Illustrating the Trinity



In this lesson we discuss illustrations that seek to help explain the Trinity. Since nothing in this created universe is truly like God, all of these illustrations are necessarily lacking in one way or another, and it is for this reason that we need to be quite wary of reading too much into them. If they help us better wrap our minds around the core teaching of the Trinity (namely, that God exists in three persons sharing one essence), then all to the good. However, we ought not ever build doctrine on top of things that are merely analogies, and analogies that are not even in scripture at that.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
02:4002:40 - Perils in attempting to use illustrations for the Trinity
16:2716:27 - An illustration from the early church: the Trinity “triangle”
21:1021:10 - The illustration of the family of Man
30:1630:16 - The illustration of the human mind
38:0338:03 - Illustrations from the world of nature
48:3148:31 - Illustrations from the physical realm
54:5754:57 - Conclusions: these illustrations are only the loosest of analogies at best
01:03:4201:03:42 - Summary and outro


(Derived from

Perils in attempting to use illustrations for the Trinity

As we discussed in our last lesson, attempting to illustrate such a carefully protected doctrine as the Trinity has the potential of doing more harm than good. The fundamental problem with illustrations of the type we will consider in a moment is that they all necessarily contain potentially dangerous and untrue points of comparison, which, if too much stress be placed upon them, run the real risk of leading to heretical conclusions, a danger that far outweighs any good they may do in attempting to shed some light on the subject.

The number one objection to such illustrations is that God is divine, and since nothing and no one else is, any illustration will needs be imperfect and inaccurate (a fact which may well explain why no such illustrations occur in the Bible: Is.40:18). And there is more. Historically, Satan’s attacks on the doctrine of the Trinity – a teaching crucial to the integrity of our Christian faith – have focused on the three-fold sovereign personality of God and/or His deity in three persons. But this reality of divine, triune personality is precisely the point that all illustrations of the Trinity miss (of necessity, since there is nothing “like” the Trinity).

An illustration from the early church: the Trinity “triangle”

This oldest of the Trinity illustrations is also in many ways the best, because the non-doctrinal point of comparison (i.e., the triangle) merely serves to organize visually the meaning imparted by the words: all three members of the Trinity are God ("one in essence"), yet they are distinct from each other ("three in person"):

The Trinity Triangle

The illustration of the family of Man

Like the Trinity, mankind has multiple members, all possessed of similar, spiritual essences. But the Trinity share a unique, divine essence, and their triune unanimity of purpose is unlike anything in the realm of humanity.

The illustration of the human mind

Like the Trinity, the mind can be said to be at once one thing, yet at the same time several things (intellect, emotion, conscience, etc.) and can dialogue with itself, and even be at cross-purposes with itself. But the Trinity is composed of distinct, divine personalities to which the inner-workings of our psyches make a poor comparison.

Illustrations from the world of nature

There are many things in the natural world that consist of distinct, multiple parts that at the same time constitute one complete whole. For example, distinguishable branches, roots and trunk are all part of one and the same tree, and eggs have three distinct parts (yolk, white and shell) without any of which three you would no longer have an egg. None of the illustrations of this sort really help to explain the unique personalities of the Trinity or their shared divine essence.

Illustrations from the physical realm

This category of illustration contains some of the more interesting examples that have been used to explain the Trinity, though all suffer from the same objections that were lodged against the former category:

  • Light is one yet distinct (and cf. God “being light”—1 John 1:5): radio is heard, visible light is seen, and infrared is felt
  • The universe is one yet distinct: time, space, and matter
  • Time is one yet distinct: past, present, and future
  • Space is one yet distinct: length, breadth, and height
  • Matter is one yet distinct: energy, matter, phenomnea

Conclusions: these illustrations are only the loosest of analogies at best

The most that can be said for the best of these illustrations is that to the extent that they remind us of the awesome wisdom and power of God in creating these complex, wonderful things (often taken for granted), they may also help us to realize that the Maker is likely to be even more complex and wonderful, and so accept what we know to be true about the Trinity (“one in essence, three in person”), even if it seems too complex and wonderful to fully grasp.

As we have said, however, care must be taken to see that none of these illustrations is taken too far, lest by attempting to understand “beyond what is written” we be led instead to dangerous and extra-biblical rationalizations based on these loose analogies. For the Trinity is often a good “litmus test” for our Christian faith. To accept it, one must accept not only the existence of God, but the distinctiveness and divinity of Jesus Christ, the true touch-stone principle that divides believers from unbelievers (1Jn.2:22-23). By distorting our understanding of the Trinity, the devil ultimately seeks to destroy our faith in Jesus Christ, the real focal point and rationale for satanic attacks that seek to confuse the issue of “one in essence, three in person”.

