Roles of the Trinity in the Plan of God



All three members of the Trinity are referred to by common names in both the Old and New Testaments: Elohim and YHVH (the so-called tetragrammaton) in the Hebrew Old testament, and Theos in the Greek New Testament. However, each member of the Trinity also has an individual name, based upon the role they play in God’s overarching plan to redeem mankind: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Aside from going over the shared names, this lesson also examines the origin, significance, and person of each of these individual names.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
04:2504:25 - Roles of the Trinity in the Plan of God
13:4413:44 - General Introduction: The Roles of the Trinity Are a Biblical Way To Get Additional Perspective
16:0516:05 - The Names of the Trinity: Shared Names
29:0129:01 - The Names of the Trinity: Individual Names
35:2135:21 - The Father (the 1st Person of the Trinity)
49:2049:20 - The Son (the 2nd Person of the Trinity)
  01:08:4701:08:47 - Discussion of subordination, not in person/essence, but in role
01:33:2301:33:23 - The Holy Spirit (the 3rd Person of the Trinity)
01:50:1301:50:13 - Note: Analogies Are Just Analogies, and Nothing More
02:02:5802:02:58 - Summary and outro


(Derived from

Roles of the Trinity in the Plan of God

A more valuable approach than the use of non-biblical illustrations to understand the nature of the Trinity is the examination of the function of the Trinity as described in the Bible. The scriptures have much to say about how God works in human history, and, specific to our topic, what roles the individual members of the Trinity play in that work, otherwise known as the “plan of God”.

General Introduction: The Roles of the Trinity Are a Biblical Way To Get Additional Perspective

God has not been operating in human history on an ad hoc or reactive basis, but has been “working everything together for good” (Rom.8:28) since the moment of creation. The Plan of God will be discussed as a topic in its own right in the part 2B of this series (Eschatology), but it will be helpful at this point to consider the unique roles played by the individual members of the Trinity in executing that plan in time, for by so doing, we shall gain biblical insight into the true nature of the Trinity.

No potentially-misleading illustrations necessary

The Names of the Trinity: Shared Names

Much can be understood about the Trinity through a consideration of the names by which they are revealed. Collectively, the Trinity refer to themselves as God. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for God, ‘Elohim (translated in the New Testament by the common Greek word for God, theos), is technically a plural of a word originally meaning “mighty one”; collectively then, the Trinity share this appellation, pluralized to express additional majesty.

Individually considered, however, members of the Trinity in the Old Testament are referred to most commonly by the Hebrew word Yahweh (translated in the New Testament by the common Greek word for Lord, kyrios), a word that, as we have seen, calls special attention to the Lord’s timeless and dynamic being (see section I, note 1). These two names, God and Lord, emphasize respectively the unity of the Trinity in its three-fold persons (‘Elohim is plural but refers to the Trinity collectively), and the joint divine-essence of all three individual members (Yahweh is singular but can be used to refer to any of the Trinity’s members individually).

The Names of the Trinity: Individual Names

With the fuller revelation of the Trinity in the New Testament following the revelation and advent of Jesus Christ (see Part II C. for the Trinity in the Old Testament), the names Father, Son and Holy Spirit give us an even clearer understanding of the roles of the Trinity (and therefore of the Trinity itself).

Cf. the general concept of so-called progressive revelation. This is an excellent example of the phenomenon.

The Father (the 1st Person of the Trinity)

Origin: The term for and idea of the Fatherhood of God, a designation well known from the New Testament, is also found in the Old Testament from the Pentateuch onward. The word Father is first used for God in Deuteronomy 32:6: “Is He not your Father? The One who bought you? He is the One who made you and established you.” Later in verse 18 of the same chapter, God is referred to as “the Rock who fathered you”. The concept of the fatherhood of God can also be seen at Exodus 4:22, where Israel is referred to as God’s “firstborn son”.

Significance: The use of the name “Father” is clearly intended to be taken as an analogy from human experience. Like the father who sired us, He is our creator. Like a father, He is our authority figure, our trainer, disciplinarian, and teacher (Heb.12:5-11). And, not to be underestimated, He is the One who cares for us and loves us deeply, who protects us, keeps us safe, and wants only what is truly best for us (regardless of what we see as best).

Being human, our earthly fathers had strengths and weaknesses, and despite their best intentions had to act on the basis of imperfect information about what was best for us. But our heavenly Father represents the perfect ideal of fatherhood. He acts toward us always in perfect love, and all He does for us is without question for our ultimate good, for whether He disciplines us or blesses us, He does so in perfect knowledge of who we are, and of all that is in our hearts.

Person: The Father is often referred to as the 1st person of the Trinity (i.e., the authoritative “I” person), because He speaks to us as “I”, directly manifesting His authoritative will as our God, creator and ruler of the universe (e.g., Ex.3:14-15; Is.46:9-10).

The Son (the 2nd Person of the Trinity)

Origin: Along with the holy angels (Job 38:7 [not NIV]), we believers are all “sons” of God (Rom.8:14; Gal.3:26; 4:5; cf. Jn.1:12; 1Jn.3:1-2). This widespread franchise of sonship is based upon the paternal position of the Father relative to all His obedient creatures, but there is only one “the Son of God (our Lord, Jesus Christ)”.

Though Christ’s incarnation was, in a veiled fashion, prophesied and foreshadowed by ritual and sacrifice, it remained in Old Testament times very much a mystery until the time of His actual first advent. Now it stands clearly revealed that the archetypical Son of God is our Lord Jesus Christ, and that the Old Testament parallels are types that look forward to this revelation. For example:

  • Adam is the son of God (Lk.3:38) – Christ is the preeminent “last Adam” (1Cor.15:45; and cf. the “Son of Man [i.e., ‘adam]” of Dan.7:13-14 as well as New Testament usage)
  • Israel is the servant of God (Is.42:18ff) – Christ is the suffering Servant who takes away the sins of the world (Is.42:1; 52:13 - 53:12)
  • Israel is God’s son – Christ is the Son (Hos.11:1 fulfilled at Matt.2:15)
  • Finally, though Solomon was David’s direct descendant, Christ is his ultimate descendant, the Messiah, the Son of David who is also the Son of God (Ps.2:7-12; 110:1).

Significance: Building on the idea of fatherhood as discussed above, sonship denotes the idea of a special and unbreakable relationship with the Father, one of dutiful subordination to the Father’s will, but also one of special privilege, inheritance and shared authority.

A son (especially a king’s son) is often more accessible than a father. The role of mediator between the king and His offending subjects can only be played by someone who is on a par with both the Father-king and creature-subjects: only a Son (incarnate) can be sent on such a mission of reconciliation (cf. Matt.21:33-40).

Person: The Son is often referred to as the 2nd person (i.e., the accessible “you” person), because He is accessible to us, having appeared in the flesh to forge a relationship with us on the Father’s behalf (e.g., Jn.15:14-15), and having gained access to the Father for us (Jn.14:6; Eph.2:18; 3:12).

The Holy Spirit (the 3rd Person of the Trinity)

Origin: From the first chapter of the Old Testament (Gen.1:2), to the closing chapter of the New Testament (Rev.22:17), the word “spirit” is used to refer to God the Holy Spirit. The Hebrew and Greek words for “spirit”, ruach and pneuma respectively, have the core meaning of “wind” or “breeze”, and, again, there are important points to be garnered from the name analogy.

Significance: The wind is a potent, invisible force. Though we perceive it and experience its effects, we can neither see where it has come from or where it is going to (Jn.3:8). It can have everything from a gentle, warming influence to a powerful, chilling effect. “Wind” is thus an aptly descriptive analogy for the Holy Spirit’s role in the plan of God: His invisible yet powerful support of good (Zech.4:6; 1Cor.12:3) and restraint of evil (Gen.6:3; 1Cor.12:3; 2Thes.2:5-8) in the furtherance of the plan of God must not be underestimated.

Person: The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the 3rd person of the Trinity (i.e., the unseen “he” person), because unlike the Father, He does not speak directly to us, and unlike the Son, He has not been made manifest to us; instead, like the wind, He is unseen by us, but, like the wind, that does not mean that we do not experience His power in a very personal and dynamic way (Jn.14:16-17; Gal.5:22-26).

Note: Analogies Are Just Analogies, and Nothing More

As should be clear from the discussion above, the names Father, Son, and Spirit are thus representative of the Trinity’s individual roles in the plan of God for mankind, and have been given to help us understand the relationships and functions of the three divine personalities in that plan.

The names themselves must not be pushed beyond the clearly intended analogies to our human frame of reference as outlined above. This is no small caveat, for it is largely on the basis of the title “Son” that heresies of the past have sought to deny the full and equal divinity of Christ (e.g., casting Him as subordinate in essence to the Father as hyper-Arianism does).

The case of the Spirit also shows how wrong-headed such analyses based solely on these titles are, for the Spirit is not at all “inanimate” or “impersonal” even though “wind” is a fitting description of His invisible yet powerful role in our Christian lives. He acts in a very personal way towards us and towards the other members of the Trinity (Jn.3:5; 14:16-17; 14:26; 15:26; 16:8-15; Acts 5:3, 5:9; 13:2; 16:6-10; Rom.8:26; 1Cor.2:10; Rev.2:7), and as our Comforter-Encourager (Jn.14:16; 16:7). The relationship of leadership (Rom.8:4; Gal.5:16 & 18), encouragement (cf. Jn.14:16; 16:7; 2Cor.1:3-7) and empowerment (Lk.24:49; Rom.15:13) we receive from the Holy Spirit are some of the most “personal” and “animating” relationships we shall ever experience this side of heaven.

