Appearances of Christ in the Old Testament



All appearances of the The (definite article) Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament were appearances of a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ, the second member of the Trinity. The Angel of the Lord appeared many times during the Exodus of God’s people from Egypt (and their subsequent journey into the promised land), and also appeared in various other places in the Old Testament as well, before such people as Abraham, Joshua, Gideon, and so on.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
05:2705:27 - Overview
24:5324:53 - The Angel of the Exodus
32:4032:40 - The burning bush
59:4059:40 - The column of cloud and fire
01:31:2601:31:26 - The angel sent before the Israelites to guard them on the way
01:45:5701:45:57 - The one whom Moses (among others) knew and spoke to “face to face”
02:04:4002:04:40 - The angel who is said to have led the Israelites out of Egypt
02:09:0902:09:09 - The Angel of the Lord elsewhere
02:47:5802:47:58 - Conclusion
03:02:4403:02:44 - Summary and outro


(Derived from


We have been in the process of demonstrating that the appearances of God to believers in the Old Testament (Theophanies), are really pre-incarnate appearances of the Father’s representative, our Lord Jesus Christ, acting for the Father and speaking in His stead. In the majority (though not all) of these cases, the Old Testament identifies such appearances as “the Angel of the Lord”. Sometimes when God appears, however, as in His interrogation of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden (Gen.3:8ff), there is no mention of “angels”. Yet it seems clear from a number of passages discussed below, where the “Angel” is variously described as the Lord and “the Angel of the Lord”, that all such appearances are an essentially similar phenomenon: God appearing to Man in a recognizable form.

The word “angel” is potentially confusing here on account of all the centuries of non-scriptural misinformation we have suffered through. “Angel” is a borrowing of the Greek angelos, meaning “messenger”, and is itself a translation of the Hebrew malach bearing the same meaning. It is important to note that neither word inherently signifies heavenly creatures; both were originally applied to human messengers. Messengers from God would, of necessity, have to be supernatural, and on many occasions these are “angels” in the traditional English sense of the word, that is, that heavenly race of creatures who serve and minister to God (Gabriel, for example: Dan.8:16; 9:21; Lk.1:21-26).

But the Angel of the Lord is an entirely different story, for scripture uses this phrase to designate an “appearance” of God Himself, taking on messenger form to deliver a message personally. As we have seen above, it is best to take these appearances of the Angel (messenger-servant) of the Lord to be appearances of the Messenger and Minister of the Father, Jesus Christ our Lord. For example, when we read of Isaiah’s vision of the Lord (Is.6), it is understandable to assume at first that Isaiah’s vision was of the Father, but John 12:41 tells us that Isaiah was beholding Christ’s glory, and we understand (with our New Testament perspective) that this was a vision of our Lord in His capacity of King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the glorified ruler of the earth who has accepted the mantle of rulership from the Father (as He will return to reign until “He has placed all enemies under His feet” 1Cor.15:25).

The appearance of the Lord to Moses in giving the Mosaic Law presents a case similar to the vision of Isaiah. At first glance, we may assume that Moses is actually viewing the Father (or His likeness: i.e., a Theophany). But the New Testament is quite explicit in stating that the law was given “through angels” (Greek: di’ angelon: Gal.3:19-20; Heb.2:2; Acts 7:38 & 53). Since we know that these “angelic appearances” are represented in the Old Testament as appearances of God (e.g., Ex.34:5ff.), it must be the case that the New Testament passages which ascribe the giving of the Law to “angels” are in fact indicating that the Father spoke the Law to Moses through appearances of the Angel of the Lord, a manifestation of our pre-incarnate Lord, Jesus Christ (i.e., a Christophany).

The Angel of the Exodus

The case of the Angel of the Exodus demonstrates both the divinity of the Angel of the Lord and His identification as a pre-incarnate manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You’ll see exactly what we mean by “the Angel of the Exodus” as we go through the next bit. The specific focus here is on passages from the first few books of the Bible—from the calling of Moses, to Israel’s flight from Egypt, to their settlement in the promised land. At every step of the way, they were guided by a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ, on behalf of the Father.

The burning bush

The Angel first appears to Moses in the burning bush (Ex.3:2ff.). It is the Angel of the Lord who appeared to Moses in the fiery flames (v.2), but shortly thereafter the Angel represents Himself as God the Father, saying “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob (v.6), and “I shall be who I am” (v.14), and is further identified as “the Lord” (in v.7). The symbolism of the fire and the bush is important: the bush calls attention to Christ, the Messiah, as the Branch (Is.4:2; 11:1; 53:2; Jer.23:5; 33:15; Zech.3:8; 6:12), while the fire represents the fiery judgment of the cross that does not consume Him (cf., for example, the burnt offerings of Lev.1 which represent Christ’s work on the cross). This first appearance of the Angel of the Lord to Moses, then, is a Christophany, an appearance of the pre-incarnate Christ representing and speaking for the Father.

The column of cloud and fire

The Angel is called “of God” at Exodus 14:19 as He appears in the column of cloud and fire. Previously, at Exodus 13:21, Jehovah Himself is said to have been the one going ahead of the Israelites in the column of cloud and fire. Once again, the Lord and the Angel are identified as one and the same, and by appearing from within the fire of the column (which would later stand over the place of the ark in the tabernacle where the blood representing Christ’s sacrifice would be sprinkled on the day of atonement: Num.9:15 with Lev.16), we again have a picture of Christ’s saving work, enduring judgment on our behalf.

Links to further solidify the link between Num.9:15 with Lev.16 (discussed in the video):

The angel sent before the Israelites to guard them on the way

At Exodus 23:20-23 as part of the giving of the Law to Moses on Sinai, the Angel of the Lord (identified as such as we saw above from New Testament passages such as Gal.3:19-20; Heb.2:2; Acts 7:38 & 53) proclaims that He is going to “send” the Angel before the Israelites to lead and guard them (as Christ is sent by the Father). Moses is also told that they are to obey the Angel “because My Name is in Him” (v.21), a similar description to that of the returning Son of Man in Revelation 19:11-16.

The one whom Moses (among others) knew and spoke to “face to face”

Despite the fact that no one has ever seen the Father while on this earth (see above), we are told that the elders saw the God of Israel (in company with Moses and Aaron: Ex.24:9-11), and we know that Moses entered the cloud of glory and spoke with the Lord on Sinai (Ex.24:16-18) and petitioned the Lord to “show me Your glory” (a request He granted: Ex.33:18ff.). We also find in Numbers 12:8 that Moses saw “the form of the Lord” and from Deuteronomy we know that unlike any other servant of the Lord, Moses spoke with Him “face to face” (Deut.34:10). This then surely is once again the Angel of the Lord, not the actual presence of the Father, but the appearance of the One who is sent by Him, speaks for Him, and who has undertaken to fulfill His plan of salvation in this world, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, appearing in pre-incarnate Christophany.

The angel who is said to have led the Israelites out of Egypt

Finally, the last appearance of the Angel in respect to the Exodus is at Judges 2:1-5. Here the Angel claims to be the One who “led you up from the land of Egypt” and reminds the Israelites that He will never break “My covenant with you”. Only the Father Himself could make such a claim – or Someone representing Him, that is, His Servant, our Lord Jesus Christ who would fulfill that covenant and minister a new one for us all in His blood.

The Angel of the Lord elsewhere

Other appearances of God in the Old Testament are likewise best taken as Christophanies, whether or not the actual term “the Angel of the Lord” is employed:

  • The supernatural “Man” who wrestles with Jacob (Gen.32:22-32) elicits this response from Jacob: “I have seen God face to face, yet my life was spared”. Hosea 12:3-4 confirms that this was the Angel and God.
  • The “Man” who appeared to Abraham along with His two companions in Genesis 18 is later said to be “the Lord” (v.22).
  • The “Man” who appeared to Joshua (Josh.5:13-15) claims to be the “commander of the Lord’s host”. Joshua then not only worships Him (a thing forbidden where mere angels are involved: Rev.19:10; 22:9), but is also told to remove his sandals because he is standing on ground that is holy (i.e., sanctified by the presence of God: cf. Ex.3:5ff.).
  • Along with Moses and Aaron, the elders of Israel see “the God of Israel” on Mt. Sinai (Ex.24:9-11). Despite the fact that no one has ever seen the Father, nor can see Him and live, they not only see the God of Israel, but have a symbolic meal of fellowship with Him, an event that clearly foreshadows communion based on the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, the coming “King of Israel” (Jn.1:49).
  • The Angel of the Lord who appears to Gideon (Judg.6:11-23) is also said to be the Lord (vv.16-17). The Angel also identifies Himself with the sacrifice (by touching it with His staff) which then goes up in flames, representing the fiery judgment of God (that Christ was to undergo on our behalf).
  • The Angel of the Lord’s appearance to the parents of Samson is similar to His appearance to Gideon (Judg.13:2-23). The Angel is described as such throughout the passage, but Manoah and his wife, though realizing that an angel has appeared to them, do not realize this is in fact the Angel of the Lord until His fiery departure (v.21), at which point Manoah exclaims “We have seen God” (v.22). The symbolism of self-sacrifice by the Angel is even more distinctly drawn in this passage, for He “ascended in the flame” of the burnt sacrifice (v.20), the very picture of Christ being judged on our behalf, teaching Old Testament believers to look forward to God’s future forgiveness of sins through a sacrifice that He would provide.
  • We have already discussed Isaiah’s vision of Israel’s King (Is.6:1ff.), which turns out to be a vision of Jesus Christ as Israel’s appointed ruler in the line of David (Jn.12:41).
  • Similarly, Ezekiel’s vision of God (Ezek.1:25-28) is strikingly similar to the description of the glorified Christ found in Revelation (Rev.1:12-16; cf. the elders of Israel on Mt. Sinai: Ex.24:9-11).
  • Zechariah’s vision of the Angel of the Lord (Zech.1:7-17) is instructive because the Angel, clearly divine as seen from the examples above, is presented as distinct from the Lord of Hosts, that is, the Father, so that this is undoubtedly a Christophany.
  • Finally, it has often been pointed out that after the birth of Christ, though angels do make many more appearances in the Bible, the Angel of the Lord no longer appears in the scriptures.


The Lord Jesus Christ has always been and will always be the Person with whom we have to do, and in whom we must believe in order to have an eternal relationship with the Father. It is only Christ who has “made the Father known” (Jn.1:18), and only through Him do we come to possess “the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” (2Cor.4:6). In the Old Testament, we hear the Father appearing through the (pre-incarnate) Son; in the New Testament, we see and hear the (incarnate) Son speaking the Father’s words.

So the Trinity has always been present in God’s revelation of Himself to those who believe and follow Him. As Christians, whenever we say the word “God” we should keep in mind that for us, this means the Trinity – the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Video/audio transcript