Video/audio transcript

00:0000:00 - all right guys so this week in our lesson we are going to be talking about illustrating the Trinity so
00:0600:06 - illustrations for the kind of the concept and the doctrine of the Trinity and so these are the points that we’re
00:1400:14 - going to be going over today we’re going to be talking about kind of how attempting to use illustrations for the
00:1900:19 - Trinity is always somewhat perilous just because uh the Trinity is God God is divine there is nothing like him in this
00:2800:28 - created world so that means just simple what’s the right word uh uh kind of process of elimination if
00:3800:38 - there’s nothing like God well then necessarily all illustrations will lack some comparative power all of them will
00:4500:45 - be necessarily imperfect um and so on account of that we just need to be very very careful that we don’t Place Focus
00:5200:52 - here on these and we don’t try to draw doctrinal conclusions off of it and things like that and so actually this
00:5900:59 - this section in the study it’s not so much teaching it’s not so much trying to explain the trinity in terms of these
01:0601:06 - illustrations as it is trying to show how these illustrations are sort of necessarily insufficient and so um we’ll
01:1401:14 - kind of see what that means a little bit more as we go on today but we’re going to start off with a very early
01:1901:19 - illustration this comes up in the early church the so-called Trinity triangle which is just a visual representation of
01:2501:25 - what we have already said that uh the father is God Jesus is God the spirit is God but the father is not the son or the
01:3301:33 - spirit the son is not the father or the spirit and the spirit is not the father or the son um you know so the is and is
01:4001:40 - not relationships now we’re going to talk about the family of man so uh mankind the human mind illustrations
01:4801:48 - from the world of nature so this is like physical nature per se uh illustrations from the Physical Realm like light for
01:5601:56 - example or the universe and then at the end we’re going to kind of come back and touch on uh this point that we started
02:0302:03 - with that basically well there you go there are some of the illustrations that have been used across times and places
02:0902:09 - in history to try to help explain the Trinity and uh you shouldn’t be very impressed basically um that is you know
02:1702:17 - we’re going to kind of end where we started on this and uh not so much that we need to like look down our noses at
02:2402:24 - you know anyone who tries to say well just as God is three yet one so to in this other area maybe maybe it helps
02:3202:32 - right but the point is it’s very dangerous to build Doctrine on it that’s going to kind of be the fundamental
02:3702:37 - point that we try to make today all right so the first point uh that we are going to be starting with in
02:4702:47 - our discussion here of illustrations for the Trinity is the kind of initial caveat the initial warning that I
02:5302:53 - mentioned going over how all of these illustrations are sort of going to be necessarily imperfect and so we did kind
03:0103:01 - of touch on this in our previous lesson here that that all attempts here to kind of illustrate such a Doctrine as the
03:0903:09 - Trinity which is so core and Central to our belief um uh just because of the importance of this there is the
03:1703:17 - potential there that this does more harm than good um so if your illustration is even a little bit off-center and people
03:2403:24 - read into it more than they should suddenly you might have harmed their understanding of the trinity because of
03:3003:30 - how important that is that is kind of a very bad thing and so the fundamental problem with illustrations of kind of
03:3803:38 - the type that we’re going to be going over today is that if you take them too far if you put too much stress upon them
03:4503:45 - you do run the real risk of leading to heretical conclusions um and it’s not going to be so direct uh in as much as
03:5403:54 - the second you look at one of these suddenly your entire understanding of God is going to become like overly
03:5903:59 - complicated you’re not going to know heads from tals anymore it’s that basically if you start reading into it
04:0604:06 - if you start trying to make the analogy fit that’s when you’re going to run into problems and so the basic idea here is
04:1404:14 - that uh it’s it’s really more like um we want to make sure that we don’t do more harm than good right that Do no harm
04:2104:21 - principle that doctors sometimes um try to abide by um that is the sort of idea that we are going to be going into this
04:3004:30 - discussion with and uh the fundamental problem kind of mentioned this a little bit in the introduction there was that
04:3704:37 - um the illustrations here are trying to illustrate a Divine being using things from the created realm and nothing in
04:4704:47 - this creation is it all like God we have talked about this previously in discussing God’s Essence um so uh uh his
04:5604:56 - uniqueness um his sovereignty within the material Universe there’s no one else like God there is no other being no
05:0305:03 - other created thing that is at all like him um you know and that’s in regard to his infinite nature and his perfect
05:0905:09 - character as we have gone over in the past here and so that simply means Again by process of or the process of of
05:1705:17 - elimination here that there is absolutely nothing that will serve as a good parallel as a truly good analogy
05:2405:24 - for God is that all of these things will necessarily fall short that doesn’t mean that they’re evil it just means that
05:2905:29 - they’re insufficient and there’s kind of more to this even um Satan attacks the Trinity he always has um Satan’s always
05:3805:38 - looking for ways to kind of interfere with our understanding of of God’s truth and attacking the Divinity of Jesus
05:4605:46 - Christ the Divinity of any members of the Trinity or just the teaching of the trinity in general The three-fold
05:5305:53 - Sovereign personality of God and and the deity of the three persons all of these have always been kind of uh important
06:0006:00 - attack vectors in Satan’s plan because if Satan can compromise someone on these issues they’re just hop skip and a jump
06:0706:07 - away from compromising on what makes us Christian in fact depending on exactly what we mean by compromise getting
06:1406:14 - people to stumble here already uh kind of messes with the core beliefs that we need to hold as Christians and so the
06:2306:23 - problem with all this is that this Triune personality this is exactly the point that illustrations of Trinity Miss
06:3006:30 - like they cannot in any way do this right and so it’s a little bit subtle here right you know rather than Satan uh
06:3806:38 - coming right up to someone and being like the Trinity is false and then most Christians would be kind of uh I guess
06:4706:47 - we we’d be primed to look at someone and say no it isn’t because and and then you know go into an explanation of how the
06:5306:53 - Bible talks about it like we’ve been talking about right it is we’d have a knee-jerk reaction to this but but when
07:0007:00 - someone else instead says the Trinity is like and then presents some example they’re not so much attacking the
07:0707:07 - Trinity headon as they are making this comparison and see this is why it’s a little bit more subtle because if they
07:1507:15 - were attacking the Trinity headon we would recognize it for the challenge to correct doctrine that that such a thing
07:2107:21 - would be but when people instead give what I would call an imperfect comparison maybe we give them the
07:2707:27 - benefit of the doubt more or we don’t recognize it as being dangerous to our own understanding but if we buy into it
07:3507:35 - it is still coloring our understanding of God because fundamentally if the first things out of our mouth are not
07:4107:41 - something along the lines of God is divine and outside of SpaceTime and nothing is like him therefore we
07:5007:50 - basically um trying to think about the right what it says you don’t want to come off as hyper legalistic either the
07:5507:55 - point needs to be nothing can truly compare to God so we need to discuss this Doctrine uh what I would call
08:0108:01 - theologically we need to treat it without kid gloves without trying to rationalize it as this thing that is
08:0808:08 - fundamentally incomprehensible in some sense to us as finite humans and we shouldn’t apologize for that that’s just
08:1308:13 - how it is that’s what it means for God to be an infinite being outside of SpaceTime while we are finite beings
08:2008:20 - within SpaceTime like we’re just never going to completely get it and we need to make peace with that rather than
08:2508:25 - trying to explain it all way so we need to always come in to discussions when such a thing would come up with that
08:3208:32 - being the starting point and we again we shouldn’t we shouldn’t like shame people for it we should just stand firm on the
08:3808:38 - truth and the point that I’m saying here is that the comparisons due to the imperfection that is present in them we
08:4608:46 - need to recognize them as dangerous we need to accept that if we actually look to them for teaching they can mislead us
08:5408:54 - and that is just kind of a different starting point than where some people may land on this thing and that’s why
09:0009:00 - we’re trying to make this point kind of more explicitly up front a do you have any thoughts you want to jump off of