Video/audio transcript

00:0000:00 - so the next section of this study in Bible basics part one theology that we are going to be looking at are the roles
00:0700:07 - in the trinity in the plan of God and so by in the plan of God we kind of mean in creation right in this Cosmos um and
00:1500:15 - this also counts sort of throughout all of creation so um you know this isn’t specifically the focus of the study of
00:2200:22 - theology proper there are other studies on ichus part 2B talks about eschatology in particular um but how God interacts
00:3100:31 - with human history helps us see how the members of the Trinity have adopted roles and so roles are sort of uh
00:3800:38 - properly speaking a property of creation um you know that is how the Bible describes them to us whether they exist
00:4400:44 - external to that we’re just not even going to go there because how the Bible discusses it is what the father and the
00:5000:50 - son and the spirit do uh for example in bringing about salvation in working in the world um and so we’re going to be
00:5700:57 - focusing on how the Bible talks about the father and the son and the spirit um as you know the roles in the Trinity so
01:0401:04 - we’re going to introduce just the idea generally of the roles of the trinity in the plan of God uh we’re going to be
01:1001:10 - talking about how uh the roles in the Trinity are a Biblical way to get additional perspective on the persons in
01:1601:16 - the Trinity right as kind of contrasted with some of the illustrations we just went through um the benefit we have here
01:2201:22 - is that the roles are most certainly taught in the Bible now these are analogies too to be clear right actually
01:2801:28 - a lot of heresy in the past has gotten real stuck on the sun part of the Trinity as in you know a a being that
01:3501:35 - was begotten sort of those sorts of problems um and they stumble there because this is an analogy it’s not
01:4301:43 - supposed to be literal um and so you know it’s sort of same caveats that we had before about you know illustrations
01:5001:50 - for illustrations the advantage that these have is that at least these are biblical at least we’re getting these
01:5501:55 - titles these names these analogies from scripture rather than I don’t know just coming up with them um so we’re going to
02:0202:02 - talk about just generally how this is a Biblical way to get more perspective on the members of the Trinity we’re going
02:0902:09 - to be talking about names next so um there’s uh a name Elohim you probably heard that word before um you know
02:1702:17 - plural of majesty Mighty ones you know this is basically the title for God in the Old Testament and then the Greek
02:2402:24 - word is Theos um probably heard that too that’s God you know that means god you know those Theo plurals like Gods is in
02:3302:33 - like the gods of the Greek pantheon but Theos is God proper in the New Testament and then we also have the personal name
02:4002:40 - of God the tetr grammaton which means four letters in Greek um that is sort of the Holy title of God this is who God
02:4802:48 - says he is in Exodus chapter 3 this is I am who I am says the Lord right this is the you’ll see this kind of printed in
02:5602:56 - small caps the tetragramaton um and you’ll see it liter commonly as Yahweh um or Jehovah um depending on who you
03:0403:04 - ask um but that is you know the personal title for God and interestingly that’s singular so we said Elohim is plural you
03:1203:12 - know what I I won’t go too much into this because we’ll get there when we get there in the slide but all of this is
03:1603:16 - talking about those are names for the Trinity specifically and then we’re going to get into the individual names
03:2103:21 - within the Trinity um for the father and the son and the spirit um and those names correspond to the roles within the
03:2803:28 - Trinity so the father is the first person of the Trinity the son is the second person and the Holy Spirit is the
03:3303:33 - third person kind of actually descriptive in the same way we have first person second person and third
03:3803:38 - person in verbs like as in I versus you versus he she or it um and after all of that uh kind of just how we had that
03:4703:47 - cautionary note at the end of our last uh section talking about illustrations we’re going to have similar cautionary
03:5403:54 - note here talking about how analogies are just analogies right um so the fact that we’re talking about a father and a
04:0004:00 - son does not actually mean that the father like sired the son in the way that we do as human you know Bloodlines
04:0704:07 - and whatnot um and very important to emphasize that because the analogies are just analogies um so we’ll beat that
04:1504:15 - horse when we get to the last slide there but this is generally speaking what we’re going to be talking about
04:2004:20 - here going over uh roles of the trinity in the plan of God all right so roles in the trinity in
04:3104:31 - the plan of God kind of the overarching thing we’re going to be talking about here is the use here of this
04:3904:39 - construction of examining the roles kind of as contrasted with non-biblical illustrations to help us understand the
04:4504:45 - nature of the Trinity um you know as it’s described in the Bible like actually described in the Bible versus
04:5104:51 - just things that we came up with so the scriptures have much to say about how God works in human history and specific
04:5604:56 - to our topic what roles the individual members of the Trinity play in that work otherwise known as the plan of God so um
05:0405:04 - I think earlier in this especially in talking about the Trinity we’ve kind of touched on this before about how all
05:1105:11 - three members of the Trinity were involved in creation for example all three members of the Trinity were
05:1705:17 - involved in uh redemption in the Jesus Christ paying for our sins you know we might think of Jesus Christ more
05:2405:24 - specifically but the spirit is the one who enabled it the father is the one who accepted the sacrifice on our behalf
05:2905:29 - things like that all three members of the Trinity are integrally part of the working out of the plan of God in
05:3705:37 - creation so that’s kind of the opening topic you know not a lot to it a you have anything you want to say um so the
05:4505:45 - the concern of um the Christian walk is uh entirely about the plan of God uh that’s
05:5505:55 - really all we are involved in um God is an objective that he’s looking to accomplish and there is a plan a
06:0306:03 - sequence so to speak of steps that will be taken to get there so this is yet another reason that um understanding the
06:1206:12 - Trinity is so important to us because it is an integral part of the business of spiritual growth because you’ll come to
06:2106:21 - see how the plan is unfolding um through the the various roles that the Trinity plays so um yes
06:3406:34 - the the roles of the Trinity are in the plan of God are a critical thing for us to understand and like you said uh this
06:4206:42 - is also where we come to see that analogies and illustrations will break down we won’t see that the father is the
06:4806:48 - father because he somehow generated the son at some point and that the spirit somehow was
06:5606:56 - generated either by the father or by the father and the son it it it it is it is um it is very
07:0607:06 - educative very telling to see that when we look at the Creeds of the past whether the nyine or the apostolic we
07:1407:14 - can see what happens when we miss the forest for the trees and when people focused so much on fighting the fight
07:2507:25 - for the Trinity that they couldn’t actually tell what they were looking look at and started talking about
07:3207:32 - eternal generation and proceeding from the father in all sorts of oblique ways so um for us for us
07:4207:42 - the the um the interesting thing about the Trinity is really in the fact that in
07:5007:50 - the unfolding plan of God the Father plays a specific role to realize that family that he had he wants in the end
07:5907:59 - the son also plays a specific role towards it and so does the spirit and each of these roles is actually what
08:0708:07 - they were named for which is why it is absurd in the extreme for someone to say for example God is spirit and therefore
08:1808:18 - the holy spirit is the is the spirit of the father who is kind of like the H the body the spirit is the animating force
08:2708:27 - of the father very crazy sorts of things that people come up with which is why they can also talk about the generation
08:3308:33 - of the son because he’s called the son now I will say that kind of what we’re saying here and this is important I
08:4008:40 - don’t want us to get too off in the weeds but they will tend to call these things as hypostatic properties that’s
08:4508:45 - the really jargony theological way that people who argue about these things will say that the father you know in what AUD
08:5308:53 - and I are saying and this is the correct way to look at it the father is called the father not because he was this way
09:0009:00 - and then we applied the label but because of the role that the father acts in creation that’s why he’s called the
09:0509:05 - father right um and the difference is between the roles in the Trinity it’s about what they do not you know so
09:1509:15 - because you know like people I’m sorry I’m not being very elegant here I have had conversations with people who are
09:2009:20 - Orthodox or Catholic who have different ideas about this shall we say and one of the characteristics of what they talk
09:2709:27 - about is that the father is such and such way or the sun is such and such way right that this is why they they are
09:3609:36 - like that and I’m saying no no no the members of the Trinity have adopted the roles in how they deal with us as humans
09:4309:43 - in creation those are different things um and so the names like you said follow the rules right that’s the order here
09:5009:50 - the names follow the rules so um but they are descriptive of how the members of the Trinity operate within the plan
09:5609:56 - of God Sor sorry to jump in but yeah that’s that’s fine the names are not ontologically what they are that’s the
10:0410:04 - point they are simply descriptive of the roles that they play so this is why the roles of the Trinity and the plan of God
10:1310:13 - is a very apt title for us who have chosen to grow spiritually and to um uh get to spiritual maturity and to be
10:2310:23 - productive for the Lord in the ways he wants us to be productive the most important thing is for us to understand
10:3010:30 - what the plan of God is what God is looking to accomplish and how he is setting out to accomplish it so that we
10:3510:35 - can see where we have any space to fit in and make our own contribution that is why when we talk about the Trinity as we
10:4510:45 - said before it’s not an academic thing it’s not something we just theologize about and we can talk with big heads
10:5210:52 - like we have a lot of education and we can use the jargons involved we are learning something that’s viscerally
11:0011:00 - important to our lives it matters in the decisions we make from day to day so that is why the roles of the trinity in
11:0911:09 - the plan of God is a thing that matters to us it also explains to us why one member of the Trinity is called the
11:1711:17 - father another is called the son another is called the spirit and we don’t get lost like those who do and names
11:2511:25 - themselves without actually understanding the point of the names that’s I mean and it’s it’s quite
11:3211:32 - Central to properly understanding the shall we say God’s interaction with creation if you don’t understand the
11:4211:42 - roles you don’t understand how the different members of the Trinity relate it’s just easier to get confused
11:4911:49 - generally speaking about say God’s attitude towards Humanity because how the father interacts with creation and
11:5611:56 - how the son interacts with creation they have chose CH to adopt these these different roles right now if we say that
12:0412:04 - God’s attitude towards humanity is shown in the son that’s true God’s attitude towards humanity is shown in the father
12:1112:11 - that’s true but you see how people who who don’t properly understand the idea of roles will suddenly get all lost and
