Appearances of Christ in the Old Testament - Introduction



In this lesson, we primarily examine the concepts of Theophanies (appearances of God) and Christophanies (appearances of Jesus Christ), and argue that due to the Father’s invisibility, inaccessibility, and dignity, it is the second person of Trinity (that is, a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ) that appears before mankind in the Old Testament, not the Father. This means that all Theophanies in the Old Testament are in fact Christophanies.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
02:2902:29 - Overview
17:1417:14 - Definition of Theophany and Christophany
33:0733:07 - The invisibility of the Father
48:2748:27 - The inaccessibility of the Father apart from Christ
01:19:3101:19:31 - The dignity of the Father
01:53:4401:53:44 - The visibility, accessibility and humility of the Son
02:05:1002:05:10 - Summary and outro


(Derived from


In terms of their presentation of the Trinity, the main difference between the Old and New Testaments is that in the New Testament, Christ is clearly visible and distinct from the Father, while in the Old Testament, the Father and Son are often difficult to distinguish. Despite the discussion immediately above, there is a common misconception – even in many Christian circles – that the fact that the exact details about Christ’s incarnation were shielded in the Old Testament means that the visible person in the Old Testament is primarily God the Father.

This is not entirely accurate, for the Father has always appeared to the world through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, and this fact was just as true in the Old Testament as it is in the New Testament; only the manner of the Father’s representation of Himself through His Son changed: in the New Testament, an incarnate Jesus Christ becomes visible to the world (only His true glory is shielded), while in the Old Testament, Christ also represents the Father – but not in incarnate form.

Additionally, in the New Testament, when our Lord says “I and the Father are one” (Jn.10:30), or otherwise speaks the Father’s words (Jn.8:28; 14:24), the distinction between the Father and the Son (along with this unity) is perfectly clear and obvious. However, in the Old Testament, when God appears, it is consistently the Son who appears, but as the representative of the Father, speaking the Father’s words, so that the distinction between the two was not, at the time, completely understood or appreciated (Jn.8:26 & 28):

John 12:50b | NIV11

So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.

Definition of Theophany and Christophany

The words “Theophany” and “Christophany” mean, respectively, “an appearance of God” and “an appearance of Christ”, the second part of each being derived from the Greek root phan, “appear” (from which we get the word “phenomenon”). In this section it will be argued that in biblical terms, at any rate, the only category of event we really need to be concerned with here is Christophany, for, in my view, all cases of Theophany in the Old Testament are really Christophanies.

It needs to be made clear right at the outset that by Christophany we are definitely not referring to the literal, physical appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ in His true humanity – ever since His deity assumed true humanity at the incarnation, Christ has not again appeared in temporary, Christophanic form. The position that all Old Testament appearances of God are, in reality, appearances of Christ, also allows for the possibility of other sorts of manifestations of the Father other than an ostensibly corporeal appearance here on earth, such as a dream or vision (Daniel’s vision of the “Ancient of Days” being the prime example: Dan.7:13-14).

The invisibility of the Father

Until we get to heaven, we will not see the Father. We know that the Father is not invisible to the angels, for they “constantly see the face of My Father in heaven” (Matt.18:10). But He is our heavenly Father (Matt.6:9, 26, et passim), and as long as the earthly conflict between His would-be usurper, Satan, and His designated regent, Christ, still rages, in heaven He remains for His majesty’s sake, speaking and working His will through His Servant. Until the final and ultimate victory, and only after the complete purging of the universe will the Father come to the new earth to make His abode with us forever (Rev.21:1-3). Until that time, the Father, though acting and speaking through His representative, His Son Jesus Christ, remains invisible to human eye.

Exodus 33:20 | translation from Ichthys

“But”, He said, “you cannot see My face. For a man may not see My face and live.”

Isaiah 45:15 | translation from Ichthys

Surely, You are a God who hides Himself.

John 1:18 | translation from Ichthys

No one has ever seen God. God the only Son – the One who has always been at the Father’s side – He has made Him known.

John 6:46 | translation from Ichthys

Not that anyone has seen the Father except He [the Son] who has always been with the Father; He has seen the Father.

1st Timothy 6:16 | translation from Ichthys

He [the Father] who alone possesses immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has ever seen, nor can see.

1st John 4:12 | translation from Ichthys

No one has ever seen God.

The inaccessibility of the Father apart from Christ

If mankind were able to see God the Father in all His glory without perishing in the process, it is at least safe to say that the issue of human free-will would be seriously compromised from that point forward. Confronted with the magnitude and majesty of God, not only would it be impossible to deny His existence, but it is also likely that even against their will most men would find themselves obliged to follow Him and His will out of sheer terror (rather than from a truly free choice). Along with the principle of preserving mankind’s free-will, the issue of access to the Father also helps to explain why the Father remains unseen to us in this present life.

Although, as discussed earlier in this study, the Father is omnipresent in His creation, for purposes of visibility to His creatures, he is invariably described in the scriptures as residing in heaven (e.g., Matt.6:9, 26). Obviously, as long as we live in these physical bodies, we cannot go to heaven to “seek God” (Deut.30:12-13; Rom.10:6). The Father, by virtue of the fact that His throne room is in heaven (Rev.4:2; Heb.4:16), is inaccessible to us. This “physical” distance which separates us from the Father is indicative of the spiritual distance between God and mankind. As the person of the Trinity representing the authority and holiness of the Godhead, the righteous Father keeps Himself completely separate from human sin; it is in no small part because of mankind’s sinfulness that face to face fellowship with the Father is impossible. In fact, for sinful human beings to be confronted by God brings immediate realization that we are worthy of death by our very nature (Gen.32:30):

Isaiah 6:5 | translation from Ichthys

“Woe is me! I am done for! For I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips. For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.”

Though we cannot go to heaven to plead our case with the Father, Christ Jesus is the one who has come down from heaven on our account (Jn.3:13). Through faith in Him and His death for us, we now have access to the Father in His name. By His blood (that is, His death on the cross on our behalf), Christ has broken down the barrier of hostility between the Father and those who believe in His Son. Jesus Christ has made peace between us, and, as a result, we now have been granted entrance into the throne room of heaven and the presence of the Father. This means that on the basis of the acceptability of Christ’s sacrifice and our acceptance of Him, our prayers and petitions are heard by the Father now, and we ourselves shall enter into the heavenly holy of holies in His good time:

Romans 5:1-2a | translation from Ichthys

So now that we have been justified by faith, let us take hold of the peace [we have] with God [the Father] through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have also obtained our access into this grace in which we stand.

Ephesians 2:18 | translation from Ichthys

For through Him [Jesus Christ] we both [Jews and gentiles] have access to the Father by one Spirit.

Ephesians 3:12 | translation from Ichthys

Being in Him [Jesus Christ] and having confidence through our faith in Him we possess this access [to the Father] and freedom to speak [to Him].

Hebrews 4:16 | translation from Ichthys

So let us approach with confident free speech to the throne of grace [of the Father] that we might receive [His] mercy and gain [His] favor for timely help.

1 Peter 3:18 | translation from Ichthys

For Christ died once for us on account of our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God.

The fact that through faith in the Son we now have full access to the Father (sonship, fellowship, acceptance of prayer, and eternal life with Him), shows that before the Son came and died for us, such access was at least limited. The Father’s splitting of the temple’s veil at the conclusion of our Lord’s sacrifice on our behalf is a dramatic indication that through His death the barrier that had previously separated us from the Father (that is, our sins) has now been removed (Lk.23:45). Now we have access to the Father in prayer, though we still cannot enter into His presence in heaven as long as we remain in these earthly bodies. Before the cross, the Father was even more inaccessible to sinful mankind. It would be surprising, therefore, if the instances of Theophany in the Old Testament are actual appearances of the Father. It is much more likely (based upon this principle of greater access after the cross, less beforehand) that just as the Father made Himself known through His Son in the New Testament (Heb.1:1-2), so also in the Old Testament His appearances were mediated by this same Son, that is to say, by Christophany.

The dignity of the Father

The fact that the angelic rebellion led by Satan precedes the creation of man (Job 38:7; Is.14:12-15; Ezek.28:12-19) explains much about the Father’s modus operandi of working through the One who will ultimately replace Satan as ruler of this world, His Son Jesus Christ (Lk.10:18; Jn.12:31; 16:11; 1Cor.15:24-25; Col.2:15; Rev.11:15). As the Trinity’s figure of authority and majesty, the Father chooses a representative to wage the struggle against Satan, even He who by His sacrifice will redeem sinful mankind and replace our adversary, the Morning Star replacing Lucifer (compare Is.14:12 with Rev.22:16). So it should not be surprising that throughout the Old Testament too, the Son is the One representing the Father, speaking His words whenever He appears (in Christophany), for He is the anointed One, the Messiah, the One sent into the world by the Father (Matt.10:40; 21:37; Lk.9:48; 10:16; Jn.12:44; 13:20). This principle of the Son representing the Father as His agent in the plan of salvation can also be seen from Christ’s…

  1. Message: Christ is the Word (Jn.1:1-3). This means that He is the embodiment of the message and truth of the Father, and speaks the Father’s words truly and precisely at all times (Deut.18:18; Jn.8:55; 14:10&24). Christ is the Father’s ultimate message (Heb.1:1), the messenger of the Father’s new covenant in His blood (Is.42:6; Jer.31:31ff.; Mal.3:1; Matt.26:28; 1Cor.11:25).

  2. Mediation: Christ is the Mediator between God the Father and sinful mankind (Gal.3:19-20; 1Tim.2:5), the One who reconciles us to the Father by His blood (Rom.5:10-11; 2Cor.5:18-21; Eph.2:14-16; Col.1:20-22).

  3. Mission: Christ is the One anointed and sent by the Father to offer Himself as a sacrifice for our sins (Heb.9:11-14). He is thus the ultimate high priest who makes atonement to the Father on our behalf (Heb.5:5-10).

  4. Monarchy: In recognition of His victory at the cross, the Father has “appointed Him Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36), that is “the Lord anointed (to rule the world)”. This passage signals not only Christ’s replacement of Satan as ruler of the world, but His acceptance of the regency of the world as the Father’s representative (explaining many Old Testament passages referring to the Father’s impending return being applied to the Son in the New Testament):

a) the Son’s ascension into heaven (Ps.110:1 with Matt.22:44);
b) the Son’s ascension to the throne on earth (Ps.45:6-7 with Heb.1:8-9);
c) the Son’s primacy from creation to eternity (Ps.97:7b with Heb.1:6).

All the above examples of Christ’s role of representing the Father in God’s plan of salvation support the position that all Old Testament Theophany is truly Christophany, the Son appearing, representing, and speaking for the Father before His incarnation.

The visibility, accessibility and humility of the Son

While we cannot initially see the Father, we can see the Son and the Father through the Son (Jn.14:9). While we could not initially approach the Father, through the Son we have gained access to Him (Jn.14:6). And while our sinfulness kept us separated from the perfect holiness of the Father, the work of the Son has rendered us holy and has reconciled us to the Father (Col.1:22). As the visible, accessible member of the Trinity who was willing to humble Himself and associate with us to die for us (Phil.2:5-11), Christ has always been our point of contact with the Godhead, whether in Old Testament Christophany, or after His appearance in true humanity following His incarnation.