09:0609:06 - anything I said okay so yeah um I think that the bottom line is to keep in mind the
09:1809:18 - danger of using any illustration but as with pretty much anything else in the Bible our job is to
09:2709:27 - learn what the truth is and for us who are teachers our job is to teach and sometimes to teach you have to use
09:3309:33 - imperfect analogies I mean Lord Jesus was always doing that his Parables he would he would talk about things that
09:4109:41 - weren’t exactly the thing he was talking about but there was something in those things that resonated with the realities
09:4709:47 - of which he spoke so for example he would say that the kingdom of God is like um uh Mustard Seed how about
09:5609:56 - mustard seed or I think particular one I was interested in is uh a bit of Leaven that you put in a loaf and it leavens
10:0510:05 - the whole lump you know something like that and you know you could push that really far and you’d have all sorts of
10:1310:13 - problems with it I mean there are people today who are thinking and probably not necessarily because of that um uh that
10:2110:21 - analogy that the kingdom of God is supposed to expand and keep expanding and basically they have this thing we
10:2810:28 - call Dominion theology which is essentially that the world is going to get better and better and the church
10:3310:33 - will eventually consume it before the Lord Jesus will return Lord Jesus will return to a world that has turned to God
10:4010:40 - essentially that’s what some people would make of that but in fact what he was saying was a completely different
10:4510:45 - thing which was it might be small at the moment when he was talking about the population of people who actually were
10:5310:53 - you know walking with the Lord there has always been a very small minority of people throughout the the
10:5910:59 - ages who have been walking with God but what he was saying is that now there was going to be an explosion and what was
11:0711:07 - hither to seemingly confined to Israel was going to spread throughout the entire world that was what he was
11:1311:13 - essentially saying but of course when you use that analogy you have to accommodate the fact that that analogy
11:1911:19 - is not the thing itself we will need these analogies we will need these illustrations just to get to wrap our
11:2611:26 - minds around something that would otherwise be inconceivable to us and the Lord has actually he built the world he
11:3311:33 - built this universe that we live in to tell us about himself that’s a very important thing Psalm 19 and Revelation
11:4111:41 - and and Romans 1 both attest to this that the world in which we live tell tells us something
11:4811:48 - about what and who God is of course it doesn’t give us the entire Revelation the Revelation it gives is very limited
11:5811:58 - but for someone who loves the truth and wants to know about the Lord you can use things in the world around you to
12:0612:06 - appreciate and understand the Lord a bit more and for someone whose job it is to communicate the truth about the Lord to
12:1312:13 - others you can use things in the world that people can relate to to understand some more about the Lord but we have to
12:2112:21 - never forget that an analogy is no more than an an analogy and when you’re comparing anything to God himself that
12:3012:30 - is a necessarily flawed comparison because just as Steven said there is nothing in the universe that is quite
12:4012:40 - like God so we can only say in this way and in that way this thing could throw some light on something about God but we
12:4912:49 - should not take the thing too far and come to to think of it in ways that are inappropriate that do not fit the
12:5712:57 - Revelation that we have of the the Lord in the scriptures so um again not demonizing using
13:0513:05 - illustrations but certainly being cautious and reserved in our use of them I mean I just Ed Kind of a Funny
13:1513:15 - anecdote I’m sure many folks are aware of kind of the parable the of the sheep and the goats right talking about the
13:2213:22 - separation and last judgment there is nothing inherently evil about one or the other right as if one animal is like on
13:3113:31 - account of this physical characteristic or that physical characteristic you see what I’m saying like that is pushing the
13:3813:38 - analogy quite a bit too far there’s it’s just the point is there will be a separation in the final judgment um yes
13:4613:46 - and yes I mean a lot of this things you would think would be common sense of no that’s just an analogy it doesn’t mean
13:5313:53 - what you’re saying it means but people do go there so you know that is just Why we have to head off that sort of thing
14:0014:00 - now I will say just as perhaps giving a bit of intuition to why ought we be cautious in this you
14:0714:07 - know like maybe you say what’s the harm you know maybe maybe if it helps us so uh we we have touched on a little bit
14:1314:13 - how basically giving too much ear here it it tries to what I would call like physicalize God too much we try to fit
14:2214:22 - him into a box that we can understand but the thing is you shouldn’t put God in a box because he doesn’t live in one
14:2814:28 - right he’s Unbound um there’s this interesting interplay this was brought up by someone when we paused briefly for
14:3514:35 - a sec also with the idea of no graven images it’s one of the Ten Commandments here right um what we do when we try to
14:4414:44 - conceptualize God in a way that basically we have not been given leave to is we are trying to make an image of
14:5114:51 - him um maybe it’s not as obvious as I don’t know you know like making a statue and calling it God but to the extent
14:5914:59 - that we try to make him physical we we make him bounded in the sense that we can then feel like we actually
15:0715:07 - understand him we have actually taken God and reduced him to something he is not um and yes that’s the severity of it
15:1615:16 - right it is you’re breaking one of The Commandments here you know like it’s not it’s not like an oh shrug who cares sort
15:2215:22 - of thing it’s a we need to respect God as we ought as the omnipotent creator of the universe who cannot be put into a
15:3115:31 - physical box you just can’t um if you if you call a physical box like that God you don’t really understand well not
15:3915:39 - that we will ever perfectly understand who God is but basically whatever conception you think you have is just
15:4315:43 - woefully insufficient right um yeah and that’s just why it’s not legalism here it’s not legalism to say that we really
15:5215:52 - got to be careful not to go too far we really have to be careful what we say and what conclusions we draw it’s not
15:5815:58 - just cu we’re trying to be pedantic or audite or academic and look down our noses at people it’s because we do not
16:0516:05 - want to get in the habit of trying to make God physical trying to make him something that we can perfectly
16:1216:12 - understand and metabolize because that’s not God it’s just it’s just not accurate um and the Bible itself weighs in
16:2016:20 - against it so we don’t need to be super shy about it is what I’m saying um yeah yes
16:2716:27 - great so the first of the actual illustrations that we are going to be using here comes
16:3516:35 - from the early church you know it is attested in in various places and in many ways this one is the safest of all
16:4316:43 - illustrations you might use because it’s basically just a visual way to represent the information that we’ve already gone
16:5016:50 - over so I stole this picture off of VI this I did not make this picture um and you know it looks much the same no
16:5616:56 - matter where you get it from um but if you see God in the middle of the triangle um well the father is God the
17:0417:04 - son is God the holy spirit is God but you can see here based on these sides you know like the sides of the triangle
17:1017:10 - the father is not the son the father is not the spirit the spirit is not the father there spirit is not the son and
17:1617:16 - then the son is not the spirit and the son is not the father so it just represents all of the
17:2117:21 - relationships that kind of get to what three persons in one Essence means you know that is that all three members of
17:2817:28 - the trinity are God but they are not each other by personality so hence three persons one Essence um and so as I say
17:3617:36 - this is sort of the safe illustration um because it is visually representing the points that we need to teach when we
17:4517:45 - teach the Trinity um that they are all God and yet they are distinct from each other and it just puts it in a picture
17:5117:51 - basically so I’m a little bit I what’s the right word it’s not that this isn’t an illustration because well it is kind
17:5817:58 - of a visual representation of it but I don’t quite think of this in the same terms as I think of some of the rest of
18:0418:04 - the things that we’ll go over and you’ll see a little bit more what I mean by that in in a moment but I actually think
18:1018:10 - this one is absolutely fine I even think it’s a good thing for us to bring up when we teach on this just so that
18:1518:15 - people can see it all in front of them you know maybe rather than reading three or four sentences they just look at the
18:2118:21 - picture and they say ah that is what we mean when we say that the members of the Trinity are all God but they’re not each
18:2818:28 - other um aie do you have thoughts on this initial
18:3318:33 - one yeah my my thought is exactly that I wish I had your optimism about people people are very interesting um there is