12:1912:19 - confused because how the Son and the father relate to humanity aren’t the same um and neither one of them is any
12:2612:26 - less true right this is where the rubber hits the road about like maybe it sounds so simple right but people really get
12:3512:35 - lost in this and this is why it’s important for us to cover the roles what it means and how God can have this Unity
12:4112:41 - of purpose even as they each do their adop their roles um in terms of how they interact with creation right they can
12:5012:50 - have complete Unity of Will and yet not be doing exactly the same things right and right about here is where again we
12:5612:56 - say our human ability to comprehend this just does not work very well because you know so for example in human Endeavors
13:0313:03 - people who are you know doing if they’re like on the same page doing the same things that’s how we tend to think about
13:1013:10 - it right um people who have Unity of will are basically doing everything identically God the members of the
13:1813:18 - Trinity are doing not identical things they have adopted these roles yet they have perfect Unity of will how does that
13:2413:24 - work that is the Trinity right um yeah so um all right well we will get into more
13:3213:32 - of all of this but this is the general introduction here that the roles of the Trinity as adopted in the plan of God is
13:3813:38 - the overarching topic that we are setting out to discuss here in this section of the
13:4713:47 - lesson all right so uh the next thing that we’re going to be talking about here uh in discussing the roles of the
13:5413:54 - trinity in the plan of God is we’re just going to be kind of doing this uh taking a step back again to understand why
14:0214:02 - we’re talking about the roles kind of how it relates contrasting it with some of the illustrations we’ve just talked
14:0814:08 - about so uh when we talk about God and his plan for human history one of the ways in which God’s planning is
14:1514:15 - fundamentally different than ours as humans is he has perfect omniscience and perfect forward knowledge and so God
14:2014:20 - does not react to history he doesn’t react to events on an ad hoc or reactive basis he is not merely some big creature
14:2914:29 - is the Creator and sustainer of the universe that makes him fundamentally different and since the beginning of the
14:3514:35 - world even since before the very first Act of Creation God has been working everything together for good it’s what
14:4214:42 - Romans 8:28 tells us um the plan of God is kind of not the focus of the current study where we’re going through theology
14:4914:49 - proper it’s a topic in its own right um some of it’s covered in part 2B of this Bible basic series um 2A talks about
14:5714:57 - angels angelology part two is talking about eschatology um you know specifically the culmination of the plan
15:0415:04 - of God um but nonetheless we’re going to be considering how these unique roles played by the individual members of the
15:1115:11 - Trinity kind of are involved in executing the plan of God in time because when we do this we are going to
15:1815:18 - be gaining biblical insight into the true nature of the Trinity so this isn’t terribly different than what we said uh
15:2415:24 - just before um again we’re just emphasizing the point that what we’re talking about is actually in the Bible
15:3015:30 - that makes it different than some of the illustrations that people have had where it’s not so much focused on you know the
15:3715:37 - words of scripture as people just coming up with ways to try to think about it well this approach of trying to analyze
15:4415:44 - the roles of the Trinity uh as they contribute to the plan of God is actually coming straight out of
15:5015:50 - scripture so anything more to say there before we actually jump into talking about this
15:5615:56 - rather than just talking about talking about it I guess we we we we we’d best just jump
16:0316:03 - into it all right good deal all right so uh having gone through the last couple slides of introduction
16:1416:14 - here now we’re going to start talking about the roles in the Trinity but even before we get there to the individual
16:2016:20 - roles of father son and spirit we’re going to be talking about names for the Trinity generally and specifically
16:2616:26 - shared names here so much can be understood about the Trinity just by considering um the names through which
16:3416:34 - we are told you know like how God is described and named in the Bible so collectively the Trinity refer to
16:4116:41 - themselves as God you know this is one of the fundamental parts of you know the doctrine of the Trinity they are all God
16:4716:47 - they are one in essence they all have the essence of divinity the essence of God um in the Old Testament the Hebrew
16:5316:53 - word for God is Elohim and you’ll see this translated in the New Testament by the common Greek word for God fos like
17:0117:01 - I’ve said this can be used in a plural form for you know like the Greek gods of the pantheon they didn’t make a new word
17:0817:08 - for God they just use that word but understand it with a definite article it is the god of you know Israel rather
17:1617:16 - than Zeus for example um and so this word Elohim Theos in Greek um Elohim in Hebrew is actually a plural word you can
17:2517:25 - see that by the E ending if you’ve ever studied Hebrew um so this is technically a plural of a word originally meaning
17:3217:32 - mighty one um so collectively then the Trinity share this appalation and you’ll see this in scholarship often called a
17:4017:40 - plural of majesty um so Elohim is plural and of course we see this with the context of the New Testament as being an
17:4917:49 - oblique reference to the Trinity but also you know plural as a form of majesty um now individually considered
17:5817:58 - not considering you know the Trinity as a whole but individually members of the trinity in the Old Testament are
18:0318:03 - referred to most commonly by the Hebrew word Yahweh so again this is the tetragramaton um and you’ll see this
18:1318:13 - transliterated in the New Testament uh by the common Greek word for Lord which is Kudos um and this is a word that
18:2018:20 - calls special attention to the Lord’s Timeless and dynamic being so there’s a footnote in the study not going to
18:2518:25 - actually go click on that but um the the root I mean Scholars debate it is relating to the the basically being the
18:3318:33 - idea is existence is tied up in the very name of God and so these two names God and Lord emphasize respectively the
18:4118:41 - unity of the trinity in its three-fold persons that’s the Elohim being plural but refers to the Trinity collectively
18:4818:48 - as well as the joint Divine Essence you know Essence again actually coming from the Latin verb to be you know essay um
18:5718:57 - The Joint Divine Essence of all three members comes from uh the tetr Graton Yahweh right that Hebrew
19:0419:04 - word um the the the four letters there that get us this idea of God being existence he is The Great I Am um so
19:1319:13 - Yahweh is singular but can be used to refer to any of the Trinity’s members individually so this is talking about
19:2019:20 - the Trinity writ large you know this is you know not the specific roles that each of the members adopt but this
19:2619:26 - applies to all of the members um and so this is very much talking about the shared attributes of the Trinity so
19:3319:33 - three persons one Essence right all of them are God Elohim all of them you know have the
19:4119:41 - essence of divinity so each one of them individually can be called by the tetragramaton you know that we might
19:4719:47 - transliterate is Yahweh all of them are wrapped up in that Eternal existence that you know I am who I am that applies
19:5519:55 - to each member of the Trinity you have anything to add here um yeah um I’m going to raise uh two
20:0520:05 - passages let me make sure I haven’t forgotten the second one again um the first one is in Zechariah 2 I’ve
20:1320:13 - mentioned it before in these conversations as well the second one is uh Hebrews chapter 2 Hebrews chapter 1
20:2620:26 - and I believe it was quoting probably um a Psalm it was it was quoting a Psalm but I don’t remember the psalm so
20:3520:35 - Hebrews 2 one will do so in Zechariah 2 I I think it might have been verse 9 or verse 8
20:4420:44 - um yes it’s uh verse 8 for thus says the Lord of hosts he has he sent
20:5620:56 - me after Glory glory to the Nations which plunder you this is um nkjv for He Who touches you touches the
21:0621:06 - apple of his eye for surely I will shake my hand against them and they shall become spoiled for their servants then
21:1421:14 - you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me the speaker is the Lord of hosts the sender is the Lord of
21:2221:22 - hosts um then in Hebrews uh I believe it’s Hebrews chapter 1 like I
21:3121:31 - said not two Hebrews chapter 1 it says there as well the speaker
21:3921:39 - here let’s let’s begin from verse five I’m not going to read the whole thing I just want to to point
21:4921:49 - out who the speaker here is and I I believe we can start from verse one God who at various times and in various ways
21:5521:55 - spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets then this is still the subject the
22:0222:02 - subject of the long run on sentence that follows in verse 5 it says for to which of the Angels did he this same God ever
22:1122:11 - say such and such and in verse 8 it says but to the son this God says your throne oh God is
22:2322:23 - forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is a scepter of your kingdom you you have loved righteousness
22:2922:29 - and hated lawlessness therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions and
22:3822:38 - in verse 10 this is a very interesting one you Lord this is still God the one we call the father speaking to the son
22:4922:49 - you Lord in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of your
22:5522:55 - hands they will perish but you remain and they will all grow old like a garments like a cloak you will fold them
23:0423:04 - up and they will be changed but you are the same and your ears will not fail now these are words that you would expect
23:1323:13 - someone who is Raising praise to the Lord who is worshiping God would say in other words this is the proper way to
23:2123:21 - address God recognizing his place relative to creation and this is the father speaking to the
23:3223:32 - son that in itself I think is pretty conclusive about the the fact
23:4423:44 - that these are equals the son speaks this way to the father there should be no question about it all we have to do
23:5123:51 - is just read the gospels all the prayers that Jesus made all the things he said about the father they are all they are
23:5823:58 - similar what Jesus said about the father we are seeing the father say about Jesus so that is to tell us we’re not talking
24:0724:07 - about people who have any sort of hierarchy between them if we if we would say that for any reason there is we we
24:1624:16 - can say that there is um subservience there is uh there is a sort of a bringing down of the son relative
24:2624:26 - to the father now what do we say when we see this passage we know that the passage that we read in Zechariah 2 was
24:3724:37 - the son speaking we should know that it should be obvious to us because of the role that Jesus played he was the one
24:4324:43 - who was sent by the father to die for our sins the Bible says just as much and what was being said in Zechariah 2 was
24:5224:52 - about the Redemption of Israel which we know from the scriptures is going to be accomplished by the son and yet the
24:5924:59 - speaker was the Lord of hosts in other translations you’ll get you will see the Lord God
25:0525:05 - and the person who is sending the speaker is also the Lord of hosts or as in other translations the Lord God so we
25:1625:16 - might want to get U try to make sense of how this sort of thing is working out but before we get making sense of how it
25:2725:27 - is working working out it it really is sufficient in itself to say these two are the Lord God these two are God and
25:3725:37 - these two address each other with all the respect that is due to God that is very significant in itself it should