00:0000:00 - so in this last lesson of this study of Bible basics part one theology we are going to be talking about the specific
00:0800:08 - passages going over appearances of Christ in the Old Testament so just to situate ourselves we just finished uh
00:1600:16 - recently talking about an overview of appearances of Christ in the Old Testament we talked about uh the
00:2300:23 - difference between theophanies and christophanies and the father’s invisibility his inaccessibility and his
00:2900:29 - dignity conted with the sun’s visibility accessibility and humility and that’s introducing the concept but here’s where
00:3500:35 - we are now in the study very bottom going over the actual cases of christophany in the Old Testament so if
00:4100:41 - we scroll down a bit this is what we’re going to be talking about in this lesson here this part of the study and so it’s
00:4600:46 - sort of organized into uh two different kind of groupings here we have uh the just another overview talking about sort
00:5500:55 - of the Angel of the Lord and what that means as a concept you know sort of what the words for Angel are in Greek and
01:0201:02 - Hebrew and how their kind of generic usage as Messengers is different from Jesus Christ as the angel definite
01:0901:09 - article of the Lord and then we’re going to talk about the angel of Exodus of the book of uh Exodus or at least the first
01:1701:17 - few books of the Bible where um the angel of the Lord leads the Israelites God’s people out of Egypt so we have
01:2401:24 - this um burning bush um you know the uh appearance of God to Moses calling him telling him to go to Egypt
01:3201:32 - and rescue his people the column of cloud and fire that went before the people of Israel as they wand the
01:3801:38 - Wilderness um the Angels sent before the Israelites to guard them on the way we have this passage in uh Exodus I think
01:4501:45 - it’s like chapter 21 we’ll see the verses in the slides um talking about how he sent before them and then we have
01:5201:52 - all these uh encounters with you know one member of the Trinity said to be God but someone who they speak to face to
02:0002:00 - face so Moses for example was said to be a friend of God who spoke to him face to face that’s actually the words that the
02:0602:06 - Bible itself uses and you know we’ve already talked before about how this means that uh these appearances of God
02:1202:12 - in the Old Testament have to be the sun because we have it on good authority also in the Bible that no one can see
02:1902:19 - the father and live um so there’s one way in which we know that all of these things have to be christophanies and
02:2502:25 - then finally I’m just talking about how in the Book of Judges we get this mention of
02:3002:30 - how the people were said to be led out of Egypt by the Angel um who we know to be the angel of the Lord definite
02:3702:37 - article because we know that God himself was in that pillar or the pillar of cloud and fire um so all of these things
02:4402:44 - we’ll tie them together with the specific passages and we’ll get this idea this powerful representation of God
02:5002:50 - personally leading his people out of Slavery to Egypt um that is highly symbolic um you know Egypt that place we
02:5702:57 - turn back to in our hearts that’s us in sin man that is US turning to the Wicked Ways of the world um now we’re not going
03:0503:05 - to make too much more out of the metaphor than it is but you know this parallel we see as well is also going to
03:1103:11 - be in play when we get to the end times in human history we are going to be you know Watching God judge the wickedness
03:2003:20 - of the world just how he judged uh the Egyptians with the plagues we’re going to see the the trumpet and bold
03:2603:26 - judgments of Revelation as God preserves his people throughout that most trying time in
03:3203:32 - human history and we will see the promised land at the end of it all we will have the peace and restoration of
03:3803:38 - the Millennium just how the Israelites were led into the promised land of Canaan so in any case um the angel of
03:4603:46 - Exodus um the uh rep uh the appearances of God as the definite artical Angel of the Lord in his direct shepherding of
03:5503:55 - his people out of Egypt uh is one of the more um I I suppose like one of the the places
04:0304:03 - in the Old Testament where we more frequently see God appear um as as opposed to being in Visions or talking
04:0904:09 - to prophets or something we actually have what we would call physical manifestations of God in this particular
04:1604:16 - account of uh the people of Israel being led out of Egypt and then we’re also going to go over uh where the angel of
04:2304:23 - the Lord is mentioned elsewhere in the Bible or where we we understand it to be him by implication um so we’re going to
04:3004:30 - get this this nice wide understanding look at all these passages together that show these appearances of God in the Old
04:3704:37 - Testament and just as we’ve been arguing all along we’re going to conclude that all of these are in fact christophanies
04:4304:43 - that it’s the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ who manifests as the angel of the Lord in these Old Testament appearances of
04:5004:50 - God um and then notably um after Jesus Christ takes on a human nature in the Incarnation we stop hearing about the
04:5704:57 - angel of the Lord there is no the Angel of the Lord in the New Testament there’s just Jesus Christ and so that is the
05:0305:03 - evidence here that there is continuity that the second member of the Trinity is and has always been the one who is
05:1005:10 - visible to us so we’re just going to be tying up this study kind of going over this last loose end in uh the Trinity
05:1905:19 - talking about how the Trinity was manifested in the Old Testament with Jesus Christ sent on behalf of God the
05:2605:26 - Father so the first thing that we’re going to be talking about here uh is sort of
05:3405:34 - going in a little bit more depth about this idea of the definite article Angel of the Lord and what that means and how
05:4105:41 - we kind of contrast that with uh Messengers or Representatives sent on God’s behalf who were not you know Jesus
05:4905:49 - Christ because we have actual literal angels we also have human beings who can be sent as messengers of God like the
05:5505:55 - prophets for example so uh we have been in the process here of demon rating that the appearances of God to Believers in
06:0206:02 - the Old Testament are really pre-incarnate appearances of the father’s representative that is Jesus
06:0706:07 - Christ acting for the father and speaking in his stead that was sort of the point of the last lesson we went
06:1306:13 - over kind of uh outlining exactly what theophanes and christophanies are as Concepts and arguing that in fact Jesus
06:2106:21 - Christ pre-incarnate Jesus Christ was the member of the Trinity who appeared to folks in the Old Testament and so in
06:3006:30 - the majority of these cases the Old Testament identifies such appearances using this particular phrase here is the
06:3806:38 - Angel of the Lord and the importance of the wordthe is important there or sorry the the wordthe is important there
06:4606:46 - because it is a so-called definite article it means that we’re talking about a specific Angel of the Lord this
06:5206:52 - one as opposed to just any old messenger of the Lord because that is actually what angel means so skipping ahead a bit
07:0107:01 - here um the Greek word for Angel is angas um so you may actually see this transliterated sometimes with two G’s
07:0807:08 - because in Greek a gamma that comes before another Gamma or another V Act V consonant is pronounced as sort of the
07:1807:18 - the same sound as in the word sing at the end of the word v nasal sound so angas here and then Malak in Hebrew it
07:2707:27 - also has that same meaning here of messenger uh someone who is sent as a representative um and so we have some
07:3607:36 - confusion here because angels have all this baggage from centuries and centuries of people talking about and
07:4307:43 - teaching on these things that maybe sometimes we muddy the waters a bit here and we do have appearances of angels in
07:5007:50 - the Bible we’ll get to that just a sec but uh who we are talking about here with the angel of the Lord is not an
07:5707:57 - angel as in that c ategory of created being we are talking about a member of the Trinity um so when God Appears in
08:0808:08 - his interrogation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the middle part of Genesis chapter 3 so when it says
08:1408:14 - Genesis 38 says that they heard the sound of the Lord God Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day and then
08:2108:21 - they hid themselves we have no mention of Angels In this passage you know it wasn’t an Angelic being walking around
08:2908:29 - in the garden it was the Lord God and so there is a physical manifestation of deity present in this account in Genesis
08:3808:38 - chapter 3 but we don’t have any mention of angels whatsoever and we also just know from all these passages that we’re
08:4508:45 - going to be going through that angel here is variously described as the Lord and the angel of the Lord so basically
08:5408:54 - we know that all of these appearances have to be God manifesting himself to mankind as in physically something that
09:0209:02 - people can see with their eyes it’s not like I don’t know a spectre in their minds or something like that it is
09:0709:07 - actually God manifesting himself to humanity and so as we kind of skipped ahead we’re talking about how angels are
09:1509:15 - different than this right we said there were no Angels present in this passage in Genesis chapter 3 this is just the
09:2109:21 - Lord God talking to Adam and Eve directly face to face um angels as a class of created creature are different
09:3009:30 - than humans um Angels were created first ichus talks in great detail about some of angelic prehistory in the satanic
09:3709:37 - Rebellion series um on the site um so all of that happens before the creation of mankind and in fact we are sort of in
09:4509:45 - the midst of this Cosmic battle between Satan and the rebelling Angels uh and God of course God could win in an
09:5309:53 - instant but he’s letting this play out because these created creatures have dained to raise their hand against their
09:5909:59 - creator but they are not God they are not they don’t have the essence of divinity one of those properties being
10:0610:06 - you know Infinity omniscience omnipotence externality to SpaceTime angels are just creatures they are you
10:1510:15 - know smarter and wiser and and much more powerful than we are but they’re still just created beings um so those are
10:2210:22 - Angelic messengers of the actual quote unquote Angel variety but we do not refer to them when we talk about the
10:3310:33 - angel of the Lord and so uh importantly actually these words that I mentioned so angas in Greek and Malak in Hebrew
10:4210:42 - actually don’t necessarily even mean a supernatural being as in we have the angel of the Lord who is pre-incarnate
10:4910:49 - Jesus Christ we have Angels like Gabriel for example who are you know Angelic beings beings other than humans but it
10:5810:58 - can actually just apply to normal regular human Messengers as well this is just the word in Greek and Hebrew for
11:0511:05 - saying someone sent on behalf of another someone who is a messenger um Messengers from God you know who aren’t inherently
11:1311:13 - human you know except for the prophets who hear things from God well they would of necessity have to be Supernatural and
11:2011:20 - a lot of the time so for example when uh the birth of the Messiah is communicated to Mary that is done through an Angel um
11:2911:29 - uh Supernatural messenger from God who is not Jesus because you know the angel is communicating to Mary that Jesus will
11:3711:37 - be born this is an actual angel in the literal sense of the word you know how we use that word in English but the
11:4411:44 - point is is that the word doesn’t necessarily have to mean that it can mean messenger and then you have to do
11:5011:50 - some interpretation you know exercise that principle of hermeneutics that pulling things from Context you have to
11:5811:58 - read things in the context in which they were written figure out what is the meaning what is the sense here well when
12:0312:03 - you do all of that background work you will pretty clearly see that we have this pattern here that sometimes
12:1112:11 - messenger refers to human being sometimes it refers to Angels that’s pretty commonly who it refers to uh kind
12:1712:17 - of if God is communicating with humanity and it’s not otherwise clear that the one doing the communicating as God
12:2312:23 - himself then often times God did speak through Angels um so it wasn’t just in the new test you know Daniel several
12:3112:31 - times had Angels communicate things to him for example um but some of the time it is also the angel of the Lord this
12:4112:41 - this reincarnate appearance of Jesus Christ as the one and only representative of the father in a way
12:4812:48 - that angels as created beings simply aren’t um and so this isn’t to say that they’re not true messengers of God they
12:5512:55 - are acting in their capacity but they aren’t the messenger of God um and so that’s sort of the point that
13:0113:01 - we’re introducing here the angel of the Lord is an entirely different story for scripture uses this phrase to designate
13:0813:08 - an appearance of God himself taking on messenger form to deliver a message personally and so as we’ve already
13:1513:15 - talked about it’s best to take these appearances of the Angel of the Lord to be appearances of the messenger and
13:2213:22 - minister of the father and that is Jesus Christ he is sent as the agent or the representative of our salvation of our
13:2913:29 - Redemption and so for example when we read of Isaiah’s vision of the Lord and this comes in chapter six of the book of
13:3613:36 - Isaiah we have this accounting of a person sitting on the throne someone who’s highly exalted and this is where
13:4413:44 - we hear that Holy Holy Holy and Isaiah says woe is me I am ruined because I’m a man of unclean lips um and so king of uh
13:5213:52 - the king the Lord of hosts here well who is Isaiah seeing here is he seeing the father or is he seeing the son well in
13:5913:59 - John 12: 41 we get this mention of Isaiah saying that he said these things because he saw his glory and he spoke of
14:0814:08 - him uh it’s not quite an airtight deductive argument there this a little bit inferential but we have this this
14:1514:15 - inkling then that Isaiah is actually talking about seeing Christ’s glory and this uh to go back to the uh concept we
14:2214:22 - talked about in our last lesson is kind of getting that idea of the monarchy of Jesus Christ ruling as a regent on the
14:2914:29 - father’s behalf Jesus not only the father but Jesus is called the king of king and the Lord of lords um so we have
14:3614:36 - this hold on I know it comes up somewhere in the future here uh here uh in Revelation sorry I just have memory
14:4514:45 - because I was going through the slides earlier here uh Jesus has a name written on his thigh king of King and Lord of
14:5114:51 - lords this is right there in Revelation this is when he’s returning in Revelation chapter 19 so Jesus has that
14:5714:57 - he has that monarchy has that Authority delegated from the father here um and so where I’m going with all this is that
15:0515:05 - that when we see Visions or not when we when prophets saw Visions were they seeing the father were they seeing
15:1315:13 - Christ sometimes they were actually seeing Christ too it’s not just appearing before people it depends on
15:1915:19 - context of course as we said it’s important for us to not try to make rules where there aren’t any we always
15:2515:25 - have to figure out you know who is in view by reading the round in context of the passages but the point is this is
15:3215:32 - Jesus in his capacity as the King of Kings and the Lord of lords the glorified ruler of the earth who has
15:3815:38 - accepted the mantle of rulership from the Father and Jesus will reign until he has placed all enemies under his feet in
15:4615:46 - which point um the world is turned over to the father you know we have the heavens and the Earth remade so that’s a
15:5215:52 - quote from 1 Corinthians chapter 15 says he must Reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet
16:0016:00 - so all of this is talking about Jesus serving as that representative just how we’ve been talking about from the
16:0616:06 - beginning the distinction in terminology we’re making here is that we are talking about the definite article Angel of the
16:1316:13 - Lord we’re putting sort of a title to it when Jesus appears in the Old Testament very often this language is used of him
16:2016:20 - and even when it’s not we can infer in other places that this is the being who is who has been sent by the father um
16:2916:29 - so the appearance of uh the Lord to Moses in giving the Mosaic law uh presents a pretty similar Vision to that
16:3716:37 - of Isaiah here at first glance we may assume that Moses is actually viewing the father or his likeness somehow but
16:4416:44 - the New Testament is actually quite explicit in stating that the law was given through angels and so in Greek
16:5116:51 - that is dongon here so this is a preposition uh that can mean like through um that’s typic how it’s
16:5916:59 - translated so through Angel the angelan here um we see that in all these passages which I’ll read a little bit
17:0517:05 - later when we get to them but you can well no maybe I’ll go through them now so you can see verse 19 it says that
17:1217:12 - transgressions having been ordained through Angels by the agency of immediate right so the law coming
17:1817:18 - through Angels Galatians chapter 3: 19-20 Hebrews chapter 2:2 says for if the words spoken through Angels proved
17:2717:27 - unalterable that his again talking about the law being given acts 7:38 um this is the one who was in the
17:3617:36 - congregation in the wilderness together with the angel who was speaking to him on Mount Si the angel speaking to him
17:4317:43 - although we know from Exodus chapter 32 through 34 you know that account of Moses receiving the law that it was the
17:5017:50 - Lord as in that tetragrammaton is used of him in the Hebrew the Lord was speaking to Moses so if he’s called an
17:5717:57 - angel or the Angel rather but he’s also called God that’s where we get the angel of the Lord from um and then acts 7: 53
18:0718:07 - uh again said to have the laws ordained by Angels received through Angels um so all of this means that the laws were
18:1618:16 - given to humanity by a messenger or a representative and the problem with this translation as we just went through is
18:2418:24 - that a lot of the times people think that we have like I don’t know Michael or Gabriel floating around as in Angelic
18:3018:30 - creatures of the class of beings that we call Angels rather than it being these things were given through a messenger is
18:3918:39 - the sense here and that messenger was Jesus Christ um so these Angelic appearances are represented in the Old
18:4618:46 - Testaments as appearances of God here’s that passage from Exodus chapter 34 I was mentioning you can’t take this as
18:5418:54 - anything other than the Lord the Lord descended in the cloud and stood there with him as he called upon the name of
18:5918:59 - the Lord the Lord passed in front of him the Lord the Lord God you know this is God talking to Moses god appearing
19:0619:06 - before Moses it is not like Gabriel or one of the other messenger Angels this is God himself except that passage in
19:1519:15 - Acts chapter 7 here just said that Moses was talking to an angel so you see how people might get
19:2219:22 - confused by this if they try to equate these with Angelic beings well if Exodus 34 says that you know it was God talking
19:3019:30 - to Moses but Acts chapter 7 says it was an angel talking to Moses and you think Angel equals creature you know not Angel
19:3719:37 - as the angel of the Lord then people run into problems because of this but this is actually exactly why it must be the
19:4419:44 - case that the New Testament passages which ascribe the giving of the law to angels are actually indicating that the
19:5119:51 - father spoke the law to Moses through an appearance of the Angel of the Lord a manifestation of our pre-incarnate Lord
20:0020:00 - Jesus Christ that is through christophany the law was given to us through a messenger through a
20:0720:07 - representative not by God the Father directly because that’s what the New Testament says and the only way to make
20:1420:14 - this not have contradictions is if we understand that the person who was sent as a messenger the person who is called
20:2120:21 - an angel here you know angalo in uh the Greek which we should probably better translate less confusing in our Modern
20:2920:29 - English versions as messenger rather than Angel so that people don’t get as confused well the one sent as a
20:3420:34 - messenger in this giving of the law was in fact Jesus Christ not you know an Angelic being like
20:4220:42 - Gabriel so I I know that was a lot of information this is sort of the Whirlwind overview to the specific
20:4820:48 - concept that we’re going over here is that Jesus is the definite article Angel of the Lord he serves as we’ve already
20:5420:54 - talked about as a messenger or a representative of the father but we’re talking here about how that makes him
21:0121:01 - distinct from both human Messengers and messengers of an Angelic variety as in the class of faded beings called angels
21:1021:10 - He is different from both of them because he is actually God so lot to go through there aie do you
21:1821:18 - have anything to add to this kind of upfront overview of how we’re talking about Jesus in
21:2521:25 - his want say christop appearances when he’s appearing in christophanies I think you covered the
21:3421:34 - the whole ground really the fact that uh Angel is not um it’s really not the shall we say
21:4221:42 - technical name of the class of creatures that God created before human beings were created we we we only have this uh
21:5221:52 - we do have other terms the sons of God and uh um gods and what not yes we we have that but um we we frequently call
22:0322:03 - them angels and that has given many especially in our times the notion that when you see the word angel in the
22:1222:12 - Scriptures it would necessarily be addressing itself to a class of creatures but you’ve made it clear that
22:2122:21 - in fact it’s just a word that means messenger and the messenger of the Lord Lord is um a very definite person that
22:3322:33 - we’re talking about it’s not just any one of the many messengers of the Lord but this one is a very he’s a unique one
22:4222:42 - he stands out yeah um there isn’t uh there isn’t much more that I think uh I have to see yeah add we see this
22:5322:53 - distinctness that AI mentioned more clearly when we actually go through all the passages here this is just sort of
22:5922:59 - the upfront or just priming us to be ready for when we talk about Jesus in this way but we’re going to see all the
23:0523:05 - passages as we go through the next slides here I me you know like we said this word that we translate as messenger
23:1323:13 - the fact that a lot of versions actually translated as Angel is actually somewhat what is confusing because in
23:2023:20 - English in English when we use the word Angel we don’t think messenger we think subass of creature right but the problem
23:2923:29 - is that in Greek they’re one and the same thing but we have specialized the meaning of that word such that I
23:3523:35 - actually think that this particular translation here in nasby 95 is a mistranslation I don’t think you should
23:4123:41 - use that word in English here I think you need to say together with the messenger or the representative of the
23:4623:46 - father if you want who was speaking with him on sin because when you translate as Angel people think that it’s like
23:5223:52 - Gabriel because that’s how we use the word um so uh it’s not any one translation that
23:5923:59 - does this I mean I bet if we were to go look up this verse in a bunch of different Bible versions it’s not like
24:0324:03 - this is the only one that actually translates that word as Angel but it just tends to be misleading for us in
24:0924:09 - English uh because of how people use it yeah all right well I think that’s where we’ll stop this overview we will pick up
24:1824:18 - talking about all of these appearances of the Angel of the Lord throughout the Old Testament um so that’s what we will
24:2624:26 - kind of spend the rest of this lesson going about we’re going to talk first about specifically the appearances of
24:3124:31 - this Angel of the Lord in The Exodus account so that Narrative of God leading his people out of Egypt but we’ll also
24:3824:38 - see that there’s some other there’s some other appearances of of the Angel of the Lord the definite artical Angel of the
24:4524:45 - Lord in the Old Testament too quite a few in fact and so um that’s kind of what we’ll be spending the rest of our
24:5024:50 - time in this lesson talking about so now we’re going to be talking about this concept of the Angel of the
25:0025:00 - Lord that we have been going over this pre-incarnate Jesus Christ appearing to people in the Old Testament as the agent
25:0825:08 - or representative of the father well now we’re going to spend some time specifically focusing on uh certain
25:1425:14 - things related to The Exodus the uh Escape of the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt and their Journey to
25:2225:22 - the promised land so um of all the places in scripture this is some of where we see most directly uh the
25:3025:30 - activity of the definite article Angel of the Lord you know he comes up in these places uh in this narrative so the
25:3825:38 - giving of the law on Mount Si the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire we’ll go through some other ones as you see as we
25:4425:44 - go here but this gives us a sense of God’s relationship with his people and the one cent who we have talked about
25:5425:54 - being a messenger but not just any old messenger like human being beings or angels as creatures but the messenger of
26:0226:02 - God the person who actually speaks for the father who has the authority to do that and that is of course the
26:0926:09 - pre-incarnate Jesus Christ and so um the angel of The Exodus demonstrates both the Divinity of the Angel of the Lord
26:2026:20 - and his identification as a pre-incarnate manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ and how we can kind of make