18:4318:43 - a very popular um symbol so to speak out there in media in during the Illuminati Madness that the entire world
18:5618:56 - got engulfed in for a bit um that that that picture was very very big they had it’s actually in in your in your dollar
19:0519:05 - bills I I don’t know if it’s just the $1 bill or the higher denominations but there was a pyramid with an eye on it
19:1419:14 - right so exactly so people get caught up in things like that and you would be very surprised how people could make a
19:2319:23 - triangle that’s just explanatory it’s not even there’s nothing about it that should be special they can turn it into
19:3019:30 - something that it is not the human heart is very idolatrous incredibly idolatrous and that’s what we’re warning about
19:3819:38 - really we’re saying the illustration is not the thing itself the illustration is not the Trinity illustration is not God
19:4619:46 - so don’t get it into your mind that oh maybe because this is such a good representation of God triangles are
19:5219:52 - somehow mystical Divine yeah actually you know I know teaches about other places but you know
19:5919:59 - how the holy of holies in the temple is this perfect Cube we got more we got more evidence for that than we do
20:0520:05 - triangles is what I’m saying but even that is like not it’s supposed to show the perfect equality of the three sides
20:1220:12 - in physical space it’s still just it’s still just an illustration right there’s no power to it but exactly just for
20:2020:20 - example another three-dimensional object that is mentioned in scripture doesn’t mean that that is God right or that
20:2720:27 - cubes are somehow holy and like I don’t know trapezoids or or what’s a I guess trapezoids are two dimensional not
20:3420:34 - threedimensional aren’t they but whatever you get the point that spheres are not holy because cubes are holy you
20:3920:39 - see what I’m saying like that it’s nonsense but yeah so we should we shouldn’t get caught up in all of that
20:4620:46 - is the point it’s it’s just a very good illustration it it doesn’t mean anything more than that yeah all right well I
20:5420:54 - think that is mostly what we have to say on this one you know this one has less potential to lead astray I suppose
21:0021:00 - unless you get thinking that triangles are somehow Godly um but as long as you avoid that for the most part you’re not
21:0721:07 - gonna get off in using this one so in terms of the first what we might call actual analogy here um
21:1921:19 - previously we’ just been talking about the Trinity triangle as a visual representation well we’re going to be
21:2421:24 - talking about the illustration of the family of man so of humanity or humankind here so like the Trinity
21:3221:32 - mankind has multiple members all possessed of similar spiritual Essences but here’s the difference the Trinity
21:3921:39 - shares a unique Divine Essence and their triun UNAM unanimity of purpose is unlike anything in the realm of humanity
21:4721:47 - and so we are of a kind as humans so my spiritual composition is like that of everyone else on this call is like that
21:5521:55 - of everyone else in the world you know some s bil people over but the thing is we do not share an Essence so even
22:0422:04 - though we are similar and how we are made up spiritually we do not have a Unity of purpose we do not have a Unity
22:1022:10 - of agreement asent our plans no matter how you slice it two human beings even identical twins who grew up in the same
22:1922:19 - set of circumstances with the same parents everything and they share the same goals they work at the same company
22:2522:25 - you can you can stack as many variables as you want and those two human beings will still not at all be United in the
22:3522:35 - way that gets us even close to how United the members of the Trinity are um and so hopefully you can see in some
22:4322:43 - senses all of us are human yet all of us are not the same is kind of sort of like you know there are three members of the
22:5222:52 - Trinity but they’re all God right but the problem where this one falls apart is that they’re not not like they don’t
22:5922:59 - all share you know similar makeup and are yet somehow distinct because the problem with this analogy in terms of
23:0723:07 - some of the specific Doctrine we’ve talked about previously is that the whole concept of a Pantheon of three
23:1423:14 - Gods would kind of work with this one too right um but yet we know that is false and
23:2023:20 - heretical so in some ways this analogy kind of gives us the wrong idea right aie you have anything you want to
23:2923:29 - say yeah um you’re right you’re right the fact that um we human beings have certain qualities similar to the Trinity
23:4323:43 - or that we can talk about the fact that the Trinity is made up of different persons just like mankind is made up of
23:5023:50 - different persons ultimately leads to you know questions about why there are not three Gods I mean there are so many
23:5823:58 - different human beings and we can say human beings so if these are persons in their own right individuals in their own
24:0724:07 - right and forgive me if I’m not exactly hitting on what you were saying um but if when we see that dispar or
24:1824:18 - when we try to make that comparison it does lead to that disparity human beings are distinct from each other and not
24:2424:24 - just distinct from each other we’re not bound in that unit that we find in the Trinity so it leads people to eventually
24:3324:33 - when you start making those comparisons it can lead someone to you know getting the wrong idea of what the Trinity
24:3924:39 - really is like they may be made the Trinity may be made up of three different individuals three distinct
24:4724:47 - individuals just like humanity is made up of so many different individuals but they’re they share an
24:5524:55 - Essence in a way that we human beings don’t share an Essence so we again we can get lost just making that comparison
25:0725:07 - looking at things in that light we should you know beware of it it’s enough to say that the same way that I am a
25:1625:16 - different person from Step my thoughts are my thoughts they’re not Steven’s thoughts the things I want to do may not
25:2525:25 - be anything like what Stephen wants to do this is how we understand our individualism it is possible to carry
25:3325:33 - that analogy too far and expect to find the same thing in the Trinity if they are necessarily distinct
25:4025:40 - individuals but no what you will find in the Trinity is more along the lines of they share the same desires and
25:5025:50 - whatnot they they are different individuals distinct from each other and yet there is no daylight between what
25:5825:58 - the father wants and what the son wants and what the spirit wants there is no difference between the way they perceive
26:0626:06 - reality so the father sees things the way the son does and the way the spirit does that would be difficult for us to
26:1426:14 - wrap our minds around considering that human beings are not like that no human beings no two human beings are exactly
26:2026:20 - the same in their reasoning about anything in their conceptions of reality or in their aspirations life yes I think
26:2926:29 - you can get closer in some situations so I know it’s two people not three but if you think about the love and care that a
26:3626:36 - mother and a father have for their child like let’s say it’s about saving their child from certain harm they’d probably
26:4326:43 - be pretty United on that but all it takes to see that one fall apart so that’s going from the family of man you
26:5026:50 - know with large to perhaps the family of man in a nuclear family but when you think about disagreements parents have
26:5626:56 - about how to raise their children that Unity goes out the window immediately right but you could sort of
27:0227:02 - see you can see flashes of it right you know because the loved care that a mother and a father have for their child
27:1027:10 - you know it’s not like the Trinity is exactly like that but it is a more accurate reflection than some other
27:1827:18 - analogies right you know it’s closer um that’s the unity right um yeah and it’s it’s sort of a shadow of it I would say
27:2827:28 - yes yes and but but like you said when you look at that it it if if if we go I like the way that someone
27:3727:37 - actually put it on clubhouse he was saying to another person in a debate that the person was using anthropology
27:4327:43 - to interpret theology which which is just wrong God is not like man you could say man is like God because a lot a lot
27:5427:54 - of our quality a lot of what makes us human is based on what and who God is right so you could you could see how
28:0328:03 - we’re modeled after God but God is Not modeled after us so we’re going to find very quickly that a lot of things that
28:1028:10 - might apply because of our individuality because we are separate individuals from one
28:1728:17 - another things that apply to us don’t apply to God in terms of his own individuality so that’s that’s where we
28:2528:25 - have to be very care careful about um the the connections that we have with each other but like you said it is true
28:3628:36 - that we can have things that look very similar to the unity that they have the a mother and a father having a child and
28:4428:44 - wanting the best for their child they want to raise their child right and all of that they can synchronize in their
28:5028:50 - thoughts through discussion and whatnot but we should not think that because they can do that that they Unity