25:4525:45 - tell us that then when we apply father as title to one and Son as title to another which is what the Bible says yes
25:5525:55 - we can recognize that because of these titles one is taking a place of authority and another is taking the
26:0326:03 - place of a servant fact if I have a son in my house right now what I have is a daughter if I have a son I expect him to
26:1226:12 - listen to me and do what I say so it makes sense to think of these titles as speaking to their relative authority to
26:2226:22 - each other but we should also not miss the point that when the scriptures address these people in their
26:3026:30 - deity it’s almost as if the titles don’t mean anything they do we should not this the important thing is to hold one on
26:3926:39 - the on on the one hand and hold the other on the other hand recognizing that both things are true at the same time
26:4626:46 - that is pretty much what we are talking about here now to pull us back to the names real quick shows up
26:5526:55 - great example here in the Hebrews passage to the son father speaking he says your throne oh God I am guessing
27:0127:01 - this is vocative but you know that’s a particular case in Greek but I am guessing this this word right here
27:0627:06 - that’s Theos right God yeah and down here verse 10 Lord this is kuros It’s both words we just said right this is
27:1627:16 - the father speaking to the son calls him God and calls him Lord right and yeah you know like the son is God and the
27:2527:25 - father is God and the spirit is God but they all go by you know Lord you know like we see God Almighty Lord of hosts
27:3327:33 - here in Zechariah right um yeah we are talking about these names right here these are shared names of the Trinity
27:4227:42 - right um so you know these are great you know passages referencing some of what we’re talking about um also as we get
27:5127:51 - more into the roles of the father and the son we we’ll talk a bit more about you know the the way in which they
27:5827:58 - relate to each other you know AI has gotten into some of this but the point is and um as this ties back to what
28:0528:05 - we’re talking about you see that both the father and the son or God both the father and the son have all of the
28:1528:15 - aspects of the Divine Essence that we talked about previously you know when we were talking about the nature and
28:2028:20 - essence of God we we said all of these things all these essential so-called essential characteristics of God apply
28:2528:25 - to both the father and the son because they’re both God they both share the same Essence um how can you have
28:3428:34 - inferiority or disparity in status that was one of the things we talked about there can be no inferiority or disparity
28:4128:41 - in status because they share the same essence you know they share the same qualities of divinity um so that’s why I
28:5128:51 - talking about the names are important specifically the fact that these are shared names in the Trinity um
29:0429:04 - yes so now that we’ve talked some about the shared names of the Trinity here so we talked about Elohim translated as
29:1129:11 - Theos in the Greek and Yahweh tetr Graton translated is curios in the Greek well now we’re going to be talking about
29:2129:21 - the individual names for the roles in the Trinity here and so asec this puts it with the Fuller revelation of the
29:2829:28 - Trinity in the New Testament following the Revelation and the Advent of Jesus Christ um so for the Old Testament we’re
29:3429:34 - actually going to be talking about the trinity in the Old Testament separately um but in the New Testament the names
29:4029:40 - Father Son and Holy Spirit um and and these apply to individual members of the Trinity rather than all three of them
29:4629:46 - together well these names these roles give us an even clearer understanding of the roles of the Trinity and therefore
29:5329:53 - the Trinity itself how can we have three members who are not the same person yet have unified will well they work out the
30:0130:01 - same purpose again why we’ve been emphasizing the plan of God they have the same unified purpose yet they do
30:0830:08 - different things um so I I added this note this is actually not part of the study here I said that this is an
30:1530:15 - excellent example of so-called progressive revelation that is it’s not like God was ever not composed of three
30:2330:23 - persons one Essence right this has always been God’s nature God has always been a
30:2830:28 - however how clearly he revealed that to mankind has not been the same across all of human history you know especially
30:3630:36 - with the revealing of Jesus Christ um that is very strong language I think honestly we ought to use that sort of
30:4230:42 - language more often uh the revealing of Jesus Christ was a Divine mystery um with the Advent of Jesus Christ suddenly
30:5130:51 - all of these things that the Old Testament Believers only had in Shadows or prophecy or you know like maybe they
30:5730:57 - were they were kind of guessing at now we have all of that as history as things that we know and believe have happened
31:0531:05 - it’s different hence progressive revelation right um and this is you know this is no strange teaching that we’re
31:1231:12 - getting at here again theologians love to put ter like to to attach labels to things but all we’re talking about is
31:1831:18 - the fact that God’s truth um you know now it’s it’s more sealed because we have the complete Canon of scripture but
31:2631:26 - throughout the working out of the Plan of Redemption you know culminating in the cross in the ministry of Jesus
31:3131:31 - Christ what God had revealed to even Believers you know even people like Abraham and David they didn’t have the
31:3831:38 - full picture and it was revealed progressively over time um and what we’re going to be talking about with the
31:4531:45 - father and the son and the spirit you know there is no contradiction in what I’m saying that just because some of the
31:5231:52 - Believers in the Old Testament didn’t have as clear a view of this doesn’t mean that the MERS of the Trinity like
31:5931:59 - only in the New Testament adopted the roles of father son and spirit you see what I’m saying um like that would be a
32:0632:06 - different thing um so those those rules those roles have always existed even though the knowledge
32:1532:15 - of them and the understanding of them has only been Progressive we haven’t always known about them in in human
32:2332:23 - history just like you said but they have always been there yep I mean it’s also a lot of the discoveries that have been
32:2932:29 - made in science right we don’t say that just because Newton um started talking about gravity gravity only started to
32:3832:38 - exist at that time right you know yeah well I gu say this is not a it’s not a controversial concept here it is just
32:4932:49 - it’s important for us to understand that this is the nature and this by the way this isn’t only dealing with this
32:5532:55 - particular Doctrine in the Bible Progressive Revelations and important topic when it comes to understanding um
33:0233:02 - how God has revealed all truth to us you know not just I mean Jesus Christ like I said the revelation of Jesus Christ we
33:0833:08 - ought to speak about that more because of how big a mystery it was to the people of the Old Testament right
33:1333:13 - stumbling over the suffering servant because they wanted the Conquering king um the mystery of Jesus Christ was a
33:2133:21 - very big deal um but the Trinity is another one of those things where we are blessed to have the ability to read more
33:3033:30 - specifics about how this works with uh God’s nature and how how do the members of the Trinity interact with uh the plan
33:3933:39 - of God for human history and creation and all of this that’s just information that some Believers in the past didn’t
33:4533:45 - have any access to and we’re blessed to have the words of the Bible that mind you it takes a lot of of elbow grease
33:5333:53 - and hard work to you know read and understand and apply and things like that but we have the ability to do that
34:0034:00 - because God has revealed more truth in that Progressive Way yeah yeah yeah very true very
34:1034:10 - true um all right so with that we will pick up next talking about each of the individual roles so the father and the
34:1934:19 - son and the spirit and um each one of those not we’re going to get into it we’re going to be talking about the
34:2534:25 - origin and the significance and the person that’s how we’re going to be breaking down all of that but what we’ve
34:3334:33 - done here is introduce the topic here of these individual names right these these things that kind of were not always so
34:3934:39 - apparent but have always been there even if humans didn’t have title for it like Audie said gravity existed even before
34:4734:47 - Newton started talking about it in the same way the Trinity has always existed in this form even if we didn’t see as
34:5434:54 - clearly because God had not yet revealed the fullness of his truth so that’s where we’re going to uh kind of preface
35:0335:03 - all of our next discussion here of these kind of just by talking about the fact that these roles have always been there
35:0935:09 - right the things that we’re talking about have been there from the beginning in the Bible um although much of what
35:1435:14 - we’re going to talk about is going to be pulling primarily from the New Testament right that’s where we have the more
35:1935:19 - specific Revelation so now we are going to be talking about the names for the three
35:2935:29 - roles in the Trinity going through each one uh kind of in depth here and for each of these roles we are going to be
35:3735:37 - talking sort of about the origin of the name so where it comes from the significance of the name uh so sort of
35:4435:44 - what it means in terms of how we view it and then uh the person of the Trinity corresponding to the name right how it
35:5235:52 - uh kind of affects how we think of that member of the Trinity um so we’re going to be talking about uh these three sort
35:5835:58 - of as a pattern as we go through the three roles three members of the Trinity we’re going to be going over the origin
36:0436:04 - the significance and the person for the father first that’s what we’re doing here and then we’re going to do the same
36:1036:10 - thing for the Son and the same thing for the spirit and so um as we start out talking about the origin of the name
36:1936:19 - father or the thinking of the role in terms of fatherhood so the term for and the idea of the fatherhood of god um so
36:2836:28 - this person this member of the Trinity the father in as much as God functions as a father figure for us um this is
36:3736:37 - obviously all over the place in the New Testament um but it’s actually found in the Old Testament as well and so this
36:4336:43 - idea of the fatherhood of God has been there since the beginning in the pentat the first five books of the Bible onward
36:5036:50 - um so the word father in the Hebrew Old Testament is first used in Deuteronomy chapter 32 um so Deuteronomy 32 verse
36:5736:57 - six says do you thus repay the Lord oh foolish and unwise people is not he your father who has bought you he has made
37:0637:06 - you and established you um and then in the next verse there so that was um 32 ver6 later in verse 18 in that same
37:1437:14 - chapter God is referred to as the rock who fathered you um so the concept of the fatherhood of God um you can also
37:2237:22 - see it here in um Exodus um so uh in Exodus chapter
37:2937:29 - 4:22 um we have this idea of God As the father I mean we don’t see the the word father directly there but it’s by
37:3537:35 - implication um so Exodus 4:22 says then you shall say to Pharaoh thus says the Lord Israel is my son my firstborn so if
37:4637:46 - Israel is his son that makes him the father right um um in the metaphor here and so um Israel is referred to as God’s
37:5437:54 - firstborn son and in invoking uh this idea of fatherhood um in fact uh we should be careful to note
38:0338:03 - that human fathers they get their um their idea of authority and uh uh you know when they run their households and
38:1438:14 - they are the one who makes decisions and has um sort of the capacity to choose and yet the responsibility falls upon
