of the Son
02:05:10 - Summary and outro

Appearances of Christ in the Old Testament



All appearances of the The (definite article) Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament were appearances of a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ, the second member of the Trinity. The Angel of the Lord appeared many times during the Exodus of God’s people from Egypt (and their subsequent journey into the promised land), and also appeared in various other places in the Old Testament as well, before such people as Abraham, Joshua, Gideon, and so on.


0:00 - Intro and outline
05:27 - Overview
24:53 - The Angel of the Exodus
32:40 - The burning bush
59:40 - The column of cloud and fire
01:31:26 - The angel sent before the Israelites to guard them on the way
01:45:57 - The one whom Moses (among others) knew and spoke to “face to face”
02:04:40 - The angel who is said to have led the Israelites out of Egypt
02:09:09 - The Angel of the Lord elsewhere
02:47:58 - Conclusion
03:02:44 - Summary and outro