28:5728:57 - of the Trinity is similar to that that the father and son and and the spirit sit down in a conference and try to
29:0329:03 - marry their thoughts with each other and figure out how I basically reach some compromise over how things ought to be
29:1129:11 - it doesn’t work you know what maybe the best way to say this hopefully this gets a chuckle out of people is that the
29:1629:16 - universe is not ruled by a committee let’s put it like that right exactly that is the wrong way to think about it
29:2429:24 - um yeah so the Trinity is not a comedy that it’s it’s it’s certainly not that’s one thing we should keep in mind yeah
29:3229:32 - yeah so now this is what we mean um and we’ll kind of return to this point as we go through these you know all of these
29:3929:39 - illustrations but I hope you can see how you can sort of see bits and bits and flashes and shadows here of maybe kind
29:4829:48 - of how we can see parallels but it should be clear I hope that this cannot capture really who got is what God is
29:5829:58 - because it’s just not complete right um yeah the information is not complete that’s just it we don’t have all of it
30:0730:07 - yeah yeah we can’t handle it if it were so there that goes yep so that is our first example
30:1830:18 - here so now we are going to be talking about the illustration of the human mind so like the Trinity the mind can be to
30:2730:27 - be at once one thing yet at the same time several things such as intellect emotion
30:3330:33 - Consciousness and C sorry Etc and can dialogue with itself and even be it cross purposes with itself but the
30:4130:41 - Trinity is composed of distinct Divine personalities to which the inner workings of our psyches make a poor
30:4630:46 - comparison now in this particular one we as human beings we are individuals so we are made up of Flesh and spirit but if
30:5630:56 - you ever read galatian chapter 5 ought to be pretty clear that you know the Flesh and the spirit are it polar you
31:0431:04 - know they’re always at each other’s throat that’s Galatians 5:17 um you know they oppose one another what Unity right
31:1231:12 - um so even when you think about this um one tension that you will see come up quite a lot um in what we might term
31:2031:20 - philosophy it’s just it’s a theme in literary writing is what we might term intellect and logic versus emotion right
31:2731:27 - um uh unfortunately sometimes this tends to get stereotyped across gender lines more than is probably appropriate uh I.E
31:3631:36 - men are not always terribly logical and women are not always terribly emotional to the point that it interferes with
31:4131:41 - logic but this tension there does exist within us as humans um and you know we know as Christians that we ought not let
31:5031:50 - our emotions lead and you know at the same time we know that you know certain things that might seem on the surface to
31:5731:57 - be logical are in fact great evil right so Eugenics for example we’re say we’re only going to let the really smart
32:0432:04 - people reproduce does not lead to Ideal Utopias right that is a very immoral sort of
32:1232:12 - thing to believe in um and so that’s what we mean here by the human mind you know we are composed of these multiple
32:2032:20 - elements um well in as much as I don’t know psychologists and stuff name certain aspect of what they call the
32:2832:28 - human psyche all of them together they don’t have a Unity of purpose um and you know I would say of illustrations this
32:3832:38 - one I think sort of self-evidently um how do you even identify uh the people in play here
32:4632:46 - shall we say um you know intellect and emotion I just gave a couple examples of kind of the two sides of the road both
32:5332:53 - leading to a ditch when it comes to that but conscience for example um you know all of these
33:0033:00 - other things that compete desire perhaps would be another one or will or I mean philosophers have all sorts of names for
33:1033:10 - philosophy of Mind type Concepts but um a you want to go on anything else before I say anything
33:1633:16 - more yeah um yeah the like you said the human mind is a composition of multiple things all
33:2633:26 - of us have feelings we we we experience emotion all of us also experience thought um and we know it as a separate
33:3433:34 - thing from feeling because I mean you might not feel very you might not have much in the way of feeling when you are
33:4333:43 - trying to make some mathematical computation or something you’re thinking when you’re doing that and sometimes you
33:4933:49 - have to make a lot of dispassionate decisions that where your emotions don’t really come into
33:5533:55 - play but we you know that when you have feelings and emotions there are still you know qualities of the mind that you
34:0334:03 - express and then when you have to weigh um moral situations that’s still something that your mind you know does
34:1234:12 - so all of these things are aspects of our like you said psyche that in that same way we can we
34:1934:19 - can say that the the Trinity is multiple people but one
34:2734:27 - just like the mind is one you don’t think of your emotions and your thoughts as maybe being from
34:3734:37 - different sources like it’s not your mind one is your mind and the other is something else we talk about the mind
34:4334:43 - and the heart that’s some that’s poetical and whatnot but we do know that whether you’re talking about the mind or
34:5034:50 - the heart we’re talking about something the seat of human being the person of the human being this is
34:5934:59 - where all of this stuff goes on our moral judgment our our our thinking our intellect our feeling and whatever else
35:0835:08 - happens in this place this is it’s all one thing happening in one place right so we get that all of this somehow
35:1735:17 - speaks to what the Trinity is like and The Trinity is multiple people multiple persons but also one
35:2735:27 - it’s one it’s it’s not a divided thing because it’s multiple persons but of course the analogy breaks down when you
35:3635:36 - see that in fact your intellect and your emotions are not always aligned I mean you can be for example in love with the
35:4535:45 - wrong person and you know it’s the wrong person because all you have to do is think about it for a second someone who
35:5235:52 - is absolutely wrong for you in every sense of that that word and yet your emotions
35:5835:58 - go like I don’t care that’s the person I want end of story you’re going to die from this but yeah so what I still want
36:0836:08 - it that happens and then your moral judgment I think everybody knows this point you know that your moral judgment
36:1436:14 - is telling you this is just not the thing for you to do it’s just wrong on all levels and you’re like yeah but I
36:2236:22 - still want it and you can actually set your intellect against your your moral judgment so when you consider this this
36:2836:28 - is still one mind the human mind where all of this conflict is occurring so even though it’s one thing that has
36:3836:38 - multiple Expressions if you will or multiple aspects to it it’s still in Conflict a thing that is not the case
36:4636:46 - with the Trinity there is never any conflict in the Trinity contrast I think a good word to
36:5436:54 - use here is peace right we understand that the only way we get peace is through the indwelling of the Holy
37:0137:01 - Spirit when we submit to God but it’s like a sharp contrast right we our minds are fundamentally without God are not at
37:1037:10 - peace you know like we literally call it the battlefield of the heart yeah so tell me people who use this analogy do
37:1837:18 - you want to say that the members of the Trinity are at war with each other you know you can see I’m being somewhat
37:2437:24 - vicious here but like this is again it’s like well if we can’t say that then what uses the analogy right past a certain
37:3237:32 - point yeah it just it isn’t because it’s not descriptive of God it doesn’t work um and
37:3837:38 - so yeah there’s multiple things that are at the same time distinct yet one but not like the Trinity is um so and we’re
37:4837:48 - just gonna we’re gonna harp on that over and over again as we go through these just because that is the core Point here
37:5237:52 - is that you can see bits and flashes but it doesn’t completely work um yeah yeah that’s the
38:0538:05 - point next we’re going to look at illustrations from the world of nature so we’re not talking so much about the
38:1238:12 - physical Universe in terms of what we might call Natural laws and phenomena here as we are talking about like I
38:1938:19 - don’t know think like forest trees waterfalls that sort of thing um so there’s many things in the natural world
38:2438:24 - that consist of distinct multip parts that at the same time constitute one complete whole so distinguishable
38:3138:31 - branches roots and trunk are all part of one and the same tree for example and here’s a pretty famous analogy uh eggs
38:3938:39 - have three distinct Parts yoke white and shell without any which of the three you would no longer have an egg none of
38:4638:46 - these illustrations really help to explain the unique personalities of the Trinity or shared Divine Essence so what
38:5438:54 - we might say by that is that you know if we were to say that uh yoke is egg and white is egg and shell is
39:0439:04 - egg it kind of doesn’t work perfectly because technically speaking the yoke is only like one out of three parts of the
39:1239:12 - egg right and so I don’t know how far you want to push that so you say is God God if he’s not try you I mean like what