26:2626:26 - such a strong assertion I think we’ll become a little bit clearer as we go through the first couple examples here
26:3226:32 - um but basically we know that this isn’t just any old run-of-the-mill messenger because there are overtones of divinity
26:4126:41 - in the passages we’re going to look at it it is clear that we are talking about God as in Yahweh Jehovah however you
26:5026:50 - want to transliterate the tetragramaton um you know the god of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob the god of your forefathers
26:5726:57 - that God is who we are talking about here and yet uh the being represented in many of these cases is also called an
27:0627:06 - Angel um and so the only way that you reconcile these things as we’ve kind of already been over is that well it has to
27:1227:12 - be a messenger who is also god um and that makes perfect sense we understand that that is the role that the son has
27:1927:19 - chosen to adopt in the Trinity he speaks as the father’s agent uh carrying the authority of the father to be clear but
27:2727:27 - on his behalf he represents the plan of the Trinity to humanity as the one who we see the one who is visible to us uh
27:3627:36 - to whom we have access and so uh you’ll kind of see exactly what I mean by quote unquote the angel of The Exodus as we go
27:4527:45 - here on that is I I I suppose I haven’t read all the systematic theologies in the world I this is sort of something
27:5127:51 - that we’re coining here as just a shorthand way to represent uh the being who is very much guiding Israel
27:5927:59 - throughout this period And so just as way of shorthand we’re going to call this being the angel of The Exodus you
28:0528:05 - know you just compare the angel of the lord it’s the same it’s the same person uh it is the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ
28:1228:12 - but uh we are arguing that this person we’re talking about here is the Angel of the Lord as in christophany as in the
28:2028:20 - pre-incarnate Jesus Christ that’s kind of the argument we’re making um but you’ll see exactly what we mean by this
28:2528:25 - as we go through the following passages uh because it will kind of situate Us in context of of all the times that God
28:3228:32 - Appears to the Israelites during this period in the Old Testament so the specific Focus here is going to be on
28:3928:39 - passages from the first few books of the Bible so it’s not strictly going to be Exodus although a lot of passages will
28:4528:45 - come from that book specifically you know we’ll get some from numbers and Deuteronomy and things like that too um
28:5028:50 - so things like from the calling of Moses with the burning bush to Israel’s flight from Egypt and pharaoh to their settle
28:5828:58 - in the promised land in every step of the way during this journey they were Guided by a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ
29:0629:06 - on behalf of the father so it’s not like Jesus of his own will decided that this was the path that the Israelites were
29:1229:12 - going to take he was there as a representative of the father as God worked out his Redemptive plan for
29:1929:19 - Israel which by the way is a symbol of his Redemption of us right um and so we’ve talked a little bit about
29:2729:27 - symbolism and typology already but once you start looking for it you will see it everywhere um and this is one such
29:3329:33 - instance here with God’s Deliverance of his people out of the clutches of pharaoh into the promised land we talked
29:4029:40 - about this uh eschatologically already a bit you know is going to mirror us going through the tribulation and being
29:4729:47 - delivered to the Millennium but it also is true of us on a personal spiritual level as well um and so uh it’s not like
29:5429:54 - we’re allegorizing this overly it’s just typology can have multiple fulfillments that’s the sort of idea here but not to
30:0030:00 - belabor that point too much as we go through these just keep in your mind that this person who is very physically
30:0930:09 - present with the Israelites in this time of their need this is the god whom we serve today as well and he is just as
30:1730:17 - present for us if only we would turn to him um and I think sometimes we forget that I don’t want to go off on a tangent
30:2430:24 - here but just I think it’s a point worth making that we think well you know back in the old days when people were more uh
30:3130:31 - superstitious and we didn’t have smartphone cameras maybe God does things in the world you know maybe there’s a
30:3730:37 - pillar of Fire in the Sky but you know we live in the the boring modern times where Miracles don’t happen or whatever
30:4530:45 - and part of this is that we get fixated on physical Supernatural events as in Pillars of Fire And The Parting of the
30:5330:53 - Red Sea but we fail to understand God’s spiritual deliverance and the spiritual import behind things because honestly
31:0031:00 - that’s the important part right God takes us out of position of spiritual death to life eternal that’s way more
31:0931:09 - impactful than just moving some water right um and I think that’s the attitude we need to have when we think about
31:1531:15 - these things carrying it forward to ourselves is we’re not just studying this because G whiz all these things
31:2131:21 - happened in the past well that’s nice we’re studying it because it helps us understand God who he is what he does
31:2831:28 - for his people and we are his people not just Israel we have been grafted onto the vine of Israel As Romans chapter 11
31:3631:36 - tells us so um before we kick off here Audi is there anything else you want to say just on uh kind of The Exodus story
31:4531:45 - itself and why that’s a good way for us to frame talking about christophany specifically I think what you’ve said is
31:5431:54 - pretty much enough I don’t think uh I’m going to be able to say anything right now that won’t preempt a lot of stuff we
32:0132:01 - will’ll be getting into and that’s pretty normal for us right you know we have lots to go through so we’ll get to
32:0732:07 - it in the individual ones then but just trying to frame us basically just be thinking about some of the stuff we’ve
32:1432:14 - talked about here as we go through all the examples moving forward we’re talking about all of these specific
32:1932:19 - passages to give us that sense of ah this person who guided the Israelites that is the God we serve that is the pre
32:2732:27 - carnate Jesus Christ appearing to us in the Old Testament it is christophany so just bear that thought in mind as we go
32:3432:34 - forward with all of the specific passages kind of what we’re trying to frame everything
32:3932:39 - with yeah so the first appearance that we’re going to look at quite a famous one I
32:4832:48 - might add here is the burning bush in Exodus chapter three so I’m going to go ahead and read some of this it’s
32:5532:55 - probably a familiar passage to many people uh it’s a powerful physical symbol of the Judgment Christ endured
33:0233:02 - for us the bush which is not consumed by the fire right um and Dr lugan Bill explains how we get there a little bit
33:0933:09 - more with some of the verses that we’ll go over in a second here but this is the story of when Moses encounters the
33:1633:16 - burning bush in the first part of Exodus chapter 3 so Exodus chapter 3 picking up at verse two says the angel of the Lord
33:2433:24 - appeared to him that is Moses in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the Bush was
33:3133:31 - burning with fire yet the Bush was not consumed so Moses said I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight why
33:3833:38 - this bush is not burned up when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look God Called to him from the midst of the Bush
33:4533:45 - and said Moses Moses and he said here I am then he he being God saido not come near here remove your sandals from your
33:5633:56 - feet for the place on which you are standing is Holy Ground he also said I am the god of your father the god of
34:0334:03 - Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob then Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look at God the Lord said I
34:1134:11 - have surely seen the Affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have given heed to their cry because of their task
34:1634:16 - Masters for I am aware of their sufferings and so then God goes on to tell Moses that you know he is going to
34:2434:24 - bring his people out of the clutches of Egypt um because he has not turned his face away from their oppression but the
34:3134:31 - point here is that you can see in verse two that it opens with the angel of the lord it’s what verse two says right but
34:4134:41 - then in verse six the the the being who is speaking says I am the god of your father the god of Abraham the god of
34:4934:49 - Isaac and the god of Jacob now to the monotheistic uh Jewish Folks at the time they would have said well this has to be
34:5634:56 - the father right because they didn’t understand that there were multiple people within the Trinity they didn’t
35:0335:03 - understand the Trinity um so to them well I don’t know exactly what they thought I I am not in their mind in
35:1035:10 - their culture in their temporal context but some of that might have been a little bit confused because when we hear
35:1735:17 - things about the the Holiness of the father how do you reconcile that with the fact that well people were talking
35:2435:24 - to him right now to be fair some of the references for that we’ll get back to these we’ve talked about these already
35:2935:29 - um it’s somewhat only in the New Testament that that this distinction of no one can see the father we’ve talked
35:3535:35 - about this in 1 Timothy 6:16 that the father uh lives in unapproachable light whom no one has seen or can see and then
35:4335:43 - John 1:18 says that no one has ever seen God but only the one and only son right well that’s New Testament um but
35:5035:50 - regardless we see in this passage here that the angel of the Lord is God you know if you compare verse two and verse
35:5735:57 - six that’s immediately what you have to take like that’s the context that’s what the passage says all right so if the
36:0436:04 - angel of the Lord is God here well you know it’s a bit more of a generalization to say that every time the angel of the
36:1236:12 - Lord if when we use that definite article in the phrasing shows up that that’s you know God well that is the
36:1836:18 - argument we’re going to make but you know you can kind of see how maybe we need a little bit more evidence than a
36:2236:22 - single passage to go on and and we’ll get there you know we have multiple passages but let’s talk a little bit
36:2736:27 - more about some of the specifics of this passage like what some of the symbolism here means so it is the Angel of the
36:3436:34 - Lord as verse two tells us who appeared to Moses in the fiery Flames but shortly thereafter the angel represents himself
36:4236:42 - as God the father or I think we should say here in the same way that we hear of God reporting himself elsewhere saying I
36:5036:50 - am the god of your father the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob that’s verse six like we just
36:5536:55 - talked about and then he also says later on in verse 14 which I gu I didn’t really get to skimmed over some stuff
37:0237:02 - but uh this should look familiar to us here this I am who I am uh you know God tells Moses I am has sent has sent me to
37:1237:12 - you right this is Exodus chapter 3 vers I want to say 15 or so Exodus chapter 3 at any way um well this is that passage
37:2137:21 - here this is God saying who he is but this is the angel of the Lord right in context
37:3037:30 - here um you so I said have it right in front of me here it is verse 14 right um and so when we think of this In this
37:3937:39 - passage which we started out this study talking about we talked about how God’s very nature is existing that’s who God
37:4737:47 - is he is existence uh the Alpha and the Omega he who is and was and is to come and so that is the fundamental
37:5637:56 - characteristic of divinity we would say of the unchanging existence of God um and so even here in this rather famous
38:0738:07 - passage where God tells us who he is he uses the tetr Graton you know that four letters in Hebrew that represent that
38:1538:15 - are tied up in this idea of existence uh well when he’s saying this the angel of the Lord is present in this context
38:2338:23 - right um the angel of the Lord is the one who says I am who I am um so that is something right and so we also know that
38:3538:35 - you know he’s identified as the Lord you know verse seven this is you see the small caps Lord here that is the that is
38:4338:43 - the tetragramaton um in the Hebrew you know it was transliterated different ways you may see this sometimes as
38:4938:49 - Yahweh or Jehovah uh depends how people transliterate it you know but uh these are the four Hebrew letters together
38:5938:59 - that represent the Divine name of God and so not going to overly belor the point the point is the Angel of the Lord
39:0639:06 - is most definitely God proper that’s what this passage tells us but to move into some of the symbolism here a little
39:1439:14 - bit the symbolism of the fire and the bush is important so uh there are other places where the angel of the Lord kind
39:2239:22 - of just walks up to people like he talks to Abraham in I want to say Genesis chap 18 I think we’ll get there it’s in the
39:3039:30 - later section but where you know he manifests and talks to people like physically so why did God appear to uh
39:3839:38 - Moses in the burning bush like what’s the point of that why not just appear to him and talk to him normally you know
39:4439:44 - why why burning bush um so the symbolism of the fire and the bush is actually quite important um it is foreshadowing
39:5239:52 - we would say if this were a literary work which the Bible is in some respects but it’s prophetic for us it is prophecy
39:5939:59 - of what was to come on the cross um so the bush calls attention to Christ the Messiah as the branch or the root um and
40:0840:08 - so there’s a lot of passages that we’re just going to look at real briefly here the concept of Christ as the branch you
40:1540:15 - know we have the I am the vine you are the branches sort of thing in John chapter 15 but Jesus as uh you know
40:2240:22 - using this analogy of plants and the growth of plants to represent um kind of Jesus’s mission and his identity so just
40:3140:31 - going to go through some passages here this is just a driveby really honestly I’m just showing you this idea of this
40:3840:38 - this idea of like being the root or being the branch shows up actually it’s very well attested in scripture so the
40:4540:45 - idea of the Bush here is kind of what we’re getting at you know it’s this this plant that is being consumed by fire
40:5240:52 - well if Jesus is the plant that’s what we’re going to establish the fire represents judgment so Isaiah 4:2 says
41:0041:00 - in that day the branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious and so on and so forth um Isaiah 11 verse1 then a
41:0941:09 - chute will spring from the stem of Jesse and a branch from his roots will bear fruit right so stem of Jess that’s David
41:1841:18 - right um and so a descendant of David it’s called this branch that will bear fruit that’s Jesus Christ Isaiah chter
41:2541:25 - 53:2 um this is part of the suffering servant passage in Isaiah chapter 534 he grew up
41:3341:33 - before him like a tender Chute and like a root out of parched ground and so on and so forth right but same idea
41:4141:41 - continuing this idea of the plant metaphor the plant analogy in Jeremiah 23:5 behold the days are coming declares
41:5141:51 - the Lord when I will raise up for David A righteous branch and he will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and
41:5841:58 - righteousness in the land so again we have this idea of the branch Jeremiah 33:15 in those days and at that time I
42:0742:07 - will cause a righteous branch of David to Spring forth and he shall execute Justice and righteousness on the earth
42:1442:14 - zecharia Zechariah 3:8 now listen Joshua the high priest you and your friends who are sitting in front of you indeed they
42:2342:23 - are men who are a symbol for behold I am going to bring in my servant the branch and then Zechariah
42:3242:32 - 6:12 then say to him thus says the Lord of hosts Behold a man whose name is Branch for he will Branch out from where
42:4042:40 - he is and he will build the Temple of the Lord okay so all this to show that far from this place in Exodus chapter 3
42:5042:50 - kind of being an anomaly as in why is this symbolism present in Exodus 3 why is God speaking to Moses through a bush
42:5942:59 - well it’s because we have this analogy that’s actually well attested through the other prophets in the Old Testament
43:0643:06 - and all of this prophecy uh especially with the hindsight we have now that we have the New Testament is very obviously
43:1243:12 - Messianic pointing to Jesus Christ he is the branch out of the stem of Jesse right he is the one in the divic line
43:2243:22 - who fulfills all of these things okay so that’s the identity of Jesus Christ as the bush as the branch as you know the
43:3143:31 - outshoot of Pless if you will but the fire here represents the Judgment of the cross that does not consume him so that
43:4143:41 - not consuming him bit is important because most things that burn um you know burning is actually a chemical
43:4943:49 - reaction and the output of it is you know it takes oxygen from the air and all this stuff happens and well at the
43:5643:56 - end of it you get ashes you have burned the thing you know you it is no longer in the same state as it was it is not
44:0344:03 - burned without being consumed that’s not the normal state of things here in this world that’s not how physics works if
44:0944:09 - you want to put it that way um however this idea of the branch burning yet not being consumed well that didn’t just
44:1844:18 - happen for no reason either and that is because that represents the Judgment that Jesus Christ took for us upon the
44:2644:26 - cross um so I’m not going to read this whole chapter because this is rather lengthy and it’s part of the law but in
44:3344:33 - Leviticus chapter 1 um it actually starts off talking about the legal codes relate relating to Burnt offerings and
44:4244:42 - so under the law they had blood sacrifice was part of it but they also had burnt offerings as in with fire and
44:5044:50 - elsewhere we know that fire um is definitely a symbol for judgment um and so for example a rather famous passage
45:0045:00 - in the New Testament where uh John the Baptist is speaking of baptism with spirit and with fire well if you
45:0645:06 - interpret that passage correctly baptism with fire is not something you want um this is not talking about Pentecost with
45:1245:12 - the tongues of fire representing baptism of the holy spirit it’s not that baptism with fire is like the Lake of Fire in
45:1845:18 - eternity right the fire in the Lake of Fire is God’s judgment um so Leviticus chapter 1 under the symbols of the law
45:2845:28 - the the system that the priests after the uh you know like the the levitical priesthood they made all these
45:3545:35 - sacrifices and they followed all these regulations for burnt offerings because that is symbolic of the Divine judgment
45:4445:44 - that accompanies the Forgiveness of sins um so here in um Exodus chapter 3 where we have the bush that is on fire facing
45:5545:55 - the Judgment of God yet not being consumed this is the work of Jesus Christ upon the cross the the God man
46:0446:04 - dying for Humanity in their place yet bearing it in his body through that hypostatic Union is what we call it
46:1246:12 - right the idea that he’s fully God and fully man and he had to be both in order to pay for our sin all of that is
46:1946:19 - symbolized here um so I know I’ve talked for a long time here you can just see though that we’ve pulled in a lot of
46:2646:26 - other things that are related to this right we talked about all these passages that mention Jesus Christ as the branch
46:3446:34 - you know coming in the line of David he’s a prophecied successor uh who will bring Justice and righteousness to the
46:4246:42 - world well the bush is representing this and then the fire here represents his judgment and the fact that he’s not
46:5046:50 - consumed is foreshadowing what happens on the cross where he burns in payment of our sins
46:5746:57 - yet is not overcome by it because human beings would just be annihilated we would cease to exist we can’t pay for
47:0447:04 - our own sin only Jesus could um so all of that is actually caught up here in this first appearance which as we’ve
47:1247:12 - talked about is the definite article Angel of the Lord who is also said to be Yahweh tetragramaton the god of Abraham
47:2147:21 - and Isaac and Jacob are said to be one and the same and so that’s why we know that this one has to be christophany
47:2847:28 - because Jesus Christ is obviously representing for and speaking for the Father Here In this passage in Exodus
47:3447:34 - chapter three so was a little bit rambly but aie you have I’m sure other things we can talk about here
47:4347:43 - um yeah um okay first of all I’ll apologize for um any noise from my little one apparently she decided she
47:5447:54 - didn’t want to sleep after all so she’s up again um I think that one thing that I want to
48:0448:04 - say is it’s less about making an argument for whether or not you know everything that Moses actually
48:1148:11 - experienced was a christophany and more about showing
48:1648:16 - just um the many the multitudinous ways in which this was
48:2548:25 - foreshadowing the coming of the Messiah because there is one overarching proof that everything that
48:3448:34 - Moses run into was a christophany and it’s that the Bible States unequivocally that no man can see
48:4148:41 - the father so every um interaction that Moses had with God was necessarily with some other member of the Trinity it
48:5248:52 - couldn’t be the father he could not have seen the father so having established that we we we are demonstrating now just
49:0449:04 - how this is a rich um Revelation so to speak of Jesus Christ before he actually came into the world this was a we get
49:1749:17 - pictures of what it would be like when he finally comes so for example in this very first instance we see a clear
49:2549:25 - demonstration of what his coming would actually be so the very first time that he meets with Moses who is going to be
49:3649:36 - the quintessential purveyor of the law and remember what happened when Jesus came he’s rejected especially by the
49:4649:46 - Pharisees and teachers of the law as someone who is sort of encouraging a Breaking of the law the very first time
49:5449:54 - that Moses has this interaction with God it is the Lord Jesus himself that he is speaking to and we will see eventually
50:0250:02 - that it is the Lord Jesus who gave him that law which was why later on when he says to the Pharisees and the teachers
50:0950:09 - of the law I am or the son of man is the lord of the Sabbath he was not just talking
50:1750:17 - and he was not just trying to be provocative he was telling them the absolute truth he had given them the law
50:2450:24 - of the Sabbath so when we take all of that together we should see just how great what it is
50:3250:32 - we’re talking about is this is the greater one of whom Hebrews were speaking the actual owner of the house
50:4150:41 - in which Moses had proved faithful this is him commissioning Moses for that work so we see then that’s even in this
50:5350:53 - capacity of course um there are those who will argue because when you go to Revelation you’ll see the angel who is
51:0051:00 - um speaking for the Lord Jesus and it seems as if it is the same Angel who is saying I Jesus have sent my angel to
51:0751:07 - such and such and it’s like well that’s that’s proof that when the fact that an angel is speaking does not mean that he
51:1451:14 - cannot speak as if he is God which is rubbish because that angel could not have been saying I Jesus have sent my
51:2051:20 - Angel and even if he was saying I Jesus have sent my angel it would have been a very interesting thing he actually said
51:2851:28 - I jesus sent an angel in this case we don’t see the angel saying anything of that sort but note that when first this
51:3651:36 - person in the burning bush is mentioned we hear that he is the Angel of the Lord after that it seems like nothing is said
51:4351:43 - anymore of him being the angel we hear God God God God throughout that passage and um uh when he does
51:5251:52 - speak when he does speak when we see him interacting with mes um he speaks okay so the fact that
52:0252:02 - he actually starts out the first thing that we hear about him being the angel of the Lord is actually pointing to
52:0752:07 - something because after that it’s doesn’t seem relevant anymore to mention that he is the messenger of the Lord but
52:1452:14 - the reason that’s the first introduction we get is to keep our eyes on the fact that this is not the father so to speak
52:2452:24 - and there is a reason for that remember man is supposed to be um cast out so to speak you’re not
52:3352:33 - allowed to have this interaction with the father but the father has not left you bereth he sends someone to come and
52:4152:41 - do this work of bringing his children back his children who have been thrown out of the house because of their bad
52:4852:48 - behavior and now this person is supposed to guide them back and this person is acting like a messenger of the Lord so
52:5552:55 - that is something that I think um will be front and center of every discussion that we see about the angel of the Lord
53:0453:04 - that even though he is truly God in his own right and that will continue to be the case every time we run into him we
53:1053:10 - will see that the the the the very first thing that we’re supposed to see every time we run into him is that he is
53:1853:18 - speaking for the father he is acting for the Father which is what creates a lot of the confusion that people run into
53:2353:23 - and why is that it will continue to be that his job is to bring God’s children back to him that’s also why In This Very
53:3353:33 - in this first instance the thing that we see is him in the burning bush that’s because that’s what he has
53:4353:43 - to do to bring the children of God back to the father yeah I mean it’s the message that he Bears you know we’ve
53:5153:51 - talked about this I think probably in just our previous lesson about how Jesus is coming as the agent or the
53:5953:59 - representative of the father that’s his mission that is how he appears to us he is not appearing on his own authority
54:0854:08 - but with the authority of the one who sent him and it gets confusing because he speaks with that Authority right is