Video/audio transcript

00:0200:02 - all right guys this week we are picking back up in our study of Bible basics part one going over theology proper and
00:0900:09 - now we’re going to be talking about appearances of Christ in the Old Testament so in our last lesson we had
00:1500:15 - been covering the symbolism of blood sacrifice and some of the specific prophecy related to the Messiah in the
00:2200:22 - Old Testament and now we’re actually going to be talking about when the pre-incarnate Christ appeared and kind
00:2800:28 - of the language we used to describe that and how that fits into how God has related to humanity even before the
00:3600:36 - Incarnation when Christ took on a full human nature so uh in terms of things we’re going to be going over here uh
00:4300:43 - we’re going to start out just kind of giving an overview of of kind of when we’re talking about appearances of God
00:4800:48 - what does that mean what what words do we use and we’re going to be defining those words theophany and christophany
00:5500:55 - we’re going to be talking about the invisibility of the Father the inaccessibility of the father apart from
01:0101:01 - Christ that’s sort of like in relation to us as in the father’s inaccessible to us as sinful Humanity apart from the
01:0801:08 - blood of Christ and then the Dignity of the father and then finally we’re going to be talking about how you know in
01:1501:15 - contrast to these things the visibility accessibility and the humility of the son and how through him we are now able
01:2301:23 - to enter into the throne room of God with our prayers and once you know once the heavens and the Earth are remade the
01:3001:30 - father will then dwell with us but all of this is is sort of going to be talking about how the father is in the
01:3701:37 - third heaven at present veiled from us but we do have access to him through our Lord Jesus Christ who took on that human
01:4501:45 - nature to become the visible part of the trinity in God’s plan for Humanity and actually um as we’ll see as we go
01:5301:53 - through this lesson’s materials uh the second person in the Trinity the son has always been the visible part of the
02:0002:00 - Trinity so even at the beginning of Genesis when God is walking in the garden with Adam and Eve uh some people
02:0802:08 - might suppose that to be the father but we’re going to make the case that all of the appearances of God in the Old
02:1402:14 - Testament so-called theophanies are in fact christophanies that is they are appearances of the pre-incarnate Jesus
02:2202:22 - Christ and so we’ll go over all this in more detail but these are the things that we’re going to be covering in the
02:2802:28 - lesson this time so just starting with an overview here of where we’re going to be going this
02:3802:38 - week we’re going to be talking a bit here about the presentation of the trinity in the Old Testament and so we
02:4402:44 - spent some time covering all of the passages for the trinity in the New Testament and uh kind of where we get
02:5102:51 - the concept from all of these verses that that basically clearly presuppose the existence of the trinity um and so
03:0003:00 - uh We’ve made the point before that the Bible doesn’t so much argue for it in like an apologetic sense as it just
03:0603:06 - takes it for granted um and we’re going to be kind of examining the Old Testament perspective now uh we’ve
03:1303:13 - already been doing that some but in this specific lesson and uh the things that we’re going to be talking about moving
03:1803:18 - forward we’re going to be talking about kind of how God Appears to humanity in the Old Testament and so in terms of the
03:2603:26 - presentation of the Trinity uh there the difference here between the Old and New Testaments is
03:3203:32 - that in the New Testament Christ is clearly visible and distinct from the father while in the Old Testament the
03:3803:38 - father and the son can sometimes be difficult to distinguish now we’re going to make the argument that they are in
03:4303:43 - fact distinguished and that the the appearance of God in the Old Testament are is actually the second person of the
03:5003:50 - Trinity but nonetheless uh you could see how old testament Believers without the benefit of that additional Revelation
03:5703:57 - wouldn’t necessarily uh catch on to this or it wouldn’t be as obvious in that way and of course the spirit is distinct as
04:0404:04 - well in the New Testament but you know the father and the son are really primarily the forces that we’re going to
04:0904:09 - be talking about here uh because we know that the Spirit uh one of the characteristic defining traits of the
04:1504:15 - holy spirit is the fact that he is unseen he is that force that uh supports you know everything in our walks as
04:2504:25 - Christians so he empowers our gifts he connects us to God the Father um and our lord Jesus you know he he
04:3204:32 - makes us United with God through his indwelling ministry towards us and at any rate Holy Spirit kind of makes sense
04:4004:40 - that we aren’t going to be talking of him as the seen member of the Trinity because that’s kind of one of his
04:4604:46 - defining characteristics is that he is the Unseen member of the Trinity um so at any rate we will be kind of comparing
04:5504:55 - and contrasting um the the roles of the father and the son as we’ve already discussed them so we’ve made that
05:0305:03 - argument that the father is the representation of deity within the Trinity the one with authority and
05:1005:10 - majesty and and basically the the one who sends Jesus Christ as a representative uh to do his will on his
05:1905:19 - behalf and so that makes Jesus Christ the accessible one for us and we talked about how that is defining
05:2605:26 - characteristic of the second member of the Trinity is that he is the one we can see and talk to and the one who became
05:3305:33 - like us so that we might relate to God in this way but all of this is leading into where we’re going to start this
05:4105:41 - time which is talking about that when we hear of God uh being seen by people in the Old Testament or appearing to
05:4905:49 - Believers in the Old Testament there is kind of this misconception uh even in many Christian circles so not just
05:5605:56 - Jewish circles so people who hold to uh Judaism and and you know don’t reject Christ as the Messiah and things like
06:0306:03 - this but even among Christians there seems to be a large number of people that think that the visible person in
06:1106:11 - the Old Testament is actually God the father so when uh Moses is being given the law on Mount Si for example people
06:1806:18 - would think that that is the father doing that or that in the garden with Adam and Eve that that would be the
06:2406:24 - father and so on that that I don’t know that maybe like it was God the father in old Testament but then we say it’s Jesus
06:3106:31 - in the New Testament and that that basically like there’s this switch um now one of the reasons why we can argue
06:3806:38 - against this almost in an intuitive sense is because of what we’ve gone over with the roles of the Trinity well we
06:4506:45 - have no indication that those actually ever shift during this time period of you know human history this time period
06:5306:53 - of creation that basically the father would be doing something and then the son would start doing that and the
06:5906:59 - father stop partway through uh the roles that we have presented to us in the Trinity are sort of seen as being static
07:0707:07 - um and not so much in the sense that um it’s the right way to say this that like that it had to be this way we’ve made
07:1407:14 - this point that uh the the members of the Trinity chose to act as they have in perfect Unity while yet having this
07:2107:21 - division of responsibilities but the point is is that there is no shift between the Old
07:2707:27 - and New Testaments here it’s not like the rules that applied before no longer apply and that’s kind of the intuitive
07:3607:36 - uh just the way in which we would think about this so we kind of get that that feeling that maybe this idea that it was
07:4307:43 - the father before but now it’s the sun after the Incarnation that maybe it could also be
07:4907:49 - the sun before because as we’ve argued already if the son is the representative uh sent towards Humanity he is the
07:5707:57 - visible member of the trinity wouldn’t that role be true even before he takes on a human nature during the
08:0508:05 - Incarnation and so that is exactly what what we’re going to be arguing here is that the father has always appeared to
08:1208:12 - the world through the person of his son Jesus Christ and that was in fact just as true in the Old Testament as it is in
08:2008:20 - the New Testament but the only difference is the manner of the father’s representation of himself through the
08:2608:26 - son so in the New Testament and in Jesus Christ becomes visible to the world except under kosis so that means that
08:3608:36 - his divine nature was veiled he didn’t take advantage of his full Divinity during the time of the Incarnation then
08:4408:44 - he was you know ascended and glorified and now he has his full Divinity and full Humanity it’s not that he ever
08:5008:50 - stopped having his full Divinity but you know that’s that Greek word you know emptying himself um of his power so that
08:5808:58 - he lived a life as a genuine human being you know facing all the same things we did without it being easy mode for him
09:0509:05 - as God but that is the New Testament the Incarnate Jesus Christ who’s taken on a human nature but in the Old Testament
09:1309:13 - it’s really not that different uh Christ also represents the father but not in incarnate bodily form and so we would
09:2209:22 - say that um in both cases Jesus is sent as a messenger and in fact uh the Greek word for Messengers is the one that we
09:3109:31 - use for Angel Angelas um is that that Greek word and in the Old Testament uh as we’ll get to um when we talk about
09:3909:39 - these things we’ll see that there is a the angel of the Lord like the definite article here um and the angel of the
09:4709:47 - Lord we’re going to say is going to be Jesus Christ as distinct from Angels who are also representatives or Messengers
09:5509:55 - sent by God um you know in various times you know appearing to like Dan and other prophets and and and things like this
10:0310:03 - but there is only one the angel of the Lord and that is Jesus Christ and so in his in his role even before the
10:1210:12 - Incarnation when he took on a human nature so when Mary conceived of the Holy Spirit Jesus Took on you know a
10:2110:21 - bodily form you know a human nature at that point but even before that he was appearing as God’s representative or
10:2910:29 - Emissary towards humankind um plenty of times as we’ll see throughout the Old Testament this happens and we’re going
10:3610:36 - to be saying that that’s Jesus Christ not the father um and so that’s the distinction that we’re going to open on
10:4210:42 - here is that well in these places in the Old Testament where we hear mention of God appearing before Moses or Abraham
10:5010:50 - and things like this well which member of the Trinity is it and and how do we know and what arguments do we make to
10:5610:56 - support the conclusions we come to and so um just to finish off this kind of introductory bit uh we’re also going to
11:0511:05 - talk a little bit about uh in the New Testament how we can see this distinction a little bit more clearly
11:1211:12 - and again we’ve kind of already made these points all throughout reading that scripture in the New Testament but when
11:1811:18 - we see something like I and the father are one so that’s John chapter 10 verse3 we mentioned this verse before in
11:2511:25 - talking about the Trinity well you can kind of obviously see that the father and the son are not the same even though
11:3311:33 - they have Unity right because you know I and the father being two distinct things yet saying that they are one they share
11:4311:43 - that Essence I you know three persons one Essence that is the definition of the Trinity but we can also see in the
11:5011:50 - New Testament that Jesus Christ speaks the father’s words and so just um bit earlier in the Book of John because
11:5811:58 - Jesus here says that he does nothing on his own initiative but he speaks these things as the father has taught him and
12:0612:06 - then John 14 ver 24 um the word which you hear is not mine but the fathers who sent me so we can see that there is a
12:1612:16 - distinction between the father and the son yet they have this perfect Unity but by way of contrast in the Old Testament
12:2412:24 - when God Appears you know we don’t see this distinction made we don’t see this uh you know we don’t be because the son
12:3212:32 - had not taken on Humanity in his incarnate form there is no distinction in being made as to the words of God in
12:4112:41 - the same way and so we are arguing here that it is consistently the son who appears in the Old Testament as a
12:4812:48 - representative of the father still speaking the father’s words that part hasn’t changed but it’s just in how it’s
12:5412:54 - mentioned that it doesn’t come off in quite the same way because the distinctions in the Trinity have not yet
13:0113:01 - been drawn for us as humans and um if you remember I believe it was immediate lesson preceding this or maybe two back
13:0813:08 - we talked about the idea of progressive revelation and that the Trinity was not made known to Old Testament Believers in
13:1613:16 - part to help keep them separate from their idolatrous Pagan neighbors so avoiding this idea of pantheons even
13:2413:24 - though that’s not what the Trinity is you know at just keeping them even more separate and distinct as a nation state
13:3113:31 - among their neighbors but also more importantly we argued because you can’t really understand the purpose of the
13:3813:38 - Trinity with respect to God’s plan for human Redemption aside from the Incarnation and so all of this to say I
13:4713:47 - know I rambled a bit here that the way in which we see God interact with us in the Old Testament in the New Testament
13:5513:55 - is different in ways you know we just said here that when Jesus speaks of the father’s words in the New Testament as
14:0114:01 - one standing before us we understand that there’s a distinction between them and this is why the Trinity becomes
14:0714:07 - visible in the New Testament however what we are saying is that even in the Old Testament the son was still sent as
14:1614:16 - the representative of the father and that part didn’t actually change even despite what some people might suppose
14:2214:22 - here so a do you have any just introductory thoughts as we’re drawing this contrast between knew a bit but the
14:3114:31 - consistency of the son as the representative of the father yeah I was just thinking of John 1 verse 18 where
14:3914:39 - it said that no one has seen God yeah we have that somewhere yeah it’s coming yeah so that that particular um passage
14:5114:51 - was in my mind while you were speaking and I was like that’s actually uh a very uh deliberate
15:0015:00 - demonstration in the scriptures of this thing we are discussing we can see without doubt that
15:0815:08 - the Bible is explicit that nobody has ever seen the father so not even Adam and Eve in the garden we’re hanging out
15:1615:16 - with the father and none of the prophets ever saw him so every time that anyone saw the Lord was
15:2415:24 - necessarily the second person of the Trinity that they were seeing not the father himself
15:3115:31 - so um that’s uh what I wanted to um add into everything you said because you’ve covered quite a bit of
15:4315:43 - ground right and we in fact have an entire uh we have an entire section on this in this lesson it’s coming um and
15:5015:50 - it’s not just John 1118 there’s actually lots of scriptures that make this point that Audi’s making here that this thing
15:5815:58 - that I guess I’m saying we’re arguing for here um I think about the right way to phrase it I wanted to just kind of
16:0416:04 - put this as a way of contrast that people say things other than this they would be incorrect because the Bible
16:1016:10 - clearly teaches what we’re saying but we’re going to be thinking in terms of evidence here and one of the strongest
16:1616:16 - points of evidence for this is that the Bible makes it real clear as we’ll get to you know in I guess a a section or
16:2316:23 - two that no one has seen the father ever like it’s black and white on this and if that be the case then the Christ the
16:3216:32 - appearances of God in the Old Testament has to be Jesus Christ because if the spirit is the Unseen person of the
16:3816:38 - Trinity by nature and no one sees the father on account of the current sin infesting the world well by process of
16:4616:46 - elimination that only leaves Jesus Christ right in his in his pre-incarnate form and so obviously it’s different
16:5316:53 - before and after the Incarnation but that General sequence of logic to get us here is pretty in escap
16:5916:59 - you can’t have it any other way um yeah yeah all right anything else to say or shall we go ahead and move on to those
17:0817:08 - other points well that’s about it yeah so now we’re GNA be talking about
17:2017:20 - what a theophany is and what a christophy is we’ve been using these words a little bit already but we’re
17:2617:26 - going to kind of get into what they mean kind of from their atmology and and how we use them as theological terms here so
