Introduction - The Trinity in the Bible



In this lesson, we go over how the Trinity can be a tricky concept to understand and explain, which makes it very important to keep our focus on the Bible when discussing it. Otherwise, we might otherwise end up off in the weeds, which is certainly not where we want to be in our understanding of this core doctrine of Christianity.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
01:1601:16 - Review
03:1203:12 - The Trinity can be hard to explain properly
12:1612:16 - So keeping the focus on the Bible is necessary
25:3525:35 - Is Jesus “the Father’s seed”? Is the Holy Spirit “the Father’s spirit”?
36:2436:24 - Summary and outro


(Derived from


The definition of the Trinity which best does justice to the biblical statements on the subject is the one we have previously stated, namely, that God is one in essence and three in person. We get an even clearer picture of what the Bible has to say about the Trinity when we combine this traditional definition with the four corollaries we’ve just gone through:

  • All three members of the Trinity are divine persons.
  • All three members of the Trinity are unique persons.
  • All three members of the Trinity have coequal and coeternal essence.
  • All three members of the Trinity share the same divine essence.

The Trinity can be hard to explain properly

As can be seen from the numerous heresies (touched on some in our previous lessons) that have sprung up to challenge orthodox statements about the Trinity, the doctrine can be a difficult one to state in a proper, biblical way. This is especially true the further any definition of the Trinity moves away from actual statements contained in the Bible (which, as we have already stated, were felt to be sufficient by the Apostles and Apostolic Fathers).

It should be noted here that even the terms “essence” and “person” were felt by some theologians of the early church to be controversial. We may talk of Man’s essence (we are all cut from the same spiritual cloth), and Man’s personality (we are all unique individuals), but the essence of God is different from the essence of Man (for one thing, all members of the Trinity share the same divine essence), and the idea of personality in the Trinity is different from that of human persons (to take but one example, the absolute unity of agreement and purpose of the Trinity throughout all eternity is not only quantitatively but also qualitatively beyond human experience).

So keeping the focus on the Bible is necessary

The lesson here is that rationalistic speculation—always dangerous when expounding the Bible—is even more to be avoided in the case of the Trinity, a doctrine that was only fully revealed with the arrival of the New Testament. What God has chosen to reveal about this doctrine, He has revealed carefully and gradually. We will cover the subject of the Trinity in the Old Testament more fully in future lessons, but it may be said here that a large part of the reason for this guarded revelation of the doctrine (beyond our human limitations in comprehending it) may be the all too obvious fact (see our prior discussions) that wrong ideas about the nature of the Trinity have historically posed such a dire threat to the entire basis of our Christian faith.

Just a little leaven in the loaf, and Satan can make the Trinity seem as an association of “gods” (and so no different from paganism) or one “god” with three hats (thus completely eliminating the importance and efficacy of Christ’s incarnation and sacrifice).

In His loving wisdom, God has told us what we most need to know without giving us either information that could be misinterpreted, or less than accurate illustrations that might do more harm than good.

Is Jesus “the Father’s seed”? Is the Holy Spirit “the Father’s spirit”?


This is a video-only section.

With respect to His humanity, Jesus is the Son of the Father. With respect to His deity, He is of equal standing with the Father. The titles Father and Son are tied to the roles that the members of the Trinity adopt in their redemptive plan within Creation.

The Spirit is sent by the Father and the Son rather than somehow ontologically originating from them. He is “theirs” in the sense of being related to them/sent by them, as opposed to be related to someone else. Think of it in terms of grammatical apposition—“the Spirit, the one related to Jesus and/or the Father” (as opposed to some other spirit).