54:1654:16 - Jesus the father no Jesus is not the father but he speaks for the father right they have perfect Unity of will
54:2254:22 - one of the other things that AI mentioned you know just as he was opening up here was that you know the
54:2854:28 - Bible obviously doesn’t make this argument that we’re making in so many words right as in look the angel of the
54:3454:34 - Lord is you know Yahweh the angel of the Lord is this it’s just there you know we we made this argument when we talked
54:4054:40 - about uh the Trinity as a general concept that the Bible doesn’t argue for it in what I would call
54:4854:48 - the the the manner of of philosophical deductive proofs right it’s simply there it’s simply asserted
54:5754:57 - and the Bible doesn’t set out to argue or Justified it’s just there um that is just so in this case as well um this
55:0855:08 - point that we’re making and why we’re emphasizing it and drilling on it by the way is because it is rather important
55:1455:14 - this idea of the son’s role even before the Incarnation I think really does go underappreciated by a lot of folks and
55:2255:22 - it is kind of a big deal in properly interpreting the roles of the trinity as they correspond to all of creation right
55:3055:30 - past present and future um so it’s not like minor but the reason why we’re setting this up in what I would term you
55:3755:37 - know like we’re arguing for it it’s because it’s useful theologically but it is right for us to point out that the
55:4355:43 - Bible itself actually doesn’t make the argument in quite so many words right um it is simply there and present in the
55:5255:52 - text and it is good and proper for us to be connecting these dots like I’m not trying to say we shouldn’t
55:5955:59 - but we just need to keep in mind what the Bible does and does not say right and so this this argument that we’re
56:0656:06 - making here about how all of these appearances of the Angel of the Lord are actually christophany appearances of the
56:1356:13 - pre-incarnate Jesus Christ it is a good thing for us to be focusing on and be justifying but in all the other passages
56:2156:21 - as we’ll see it’s just the same as this one the angel of the Lord through context is clearly associated
56:2956:29 - with God but that that’s not like the point of any of these things right um that’s just merely incidental to what
56:3856:38 - ends up happening um yeah yeah I mean we’ve already kind of been over this this concept you know we we we talked
56:4556:45 - about this a lot when we were talking about the Trinity just r large that it is important for us to note that the
56:5256:52 - Bible doesn’t argue for these things in the way that some people who want the very
56:5756:57 - uh like what I might call like full accounting of things you they want it all spelled out with bullet points
57:0257:02 - that’s not the kind of book that the Bible is that’s not to say that the Bible doesn’t give us truth that’s the
57:0757:07 - whole point of the Bible but it it doesn’t do it on our terms according to our preconceived notions of what it
57:1557:15 - ought to give us right um yeah it is perfect in the way that God has given it to us for his purpose for it but we
57:2357:23 - don’t get to find fault with him for you know it not being like a bullet point list of propositions you know that’s not
57:3157:31 - how it works um so we we we we can actually make our peace with the fact that if the Bible is asserting something
57:3957:39 - or just taking something for granted and not making an argument for it it it’s we are supposed to take it the same way if
57:4657:46 - we have any in credulity about it we should just wait until we actually stand before the Judgment seats of Christ
57:5157:51 - he’ll explain everything at that point but we shouldn’t be too worried if if things are not argued um as you have
58:0158:01 - said systematically breaking everything down Point by point and Rel because in the end in a lot of ways the Bible is
58:0858:08 - also a dictionary it states things categorically a lot of things is take them categorically take them or you
58:1558:15 - leave them so that’s the case in in many of the issues we’ll be dealing with including this particular one too yeah
58:2458:24 - yeah and we’ll see this as I say so just keep your eyes peeled as we go through the next uh several appearances of the
58:3158:31 - angel of Exodus um you know the angel of the Lord showing up in this Exodus narrative um that that’s not the focus
58:3858:38 - and that’s fine that’s what we’re trying to say here um but it is simply asserted it is there it’s present in the text but
58:4558:45 - it isn’t argued in so many words and that is something that is absolutely fine for us because it you know we can
58:5358:53 - make that connection even if we don’t put it the bullet points that might satisfy Skeptics because that’s not the
59:0059:00 - point of all this um so we won’t get more off topic there but this was us looking at this first appearance of
59:0859:08 - Christ to Moses in the burning bush and all of that foreshadows about the cross and you’ll see that theme uh come back
59:1559:15 - up as we go through the other passages here too Dr luging bill has done a very good job of tying all of these
59:2159:21 - appearances of the Angel even in some ways that I hadn’t connected myself before
59:2659:26 - to the work of Christ on the cross um the symbolism once you see it is quite powerful it really does Point directly
59:3459:34 - to the cross and what Christ did for us on it so you’ll see what I mean as we get to the other ones here in just a
59:4259:42 - sec so the next appearance here that we’re going to be talking about the angel of The Exodus here is in Exodus CH
59:5059:50 - 14 verse 19 where we are told that the angel of God the angel of the Lord right who had been going before the camp of
59:5959:59 - Israel moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud moved before them and stood behind them with the angel of
01:00:0501:00:05 - the Lord right Angel of the Lord’s in the cloud pillar well that’s Exodus 14: 19 but previously last chapter in Exodus
01:00:1401:00:14 - Exodus chap 13: 211 we we are told that the Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them the
01:00:2101:00:21 - way and a pillar of Fire by night to give them light that they might travel by day and by night okay so critical
01:00:2701:00:27 - thing again you’ll see small caps Lord here this is the tetr Graton this is Yahweh Jehovah the God of Abraham the
01:00:3401:00:34 - god of Isaac and the god of Jacob right in the same way that we saw that in Exodus chapter 3 with uh the being
01:00:4101:00:41 - speaking from the burning bush first being identified as the angel of the Lord and then as Yahweh proper so to
01:00:4801:00:48 - here I guess the orders flipped right in Exodus 13 we’re told that it’s the Lord and then in Exodus 14 we’re told that
01:00:5401:00:54 - it’s the angel of God right messenger of God right remember Angel just means Messenger right and so people get
01:01:0101:01:01 - tripped up because we use Angel as a label for a separate class of creatures that are not human um but angel in Greek
01:01:1001:01:10 - and Hebrew just means Messengers so we think of this as the messenger of God who had been going before them it’s not
01:01:1601:01:16 - an angel creature it is Jesus Christ in reincarnate St that’s what we have been arguing here so God himself is said to
01:01:2401:01:24 - be the one going ahead head of the Israelites in the column of cloud and fire that’s what Exodus 13: 211 says but
01:01:3101:01:31 - in Exodus 14:19 we see that that is the angel of God the messenger of God and so the Lord and the angel that is the
01:01:3901:01:39 - messenger are identified as one and the same and here’s where I mentioned that all of these tieback Dr lville has done
01:01:4801:01:48 - a good job tying back all the symbolism to the Cross we’re gonna spend a few minutes kind of digging deep into this
01:01:5501:01:55 - one to try to convince us that this really is true the symbolism is actually there it’s not fanciful um so when the
01:02:0301:02:03 - column of fire comes to stand over the place of the Ark in the Tabernacle where the blood representing Christ sacrifice
01:02:1201:02:12 - would be sprinkled on the day of atonement we there to have a picture of Christ saving work enduring judgment on
01:02:2001:02:20 - our behalf okay so again the idea here is that this foreshadows and symbol IES Christ payment for our sin so we’ll
01:02:2901:02:29 - start with Leviticus 16 because this is pretty easy just like on the last section we mentioned Leviticus 1 that
01:02:3601:02:36 - section of the law code dealing with burnt offerings well Leviticus 16 deals with the law of atonement and
01:02:4301:02:43 - specifically this idea of Aaron as the high priest or you know the high priest generally going into the most holy place
01:02:5101:02:51 - to make atonement for the people for their sin offering right right so uh verse 13 here in Leviticus chapter 16
01:03:0101:03:01 - says that all this stuff is dealing with the mercy seat on the uh the Arc of the testimony you’ll see that here that’s
01:03:1001:03:10 - verse 13 the Ark of the testimony right we’re talking about the Arc of the Covenant here where the law is um and so
01:03:1601:03:16 - there’s a lot of you know more things that go into it here but this is discussing about where this takes place
01:03:2401:03:24 - is obviously dealing with the Ark of the Covenant that’s placed in the most holy place in one of the specific tents that
01:03:3301:03:33 - were erected when the people of Israel made camp now when they were going through the Wilderness um you know going
01:03:4001:03:40 - from Egypt to Canaan well they had to carry everything with them they didn’t have a static place for uh the ark of
01:03:4801:03:48 - the covenant for God to quote unquote reside with them in fact um later on in the narrative in the Old Testament it’s
01:03:5601:03:56 - a really big deal when they make a kind of static permanent Temple for God because previously the Ark of the
01:04:0201:04:02 - Covenant had been traveling with them all this time kind of in a mobile fashion so I don’t want to get super off
01:04:0801:04:08 - topic the point here is that Leviticus chapter 16 is talking about blood sacrifice for atonement right which
01:04:1501:04:15 - should sound an awful lot like what Jesus did for us on the cross right okay so that’s Leviticus 16 the part of the
01:04:2101:04:21 - law code dealing with blood sacrifice for atonement and we said in verse 13 here we hear about the mercy seat on the
01:04:2801:04:28 - Ark of the Covenant right um so we know that that’s the location of this sacrifice that has all that symbolism
01:04:3601:04:36 - right and so if we compare that to Numbers chapter 9 verse 15 which here we say that the pillar of cloud and fire
01:04:4701:04:47 - that we’ve been talking about actually shows up it covers the Tabernacle the tent of testimony and the evening it was
01:04:5601:04:56 - like an appearance of fire over the Tabernacle until morning right remember we said fire has all sorts of symbolism
01:05:0201:05:02 - too so we have blood sacrifice going on in this tent and the pillar of fire over it representing what we’ve already
01:05:0901:05:09 - discussed well how do we know that these two things are happening at the same place that’s the question here so in
01:05:1701:05:17 - Numbers chapter 9 verse1 15 we see this socalled tent of testimony so what is the tent of testimony how do we know
01:05:2501:05:25 - that that’s where the Arc of the Covenant is right this is something that ichus just quotes here and he’s not
01:05:3101:05:31 - wrong as we’ll see I I’ll dig into it a little bit more just for our own benefit on the video because I wanted to trace
01:05:3701:05:37 - this a little bit just to make sure I understood properly how we know all of this well we are not the first people in
01:05:4401:05:44 - the world to ask this so this is a question on What’s called the hermeneutic stack exchange so
01:05:4901:05:49 - hermeneutics is kind of the study of interpretation and have you never been on stack exchange sites anymore people
01:05:5401:05:54 - ask questions and you get some answers so I don’t buy 100% of what this guy says in the answer but it was a good
01:06:0001:06:00 - starting place just to kind of show us here that um when this gets mentioned later in Revelation chapter 15 uh here’s
01:06:0801:06:08 - what the Greek looks like um well this thing that we’re talking about comes up again in the New Testament right the
01:06:1501:06:15 - Temple of the Tabernacle of testimony in heaven was open right I’m not going to go dig into the context there because I
01:06:2101:06:21 - don’t want us to get even more off topic than we’re inevitably going to be here but the point is is that this is kind of
01:06:2601:06:26 - a defined place in Scripture it has meaning it’s not just kind of like mentioned offand and so to really
01:06:3301:06:33 - establish how we know that what we’re talking about is where that sacrifice happens we’re going to go look at a
01:06:4001:06:40 - passage in Numbers chapter 17 here um so if you are familiar with Aaron’s Rod budding um uh and producing almonds uh
01:06:5101:06:51 - that’s verse eight here numb 17 ver8 well this story is interesting for lots of other reasons but specifically what
01:06:5801:06:58 - we’re going to be looking at is this idea of the location how can we line up that Pillar of Fire which represents the
01:07:0601:07:06 - presence of God over the place where the sacrifices of atonement were done right presence of God sacrifices of atonement
01:07:1401:07:14 - well that’s what Jesus did on the cross right that’s how we make the connection all right so you’ll see here in Numbers
01:07:2001:07:20 - chapter 17 we have this mentioned here you’ll deposit the staffs I’m so just a little bit of context they’re getting a
01:07:2801:07:28 - rod or a staff for each one of the father’s households 12 rods from all their leaders according to their
01:07:3401:07:34 - father’s households and Aaron’s name gets put on the rod of Levi so Moses is told to put these things in the tent of
01:07:4301:07:43 - meeting in front of the testimony um so we’ll Circle back to that when we look at a different translation again in a
01:07:5101:07:51 - second this is nasb 1995 version so uh pretty strict literal interpretation of this says the testimony there um and so
01:08:0001:08:00 - you can see that Moses went into the tent of the testimony aha that is the same place that we saw here in Numbers
01:08:0901:08:09 - Chapter n where we have the tent of testimony where the pillar of cloud and fire set to be right hovers over this
01:08:1801:08:18 - place and what we’re trying to do is make sure that that lines up with where the atonements happen in Leviticus
01:08:2401:08:24 - chapter 16 right that’s kind of the purpose of why we’re going through all this so Moses
01:08:3001:08:30 - deposits these things the staff in front of the testimony in the tent of testimony that’s what the context of
01:08:3901:08:39 - this passage in Numbers chapter 17 says and then Aaron’s Rod sprouts and put forth Buds and Blossoms and then later
01:08:4801:08:48 - on here we we read that Moses brought out all the rods from the presence of the Lord and they looked and each man
01:08:5401:08:54 - took his rod but God tells Moses put back the rod of Aaron before the testimony to be kept as
01:09:0201:09:02 - a sign of the rebels that you may put an end to their grumblings against me so that they may not die okay so the rod of
01:09:0801:09:08 - Aaron gets put back in this so-called tent of testimony so before we move on what
01:09:1601:09:16 - exactly does before the testimony mean like you’ll see this a here is a footnote um so if we look here that
01:09:2201:09:22 - shows up in verse four here as well right right in front of the testimony and so we get some cross references if I
01:09:2901:09:29 - look at this we’ll just go ahead and examine those real briefly here Oops I did not actually mean to go jump there
01:09:3701:09:37 - um because if I hover we can get it um so Exodus chapter 25 verse 16 says you should put in the arc the testimony that
01:09:4601:09:46 - I shall give you right what goes in the arc well the law tablets go in the ark right Exodus chap 25: 21 you should put
01:09:5401:09:54 - The Mercy Seat on the top of the Ark and in the arc you shall put the testimony that I give you now this is the nasb
01:10:0101:10:01 - 1995 version that’s the translation being used here and then verse 22 also talking about Above The Mercy Seat we
01:10:0901:10:09 - have the cherubim that are on the Ark of the testimony which you’ll also hear called the Ark of the Covenant right
01:10:1601:10:16 - I’ll speak with you about all of that given to the Commandment of Israel okay so with that going to point us towards
01:10:2401:10:24 - same Passage Numbers chapter 17 now we’re going to look at it in the New International Version which is a little
01:10:3001:10:30 - bit it’s not that it’s a loose translation but it tries to capture the meaning a little bit more rather than
01:10:3501:10:35 - just plugging in strict definition tries to makes it perhaps a little bit more thought forth thought versus word for
01:10:4101:10:41 - word not going to get into translation debates here but if we look at verse seven here in this particular
01:10:4901:10:49 - translations it says that the staffs that Moses was commanded to put back in this place were put in the tent of the
01:10:5601:10:56 - Covenant law the Covenant law goes in the Ark of the Covenant which as we were told before in Leviticus chapter 16 is
01:11:0601:11:06 - where the sacrifices of atonement are made right tracking so far okay so we see that this translation by
01:11:1601:11:16 - interpretation this is what we’re talking about here this testimony that gets mentioned in the nasb version is
01:11:2201:11:22 - talking about the Ark of the Covenant so the Ark of the Covenant is placed in the tent of
01:11:2801:11:28 - testimony so if you’re not always con if you’re not already convinced by all this going to look at one more passage here
01:11:3401:11:34 - and then I’ll get off my digression in Hebrews chapter 9 veres 3 to 4 we hear about the curtain um this is the chapter
01:11:4301:11:43 - where we hear about how Christ sacrifice was once for all as opposed to the yearly sacrifices of the high priest who
01:11:5001:11:50 - go into the most holy place to do their sacrifice of atonement well that’s kind of the point of Hebrews 9 uh and
01:11:5701:11:57 - following the the later verses of Hebrews chapter 9 contrast finality and efficacy of Christ’s single sacrifice
01:12:0301:12:03 - and contrast that with the repeated sacrifice of the high priests but in verses 3 to four we see that behind the
01:12:0901:12:09 - second curtain we have the room called the most holy Place what’s in the most holy Place well we have the golden altar
01:12:1601:12:16 - of incense and the gold covered Arc of the Covenant this art contained the gold jars of mana and look it contains
01:12:2301:12:23 - Aaron’s staff that had budded and in Numbers chapter 17 verse 10 God tells Moses to stick the rod back in the tent
01:12:3301:12:33 - of testimony which is why we know that because of this verse here in Hebrews chapter 9 that’s why we know that the
01:12:4101:12:41 - Ark of the Covenant must have been in the tent of testimony because that’s where the rod is said to be and the
01:12:4601:12:46 - staff is said to be in the Ark of the Covenant along with the stone tablet of the law QED basically so I’m sorry that
01:12:5301:12:53 - was a bit of a digression but why I’m saying all of this is because that’s why when Dr Lugano lines up the presence of
01:13:0101:13:01 - God with the altar on the Ark of the Covenant where the sacrifices of atonement are that’s why when you marry
01:13:0901:13:09 - these Concepts we get a picture of Christ’s saving work enduring judgment on our behalf and paying that price of
01:13:1701:13:17 - atonement so I hope that wasn’t too Technical and we didn’t get too far off in the weeds but I just wanted to trace
01:13:2301:13:23 - out a little bit because it’s really cool when you see the links it’s it’s there I mean we’re not just making
01:13:2901:13:29 - things up it’s there in scripture but we had to do a little bit of digging to put all that together to see that this
01:13:3601:13:36 - really is the place where those sacrifices of atonement were made and that is where the presence of God rests
01:13:4301:13:43 - and it doesn’t rest over this specific tent for no reason it rests there because that is conceptually where the
01:13:5101:13:51 - presence of God is and that is where the atonement is done well when you put those two things together you see
01:13:5801:13:58 - that God is the one who pays for the atonement right um so uh AI you have anything you want to
01:14:0801:14:08 - go here I know I got a little bit sidetracked but um was rich I mean seriously what what
01:14:1501:14:15 - you went into was um a very good expansion of what he discussed here I’m not sure I’m not sure what I could add
01:14:2401:14:24 - to sorry so reviewing the main point of this slide that interesting tangent aside was actually talking just about
01:14:3201:14:32 - what we talked about before how the angel who’s said to go before them is basically said to be God right which
01:14:3901:14:39 - means has to be christophany I mean which is I’m not saying that point isn’t interesting but uh it was the figuring
01:14:4701:14:47 - out exactly how we TI all the other things together was what caught my attention here but the fundamental Point
01:14:5201:14:52 - here is that the column of cloud and fire that’s mentioned all throughout the Exodus narrative that leads the
01:14:5901:14:59 - Israelites that is the Angel of the Lord that’s what Exodus 14 say but it’s also said to be the Lord Yahweh Jehovah tetr
01:15:0701:15:07 - Graton in Exodus chapter 13 basically meaning that they’re one and the same so God leads his people
01:15:1501:15:15 - personally right Jesus Christ sent on behalf of the father to guide his people it’s a christophy
01:15:2301:15:23 - um yeah yeah yeah um I I honestly don’t know what I could add to that suffice to say that it’s it’s well tied together
01:15:3401:15:34 - Exodus 13:21 told us who was in the cloud the column of cloud and fire Exodus 14: 19 tells us who was so one
01:15:4201:15:42 - could if if people want to argue that God was with an Angel just as he was when he went to visit Abraham they
01:15:5101:15:51 - welcome to argue that but I think that we have more than enough reason to identify that angel with the Lord
01:15:5901:15:59 - himself especially because of how the angel talks he doesn’t talk like most pretty much any other angel that you you
01:16:0801:16:08 - would have read in the scriptures anywhere else no angel who has come to speak for the Lord tends to identify
01:16:1601:16:16 - himself with the Lord they don’t do that so um that is one thing that’s definite but again and again
01:16:2501:16:25 - it the the the particularly amazing thing and that’s one of the reasons I really love the foray that um Steven
01:16:3401:16:34 - went into right here the amazing thing about um this identification of the Angel and the the
01:16:4301:16:43 - various ways in which he appears to Moses and to the Israelites with the um cross is especially when you start
01:16:5301:16:53 - working through the Hebrew series that Prof Robert is wrri is writing right now it’s very significant because all of
01:17:0001:17:00 - these things are things that should have told Israel especially when the Lord Jesus came this is the same person the
01:17:0901:17:09 - the the the pillar of cloud and fire was speaking to the Judgment of the cross the um the Burning Bush was speaking to
01:17:1901:17:19 - the Judgment of the Cross and all of this somehow in Exodus 14 the law had not yet been given we can see that by
01:17:2801:17:28 - Exodus 20 it is given so you we we see that even preceding this whole business of you’re going to be performing these
01:17:3701:17:37 - sacrifices you’ll have a pruit of this sort you will have um uh so many uh uh regulations you’re supposed to keep to
01:17:4801:17:48 - dietary requirements and whatnot all of that actually follows these symbols of of the Cross which seems I mean that’s
01:17:5801:17:58 - why it is actually incredible that Jesus had the opposition that he had when he came because it’s
01:18:0601:18:06 - like how Beyond actually spelling it out for you saying that at such and such a time in history I will come and die on a
01:18:1501:18:15 - cross Beyond doing that as in if if we if we were to say okay if he does not SP it out literally
01:18:2501:18:25 - in those ways what other way could he have told them that this was what was going to happen right so we see it over
01:18:3201:18:32 - and over again in these symbols the way that this Angel of the Lord showed up and again and again we see that the
01:18:3901:18:39 - angel of the Lord accepted the role of a messenger that’s why he he continues to be called The Angel the angel even
01:18:4701:18:47 - though he’s identified with the Lord which is the same thing that happened with Jesus Christ much later he never
01:18:5201:18:52 - denied that he was God but he did not claim that position either you know so everything that that that was happening
01:19:0001:19:00 - when he came when we say he never claimed it it doesn’t mean that he was like um being humble or anything it was
01:19:0801:19:08 - more like he didn’t just like the angel of the Lord did not put that in the face of of Moses or in the face of the
01:19:1401:19:14 - Israelites he was God but he was pointing to the father more than he was pointing to himself that’s what Jesus
01:19:2201:19:22 - also did when he came so in for us who who are seeing these things we might not need to be told that this was the Lord
01:19:3101:19:31 - Jesus so it’s less about actually being persuaded that the angel of the Lord the angel of God as we saw as we seeing in
01:19:3901:19:39 - Exodus was Jesus Christ but we can see in all of these discussions how this was speaking to what Jesus would do
01:19:4901:19:49 - later on in history and what it has to do with our reconciliation to the father we we we should see also how none of
01:19:5801:19:58 - this was an accident the Lord was not reacting to anything all of this was planned and carried out by the Lord from
01:20:0601:20:06 - start to finish that we would sin that we would be redeemed that we will be brought into this eternal glory with um
01:20:1501:20:15 - the father in the end because of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus this has been front and center and you’ll see
01:20:2101:20:21 - throughout the discussion of the Trinity that’s actually one sorry theology that’s actually one reason that whenever