38:2338:23 - them all of that is modeled off of God the Father not the other way around right um so it’s not like God the father
38:3038:30 - created humans and then based on the structure of the Human family decided that he was going to follow that same
38:3638:36 - structure right that is and this is very typical of typology um within how typology comes up in biblical
38:4538:45 - interpretation is God is what we would call the real version of something and then we see the patterns that come from
38:5438:54 - um God or the spiritual how he’s organized the church manifest in the physical world or in human
39:0139:01 - relationships in a way that mirrors the spiritual but the spiritual didn’t copy from the human the human copied from the
39:0739:07 - spiritual that’s sort of the order of the typology here um so this is where the idea of the fatherhood of God comes
39:1539:15 - from now of course we only picked a couple passages here um these are not the only passages in the Old Testament
39:2139:21 - they get at this idea um you know this comes up in uh the Psalms this comes up in you know the gospels all over the
39:2939:29 - place you know Jesus obviously in his kosis as the Incarnation of you know praise to God the Father you know and
39:3739:37 - this is how we are told to pray in the Lord’s Prayer as well um you know Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy
39:4339:43 - name right um so it obviously a critical part of kind of understanding our relationship to the member of the
39:5239:52 - godhead as Audi has articulated before that is the the representation of deity within the Trinity um the one who
40:0040:00 - carries the authority um and this is how the roles have been adopted as we’ll go through more as we go here but this is
40:0740:07 - kind of where we get it from in scripture and so that’s the origin of the name uh the name of the role being
40:1440:14 - father and this idea of fatherhood well what is the significance of this so when we talk about the fatherhood of God this
40:2240:22 - is clearly intended to be taken as an analogy from Human Experience um and so uh we’ve talked elsewhere um you
40:3140:31 - know and ikis certainly does as well about this idea of anthropopathism that sometimes we
40:3840:38 - ascribe emotions to God um to help us better understand him so the wine press of God’s Wrath anger ascribed to God um
40:4740:47 - uh a as as you know someone holding the sword of judgment against Injustice in the world or evil in the world so that’s
40:5440:54 - an anthropopathism this is somewhat anthrop morphic of God as well in that you know
41:0041:00 - God is our father not so much that we are baby Gods you know in the sense that that animals have you know young that
41:0941:09 - are of a kind with them God is our father in this metaphorical sense um and you know in every positive way that our
41:1841:18 - human fathers have that relationship with us God is that but better right and we’ll get into that a little bit more in
41:2541:25 - a second here so like the father who sired us physically so like our human fathers um God is uh the the one who
41:3341:33 - brought us into the world right um you know in fact in the more real sent as I say it’s kind of an intensification in
41:3941:39 - every way because our human fathers you know had a role in you know us coming into the world but they didn’t form our
41:4541:45 - human spirits that was God right um like a father so that is like a human father he’s our authority figure that’s the
41:5341:53 - role of men in marriage and the family right our trainer our discipline Arian and our teacher so this passage here in
42:0042:00 - Hebrews chap 12 um this is a a passage known for the discipline of God um so um I’m just going to read uh most of this
42:0942:09 - here Hebrews chap 12: 5 through1 and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as Sons my son do not
42:1742:17 - regard lightly the discipline of the Lord nor faint when you are reproved by him For Those whom the Lord loves he
42:2342:23 - disciplines and he scores every son whom he receives it is for discipline that you endure God deals with you as with
42:3142:31 - sons for what son is there whom his father does not discipline but if you are without discipline of which all have
42:3842:38 - become partakers then you are illegitimate children and not Sons furthermore we had Earthly fathers to
42:4442:44 - discipline us and we respected them shall we not much rather be subject to the father of spirits and live for they
42:5042:50 - disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them but he disciplines us for our good so that we may share his
42:5642:56 - holy all discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful but sorrowful yet to those
43:0143:01 - who have been trained by it afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness so this passage talking
43:0943:09 - about God’s discipline of us and you can see the analogy in full swing here because we actually bring up how God’s
43:1543:15 - discipline is like the discipline of Earthly fathers except only for our good so that we may share his Holiness right
43:2343:23 - we we mentioned this intensification of fatherhood if you will um our human fathers even as good as they might be or
43:3043:30 - might have been they don’t have perfect information like God does um so it’s not only it’s not only the discipline um so
43:4143:41 - that is one side of the father’s responsibility in a household but he’s also the one in a family who’s supposed
43:4743:47 - to love and care for us who protects us keeps us safe wants only what’s best for us regardless of what we see as best I’m
43:5543:55 - also traditionally the provider in the household the one who is um kind of making sure that everyone in the
44:0144:01 - household has what they need um and is protected from um you know threats out external to the home um so that is human
44:0944:09 - fathers but Gods like that accept better in every way right and so this is the point that we may just kind of going
44:1544:15 - back to this uh being finite human beings our Earthly fathers had strength and weaknesses and despite their best
44:2244:22 - intentions um they had to act on the basis of imperfect information about what’s actually best for us so uh if
44:2944:29 - you’ve ever had a child who does something wrong especially since different children are different and
44:3344:33 - respond to discipline in different ways sometimes it can be really hard to figure out what you’re supposed to do to
44:3944:39 - kind of teach a child the lesson that they need to be taught right so maybe touching hot stoves is dangerous or uh
44:4744:47 - crossing the street without looking both ways is dangerous but how do you instill that into your child parenting is not
44:5244:52 - easy business right um but unlike finite human beings who you know even if they do their very best will never be perfect
45:0145:01 - Our Father in Heaven does not have these limitations he always knows what is best for us he always does what is best for
45:0945:09 - us you know even if we don’t like it even if we don’t see it at the time so in this way God represents the perfect
45:1645:16 - ideal of fatherhood he is not limited in the way that human beings are um so he acts towards us always in perfect love
45:2345:23 - and what he does for us is without question for our ultimate good and this we might think of Romans chapter 8:28
45:2945:29 - for all things work together for the good of those who love him um and that you know that is true generally speaking
45:3545:35 - of parents who want the best for their children that is ever so much more true for our father uh that we have in God
45:4245:42 - the god of the universe because he has the power to make it happen uh God’s will is always done and so no matter
45:4945:49 - what God does in relation to us whether he disciplines us or blesses us he does so in perfect knowledge of who we are
45:5545:55 - and of all that is in our Hearts um so he knows our minds and our intentions even before we act all right so that’s
46:0246:02 - the significance here of this idea of fatherhood the fatherhood of the role of father in the Trinity this is why we
46:1046:10 - call him God the father because this is the way in which he relates to us and so finally that brings us to the person so
46:1746:17 - the father um the member of the Trinity bearing this name um going through uh relating to Creation in this way in this
46:2646:26 - role is referred to as the first person of the Trinity and this is because he speaks in the authoritative first person
46:3346:33 - the I person he decrees things um he speaks as the representation of deity as Audi has put it um he speaks to us
46:4246:42 - directly he mandates things um and in this he’s directly manifesting his manifesting his authoritative will as
46:5046:50 - our God creator and the ruler of the Universe um so this passage before from Exodus 3 we have already talked about
46:5846:58 - this I think we actually almost opened the very first lesson of this study talking about this of God’s essence of
47:0447:04 - being you know the the one who is He Who exists I am who I am in this way we would say that this is representative of
47:1347:13 - the father’s decrees the father’s claims he’s speaking in the first person here um and so this is Exodus chapter 3 veres
47:2147:21 - 14- 15 um talking about I am has sent me to you right God uh stating for all time that we are to know him as the one who
47:3047:30 - is um you know and who was and who is to come and then we also have this passage here from Isaiah chapter 46 and this one
47:3947:39 - um is again God talking in the first person this is this idea of the role of the father being the one who gives
47:4847:48 - authoritative decrees so this is Isaiah chapter6 veres 9-10 so remember the former things long past for I am God and
47:5647:56 - there is no other I am God and there is no one like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times
48:0248:02 - things which have not been done saying my purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure so
48:0948:09 - you see that this is God decreeing his his authoritative will creation will bow to his decrees and this is the authority
48:2048:20 - of this person in the Trinity and this is kind of why we associate um the father in The Trinity with the first
48:2648:26 - person um this is how God decrees things in creation so I know we’ve been through a lot here um and and we could certainly
48:3548:35 - flesh out um any that we’ve gone through Audi do you have places you want to start as we discuss the father as the
48:4148:41 - first person in the Trinity okay so I think you’ve uh essentially um covered it
48:5248:52 - uh it’s it’s it’s really the role of the father um the the the progenitor The Protector
49:0149:01 - the everything that um a father would be or should be to Creation so yeah I don’t think there
49:1049:10 - is much else that I would I can’t imagine anything I would that I would just reiterate a lot of the things that
49:1749:17 - you have said essentially yeah next we’re going to be talking
49:2549:25 - about the Sun as the second person of the Trinity so just how we talked about the origin of the name or title father
49:3449:34 - uh for um the member in the Trinity who bears that name uh we’re going to be talking about the same thing for the sun
49:4149:41 - here um so uh there’s this verse here in Job chapter 38 this is an interesting verse um actually gets into the idea of
49:4949:49 - recreation um the Angels actually being there as uh God was recreating the Universe um kind of poses a theological
49:5749:57 - issue for people who don’t hold to uh the Gap Theory or ruin reconstruction is that well how are angels existent before
50:0450:04 - the universe if you don’t believe what we believe um but you know that aside this verse talking about the sons of God
50:1150:11 - in Job chapter 38 are referring to Angels so angels are sons of God in the same way that humans are in that
50:1850:18 - important sense that God is our creator he’s our progenitor if you want to use that term um he’s the one who has
50:2650:26 - Authority over us who loves us who does the things in our best interest who disciplines us grows us now obviously
50:3250:32 - elect Angels they intellectual capacity how they work how their free will works it’s all a little bit different from