Video/audio transcript

00:0000:00 - all right so right now we are going to be picking up with our next lesson in the series talking about the trinity in
00:0600:06 - the Bible as a concept now we have already been talking about the Trinity for a while now uh you know the members
00:1400:14 - of the Trinity the definition of the Trinity basically uh three persons one Essence and some of what that means but
00:2000:20 - in this lesson we are going to be going over a little bit more specifically about uh how the Bible discusses or
00:2800:28 - rather does not discuss the concepts so explicitly and what that means when we go about talking about it for us as
00:3400:34 - Christians and so we’re going to first off just be reviewing what we’ve already gone over so this is the more
00:4000:40 - definitional side of the Trinity I’m going over three persons one Essence and some of the kind of uh features of a
00:4700:47 - correct understanding of the Trinity that we’ve been going over in the last few lessons then we’re going to be
00:5200:52 - talking about kind of why the Trinity can be hard to explain properly and then why that truth means that we really need
00:5900:59 - to keep our f focus on the Bible when we are talking about it so rather than man-made analogies or rational
01:0701:07 - explanations from uh philosophy and things like that we need to keep our focus on what scripture says so that’s
01:1401:14 - what we’re going to be discussing in this lesson so the first thing that we’re
01:2101:21 - going to do here is just review what we’ve been talking about in the last few lessons probably won’t overly belabor
01:2701:27 - things here because we’ve already been through all of this but we’re just going to go ahead and hit the highlights just
01:3201:32 - to remind ourselves of exactly what the Trinity is so that when we’re talking about uh you know how the Bible views it
01:4001:40 - we kind of know what’s in view so the definition of the Trinity which best does Justice to the biblical statements
01:4601:46 - on the subject it’s the one that we’ve already kind of been repeating over and over uh is that one in essence and three
01:5201:52 - in person or three in person and one in essence that is the core definition of the Trinity we get an even clearer
01:5801:58 - picture of what the Bible has to say about uh this topic when we combine that traditional definition that we just said
02:0502:05 - kind of with the four cories that we have gone over in the last few lessons and so just to recap those uh we said
02:1102:11 - that all members in the Trinity are Divine persons all members of the Trinity are unique persons all members
02:1802:18 - of the Trinity have uh co-equal and co-eternal Essence a consubstantial and then this third point is that all
02:2602:26 - members of the Trinity share the same Divine Essence so these should sound familiar these are the points that we’ve
02:3202:32 - gone over in the last few lessons kind of defining the trinity in terms of some things that’s not right and we have
02:3902:39 - discussed some heresies involved in some of these things in the past so for example one heresy denies that Jesus was
02:4802:48 - God aryanism uh you know that would be this first topic here going over the Divine persons and you know various
02:5502:55 - other heresies besides dotism some other ones as well um so this this is what we have done already been defining the
03:0203:02 - Trinity um three persons one Essence and then discussing some cories to that definition that help us kind of flesh
03:1003:10 - out the topic uh in a little bit more depth so as to the First new point that we’re going to be going over this week
03:2003:20 - having just done this review of what we have been talking about we’re going to be talking about how the Trinity can be
03:2603:26 - kind of hard to explain properly um and one in point that that should kind of make this uh have an intuitive basis for
03:3503:35 - us when we consider past history is that there have been a lot of heresies in the past that have sprung up to challenge
03:4203:42 - Orthodox statements about the Trinity um and there are other areas that are somewhat comparable in scripture but
03:4903:49 - this proposition that we’re kind of putting forward here that the Trinity can be kind of hard to explain properly
03:5503:55 - well it makes intuitive sense when you compare this history that people have in the past understood it in various
04:0204:02 - problematic ways which kind of wouldn’t be the case if it were uh perhaps more clearly delineated and we have already
04:0904:09 - argued the point that the Bible just presupposes the Trinity it’s there in scripture um you know the fact that that
04:1604:16 - word isn’t used doesn’t mean that the Bible doesn’t teach it things like that but the point that we’re making is that
04:2304:23 - people wouldn’t have problems with it uh you know if it was like stated in one sentence you know just like that um now
04:3104:31 - we have to be careful because this this line of what I would call inferential thinking about I don’t know how direct
04:3704:37 - or objective the Bible might be about something it gets complicated when you consider that Satan probably sinks more
04:4304:43 - of his resources towards challenging things that are really important and specifically the Divinity of the son the
04:5004:50 - Divinity of Jesus Christ is a very very important Doctrine for us as Christians you know Salvation hinges upon