17:3417:34 - the words theophany and christophany mean respectively in appearance of God that’s what theophany means and so the
17:4217:42 - Greek word for God is Theos um and so you can kind of see that show up here in the t h EO it’s the Theo part and then
17:5217:52 - uh christophany meaning an appearance of Christ and so you know we have Yus Christos in Greek is Jesus Christ and so
18:0218:02 - this again you can see it kind of come out in the words here so it’s pretty obvious if you know Greek because the
18:0918:09 - other part of these roots comes from this verb here Fawn which when you you make this into a verb it’s the verb of
18:1618:16 - appearing in Greek um or being you know present or seen and so well you know a theophany is you know a seeing or an
18:2518:25 - appearance of God and a christophy is a seeing or appearance of Christ right and so you know when Christ
18:3118:31 - appears that’s a christophany and when God Appears you know regardless of you know that is broader than Christ because
18:3718:37 - there’s multiple members of the Trinity we would say that’s a theophonic this is that in the
18:4618:46 - interpretation that we are putting forward that that the Bible teaches in my estimation of things every
18:5818:58 - distinction between these and that technically you know per what the words mean and how we ought to think about it
19:0319:03 - they’re not the same because if you want to look at it this way in eternity there you know the father will be present with
19:1019:10 - us and that would not be a christophany because the father is not Jesus Christ you know in in so much as they’re not
19:1719:17 - the same person in the Trinity they all share the essence as we’ve gone over but that would be both but whenever Jesus
19:2419:24 - Christ shows up technically it is a theophany but more precisely it is a christophy which is more specific and so
19:3219:32 - of all that is too confusing just think about it like this whenever we talk about God appearing and talking to
19:3919:39 - someone in the Old Testament or doing something in the Old Testament the person in the Trinity who is doing that
19:4519:45 - who is visible to humanity is the second person of the Trinity the son and so if you hear people talk about these things
19:5419:54 - we would call those appearances christophanies so if you want to be precise when we talk about the
20:0020:00 - appearance of the second person of the trinity in the Old Testament the word you would use for that if you’re
20:0620:06 - speaking sort of the theological jargon is christophy and you’ll mostly only hear
20:1120:11 - the word theophonic does not happen independent from Jesus Christ um so that is sort of
20:2120:21 - how we think about this and so as Dr lug puts it here um it will be argued in biblical terms the only category of
20:2920:29 - event we really need to be concerned with here is christophany for in my view all cases of theophany in the Old
20:3520:35 - Testament are really christophanies that is every time God Appears to people or shows up in the Old
20:4220:42 - Testament in some way we are arguing that that is Jesus Christ sent on behalf of the father as a messenger or
20:4920:49 - representative because he is the visible person of the Trinity and always has been and always will be that is the role
20:5720:57 - of the second member of the Trinity and so uh we should say here that what we’re talking about by christophanies we’re
21:0521:05 - not referring to the literal physical appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ in his Humanity um that is to say when
21:1421:14 - Jesus Christ was showing up in the Old Testament doing these things as the angel of the Lord with a definite
21:2021:20 - article he wasn’t a human being yet he hadn’t yet taken on a human nature that happened during the Incarnation and that
21:2821:28 - happened once it’s not like Jesus continuously took on a human nature or became a human multiple times or
21:3321:33 - anything like that is Jesus Christ as the second person of the Trinity was appearing even before he had a human
21:4021:40 - nature so-called pre-incarnate appearances of Jesus Christ and so again we’re not referring to the literal
21:4821:48 - physical appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ in his Humanity because that didn’t happen in until the
21:5521:55 - Incarnation and Christ has not yet appeared appeared in temporary kristofic form um so uh what we’re getting at here
22:0422:04 - also actually and this is an important Point too is uh you’ll hear Dr lugan Bill talk about how there kind of isn’t
22:1022:10 - any unfulfilled Prophecy in the church age and so a people run around saying that they saw Jesus like now as in 2000
22:2022:20 - something um years after the cross and you know Jesus appeared to me and Jesus did this and Jesus did that or you know
22:2622:26 - maybe more typically Jesus will appear and then there’ll be a Rapture and then somehow he disappears again until the
22:3222:32 - end of Revelation you know that so-called false doctrine of the pre-tribulation Rapture is a more common
22:3822:38 - teaching um that in fact there’s actually going to be one more appearance of Jesus Christ you know what he will
22:4522:45 - become present with us that Greek parsible perusia there um well at any rate not to get off topic here but the
22:5422:54 - christophanies we’re talking about are not referring to you know Jesus Christ in a human nature but the pre-incarnate
23:0023:00 - second member of the Trinity um and so the position here that all Old Testament appearances of God are in reality
23:0823:08 - appearances of Christ does not actually rule out the possibility for uh prophets seeing the father um and so you’ll say
23:1823:18 - well okay Stephen isn’t that a contradiction well not really because it isn’t so much a physical manifestation
23:2423:24 - of the father so the the words Dr Lugano used for this an ostensibly corporeal appearance on earth right if you want to
23:3223:32 - use that phrase um but uh these prophets saw the father through dreams or visions um and uh I don’t know if you remember
23:4223:42 - uh we kind of talked a bit before about you know like being in the presence of the father and if Isaiah or Daniel or
23:4923:49 - one of the other Major Prophets was taken and and saw the throne room of God or even saw things happening in the
23:5723:57 - future and prophecy well were they just given a vision of the future or were they basically like if you view time as
24:0424:04 - a linear stream were they picked up and dumped in a different point in the Stream like were was their existence in
24:1124:11 - time actually shifted did they jump forward in time well we don’t know any of this nor does it really matter for
24:1724:17 - the purposes of you know understanding that they were given to see something that would happen in the future so they
24:2324:23 - could record it for our benefit but in the same way here when these prophets see the father in Visions we’re not
24:3024:30 - violating this principle that we’re we’re setting out here as in it wasn’t an appearance of the father before
24:3624:36 - Humanity in the same way that Jesus Christ in his pre-incarnate form appeared before Humanity because it’s
24:4324:43 - not the father you know somehow on Earth appearing physically before people it is seeing visions of the father or seeing
24:5124:51 - the likeness of the father in this prophetic State and uh that is just a sort of it’s a different thing
24:5824:58 - um and so one of the examples that that is kind of an obvious one to look at here is in jiel Daniel chapter 7 um
25:0725:07 - which is where we see the son of man presented Before the Throne and so this is Daniel chapter 7: 13- 14 says I kept
25:1525:15 - looking in the night visions and behold with the Clouds Of Heaven one like a son of man was coming and he came up to the
25:2125:21 - Ancient of Days and was presented before him and to him was given Dominion glory and a kingdom that all the peoples
25:2925:29 - Nations and Men of every language might serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which will not pass away and
25:3525:35 - his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed so the presentation of the son of man to the Ancient of Days you know
25:4425:44 - well if Daniel sees you know Jesus Christ who is the son of man coming Before the Throne of God the Father who
25:5225:52 - is the Ancient of Days In this passage then he saw God the father in this Vision um but that isn’t kind of running
25:5925:59 - contrary to what we have been uh kind what we’ve been setting forth here that the appearances of God in the Old
26:0826:08 - Testament are kind of uniformly christophanies because the prophetic appearances of God uh you know like
26:1526:15 - seeing God or the third heaven in Visions it’s just not the same thing really so with that Audi is there is
26:2326:23 - there anything you want to contribute about the difference between theophany and christophy we talk about it and what
26:3026:30 - the words mean and what they don’t mean just so that we’re making sure that we have the uh the meanings nailed down
26:3526:35 - here before we move on so not much really uh just that first of
26:4426:44 - all the a theophany christophany they necessarily mean appearances of of God and Christ uh
26:5426:54 - respectively um prior to uh his Incarnation his Incarnation was [Music]
27:0327:03 - necessarily uh not just an appearing an a a a showing of himself visibly or visually to people but he actually
27:1227:12 - became human and entered the The Human Experience so those that’s a pretty big difference
27:2027:20 - in other words the way he was uh when he was appearing before he um was born by the Virgin
27:3127:31 - Mary um was not the way he was after he was born
27:3827:38 - those are two different things really um and just I I I think it’s it’s already established that every theop was
27:4927:49 - necessarily A christophy so I’m not really sure that there is much of a difference to make except to probably
27:5627:56 - note that uh much of the time the Lord Jesus was appearing on behalf of the Father which is why we talk about the
28:0228:02 - theophany which necessarily means he was um he was he was uh coming to the world to speak for the father to act for the
28:1328:13 - father so that the focus is is on the father rather than on himself you know so I I think it’s useful to have draw
28:2128:21 - the distinction between these two particular terms to note that Jesus Christ is the member of the Trinity
28:2628:26 - coming but you could could use [Music] theophelis opony too You’ never be wrong
28:4428:44 - but you’re you’re kind of contrasting the fact that it’s God himself as opposed to an Angel um which happened
28:5128:51 - plenty in the Old Testament as well and in that case using theop is you know it’s always technically correct but you
28:5728:57 - would use it as opposed to it being just an angel or you know even a prophet sent as a representative of God rather it’s
29:0529:05 - God himself yeah that that actually puts me in mind of when uh God said to Moses uh my angel
29:1629:16 - will go with you and do not provoke him because my name is in him so clearly he was talking about this is not just any
29:2429:24 - Angel this one is like me you know so he’s he’s like like you said even in the Hebrew the word for Angel is literally
29:3529:35 - the word messenger there so he was essentially saying my Messenger will go with you and he has my Essence in him he
29:4429:44 - is like me he he’s he is the same as me so to speak that’s what the whole name and me thing meant so when I think about
29:5529:55 - theany that’s a very solid point to make that um we use it to make a difference
30:0130:01 - between when it’s actually an angel uh that is one of the creatures showing up and when it is the Lord
30:0830:08 - himself uh the the other point that I I thought was uh that that I thought was necessary to make I I think you may have
30:1730:17 - already made it uh was that um when when Jesus was appearing uh he I don’t think that we
30:2630:26 - will have any examples of when he appeared for his own sake but I think the vast majority of his appearances
30:3430:34 - were actually on behalf of the father if not all of them really so the when we speak of these are not words that I that
30:4330:43 - I’m conscious of as being part of the Bible I trust that you would know that better than me uh going by the Greek and
30:5130:51 - the Hebrew um stepen but my thinking is when we use when when we make a difference between theophany and
31:0031:00 - christophany one of the reasons for that would be that the theophany keep keeps the using the term theophany keeps the
31:0831:08 - the focus on the father that this is actually um a showing up in the world on his behalf we use christophany to point
31:1831:18 - out that this appearance of God is actually the appearance of Jesus Christ himself on behalf of the father so
31:2731:27 - that’s um that’s one of the things that I thought would be yeah I mean they they have
31:3531:35 - different overtones different connotations and yeah it’s not like using theophany of Jesus Christ is
31:4031:40 - incorrect in any way it’s just that the thing to argue against and um I we kind of kicked it until like the third set of
31:4931:49 - slides so we’ll get to this next I promise is that it has to be Jesus Christ actually this isn’t optional this
31:5431:54 - isn’t just a oh you know maybe it’s this or maybe it’s that is black and white it positively must be Jesus Christ as the
32:0132:01 - one appearing and so just depending on your audience depending on people I you know you can use any of these words
32:0832:08 - they’re all technically correct they all have different kind of conita overtones too I me again I think like we’ve said
32:1532:15 - it kind of depends what you’re talking about if you want to say it’s God not an angel theophany kind of does that
32:2132:21 - because you’re emphasizing God you know Theos if you want to emphasize it’s Christ not the father you’d use
32:2632:26 - christophany um but yeah yeah so that’s what the words mean and that’s hopefully now it kind of
32:3432:34 - makes sense when we say you know all appearances of God in the Old Testament are
32:3932:39 - christophanies like you don’t wonder what that means anymore that was kind of the goal of this particular section in
32:4632:46 - the lesson um yes so that is the statement we’re making that is kind of the purpose of this particular lesson in
32:5232:52 - the series is that all appearances of God in the Old Testament are christophanies in one sentence form
32:5832:58 - that’s what we’re trying to get at um but this was hopefully helping toine terms so that that makes some sense
33:0933:09 - um all right so we’re finally going to get to this topic we’ve kind of already danced around a little bit here in our
33:1533:15 - discussion and that is the invisibility of the father or the unapproachable of the father his separation from the world
33:2433:24 - and so this is entirely the reason why we know all pre- Incarnation appearances of God
33:3133:31 - still have to be Jesus Christ because if the father is the representation of deity and he’s behind the veil that has
33:3833:38 - stayed consistent all throughout the entire the all all the times in the Bible in fact ever since Satan’s
33:4433:44 - Rebellion God has always been separate from humanity and this is why it’s true to say that no one has seen the father
33:5133:51 - ever as a human being you know until we go to be in his presence in the third heaven but we’re talking about like
33:5633:56 - living human beings no one has ever seen the father and if that is true then the appearances of God in the Old Testament
34:0334:03 - can’t be the father QED um that’s basically how we know for certain that all theophanies had to be christophanies
34:1134:11 - that all appearances of God in the Old Testament had to be the son not the father because the Bible says that no
34:1734:17 - one has seen the father so it really is that simple we don’t want to make it more complicated than that because it’s
34:2234:22 - not so but simply until we go to heaven you know that is the third heaven we will not see the father till we die till
34:3034:30 - we’re on the other side we will never see the father not when we inhabit our current bodies of sin so we know that
34:3734:37 - the father is Not Invisible to the angels for they constantly see the face of my Father in Heaven that’s a quote
34:4334:43 - from Matthew 18:1 so this is Jesus saying don’t despise the the little ones the children
34:4934:49 - for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of my father who is in heaven so angels can go
34:5634:56 - to and fro from the Third Heaven which is positionally a different place from the cosmos um but we human beings do not
35:0535:05 - and so Angels see God Believers in the third heaven see God the father but for us on Earth presently inhabiting this
35:1335:13 - this Cosmos Satan’s World System still Infested by sin after the fall and and more moreover we have sinful bodies and
35:2135:21 - we have the sin nature within us we do not see the father um and so notice even in this passage here that God is our
35:2935:29 - heavenly father and so when we are taught how to pray you know in the in the The Lord’s Prayer here we have our
35:3735:37 - father who is in heaven as in Our Father who is not on earth right um and so pretty clear and then Matthew chapter 6
35:4635:46 - verse 26 so your heavenly father feeds them right you know as contracted with our Earthly fathers but the point is God
35:5435:54 - the Father positionally resides in heaven um and so as long as the Earthly