01:20:2601:20:26 - I think about writing uh um a Systematic Theology of my own when I think about writing theology I don’t know any way to
01:20:3401:20:34 - represent the thing as well as profor Robert has done it or even better I can’t think of any way because the way
01:20:3901:20:39 - that he structured that teaching was to focus on the cross that this was this is the Lynch pin of God’s plan that
01:20:4701:20:47 - ultimately everything creation is possible because Jesus will die on the cross and we see that front and center
01:20:5401:20:54 - as weing talking about the revelation of God in the Old Testament especially through the angel of God the angel of
01:21:0201:21:02 - the Lord as we keep seeing him showing up signs symbols of the Cross are coming they’re coming along with that um um
01:21:1001:21:10 - revelation of himself at that point so for us again like I said we it might bore us so to speak to be uh having
01:21:2001:21:20 - these arguments laid out for why the angel of the Lord was God himself but I think that we should be particular
01:21:2801:21:28 - about noticing too how in each of these instances the angel of the Lord is showing us how the cross is a big part
01:21:3801:21:38 - of the plan that the Lord not the big part it is the entirety of God’s plan we see that even before the law is given
01:21:4601:21:46 - the law on which the the Pharisees were claiming to stand to eventually crucify their own God
01:21:5501:21:55 - yeah now we should be a bit fair to point out this concept of progressive revelation really helps us right we have
01:22:0301:22:03 - hindsight um and that makes a lot of difference right because all of this is illuminated most helpfully by the New
01:22:1101:22:11 - Testament um absolutely and so if you wonder you know why didn’t they see it um it’s not so shockingly blindingly
01:22:1901:22:19 - obvious that I mean I certainly think wise people in the past read this and had
01:22:2601:22:26 - questions that is likely right but how do they answer them you know and this is why it always comes down to a matter of
01:22:3501:22:35 - faith God gives us the information we need in our circumstances to put our trust in him right um so I’ve often
01:22:4201:22:42 - thought that some of what we’re talking about here is perhaps some of what Jesus said on the road to Emmas right they ask
01:22:4901:22:49 - about the scriptures that speak of him Exodus chapter 3 is a great example right the burning bush burning yet not
01:22:5701:22:57 - consumed you know um Jesus also you know pre prefigured his death and payment for sin upon the cross he told people this
01:23:0401:23:04 - now people didn’t understand it until afterwards but I mean it’s all there um now yeah one reason that I personally
01:23:1501:23:15 - don’t cut the Pharisees any slack I mean I do agree with you that largely a lot of these things were hidden from view it
01:23:2301:23:23 - was only after the cross that they became brilliantly obvious is that someone like
01:23:2901:23:29 - David knew it he might not have known exactly how Jesus would pay the price he might not have fully understood just
01:23:3701:23:37 - like a lot the truth of this is that how what would happen at the coming of the Messiah was hidden from view but in Isa
01:23:4501:23:45 - in in Psalm 51 what does um David say that God does not take the light in burnt offerings that he wants a broken
01:23:5501:23:55 - heart a contrite spirit so we see that even even Believers such as he recognized that the law was really
01:24:0401:24:04 - pointing to something else it’s not that God wants these sacrifices it’s not that he wants someone who is very meticulous
01:24:1001:24:10 - about keeping the law it’s someone who understands his need for salvation that’s going to be paid for by another
01:24:1701:24:17 - person so even though in many ways the cross was not an obvious fact before before it happened they did not
01:24:2601:24:26 - understand the truth of it they didn’t understand much of what the Messiah would do but we’ve talked about for
01:24:3201:24:32 - example Genesis chapter 3 where again we can see that the Lord was being a bit cryptic when he said that
01:24:4301:24:43 - the serpent would bruise the heel of the seed of the woman but the seed of the woman would crush his head maybe that
01:24:5101:24:51 - sounds like a proverb an idiom or whatever it’s not it’s not very straightforward we we don’t get much
01:24:5701:24:57 - about the cross out of that but then following upon that there was the provision of the coats of skin and not
01:25:0401:25:04 - only that not too long after that we have this issue of Cain and Abel with Abel clearly understanding precisely
01:25:1201:25:12 - what was expected of him and Cain acting as if it made no difference what God has said to his parents so it’s not as if
01:25:2101:25:21 - this was so completely obscure that those who kind kind of understood it where Geniuses of some sort the Lord did
01:25:2901:25:29 - make sure that the Brilliance of the light of this truth was not hidden it might the very details of it how the the
01:25:3701:25:37 - the Son of God the the the Messiah would pay the price how he would redeem um the the world might not be clear in its
01:25:4601:25:46 - details but life was going to be given for life that much was known it was known by Adam and Eve by Abel by no
01:25:5501:25:55 - by everybody who performed the sacrifice and it was enshrined in the law but here is the the thing that actually struck me
01:26:0101:26:01 - I’d never thought about it until we actually started having this conversation that from the beginning of
01:26:0701:26:07 - the revelation of himself to Moses the very start of it symbols of the Cross attended every part of it so that seemed
01:26:1501:26:15 - to be saying yes I’m going to give you a look but don’t miss the points yeah I mean and also I just want to make
01:26:2301:26:23 - emphasize that we modern folks we forget the absolute visceral physical connection to blood sacrifice it doesn’t
01:26:3301:26:33 - hit us you know we understand intellectually you know animals were sacrificed as symbols but we have never
01:26:4101:26:41 - held a knife and taken the life of another living being in such a conscious way right or had a priest do it on our
01:26:5001:26:50 - behalf yeah I mean and I’m not you know obviously this was done for a purpose right God didn’t you know as that that
01:26:5901:26:59 - Psalm that AI read it’s not like God just wanted us to kill animals right like that is not the point here the
01:27:0601:27:06 - point is what that symbolism was but it would hit a lot harder if we actually understood this is what they did you
01:27:1501:27:15 - know I don’t think that as a person who is conscientious enough to want to follow the law that you bring a
01:27:2201:27:22 - sacrifice one does not go through the motions when you’re taking the life of another living being I’m sure some
01:27:2801:27:28 - people did obviously the Pharisees did but for people who had even the barest amount of care for why would God ever
01:27:3801:27:38 - instruct us to do this it’s right there exactly right um yeah one other thing I want to bring up
01:27:4401:27:44 - in this um this is G be sound like kind of I’m just changing the subject randomly but um I don’t want to forget
01:27:5001:27:50 - that’s why I want to bring it up um so when we talk about angels as a title Jesus is a messenger of God um so when
01:27:5901:27:59 - we hear the angel of the Lord think in your head the messenger of God is a title um I was I’m always so amused when
01:28:0801:28:08 - little kids think that Jesus’s last name is Christ have you ever come across this you know in Greek it’s Yus Christos
01:28:1601:28:16 - right that’s what we hear we hear Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ now we don’t know exactly I don’t know if their
01:28:2301:28:23 - names in Hebrew society were patronymic um I could probably go look that up but you know he would be Jesus the son of
01:28:2901:28:29 - Joseph right Joseph and Mary yeah exactly that’s what he would know or you know Jesus the one from
01:28:3601:28:36 - Nazareth right um butus Christos kristos is a title um and we forget this you know we refer to him
01:28:4401:28:44 - by title as Christ Christ did that Christ did this you know um but it’s not a last name um and so we are very
01:28:5201:28:52 - comfortable saying Jes Jesus Christ this Jesus Christ that and when we say Jesus Christ really what we are saying is
01:28:5901:28:59 - Jesus the Messiah Jesus the Messiah that’s what Christ means um yes pretty much we have we have Jesus the Messiah
01:29:0601:29:06 - and we also have the messenger of God see what I’m saying it’s the same prely um it is not different here we have the
01:29:1601:29:16 - messenger of God is just a title no more no less and that is a title that Jesus Christ bears in the same way that he
01:29:2201:29:22 - Bears the title ch Messiah um yeah so I I just I hadn’t really it hadn’t hit me before but I
01:29:3001:29:30 - think it’s really parallel because we don’t get to make great hay out of Christ it’s just a title it just
01:29:3701:29:37 - represents who Jesus is in the same way angas in Greek here or Malak in Hebrew it’s just a title it just is
01:29:4601:29:46 - saying The Messer you know definite article of God it’s what he does it’s talking about who he is and what he does
01:29:5401:29:54 - um and so we shouldn’t make it more complicated than that it’s what it is um yeah yeah true all right well we far
01:30:0301:30:03 - fared fared we went kind of far a field here um but this is just it’s a very good poignant discussion for us of how
01:30:1201:30:12 - all of this points to the cross in the future um like Audi said I hadn’t actually in the same way I hadn’t really
01:30:2101:30:21 - connected all the dots and been wow from the very beginning when God speaks to Moses as AI says cross is in view the
01:30:2801:30:28 - whole time every step of the way um I really put that together before but it just CHS that this was always the plan
01:30:3801:30:38 - we’ve been over this before too right um the cross was always the plan it was there from day one Genesis chapter 3
01:30:4501:30:45 - like we’ve talked about um Believers throughout all history look towards this with Faith and only in that revealing of
01:30:5201:30:52 - the plan did everything become clear to us right um the mystery was revealed and we are blessed to be able to understand
01:31:0001:31:00 - it um so yeah well that’s the second one here we have a couple more to go speaking of
01:31:0901:31:09 - appearances of the Angel of the Lord here in this Exodus narrative pointing us not only to the angel of the Lord
01:31:1701:31:17 - being God but also this Angel of the Lord being Christ crucified um so we look at a couple more examples when we
01:31:2601:31:26 - pick up so the next topic that we’re going to talk about with respect to the angel of
01:31:3501:31:35 - the Lord in Exodus so the angel of The Exodus and we’re just kind of using that as a title for the being who guided the
01:31:4301:31:43 - people of Israel um out of their flight from Egypt to Canaan uh and they wandering in the wilderness for all
01:31:4901:31:49 - those years uh so we are going to be talking here about the Angel sent who is said to be sent before the Israelites to
01:31:5701:31:57 - guard them on the way in their travels and so as part of the giving of the law to Moses on Mount Si and this uh at
01:32:0601:32:06 - least this particular thing we’re going to read comes from Exodus chapter 23 verses 20 to 23 um and this is the being
01:32:1601:32:16 - who is speaking to Moses in this particular uh place in Exodus so during the giving of the law that being says I
01:32:2401:32:24 - am going to send an angel before you to guard you on the way and bring you into the place which I have prepared be on
01:32:3101:32:31 - your guard before him and obey his voice do not be rebellious towards him for he will not pardon your transgression since
01:32:3801:32:38 - my name is in him but if you truly obey his voice and do all that I say then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an
01:32:4401:32:44 - adversary to your adversaries for my angel will go before you and bring you into the land of the amorites the
01:32:5101:32:51 - Hittites the perizzites the Canaanites the h ites and the jebusites and I will completely destroy them all right so the
01:32:5901:32:59 - thing that complicates the interpretation here is we’ve already argued um in something we talked about
01:33:0501:33:05 - in the past uh you know I know we’re a couple weeks separated now since we’re recording these in chunks but um these
01:33:1101:33:11 - verses here that talks about how the law was given through angels and we talk about not like Angels plural as in
01:33:1801:33:18 - creature Angels but we argued that all of these verses so Galatians chapter 3: 19 Hebrews chapter 2: 2 the word spoken
01:33:2601:33:26 - through Angels acts 7: 38 uh which talks about um together with the angel who was speaking to him on Mount Si this one’s
01:33:3601:33:36 - real CA it’s Angel singular acts 7:38 and then acts 7:53 you know the law is ordained by Angels um so the being that
01:33:4601:33:46 - we mentioned who is speaking in Exodus chap 23 is said to be a messenger um and so the complic bit here is that Jesus in
01:33:5601:33:56 - his christophany which is what we’re arguing is happening in this passage here in the giving of the law is saying
01:34:0401:34:04 - that an angel is going to be sent before the Israelites and he says that he’s going to send that angel now the thing
01:34:1001:34:10 - that complicates this and why I think a lot of people tend to think that the father was the one uh you know present
01:34:1801:34:18 - during the given of the law is that Jesus is here speaking as a representative of the father and so if
01:34:2401:34:24 - you if you think yourself into knots here you’ll say well how is Jesus going to send himself because it’s obvious
01:34:3201:34:32 - that the Angel that’s being sent before them is Jesus right he is the christophany the messenger the one who
01:34:3901:34:39 - is protecting them in the pillar of cloud and fire like we just talked about so Jesus is saying he’s going to send an
01:34:4501:34:45 - angel before them to guard them but he is that angel um but the reason why we know that how all this works is because
01:34:5401:34:54 - you can see that the the person being sent is said to have my name in him um so we know that the the being speaking
01:35:0201:35:02 - what we mean by this name is we know that the the members of the Trinity share an Essence and so when the person
01:35:0901:35:09 - speaking in Exodus chapter 23 here says that my name is in him I.E the person who is going to be sent that’s a clear
01:35:1601:35:16 - indication that that being that’s going to be sent is God that’s it’s kind of what we’re to take this to mean
01:35:2401:35:24 - but we already know that it is said that the person speaking here during the giving of the law is the Lord like tetr
01:35:3101:35:31 - Gaton is used in Hebrew uh it is definitely God himself but then we have all these passages that we just
01:35:3901:35:39 - mentioned here you know like that acts 7381 who was the angel who was speaking to him on Mount Si so was it God or was
01:35:4501:35:45 - it an angel the only way to reconcile it is that it was a messenger of God but it was the messenger of God and so
01:35:5401:35:54 - we should not be troubled by the fact that Jesus is speaking here the words from the father are given to him to tell
01:36:0201:36:02 - to Moses here and that the one who he is saying is going to be sent to guard the Israelites is him he is the Angel of the
01:36:1201:36:12 - Lord um and so he is serving as the messenger and if you want to think about it like this in human history when kings
01:36:2001:36:20 - sent you know important documents to other kingdoms for war treaties or trade agreements or whatever those people
01:36:2801:36:28 - basically spoke on the authority of the king they had the king’s words and that is the sense uh with which we need to
01:36:3501:36:35 - take this particular topic of Jesus in a christophany in the giving of the law saying that the angel of the Lord will
01:36:4301:36:43 - be sent to guard the Israelites on their way there is no contradiction in that and we’ve talked about some of the
01:36:5001:36:50 - nonsensical uh things that people who try to rle out the Trinity do like so for example in the baptism of Jesus they
01:36:5701:36:57 - would say that you know uh the father uh you know was baptizing the father and the spirit descended on the father and
01:37:0401:37:04 - they’re all the father it just doesn’t make sense conceptually the way in which this is not that is that we are talking
01:37:1301:37:13 - about the words that were given to the messenger who then gave them to Moses um it’s a different situation um so I’m not
01:37:2101:37:21 - going to spend too much time on that maybe we’ll disc discuss that a bit as we go here um but the point here uh
01:37:2701:37:27 - vises the angel of The Exodus is that this Angel of the Lord was sent to guard them on the way he’s going to send the
01:37:3701:37:37 - angel before the Israelites to lead and guard them and this is in exactly the manner that Christ is sent by the father
01:37:4301:37:43 - um he is the visible person of the Trinity to us when we operate in the world and so Moses is also here told
01:37:5001:37:50 - that they are supposed to obey the angel because my name is is in him I I mentioned that that is a clear reference
01:37:5701:37:57 - to deity that’s what that phrasing means um and we’re going to actually look at another passage here uh in Revelation
01:38:0401:38:04 - chapter 19 that will strengthen this connection that we know this is Jesus Christ and so this is when Christ
01:38:1001:38:10 - Returns the second coming the end of the tribulation when he comes to destroy the armies of the Antichrist at Armageddon
01:38:1801:38:18 - um so picking up at verse 11 so Revelation 19: 11 and following say and I saw heaven opened and behold a white
01:38:2601:38:26 - horse and he who sat on it is called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and wages War his eyes are a
01:38:3201:38:32 - flame of fire and on his head are many diadems and he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself so
01:38:4101:38:41 - notice the name written on him right um verse 13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in Blood and his name is called
01:38:4801:38:48 - the word of God you know name again uh this is obviously speaking of Jesus Christ and the armies which are in
01:38:5501:38:55 - heaven clothed in fine linen white and clean were following him on white horses from his mouth comes a sharp sword so
01:39:0201:39:02 - that with it he may strike down the Nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he Treads The Wine Press of
01:39:0801:39:08 - the fierce wrath of God the almighty and on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written king of kings and Lord of
01:39:1601:39:16 - lords so again verse 12 he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself himself as God and then verse 16
01:39:2401:39:24 - he has a name on his thigh written king of kings and Lord of lords and so if we go back and we look at this passage that
01:39:3201:39:32 - we were looking at in Exodus chapter 23 this idea of the name of God being in the angel of the Lord it is very
01:39:4201:39:42 - parallel to this passage in Revelation chapter 19 this is Jesus Christ we’re talking about here in other words it is
01:39:4801:39:48 - a christophy so that’s this idea and of course the angel being sent to guard
01:39:5401:39:54 - them on the way is the angel in the pillar of cloud and fire it’s not like there’s two of them it’s just this is An
01:40:0001:40:00 - Occurrence uh in Exodus chapter 23 where we hear another mention of this person who is sent with the Israelites you know
01:40:0801:40:08 - another way in which it stated that this Angel Of The Exodus as we’re calling him was sent to guide and protect them that
01:40:1501:40:15 - just shows up here in this passage in Exodus 23 so Audie do you have anything you want to say uh I think the hardest
01:40:2101:40:21 - part of all this is is kind of making sense of Jesus speaking to Moses about sending the angel of the Lord if we’re
01:40:2801:40:28 - saying that the angel of the Lord is Jesus in both places well how do we think about that um you might be able to
01:40:3301:40:33 - explain it better than I did I’m pretty sure that there is no better explanation than that it’s
01:40:3901:40:39 - precisely what you said he was speaking for the father as a messenger and uh um speaking of himself you know so we have
01:40:5101:40:51 - to understand that even if did not say thus says the Lord and so on and so forth even in his appearances he was not
01:40:5801:40:58 - really appearing as a second member of the Trinity he was appearing as the father so to speak that is the people
01:41:0501:41:05 - who were interacting with him were supposed to be interacting with God right so it wasn’t for his own sake that
01:41:1501:41:15 - he was interacting with Moses and all the others he was doing that on behalf of the father so he was speaking on
01:41:2201:41:22 - behalf of the father and therefore the words he was speaking to Moses at that time they pertained to himself but they
01:41:3001:41:30 - were really the father’s words this is a position he takes even when he comes um In the Flesh he keeps saying the words I
01:41:3901:41:39 - speak to you and they’re not my words I’m speaking to you what I heard from the father stuff like that he’s
01:41:4501:41:45 - maintained that same attitude throughout his uh engagement with um Humanity from the beginning until now
01:41:5601:41:56 - so that’s really the it shouldn’t be a conundrum for anybody but if anybody struggles with it that’s the answer it’s
01:42:0601:42:06 - it’s not at all as you said it’s not at all like uh the situation where um uh God sent himself and and also spoke to
01:42:1601:42:16 - himself from the earth is like there’s a bit Insanity for the people who are doing these things it doesn’t apply here
01:42:2301:42:23 - M yeah I think another thing that could help is when we understand that God is Trinity then it’s accurate to say God
01:42:3101:42:31 - did this and God did that and God did that for actions of all three of them right and in particular when we talk
01:42:3701:42:37 - about his name the tetragrammaton is shared between all of them it gets at that Divine existence
01:42:4401:42:44 - that is part of the essence of God that we talked about in our past studies you know the essence and nature of God those
01:42:5001:42:50 - come from the shared Essence three persons one Essence that Essence is tied up in the Divine name and so when we
01:42:5901:42:59 - have members of the Trinity and we say um God told Moses in Exodus 23 that he was going to send God to guide the
01:43:1001:43:10 - Israelites do you see how when we think of it in terms of the Trinity that maybe makes a little more sense right it do it
01:43:1701:43:17 - does because you know that is an accurate statement and because we repeat the same being
01:43:2501:43:25 - there you know like I don’t know if that helps at all I’m I just think maybe that’s a useful concept for us thinking
01:43:3001:43:30 - about talking about it um that is precisely the point once you take the Trinity out of the explanation the whole
01:43:3801:43:38 - thing becomes either insane or just um not outlandish what’s the word that I would use it has now left the realm of
01:43:4901:43:49 - trying to make sense and now we’re in the realm of mysticism where it is possible Right In in this case if we are
01:43:5701:43:57 - going to make sense of the fact that one person is saying that he will send a messenger who has his
01:44:0801:44:08 - Essence now we if once you remove the Trinity from that discussion now what we’re talking about essentially is that
01:44:1601:44:16 - a schizophrenic person is actually it’s it’s it’s a mad situation it’s like you’re splitting into multiple
01:44:2301:44:23 - personalities that’s what’s happening but with the Trinity it makes sense Jesus can speak for the father about
01:44:3001:44:30 - himself that’s it yep yep I really don’t think it’s more complicated than that and I don’t think we need to jump on
01:44:3801:44:38 - people for kind of squinting at it and being like that’s hard to understand it is a bit hard to understand um it’s it’s
01:44:4601:44:46 - this is where the Triune nature of the Trinity and the three persons one Essence bit when we plug that in to the
01:44:5601:44:56 - the what we shall call the characters here right the one talking to Moses in Exodus chapter 23 and the one who is
01:45:0201:45:02 - sent before the Israelites well in both cases it is God a member of the Trinity who is involved and so happens is the
01:45:1001:45:10 - same member here but because they share that will in essence the the words that are given to Jesus Christ to say to
01:45:2001:45:20 - Moses come positionally from the father father and so that’s why it’s really not it’s not a contradiction uh it’s not
01:45:2701:45:27 - something that we should get uh uh you know troubled by we just need to understand that this is how the Trinity
01:45:3401:45:34 - Works in its operations with Jesus as the messenger of the father not just speaking words the father gives him but
01:45:4101:45:41 - basically speaking as the father right he is god um and so you know it it it stretches our brain a little bit but
01:45:5001:45:50 - that doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s anything wrong with that’s what I’m trying to emphasize um yeah yeah
01:45:5901:45:59 - agreed so next uh in this sequence of the appearances of the Angel of the Exodus we’re going to be talking about
01:46:0701:46:07 - the one who Moses among other people knew and spoke to face to face so uh we have been told previously in the study
01:46:1501:46:15 - that no one has ever seen the father while on this Earth so I’m just going to briefly reread a couple of those verses
01:46:2001:46:20 - we have 1 Timothy 6:16 that says uh who you know this is talking about the father you know in
01:46:2801:46:28 - context whom no one has seen or can see um talking about the father there um John
01:46:3601:46:36 - 1818 uh no one has ever seen God meaning the father but the one and only son who is himself God and is in closest
01:46:4501:46:45 - relationship with the father has made him known so in both of these we’re talking about the father we’ve already
01:46:5101:46:51 - made this point previously in our studies here here but we are told that you know despite this fact that no one’s
01:46:5701:46:57 - ever seen the father we’re told that the elders saw the god of Israel in the company with Moses and Aaron so there’s
01:47:0401:47:04 - this passage in Exodus chapter 24 where you know they’re eating with the Elders of Israel so Moses went up with Aaron