04:5704:57 - understanding who Jesus was and what he did for us for us and so it’s no surprise that Satan has also sunk
05:0305:03 - resources in his world system in empowering heresy empowering errors and Doctrine towards attacking this point as
05:1105:11 - well so it’s not only uh and we should just be clear about that it’s not only that the Trinity can be kind of hard to
05:1805:18 - talk about and explain it’s also that Satan has been trying to uh get people to stumble in this area because it’s so
05:2505:25 - important um but the main point uh just to pull us back back towards the text of the slide a bit here is that um this
05:3405:34 - challenge that we have sometimes in explaining exactly what it is you know stating in a proper biblical way um this
05:4105:41 - is true especially the further any definition of the Trinity moves away for what the Bible actually says um and
05:4905:49 - that’s because this topic is inherently hard for us to think about as humans the second that you step off of that path of
05:5605:56 - what the Bible actually says is really easy to start more is just making things up because when we try to make sense of
06:0206:02 - it in our heads we we try to fill in blanks and and what we put in those blanks if it’s not based directly on the
06:1006:10 - Bible is just inherently suspect because of this um and um you know this is just reiterating what we’ve already said here
06:1806:18 - that um uh the statements of the Bible were taken to be sufficient by the apostles and Apostolic fathers that’s
06:2406:24 - why we don’t get a lot of discussion about the Trinity and you know combating heresies involving it until those
06:3106:31 - heresies actually pop up in more like second third Century sort of thing um now it should be noted that the
06:3806:38 - definition that we use here for the trinity in terms of persons in essence well you know what’s a what’s Essence
06:4506:45 - and what’s a person you know um these terms were felt by some theologians of the early church to be controversial now
06:5306:53 - just because some people say that doesn’t mean that they really are I at least not in my opinion but nonetheless
06:5906:59 - people people do present challenges based on what we would call defining terms here and just to give an example
07:0607:06 - here of why the Trinity is hard for us to discuss as human beings is that well if we talk about Essence in terms of
07:1307:13 - human beings man’s Essence um we are all cut from the same spiritual cloth that is um you know my spiritual makeup is
07:2107:21 - the same as AI is the same as other human beings in the church uh we all have this similar spiritual composition
07:2907:29 - our Essence is of of a Kind right we are like one another in this way spiritually and we all have um personalities as well
07:4007:40 - we are all Unique Individuals I am not the same as someone else but when we kind of start turning this same this uh
07:4907:49 - uh looking at this uh in terms of God rather than man well the essence of God is just fundamentally different from the
07:5707:57 - essence of man so just how we have um similar Essences right but um the important points were not the same well
08:0508:05 - all of the members of the Trinity actually share the same Essence there is no human correlat for that that’s just
08:1108:11 - not how human beings are composed right so I have um you know a unique nature given to me by God um you know the
08:1908:19 - spirit and the flesh compose me as a human being same deal with all other human beings but we are we don’t share
08:2508:25 - that unity in essence that God does and with regards to persons or personality in the Trinity that’s different than
08:3308:33 - human persons as well because the persons of the Trinity have absolute Unity of agreement and purpose to a
08:4108:41 - degree that just completely boggles that of humans um so even people who agree for example religiously or politically
08:4908:49 - or even married couples who tend to agree with each other uh even those sorts of relationships don’t have
08:5608:56 - anywhere near the same Unity as is present in the Trinity um and so it’s not only quantitatively it is also
09:0409:04 - qualitatively Beyond The Human Experience uh God is fundamentally different from us so maybe that was a
09:1109:11 - little bit rambly but the point of all of this is that the Trinity um you know even despite saying that um you know the
09:1809:18 - statements in the Bible are sufficient unto themselves we don’t have to go try to build a huge framework around it we
09:2309:23 - can be open and honest in saying that the Trinity can be difficult to talk about sometimes that is just facet of um
09:3009:30 - this particular Doctrine for us and that doesn’t trouble us theologically so much because we know that sometimes God lays
09:3709:37 - things out in such a way that we need to be persistent in seeking the truth uh to come to full understanding um and
09:4609:46 - it’s uh sort of set up in the manner that um it rewards those who seek him um and we have a necessary part in that we
09:5409:54 - need to do our homework to actually do that seeking and that’s why uh we can kind of simultaneously say that the
10:0110:01 - statements in the Bible are perfectly clear especially once you take the time to kind of line them up and and look