36:0036:00 - conflict between his wouldbe usurper so Satan who wants to sit on the throne of God and his designated Regent who is
36:0836:08 - Jesus Christ still rages in heaven God remains for his Majesty’s sake speaking and working his
36:1636:16 - will through his servant Jesus Christ so Jesus is sent as a representative of God it’s not like God is sitting aloof from
36:2436:24 - creation that is a point of view that many so-called theists or deists um had throughout history you know some of the
36:3236:32 - founding fathers ascribe to such a belief that you know basically God made creation wound it up like a clock and
36:3836:38 - now he doesn’t do anything he just sort of watches it um well that is not how God operates because He sent Jesus
36:4436:44 - Christ into the world as his representative he is does it’s not like he he stands aloof from creation it
36:5036:50 - doesn’t interact or doesn’t have plans or isn’t working things out perfectly so at any rate in until the final victory
36:5936:59 - until Jesus Christ completely conquers the world makes all of God’s enemies you know uh as a foot stol under his feet um
37:0937:09 - only then and in fact until the universe is completely wiped away and remade only then will the father come to the new
37:1637:16 - Earth to make his Abode with us forever so until that time which positionally isn’t even in the Millennium it’s after
37:2437:24 - human history it’s after the end of time if you want to think about it like that creation of the new Heavens the new
37:2937:29 - Earth uh everything is destroyed and remade yet without sin without pain without tears until then the father
37:3737:37 - though acting and speaking through his representative Jesus Christ will yet remain invisible to humanity um and so
37:4537:45 - this point we’re making and we’re going to read a bunch of passages now that’s the rest of what we’re going to talk
37:4937:49 - about this is not a negotiable point this isn’t something that you get to argue it’s not like some theologians
37:5537:55 - think this some theologians think this or I mean if they do they’re wrong but the Bible says this straight up many
38:0138:01 - places and so we’re going to go read that now so a whole bunch of passages here starting in the Old Testament
38:0838:08 - Exodus 33 verse 20 um but he said he being God you cannot see my face for a man may not see my face and
38:1838:18 - live so straightforward enough we’ve already talked about this I think almost in the very first lesson of this entire
38:2538:25 - Series in theology proper talking about the unapproached light so we talked about how the father
38:3038:30 - is the one in that and in fact we’re going to read that verse I think that’s 1 Timothy chapter 6 um but you cannot
38:3638:36 - see my face and live well obviously Moses did see whoever was there right um but who is being spoken of here it’s the
38:4538:45 - Father the father as the representation of deity um Isaiah chter 45:15 surely you are a God who hides
38:5438:54 - himself you know except we have a appearances of God in the Old Testament so who is being spoken of here it has to
39:0039:00 - be the father uh John 1:8 this is the one that AI mentioned a couple sections back says
39:0839:08 - no one has ever seen God ever you know except people saw you know one member of the trinity in the Old Testament so has
39:1639:16 - to be speaking of a particular member of the Trinity right no one has ever seen God God the only son the one who has
39:2339:23 - always been at the father’s side he has made him known that is the son has made the father known no one has ever seen
39:3139:31 - the father it’s what 1 John 1:18 says uh John chapter 6 verse 46 not that anyone has seen the father except he the son
39:4039:40 - who has always been with the father he has seen the father I mean you can’t say it more
39:4639:46 - clearly than this right that’s John 6:46 then this verse I mentioned the unapproachable light that’s first
39:5139:51 - Timothy 6:16 he the father who alone possesses immortality dwelling in unapproachable
39:5839:58 - light whom no man has ever seen nor can see it’s the same thing and then 1 John chap 4:12 no one has ever seen God so
40:1140:11 - implied the father there and as I say we have seen God we have seen a member of the Trinity visible before us in the Old
40:1940:19 - Testament Humanity has and of course Jesus was visible during the Incarnation so it’s not that no one has seen God but
40:2540:25 - when these verses say no one has ever seen God God you have to put in Brackets there imply the father because as
40:3140:31 - several of these verses like John 1:18 and John 6 verse 46 make real clear that it is specifically the father who no man
40:4040:40 - has ever seen and because of this this is why you can’t say that the appearances of God in the Old Testament
40:4640:46 - were the father because well I mean all these other verses say that no man’s ever seen the father so if it was the
40:5240:52 - father ding ding ding contradiction right and this is why we know the Bible doesn’t contradict itself there is no
40:5940:59 - way that the appearances of God in the Old Testament could be the father they have to be the son for that reason
41:0741:07 - um so I really think it’s that straightforward um I you know the argument is not supposed to be
41:1341:13 - complicated here but nonetheless it’s just important for us to emphasize so a you have any points to add to this I was
41:2141:21 - just thinking how this is such a powerful reputation of everything it people have said about how the Trinity
41:3041:30 - is not is not a Biblical Doctrine I mean how do you reconcile this with everything else we see in the scriptures
41:3941:39 - but it’s absolutely true that’s what we’re talking about how and like you said this is the sort of thing you don’t
41:4641:46 - particularly need to be taught you can read it from the scriptures yourself and they’re fairly straightforward you can
41:5141:51 - actually understand it you know when you read the Bible that in fact God has been seen several times in fact in Exodus it
42:0042:00 - said that the elders um saw God there was a they they saw a pavement under his feet and a
42:1142:11 - throne above it that’s it was describing exactly what they saw and it stated very clearly that they saw God and then we
42:1942:19 - come to John and he declares without mincing words there is no no qualification no one has ever seen God
42:2642:26 - so either you get that to mean that they saw someone who was God but no one has
42:3342:33 - seen a certain other person who is God or you can decide that the Bible is contradictory which simply means you
42:4242:42 - don’t believe what the Bible says you know so but we are believers we take the Bible to be true so if it says these
42:4942:49 - things then these things are true so uh I I was particularly impressed too by the fact that it is the
42:5742:57 - Lord’s Majesty essentially his saying this is beneath me that I should stoop so low as to be engaging with my
43:0743:07 - creature in this war because he wants to overthrow me so to speak so the Lord says somebody will go and speak for me
43:1743:17 - someone who will act so to speak on this person’s level and and that this is yet another way that we should understand
43:2443:24 - the incredible sacrifice of the Lord Jesus for us because to to take Satan on he took
43:3043:30 - Satan on as the servant of the father not in his capacity as God that’s a very big deal that’s a huge deal well think
43:3943:39 - of it as the delegated authority of a general is different than the authority ofing exactly basically the king saying
43:4843:48 - is yeah it’s basically the king saying it’s too little for me to you you come into a man’s home and and his little boy
43:5943:59 - is making all these noises and it’s like no I’m not going to deal with you here’s your your your kid brother he will deal
44:0644:06 - with you that sort of thing because essentially that’s what that’s what the Lord did by sending Jesus as a human
44:1344:13 - being human beings are supposed to be below the angels and they were so that’s a really really big deal and then we see
44:2144:21 - that every time and this is also why a lot of people get confused about the the deity of the Lord Jesus Jesus Christ
44:2744:27 - because throughout the the Old Testament even when he shows up as God you see him speaking in ways that would seem to
44:3644:36 - suggest that he he forgets that he is God for example the the the passage that should by now be very popularly
44:4444:44 - associated with me Zechariah 2 I believe verse 9 where it said um the the the the Lord God says
44:5344:53 - that the Lord God has sent me and it’s like well you the Lord God why are you being sent by the Lord God that sort of
45:0045:00 - thing it’s common enough in the Old Testament to tell us the humility of the Lord Jesus the fact that he just he he
45:0945:09 - took on a role that if if it were any of us would probably say I’m not going to do that that’s beneath me to do that and
45:1745:17 - yet it was in doing so that he rescued us so yeah um the Bible is actually absolutely clear that
45:2745:27 - uh all theophanies that we have in the Bible are necessarily christophanies I mean I just want to
45:3545:35 - Riff on a little bit you we were talking about Jesus being sent as the servants to deal with Satan part of this is that
45:4245:42 - God is going to redeem that position that Satan threw away right Satan’s trying to usurp the Throne of God in the
45:5045:50 - universe but Jesus Christ is going to redeem the throne at the right hand right um
45:5745:57 - Satan was Lucifer lightbringer the person who warded off Evil Jesus Christ is the Morning Star right so but he is
46:0746:07 - the true Morning Star if you want to view it this way and so God is redeeming that which was thrown away without a
46:1446:14 - second thought right and so when we view Jesus Christ God is reclaiming that which was lost with the fall um it’s
46:2246:22 - really powerful stuff because we understand that that Jesus’s identity is entirely his
46:2846:28 - existence is tailor made to refute Satan’s entire platform right that yeah you know Satan’s trying to usurp that
46:3746:37 - position of authority and Jesus Christ willingly basically makes himself sub subservient to the father to demonstrate
46:4446:44 - his glory they’re opposites right but it’s the second one that actually you know truly is the Redemption of that
46:5346:53 - position in creation um yeah so you know like this is why you know and and all of this feeds into itself right and I I
47:0347:03 - also think that it’s important to just to emphasize that it’s not like the father arbitrarily made the decision to
47:0947:09 - be separate from Creation in this way right it has a reason that reason is named sin um God’s glory and majesty and
47:1747:17 - Authority you know as we’ll get to in the other sections is that it these things render him completely separate
47:2647:26 - from that’s the reason it’s not that BS things it does clearly John 646 John
47:3747:37 - chapter 1 ver8 probably the two clearest passages among the list we just read here but if you can’t just take that
47:4447:44 - well logic wise we’ll see real soon how the father is just inherently inaccessible to us like biological
47:5347:53 - necessity like so even if the Bible didn’t say this we’d be arguing the same thing we’ll get to that as we do the
47:5847:58 - next section here but I just want to emphasize again that this is real clear like very very clear and we there are
48:0648:06 - many things that we are dogmatic about as Christians built on far less than this so uh it it shouldn’t be a
48:1348:13 - controversial one for us um yeah all right well with that we’ll turn next to talking about some of those
48:2148:21 - things I just mentioned that just renders the father inherently inaccessible to us
48:3148:31 - all right so now we are going to be picking up talking about the inaccessibility of the father apart from
48:3748:37 - Christ so the last thing we talked about previously was how the father is currently veiled from us he is not
48:4448:44 - visible to us in the world um ever since Satan’s Rebellion when he has tried to usurp the Throne of God um the father
48:5348:53 - has withdrawn from creation separated from this present Cosmos By the Waters above and the father currently resides
49:0249:02 - in the third heaven in terms of heavenly geography and we talked about how uh no one has seen the father um we actually
49:1049:10 - opened this study quite a few lessons back talking about this verse in 1 Timothy chapter 6 discussing how the
49:1749:17 - father lives in or dwells in unapproachable light and so in the idea of light and glory glory is the visible
49:2549:25 - manifestation of of kind of of God’s uh unapproachable light and so the unapproachable of light
49:3449:34 - is a metaphor like if you look at the son uh you kind of can’t see it it’s veiled um and so that’s the idea of the
49:4049:40 - father being separate or invisible from us but now we’re going to kind of turn and shift towards the idea of
49:4749:47 - accessibility in a spiritual sense and if you recall back to when we were talking about the roles in the Trinity
49:5649:56 - uh we made the point rather strongly that what characterizes the second member of the Trinity the son is how he
50:0450:04 - is accessible to us how just as with a kingdom where you have the king and the Crown Prince and the king is maybe up on
50:1350:13 - the throne uh ruling over his subjects with all this Authority maybe it’s hard for people to approach him and to bring
50:2150:21 - their concerns uh before him but the son the crowned Prince he is the mediator between the king with authority and his
50:3050:30 - people and so that is the role of Jesus Christ as you know Heaven’s high priest if you will the mediator between us and
50:3750:37 - the father but the point that we’re going to be talking about here specifically is that the father is
50:4350:43 - inaccessible to us and we mean this not only in the physical way as in he’s not only is he invisible but Also
50:5050:50 - spiritually we have access to the throne room of God through the blood of Jesus Christ um because of our sinfulness and
50:5750:57 - because as we’ve discussed previously the father is the member of the Trinity who holds sort of the representation of
51:0551:05 - deity the one who has the face of of God if you will within the Trinity and so he is the one who holds himself separate
51:1551:15 - from sinfulness right and we talked about that in just the previous thing and so one reason why this is the case
51:2351:23 - um is because if we were to see God in all of his glory and we weren’t to instantly perish due to our sinfulness
51:3151:31 - which presumably we would but like for the sake of argument let’s say that that didn’t happen then human Free Will would
51:3851:38 - be substantially compromised so there’s these verses I think one maybe in gosh Philippians somewhere Philippians 2 I
51:4651:46 - could be wrong um talking about how every knee will bow and every tongue will confess and so at the last judgment
51:5451:54 - before the great white throne where unbelievers um are shown that their works are not sufficient to get them
52:0252:02 - into heaven you know that because they rejected the Son of God they chose hell well at that point all human beings will
52:1152:11 - bow the knee and confess with the tongue that you know God is righteous and just and he has the authority to do all of
52:2052:20 - this not because they want to but because they will not be able to deny it and within this life though one of the
52:2852:28 - reasons why the father remains inaccessible why also Jesus’s Glory was veiled during the Incarnation was
52:3552:35 - because if it was not we wouldn’t actually have the capacity to choose as humans and so ikus makes this points
52:4252:42 - many places uh in many ways that the reason why we are here is to choose uh are we going to submit to God put our
52:5252:52 - faith in Jesus Christ and live for him or are we going to follow the world and this choice is in fact what life is all
52:5952:59 - about this free will that we have to the ability to choose is in reality why we are here why we are all here as human
53:0853:08 - beings and so you can see why God does not force our hands as creatures because if we were forced to choose simply on
53:1753:17 - account of his glory being unveiled before us it wouldn’t actually be a free choice um and so this paragraph mostly
53:2453:24 - what I’ve just been saying here that even against their will people would be obligated to follow him out of Terror
53:3353:33 - because they would understand they would not be able to delude themselves and Harden their hearts and sort of close
53:3953:39 - their eyes and their ears as the metaphors the Bible uses to somehow convince themselves that that you know
53:4653:46 - Divine Justice will not catch up with them or that God doesn’t hold the power of their Eternal lives well if they saw
53:5353:53 - God as he really is they would would obey him not because they wanted to but because they would know that they had to
54:0154:01 - that there wasn’t actually a choice here and so this this irrationality of sin of lashing out against God that is actually
54:1054:10 - true even for us but because God has not fully unveiled himself to us people are allowed to stick their heads in the sand
54:1854:18 - to delude themselves that this is not so in fact most of humanity lives trying to not think of their impending deaths they
54:2754:27 - live as if they will never die um and so one of the studies on ichus part four of the satanic Rebellion series um titled