01:47:1101:47:11 - naab and abaho and 70 of the Elders of Israel and they saw the god of Israel and under his feet there appeared to be
01:47:1701:47:17 - a pavement of sapphire as clear as the sky itself yet he did not stretch out his hand against the Nobles of the sons
01:47:2301:47:23 - of Israel and they saw God and they ate and drank so well can’t be the father right that’s what we just said so when
01:47:3201:47:32 - we’re talking about them seeing the god of Israel and we understand that the spirit is the Unseen member of the
01:47:3801:47:38 - Trinity that is his characteristic um well by process of elimination has to be Jesus Christ a
01:47:4501:47:45 - pre-incarnate Jesus Christ as in a christophy so that’s Exodus 24: 9 through1 that we just read and we also
01:47:5201:47:52 - know that Moses entered a Cloud of Glory and spoke with the Lord on SI you know we we’re just in Exodus chapter 23 um
01:47:5901:47:59 - Exodus chap 24 verses 16- 18 says that the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Si and a cloud covered it for six days and
01:48:0801:48:08 - on the seventh day he called to Moses from the midst of the cloud and to the eyes of the sons of Israel the
01:48:1401:48:14 - appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the Mountaintop Moses entered the midst of the cloud as
01:48:2201:48:22 - he went up to the mountain and Moses was on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights so Moses went into the midst of
01:48:2701:48:27 - the cloud where you know the glory of the Lord was and so he saw the glory of the Lord because he went inside the
01:48:3401:48:34 - cloud again can’t be the father because no one can see the father uh according to those verses we read and then uh you
01:48:4201:48:42 - know Moses actually further petitioned God here to show him his glory we we see that in Exodus 33 um you know uh so I’ll
01:48:5301:48:53 - read that Exodus 33: 18-23 then Moses said I pray you show me your glory and he uh being the Lord here
01:49:0301:49:03 - said I myself will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim the name of the Lord before you and I will
01:49:0901:49:09 - be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion but he said you cannot
01:49:1501:49:15 - see my face for no man can see me and live then the Lord said behold there’s a place by me and you shall stand there on
01:49:2101:49:21 - the Rock and it will come about while my glory is passing by that I will put you in the Clift of The Rock and cover you
01:49:2601:49:26 - with my hand until I have passed by then I will take my hand away and you shall see my back but my face shall not be
01:49:3201:49:32 - seen um so complexity here is well who’s being talked about right we know that on Sinai it’s a christophany but when he
01:49:4201:49:42 - talks about no one can see my face and live while are we talking about the christophany um we’ll kind of pull back
01:49:4701:49:47 - to that may let aie take a crack at it when we get to it as well but the point here is that we know from New Testament
01:49:5501:49:55 - passages that it cannot be the father um because the Bible is very clear that when we talk of uh appearances of God in
01:50:0501:50:05 - the Old Testament we talk of who is seeing the Lord then the Bible says itself like first John here that no one
01:50:1201:50:12 - has ever seen the father except for the son John 1118 um so we just we have to interpret in light of that uh that
01:50:2101:50:21 - progressive revelation that we have in the New Testament is the only way we can take it because that’s right there in
01:50:2601:50:26 - the Bible so we also have here in numbers 12:8 um where uh you know we said to speak mouth to- mouth openly not
01:50:3701:50:37 - in dark sayings and he beholds form of the Lord why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant against Moses
01:50:4401:50:44 - so Moses is said to behold the form of the Lord again compare those verses that we were uh writing there the Lord speaks
01:50:5201:50:52 - to him M to mouth he speaks openly with him um directly we would say and then uh even clearer we have the
01:51:0101:51:01 - the idiom here face to face you know that’s an presumably an idiom in Hebrew as well um as in English here uh so
01:51:0801:51:08 - since that time uh no Prophet has risen in Israel like Moses whom the Lord knew face to face so Moses knew God face to
01:51:1801:51:18 - face again despite these passages we talked about with 1 Timothy 6 16 John 1:18 and others talking about no one can
01:51:2501:51:25 - see the father well all of this points to that these occurrences that we’re talking about are once again the angel
01:51:3301:51:33 - of the Lord not the actual presence of the father but the appearance of the one who is sent by him speaks for him and
01:51:4001:51:40 - who has undertaken to fulfill his Plan of Salvation in this world and that person is our Lord and Savior Jesus
01:51:4601:51:46 - Christ appearing in pre-incarnate christophany so before he took on a human nature before he was born of Mary
01:51:5401:51:54 - and came into this world as the Messiah the prophecied people or prophecied person who would deliver his people
01:52:0201:52:02 - Jesus Christ in pre-incarnate christophany well he was the one who talked to Moses face to face and ate
01:52:0801:52:08 - with the Elders of Israel and showed Moses his glory on Mount Si so I think the concept is pretty straightforward we
01:52:1701:52:17 - have to interpret this way simply because everything in the Bible is true and if these other verses say that no no
01:52:2301:52:23 - one has seen the father except for the son well it just has to be that way because you know Moses would have seen
01:52:2801:52:28 - the father if it was the father in that passage so um aie I wonder if you could maybe do a better a better job than me
01:52:3501:52:35 - explaining this passage here in Exodus 33 where we talk about specifically no man seeing my face you know is it the
01:52:4301:52:43 - words of the father or is Jesus talking about his face that sort of thing um you’re talking you’re
01:52:4901:52:49 - muted sorry um yeah I think uh you captured it completely the the position of the
01:52:5901:52:59 - scriptures is that no one can actually see the father so everything we see of the appearance of of uh of God
01:53:0701:53:07 - necessarily has to be another member of the Trinity so yeah so when we see um statements like the one you are talking
01:53:1801:53:18 - about it’s still the Lord Jesus who is making such a statement then when we see um how are you not afraid to speak of
01:53:2901:53:29 - Moses I speak to him face to face still the Lord Jesus that’s the thing um so it’s all it’s all the Lord Jesus that’s
01:53:3901:53:39 - the thing we we cannot take just one part of the Bible and ignore the rest we can’t get confused about this because
01:53:4701:53:47 - we’re isolating that you know we have to take it all together if if the Bible tells us in in the New Testament and no
01:53:5401:53:54 - and not just in the New Testament but let’s go with the New Testament that no man has ever seen the father and we know
01:54:0101:54:01 - that there were multiple examples of people who saw God Isaiah did the Elders of Israel you name it so that tells you
01:54:1101:54:11 - something it didn’t see yeah I think I just want to just to push on this I was just going to give
01:54:1801:54:18 - you a chance um but this verse in particular in Exodus 33:20 I think why people stumble on this is because this
01:54:2601:54:26 - sounds like the father right like you can’t see me and live right um but why do we have in our heads that that sort
01:54:3501:54:35 - of thing only applies to the father and I just want us to take a second to stop and think about it Jesus in his
01:54:4101:54:41 - pre-incarnate form was like his glory was not veiled under kinosis like it was during the
01:54:4801:54:48 - Incarnation and so why exactly is that we suppose that you know we look at God in the eye and
01:54:5601:54:56 - we wouldn’t have consequences for it and I’m talking about Jesus Christ here and that’s exactly what he tells Moses no
01:55:0301:55:03 - one can see my face no one can see me and live right um yes but why do we think that can’t apply to the pre the
01:55:1101:55:11 - pre-incarnate Jesus Christ see that’s the problem that people have with this passage is they say well you know people
01:55:1701:55:17 - saw Jesus just fine when he was walking around as a human being and even after his glorification when he had a human
01:55:2201:55:22 - nature but we’re talking about pre-incarnate Jesus here and if the Bible says this then it is so you know
01:55:3001:55:30 - and and simple as that you know and so when the person who’s talking in Exodus 33 has to be the son saying you cannot
01:55:3801:55:38 - see my face for no one can see me and live has to be the sun saying this we know that from what we’ve gone through
01:55:4401:55:44 - this statement has to apply to the son and there is no contradiction in this because it can be equally true that no
01:55:5001:55:50 - one can see the father and live and no one can see the Sun and live both those things can be true but it’s not that we
01:55:5501:55:55 - can see the Sun at all is that they can’t see his face they can’t look him in the eye in this way when he is
01:56:0201:56:02 - showing his glory that’s the other big contextual thing here is that Moses asked to to for him to show me uh
01:56:1101:56:11 - basically Show Me Your Glory um he asked the Lord for that and we know that his face glowed at this point but by you
01:56:2001:56:20 - know by understanding this we know that you know on Mount Si the Israelites saw God like fire it’s what the text says on
01:56:2801:56:28 - if not here I don’t remember if that’s here exactly but like we know this that it was massive overwhelming what we
01:56:3501:56:35 - would call pyrot Technics if you will um that is what we mean by the glory of the Lord but when Jesus talks to Abraham I’m
01:56:4301:56:43 - going to skip ahead we we’ll get to these other slides and stuff in in Genesis Chapter 18 and he wrestles with
01:56:4801:56:48 - Jacob and the man who appears to Joshua and and all of these other things do we see that fire do we see the pyrot
01:56:5701:56:57 - Technics the glory of the Lord completely unveiled well we don’t right because we have no indication then when
01:57:0501:57:05 - Abraham was chatting with this person there was like Flames everywhere right the the the glory of the Lord shining
01:57:1101:57:11 - from him kind of in this unmistakable way his identity was veiled we’ll get to this in a couple slides when we talk
01:57:1901:57:19 - about some of these other christophanies in the old Testament but this passage with Moses that’s the second big
01:57:2601:57:26 - contextual thing to keep in mind here is this you cannot see my face and live business this is talking about Jesus in
01:57:3201:57:32 - christophany but the other big thing is that we’re talking in context here specifically about when Jesus isn’t
01:57:3801:57:38 - bailing his glory at all um and so some people also have they try to draw a contradiction here while they say well
01:57:4501:57:45 - you know all these other people saw God in the Old Testament but look here in Exodus 33 it says that you can’t see him
01:57:5001:57:50 - and live contrad it’s not because in the ofes his glory he could not do this even Jesus Christ under christophany and so
01:58:0001:58:00 - at no point in any of this is there any contradiction um yeah I mean that’s just what it is
01:58:0901:58:09 - you know and and people do struggle with this and they try to proof text this specifically to find fault with the
01:58:1601:58:16 - Bible or say that it contradicts itself or or whatnot but the the person here is Jesus we as we’ve already been over has
01:58:2401:58:24 - to be him from the New Testament references that says no one’s ever seen the father um and Jesus says you cannot
01:58:3001:58:30 - see his face and live um so that’s why Moses is allowed to see his back when his glory is fully revealed when he’s
01:58:3701:58:37 - not veiling anything in his pre-incarnate form um so yeah it’s kind of a lot to get through there but um I
01:58:4501:58:45 - hope that helps us not be troubled by this um you know because I do think this is one of those occurrences in the Old
01:58:5201:58:52 - Testament where I think people I mean you can kind of be forgiven for it a little bit people associate that no one
01:58:5801:58:58 - has seen the father and no one can see me and live here they tie those things together and they think that means this
01:59:0501:59:05 - had to be the father but that actually kind of like contradicts itself right but um yeah you know uh but I’m just
01:59:1201:59:12 - saying because like the these verses in John 1118 no one has seen the father it’s like well seeing his back is still
01:59:1901:59:19 - seeing the father right see what I’m saying um so the only way that this works is if Jesus is the one saying this
01:59:2601:59:26 - um yeah well in discussion on this uh after we paused for a sec I think we came up with several other good ways to
01:59:3401:59:34 - explain this topic which is admittedly a little bit hard to wrap our heads around so one of the analogies that came up in
01:59:4001:59:40 - our discussion was kind of like looking at an eclipse and so we’re not supposed to do this with our eyes directly
01:59:4801:59:48 - because if you do that you get the full dose of looking at the sun you go blind um it hurts your vision um and that’s
01:59:5501:59:55 - sort of the sense here you know light is a is a metaphor for Glory all throughout the Bible like 2 Corinthians chapter 3
02:00:0202:00:02 - for example we hear about Moses’s face reflecting light and you know there’s this idea of light being Glory um and uh
02:00:0902:00:09 - at any rate uh when we think about this in terms of the eclipse we have to use sunglasses when we look at it we cannot
02:00:1702:00:17 - bear the full dose of that light um so to speak that’s the same thing that we’re talking about here with Moses so
02:00:2502:00:25 - uh when Moses says he wants to see the glory of God God kind of says okay but then he puts him in a rock and he only
02:00:3202:00:32 - lets him see his glory as he’s passed by from behind this is the in our analogy this is using sunglasses it’s not Moses
02:00:4102:00:41 - did not get the full dose of God so to speak of Jesus’s in his christophany the pre-incarnate Christ he did not get the
02:00:4902:00:49 - full dose of his unveiled Glory um now when we were discussing this the other main point aside from the uh the uh sort
02:00:5902:00:59 - of eclipse analogy and not getting the full dose was the fact that the father just never veils his glory this is why
02:01:0602:01:06 - there’s a difference it’s because all three members of the Trinity share the same Essence all three of them are holy
02:01:1202:01:12 - they are intolerant of sin cannot be in the presence of sin but Jesus veils his glory um sometimes like as when he’s
02:01:1902:01:19 - talking with Abraham in Genesis 18 He looks like a man right he’s not he’s not lighting up the entire top of Mount
02:01:2702:01:27 - Si like he is in this place right when he’s speaking with Moses in the cloud but he can do that and like when he
02:01:3302:01:33 - leads the Israelites um so it’s a matter of how much Jesus has uh uh veiled himself from us but the the point is the
02:01:4302:01:43 - father never does that and so that’s why it’s true that people can’t see the father at all but when Jesus removes
02:01:5002:01:50 - those limits when he does not Veil his divinity in that way and the pre-incarnate Christ remember didn’t
02:01:5702:01:57 - have a human body at this point we’re still talking about before the Incarnation so even at this point like
02:02:0202:02:02 - when God walks with Moses in Genesis Chapter 18 which we’ll get to um he’s doing that you know he’s manifesting
02:02:0902:02:09 - this physical form within the world to interact with other human beings well he’s doing that even without a physical
02:02:1402:02:14 - body but he’s doing that with his divinity Veil um so it’s not really kosis it’s not the same concept as that
02:02:2302:02:23 - really but it’s this idea that the sun is the one who appears to us but his role he is veiling that full essence of
02:02:3202:02:32 - divinity because if he didn’t that would be looking at the eclipse with no sunglasses full on that would be
02:02:3802:02:38 - blinding to us it would kill us we’d be destroyed because of God’s holiness and so when you think about it like this
02:02:4702:02:47 - then this whole thing I think makes a little bit more sense because no one can see the father no one has seen the
02:02:5202:02:52 - father because the father never veils his glory that’s his uh he he represents the the unapproachable side of deity
02:03:0102:03:01 - right he is the representation of deity within the Trinity um and so the father never veils his glory we can only see
02:03:0802:03:08 - the sun headon we can only get the full dose when he is veiling his glory that’s what this passage here in Exodus chapter
02:03:1602:03:16 - 33 ver 18 and foll is talking about is that even when we’re talking about the son if the son fully unveils himself in
02:03:2602:03:26 - the same way that the father is his glory is not veiled it all at any time if the sun does the same thing we still
02:03:3302:03:33 - die just as much because he’s God because the only time when we aren’t immediately annihilated upon this sort
02:03:3902:03:39 - of thing is when God Is veiling His glory and so this whole passage um you know Moses being put behind in the Clift
02:03:4802:03:48 - of a rock and only seeing his back what we are being told here in essence is that he did not get the
02:03:5402:03:54 - full dose that he would if Jesus unveiled his glory and we didn’t have these circumstances that made him kind
02:04:0202:04:02 - of see less than the fully unveiled glory of the Son of God of Jesus Christ in his pre-incarnate form so hopefully
02:04:1002:04:10 - that kind of helps explain things a little more here um uh you know help us work through you know is it the son is
02:04:1702:04:17 - it the father how do we know um there’s no contradictions that that whole thing we’ve been talking about here to clear
02:04:2202:04:22 - up this passage um some of those things in discussion I just kind of think help us maybe get a little bit more intuition
02:04:2702:04:27 - for it which just sometimes makes it easier for us to understand believe it accept it that sort of thing so hope all
02:04:3502:04:35 - of that has been helpful in our understanding of this point here in Exodus chapter
02:04:4202:04:42 - 33 all right so the last occurrence here of appearances of the Angel of the Exodus that’s the section we’ve kind of
02:04:5102:04:51 - been going through here we’re going to be talking about uh this reference in Judges chapter 2 where uh the angel is
02:04:5902:04:59 - talking about the one who led them up from Egypt um so Judges chapter 2 veres 1-5 I’m just going to go ahead and read
02:05:0702:05:07 - this just like we’ve been doing all the other passages so Exodus 21 or sorry Judges chapter 2 verse one um now the
02:05:1402:05:14 - angel of the Lord came up from gilgal to boim and he said I brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land which I
02:05:2102:05:21 - have warn to your fathers and I said I will never break my Covenant with you and as for you you shall make no
02:05:2702:05:27 - Covenant with the inhabitants of this land you shall tear down their altars but you have not obeyed me what is this
02:05:3302:05:33 - you have done therefore I also said I will not drive them out before you but they will become as thorns in your sides
02:05:4002:05:40 - and their gods will be a snare to you when the angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the sons of Israel the
02:05:4602:05:46 - people lifted up their voices and wept so they named that place boim and there they sacrificed to the Lord so the
02:05:5302:05:53 - operative points here is that the angel of the Lord is the one speaking but he says this speaking in the first person I
02:06:0002:06:00 - brought you up out of Egypt into this land which I have sworn to your fathers and I said I will never break my
02:06:0602:06:06 - Covenant with you so the angel of the Lord uses the first person when we’re talking about the Covenant between the
02:06:1302:06:13 - people of Israel and the god of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob ero christophany this one is
02:06:2002:06:20 - really not that complicated relative to the others that we’ve been talking about um the angel claims to be the one who
02:06:2602:06:26 - led them up from Egypt and reminds the Israelites that he will never break my Covenant with you only the father could
02:06:3302:06:33 - make such a claim or someone representing him that is his servant our Lord Jesus Christ who would fulfill that
02:06:4102:06:41 - Covenant and he would make a new one he would Minister a new one for us in his blood that’s what he did for us on the
02:06:4802:06:48 - cross um New Covenant not old Covenant but point is the Angel of the Lord is talking about his Covenant the Covenant
02:06:5602:06:56 - that he first person made with the people of Israel and he has to be doing that sent as a representative of the
02:07:0302:07:03 - father um so I think this one is pretty straightforward is there anything else you want to add
02:07:0902:07:09 - aie so um like you said pretty straightforward it’s would be quite
02:07:1602:07:16 - arrogant for any ordinary Angel to be saying all that right we we we have said that in the other example Jesus was
02:07:2502:07:25 - speaking for the father but there’s a special status that Jesus actually occupies other Angels would they
02:07:3202:07:32 - wouldn’t speak like that it would be it would be Madness to speak that way so you kind of think of this in terms of
02:07:4102:07:41 - in debate or philosophy there’s something called a reductio adab zurin it’s Latin for like a reduction to the
02:07:4702:07:47 - Absurd right if you say that this being that we Angel well is it a creature angel or is it the angel of the Lord if
02:07:5402:07:54 - you say this is a creature Angel we know elsewhere that creature Angels like AI just said they don’t talk like this it
02:08:0202:08:02 - doesn’t make any sense um and and we know from elsewhere and actually we can we can do this we don’t have to rely on
02:08:1002:08:10 - kind of inferential arguments we know elsewhere that the person who is said to have brought the people out of Egypt and
02:08:1602:08:16 - lead them into the land and make covenants with them is you know t Graton god um Yahweh Jehovah um because of that
02:08:2702:08:27 - that’s where we get this equivalence between the angel of the Lord and God himself as in second member of the
02:08:3302:08:33 - Trinity because the angel of the Lord is said to have done these things right here in this passage in Judges chapter 2
02:08:4102:08:41 - but also God is said to have done these things you know Alim tetr grammaton you know The God Who to them they would have
02:08:5002:08:50 - viewed him probably not as Triune yet but we understand that it is the god of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob he is God
02:08:5802:08:58 - it’s what we’re saying the angel of the Lord is God and for that reason it’s the second member of the Trinity which means
02:09:0502:09:05 - this is christophany um yes so now we’re going to be talking
02:09:1402:09:14 - about references to the angel of the Lord elsewhere in the Old Testament so we’ve just finished now talking about
02:09:2202:09:22 - appearances of the Angel of the Lord sort of in The Exodus account so so-called Angel Of The Exodus guiding
02:09:2902:09:29 - the people of Israel out of Egypt and uh through the Wilderness to the promised land and we know that God did this you
02:09:3702:09:37 - know the the Lord uh Yahweh Tetra Graton God did this and we know that he’s also described as being the angel
02:09:4602:09:46 - of the Lord um so that is you know this passage that we just got done with here um in judges 15 um well the angel of the
02:09:5502:09:55 - Lord you know that’s where we get this phrase from among other places it’s used directly there in judges so that’s who
02:10:0002:10:00 - we’ve been talking about well it’s the same being that we’re going to be addressing now except we’re going to
02:10:0602:10:06 - just kind of go over a bit of a wider stretch of passages a couple of these will be familiar a couple of these we’ve
02:10:1102:10:11 - kind of already talked about but just multiple instances in the Old Testament where we know it is an actual appearance
02:10:1902:10:19 - of God and as we’ve talked about four when we have an appearance of God in the Old Testament you know that is what the
02:10:2702:10:27 - word theophany means we are making that point that all such appearances are actually appearances of a pre-incarnate
02:10:3402:10:34 - Jesus Christ not the father because as we’ve gone over quite a lot already um we only know the father through the son
02:10:4302:10:43 - only the son has seen the father that this is what the New Testament says very clearly about this so it has to be a
02:10:4902:10:49 - christophany that is the point that we’ve been emphasizing that’s where we’ve been going uh for our last uh you
02:10:5502:10:55 - know kind of few topics we’ve gone over here and so now you’re just going to see aside from The Exodus account where God
02:11:0202:11:02 - is leading his people out of Egypt and through the Wilderness to Canaan well aside from that which we went over a few
02:11:0902:11:09 - examples of uh appearances of the Angel of the Lord so for example to Moses on Mount Si uh you know the pillar of fire
02:11:1602:11:16 - and pillar of cloud things like this well aside from that narrative we have all the other instances as well where
02:11:2302:11:23 - it’s pretty clear that this is God we’re talking about is an appearance of God in the Old Testament and that means that
02:11:3002:11:30 - it’s a christophy um and so you’ll see what I mean as we go here um lots of instances and all of these a just
02:11:3702:11:37 - upfront note points to that symbolism of the blood of Christ and what his sacrifice represents for us just as we
02:11:4502:11:45 - kind of introduced with uh some of the other uh the passages and topics we were going through before uh so for example
02:11:5302:11:53 - the pillar of fire being over the the part of the Tabernacle where uh the high priest goes into on the day of atonement
02:12:0002:12:00 - the holy of holies representing Christ’s judgment you know the shedding of blood for the Forgiveness of sins on that sort
02:12:0602:12:06 - of thing well think in terms of that as we go about uh talking about some of these passages too so not all of them