10:0610:06 - into them and see how it fits together yet at the same time uh it can be easy to get off the right path if you’re not
10:1310:13 - careful in how you talk about it so um that is kind of this this introduction here uh towards what we’re
10:2110:21 - going to be talking about this week aie do you have any follow on points to anything I’ve said here
10:2710:27 - um just like said it’s just essentially to reiterate that the point of discussing it is
10:3510:35 - to um sort of uh cut offut cut the ground from
10:4510:45 - under the feet of any of the crazy ideas that people have had about Trinity that’s really the bottom line it’s not
10:5510:55 - so much to try to give a proper exhaustive explanation that’s impossible to derive from the scriptures but
11:0511:05 - certainly to make sure that those who are choosing to walk with the Lord know that no it’s not this and it’s not
11:1511:15 - that it’s something that we will fully appreciate when we stand before the Lord but um for now this is what we do know
11:2511:25 - and what we can live by so that’s that’s just what I would reiterate yep and you know that point of
11:3511:35 - what I would call knowledge for this point in time um we know that on the other side we will know more fully you
11:4211:42 - know not as through a glass Darkly but we will know as we are known um that’s how scripture phrases it and so some of
11:5111:51 - this we will have a much better appreciation of once we’re no longer so Bound by time and space um not that we
11:5811:58 - will ever cease to be completely Bound by those even in eternity but we will have a better
12:0312:03 - appreciation for how this works once we aren’t so finite ourselves um once we aren’t so limited as we are in these
12:1112:11 - bodies down here in Satan’s World um so yeah given everything that we just talked about about how the Trinity can
12:2312:23 - be hard to explain properly uh not so much that we can’t explain it or that scripture has to say or that those
12:3012:30 - things aren’t basically self-evident in themselves so we don’t need Church councils to talk about this all of that
12:3612:36 - aside the main point is that it’s one of those things that’s kind of easy for us as Christians to get wrong um and part
12:4212:42 - of that um as we’ve gone over some is just because of how different God is from us and so the lesson that we take
12:5012:50 - from this should be something along the lines that if we try to speculate about these things what we might call
12:5712:57 - rationalistic um philosophically we try to wrap our heads around it in terms of human logic that
13:0413:04 - is sort of always a dangerous Paradigm because God is super logical we might say or theological um it doesn’t mean
13:1113:11 - he’s he’s illogical but just that he exceeds some of the assumptions of presuppositions we might have or that
13:1813:18 - might apply to us as humans well it’s even more to be avoided in the case of the Trinity um and we also have to
13:2613:26 - remember and this makes the Trinity distinct from of some points of biblical Doctrine is that it was really only
13:3213:32 - fully revealed with the arrival of the New Testament um so what God has chosen to reveal about the doctrine of the
13:3913:39 - Trinity he has revealed carefully and gradually so not to get too off topic but this thing that we’re talking about
13:4613:46 - here is typically called in theology progressive revelation um this idea that God didn’t give Humanity all truth up
13:5413:54 - front you know he didn’t just drop the book from the sky at the beginning of human history but details have emerged
14:0014:00 - over the course of human history um as God has seen fit to uh to basically give additional prophecy additional Insight
14:0814:08 - additional um inspired scripture to mankind because the Bible was compiled over a period of many centuries um so
14:1614:16 - this idea of progressive revelation he has revealed details about the Trinity carefully and gradually over time so
14:2314:23 - we’re going to talk more about the trinity in the Old Testament uh kind of separate set of lessons in the future
14:2914:29 - here um you know this this idea of uh theophanes and christophanies and things like that um but we may nonetheless say
14:3714:37 - here that a large part of the reason for this guarded revelation of the doctrine um just aside from our own limitations
14:4314:43 - as human beings and comprehending it because God’s infinite uh well one of the other guarded or sorry one of the
14:5014:50 - other reasons for this guarded Revelation may be the all to obvious fact that wrong ideas about it have
14:5714:57 - historically posed such a threat to the entire basis of our faith as Christians so basically that um sometimes the
15:0615:06 - details here aren’t you know what we might say uh uh like they’re not all over the place because people might take
15:1615:16 - uh some of those things you know a verse here a verse there and then run with them in a way that would cause lots of
15:2215:22 - theological problems um and that is as we just kind of finished going over that is somewhat due just to the nature of of
15:2915:29 - this doctrine that we’re talking about that’s just kind of the way it is um because God Is So separate from us his
15:3415:34 - existence is is fundamentally different God is existence whereas we exist is limited beings tied to space time and
15:4115:41 - things like this it’s just really easy for people to get off in the Weeds on this one and so some of why the Bible uh