54:3554:35 - Satan’s World System talks about this uh in great detail that in fact a lot of humanity is trying to forget the fact
54:4454:44 - that they are mortal um and that after they die we will face a perfect and just God okay so a little bit rambly there um
54:5254:52 - but where we are going with this um as it relates to this topic in the study the inaccessibility of the father apart
55:0155:01 - from Christ through the blood of Christ we have access to the father that’s the point we’re talking about here um so uh
55:0855:08 - even in saying you know emphasizing how the father’s inaccessible to us um someone might raise the point of well
55:1455:14 - what about the omnipresence of God that is one of the attributes that we argued was inherent to God’s nature um so God
55:2355:23 - is everywhere in creation he has um the ability to manifest at any point he desires because he’s completely in
55:3255:32 - control of space and time um and so we cannot go to heaven ourselves to seek God and even though the father is around
55:4355:43 - us you know we’ve argued that uh the members of the Trinity all have their roles um positionally speaking the Bible
55:5155:51 - talks about the father being in heaven so by heaven we mean like the third heaven which is different than Eden
55:5955:59 - which is different from Paradise in Hades where Believers were before the Ascension which is also different from
56:0656:06 - the new heavens and the new Earth which is where we’ll dwell in eternity so right now the father is completely
56:1156:11 - separate from the world and so uh some of this is symbolic in the way that the Bible commonly uses of symbolism and
56:2156:21 - typology that the distance if you will between us and the father if you want to think in a physical sense is symbolic of
56:3056:30 - the spiritual distance between us and God and so when we think of this it’s not quite proper for us to get all hung
56:3856:38 - up on the omnipresence bit and be like well if God’s everywhere how can he be in the third heaven and people cry
56:4556:45 - contradiction and things like that that’s not really the point here the point is that the righteous father in
56:5256:52 - the Trinity again the one who manifests the deity of the Trinity keeps himself completely separate from Human sin um
57:0157:01 - and just one last point on this opening slide is just that because sin is largely the issue here this is the cause
57:1057:10 - of the father’s separation when we are given new bodies in the new heavens and the new Earth such that we no longer
57:1757:17 - possess sin Natures then the father will not be separate from us he will come down the New Jerusalem will descend and
57:2357:23 - we will have fellowship with not only the in the spirit but also Father for all of eternity um and
57:3257:32 - so um this particular verse here uh in Isaiah chapter 6 um so Isaiah was one of the major prophets in the Old Testament
57:4157:41 - given to see visions of God um and so Isaiah seeing the Father Here by implication um although sometimes it’s
57:5157:51 - kind of hard in Prophecy to know which member of the Trinity is in view um but by interpretation that’s what we take
57:5857:58 - this as um that Isaiah confesses his unworthiness he says he’s a man of unclean lips and lives among a people of
58:0658:06 - unclean lips and he understands this just inherently by seeing God all right so this is one of the longer sections
58:1558:15 - here so I’m going to keep going a bit um the back to the accessibility idea here of the father uh being sort of separated
58:2558:25 - from us having this powered Gap um in a way such that we don’t have access to him inherently well the person who
58:3358:33 - bridges that is Jesus Christ and so through faith in him and his death for us that is what we would term
58:4058:40 - spiritually speaking the blood of Christ what he did for us on the cross we have access to the father in the name of
58:4858:48 - Jesus Christ so by his blood his death for us on the cross on our behalf Christ has broken down the barrier of hostility
58:5658:56 - between the father and those who believe in him um so this is if you remember back to um some of those theological
59:0559:05 - jargony terms this is what people typically refer to as reconciliation we have been made right with God through
59:1259:12 - the blood of Jesus Christ and so now on account of Christ’s payment we have been granted entrance into the throne room of
59:1959:19 - Heaven and the presence of the father so only on the basis of the acceptability of Christ’s sacrifice and our acceptance
59:2759:27 - of him such that we claim that sacrifice for ourselves that is the coin by which we have access to the father um and so
59:3659:36 - again if the father is the the one who represents the authority within the Trinity then our access to him is GED by
59:4359:43 - our belief in Jesus Christ um so a couple verses here uh oops uh at the beginning of Romans chapter 5 um Romans
59:5459:54 - chap 5 veres 1 through the first part of verse two says this so now that we have been justified by faith let us take hold
01:00:0201:00:02 - of the peace we have with God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have also obtained our access
01:00:0901:00:09 - into this grace in which we stand so you’ll see bolded in all of these verses here um these are translations coming
01:00:1601:00:16 - directly off of IUS you’ll see uh certain words bolded so access access access approach bring um this idea of us
01:00:2601:00:26 - being in the presence of the father is what all of these verses are getting at so I’m going to go through and read the
01:00:3001:00:30 - other ones that was the first couple verses of Romans chapter 5 uh now we’re going to look at Ephesians chapter 2
01:00:3701:00:37 - verse 18 for through him Jesus Christ we both Jews and Gentiles have access to the
01:00:4501:00:45 - father by one spirit it’s Ephesians 2:18 Ephesians 3:12 being in him that is Jesus Christ
01:00:5401:00:54 - and having confidence through our faith in him we possess this access to the father and freedom to speak to
01:01:0101:01:01 - him Hebrews 4:16 so let us approach with confident free speech to the throne of grace of
01:01:0801:01:08 - the father that we might receive his mercy and gain his favor for timely help so we’re able to approach the father
01:01:1601:01:16 - because we have access to him and then finally 1 Peter 3: 18 for Christ died once for us on account of our sins the
01:01:2601:01:26 - righteous for the unrighteous that he might bring us to God you know giving us access to him as we’ve been saying
01:01:3401:01:34 - here and so the fact that through faith we now have access to the father and that the Bible words things in this
01:01:4401:01:44 - manner suggesting that this was something that was gained um after Jesus’s death and resurrection and
01:01:5101:01:51 - Ascension that before that before the Incarnation before Jesus Di died for us and the father accepted his sacrifice on
01:01:5801:01:58 - our behalf access was actually limited um one sort of aside here um is that in Ephesians chapter 4 actually pull this
01:02:0901:02:09 - up I think it’s like Ephesians chapter 4 verses 7 through 11 I want to say let’s see how good my memory is Ephesians
01:02:1901:02:19 - 47-1 um uh we hear about Jesus leading captivity captive and he gave gifts unto
01:02:2701:02:27 - men now the giving gifts unto men is actually talking about uh the Holy Spirit at Pentecost giving people
01:02:3301:02:33 - spiritual gifts um so that happens a little bit later in Acts chapter 2 but the LED captivity captive um when Jesus
01:02:4201:02:42 - descended into Hades um after he had died he didn’t go to I mean let me think about the right way to say this he
01:02:5001:02:50 - didn’t go to hell in the sense of like being in the negative part of the underworld he was in in what is
01:02:5601:02:56 - theologically termed Abraham’s bosom or Paradise within Hades and so we have this Parable in uh Luke chapter 16 I
01:03:0501:03:05 - want to say I don’t know if I’m right there too with Abraham and Lazarus um not Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus
01:03:1401:03:14 - but the the beggar Lazarus um yeah and so anyway not to get off topic but um the point is is that prior to Christ’s
01:03:2201:03:22 - Ascension um believers who died before the cross were actually separated from the father they didn’t go into the
01:03:2901:03:29 - presence of the father when they died they were in Paradise so it’s not like it’s a negative part of the underworld
01:03:3501:03:35 - but they weren’t actually in the presence of the father because Christ had not yet died for human sin but after
01:03:4201:03:42 - Christ’s Ascension then Ephesians chapter 4 tells us that actually these people were brought into the presence of
01:03:5001:03:50 - the father so he ascended up far above the heavens that he might fulfill all things um so at least that’s how ikus
01:03:5701:03:57 - takes it again I don’t want to get too off topic here but this is why we say that we have gained access it’s
01:04:0301:04:03 - something that we did not previously have and it’s only through the blood of Christ that we have this um so uh the
01:04:1001:04:10 - splitting of the temple veil uh this happened when Jesus was um uh when Jesus was on the cross um after his work had
01:04:2101:04:21 - been fulfilled the veil of the temple was torn into two now if memory serves just a few few verses later here in Luke
01:04:2701:04:27 - chapter 23 um I think we hear about um well I don’t know I a bit later in the chapter I think we hear about uh the
01:04:3701:04:37 - Dead Rising as well there were people in Jerusalem who came out from the grave right these were the miraculous signs
01:04:4401:04:44 - that accompanied the uh Jesus’s death and payment for our sin upon the cross but relevance to what we’re talking
01:04:5201:04:52 - about here um the barrier in the temple that symbolizes our separation from God the Holiness the set apartness of God
01:05:0101:05:01 - was actually torn into it was torn aunder based on the work of what Jesus had done for us and so when we are still
01:05:0901:05:09 - in the flesh like now in our lives here down in Satan’s World System we have access to God the Father through prayer
01:05:1701:05:17 - um so we pray to the father in the name of Jesus Christ Jesus taught us how to pray in the Lord’s Prayer so Our Father
01:05:2401:05:24 - Who Art in Heaven um that again signifying that well if he’s in heaven he’s not quote unquote not on Earth he
01:05:3201:05:32 - is separate from us but our father in Heaven is who we pray to and we pray to him because of what Christ did for us um
01:05:4101:05:41 - and as we were saying before the cross the father was even more inaccessible and so all of this is leading up to this
01:05:4901:05:49 - sentence here I apologize since like I said this is one of the longer sections here that we’ve gone through um all of
01:05:5401:05:54 - this is leading up up to the point that if the father is still inaccessible to us even after the cross we have access
01:06:0201:06:02 - to him through prayer um when we die we now go into the presence of the father in The Third Heaven well all of that’s
01:06:0901:06:09 - true but the father’s still separate from the world he’s still inaccessible to us to a degree and will be until the
01:06:1501:06:15 - new heavens and the new Earth but every indication says that before the cross before the Incarnation he was even less
01:06:2201:06:22 - accessible right only accessed um his grace through the the symbols and the rituals of the law um that veil of
01:06:3001:06:30 - Separation in the temple only the high priest once a year went into the most holy place in the temple um to offer
01:06:3601:06:36 - sacrifices of atonement Hebrews chapter n talks about how when Jesus died for us once for all he didn’t have to keep
01:06:4401:06:44 - going back and keep doing this like the high priest did every year well this is why we say that all of the appearances
01:06:5301:06:53 - in the Old Testament where we hear of God appearing to Moses god appearing to Abraham um uh you know the angel of the
01:07:0201:07:02 - Lord with a definite article leading the people of Israel arguing that the manifestation
01:07:0901:07:09 - the the member of the Trinity that was there was the father kind of runs contrary to everything that we’ve been
01:07:1501:07:15 - talking about and so that’s why we made the argument previously that all of these appearances of God in the Old
01:07:2301:07:23 - Testament are actually what we call christophanies pre-incarnate appearances of Christ the second member of the
01:07:2901:07:29 - Trinity now he didn’t have a human nature until the Incarnation but he was still the visible member of the Trinity
01:07:3701:07:37 - because that is his role within the Trinity we said the father is the one with authority the son is the one who’s
01:07:4301:07:43 - accessible to us and the spirit is the Unseen empowerer I mean there’s more to it but that’s a a sort of offthe cuff
01:07:5001:07:50 - generalization well Jesus Christ has always been the visible member of the Trinity even even in the Old Testament
01:07:5701:07:57 - even before we kind of were able as human beings to clearly distinguish the members of the Trinity when God appeared
01:08:0501:08:05 - before man like walking with Adam and Eve in the garden that was actually Jesus Christ the pre-incarnate son of
01:08:1301:08:13 - God um and so that is kind of the whole point of everything we’ve gone through here because the father remains
01:08:2301:08:23 - inaccessible to us because we have this barrier between us that can only be bridged through the blood of Jesus
01:08:2901:08:29 - Christ and that actually won’t fully be torn down until the new heavens and the new Earth all of this points to the
01:08:3601:08:36 - father’s separation from us his inaccessibility to us and so when we hear of God appearing to people in the
01:08:4201:08:42 - Old Testament the point of everything we went through was if all of this is the case then even though the Old Testament
01:08:5001:08:50 - doesn’t say something like it was the son that appeared to so and so you know it say says God or it says the angel of
01:08:5701:08:57 - the Lord and we talked about how Jesus Christ uh you know angels are messengers in both Greek and Hebrew the word for
01:09:0401:09:04 - for Messenger is well what we would call Angel you know angalo in Greek that’s what it means um well Jesus Christ is
01:09:1101:09:11 - The Messer of God U we talked about Hebrews chapter 1 where um not Hebrews 11 Hebrews chapter 1 where God talks
01:09:2001:09:20 - about speaking through his son Jesus Christ is the glory and exact representation of his being um you know
01:09:2701:09:27 - he is deity of course through kinosis but um all right so I’m sorry this this one got kind of long a do you have
01:09:3401:09:34 - anything you want to go on anything we’ve talked about here from the several slides the verses we’ve gone over
01:09:3901:09:39 - talking about the inaccessibility of the father and what it means for us in terms of identifying the appearances of God as
01:09:4701:09:47 - christophanies I have a question sorry I said I had a question
01:09:5601:09:56 - um what what did you mean by what does it mean by barrier of hostility when reference to the veil
01:10:0201:10:02 - that was torn apart so is that here it was one of the earlier yeah that was that was
01:10:1101:10:11 - a I think it’s the quote in Colossians if memory serves me right I was just wondering is it in the slides or is it a
01:10:1801:10:18 - verse I need to look up no it’s in one of the slides one of your earlier slides uh okay so you said hostility
01:10:2601:10:26 - barrier of hostility was broken okay here Christ has broken down
01:10:3301:10:33 - the barrier of hostility between the father and those who believe in his son um so Hy you want to take that or you
01:10:4001:10:40 - want me to go okay sure um that’s that’s still the issue of the
01:10:4801:10:48 - inaccessibility of the father and there had to be some way that um it would be made obvious it will be demonstrated
01:10:5801:10:58 - that there was really hostility between God and the creation that was now corrupt when we read I think it’s
01:11:0901:11:09 - Psalm is it six I think it may be Psalm 6 it tells us that God cannot dwell with evil so the idea is
01:11:1901:11:19 - that God has a revulsion against sin sin is a essentially offensive to him so there
01:11:3001:11:30 - has to be some way to represent that to us while at the same time God is working our Salvation Among Us so for that
01:11:3801:11:38 - reason there is a separation between God and human beings that’s what that barrier of hostility is the hostility is
01:11:4801:11:48 - simply this that the attitude of God toward a sinful creation is an attitude of judgment but there is also an
01:11:5701:11:57 - attitude of Mercy that’s why we see that there is someone of the godhead who is working within creation to bring about
01:12:0701:12:07 - the Redemption of sinning mankind so um I mean that’s uh in terms of vocabulary it’s actually what being
01:12:1701:12:17 - holy means too means being set apart sometimes you hear this um about the right way to say this so it doesn’t come
01:12:2601:12:26 - off as too offensive but you’ll hear this kind of sometimes preached by people who try to make Christianity an
01:12:3201:12:32 - outside in sort of thing rather than inside out like we whitewash ourselves and they they will talk about well we