50:3950:39 - humans um but it’s the same idea generally speaking that they answer to God in the same way that we answer to
50:4650:46 - God uh you know God the Father um so they are sons of God um now we are also all referred to as sons of God so I’m
50:5450:54 - just going to read some references here most of these are not like hard references to follow so in Romans
50:5950:59 - chapter 8 um it says Romans 8 chapter chapter 8 ver14 says for all who are being led by the spirit of God these are
51:0751:07 - sons of God so that’s Believers right um Galatians chapter 3: 26 for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ
51:1551:15 - Jesus uh Galatians chapter 4:5 so that he might redeem those who were under the law that we might receive
51:2251:22 - the adoption as sons and then you can also compare John chap 1:2 but as many as received him to them
51:3051:30 - he gave the right to become children of God even to those who believe in his name and then 1 John chapter 3 uh uh
51:3851:38 - verses 1- two see how great a love the father has bestowed on us that we would be called children of God and such we
51:4551:45 - are for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him um so I’m going have to go read the second
51:5251:52 - verse um beloved now we are children of God and it has not appeared as yet we will be we know that when he appears we
51:5851:58 - will be like him because we will see him just as he is so two mentions in 1 John chapter 3 veres 1- two of us being
52:0752:07 - children of God so angels are sons of God Believers are sons of God and so this widespread franchise of sunship
52:1752:17 - that’s how ikus has put this here this idea of sunship is based upon the paternal position of the father relative
52:2452:24 - to all of his obedient creatures however and this is where we’re going to Pivot to Jesus Christ there’s only one the Son
52:3252:32 - of God with the definite article and that’s our Lord Jesus Christ um so angels are sons of God believing humans
52:3952:39 - well actually believing angels are sons of God believing humans are sons of God but there’s only one the Son of God with
52:4452:44 - a definite article um so we’re goingon to take a step back here talk about the Incarnation relative to uh the
52:5252:52 - proceedings in the law so Christ incarnation in the Old Testament was in a veiled fashion prophecied and
52:5952:59 - foreshadowed by ritual and sacrifice so it remained in Old Testament times very much a mystery until the time of his
53:0653:06 - actual first Advent um so now with the benefit of hindsight we see how Jesus was revealed as the archetypical Son of
53:1553:15 - God um and that the Old Testament parallels are actually types that look forward to this Revelation and so if you
53:2153:21 - remember just before when we were talking about the father I I made this mention that anytime we have this this
53:2753:27 - sort of idea of typology it’s always the spiritual realities that are the real thing and the human analogies that are
53:3453:34 - the types the parallels um sort of Shadows makes it sound like bad it’s not bad um it’s just the human parallels
53:4353:43 - copied the Divine not the other way around right um and so we have quite the list here um and so again we’re kind of
53:5053:50 - determining where is this origin of the title of sun coming from where where we we getting this how is it manifested in
53:5853:58 - scripture um so we’re going to go through some Old Testament types here um some places where we see this idea of
54:0654:06 - sunship present so one really obvious one is Christ as the last Adam so Adam is called the Son of God we might
54:1554:15 - compare Luke Chapter 3: 38 um you know the son of enosh the son of Seth the son of Adam the Son of God so Adam is called
54:2354:23 - there the Son of God um Christ however is the preeminent last Adam so we have this verse here in 1 Corinthians chapter
54:3054:30 - 15 talking about how uh the first man Adam became a living Soul the last Adam referring to Christ became a lifegiving
54:3954:39 - spirit um if I’m not mistaken Romans chapter 5 talks about similar things as well um interestingly we actually have
54:4654:46 - this passage in Daniel chapter 7 as well talking about like a son of man um one like a son of man was coming so I’ll
54:5354:53 - read this this is Daniel chapter 7: 13 through 14 I kept looking in the night visions and behold with the cloud of
55:0155:01 - Heaven one like a son of man was coming and he came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him and to him
55:0855:08 - was given Dominion glory and a kingdom that all the peoples nations of men of every language might serve him his
55:1555:15 - Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed so
55:2255:22 - one like a son of man right um so so this is Christ as the Fulfillment the last Adam um as well as other usage in
55:3155:31 - the New Testament um so Adam was a Son of God but Christ is the preeminent last Adam um now interestingly um Adam you
55:4055:40 - know that’s the name we use in English or Adam as the Hebrew word it means man literally um and so Jesus is the last
55:4955:49 - Adam um and so this is one of the types that points us to this idea of sunship um so another one um and this is where
55:5755:57 - we get into the idea of um sort of the subordination of the son to the father’s will um we talk about Israel as the
56:0656:06 - servant of God um so there’s this passage in the middle part of Isaiah chapter 42 um you know Isaiah
56:1356:13 - remonstrating with the Israelites here talking about um the Israelites as the servant of God um so this one’s a little
56:2056:20 - bit long I may not I may not read this whole passage but um it is conveying the sense here of the Israelites as being
56:3056:30 - the servant of the Lord um and so you know positionally Israel as we read before you know in Exodus 4:22 said to
56:3856:38 - be the Son of God right if Israel is the Son Well Israel is also the servant of God um but Christ is the suffering
56:4556:45 - servant who takes Away The Sins Of The World um and this will be uh kind of a familiar passage to many if we go uh
56:5356:53 - with the passage picking up in Exodus chapter 52 and going sorry not Exodus Isaiah chapter 52 going into 53 uh this
57:0057:00 - is the famous passage of the suffering servant right um you know very Messianic in nature um common for this to be read
57:0857:08 - uh during cor isort of the Christmas time as we Ponder how um it was that that the son came into the world you
57:1657:16 - know the Incarnation um but the suffering servant Christ as the suffering servant right Israel was the
57:2357:23 - servant of God that suffered but Christ is the suffering servant again you see the typology here in work um so I mean
57:3057:30 - this is powerful stuff I I love this passage but again kind of long not going to read the whole thing here um but this
57:3657:36 - is where we are getting the idea of sunship and specifically what it means for for the second person in the Trinity
57:4457:44 - to take on human flesh and become a servant right that context we get in part from this passage here in Isaiah
57:5157:51 - chapter 52 and 53 um so just as Israel is the servant of God Christ is the suffering servant who takes away the
57:5957:59 - sins of the world and then we also have just Israel’s God’s son generally speaking Christ is the Son of God right
58:0658:06 - so um interesting passage here in Hosea chapter 11 talks about when Israel was a youth I loved him and out of Egypt I
58:1358:13 - called my son um uh Matthew is actually pretty clear that um when Joseph uh took Mary and baby Jesus to Egypt to flee
58:2158:21 - herod’s persecution and then Egypt came back it’s actually the Fulfillment of this this was a prophecy um and we see
58:2758:27 - that in Matthew chapter 2:15 um he remained there I think the he here is Joseph probably in context he remained
58:3458:34 - there until the death of Herod that this was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet out of
58:4058:40 - Egypt I called my son um and again Jesus as the Son of God and then uh folks who are familiar with um sort of this
58:4958:49 - tracing the the so-called Messianic passages in the Old Testament will kind of be familiar with these um we have
58:5658:56 - Jesus as kind of the son of David right so David’s direct line the line of Savior has Solomon as his son but Christ
59:0659:06 - is the son of David right um and in this way we can see this in in Psalm 2 which is certainly a Messianic Psalm um so um
59:1659:16 - this is you know commonly comes up when we discuss the idea of the Incarnation and you know it’s not that the second
59:2359:23 - person in the Trinity is a created being um but we’re talking about Jesus’s human nature in his kosis um Psalm you know I
59:3159:31 - let me actually read this these verses um verses 7 through2 um so this is speaking of the Incarnation um Psalm 2
59:3959:39 - picking up at verse 7 I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord he said to me you are my son today I have begotten you
59:4659:46 - ask of me and I will surely give the Nations as your inheritance and the Very ends of the Earth is your possession you
59:5259:52 - shall break them with a rod of iron you shall shatter them like Earth and wear now therefore O King show discernment
59:5859:58 - take warning or oh judges of the earth Worship the Lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling do homage to the
01:00:0501:00:05 - son that he not become angry and you perish in the way for his wrath May soon be kindled how blessed are all who take
01:00:1201:00:12 - refuge in him um so again speaking of the Incarnation of the son here so that’s Psalm chapter 2 also Psalm
01:00:2101:00:21 - chapter 110 um speaking of the Lord says to my Lord s at my right hand until I make
01:00:2801:00:28 - your enemies as a foot stol for your feet so um if we look at Psalm 110 you know this is the idea of the Lord says
01:00:3801:00:38 - to my Lord you know not David but the Lord of David right this is Christ the Messianic Psalm speaking of Christ as
01:00:4701:00:47 - the descendant of David right the one who came after him yet was greater than him um so in all of these ways we see
01:00:5401:00:54 - that the like we we kind of see where sunship comes from in scripture um so Christ has all of these types in the Old
01:01:0201:01:02 - Testament these things that point to him um and this isn’t to say that Christ is like Bound by the typology right Christ
01:01:0901:01:09 - is the Son of God he fulfills um as the perfect archetype everything that Adam and Israel and even Solomon as David’s
01:01:1901:01:19 - son he fulfilled everything that they kind of were supposed to to a higher standard and intensification if you will
01:01:2601:01:26 - um so that’s the origin of the sun here and when when we talk about the significance of it this is where we sort
01:01:3201:01:32 - of get into U the somewhat um difficult to wrap our heads around topic of the subordination of the son to the father’s
01:01:4101:01:41 - authoritative will particularly during the Incarnation under kenosis when Jesus was emptied out of his divinity um fully
01:01:5001:01:50 - God yet fully man but not taking advantage of his divinity during the Incarnation um so with that kind of
01:01:5701:01:57 - backdrop here um sunship takes on this idea of submission of obeying the will of God the Father um so building on the
01:02:0601:02:06 - idea of fatherhood as discussed before with God the Father sunship denotes the idea of a special and unbreakable
01:02:1301:02:13 - relationship with the father and you can see this um as Jesus you know throughout the gospels talks about the father’s
01:02:2101:02:21 - will as one who knows the father’s will right he is unmistakably the son of God who speaks for the father um but there’s
01:02:2901:02:29 - also dutiful subordination to the father’s will but at the same time that he submitting he also has privilege
01:02:3501:02:35 - inheritance and shared Authority um now if we take a step back for a second this is actually really helpful for helping
01:02:4201:02:42 - us understand what it means for the son to be subordinate to the father yet not necessarily unequal with the father um
01:02:5001:02:50 - Dr lugan B uses an example of the King’s son uh we might think specifically the term might be Crown Prince right the one