15:4815:48 - speaks in the way it does may be to give people less ammunition to go get off in the Wheats um and some of that is an
15:5715:57 - inference you know we don’t like there is no verse in the Bible that says that directly but it makes good logical sense
16:0316:03 - and um just to elaborate a little bit on the dangers here just a little bit of Leaven in the loaf right using that that
16:1016:10 - biblical metaphor here just a little leaven in the loaf and Satan can make the Trinity seem as an association of
16:1616:16 - gods and so basically no different from paganism or Pantheon or no different from one God just wearing Three Hats so
16:2516:25 - modalism and that completely eliminates the importance and the efficacy of Christ’s Incarnation sacrifice so Jesus
16:3216:32 - Christ taking on a full human nature alongside his divine nature in theology that that fully God yet fully man and
16:4016:40 - one being typically called the hypostatic union it’s the jargony way to say it but the Incarnation is very
16:4616:46 - different um it doesn’t work with what we would call this one being wearing Three Hats it’s just different they’re
16:5316:53 - different persons um different H Hy I can’t say that word whatever you know that’s what hypostasis means um
17:0017:00 - different persons and so you know all of this is just going to say that just being a little bit off here just you
17:0817:08 - know that one detail that you you flip bits on that you get wrong and suddenly you’re you’re right you know you laid
17:1517:15 - the axe at the base of the tree of salvation for us as Christians because you get stuff here wrong and it kind of
17:2317:23 - ruins the entire loaf um and so in his loving wisdom God has told us what we most need to know without giving
17:3117:31 - us either information that could be misinterpreted or that would be prone to overt misinterpretation or less than
17:3817:38 - accurate illustrations that might do more harm than good so if you read some of what the Bible does say on the
17:4517:45 - Trinity you know all of the discussion that we’ve already had in our past lesson uh where we talk about some of
17:5117:51 - what scripture does have to say you know all these passages that seem to just assume three members of the Trinity and
17:5617:56 - that they’re all co-equal and Co Eternal and things like this they all have the same Authority and therefore God exists
18:0318:03 - as a triing god QED and some of that um some of the arguments we’ve made the evidence we’ve given forth for um the
18:1018:10 - the Trinity as it comes from scripture well if you’ve ever wondered why doesn’t God just I don’t know Tred to explain it
18:1618:16 - to us by analogy well we’re g to get to that a little bit more fully in our next lesson but it’s because nothing he gives
18:2418:24 - us is inaccurate he he’s not he’s not trying to imperfectly explain himself to us he’s just asserting that it is um and
18:3318:33 - this is why we say in his wisdom God has told us what we most need to know without giving us information that could
18:3918:39 - be misinterpreted or without giving us imperfect illustrations or analogies or things like that because he doesn’t need
18:4518:45 - to because if we seek with the hearts that we ought to as Christians we will eventually come to learn and understand
18:5218:52 - and comprehend uh what the Bible teaches about this and God doesn’t have to do these things for us to get there
18:5918:59 - so all of this to say this is why we need to keep our focus on what the Bible actually does say about the Trinity we
19:0519:05 - don’t need to fill in the gaps here we don’t need to try to come up with these imperfect explanations to explain a
19:1119:11 - doctrine that will always have that tinge of what I would call impossible to understand for us as humans not that we
19:1819:18 - can’t understand the points you know as we’ve been hammering home over and over again three persons one Essence we don’t
19:2419:24 - need to be uncertain about that but the point is what is exactly does it mean for a being to exist external to space
19:3119:31 - and time well as human beings we don’t have good perspective on that you know we can kind of maybe grasp it
19:3619:36 - intellectually but we don’t really have a full sense experientially of what that is that sort of thing is what I’m
19:4219:42 - getting at here but we don’t need to fill in any of the gaps for this we don’t need to try to explain it
19:4819:48 - imperfectly or uh I don’t know like basically uh just basically say more than what is there and that’s why we
19:5619:56 - have to stick so closely to exactly what what the Bible says because you go any further than that and you open yourself
20:0220:02 - up to getting things wrong to misinterpreting to pulling things out of context and because heresy in this
20:0820:08 - particular area is so damaging to a proper understanding of just the core mechanics of who God is and and how he
20:1620:16 - saves us we just need to be really careful not to do that um that is the gist of what this slide is talking
20:2520:25 - about aie you have anything you want to add um just first a slight correction um I I
20:3320:33 - believe the hypostatic union is actually describing um the uh Union of
20:4220:42 - two Natures in one person that is uh Jesus was both truly God and truly man that’s what the hypostatic Union as far