01:12:3901:12:39 - have to be separate from the world as Christians right and that is true but actually what makes us separate from the
01:12:4501:12:45 - world is our heart State not strictly our Behavior right although if you truly believe your behavior will change you
01:12:5101:12:51 - can’t do it backwards um but the idea of separation of God is that God has to be separate from sin um and I don’t have
01:13:0101:13:01 - the slides up before me this was one of the fundamental points when we were talking about how God is good versus God
01:13:0901:13:09 - is Holy a do you remember this we were talking about um God’s goodness manifest as love and his hly Holiness manifest as
01:13:1601:13:16 - Justice these are parts of God’s uh his his Essence like what it means to be deity
01:13:2201:13:22 - what it means to be God well we said that God is good um which means God is not evil but God is holy God must be
01:13:3401:13:34 - separate from Evil so that’s different than God is not evil God has to be separate from Evil this is the idea of
01:13:4201:13:42 - Holiness um so um I I should just add that the veiling of God’s nature as well it’s actually merciful like we said you
01:13:5101:13:51 - know it gives people a free will choice but we would be destroyed in the presence of God um so um I I don’t want
01:13:5801:13:58 - us to get bad import bad associations but if you’ve ever seen like pop culture movies you know like someone holds up a
01:14:0501:14:05 - cross and the light comes out for it and smokes the things of evil or whatever that is like overd dramatized nonsense
01:14:1301:14:13 - but that is kind of the idea here the unapproachable Holiness of God’s light cannot dwell in the same place as Sin
01:14:2101:14:21 - the two things do not mix light and darkness do not mix yeah so God’s God’s God’s righteousness
01:14:2901:14:29 - God’s character the thing I wouldn’t say the thing that makes him God but you know the character
01:14:3601:14:36 - of God does not tolerate sin it does not it it just does not tolerate sin the two things cannot be in the same place but
01:14:4601:14:46 - at the same time as we have said we do have the fact that God wants to save The Sinner so their heart the sinner has to
01:14:5601:14:56 - survive in order to be saved if God were in the same space as as The Sinner then the sinner would not be saved the sinner
01:15:0601:15:06 - would per force be subject to judgment so the way that the the Trinity structur things was that the father was going to
01:15:1401:15:14 - be the representation of the godhead the Holiness the separateness the Majesty of the godhead so we could have
01:15:2501:15:25 - God the son which is kind of the point of the last um discussions we had about theophany and christophany a member of
01:15:3401:15:34 - the godhead who is in every way God had to be working within creation to realize Redemption whereas another member of the
01:15:4401:15:44 - godhead had to be working to demonstrate that these things even though God is working to redeem us from it or from
01:15:5301:15:53 - these things are things that God himself abominates so there has to be both the I will not dwell with evil my eyes are too
01:16:0601:16:06 - holy to behold iniquity as well as the I am with you always I will not abandon you I will rescue you I am your savior
01:16:1501:16:15 - all of these things must go together so we we find the Lord Jesus working within creation to realize our salvation and
01:16:2301:16:23 - the Holy Spirit empowering everything that he he was doing toward that and then we see the father himself remote
01:16:3101:16:31 - from mankind such that in fact even believers who died before the cross could not go to heaven they could not
01:16:3801:16:38 - enter the presence of the father they were still separated from the father until Jesus died on the cross and when
01:16:4401:16:44 - Jesus Paid the price for their sin they were finally admitted into the presence of the father but that was why there had
01:16:5101:16:51 - to be a separation in Hades between the believer and the unbeliever but the believer still had to go to haters
01:16:5801:16:58 - because it was not admissible into the third heaven into the presence of the father so the barrier of hostility and
01:17:0601:17:06 - this discussion again of the um the uh what was what was the term the title of this of the slides we’re using right now
01:17:1701:17:17 - the inaccessibility of the father apart from the in exactly that’s that’s the idea of the inaccessibility of the
01:17:2301:17:23 - father apart from chist we have we have no right on our own to approach God if we dare to approach God
01:17:3301:17:33 - in our current state we won’t survive the encounter we would automatically be thrown into the Lake of Fire we would
01:17:3901:17:39 - our flesh would be destroyed instantly so but in fact um What the Lord Has Done is erect a separation Place himself
01:17:5101:17:51 - apart from us while he works out our Salvation to make us admissible into his presence that’s what the barrier of
01:17:5801:17:58 - hostility is about and that’s what um the inaccessibility of the father apart from Christ is really
01:18:0301:18:03 - about yeah I mean and I should add that by Nature we are enemies of God um you know like that is that is sin we are set
01:18:1301:18:13 - opposed to him and his righteousness only through the power of God working in us do we ever come to be adopted as Sons
01:18:2001:18:20 - um and so there’s this verse in you know um Romans 58 is it 8 while we were still sinners Christ died for us um you know
01:18:3201:18:32 - this is why we have such things in the Bible as loving your enemy and praying for your enemy and that sort of thing is
01:18:3901:18:39 - well God G you know God the Father sent Jesus Christ into the world to die for us to redeem us before any of us did
01:18:4701:18:47 - good things to deserve that it’s not like you know we had some humans who decided okay I’m going to follow God and
01:18:5301:18:53 - I’m going to be a good person and then God sent Jesus to redeem us no one is good apart from God um and so he died
01:19:0301:19:03 - for us while we were still unworthy while we were still his enemies um that’s why there’s hostility just it’s
01:19:1001:19:10 - inherent it’s within the nature uh God in his perfect Holiness and Justice cannot abide
01:19:1701:19:17 - unrighteousness um yeah yeah that’s that’s about it I don’t
01:19:2401:19:24 - know does that answer your question Jason yeah thank you it’s good okay all right so next we’re going to be talking
01:19:3601:19:36 - about the Dignity of the father um and so we have talked about uh the father’s invisibility uh behind the veil of
01:19:4501:19:45 - Separation uh the inaccessibility inaccessibility of the father apart from
01:19:5101:19:51 - the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and now we’re going to talk about the Dignity of the father and this is actually a point
01:19:5801:19:58 - that we’ve really danced around I think almost since the beginning of this study um there isn’t like a wrong way to
01:20:0401:20:04 - organize kind of what comes first and what comes next but um this point that Audie and I have made repeatedly about
01:20:1001:20:10 - how the father is the he’s the the face of deity within the Trinity the representation of deity that is the role
01:20:1801:20:18 - he has adopted as the one in Authority that’s really all this is when we talk about the Dignity of the father it’s not
01:20:2401:20:24 - as if Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit don’t have dignity themselves or things like that um we’re talking about the
01:20:3101:20:31 - role the father has adopted as the member of the trinity in the position of authority um and so uh kicking off this
01:20:4201:20:42 - particular discussion um let me see this sentence um so the satanic Rebellion uh now there’s an entire series up on ichus
01:20:5201:20:52 - that covers this the SR series five part series on it this hundreds of pages um well at any rate before this present
01:21:0001:21:00 - creation even came about before humans were created uh God had already created the angels and so the Angelic rebellion
01:21:0801:21:08 - led by Satan precedes the creation of man and in fact as ichus interprets things it precedes the entire account we
01:21:1601:21:16 - have in Genesis verse versus one two and following like like verse two of Genesis chapter 1 and following is an account of
01:21:2301:21:23 - recreation after the gap between verse one and verse two uh during which you know the Angels fell the world was
01:21:3101:21:31 - judged it’s why creation starts out in darkness even though God’s a God of Light well not to get too off topic
01:21:3701:21:37 - there but you know the Angelic rebellion led by Satan precedes the creation of of man and so this actually
01:21:4701:21:47 - explains much of the father’s emmo of working through the one who will ultimately replace Satan as the ruler of
01:21:5501:21:55 - his world Jesus Christ so all sorts of scripture references here to kind of uh illuminate better what we mean by this
01:22:0201:22:02 - and um I I had a hard time reading this sentence why I stumbled a bit at the beginning here but the reason
01:22:0801:22:08 - why so much of what God does in his plan happens is because it is a response to the satanic rebellion and this is a big
01:22:1801:22:18 - deal in how Aus organizes its lessons and in fact I would argue that uh not appreciating this Point gives us a
01:22:2501:22:25 - really impoverished understanding of why we are here as humans um so a pretty normal catechism type answer is like
01:22:3201:22:32 - what is the purpose of the creation of man the purpose of the creation of man is to bring glory to God or something
01:22:3701:22:37 - like that right um the the catechized version of this question is not actually really sufficient why are we here as
01:22:4601:22:46 - humans well yes we’re here to give glory to God but we are also here as a demonstration to Satan and the other
01:22:5201:22:52 - rebelling angels that in fact that they are willing to repent God would redeem them um so human beings are for a time
01:23:0001:23:00 - as the book of Hebrews mentions for a Time lower than the Angels although in our Resurrection bodies we will be
01:23:0601:23:06 - raised up like Jesus Christ was well all of human history is playing out in this in in the in in it hold on let me think
01:23:1601:23:16 - about how to phrase this um human history is playing out with the backdrop of Satan’s rebellion in the background
01:23:2301:23:23 - like that is There It Is invisible to us you know people unbelievers would scoff you know they say we’re just making
01:23:3001:23:30 - things up that well we don’t see this unseen conflict raging around us so you know we can’t measure it with our
01:23:3701:23:37 - scientific instruments therefore it’s not real and people would say that although by definition if it’s in higher
01:23:4201:23:42 - Dimensions than our own we’re not goingon to be able to measure it you know seems kind of common sense but um
01:23:4701:23:47 - all of this to say the father acting in this capacity sent Jesus Christ Christ to redeem
01:23:5501:23:55 - mankind as part of his plan to redeem Humanity after the fall in a response to Satan’s Rebellion okay so I’m not going
01:24:0401:24:04 - to go any more off topic there we could but why I’m bringing that up is that the father sent the son as his
01:24:1101:24:11 - representative we talked about this a little bit earlier in this specific lesson as well that Jesus Christ is
01:24:1701:24:17 - serving as a servant of the father as his Messenger as his representative in the same way that so for example
01:24:2301:24:23 - ambassadors might represent countries Jesus Christ is being sent as the preeminent messenger of the father um
01:24:3101:24:31 - the one who who Bears the father’s Authority um so I think there’s one second the parable of the vineyard owner
01:24:4101:24:41 - um Matthew chapter 21: 33 33 and following
01:24:5001:24:50 - so uh where I was going with this was that when the wicked tenants this is the parable
01:24:5601:24:56 - of the tenants um they beat and killed the Servants of the master who owns the vineyard who sends them to him you know
01:25:0501:25:05 - and this by way of analogy this is what the stiff necked people of Israel did to the prophets the prophets who told them
01:25:1301:25:13 - to turn back to God to repent they beat them they stoned them they put them to death but then the uh owner of the
01:25:2101:25:21 - vineyard sends the air he sends his son saying surely they will listen to me now because they will respect my son because
01:25:2901:25:29 - he carries my authority he is you know he is my representative in a way that the prophets who were Servants of the
01:25:3701:25:37 - most high were not um and so that is what we are trying to get at here in this particular discussion of Jesus
01:25:4401:25:44 - Christ as the representative of the father but why we are talking about that is because the father is the one who’s
01:25:5101:25:51 - doing the sending here um so the father is the one whose authority and Majesty gives him the right to send the son on
01:26:0101:26:01 - his behalf to replace Satan as the Morning Star um through his sacrifice on the Christ through his sacrifice on the
01:26:1001:26:10 - cross he redeemed sinful Mankind and he is replacing you know present progressive and will replace in the
01:26:1701:26:17 - future um Satan as the preeminent uh member of creation sort of the prince of this world if you will um
01:26:2701:26:27 - Jesus Christ is going to completely replace Satan in his duties that he had before his fall as Ezekiel chapter 28
01:26:3401:26:34 - talks about um so in this way when Jesus Christ shows up in the Old Testament he speaks for
01:26:4301:26:43 - God he speaks the words of God um you’ll hear this come up in the Book of John is well anyone who believes my testimony
01:26:5101:26:51 - believes the testimony of the father who sent me right Jesus speaks for the father he has the power to do that um
01:26:5901:26:59 - because he is the anointed one the Messiah the one sent into the World by the father as his representative um and
01:27:0701:27:07 - so this principle is the main thrust of what we’re going over here when we discuss the Dignity of the father in
01:27:1501:27:15 - being the one who sends the son on his behalf um so the son represents the father as his agent in the Plan of
01:27:2301:27:23 - Salvation to redeem humankind from our sin um and so uh this organization this wasn’t me this is coming straight out of
01:27:3101:27:31 - the study here um this uh mission that the son has the son representing the father as his agent in the Plan of
01:27:3901:27:39 - Salvation well we see that that is demonstrated through these things so Dr LS used alliteration here to help us
01:27:4901:27:49 - remember them better so we see this role of the son representing his father and is his agent in the Plan of Salvation
01:27:5501:27:55 - through Christ’s message his mediation his mission and his monarchy so in terms of message Jesus Christ is the word of
01:28:0601:28:06 - God as the beginning part of the Gospel of John tells us he is the embodiment of the message and truth of the father and
01:28:1401:28:14 - speaks the father’s words truly and precisely at all times Jesus Christ is the Father’s ultimate message that verse
01:28:2101:28:21 - from Hebrews chapter 1 that we’ve been talking about is the messenger of the father’s New Covenant in his blood as
01:28:2801:28:28 - opposed to the high priests or the prophets who didn’t have the power to save Jesus Christ died for us once for
01:28:3501:28:35 - all reconciling us to God the father so Jesus Christ as the word of God if you’ve never thought I mean that that
01:28:4301:28:43 - word in Greek logos has many meanings but we think about it is Jesus being the final olive branch of God to sinful man
01:28:5401:28:54 - his message of redemption and deliverance if only we would believe Jesus Christ is God’s message himself he
01:29:0201:29:02 - embodies it he is the message but we also see Christ’s role as the agent representing the father in his mediation
01:29:1101:29:11 - Christ is the mediator between God the father and sinful mankind he is the one who reconciles us to the father by his
01:29:1801:29:18 - blood this is part of his mission this is why the father sent him but this is showing that he is the one acting on
01:29:2601:29:26 - behalf of the father to reconcile us to the father then we also see his role representing the father as the agent of
01:29:3601:29:36 - our Salvation in his mission Christ is the one anointed and sent by the father to offer himself as a sacrifice for our
01:29:4401:29:44 - sins so when Jesus Christ was born into the world during the Incarnation he came with a purpose he was not here uh just
01:29:5301:29:53 - by accident or wandering around not knowing what he was doing he was born into the world took on a human nature to
01:30:0101:30:01 - die for us that was the entire point of the Incarnation you know when Jesus is is uh you know Jesus coming from that
01:30:1001:30:10 - same Hebrew word you know Joshua the Lord saves um Jesus Christ the anointed the Messiah the one who saves his people
01:30:1801:30:18 - is implicit in the titles we have for him the epithets Emanuel God With Us we have this idea of Jesus being born
01:30:2801:30:28 - into the world as the savior of the world from the very beginning even before he becomes an adult and goes and
01:30:3501:30:35 - dies on the cross for us this is why Jesus came into the world um he is the ultimate high priest who makes atonement