01:02:5801:02:58 - who is to be the next ruler um well in you know an absolute monarchy or an an Empire with an emperor and that sort of
01:03:0601:03:06 - thing um typically the people who sit on the throne are sort of unapproachable um you know you don’t have access to them
01:03:1201:03:12 - they cannot hear the plights of normal people they’re kind of Out Of Reach I mean if we take that idea and we map
01:03:1901:03:19 - this on to the father and the son again human analogies only being the Shadows or the reflections of the Divine ones
01:03:2701:03:27 - well in the same way here um the Crown Prince or the King’s son might play the role of a mediator between the king and
01:03:3601:03:36 - his offending subjects and that role can only be played by someone who is on a par with both the father King and with
01:03:4501:03:45 - the subjects and so for Jesus Christ for us plays this role he has a human nature he is one of us the Bible says that he
01:03:5301:03:53 - understands because he lived a human being but he has equality with with God it also says that equality with God is
01:04:0201:04:02 - not something that he has to reach for he’s had it since eternity passed this is the role of the son he is the one who
01:04:1001:04:10 - is accessible to us the one whom we can uh tell our not not our complaints who who advocates for us who is a listening
01:04:1801:04:18 - ear the one who we talk to who then appeals on our behalf to the father as only the Crown Prince can as only the
01:04:2701:04:27 - King’s son can and only a son the Incarnation of the son the Incarnation of the one subordinating himself to the
01:04:3601:04:36 - father’s will he is the only such person who could be sent on the mission of reconciliation um so we have this
01:04:4301:04:43 - passage here in Matthew chapter 21 um and I’m going to read through this this is very very on point for sort of the
01:04:5301:04:53 - role of the son in Rec ilation God’s plan to make peace with mankind yet what mankind does in response so this is the
01:05:0301:05:03 - parable of the landowner so picking up it Matthew chap 1: 33 listen to another Parable there was a landowner who
01:05:1101:05:11 - planted a Vineyard and put a wall around it and dug a wine press in it and built a tower and rented it out to vine
01:05:1701:05:17 - Growers and went on a journey when the Harvest Time approached he sent his slaves to the vine Growers to receive
01:05:2201:05:22 - his produce the vine Growers took his slaves and beat one and killed another and stoned a third again he sent another
01:05:2901:05:29 - group of slaves larger than the first and they did the same thing to them but afterward he sent his son to them saying
01:05:3601:05:36 - they will respect my son but when the vine grower saw the son they said among themselves this is the heir come let us
01:05:4301:05:43 - kill him and seize his inheritance they took him and they threw him out of the vineyard and they killed him therefore
01:05:5001:05:50 - when the owner of the Vineyard comes what will he do to those fine Growers you know and Jesus is speaking this
01:05:5601:05:56 - against the Pharisees of course but the point for us in talking about the role of the sun is you see how the role of
01:06:0301:06:03 - the son is different than the groups of servants that came before the son carries the authority of the father of
01:06:1101:06:11 - the land owner here he is the heir he is the Crown Prince the one whom these people ought to respect because he is
01:06:1901:06:19 - playing the role of mediator between them and the landowner but they don’t respect him so this is the role of the
01:06:2501:06:25 - son in reconciliation for us um and so we will perhaps talk more about this as we try to Grapple with this idea of uh
01:06:3501:06:35 - the subordination of the Incarnate son to the father’s will and things like that but the son’s role of mediation of
01:06:4101:06:41 - reconciliation is only possible because he’s fully God and fully man and that brings us to the person of the son and
01:06:5001:06:50 - what makes us refer to the son in the second person is the fact that he is accessible to us we can speak to him as
01:07:0001:07:00 - someone who took on a human nature who appeared in the flesh to forge a relationship with us on the father’s
01:07:0601:07:06 - behalf as the mediator between us and unapproachable deity and so passage here in uh John chapter 15: 14-15 Jesus
01:07:1701:07:17 - calling the disciples his friends so uh John 15 ver4 you are my friends if you do what I command you no no longer do I
01:07:2601:07:26 - call you slaves for the slave does not know what his master is doing but I have called you friends for all things that I
01:07:3201:07:32 - have heard from my father I have made known to you so Jesus comes bearing the father’s will but he came to forge
01:07:4001:07:40 - relationships with us to be our Advocate to be accessible someone who we talk to someone who can appeal to the father on
01:07:4701:07:47 - our behalf and he has gained access to the father for us he intercedes for us we
01:07:5401:07:54 - have an ear into the sorry we have an in to the throne room of God through Jesus Christ um so some passages for that John
01:08:0201:08:02 - Chapter 14 verse six Jesus said to him I am the way and the truth of the life no one comes to the father but through me
01:08:0901:08:09 - so Jesus playing that role of mediator between us and the father Ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 for through him we
01:08:1901:08:19 - both have our access in one Spirit to the father we have access to the throne room of God through Jesus Christ and
01:08:2701:08:27 - then also Ephesians 3:12 in whom who he being Christ we have boldness and competent access through
01:08:3501:08:35 - faith in him so this is Jesus in his role as the mediator the one through whom we have access to God the Father
01:08:4601:08:46 - who has authority over us um so again just as before kind of talked for a long time here um aie do you have more you
01:08:5401:08:54 - want to say um maybe particularly on that idea of subordination um and and how we work
01:09:0101:09:01 - that into the equality that the members of the Trinity share
01:09:0601:09:06 - so as you said the uh sun is a a role that uh uh was created specifically
01:09:1701:09:17 - for um I would say the Redemption because of course as we know the Redemption of the of of of of human
01:09:2701:09:27 - beings is the Lynch
01:09:3301:09:33 - pin of creation that creation will work is that that Redemption happen so we talk about the cross being the the
01:09:4301:09:43 - central truth the foundational truth of creation so that was only possible because one member of the trinity
01:09:5501:09:55 - was willing to subordinate himself to another essentially to say I will serve at your command so whatever
01:10:0801:10:08 - you say is what I’ll do was an elected thing every time that anyone else has tried to explain this by talking about
01:10:1601:10:16 - how the Sun was generated um eternally as they as they put it that he was somehow generated
01:10:2601:10:26 - from the father misses the point entirely if he is God then he was not generated if he was generated then he is
01:10:3501:10:35 - not God so essentially the the place of this uh this this particular role was was you could say designed by the Lord
01:10:4701:10:47 - in order to make Redemption possible and uh when we when we speak to the
01:10:5601:10:56 - uh subordination that we just talked about again it’s it’s it’s just a choice that the second person of the
01:11:0601:11:06 - Trinity that is that the the the member of the godhead that’s elected to be the son chose in order to realize the plan
01:11:1801:11:18 - of God he was not subordinate to the father because there was a power gradients there one of them being
01:11:2801:11:28 - greater than the other that’s not how that worked it was that when creation comes into
01:11:3501:11:35 - existence I will play this role which is a role where I will be servant to you
01:11:4401:11:44 - and since he was going to take on uh a human nature as well this was going to be sort of a permanent thing because you
01:11:5501:11:55 - you see that in 1 Corinthians 15 It also says that um the son will eventually be subject to the father of
01:12:0401:12:04 - course he he is he always is that he will turn over the kingdom to to to the father and he too will be in subjection
01:12:1401:12:14 - to the father that’s because the um what’s it called the uh human nature that he acquires remains extent
01:12:2601:12:26 - throughout uh eternity it will never be removed anymore so in his human nature he is actually subservient to the father
01:12:3501:12:35 - but in his deity is equal to the father so um I think that’s
01:12:4201:12:42 - uh that’s what I can say at the moment about that I’m looking for this passage you might be able to help me aie um
01:12:5101:12:51 - maybe it’s this I’m thinking of when um hold on trying to find the verse reference here Matthew 19 verse 27 maybe
01:13:0101:13:01 - where the apostles came and they asked who is g to be the greatest right and Jesus yeah talks about becoming servants
01:13:0801:13:08 - do you know what I’m talking about um yes yes I do uh I think you okay so it was James and John
01:13:1801:13:18 - right if I’m not sure if it was John but it was how how you could find it as a uh um here we go this looks prom he he
01:13:2901:13:29 - brought a child among them so let me there were there were two or three other places yeah we’re going on I mean yeah
01:13:3801:13:38 - that that was the Matthew 18 that I that I found but this was specifically the one I was thinking of the sons of zebede
01:13:4401:13:44 - um so this is Mark chapter 10 vers 35 and following um verse 35 says James and John the sons of zebede came to him
01:13:5101:13:51 - teacher they said we want you to do for us whatever we ask you know of course they don’t lead with what they want
01:13:5701:13:57 - right but um verse 36 what do you want me to do for you he asked they replied let one of us sit at your right and the
01:14:0301:14:03 - other it’s your left in your glory you don’t know what you are asking Jesus said can you drink the cup I drink or be
01:14:1001:14:10 - baptized with the baptism I am baptized with we can they answered not knowing what they were signing up for Jesus said
01:14:1901:14:19 - to them you will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I baptized with but to sit at my right or
01:14:2501:14:25 - left is not for me to Grant these places belong to those for whom they have been prepared when the 10 heard about this
01:14:3201:14:32 - they became indignant with James and John Jesus called them together and said you know that those who are regarded as
01:14:3801:14:38 - rulers of the Gentiles lorded over them and their High officials exercise authority over them not so with you
01:14:4501:14:45 - instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be slave
01:14:5201:14:52 - of all for even the son of man did not come to be Serv but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many so why I’m
01:14:5901:14:59 - bringing up this passage is to get at the idea that the one who has the most Authority is the one who serves most of
01:15:0901:15:09 - all this doesn’t mean that the son is greater than the father but this idea that in service there is there’s
01:15:1501:15:15 - necessarily inferior power right um because if you look through the New Testament Jesus is uniform in insisting
01:15:2301:15:23 - that whoever wants to be greatest must be least of all he must dedicate himself to service um and this idea that
01:15:3101:15:31 - dedicating yourself to service necessarily debases you um I don’t know where we get that from really I mean
01:15:3701:15:37 - like throughout a lot of history a lot of what I would call the noble aristocratic classes have had this idea
01:15:4301:15:43 - that only peasants do hard physical labor you know that sort of thing right um they they they try to make it a class
01:15:4901:15:49 - distinction but that’s not present in the Bible so when we think of Jesus you know subordinating himself to the
01:15:5701:15:57 - father’s will serving as the sacrifice for Humanity laying down his life to save Humanity why do we think of that as
01:16:0501:16:05 - lesser now to be clear there is the idea of subordination in kosis um and and coming back to that again a little bit