20:5120:51 - as I can remember actually speaks to I me I don’t know exactly what I said but I agree with that so
20:5920:59 - yeah yeah I just I just wanted to point that out um but everything else you say is exactly on point sticking to what the
21:0921:09 - scriptures say about um and and this is actually why uh for example just to give us a clue as to as to why it is
21:2021:20 - important to just stick to what the Bible says and try not to get off in the Weeds about this the Roman Catholic
21:2821:28 - Church made the business of the Trinity like pretty much their everything in the early stages it was they were they they
21:3721:37 - essentially seemed to be the Defenders of the Trinity and everybody else everybody who in any way disagreed with
21:4521:45 - this doctrine of the Trinity was anema an excommunicado and whatnot so there was all sorts of there were all sorts of
21:5421:54 - things going on with respect to that but these this group of people we talked about have serious trouble with the
22:0222:02 - business of Salvation accepting that the the cross of Jesus Christ is how we are saved they are also the ones who are
22:1122:11 - associating Mary with godhead with the godhead in some weird way too so all that tells us there is a degree to which
22:2122:21 - you will peer at this thing and it will really damage you it is best to stick with what the script have to say
22:2922:29 - whenever we talk about the analogies involved and whatnot they’re supposed to be teaching AIDS like you can you you
22:3722:37 - can understand this aspect of it in this way that aspect of of it in that way but it’s not quite like anything in our
22:4622:46 - experience what God is is very different than anything that we have in our experience so but but
22:5422:54 - understanding what the scriptures themselves actually say which is this it’s pretty
23:0123:01 - straightforward in scriptures the father is God the son is God the holy spirit is God the father is not the son the holy
23:1223:12 - spirit is not the Son and the Holy Spirit is not the father that’s it that’s really all there
23:1923:19 - is to it for us how this is possible how these three persons are all God and we’re not talking about three Gods is
23:3123:31 - the stuff we cannot quite W wrap our minds around it’s not what we would expect to find in creation but creation
23:4023:40 - is different from God so sticking with what the scriptures say and not going beyond what is written which is where we
23:4923:49 - find um a lot of the denominations that fight over this stuff a lot of the uh Cults that fight over this stuff the
23:5823:58 - modern day Aran that’s the Jehovah’s Witnesses and all the there is the Jesus only that Jesus is the father and he’s
24:0624:06 - the Holy Spirit there are crazy all sorts of crazy um interpretations and whatnot for us just stick with what the
24:1524:15 - scriptures say about this and what they don’t say we don’t need to stress to to stress ourselves about one day we will
24:2324:23 - be with the Lord and we will understand these things fully now I will say uh bringing up some of the the going Beyond
24:3124:31 - bits especially with regards to some of these other groups like the Catholics and the Orthodox folks so something that
24:3624:36 - they get very exercised about is what we might call the origination of the son in the spirit and so you all hear all this
24:4524:45 - discussion about the Eternal beginning of the sun and the Eternal procession of the spirit and if you don’t know what
24:5224:52 - those things mean well that’s great because the Bible doesn’t talk about this I mean they they fancy that the
24:5724:57 - Bible does and they they misinterpret some things to get there but that is what happens when you go beyond that is
25:0425:04 - what we mean by going Beyond is you know the Bible asserts in in more more or less you know we’ve gone over some of
25:1125:11 - the places here that the three members of the Trinity are all God they’re all Eternal right why do we why do we bother
25:1825:18 - figuring out does the son come from the father like what what does that even mean right they’re all God they are
25:2525:25 - injecting stuff here that doesn’t need to be um that’s what we mean by not going
25:3125:31 - beyond what is written because as soon as you do you open yourself up to all these problems so we’re gonna actually
25:3825:38 - pick back up here um in this section with a question and so someone asked uh is it appropriate for us to think about
25:4725:47 - how the three members of the Trinity are one by thinking of uh Jesus is the Father’s seed and the Holy Spirit is the
25:5525:55 - Father’s Spirit um and so Audi I’ll give you uh the opportunity to go first and and I’ll I’ll go from
26:0526:05 - there okay sure um so there is an angle from from which the second appelate applies the first
26:1726:17 - one never applies in terms of deity that mean that’s the father’s seed that never applies in
26:2526:25 - deity because the second person of the Trinity is called the son only with respect to his
26:3326:33 - humanity and when I say that um it’s it’s a bit of it’s it’s something that we might struggle a little bit with
26:4426:44 - because the Bible does not really would I say make this delineation so to speak but the son is not the son because he
26:5526:55 - was in any way orig originated by the father that’s not the idea of his sunship it’s the role he plays within