39:2039:20 - is the essence of deity but where I’m going with this is that even even if you accept okay you know what these things
39:2839:28 - at least get to that idea of multiple components each making up one hole it says absolutely nothing about
39:3639:36 - the persons in the Trinity right so uh just not to put you fine a point on it but if you say God is like eggs people
39:4439:44 - are gonna look at you and be like what do you mean you know like you see what I’m saying because like it just it that
39:5239:52 - particular statement is not what I would call didactically helpful right if you say God is like an egg and you say it as
40:0040:00 - though it means something Grand someone’s gonna ask you but Mr teacher sir what am I supposed to get out of
40:0840:08 - that you know like and see that’s the problem here because the second is now you have to start explaining Divine
40:1540:15 - personalities eggs don’t have Divine personalities right um eggs don’t have any personalities at all because eggs
40:2140:21 - are immaterial objects um it just like it it’s not I I should say that you know some of the other things we’ve been
40:2940:29 - talking about I think actually like can really like like they don’t fit because of what we might call serious comparison
40:4040:40 - problems like the mind that we were just talking about the battlefield of the heart is really really different from
40:4540:45 - the unity that the members of the Trinity share these aren’t so much really really different as it’s kind of
40:5140:51 - like trying to explain something with an analogy that doesn’t really work you know so I don’t know if you’ve ever had
40:5840:58 - a coworker or a friend or something you know they’re like telling a story or they’re trying to use an example and
41:0541:05 - they just like pick a really bad example so that whatever they’re trying to explain like just doesn’t follow from it
41:1241:12 - um this happened to me before you know or they they just like or in an argument someone is making an argument and they
41:1941:19 - pick something to support their evidence that just like does not follow right um so today is today is Tuesday therefore
41:3041:30 - it will rain you know like those two things are causally unrelated it it doesn’t doesn’t make sense right um and
41:3841:38 - and to me that is closer to what this is than anything else is that not so much that these things are
41:4441:44 - like like they’re not gonna give you the wrong idea so much as that you just don’t get any idea at all because like
41:4941:49 - they’re just not the same you know like eggs to be to be very clear eggs are not like human beings either because eggs
41:5641:56 - immaterial objects they don’t have personality or will right yeah it’s non- living things and you know like it’s
42:0242:02 - just not the same um so how the analogy might help when we’re talking about eggs for example is still speaking to the
42:1142:11 - fact that God is one you know so it’s it’s not it’s not the best analogy but you can see
42:1942:19 - how something that has multiple Parts is still one it’s it’s it’s not multiple things it’s one thing but of course
42:3042:30 - where the analogy breaks down as all analogies break down I mean anyone who has written anything in this world would
42:3742:37 - would say that it’s it’s a very common thing on all analogies breakdown so this is not one of the best possible
42:4342:43 - analogies you could make but it still points to one thing where you have multiple things and those multiple
42:5242:52 - things are one thing now the analogy breaks down in that neither of them is really the
42:5842:58 - complete egg so uh if if you were to remove the yolk is the yolk the egg well the yolk is part of an egg without the
43:0843:08 - yolk do you really have an egg um the white without the white do you really have an egg without the shell well do
43:1843:18 - you really have an egg all of these things together you know speak to the egg the egg is all these things and none
43:2743:27 - of these things but but then that’s where the analogy breaks down the father is God the spirit is God the son is God
43:3643:36 - they’re all individually God they’re not parts of God so clearly the analogy here breaks down in that the yoke is not the
43:4843:48 - egg but without the Yoke you don’t have an egg so we see I mean I’m not even sure I
43:5543:55 - would go so far as to dive into the specifics here in terms of what we might term ontology just because when you do
44:0244:02 - that you’re kind of already going down this path of philosophizing the egg into a being with what what we would call UIA
44:1144:11 - that’s the Greek word for being like it’s just they like I said it’s two things of a different class so it’s like
44:1744:17 - if you’re playing 20 questions with someone and you say mineral but you’re thinking of a carrot right like it’s not
44:2444:24 - I’m just saying that they’re not they’re not too things of a kind is what I’m saying yeah they’re not even close um
44:3044:30 - there’s a point I’ve been wanting to make for a little bit but I I kept I kept forgetting it it was essentially
44:3644:36 - this that when we are making these analogies um I hope I I haven’t forgotten it again when we’re making
44:4444:44 - these analogies when we’re talking about these things the goal is to is to show us what we have talked about once that
44:5344:53 - even though a lot of things about God super logical in the sense that they are beyond our ability to reason they’re not
45:0245:02 - illogical in that they don’t even you know fit into what makes sense so to speak they
45:1345:13 - do make sense but the thing is we don’t have enough information to fully comprehend it to fully understand it so
45:2145:21 - um besides we don’t have the ability to even understand that information if we had it so likewise the argument that one
45:2945:29 - could make with respect to any analogy we’re making is it’s not out of place to conceive of something like the Trinity
45:3845:38 - it’s not an an illogical concept it’s just not one we can fully grasp because when you look into our experience as
45:4645:46 - human beings limited by time and space and Immortal body we can see things in our experience that say oh something
45:5545:55 - like like this is possible even though clearly it is not this so we can say this thing we’re talking about is not
46:0646:06 - beyond the limit of of possibility it’s not one of those things that are absurd it’s just too much to fully comprehend
46:1646:16 - well so yeah it doesn’t derive a logical contradiction perhaps a way and I would say that the problem is if you word
46:2446:24 - things a certain way that’s where people run into trouble they say God is one yet God is three but what do they mean by
46:3146:31 - God is one and what do they mean by God is three because that’s why you can’t omit the persons in the essence from the
46:3746:37 - definition of the Trinity because if you say God is one yet God is three that’s the that’s the definition of the Trinity
46:4446:44 - you’ve omitted The crucial information that the teaching of the Trinity is that God is one in essence and three in
46:5146:51 - person and you can’t leave those things out because yeah otherwise like what what you’re saying
46:5946:59 - what depends what you mean right because that statement actually one does not equal three in terms of numerical Logic
47:0647:06 - for example but that’s not what we’re claiming is the thing we’re not claiming that God is one person and three people
47:1347:13 - that is the equivalency that would derive a logical contradiction right yes yes exactly the two things are not the
47:2047:20 - same we’re not talking about the same thing on two sides of an equation right we’re not talking about God has one
47:2647:26 - Essence yet God has three Essences or God is one person yet God is three people we are saying neither of those
47:3247:32 - things we are saying that God has one Essence but he is three persons see what I’m saying and therefore there is no
47:3947:39 - logical contradiction not inherent in logic it’s just hard to understand that’s all um because there is nothing
47:4747:47 - else that is multiple persons from the same Essence in all of existence right that’s that that’s
47:5447:54 - literally all there is to it but ai’s point is very important and we should emphasize that reemphasize it the
48:0048:00 - Trinity is not an illogical Doctrine it is just outside the scope of human experience and understanding because we
48:0748:07 - are finite beings don’t really understand what an eternal existence is much less Eternal Unity of will things
48:1648:16 - like this we just kind of can’t sink our fingers into it past a certain point because it’s outside the scope of our
48:2248:22 - experience but that’s very different from it being iCal in a formal logic sense yeah
48:3448:34 - yeah all right so the next type of illustration we’re going to be talking about here that people sometimes use in
48:4148:41 - discussing the Trinity uh is the illustrations coming from the Physical Realm so this category of illustration
48:4948:49 - for the Trinity contains some of the perhaps more interesting examples that have ever been used when people have
48:5548:55 - tried to map things from the material Universe uh onto the Trinity to help us kind of understand it contextualize it
49:0349:03 - uh in material terms but they all suffer from the same objections that were lodged against the former category that
49:1049:10 - is you know when we were talking about things from nature like an egg which has the Yol the White and the shell for