02:12:1302:12:13 - some of them are way more clear than others and you’ll kind of see what I mean when we get there so the first
02:12:1802:12:18 - instance we’re going to be talking about that is another clear instance of an appearance of God in the Old Testament
02:12:2402:12:24 - that we’re identifying as a christophany is when Jacob wrestles with the angel and this is in Genesis chter 32 picking
02:12:3202:12:32 - up in verse 22 so as I say lots of scripture that we are going to be uh a that’s interesting the reference
02:12:4102:12:41 - from exus picks up at verse 22 looks like verse 24 is kind of where it starts but regardless maybe 24 through 32 um so
02:12:4802:12:48 - uh reading lots of scripture here to just give that account of the situations
02:12:5302:12:53 - we’re talking about so uh Genesis CH 32 picking up at verse 24 says then Jacob was alone and a man wrestled with him
02:13:0202:13:02 - until Daybreak when he saw that he had not prevailed against him he touched the socket of his thigh so the socket of
02:13:0802:13:08 - Jacob’s thigh was dislocated while he wrestled with him then he said let me go for the Dawn is Breaking but he said uh
02:13:1702:13:17 - he being Jacob here I will not let you go unless you bless me so he said to to him what is your name and he said Jacob
02:13:2302:13:23 - he said your name shall no longer be Jacob but Israel for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed
02:13:3002:13:30 - then Jacob asked him and said please tell me your name but he said why is it that you ask my name and he blessed him
02:13:3602:13:36 - there so Jacob named the place penel for he said I have seen God face to face yet my life has been preserved now the son
02:13:4502:13:45 - Rose upon him just as he crossed over penel and he was limping on his thigh therefore to this day the sons of Israel
02:13:5302:13:53 - do not eat the sine of the hip which is on the socket of the thigh because he touched the socket of Jacob’s thigh in
02:13:5902:13:59 - the sen of the hip so a couple interesting things to point out is that Jacob knows at least he does at the
02:14:0702:14:07 - point of verse 30 he knows that this being who he wrestled with was God and that he saw God face to face not an
02:14:1402:14:14 - Angel um but you know Elohim here right God himself rather than uh another creature um and so uh you know whether
02:14:2502:14:25 - or not he knew that from the first as Paul it but he also asks for a blessing earlier on in the passage which you know
02:14:3302:14:33 - would he ask angels for blessings you have some interpretive things like that but the point is Jacob knew that this
02:14:3902:14:39 - was an appearance of the Lord and that the being that he saw here face to face um as we have talked about before has to
02:14:4902:14:49 - be reincarnate Jesus Christ because no one sees the father um so this is another place in the Old Testament where
02:14:5602:14:56 - we see an appearance of the Angel of the Lord um and in fact Hosea 12 confirms that this occurrence here um so we’re
02:15:0602:15:06 - told that it was God here in Genesis 32:30 Jacob says I have seen God face to face yet my life has been preserved well
02:15:1402:15:14 - how do we know it’s not the father well among other reasons we know this is the Angel of the Lord because of hoseah
02:15:2002:15:20 - chapter 12 so in Hosea 12: 3- 4 um this is speaking of Jacob it says that in the womb he being Jacob took his brother by
02:15:3002:15:30 - the heel and in his maturity he contended with God okay so that’s God again as we saw in Genesis chapter 32
02:15:3702:15:37 - verse3 but then in verse four of chapter 12 of Hosea we see that Jacob wrestled with the angel and prevailed notice the
02:15:4602:15:46 - angel so we just said contended with God wrestled with the angel so the Angel is God right he wept and sought his F favor
02:15:5402:15:54 - he found him at bethl and there he spoke with us so the angel and God just as we’ve talked about multiple times before
02:16:0102:16:01 - are equated with one another here um and this parallelism that you’ll see here he contended with God yes he wrestled with
02:16:0802:16:08 - the angel and prevailed that parallelism is very common in Hebrew um uh and different languages sort of have their
02:16:1502:16:15 - different uh think about the right word it’s not strictly like Poetic syntax but um this destruction if you want to call
02:16:2202:16:22 - it that uh these things are being put in opposition to one another the angel is God as we’ve been going over all this
02:16:3002:16:30 - time before but that’s how we know here that this particular occurrence of Jacob wrestling with this being in Genesis
02:16:3702:16:37 - chapter 32 well not only is it said to be God but we know that it is the Angel of the Lord that Jacob wrestled with
02:16:4402:16:44 - because hoseah 12 says it’s the angel so this is another occurrence of Christ in the Old Testament now another one here
02:16:5402:16:54 - um that we’re going to look at is Genesis 18 and so um this is uh you know talking about the birth of Isaac and
02:17:0402:17:04 - you’ll see um this one’s a little bit long here um but we have uh Jacob or sorry Abraham speaking with the Lord so
02:17:1402:17:14 - again small caps Lord means we know that we are speaking of the god of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob uh yah way Jehovah
02:17:2202:17:22 - um this is the tetr Gaton in the Hebrew so the Lord appeared to him in being Abraham by The Oaks of mamra where he
02:17:3002:17:30 - was sitting at the tent Door In the Heat of the day and so when Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked behold three men
02:17:3702:17:37 - were standing opposite him and when he saw them he ran to the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the Earth and
02:17:4302:17:43 - said my Lord if I have now found favor in your sight please do not pass your servant by please let a little water be
02:17:4902:17:49 - brought and wash your feet and rest your El under the tree and I will bring a piece of bread that you may be that you
02:17:5402:17:54 - may refresh yourselves after that you may go on since you have visited your servant and they said so do as you have
02:17:5902:17:59 - said um and so Abraham and Sarah um basically uh you know this is where the
02:18:0902:18:09 - birth of Isaac is prophecied um but uh it’s very clear In this passage in Genesis Chapter 18 that um Abraham is
02:18:1802:18:18 - actually speaking with the Lord um and I’m not going to go ahead and read the whole thing um just because uh you know
02:18:2702:18:27 - it it basically the point that we’re making here is that the Lord appeared to him right and again that is the the
02:18:3502:18:35 - language be talking about the appearance of the Lord theophany and this has to be christophy for all the reasons we’ve
02:18:4102:18:41 - said now the other people the other beings who were present here that Abraham saw as well well it’s not like
02:18:4902:18:49 - this is like the three members of the trinity not the right way to take this it was that it would have been the
02:18:5302:18:53 - pre-incarnate Jesus Christ in angels as well um so uh but basically this appearance to Abraham is well of the
02:19:0302:19:03 - Lord because the passage itself says that the Lord appeared to him um not just an angel but God himself um and so
02:19:1202:19:12 - a uh sorry uh Genesis Chapter 18 uh the appearance of the Lord to Abraham uh this is another place where where well
02:19:2102:19:21 - it’s not exactly The Exodus narrative but it is an appearance of God in the Old Testament which we take to be a
02:19:2702:19:27 - christophany um so again I just mentioned lots of passages we’re going to go through here reading scripture the
02:19:3502:19:35 - next one we’re going to look at is the man who appeared to Joshua in Joshua chapter 5 who said to be the commander
02:19:4402:19:44 - of the Lord’s host um and so we’ll go ahead and read this passage and then come back to our descript destion of it
02:19:5102:19:51 - so Joshua 5 picking up at verse 13 says now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and
02:19:5902:19:59 - looked and behold a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went to him and said to
02:20:0502:20:05 - him are you for us or for our adversaries he said no rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the
02:20:1302:20:13 - Lord and Joshua fell on his face to the Earth and bowed down and said to himwhat has my Lord to say to his servant the
02:20:2102:20:21 - captain of the Lord’s host said to Joshua remove your sandals from your feet for the place where you are
02:20:2602:20:26 - standing is Holy and Joshua did so so a couple things point to this person here the commander of the Lord’s
02:20:3602:20:36 - host actually being reincarnate Jesus Christ so uh number one Joshua worships him he bows down in actual worship now
02:20:4702:20:47 - he is not the only person in the Bible to bow down at the appearance of of some being who’s obviously not human but in
02:20:5302:20:53 - Revelation chapter 19 when John does this taken away in his prophetic Vision when he does this for an Angel and the
02:21:0102:21:01 - angel scolds him and says no no um I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus
02:21:0802:21:08 - Christ worship God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy so um John says this in Revelation 19:10 and
02:21:1702:21:17 - similar thing here in Revelation 22:9 he does it again and the angel says don’t do that I’m a fellow servant of
02:21:2402:21:24 - yours and your brethren and the prophets who heed the words of this book worship God and so we know from the Bible that
02:21:3102:21:31 - if humans try to Bow Down and Worship Angels the Angels would be like don’t do that uh don’t worship me worship God but
02:21:4002:21:40 - you’ll notice that in this particular passage in Joshua chapter 5 the being who appears before Joshua doesn’t
02:21:4702:21:47 - say no stop I’m a fellow servant of yours he accepts the worship and then he tells Joshua to remove his sandals
02:21:5502:21:55 - because he’s standing on ground that is Holy and uh that should sound real familiar because we talked about the
02:22:0102:22:01 - burning bush not so long ago where we burning bush is very obviously christophany we we talked about that a
02:22:0902:22:09 - few slides back well the wording here is very nearly identical remove your sandals from your feet for the place on
02:22:1602:22:16 - which you are standing is Holy Ground yeah that showed up in Exodus 3 versus you know like five and following where
02:22:2302:22:23 - Moses comes to the burning bush that same phrasing is used here in Joshua chapter 5 when Joshua is talking to the
02:22:3002:22:30 - commander of the Lord’s host so third example here of an appearance of the pre-incarnate Christ in the Old
02:22:3802:22:38 - Testament as a christophany um you know aside from the the ones dealing with the angel of The Exodus that we’ve already
02:22:4502:22:45 - been over um and so this one next one that we’re going to look at uh in Exodus chapter 24 we’ve actually already talked
02:22:5202:22:52 - about this one um overlaps a bit here with what we’ve already talked about where the Elders of Israel so Exodus 24:
02:23:0102:23:01 - 9-1 the Elders of Israel saw the god of Israel and under his feet there appeared to be a pavement of sapphires clear as
02:23:0702:23:07 - the sky himself yet he did not stretch out his hand against the Nobles of the sons of Israel and they saw God and they
02:23:1202:23:12 - ate and drank together with him so um this particular not just Moses and Aaron but actually the Elders of Israel as
02:23:1902:23:19 - well seeing God on Mount Si in The Exodus narrative um we’ve already been over this once I’m not going to spend
02:23:2502:23:25 - too much time on this but something that is worthy of note and this is presumably why Dr L will brings it back up again in
02:23:3202:23:32 - the study is that the symbolic meal of fellowship with him um which probably going to blow your mind a bit when we
02:23:3902:23:39 - when we talk about this this is clearly foreshadowing communion based on the blood of Jesus Christ and so I think
02:23:4802:23:48 - sometimes this particular particular significance not that I want us to get super off topic here sometimes we might
02:23:5402:23:54 - not make this connection uh when people think of communion as a hyper ritualized you know they they call it a uh one of
02:24:0302:24:03 - the things in the church that I don’t know why the word’s escaping me um you know it’s like marriage
02:24:1002:24:10 - um whatever um you know basically if you make it a ritual you rob it of the fact that communion has always been about
02:24:1802:24:18 - sharing a meal that’s what it was when Jesus first instituted it with the apostles it’s about this idea of
02:24:2502:24:25 - Fellowship shared in the blood of Christ and so this is clearly a precursor to it is symbolizing foreshadowing prophesying
02:24:3602:24:36 - that future institution that Jesus gives to us to commemorate what he did on the cross um it’s foreshadowing you know
02:24:4402:24:44 - that is what prop prophetic typology does here um and so that is a connection that we hadn’t
02:24:5202:24:52 - explored before but um this is what I meant about keep in mind all of these places where we were pointing everything
02:24:5902:24:59 - back to the Cross to what Jesus did how all of these things uh foreshadow it they they tell of what Jesus would do um
02:25:0802:25:08 - even all of these appearances in the Old Testament now we’re about to see two more that even more clearly say that so
02:25:1502:25:15 - keeping on as I say long section here um the next one that we’re going to look at is in Judges chapter 6 and so this is uh
02:25:2402:25:24 - when the angel of the Lord appears to Gideon um so Judges chapter 6 picking up in verse 11 um this one is a little bit
02:25:3402:25:34 - longer but I am going to read this whole one it’s not quite as long as the Genesis 18 passage from before so then
02:25:4102:25:41 - verse 11 then the angel of the Lord came and sat under the oak that was in arra which belonged to joash the abz as his
02:25:5002:25:50 - son Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press in order to save it from the midianites the angel of the Lord
02:25:5702:25:57 - appeared to him and said to him the Lord is with you oh Valiant Warrior then Gideon said to him oh my Lord if the
02:26:0402:26:04 - Lord is with us why then has all this happened to us and where are all his miracles which our fathers told us about
02:26:1002:26:10 - saying did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt but now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian the
02:26:1802:26:18 - Lord looked at him and said go in this your strength and deliver Israel from the hand of Midian have I not sent you
02:26:2502:26:25 - he said to him oh Lord how shall I deliver Israel behold my family is the least in manasse and I am the youngest
02:26:3102:26:31 - in my father’s house but the Lord said to him surely I will be with you and you shall defeat Midian as one man so Gideon
02:26:3902:26:39 - said to him if now I have found favor in your sight then show me a sign that is you who speak to me please do not depart
02:26:4602:26:46 - from here until I come back to you and bring out my offering and lay it before you
02:26:5002:26:50 - and he said I will remain until you return Then Gideon went in and prepared a young goat and unleavened bread from
02:26:5702:26:57 - an aath of flour he put the meat in a basket and the broth in a pot and brought them out to him under the Oak
02:27:0302:27:03 - and presented them the angel of God said to him take the meat and the unleavened bread and lay them on this rock and pour
02:27:0902:27:09 - out the broth and he did so then the angel of the Lord put out the end of the staff that was in his hand and touched
02:27:1502:27:15 - the meat and the unloving bread and fire sprang up from the Rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread then the
02:27:2302:27:23 - angel of the Lord vanished from his sight when Gideon saw that he was the angel of the Lord he said alas oh Lord
02:27:3102:27:31 - God for now I have seen the angel of the Lord face to face the Lord said to him peace to you do not fear you shall not
02:27:3902:27:39 - die all right so passage where God is calling Gideon he is basically giving him a job and Gideon says well how do I
02:27:4902:27:49 - know it’s you God and through the sacrifice that is consumed in fire Gideon is given a sign to understand
02:27:5602:27:56 - that this is God he’s talking to and you’ll notice all throughout the passage the person in question here is said to
02:28:0202:28:02 - be the angel of the Lord right so that that particular connection there between God and the angel of the Lord is one
02:28:0902:28:09 - we’ve made over and over here but the symbolism that we’re going to just give a nod to here is that the angel
02:28:1702:28:17 - identifies himself with the sacrifice by touching it with his staff and so that is towards the end of the passage
02:28:2502:28:25 - here um verse 21 the angel of the Lord put out the end of the staff that was in his hand and touched the meat and the
02:28:3102:28:31 - unloving bread and fire sprang up from the Rock and consumed the meat and the unloving bread um so we kind of talked
02:28:3802:28:38 - already about how in the Mosaic law they had a particular set of uh regulations concerning burnt offerings uh this came
02:28:4702:28:47 - up before when we were talking about the symbolism there well when this goes up in Flames this represents typologically
02:28:5502:28:55 - the Judgment of God that Christ was to undergo on our behalf and so this is again perhaps not something that you
02:29:0302:29:03 - would have seen um taught on much but the symbolism is there um this is not like a huge stretch we’re making here
02:29:1102:29:11 - that we are speaking of the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ and the offering that Gideon gives to him is
02:29:1902:29:19 - going to be representing God’s fire consuming the offering you know basically put up for the Redemption of
02:29:2602:29:26 - all of our sins um and so that particular theme of redemption tracing throughout all these appearances of God
02:29:3402:29:34 - it’s just something that I hadn’t seen before until we connect the dots when we go through the appearances of Christ in
02:29:4102:29:41 - the Old Testament like this so more as well um next one probably even more uh overt
02:29:5002:29:50 - in this connection um actually pretty similar um so in Judges chapter 13 we hear about the parents of Samson um so
02:30:0002:30:00 - uh see it’s been a second since I’ve looked at this but um you know so the the birth of Samson is prophecied here
02:30:0702:30:07 - um you know uh we have this it’s not even like a literary theme because we know the Bible is true but this idea of
02:30:1402:30:14 - a barren woman given birth uh you can also compare uh uh you know Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist and and
02:30:2102:30:21 - Sarah of course the wife of Abraham well um so we have a certain man of Zora of the family at the day nights whose name
02:30:2902:30:29 - was monoa and his wife was baren and had borne no children so we have the birth of Samson prophecied here and he is said
02:30:3602:30:36 - that he will be Nazarite and um you’ll note that at this particular time uh the angel of the Lord appears but at this
02:30:4402:30:44 - point they are not tracking so much that the one who appeared was God um so verse three uh we are said that the angel of
02:30:5202:30:52 - the Lord appeared to the woman who was Barren and said to her uh you know so on um but in verse six the woman comes and
02:31:0002:31:00 - gets her husband saying a man of God came to see me and his his appearance was like the angel of the angel of God
02:31:0702:31:07 - very awesome and I did not ask him where he came from nor did he tell me his name um so they aren’t 100% here um and they
02:31:1702:31:17 - can suspect right because we see that the appearance of of the angel of God was very awesome but when when Noah
02:31:2402:31:24 - entreats the Lord later on um you know basically hold on let me look at the passage for a sec here
02:31:3202:31:32 - um so he comes back I’m I’m looking for the let me see the particular passage was through verse
02:31:4102:31:41 - 23 uh right um so I’m I’m skipping some stuff in the middle I’m sorry I just I this section is already going to be
02:31:4802:31:48 - pretty long um but uh we have this idea of an offering again here um so when monoa and his wife do this um they
02:31:5902:31:59 - prepare an offering for the Lord um because you know uh this is just what was arranged well then uh basically
02:32:1002:32:10 - monoa asks the name um of the person that they’re talking to um but the angel of the Lord ascends in the flame of the
02:32:1902:32:19 - altar so when Noah and his wife saw this they fell on their faces to the ground because they knew that this was the
02:32:2602:32:26 - angel of the Lord so again there’s this idea we will surely sigh for we have seen God very parallel to the end of
02:32:3202:32:32 - this passage in Judges chapter 6 where you know Midian sees he he sees that the angel of the
02:32:4102:32:41 - Lord touched his burnt offering with his staff and then the fire consumed it and then that was the sign and then he he
02:32:4902:32:49 - recognizes that he he’d seen the angel of the Lord face to face and then God says you know peace to you do not fear
02:32:5402:32:54 - you won’t die well similar sort of thing happens at the end of this passage in Judges chapter 13 uh like verse
02:33:0202:33:02 - 2223 um monoa and his wife realized that they have seen God that this was the angel of the Lord that they were talking
02:33:0902:33:09 - to um but he does not heal them right this is the understanding that the being before them was this reincarnate appear
02:33:1902:33:19 - of Christ so I’m sorry a bit rambly I forgotten how long this one was um so the angel uh the connection that we’re
02:33:2502:33:25 - going to make here is that the angel is described as such throughout the passage but manoah and his wife though realizing
02:33:3302:33:33 - that an angel has appeared to them and is obviously you know not a human being they don’t completely realize that this
02:33:4002:33:40 - is in fact the angel of the Lord until his departure in verse 21 when they exclaim that they have seen God so in
02:33:4902:33:49 - the passage we talked about in Judges chapter 6 where um we spoke of Gideon’s sacrifice and symbolism of the sacrifice
02:33:5902:33:59 - being consumed by the fire prefiguring uh Jesus’s judgment upon the cross it’s even more explicit here in this passage
02:34:0702:34:07 - with the parents of Samson um because um when they offer this one sec um right the the bit I have
02:34:1802:34:18 - highlighted right now um the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar he becomes associated with it he
02:34:2602:34:26 - goes through the Flames um and so this is just a clearer parallel here um it’s more distinctly drawn how ikus puts it
02:34:3302:34:33 - is more distinctly drawn in this passage for he ascended quote unquote in the flame of the burnt sacrifice the very
02:34:3902:34:39 - picture of Christ being judged on our behalf teaching Old Testament Believers to look forward to God’s future
02:34:4402:34:44 - forgiveness of sins through a sacrifice that he would provide um so the symbolis here it is particularly noteworthy that
02:34:5402:34:54 - the angel of the Lord that we’re talking about is Jesus Christ he is the one who ascended Through the flames of judgment
02:35:0102:35:01 - um and this is one of those reasons why getting this idea of christophany correct theologically
02:35:0902:35:09 - speaking that these appearances in the Old Testament of this being are of Jesus Christ has that symbolic punch to it
02:35:1702:35:17 - because it points everything forward to the Cross we understand that this is the visible member of the Trinity who would
02:35:2402:35:24 - be sent to die for our sins okay so we have my four more four more passages left here um so we have
02:35:3502:35:35 - talked about all of these places so wrestling with Jacob appearing to Abraham um the man who appeared to
02:35:4102:35:41 - Joshua the commander of the Lord’s host uh the being who ate with the um the Elders of Israel and Moses and a in
02:35:4902:35:49 - prefiguring communion uh the angel of the Lord who appeared to Gideon when Gideon was called the angel of the Lord
02:35:5602:35:56 - appearing to the parents of Samson um well we’re gonna talk now about a couple of prophetic Visions which through some
02:36:0602:36:06 - interpretive leg work we can identify as actually being Jesus Christ so uh we will cross reference some of this with
02:36:1302:36:13 - Revelation because we have a description of Jesus Christ in Revelation but in the book of Isaiah um Isaiah has a vision of
02:36:2102:36:21 - Israel’s King and this is in Isaiah chapter 6 um and so you know somewhat long chapter not going to entirely go
02:36:2902:36:29 - through it here but if you compare the Lord sitting on the throne lofty and exalted with a train of his robe filling
02:36:3702:36:37 - the temple and then you know I’m going to go on and read a little bit here um this is it the first part of Isaiah
02:36:4402:36:44 - chapter 6 picking up at verse one um so that person sitting on the throne in the temple with his robe filling the temple
02:36:5202:36:52 - sarim stand above him this is picking up at verse two each having six wings with two he covered his face and with two he
02:36:5802:36:58 - covered his feet and with two he flew and one called out to another and they said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts
02:37:0402:37:04 - the whole earth is full of his glory and the foundations of the thresholds trembled with the voice of him who
02:37:0802:37:08 - called out while the temple was filling with smoke and then Isaiah speaks of being a man of unclean lips for he has
02:37:1602:37:16 - seen the king the Lord of hosts um so um um okay so that’s Isaiah chapter 6 well how do we know that this is Jesus Christ
02:37:2502:37:25 - um we have somewhat of an oblique reference to this in the Gospel of John in John 12: 41 because Isaiah is said to
02:37:3302:37:33 - have seen his glory and he spoke of him and so you have to do some uh some BL work there um you have to do a bit of of
02:37:4302:37:43 - interpretation to get here but that particular passage in Isaiah chapter 6 we’re talking about with the being on
02:37:4902:37:49 - the throne uh you know with the seraphim in present we line this up with this reference in the Book of John and we
02:37:5902:37:59 - understand that Isaiah was seen to uh he saw a vision of Jesus Christ and one of the other reasons why we know this um is
02:38:0702:38:07 - that the altar upon which this being stands when the Cole is taken from the altar that is what takes away the sin of