27:0527:05 - the plan of God for uh creation and the Redemption of human beings and whatnot that’s the role he is associated with
27:1627:16 - that’s why he’s called the son so if we think of the unity of the godhead and try to explain it in terms of um the son
27:2627:26 - being the father’s seat that would be not just inappropriate but quite dangerous that’s where the whole
27:3527:35 - um uh eternally begotten nonsense really comes into play but the father’s spirit that applies if we understand that each
27:4727:47 - member of the Trinity claims the other so the holy spirit is the Father’s Spirit just like you how would I put it
27:5627:56 - in a family we would be claiming each other as belonging to each other that’s how we would I mean I don’t want to cut
28:0328:03 - you off but I I feel like it’s not that I disagree with that but I think when people ask that they may be thinking of
28:1028:10 - it more from an ontological sense you know like how human beings have flesh and spirit right and we would say the
28:1628:16 - human Spirit the holy spirit is not like God and we’ve talked about this before in our past lessons it’s not like God
28:2228:22 - exists as like a shell and then the holy spirit is what gives Spirit to God if that is the sense that that’s not quite
28:3028:30 - right either but because because equally we could say that the holy spirit is the spirit of
28:3628:36 - Christ right he’s the spirit Spirit of God and because the father is God and the Christ is God you know like you can
28:4328:43 - do that equivalency but it’s not like the father or Jesus exist as husks that the spirit gives life to you know it’s
28:5128:51 - it’s that it is the spirit of God the third member of the Trinity is properly the spirit of the I mean like it you
28:5928:59 - know I I suppose it really depends what what is being asked there that’s that’s why I said that there’s an angle from
29:0629:06 - which we come where that makes sense to the to the extent that what we’re saying just like you you pointed out we could
29:1329:13 - say that the spirit is the spirit of Christ as well we still saying that he belongs to
29:2029:20 - Christ just like he so the thing is is that I just feel like there’s clearer ways to say it is all yeah that but but
29:2829:28 - then the thing is it’s not technically wrong because the Bible does point that out the Bible does bear out that this is
29:3629:36 - the spirit of the father this is the spirit of Jesus so the the when when it says that it’s speaking in terms of
29:4329:43 - possession in the fact that this is my person this is my family member this is my you name it that that’s the point
29:5429:54 - it’s not saying as I would speak of my own Spirit as something that is really intrinsically me that’s not what’s
30:0330:03 - happening there so it’s it’s not it’s not necessarily inappropriate but it can be misleading I think perhaps thinking
30:1130:11 - about the sending of the spirit helps here when we say the spirit of the Father the of you know we would think of
30:1830:18 - as possession here it’s in the same way that you might have a messenger of a king right not that the spirit is a
30:2530:25 - messenger he’s also God but it it’s not God’s spirit as in the spirit part of the nature of God or something like that
30:3530:35 - it’s like influence right right it is you know the spirit the one sent from God right like if you put that in
30:4330:43 - apposition um yeah right in same way the spirit of Christ is not so much the thing giving animating Force to the
30:5130:51 - person of Christ as it is you know the spirit of not of sent by but you know like Christ spirit that one as opposed
31:0031:00 - to a different one right um yes so yeah so that that’s that’s the point um so to speak to the question then I would say
31:1131:11 - the unity of God is not to be understood in quite that way that is the Oneness of the Trinity that’s not that’s not how we
31:2131:21 - understand it it’s in the fact that I know the word essence is technical but it really means what it normally means
31:2931:29 - that all of them are sharing one thing an isness the thing that we call Humanity
31:3931:39 - for example is an Essence but we each have our copy of that Essence but the essence of deity is not
31:4731:47 - in copies there is only one such thing only one such thing does not exist in multiple copies there’s just one of it
31:5531:55 - and these three persons share that one thing that’s why the Bible is absolutely clear about the fact that there is one
32:0432:04 - God so I think maybe one way to think about this is you know how a you use the word copy here if you have three human
32:1332:13 - beings and one of them dies the essence of humanity is still fine for the other two right they don’t they don’t impact
32:2132:21 - each other when we say that the three beings of God have share one essence that situation just it simply does not
32:3032:30 - make sense right the the three members of the Trinity if like you can’t have one of
32:3632:36 - them cease to exist because they all exist together right um it’s not separate in the same way may maybe
32:4432:44 - that’s not helpful um it’s certainly we should be sacrificed here for or sorry we can be forgiven here
32:5232:52 - for looking at that and thinking for a second and being like man you know what it’s still kind of hard to understand