01:30:4201:30:42 - to the father on our behalf Jesus came in order to die that was his mission um not die just
01:30:5001:30:50 - physically but take the spiritual death for our sins on his shoulders in our place this was why the second person of
01:30:5901:30:59 - the Trinity took on a human nature and came into the world because he had to be both fully God and fully man to pay for
01:31:0601:31:06 - our sins so finally the last way in which we see the son representing the father as his agent in the Plan of
01:31:1301:31:13 - Salvation is through his monarchy in recognition of Christ’s Victory on the cross the father has appointed him Lord
01:31:2201:31:22 - in Christ he is the Lord anointed to Rule the World um and so this going back to that idea of Jesus Christ replacing
01:31:3001:31:30 - Satan um signals not only Christ’s replacement of sat as ruler of the world but his Regent of the world he has been
01:31:3901:31:39 - delegated authority to rule by the ultimate one who has Authority who has sovereignty over the universe and that’s
01:31:4701:31:47 - God the Father acting as the face of authority within the Trinity um and so this actually explains many of the Old
01:31:5701:31:57 - Testament passages referring to the father’s impending return being actually the son who comes to rule in fact a lot
01:32:0501:32:05 - of this has multiple fulfillment um so there’s this concept in Prophecy that you know the same words in Prophecy can
01:32:1301:32:13 - apply to more than one thing or or you can have typology where a a literal physical human being in one place in
01:32:2101:32:21 - history actually symbolically represents something spiritual that can happen too um well some of this gets tied up it
01:32:2801:32:28 - depends on which passage we’re talking about but Jesus Christ is going to be the one who fulfills you know the God’s
01:32:3601:32:36 - return to rule the world with perfect Justice well some of that happens during the Millennium much less the new heavens
01:32:4201:32:42 - and the new Earth where there’s not even any evil but that unprecedented period of peace and prosperity and stability
01:32:4901:32:49 - that will come about during the Millennium is part of this comes from Jesus Christ
01:32:5501:32:55 - serving as the prince Regent of creation that that delegated authority and power he has representing God the father on
01:33:0401:33:04 - Earth is also part of his mission of representing the father as his agent okay and so we can see that his
01:33:1401:33:14 - acceptance of the rency of the world as the father’s representative um well how do we see all of that um the passage
01:33:2201:33:22 - hold on kind to figure out how all this fits together um so we see his Ascension into heaven is sit at the right hand of
01:33:2901:33:29 - God the Father um so we’re explaining kind of like how this you know Christ has a throne you know even though he’s
01:33:3701:33:37 - acting as a representative of the father he still has this this authority of royalty if you will um so we see that
01:33:4301:33:43 - through his Ascension into heaven um and so there’s this really famous Messianic Psalm that we we come back to repeatedly
01:33:5101:33:51 - Psalm 110 verse1 the Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a foot stol for your feet
01:33:5801:33:58 - um and we see that fulfilled in Matthew chapter 22 here but the son’s Ascension to the throne on
01:34:0401:34:04 - Earth and then also Jesus Christ and his Primacy as the first born of creation um all of these
01:34:1301:34:13 - things show Christ’s role of representing the father in God’s Plan of Salvation and all of that supports the
01:34:2201:34:22 - position to tie it all back that QED where we’re going with all this is that if Jesus Christ is the representative of
01:34:3001:34:30 - the father who acts on his behalf in interfacing with Humanity well then the position that all Old Testament
01:34:3701:34:37 - theophany is truly christophany that is it’s not an appearance of the father or the spirit but the son that we see in
01:34:4401:34:44 - the Old Testament then we argue that all of these appearances of God in the Old Testament are actually the son appearing
01:34:5201:34:52 - representing and speaking for the father before his Incarnation um that is the point in fact the the very reason why
01:35:0101:35:01 - we’ve been talking about the invisib ever since we talked about theophany and christophy the reason why we then talked
01:35:0601:35:06 - about the invisibility of the father and the inaccessibility of the father and now the Dignity of the father um his his
01:35:1301:35:13 - authority as the one who represents um the the Holiness and the perfect authority of God you know the perfect
01:35:2201:35:22 - King of Kings um well that helps explain why we take all of the appearances of God to be the
01:35:3201:35:32 - son because he is the one who is sent on the father’s behalf um so uh AI do you have points you want to bring up here
01:35:4301:35:43 - with respect to things we have said one thing that stuck with me was uh how Jesus is the word um this is a a
01:35:5201:35:52 - discussion we had in one of these uh sessions I I’m suspecting it was probably more than a year ago um when
01:36:0301:36:03 - the Bible says that Jesus is the word or the the logos as as it has it in the Greek it’s saying that Jesus
01:36:1201:36:12 - is God’s plan God’s answer because logos it can mean word just literally word but it tends to connote
01:36:2301:36:23 - argument it’s like when when you say do you have a case uh if you’re a defense attorney or
01:36:3201:36:32 - if you are a Prosecuting the prosecuting attorney or something of that sort when you asked if
01:36:3901:36:39 - you have a case do you have an argument do you have something to pre to present this is what Jesus represents then so
01:36:4701:36:47 - see just to cut off here I’m sorry I don’t want to cut you off but like you can see look at this definition this is
01:36:5301:36:53 - just their’s lexicon there are more modern Greek lexicons but if I just scroll down a bit look at all the
01:36:5901:36:59 - definitions of this one word right and if we were to look in a concordance you can see that it’s word word word right
01:37:0601:37:06 - but also an account you can give a reason you can give a saying so not like word singular but what someone said all
01:37:1401:37:14 - of those you know even commandment or or Reason all of those come from logos so carry on
01:37:2301:37:23 - yeah essentially Jesus is God’s answer to the rebellion in his creation that’s just what we’re what we’re getting at
01:37:3101:37:31 - and in that way he is um the father’s represent representation or representative to the world to the
01:37:4101:37:41 - universe to the creation that he has made so the Angels who stayed true who did not Rebel in Jesus they they they
01:37:5001:37:50 - find um Vindication for their children choice to stand with the Lord rather than to join the rebellion of Satan and
01:37:5801:37:58 - for human beings who were not there when the whole thing began Jesus is is um a demonstration of everything that God is
01:38:0801:38:08 - as an answer to all the lies that Satan has been throwing at at Humanity right from the Garden of Eden so in Jesus
01:38:1601:38:16 - everything that we want to know about God the answer that God has the lies that Satan
01:38:2401:38:24 - has told about him and the the discussion really of what his goal or objective for the universe that he
01:38:3401:38:34 - created is fully represented it’s all in Jesus Christ that is how he is God’s message that is
01:38:4201:38:42 - how he is God’s word that is how he is the logos so we see to um the other thing I
01:38:5001:38:50 - wanted to make a point about was the monarchy thing this is something that um I think some years back when it it it it
01:39:0001:39:00 - made sense to me or I came to appreciate it that way kind of blew my mind because if you did not
01:39:0901:39:09 - really understand that he was God Jesus Is God and as God he is The Sovereign of creation that that’s it he is that’s not
01:39:1901:39:19 - a position he he needs to have bequeathed to him or given to him by just the fact of being deity being
01:39:2701:39:27 - God just as the father is God and the spirit is God he is The Sovereign of creation but as man as a human being he
01:39:3701:39:37 - was exalted to an incredbly high place I don’t think sometimes it it I think I don’t know I it’s hard to imagine just
01:39:4701:39:47 - what Jesus has become as a man what he is is what God is
01:39:5601:39:56 - except as a creature that’s what he is it’s similar to what Satan was when he was the Regent
01:40:0401:40:04 - the the guardian of God’s Throne similar to that and but I think it’s even greater than that because he stands
01:40:1301:40:13 - above everything that God made far above even the angels Satan may have been the ruler of the Angels but he was an angel
01:40:2201:40:22 - what Jesus is is just he’s on a level just by himself completely removed from every other thing and he is high above
01:40:3301:40:33 - it as a man that’s the position that he has been given because of his choice as a human being to be true to the father
01:40:4301:40:43 - but there’s also something else in there when God made the universe the first time he gave it to somebody to
01:40:4901:40:49 - administrate for him um so to speak because I mean even though uh the Bible gives
01:40:5801:40:58 - us to know that Satan was acting in the capacity of God’s Royal Guard his his um special person so to speak his number
01:41:0901:41:09 - two on Earth we can take for granted that that was something that um an authorities that enveloped the entire
01:41:1601:41:16 - universe we could take for granted um Jesus himself has replaced Satan and that position he is now the ruler of
01:41:2701:41:27 - everything that God has made and this is on behalf of the father so again consider the father as a represent
01:41:3701:41:37 - the representative of the trinity in terms of the authority of the Trinity the sovereignty of the Trinity overall
01:41:4601:41:46 - of creation and as as that representation of the Trinity he has appointed somebody
01:41:5401:41:54 - to be his Regent just as um Stephen has said
01:42:0301:42:03 - so that’s exactly the the thing there and and the dignity that that shines through in all of that is is more
01:42:1101:42:11 - like in this fight with Satan God God essentially says it’s beneath me to be engaging with
01:42:1801:42:18 - you you if I engaged with you it would seem as though I we bullying you because you’re too small for me really we we
01:42:2701:42:27 - can’t really have a fair fight you and I so here’s what I’ll do I’ll choose a champion and he’ll match you that’s
01:42:3501:42:35 - what’s going to happen and that champion was the Lord Jesus Christ and it’s it’s essentially the Lord saying yeah you’re
01:42:4201:42:42 - laying claim to this this is the person I’ve chosen to be in that place that you’re claiming you Style Yourself the
01:42:5101:42:51 - God of this world the ruler of the of of the earth and whatnot but this is the man that I’ve chosen to rule the
01:42:5901:42:59 - universe the creation that I made I never chose you and I’m not going to hand things over to you and I’m not
01:43:0601:43:06 - going to abandon them to you he will win it all back for me and that’s exactly why we open this section with oops let
01:43:1501:43:15 - mean to click that with this backdrop of the satanic rebellion and why it’s actually quite important you know you
01:43:2101:43:21 - might say well what does it matter if we understand what happened before Humanity well it matters because when we
01:43:2801:43:28 - understand that Jesus Christ is the answer to this I I think we should emphasize again that Angels at present
01:43:3501:43:35 - compared to us as humans are way way way more smart and powerful than we are like it’s not even close right and the being
01:43:4401:43:44 - that God will replace Satan with is a human being Jesus is a human being now he’s also God right that’s very
01:43:5201:43:52 - important that we don’t mistake that um Hebrews chapter 1 I actually pulled this up um the new Hebrews series that Dr L
01:43:5901:43:59 - has been going through Hebrews chapter one all about how Jesus as the ascended Son of God the glorified Son of God is
01:44:0701:44:07 - superior to Angels well God chose to work through a a human being who Satan would view as weak and yet glorified him
01:44:1601:44:16 - above Satan he’s replacing Satan with a human being think about that for a second um how was I pulled up I kind of
01:44:2301:44:23 - surprised this wasn’t in the the verses I was thinking about this when I think about the son’s monarchy like Jesus
01:44:3001:44:30 - specifically serving as the Regent or the the monarch of human rulership as God has appointed I think of the
01:44:3601:44:36 - epithets that you’ll commonly hear read uh when we are talking about um wow the words escaping me you know
01:44:4401:44:44 - like before Christmas not that we make a big deal out of times and Seasons but uh uh Advent right um that you’ll hear you
01:44:5301:44:53 - know like the prince of peace and uh the the King of Kings and the Lord of lords right you know these epithets that we
01:44:5801:44:58 - apply to Jesus Christ well those actually come up in Revelation chapter 17 Revelation chapter 19 I’m now are
01:45:0401:45:04 - also applied actually to the father um well I guess probably depends on how you’re interpreting all these things
01:45:1101:45:11 - right but Jesus is serving as the Regent of the father and he has that kingly Authority he is the king of kings and
01:45:1901:45:19 - what that represents that turn of phrase in in Greek at least is this idea that you know he’s the the one king to rule
01:45:2601:45:26 - them all um you know think lord of the ring style here um he is the preeminent King the the king that perfectly
01:45:3401:45:34 - fulfills the platonic form of kingship if you want to go down that route um and he’s doing it as a human being right so
01:45:4301:45:43 - you might say well God is our ruler but God is not like us but Jesus is our ruler but Jesus Is Like
01:45:5101:45:51 - Us think about that for a sec right um this is the sovereignty of Jesus serving as the agent of the father is that he is
01:46:0001:46:00 - a human being who has been elevated above every other created thing in the universe on account of what he has done
01:46:0801:46:08 - for us God has glorified and put him at his right hand you know that’s another expression you’ll hear that is the sense
01:46:1501:46:15 - of Jesus’s role um you know what he is taking back from Satan God has glorified him the resur resurrected Christ to sit
01:46:2401:46:24 - at his right hand and Rule alongside the father for all eternity actually also really interesting here um I don’t want
01:46:3101:46:31 - to get us off topic but um Dr luging holds that during the Millennium you know uh we will be resurrected uh the
01:46:3901:46:39 - the Rapture happens at the end of the tribulation um we are caught up with Christ we we gain our Resurrection
01:46:4401:46:44 - bodies and we will rule with him Bible actually says this although a lot of people tend to ignore it and hand wave
01:46:4901:46:49 - it away but uh David if I’m not mistaken a you might remember better than me um he’s going to come back restore the
01:46:5701:46:57 - davidic kingdom as in the physical human being David not Jesus Christ um I think he’s going to serve as kind of a what’s
01:47:0601:47:06 - the right word like I don’t know how how do you pronounce this word like autant you know what I’m talking about like the
01:47:1501:47:15 - administrative assistant to a senior official ad dju an adant
01:47:2401:47:24 - okay whatever Jesus is going to be the king but he is after the type of David as the
01:47:3401:47:34 - ruler of Israel right yeah and that’s thatal 110 you know the Lord said to my Lord um
01:47:4301:47:43 - you Messianic Psalm here go ahead yeah so just like you said in in fact during the tribulation I’m sorry
01:47:5101:47:51 - during the millennium every resurrected believer will have um an oversight some some position of oversight over the
01:48:0201:48:02 - millennial world at that time Nations will have uh Believers resurrected Believers ruling
01:48:0901:48:09 - over them on the spiritual plane just like today we have Satan who has apportioned the nations of
01:48:1601:48:16 - the world under different um um Rebel Angel authorities so we have as as we see in Daniel a Prince of Persia a
01:48:2701:48:27 - prince of Greece and we have Kings of Persia for example so likewise during the Millennium there will be um
01:48:3501:48:35 - believers who will be in charge of different nations of the world David will be the one in charge of Israel
01:48:4101:48:41 - that’s that’s the guarantee um of of the promise that the Lord made to him that’s essentially what
01:48:4901:48:49 - uh yeah stepen is referring to I didn’t want to get it wrong was a bit fuzzy in my head since it’s been a while since
01:48:5401:48:54 - I’ve read that particular section but and I was just using David as an example of well we talk about Christ playing
01:49:0201:49:02 - second fle to the father if you will and well how can he do that he’s God well David to use this idea of delegated
01:49:0901:49:09 - authority and push it further David who is the king of Israel right in terms of all the kings that came after him were
01:49:1601:49:16 - kings in the line of David you know the davidic kingdom is what we call it well David is gonna be assisting Jesus Christ
01:49:2401:49:24 - that’s what we mean about Jesus being king of King and Lord of lords you don’t get more kingly than David and Solomon