49:1649:16 - example um any of which three you would no longer have an egg but the problem with this sort like we had said was that
49:2449:24 - none of these illustrations really help explain the personalities of the Trinity because while it is true that without
49:3049:30 - any of those three things you no longer have an egg which is good you know because that’s true of the Trinity as
49:3549:35 - well if you don’t have Jesus it’s not the Trinity if you don’t have the father it’s not the Trinity if you don’t have
49:3949:39 - the son it’s not the Trinity but you know an egg yoke doesn’t have personality so um it it it’s limited in
49:4649:46 - its power to describe exactly how the Trinity works and like we said this is just true across the board for all of
49:5349:53 - our illustrations because none of them them can properly capture you know the Divine being of God who external
50:0050:00 - SpaceTime they just can’t um so these illustrations here unlike nature where you know the egg was one of the examples
50:0750:07 - we used we have several examples here so uh maybe starting out with an easy one uh light is one yet distinct and we
50:1750:17 - might also compare actually God being light coming from 1 John 1 verse5 um that God is light and in him there is no
50:2550:25 - Darkness so God has actually described as being light but you don’t want to push this one too far in saying that uh
50:3150:31 - so when we say that light is one yet distinct we’re primarily talking about wavelengths here so if anyone remembers
50:3850:38 - back to their physics class we know that a radio is you know uh a electromagnetic radiation of a specific wavelength on
50:4750:47 - the Spectrum Radio is heard or well I mean we don’t hear it with our ears but you know like you know E Equipment can
50:5750:57 - uh you know take the radio waves and convert them into sound um because sound waves are a different type of wave than
51:0151:01 - electromagnetic but radio is heard visible light is seen so you might think uh across the rainbow Spectrum uh so red
51:1051:10 - light on one end and blue light on the other actually have different wavelengths um so unless I’m M I believe
51:1751:17 - I’d have to actually go look but I think red wav is like a longer wavelength and blue is uh shorter wavelength maybe blue
51:2451:24 - is higher frequency I don’t remember blue light has more energy I remember that from physics um but infrared is
51:3051:30 - another type of electromagnetic radiation so all of these things we can call light yet no one of them has like a
51:4051:40 - monopoly on light right they’re all equally light yet they’re not the same uh like they’re not equivalent to each
51:4751:47 - other right so that’s in the same way this is where the analogy part comes in the father is God and the spirit is God
51:5451:54 - and the son is God but they are not each other in the same way that radio is light visible light is light and
52:0152:01 - infrared is light or electromag electromagnetic radiation if you prefer but all of those things are not each
52:0952:09 - other um so uh just more examples here we say the universe is one yet distinct in that the universe is composed of time
52:1852:18 - space and matter and all of those things are the universe but time is not space and space is not matter and matter is
52:2452:24 - not time right um time is one yet distinct past present and future and all of those
52:3152:31 - things are time yet past is not present and present is not future and future is not past same thing with space length
52:3952:39 - breadth and height all of those things are dimensions within space but length is not breadth and breadth is not height
52:4552:45 - and height is not length and also with matter itself so this one I don’t know again physics if you recall in your
52:5452:54 - heads you know there’s an a very famous equation from Einstein e equals mc² right um You might remember this um so
53:0253:02 - energy and matter are related to each other in terms of the physical universe and the well I misspelled that word
53:0953:09 - there that should be phenomena not phenomia that’s that’s not a word phenomena um so matter is one yet
53:1753:17 - distinct energy matter and phenomena and energy is not matter matter is not phenomena phenomena is not energy
53:2253:22 - there’s three things right all of these examp here they get at this sense that the
53:2953:29 - father and the son and the spirit are all God but yet they’re not each other but just like we talked about before
53:3653:36 - with nature the problem is is that none of these things are personal they’re not individuals like it’s not like time
53:4353:43 - space and matter have Personalities in the same way that the members of the Trinity do they don’t have Personalities
53:5053:50 - in the sense that we humans have personalities but they have a will they are person
53:5653:56 - um and so that’s where these analogies kind of fall down just like the past on we’ve talked about a you have anything
54:0354:03 - you want to contribute uh in this discussion here okay um not not much really I think you have covered the
54:1054:10 - grounds like we’ve said before that all illustrations that we make about the Trinity are necessarily going to be
54:1954:19 - flowed they’re all illustrations they cannot be anything other than illustrations so in some way they will
54:2654:26 - give some insight into how the Trinity works but um beyond that we might we will find that those illustrations like
54:3454:34 - every other analogy will break down so that is um what we need to know but like like we said they’re very useful to
54:4354:43 - understand some aspect or other of the Trinity I don’t think there is much more to say or do regarding um how the whole
54:5354:53 - thing works but you have covered it pretty nice all right so before we get back to
55:0255:02 - the outline to kind of go over all that we’ve talked about we’re just going to close out kind of uh ending where we
55:0855:08 - started talking about the basically some of the caveats to bear in mind when we are discussing these illustrations for
55:1555:15 - the Trinity and kind of the just the concept in general of coming up with these analogies to try to help us
55:2055:20 - understand so the most that can be said for the best of these illustrations is to the extent that they remind us of the
55:2755:27 - awesome wisdom and power of God in creating all of these things that we’re talking about um and we may often take
55:3355:33 - this for granted as we go through life uh you know just thinking about the enormity of the universe and the
55:3955:39 - magnificence of God’s creation you know we probably ought to ponder that a little bit more just generally speaking
55:4655:46 - however all of those things you know in as much as they may help us realize that God is going to be even greater than
55:5655:56 - what he has made you know that’s a positive thing they can help point us to him this is in fact very much what
56:0256:02 - natural Revelation generally is you know as talked about in Romans chapter 1 vers 18 and following or Psalm chapter 19 uh
56:1156:11 - we know God we know certain aspects about uh his character and his divinity through that which has been made um and
56:1956:19 - so in as much as these things point us to God and we know um you know we can refer things based upon that just
56:2656:26 - through the natural world and some of these created things you know we talked about nature here and uh just things
56:3256:32 - from the Physical Realm uh creation generally um well these things can be good in as much as they point us to God
56:4056:40 - as the Creator um and so um they may help us realize that God is going to be even bigger even more complex even more
56:4956:49 - wonderful than the things that he has created um and so if they help us accept what we already know to be true about
56:5556:55 - the Trinity and again as we have kind of hammered home time and again the doctrine of the Trinity is basically one
57:0357:03 - in essence three in person or three in person or one in essence whichever order you prefer those things together compose
57:0957:09 - the teaching of what we say we believe and so if these things help us grasp that or accept it more easily what we
57:1757:17 - know to be true from what the Bible tells us then okay that’s fine right basically this is best case right right
57:2557:25 - um and so we’re never going to completely grasp this you know we’ve been over this before too um even if it
57:3157:31 - seems too complex and wonderful for us to fully grasp as humans that’s a limitation of our flesh of our Earthly
57:3757:37 - perspective given that we are very finite beings in SpaceTime on the other side we will know more as we are known
57:4457:44 - the terminology the Bible uses but nonetheless right now we have this very limited perspective that we are going to
57:5057:50 - be kind of stuck with until uh we join God and Jesus on the other side and all of our brothers and sisters who’ve gone
57:5957:59 - before us um however and again that was best case scenario however uh you can run into problems here as well we have
58:0758:07 - to take care that none of these illustrations are taken too far we have kind of been over this before uh when
58:1358:13 - you think about the interpretation of Parables so you have the parable of the wheat and the tears well we are not
58:1958:19 - actually literally wheat you cannot take certain physical properties of wheat and start making suppositions and hypoth
58:2558:25 - based on them um and that’s sort of the same thing here um and the idea is basically if we go beyond what is