32:5732:57 - um that’s because it is we should we should we should not forget the fact that this is one of those things that we
33:0633:06 - will only see very dimly very Darkly we don’t fully get it in fact we barely get it if if we were to State again what the
33:1633:16 - Bible says about this matter it is one there is one God two the father is God the the son is God the spirit is God
33:2433:24 - three the father is not the son is not the spirit the son is not the spirit is not the
33:2933:29 - father the spirit is not the son is not the father these three concepts are what we call the Trinity when you put them
33:3733:37 - together they add up to the Trinity but how this actually works the mechanics of it how there is one God and there are
33:4533:45 - three persons who are that God does not fit into our experience as human beings in creation it just doesn’t fit we can’t
33:5533:55 - make sense of it and we will not make sense of it of it until we actually stand before the Lord insisting on
34:0234:02 - spelling it out exactly is where we’re going to go beyond what is written and that is the points that we brought it
34:0934:09 - before about the what I shall call the Eternal beting and the Eternal procession of the spirit that is exactly
34:1634:16 - what we’re talking about here that is make attempts for people to make sense of it in a way that the Bible just
34:2134:21 - really doesn’t use you know they’re they’re taking some words that have certain emology and then they’re like
34:2734:27 - fixing a cookie cutter on top of it but it’s because they’re trying to say how can you have three persons that exist as
34:3534:35 - one being how does that work and they try to make it work but we can’t because the Bible doesn’t go there that’s the
34:4234:42 - point yeah yes it’s simply so appr propo to uh to the question that was asked I would say um we can say authoritatively
34:5234:52 - that the Oneness of God is not because um Jesus Jesus is the Father’s seed with respect to his Humanity
35:0235:02 - certainly he is God’s son with respect to his deity he’s of equal standing with the father father and son are simply
35:1035:10 - titler roles here neither of them is the originator of the other that’s not how that works and the father is the spirit
35:1935:19 - is the is the Father’s Spirit sure if you’re speaking to their relationship with each other in the sense that
35:2735:27 - the if if you were to change the the word father if that were possible and we don’t really have another word for it
35:3335:33 - the Bible simply gives us the identifier father the identifier son and word and the identifier Spirit but if you could
35:4035:40 - change these identifiers we would be saying this person belongs to this person this person belongs to that
35:4735:47 - person that’s the the spirit of the father Spirit of Jesus kind of relationship but when you speak of the
35:5435:54 - spirit as originating from the father either something that comes from him in the sense of coming out of him being
36:0336:03 - generated by him or that it is the animating force of the father you’d be wrong that’s not at all what the
36:1136:11 - scriptures are saying about the spirit and that’s not what the unity of the of the Trinity is really about that’s the
36:2036:20 - answer that I have to that question I agree so that’s where we’re going to wrap for
36:2936:29 - today and uh just to go over A Brief Review we first uh basically identifi the definition of the Trinity that we
36:3736:37 - have been laying out the last few lessons so three persons one essence or one Essence and three persons and then
36:4236:42 - the four corollary points that we talked about before how the members of the Trinity are all Divine persons unique
36:4836:48 - persons co-equal and co-eternal and they all share the same Essence those are things we’ve talked about in the past
36:5436:54 - lessons and then the rest of this lesson we have spent discussing about how the Trinity can just be kind of hard to
37:0037:00 - explain properly and uh God didn’t uh necessarily give us uh you know you know the way in which god um
37:1037:10 - communicated this Doctrine to us in the Bible was intentional right he didn’t like forget to add things to it or
37:1537:15 - whatever um he has told us what we most need to know without giving us either information that could be misinterpreted
37:2237:22 - or less accurate illustrations that might do more harm than good and so uh because eternity is kind of hard to
37:2837:28 - explain properly it’s hard to understand it is something that is a bit heresy prone um but we shouldn’t seek to grasp
37:3537:35 - after um what we might term rationalistic or uh philosophical explanations for it we should just stick
37:4337:43 - with what the Bible says about it that’s the only safe path here uh to keep us uh kind of within uh uh the path of what
37:5137:51 - the Trinity is without falling into the ditch on either side of the road so that’s what we’ve talked about this time
37:5737:57 - in our next lesson we will be picking up talking about illustrations for the Trinity and uh if you are wondering well
38:0338:03 - didn’t we just say that uh you know God doesn’t give us these illustrations you’d be correct so a lot of what we’re
38:0838:08 - going to talk about next time are illustrations that have been used by people in the past um but also some of
38:1438:14 - the problems that go along with them so that’s where we will pick up uh in our next meeting