02:38:1602:38:16 - Isaiah here um so you can kind of take my word for uh we don’t quite have enough time to go into all the
02:38:2202:38:22 - connections there but this is one vision of Jesus Christ enthroned in glory we talked about him as the father’s uh
02:38:3102:38:31 - representative or messenger carrying basically as the Crown Prince Regent of this world he carries that monarchy that
02:38:3902:38:39 - is part of his you know he has his mission and uh what he’s been sent to do but part of that is that he will reign
02:38:4502:38:45 - he will be the king of king and the Lord of lords um so we have a kind of similar thing so that was Isaiah chapter 6 in
02:38:5202:38:52 - Ezekiel chapter 1 uh shorter this time so Ezekiel chapter 1 picking up at verse 25 through verse 28 um so Ezekiel 125
02:39:0202:39:02 - and there came a voice from above the expanse that was over their heads whenever they Stood Still they dropped
02:39:0802:39:08 - their wings now above the expanse that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne like lapis lazuli in
02:39:1402:39:14 - appearance and on that which resembled a throne high up was a figure with the appearance of a man and I noticed from
02:39:2002:39:20 - the appearance of his loins and upward something like glowing metal that looked like fire all around within it and from
02:39:2602:39:26 - the appearance of his loins and downward I saw something like fire and there was a Radiance around him and the appearance
02:39:3202:39:32 - of the rainbow in the cloud as the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day so was the appearance of
02:39:3802:39:38 - the surrounding Radiance such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord and when I saw it I fell on
02:39:4402:39:44 - my face and I heard a voice speaking so obviously being represented in the glory of the radiance about him
02:39:5302:39:53 - that idea of visible light being a manifestation of God’s God’s glory um well that’s where this comes from in
02:40:0102:40:01 - Ezekiel well when we compare what we just read in Ezekiel chapter 1 with the description of the glorified Christ
02:40:0802:40:08 - found in Revelation um you know and also the appearance of the one who you know ate with the elders uh who were upon the
02:40:1702:40:17 - pavement of sapphire in Exodus CH 24 like we already read well when we go compare what we just read in Ezekiel
02:40:2402:40:24 - chap 1 to the description of uh Jesus Christ in Revelation CH 1 verses 12- 16 um well picking up at
02:40:3302:40:33 - verse 12 we said I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands and
02:40:3802:40:38 - in the middle of the lampstands I saw one like a son of man Flo in a robe reaching to his reaching to the feet and
02:40:4502:40:45 - gted across his chest with a golden sash his head and his hair were like white wool like snow and his eyes were like a
02:40:5202:40:52 - flame of fire his feet were like burnished bronze when it has been made to Glow in a furnace and his voice was
02:40:5802:40:58 - like the sound of many Waters in his right hand he held the Seven Stars and out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged
02:41:0302:41:03 - sword and his face was like the sun shining in its strength so same idea of the outpouring of Glory with light um we
02:41:1302:41:13 - also have uh you know his feet burn his bronze made to Glow in a furnace and you can compare that to
02:41:1902:41:19 - you know the uh basically from his loins downward something like fire this Radiance coming out from him in Ezekiel
02:41:2702:41:27 - again you do some interpr interpretive leg work here but we can line the being seen in ezel up with the glorified Jesus
02:41:3702:41:37 - Christ um and so these are a little bit distinct from some of the appearances that that we’ve talked about in the
02:41:4402:41:44 - physical manifestations these are appearances of Jesus Christ and prophetic Visions now the thing that
02:41:4902:41:49 - complicates this a little bit not that we’re going to get super far into it because the section’s already super long
02:41:5402:41:54 - is that you can also have visions of the father um so difference between appearances of God in the world those
02:42:0202:42:02 - are always Jesus Christ is that you can have prophetic visions of the father is well um and so doing the interpretive
02:42:0802:42:08 - leg work to show this is actually a vision of the glorified Christ rather than the father that is actually
02:42:1302:42:13 - something that you have to do um but again we’re kind of skipping over that here so you apologize but um well
02:42:2102:42:21 - another prophetic passage to kind of seal the the several that we’re going to look at here comes from Zechariah
02:42:2602:42:26 - Chapter One um so H see am I gonna read this whole thing
02:42:3502:42:35 - um well so basically we have a okay I’ll go ahead and read the whole thing just to give us all the context so Zechariah
02:42:4302:42:43 - 1: 7 and following on the 24th day of the 11 month which which is the month Shabbat in the second year of Darius the
02:42:5202:42:52 - word of the Lord came to Zechariah the prophet the son of bariah the son of Ido as follows I saw at night and behold a
02:43:0002:43:00 - man was riding on a red horse and he was standing among the Myrtle trees which were in the Ravine with red sorl and
02:43:0602:43:06 - white horses behind him then I said my Lord what are these and the angel who was speaking with me said to me I will
02:43:1202:43:12 - show you what these are and the man who was standing among the Myrtle trees answered and said these are those whom
02:43:1802:43:18 - the Lord has sent to patrol the Earth so they answered the angel of the Lord I note the angel of the Lord’s here in
02:43:2502:43:25 - verse 11 who was standing among the Myrtle trees that is the Angel of the Lord is the one standing among the
02:43:3002:43:30 - Myrtle trees and said we have patrolled the Earth and behold all Earth is peaceful all the Earth is peaceful and
02:43:3602:43:36 - quiet then the angel of the Lord said oh lord of hosts how long will you have no compassion for Jerusalem in the cities
02:43:4202:43:42 - of Judah with which you have been indignant these 70 years the Lord answered the angel who was speaking with
02:43:5202:43:52 - me gracious words comforting words so the angel who was speaking with me said to me Proclaim saying thus says the Lord
02:43:5802:43:58 - of hosts I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion but I am very angry with the Nations who are at ease for
02:44:0402:44:04 - while I was only a little angry they furthered the disaster therefore thus says the Lord I will return to Jerusalem
02:44:1102:44:11 - with compassion my house will be built in it declares the Lord of hosts and a measuring line will be stretched over
02:44:1702:44:17 - Jerusalem again Proclaim saying thus says the Lord of hosts my cities will again overflow with prosperity and the
02:44:2302:44:23 - Lord will again Comfort Zion and again choose Jerusalem all right so this one is
02:44:3102:44:31 - notable because in this part of Zechariah here um you know uh the word of the Lord came to Zechariah the
02:44:4002:44:40 - prophet well we know this to be more than just a figure of speech because we know that is the Angel of the Lord who
02:44:4702:44:47 - is standing in the Myrtle tree speaking to Zechariah here that’s what verse 11 tells us but the thing that is so
02:44:5202:44:52 - crucial to helping us understand how this works you know when we talk about who is talking who is appearing and the
02:45:0002:45:00 - distinctions between the people of the Trinity now remember Zechariah the Old Testament here is that the angel of the
02:45:0702:45:07 - Lord who appears said right so the angel of the Lord said oh lord of hosts he’s addressing a different being he’s
02:45:1702:45:17 - addressing some other person in the Trinity um should blow our minds a little bit right the angel of
02:45:2402:45:24 - the Lord in this passage in Zechariah Chapter 1 is distinct from The Lord of hosts um but we know from other places
02:45:3202:45:32 - in the Old Testament that they’re both god um so um that is the takeaway here and I mean this is all this evidence
02:45:4402:45:44 - that we’ve gone through all of these other places in the Old Testament that we see the appearance of the Angel of
02:45:5002:45:50 - the Lord equated with God or appearing to all these people this is why we are saying that
02:45:5602:45:56 - the uniform conclusion is that all of these appearances are of Jesus Christ in a pre-incarnate state um and if all of
02:46:0402:46:04 - that weren’t enough to finally top it all off we have the fact and again this is something I never put together until
02:46:1102:46:11 - I read this part on ichus that after the birth of Christ Angels appear plenty right there are still more appearances
02:46:1702:46:17 - of angels in the Bible but never again does the angel of the Lord appear in scriptures we only hear of Jesus Christ
02:46:2602:46:26 - right Jesus Christ appears after this you know as in the God man who is now perfectly God and perfectly man the
02:46:3302:46:33 - hypostatic union that man appears but we don’t hear anymore of the Angel of the Lord who as
02:46:4102:46:41 - we’ve just gone through appears many places in the Old Testament has this this role of speaking authoritatively
02:46:4902:46:49 - for god well the one that we see doing that in the New Testament is Jesus Christ if you want to compare the quote
02:46:5802:46:58 - unquote job descriptions of the Angel of the Lord in Jesus Christ they’re the same and so this is why we know Jesus
02:47:0502:47:05 - Christ is the Angel of the Lord and this argument from Silence if you want to call it that that after Jesus Takes on a
02:47:1202:47:12 - human nature after he becomes human he’s born during the Incarnation we no longer see appearances of the Angel of the Lord
02:47:1902:47:19 - we only hear about appearances of Jesus Christ is perhaps some of the strongest evidence of all that these two beings
02:47:2602:47:26 - have always been the same person that this is how the plan of God has worked so that was an awful lot we’ve gone
02:47:3202:47:32 - through here um all of these things point to that that truth that we’ve been outlining this entire time that when we
02:47:4102:47:41 - hear of God appearing to people in the Old Testament in all of these ways even in Visions sometimes we know that we are
02:47:4802:47:48 - speaking of Jesus Christ this is the member of the Trinity who appears who is visible to us who represents the
02:47:5602:47:56 - authority of the father so that’s actually where we’re going to wrap this particular section
02:48:0402:48:04 - talking about christophanies and appearances of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament it’s actually where we’re
02:48:1002:48:10 - going to be ending this study here that we’ve been going through of theology proper as well so we started out talking
02:48:1602:48:16 - about the uh the nature of God his infinite nature and his perfect character and then we shifted into
02:48:2302:48:23 - talking about the Trinity and that’s kind of The Wider section that we’re wrapping up here um appearances of God
02:48:2902:48:29 - in the Old Testament manifesting Jesus Christ the second person of the Trinity being present even from the earliest
02:48:3502:48:35 - parts of scripture um but the takeaway point that Dr lugan bille has Us close on here is that the Lord Jesus Christ
02:48:4502:48:45 - has always been the win the has always been and will always be the person with whom we have to do in whom we must
02:48:5402:48:54 - believe in order to have an eternal relationship with the father it’s only Christ who has quote unquote made the
02:49:0002:49:00 - father known it’s what John chapter 1 verse 18 says to us um no one has seen God the only be the only begotten is in
02:49:0902:49:09 - the bosom of the father he has explained him so Jesus Christ is the only one who has seen the father um and only through
02:49:1602:49:16 - him do we come to possess uh the quote knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ that’s quoting 2
02:49:2302:49:23 - Corinthians 4:6 for God who said light shall shine out of darkness is the one who has shown in our hearts to give the
02:49:3002:49:30 - light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ so you can also compare the first part of Jesus
02:49:3602:49:36 - Christ or sorry the first part of Hebrews chapter 1 talking about how Jesus is the exact representation of the
02:49:4302:49:43 - glory of the father um so in the Old Testament we hear the father appearing through the pr incarnate son in the New
02:49:5002:49:50 - Testament we see and hear the Incarnate son speaking the father’s words so Jesus Christ and this is what I was getting at
02:49:5702:49:57 - before in his pre-incarnate appearances as the angel of the Lord the function if you want to call it that
02:50:0702:50:07 - that he served in the division of labor that the Trinity split their roles he in both cases was the representative of the
02:50:1602:50:16 - Father the agent sent to act on behalf of the father um that has been consistent across his appearances as the
02:50:2302:50:23 - angel of the Lord pre-incarnate Jesus Christ as well as after the Incarnation um so to wrap all this up into a nice
02:50:3102:50:31 - neat bow this particular section here the Trinity has always been present in God’s revelation of himself to those who
02:50:3802:50:38 - believe and follow him we saw that just before in that passage in Zechariah Chapter one you know the angel of the
02:50:4402:50:44 - Lord said to the Lord of hosts if you don’t see the Trinity there um it’s right there in the text right
02:50:5302:50:53 - the Trinity has always been present in God’s revelation of himself to those who believe and follow him as Christians
02:50:5902:50:59 - whenever we say the word God we should keep in mind that for us this means the Trinity the father and the Son and the
02:51:0602:51:06 - Holy Spirit um and I don’t think this is uh think I the right way to say this like we think of God and God is one
02:51:1602:51:16 - because he has one essence know the shared Essence between the members of the Trinity um however we know that the
02:51:2402:51:24 - three persons of the Trinity all work together in perfect Unity to bring about that plan as we’ve talked about um so is
02:51:3102:51:31 - there anything else you want to say to to close us off here this particular section on uh basically you know uh us
02:51:3902:51:39 - seeing everything through Jesus Christ as the representative of the father or us thinking of God in terms of the
02:51:4402:51:44 - Trinity when we consider him anything else at all Audi before we close this one
02:51:5102:51:51 - out I I hope you’ll be able to hear me my um connection has been pretty bad um there isn’t very much to say we can
02:52:0402:52:04 - say for certain that um God is one and God is three and those three
02:52:1602:52:16 - persons self assign Rose themselves in order to bring about the plan that God had from eternity the
02:52:2502:52:25 - whole point of discussing and exploring the nature of God is to understand who we’re
02:52:3402:52:34 - dealing with there are all sorts of conceptions about God out there there are all manner of
02:52:4202:52:42 - things that people have to deal with in negotiating life with God in charge of our Affairs think about
02:52:5202:52:52 - this if if you were voting in an election generally you want to know what sort of person you would be giving the
02:53:0502:53:05 - right to set the environment for the choices you’ll be making so depending on what kind of person it
02:53:1302:53:13 - is you might end up with some with some really hard choices or with some really easy
02:53:1902:53:19 - choices so we tend to want to know everything we can learn in order to make best choices we
02:53:2602:53:26 - can now it’s the same thing when we’re talking about eternity there are all manner of candidates out there for what
02:53:3502:53:35 - God we want to serve the goal is not just what happens to us in this life even though a lot of
02:53:4302:53:43 - people think that that is what it’s about whether you’re having a good time living in this world or you’re
02:53:5102:53:51 - having a miserable time yes it doesn’t matter what quality of life we can have in this world to
02:53:5802:53:58 - some degree because if you can’t make any choices at all about eternity
02:54:0402:54:04 - then well it’s out of your hands what sort of Eternity you will have so the quality of life does matter to some
02:54:1302:54:13 - extent but it only matters because we have to make a choice about eternity life in this world is extraordinarily
02:54:2302:54:23 - temporary no one has managed to survive from the beginning of the human race until now so we can take for granted
02:54:3202:54:32 - everybody will die if you do believe in cryogenics and all the scientific mumbo jumbo about
02:54:4202:54:42 - eventually uh making it possible for human beings to live forever well I don’t think I can say much to you I
02:54:5002:54:50 - think that should that that does belong in the realm of Science Fiction and that is where it should
02:54:5602:54:56 - stay but if we know that we’re going to die and Eternity is a reality and the question we have to answer is with all
02:55:0702:55:07 - of these things claiming to be God and there are very many claims out there just as I believe it’s First Corinthians
02:55:1502:55:15 - says there are gods and Lords many for us who believe of course there is only one God but then if we’re going to
02:55:2402:55:24 - make the best choice for eternity it does matter who are we going to believe if anyone claims to be God how
02:55:3302:55:33 - do we know that their claim is true and if we choose to follow the scriptures well this is what the
02:55:3902:55:39 - scriptures tells us or tell us about who the true God is it tells us that he’s a trinity that there are three persons who
02:55:4902:55:49 - are in perfect unity and share one Essence so that they are one God now that might break your brain or it might
02:55:5702:55:57 - not whichever the case is it’s what the Bible says do you believe it is the question then it tells us that these
02:56:0502:56:05 - three persons have self- assigned roles to themselves in order to bring about the plan the objective that God had for
02:56:1402:56:14 - creating everything that exists and along the way in understanding his plan we come to see
02:56:2402:56:24 - that because of sin the father took the role of being the face of God to us the one who says who speaks to us uh
02:56:3702:56:37 - authoritatively as God he acts as God to was on behalf of the three of them and the Lord Jesus Took the role of the
02:56:4702:56:47 - servant of the father for our sakes in order to realize
02:56:5402:56:54 - our Redemption because of sin we have to keep that in mind it is because of sin that all of this is happening and the
02:57:0102:57:01 - Holy Spirit took up the role of empowering everything that God wants done in
02:57:0802:57:08 - creation so it is for this reason that we talk about the manifestations of God in creation it’s not just an academic
02:57:1702:57:17 - topic it’s not just an interesting thing to maybe waste a little time over since we’re Christians we have to talk
02:57:2202:57:22 - Christian stuff no there is a reason for exploring this we come to appreciate how intimately involved God has been with
02:57:3202:57:32 - this matter he’s not been absentee even though the father has been in the third heaven now keep that in mind even though
02:57:4102:57:41 - he is actually omnipresent just like the son is omnipresent and the Holy Spirit is omnipresent there is a symbolism here
02:57:4902:57:49 - there is a metaphor there is something they’re communicating with how they’ve arranged things the father being in the
02:57:5602:57:56 - third heaven is essentially to say I do not tolerate sin I must be separated from sin so that I can save
02:58:0802:58:08 - The Sinner that’s a very important lesson for us to show us that it is out of his love for the Sinners who are his
02:58:1602:58:16 - enemies that he separat himself from them to give them a chance to come to repentance so that they can be brought
02:58:2402:58:24 - back to him as his children and in order for them to be brought back as his children a member of
02:58:3202:58:32 - the Trinity has to play the role of the servant of the father in order to bring them home to their
02:58:4202:58:42 - father that’s exactly the role that Jesus plays that’s why we see this whole business of the Angel of the Lord and
02:58:4902:58:49 - and um the christophanies being theophanes and or theophanes being christophanies and all of that it’s not
02:58:5502:58:55 - just the nice intellectual exercise to have it is a description of God’s love for us something God did not have to do
02:59:0602:59:06 - one bit he didn’t have to create a single thing but he did because he is love and sharing himself with
02:59:1402:59:14 - intelligent creatures who are capable of making a choice to accept his gift or to deny or to reject his gift that is the
02:59:2402:59:24 - essence of his character that’s what we see in this matter so all this discussion that we are having is to put
02:59:3302:59:33 - us in the right position to appreciate that this person is the right God to serve of all the claims out there who
02:59:4402:59:44 - has gone as far as he has gone who has done what he has done how what wisdom has been demonstrated To Us by any other
02:59:5302:59:53 - God that even remotely matches what we have seen that that Jesus himself would play
02:59:5902:59:59 - the role not just of the servant but as the representative of the father in way that he did appearing to Moses appearing
03:00:0703:00:07 - to uh old time Old Testament Believers in all the ways that we have seen in order to bring that plan to pass that
03:00:1603:00:16 - required him to end up on the cross paying a very Dreadful price for our sin the the amount of thought that had to
03:00:2403:00:24 - have gone into that in order to see us become Believers and become children of God saved for all eternity that is what
03:00:3403:00:34 - we are exploring it’s not just a very nice um theological discussion where we can pick a camp and decide whether we
03:00:4503:00:45 - are trinitarians or not trinitarian Etc that’s um what I think I have that yeah um and uh it is a good sort of Koda
03:00:5803:00:58 - to this very long study that we are now concluding here is that when we get to the end of such things as these you know
03:01:0603:01:06 - if we have spent all this time and energy on this it does not go to waste because this is the stuff that spiritual
03:01:1303:01:13 - growth is made of um when we go through this it’s not you know academic as AI has been saying it is so that when we
03:01:2203:01:22 - study and learn about who God is we can use that understanding the spirit will use it as capital so to speak in our
03:01:3003:01:30 - heart to help us do what we’re supposed to as Christians this is the sort of thing that helps us better understand
03:01:3903:01:39 - God his purposes his plans and that in turn is what we’re here to do uh we have to learn this because it’s the only way
03:01:4703:01:47 - that we can actually serve God as he wishes for us so excellent discussion to recap here we are doing all of this
03:01:5403:01:54 - because this understanding we gain of God through this close study through all of the details that we’ve been going
03:02:0003:02:00 - over is what helps us to actually know him um know him as the Bible says not in some sort of Airy fairy sense of well I
03:02:0903:02:09 - I talk to God therefore I know him but we know what he is like and how he operates and what his goals and plans
03:02:1603:02:16 - are because then we can fit ourselves into what he wants us to do so we’ll close one sec in uh just a moment here
03:02:2403:02:24 - going over everything that we’ve done in this last section but this is a good stopping point for this study um it is
03:02:3103:02:31 - one of the most Central topics for us as Christians understanding exactly who God is uh specifically what Jesus did for us
03:02:3903:02:39 - there is almost nothing more Central than understanding the nature of the God we
03:02:4603:02:46 - serve all right all right so uh this review is going over everything that we’ve done in this last lesson here in
03:02:5403:02:54 - the study where we’ve been talking about actual appearances of Christ in the Old Testament so not just the concept of it
03:03:0003:03:00 - but actual occurrences by reading all these passages going over the appearances of the Angel of the Exodus
03:03:0703:03:07 - so the one who led the Israelites out of Egypt through the Wilderness to the promised land um we talked about all
03:03:1303:03:13 - these separate cases that we identified as clear christophanies the burning bush the column of cloud and fire the angel
03:03:2103:03:21 - sent before the Israelites to guard them on the way uh the being who spoke to Moses and the elders and and other
03:03:2703:03:27 - people face to face and the angel who is said to have led the Israelites out of Egypt on that Judges chapter two passage
03:03:3503:03:35 - all of these all of these point to the angel of the Lord who is a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ and then after that we
03:03:4103:03:41 - talked about um all sorts of references here uh to other appearances of the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament
03:03:4903:03:49 - so wrestling with Jacob appearing to Abraham in Genesis Chapter 18 uh appearing to Joshua as the commander of
03:03:5503:03:55 - the Lord’s host in Joshua 5 uh you know appearing to Gideon in Judges chapter 6 the parents of Samson in Judges chapter
03:04:0303:04:03 - 13 these visions that we identified in Isaiah chapter 6 and Ezekiel chapter 1 and then zechariah’s vision of the Angel
03:04:1003:04:10 - of the Lord addressing the Lord of hosts as a different person in Zechariah Chapter 1 and we might go on even I’m
03:04:1703:04:17 - not not sure this has been completely comprehensive but in all of this we see that the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has
03:04:2503:04:25 - been the messenger of the Father the one bearing of Father’s plan for us from the very beginning and that didn’t just
03:04:3303:04:33 - start after the Incarnation but it has always been the case and so um this concludes this particular study that
03:04:4003:04:40 - we’ve gone through here uh going over theology proper the study of God um his his nature his infinite nature his
03:04:4703:04:47 - perfect character and now his his uh how he is in the matter of the Trinity um three persons one Essence um all of
03:04:5603:04:56 - these things that we’ve gone over help us get that picture of who God really is and that in turn helps us understand
03:05:0303:05:03 - what he has done for us in redeeming Humanity out of our sins