58:3358:33 - written uh we can be led to dangerous and extra biblical rationalization based upon analogies we cannot reason about
58:4158:41 - the nature of God based upon characteristics of eggs you know just to go back to the nature example God is not
58:4858:48 - an egg right in as much as we use the egg to try to explain how there are these three parts any one of which if
58:5458:54 - you take it away is no longer an egg you know if we try to use that to help us understand the Trinity maybe you know
59:0159:01 - like we said best case maybe it helps us appreciate the complexity and the Majesty of God but you can’t you know go
59:0759:07 - start trying to put God in a box based on characteristics of eggs that’s kind of what we’re getting at here um and The
59:1459:14 - Trinity here um this is kind of taking a step back into the wider context the Trinity is very often a good litmus test
59:2159:21 - for our Christian faith um because to AC the Trinity you have to accept not only the existence of God but also the
59:2959:29 - distinctiveness and Divinity of Jesus Christ that is he’s a different person than the father but he is also God and
59:3559:35 - that’s kind of the true Touchstone principle that divides us as Believers from unbelievers that Jesus uh fully God
59:4259:42 - yet fully man came down into the world um paid for our sins upon the cross that we might have redemption and forgiveness
59:4959:49 - through his blood you know that’s the essence of the Gospel message and so this is why Satan spends so many
59:5659:56 - resources attacking this Doctrine in particular is because by distorting our understanding of the Trinity the devil
01:00:0301:00:03 - ultimately seeks to destroy our faith in Jesus Christ uh you know specifically we would say who he is the who he is part
01:00:0901:00:09 - of Jesus Christ but you know our entire understanding of redemption of how Jesus Paid for our sin it doesn’t work if he
01:00:1701:00:17 - wasn’t God and this is why this is so so so important for us as Christians because the Divinity of Jesus and how he
01:00:2401:00:24 - was God is God and yet he took on a human nature to become the perfect sacrifice for our sins it’s as
01:00:3101:00:31 - foundational as you get in Christianity basically and so that’s why Satan spends time attacking this um and again this is
01:00:4001:00:40 - just Why well you know by way of warning we are saying we have to be careful not to go beyond what is written not to push
01:00:4701:00:47 - analogies and and by the way these have going against them that most of these aren’t even biblical analogies they’re
01:00:5201:00:52 - just analogies people have come up with which you know in as much as they’re not even in the Bible they’re not even
01:00:5701:00:57 - inspired and we just have plenty of um danger in going too far with this that doesn’t mean that you will inherently
01:01:0501:01:05 - you know the second you look at one of these that I don’t know that you’re going to mess up your understanding the
01:01:0901:01:09 - Trinity it’s just we have to be really careful and one of the other reasons why we need to take such care is just
01:01:1501:01:15 - because of how critical and how important this Doctrine is generally for our faith and practice as Christians so
01:01:2101:01:21 - that’s kind of where we’re going to leave off here just all of this should help point us to you know okay so maybe
01:01:2701:01:27 - if some of these things aren’t the best way for us to understand so we we’ve talked about three persons one Essence
01:01:3401:01:34 - well what does that mean how does that work in how God interacts with creation it’s kind of where we’re going to turn
01:01:3901:01:39 - next but this was just an introduction to the fact that we can use certain phenomena in the Physical Realm to try
01:01:4701:01:47 - to help us wrap our heads around how this works and things like that and it’s not necessarily bad but we just really
01:01:5301:01:53 - need to be careful when when we do it so that we don’t get tripped up a you have anything else you want to share before
01:02:0001:02:00 - we close out this section of the study not really I don’t think there is uh much else to say it it does bear
01:02:0901:02:09 - repeating and emphasizing that um every every bit of the Bible is important and some parts of the Bible
01:02:1801:02:18 - are like you said foundational to our faith you don’t need to understand the mechanics of the Trinity to be saved but
01:02:2601:02:26 - if you don’t understand the Trinity and how it works there’s a chance that you have a
01:02:3301:02:33 - greater potential to have your faith threatened than if you did um because just as as
01:02:4201:02:42 - Stephen very aptly pointed out um the the the business of the Trinity the truth of the Trinity affirms The Who
01:02:5201:02:52 - part of what of of of the whole business of Jesus who is he and what did he do what did he do is what saved us but who
01:03:0201:03:02 - he is is what made what he did possible so if we if we don’t get the who part then that’s where we are weak that’s
01:03:0901:03:09 - where Satan is going to attack and we we have seen it has been a potent attack in the history of the church visible for a
01:03:1701:03:17 - long time so um getting it right is not an academic thing it’s not a hobby we don’t do it just for fun we do it in
01:03:2801:03:28 - order to make sure that there are no gaps in our faith in our understanding of the Lord there are no chinks in our
01:03:3501:03:35 - armor that’s why what what we do it for it’s not just an academic [Music]
01:03:4401:03:44 - endeav so that’s where we’re going to cut this section in the study here I just briefly going to go back over uh
01:03:5001:03:50 - the things we’ve talked about here in discussing illustrations for the trinity we opened up talking about uh how you
01:03:5701:03:57 - know there are some perils there’s some risks here especially if we’re not careful in keeping these things
01:04:0201:04:02 - contextualized you know making it very clear that you know this isn’t you know the formal teaching about God at best
01:04:0901:04:09 - these are just ways to help us better conceptualize him to put him in a human frame of reference so that maybe we can
01:04:1701:04:17 - wrap our heads about how three can be one and one can be three in terms of three persons one essence or one Essence
01:04:2301:04:23 - three persons um but we just have to be really careful when we do this that we don’t get lost in translation um and so
01:04:3001:04:30 - then after that we talked about uh the Trinity triangle this illustration that has been around since the very early
01:04:3601:04:36 - church and how really calling this an illustration is is maybe not quite the same as some of the other ones because
01:04:4201:04:42 - it’s just sort of a pictoral and image way to represent the doctrine of the Trinity which is that the father and the
01:04:4801:04:48 - son and the spirit are all God but the father is not the Son and the son is not the spirit and the spirit is is not the
01:04:5401:04:54 - father right um and you can see those relationships represented here in the triangle and so um that uh early
01:05:0101:05:01 - illustration we said you know if you keep it to the picture you know there’s nothing special about triangles for
01:05:0601:05:06 - example but you know it it can be helpful and just showing us in a visual representation of what the doctrine of
01:05:1301:05:13 - the Trinity is then we talked about the illustration of the family of man the illustration of the human mind
01:05:2001:05:20 - illustrations from the world of nature like that example of the egg and illustrations from the Physical Realm
01:05:2701:05:27 - like light the the you know the electromagnetic radiation the Spectrum there with different wavelengths but
01:05:3301:05:33 - they’re all light and space and time and matter and so on um all of these things can help kind of uh maybe help us get
01:05:4201:05:42 - some intuition for how can three things be one you know how can they all be the same yet different um in the same way
01:05:4901:05:49 - that um the three members of the Trinity are all God yet they are distinct persons that’s kind kind of where these
01:05:5501:05:55 - analogies these illustrations are trying to help us go um but again we kind of closed out here just saying that because
01:06:0001:06:00 - of how important this Doctrine is because none of these illustrations are really in the Bible either we just have
01:06:0601:06:06 - to be careful that we don’t take any of this too far that if we do any of this which um you know we’re kind of going to
01:06:1301:06:13 - argue in the next part of the study that the best way to actually understand the Trinity is to look at how the Trinity
01:06:1901:06:19 - operates in creation as uh recorded for us in the Bible That’s the best way for us to understand how this works in
01:06:2601:06:26 - practice uh probably more than trying to uh reason with these illustrations or analogies so that’s kind of where we’re
01:06:3301:06:33 - going to be turning now we are going to be turning to the roles of the Trinity as discussed in the Bible so there’s a a
01:06:3901:06:39 - future section that’s going to kind of hit more the Old Testament specifically we’re talk about the concept of
01:06:4401:06:44 - christophanies some but right now we’re just going to be introducing the roles in the Trinity generally speaking so
01:06:5001:06:50 - we’re going to be talking about the father and the son and the spirit and uh names for God as it’s involved in the
01:06:5601:06:56 - roles in the Trinity so that’s what the next lesson we’ll be going over