01:49:2901:49:29 - in the Bible but Jesus is going to be in charge of them and in that same way Jesus is acting as the representative or
01:49:3701:49:37 - the Regent of the father and that’s the Dignity of the father that we’re talking about here yeah yeah pretty much and I I
01:49:4501:49:45 - do like where what you had had brought up that point that we’ve talked about before about how the father he’s not
01:49:5001:49:50 - even going to get his hand himself so to speak I mean turn of phrase probably isn’t quite on point because you know
01:49:5701:49:57 - God’s God and he’s not like us as created beings but he doesn’t he’s not even going to lift a finger himself to
01:50:0301:50:03 - do he doesn’t need to he doesn’t have to exercise even the smallest amount of his power to defeat Satan instead he is
01:50:1001:50:10 - going to redeem mankind not through an overwhelming display of his his grander and Majesty which he could do you know
01:50:1901:50:19 - he could just snap his fingers and annihilate Satan instantly right in this like overwhelming pyrotechnic display of
01:50:2501:50:25 - superiority but instead God is going to work through a human being someone who is weak who is frail who has all of
01:50:3501:50:35 - these things that that would make this the angels scof and he’s going to elevate Jesus Christ the resurrected
01:50:4201:50:42 - Christ to his right hand and he’s going to be the ruler God is showing that in fact he can do whatever he pleases and
01:50:5001:50:50 - he doesn’t have to annihilate Satan the choices of his other moral creatures through put the lie to Satan’s
01:50:5801:50:58 - entire PR platform through and through um and you know um that is I I should also
01:51:0601:51:06 - say that um one other thing that if you get this Trope of Kings in your head or monarchy and and authority and things
01:51:1401:51:14 - like that is you’ll think about kind of like the beneficence or the magnam of Kings I know those are kind of big words
01:51:2101:51:21 - but you know like the the King’s favor or the king’s good will you know um for his people you’ll hear things like that
01:51:3001:51:30 - God has that more than any other king you know any human kings are just kind of poor copies of the Divine version of
01:51:3701:51:37 - this right you know not to get all platonic about it but you know like basically that sense of the dignity and
01:51:4601:51:46 - and people like they want the king’s blessing and his his like his I don’t know his favor and uh like he’s the one
01:51:5501:51:55 - who you want you know like King’s kissing babies okay you know like when we have that idea
01:52:0201:52:02 - of he’s a big deal right um that that guy’s a big deal you know I do think that some of this symbolism is maybe
01:52:1001:52:10 - lost on us a little bit because you know our particular country you know uh not real big on Kings right um that was kind
01:52:2001:52:20 - of the thing about the American Revolution you know like we’re going to Rebel from the British Monarchy because
01:52:2601:52:26 - we don’t want to pay taxes I part of it but you know like basically that kings are sort of anathema to us in what we
01:52:3401:52:34 - considered our enlightened Western democracy but think about how hard this would hit for you know how about people
01:52:4101:52:41 - who were under the emperor the Caesars in Rome this idea of central individual Authority um it doesn’t hit for us in
01:52:5101:52:51 - the same way it would for them as people under an absolute monarchy um per Imperial monarchy but you know on
01:52:5901:52:59 - presidents are not Kings right um not in the way we’re talking about here we’re talking about people who have a right
01:53:0701:53:07 - you know think like Mandate of Heaven you know what that is from history not that that’s really a thing by the way
01:53:1301:53:13 - but like the actual Mandate of Heaven Jesus has the real mandate to Heaven everyone else was just using it as an
01:53:1901:53:19 - excuse to go steal people’s land but it’s Kings who have that basically the scepter from God
01:53:2801:53:28 - himself that is what we’re talking about in terms of Royal sovereignty Royal dignity is coming from that okay yeah
01:53:3801:53:38 - sorry a little bit rambly but important Concepts all right so we are finally
01:53:4901:53:49 - going to talk now kind of about how uh these characteristics of the son second person of the Trinity sort of contrast
01:53:5801:53:58 - with all of the things that we’ve been talking about with respect to the father for the last minut so we went over how
01:54:0401:54:04 - the father is invisible to us he’s separated by that Veil uh due to the sinfulness of humanity he keeps himself
01:54:1101:54:11 - separate we talked about how he is inaccessible to us um apart from uh us covering ourselves in the blood of
01:54:1801:54:18 - Christ to approach his throne of grace we only have access to him through what Christ has already done for us and then
01:54:2501:54:25 - we talked about how uh the Dignity of the father sent Jesus Christ to act on his behalf as a representative um so he
01:54:3301:54:33 - is uh kind of analogist to a King who has uh you know the prince serve on his behalf or uh you know officers of the
01:54:4101:54:41 - Court do things with his authority well that is sort of how the father sends Christ on his behalf um he sends someone
01:54:4901:54:49 - as an agent to uh he represent and speak for the father um and that’s how the father sends Jesus Christ as his
01:54:5701:54:57 - representative but um by way of contrast to what we just talked about with the father um Jesus Christ actually uh is
01:55:0901:55:09 - visible to us we have access to him and he humbles himself so that we can approach him as another person uh the
01:55:1901:55:19 - visible member of the Trinity who we can take our cares and concerns before um so uh while we cannot initially see the
01:55:2701:55:27 - father uh that is until we die after the Ascension uh he Ephesians chapter 4 mentions that uh Christ LED captivity
01:55:3501:55:35 - captive uh those pre cross believers who were initially in Paradise in Hades are now in the presence of the father in the
01:55:4201:55:42 - third heaven and that’s where we too will go when we die in this present Church age um but while we cannot
01:55:4801:55:48 - initially see the father we can see the son and can see the father through the son and so that principle comes up in
01:55:5501:55:55 - the Gospel of John we have a verse here from John chapter 14 and so this is when they are asking Jesus show us the Father
01:56:0301:56:03 - and Jesus says to them how I have I been so long with you and yet you have not come to know me Phillip he who has seen
01:56:1101:56:11 - me has seen the father how can you say show us the father um so we might also reference and I know I’ve been harping
01:56:1801:56:18 - on this one um but Hebrews chapter 1 brought this up over and over here how Christ is said to be uh the radiance of
01:56:2701:56:27 - God’s glory and the exact representation of his being uh Jesus Christ is not like an illusion he’s not like a I don’t know
01:56:3601:56:36 - like a pale Similac room of the essence of God he is God and that was true during the Incarnation um we had the
01:56:4501:56:45 - hypostatic Union in effect so uh God and man fully God yet fully man um now of course his divinity was veiled during
01:56:5401:56:54 - the Incarnation under that doctrine that we call kenosis but at any rate Jesus says to Philip here um how can you say
01:57:0301:57:03 - show us the father when you see the father through him Jesus acts as the representative of the father more than
01:57:1001:57:10 - just like a token title but he is the radiance of the father’s Glory that’s what Hebrews chapter one tells us here
01:57:1701:57:17 - so we could not initially approach the father we’ve talked about this we didn’t have access to him until Christ won that
01:57:2501:57:25 - for us on the cross but through the son we have gained that access another quote from first John here says I am the way
01:57:3201:57:32 - the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me um so we usually use this verse in terms of
01:57:3901:57:39 - salvation but even for believers none of us even though we believe in God none of us can access the father except through
01:57:4801:57:48 - Jesus Christ the only reason why we have access even as Believers even once all this has happened is because of what
01:57:5401:57:54 - Christ did um so our sinfulness has kept us separate from the perfect Holiness of the father but the work of the son has
01:58:0301:58:03 - rendered us holy and has reconciled us to him Colossians 1:22 says he has now reconciled you in his fleshly body
01:58:1101:58:11 - through death in order to present you before him holy and blameless and Beyond reproach so our sin was nailed to the
01:58:1801:58:18 - cross with Christ sometimes you’ll hear it phrase like that so Jesus is the visible accessible member of the Trinity
01:58:2501:58:25 - who was willing to Humble himself and associate with us to die for us this passage in Philippians chapter 2 talks
01:58:3301:58:33 - about uh kinosis this is one of the places where we get it from in the Bible talks about Jesus humbling himself so uh
01:58:4101:58:41 - picking up at verse six Hebrews chapter 2 verse 6 says he existed in the form of God but did not regard equality with God
01:58:4901:58:49 - as a thing to be grasped but emptied himself that’s where we get kinosis from but emptied himself taking the form of a
01:58:5601:58:56 - bond servant and being made in the likeness of men being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself
01:59:0101:59:01 - by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross and then we talk about how uh for this reason Jesus
01:59:0801:59:08 - will be highly exalted um that’s part of the uh tius back here watch this this part of the monarchy that we talked
01:59:1601:59:16 - about Jesus Will Rule as Regent on the father’s behalf as king of kings and Lord of lords um and he will be exalted
01:59:2401:59:24 - every knee will bow and every tongue will confess also In this passage from Philippians 2 um well where were we
01:59:3101:59:31 - going with this well this is what Jesus was willing to do for us he humbled himself in order to take on a human
01:59:3801:59:38 - nature to live alongside us and to die as the perfect substitute for our sins here so Christ has always been our point
01:59:4601:59:46 - of contact with the godhead whether in the Old Testament in christophanies or after his appearance in true human ity
01:59:5201:59:52 - following his Incarnation it’s always been Jesus Christ who is the visible member of the Trinity and the one who we
01:59:5801:59:58 - have contact with who gives us that that in if you will to the throne room of God the Father um and we’ve also emphasized
02:00:0602:00:06 - throughout this series that the holy spirit is the Unseen member of the Trinity that’s sort of uh his
02:00:1202:00:12 - characteristic you know of the son is the accessible one the visible one the approachable one the father is the one
02:00:1802:00:18 - in a position of authority the one with dignity like we talked about who sends the son on his behalf the spirit is the
02:00:2402:00:24 - Unseen helper um but it’s always been through the son that we have access to the father and and therefore actually
02:00:3102:00:31 - access to the Trinity as a whole um Jesus is the one through whom we have access to and reconciliation with God
02:00:4002:00:40 - and so this is why we’re kind of contrasting what we talked about the father being in invisible inaccessible
02:00:4702:00:47 - and uh having this Authority this dignity that sort of holds him apart from us uh so that he sends uh Jesus to
02:00:5402:00:54 - work on his behalf well by way of contrast Jesus is visible to us is accessible to us and has humbled himself
02:01:0002:01:00 - to live alongside us and become one of us taking on a human nature um and so you know we’ve talked before about how
02:01:0902:01:09 - the roles in the Trinity it’s not like either member of the Trinity is better or worse than the other in this they
02:01:1502:01:15 - have adopted different roles in the plan to redeem Mankind and so the father’s role is is to be that representation of
02:01:2402:01:24 - deity uh the one who cannot tolerate sin representing that part of God’s Essence that he cannot abide sin he is Holy he’s
02:01:3202:01:32 - set apart from it and Jesus is the one who chose to Humble himself to die on our behalf as a perfect substitute both
02:01:4002:01:40 - members of the Trinity their roles are entirely necessary for the Redemption of mankind but they are not the same role
02:01:4702:01:47 - right and of course we’ve spent a lot of time talking about the Trinity uh showing how that is the case here but
02:01:5302:01:53 - the point in all of this is that even in the Old Testament as we’ve been talking about here the appearances of the sun is
02:02:0002:02:00 - consistent with the son as being visible accessible and humbling himself he is the one who interacts with Humanity
02:02:0702:02:07 - directly not the father and so all those instances that we’ve talked about and will continue to talk about in the next
02:02:1402:02:14 - lesson here in this series of of the reincarnate Jesus Christ appearing to people in the Old Testament Jesus is the
02:02:2202:02:22 - one who does this because it is aligned with these characteristics of the second member of the Trinity as opposed to the
02:02:2802:02:28 - father’s in invisibility inaccessibility and his dignity his separateness from the world so AI do you have points to
02:02:3702:02:37 - add as we kind of tie up uh this this lesson we’ve been going over talking about theophany and christophany and why
02:02:4302:02:43 - we’re making this identification of Christ in the Old Testament uh it I think you you really
02:02:5102:02:51 - kept Ed everything I would say just that um uh the point is to remind us of the glory the Majesty of God and at
02:03:0402:03:04 - the same time his heart for Sinners because if God is Not removed from our sin we don’t see just how desperate our
02:03:1602:03:16 - situation is that is if God does not say you are not worthy of me I will not be in a situation where you can access me
02:03:2702:03:27 - you are my enemies you are people worthy of being thrown into the Lake of Fire we will not see how desperate our situation
02:03:3302:03:33 - is but if he did that alone we would not be saved so he did something else there was still the availability of somebody
02:03:4402:03:44 - who who said as vile as your sin is as terrible as your Rebellion is and we are God
02:03:5302:03:53 - cannot tolerate it at the same time God wants to bring you out of it he wants to
02:04:0202:04:02 - rescue you so he does not abandon you to your situation that’s what we see in this um issue of the son’s accessibility
02:04:1302:04:13 - because he presents the accessibility of God he is that he is that face of of God that says I won’t abandon you to your um
02:04:2802:04:28 - desperation to your frustration to your despair I will rescue you that was
02:04:3502:04:35 - necessary so we we see both things the father representing the Holiness of God I will not tolerate this sort of thing
02:04:4302:04:43 - around me and I will not have people of your caliber in fellowship with me
02:04:5202:04:52 - and Jesus plays the role of I will not leave you to your mess I will clean you up and restore you to
02:05:0102:05:01 - myself that’s essentially um what I would say regarding that in addition to all that
02:05:0802:05:08 - you [Music] said all right so that has been this
02:05:1502:05:15 - lesson going over really the kind of basic differences between theophanes and christophanies what they mean
02:05:2202:05:22 - conceptually and kind of introducing the idea that the appearances of God in the Old Testament were actually appearances
02:05:2902:05:29 - of a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ so this has sort of been the high level view um so we talked about what theophany and
02:05:3602:05:36 - christophany mean sort of in terms of their emology you know appearance of God or appearance of Christ we talked about
02:05:4202:05:42 - the invisibility the inaccessibility and the Dignity of the father um who is separate from us and uh sort of has this
02:05:5102:05:51 - this representation of Holiness in the Trinity that means he cannot tolerate human sin but how Jesus Christ chose to
02:05:5902:05:59 - align himself with us so by way of contrast his visibility accessibility and humility um in taking on human form
02:06:0602:06:06 - as that passage in Philippians chapter 2 talks about um gives us access to the father and so we see the father through
02:06:1402:06:14 - the son the son is sent as a representative of the father and we went over everything that means here you know
02:06:2102:06:21 - with the dignity of the father sting Christ as his representative we talked about his message his mediation his
02:06:2602:06:26 - mission and his monarchy all of these things applying to Jesus Christ as the agent of our Redemption sent on behalf
02:06:3302:06:33 - of the father so this was sort of like the overview or the introduction what we’re going to be touching on in our
02:06:3902:06:39 - next lesson is looking at some of the specific passages where we see uh appearances of God in the Old Testament
02:06:4602:06:46 - and and as we’ve gone over here we’re going to argue that all of those are actually christophanies but we’re going
02:06:5002:06:50 - to go ahead and look at some of those specific passages when we pick up in the next lesson