01:16:1401:16:14 - when we hear about the human part of Jesus subordinating himself to the father you know Jesus goes at Great
01:16:2101:16:21 - Lengths on about the father’s will and I have come to D to do the will of him who sent me right you know he uses wording
01:16:2801:16:28 - like this frequently but you know that can be true um and that’s not you know it it’s complicated in how the Divinity
01:16:3701:16:37 - of the second person of the Trinity interacts with um the Incarnation um because for example uh the Judgment for
01:16:4401:16:44 - human sin upon the cross wasn’t just the human person Jesus emptied completely of his divinity Jesus had to be fully God
01:16:5001:16:50 - and fully man for the sacrifice for our sins but in his subordination to the father’s will you know part of that was
01:16:5901:16:59 - going to the Cross to die for us and that wasn’t just the human part of Jesus right um but God had this as a purpose
01:17:0801:17:08 - from eternity past um you know something else I don’t want to ramble here but um eth this has made the point you know
01:17:1501:17:15 - this is just necessarily true because of God’s omniscience but before God created the universe he knew that Jesus was
01:17:2301:17:23 - going to be sent to die to save us from our sin right creating the universe meant that that step was sure and
01:17:3001:17:30 - certain um you know for us as finite beings Bound by time we we don’t think like this but to God creating the
01:17:3601:17:36 - universe meant that Jesus would go die on the cross that’s what it meant when God took that step of creation that was
01:17:4301:17:43 - set in stone that’s how the Divine decrees work everything is for ordained right you know based on God’s forn
01:17:5001:17:50 - knowledge of our Free Will and so on but just think about that for a second right the the Trinity from the time they
01:17:5601:17:56 - created the universe knew that this was coming and Jesus still went down to be born in weak human vesture to live a
01:18:0601:18:06 - life of immense suffering to die for our sins even so right um but in this um you know a couple other analogies um and uh
01:18:1801:18:18 - uh you know again maybe I’m jumping all over the place here but um when we think about responsibilities too I I think
01:18:2501:18:25 - something else that comes up is um 1 Corinthians 12 maybe you know how we all have our spiritual gifts all have our
01:18:3201:18:32 - things in the church and we don’t get to look down on people who have different gifts from us um and if you’ve ever
01:18:4101:18:41 - worked on a team um you know most of us uh here on this call probably aren’t in the military but you probably heard
01:18:4801:18:48 - about things like you know you have sergeants and enlisted men and then you have the officers right and
01:18:5301:18:53 - traditionally there’s always sort of a tension between these groups of people but in the end they come together to
01:19:0001:19:00 - meet the objectives of their unit right and is one greater or lesser than the other one of them has commanding
01:19:0701:19:07 - Authority but does that make that person better um and it’s complicated you know that analogy is imperfect because there
01:19:1501:19:15 - is such a thing as Rank and Authority in the military and that’s not true of the people in the Trinity right we have
01:19:2101:19:21 - taken great pains already in our study to emphasize that there is no inequality within the unity
01:19:2801:19:28 - of the Trinity there cannot be any of that no disparity in status or Eternal function or substance right um but you
01:19:3801:19:38 - can have different people on the same team that do different things and one of those people is the one who says do this
01:19:4501:19:45 - dot that and the other people follow that does that mean that there’s inequality there
01:19:5201:19:52 - inherently you know a you want to pick up again sorry I’ve kind of gone several directions here but um yeah I I think
01:20:0101:20:01 - this the the main the main idea um that I would uh I would hold out is this the position
01:20:1201:20:12 - of the the way the Trinity works is that in so far as the three persons involved are each God in their
01:20:2401:20:24 - own right they’re equal to each other but when it comes to how they working to
01:20:3301:20:33 - realize the the plan for creation that they have as God in that particular um
01:20:4401:20:44 - dynamic they do not actually if you will compete for equality the father is held out by the both the other two members of
01:20:5401:20:54 - the church Trinity as being the greatest and the reason for that is not that they are any less God or they are
01:21:0301:21:03 - less powerful or they of less Authority than him no it is for the sake of that plan earlier in this series we talked
01:21:1201:21:12 - about the fact that one member of the Trinity is actually presented by the Bible as being
01:21:2101:21:21 - the face of God in other words most places that you see um the word god used in the Scriptures it is him to which it
01:21:3301:21:33 - refers uh for example when we go to that First Corinthians 15 that we talked about if memory serves me right uh I
01:21:4101:21:41 - actually have my Bible right here let me just um pull that up to make sure I’m accurate on what I’m saying in 1
01:21:4901:21:49 - Corinthians 15 it it actually
01:21:5501:21:55 - holds that everything that is put under in subjection to Christ everything
01:22:0301:22:03 - is put in in subjection to Christ is does not include God himself and later on the son himself is made
01:22:1301:22:13 - subject to him so the only place to see God the father as in where the father is mentioned is in verse 24 when it says
01:22:2101:22:21 - then the end will come when he he hands over the kingdom to God the Father specifying which member of the Trinity
01:22:2701:22:27 - to whom the kingdom is handed um but the point here is most times that you see the word God use it
01:22:3701:22:37 - refers to the father without there isn’t any um uh provision of clarification as to which member of the Trinity
01:22:4801:22:48 - because all three members of the Trinity agreed that the father would be the faith of God the face of the Trinity the
01:22:5601:22:56 - one who who who is presented as the representation of God to Creation but when we go to um Genesis 3 the Lord God
01:23:0901:23:09 - that we see talked about all the time there is actually the second person of the Trinity it’s not the father
01:23:1601:23:16 - himself and this is because of the role of the son and then when we go to uh Zechariah Chapter 2 and I believe vers 8
01:23:2501:23:25 - and N or so I’ve mentioned that passage a few times we see that the person who is
01:23:3101:23:31 - saying or of whom it was speaking the person who said um thus say this is how it was put thus says the Lord
01:23:4101:23:41 - God do you have that it’s I have that look right yes that’s it that’s it for this is what the Lord
01:23:4801:23:48 - Almighty says after the Glorious one has sent me out against Nations have plundered you
01:23:5501:23:55 - and so on and so forth so in in other translations you will have th says this is what the Lord God says after after
01:24:0601:24:06 - the Lord God has sent me after you know Glory or something of that sort the idea here is you have the Lord God and the
01:24:1601:24:16 - Lord God is you know the second person of the Trinity that’s actually the person who is speaking in Zechariah
01:24:2201:24:22 - Chapter 2 again so it’s not as if we’re saying that um
01:24:3101:24:31 - um the the the the title God or that first of all that there is any disparity of of power or position in the Trinity
01:24:4101:24:41 - there is none but also for the sake of the plan that they have for creation the two the other two members of the Trinity
01:24:4901:24:49 - are fine with having a representation of themselves in the scriptures that appears to suggest that they subordinate
01:25:0101:25:01 - to the father so the son for example is the son he is the son even before he becomes
01:25:1001:25:10 - human he’s not he’s not the son purely due to his Humanity he is the son because that’s
01:25:1801:25:18 - the role that he chose to play and the father is greater than the son I mean and so this this theme of accessibility
01:25:2601:25:26 - so I don’t mean to cut in too much but the theme of accessibility carries into christophanies into the Old Testament so
01:25:3201:25:32 - when we think of Moses speaking to the burning bush of Abraham having a conversation with God they’re talking to
01:25:4001:25:40 - the you person second person in the Trinity right the one who is accessible who is representing them to the father’s
01:25:4701:25:47 - Authority um yes yes indeed so that that that is um that is the point there okay so the point the the main thing I I was
01:26:0101:26:01 - trying to address is um it’s it’s almost as if the Trinity just doesn’t seem to care whether you
01:26:1201:26:12 - think that um because the son acts in subordination to the father and the
01:26:2001:26:20 - spirit acts as at the behest of the father and the son that somehow the son is therefore less than
01:26:2801:26:28 - the father in his deity or that the spirit is less than the father and the son in his deity it’s not that they
01:26:3501:26:35 - don’t care about the truth involved in this it’s more that just as we saw um in what Jesus said to his Apostles and what
01:26:4301:26:43 - we see in Phil in Philippians chapter 2 the dynamic in the Trinity is a dynamic of love it’s not one of jealousy you
01:26:5201:26:52 - don’t see them basically struggling to to to establish themselves as something they seem to be just very
01:27:0101:27:01 - comfortable in what they are such that if you don’t accept them to be what they are that’s that’s to your own detriment
01:27:0801:27:08 - it doesn’t affect them in any way so but the scriptures do make it clear to us that the father is God holy and
01:27:1801:27:18 - completely God but so is the Son and so is the spirit so the the the way we are supposed to take things then is if he is
01:27:2701:27:27 - the son it’s not because he is less God he is less powerful he’s less anything he was eternally generated and so on and
01:27:3401:27:34 - so forth It’s that he elected it to to accept a position of subservience it really is subservience a position of
01:27:4301:27:43 - being less than the father but not because he is less in his nature or character but less in
01:27:5001:27:50 - function than the father so he serves at the father’s behalf and in John chapter I believe it’s
01:27:5701:27:57 - chapter 14 to where Jesus was talking about sending the spirit he said that the spirit would take from what is his
01:28:0601:28:06 - to show it to the church so there it may the the the way he spoke of the spirit there could suggest someone give someone
01:28:1401:28:14 - the idea that the spirit is somehow less than the Sun but it does not mean that the spirit is
01:28:2201:28:22 - less in in nature of or character than the son what he is is less in function because that is what he chose and he did
01:28:3101:28:31 - not and and then again as Professor Robert would say that there is no these are not hard and fast demarcations
01:28:3801:28:38 - between the members of the Trinity there there’s a lot of overlap in these functions that we talked about in a lot
01:28:4401:28:44 - of ways the person that the Bible gives to us as the father is he’s very like the son in in
01:28:5301:28:53 - the same function in there are things that he does that you would have attributed to the to the son that it’s
01:28:5901:28:59 - actually the father who does same thing with the spirit so there’s a lot of overlap it’s not hard and fast but the
01:29:0601:29:06 - way the Bible presents these things to us is sort of to tell us all three of them are involved in this Plan of
01:29:1401:29:14 - Redemption this plan of creation Redemption and the um uh confirmation of the family of God in eternity there each
01:29:2401:29:24 - each member of the Trinity um and and the the collective Trinity is fully invested in realizing what God planned
01:29:3501:29:35 - from eternity past so that’s that’s the takeaway that we should have than getting all caught up in the whole
01:29:4301:29:43 - business of who is greater than who another point to make perhaps this will help by way of other examples when we
01:29:5001:29:50 - think of Pastor teachers um even Apostles among the church are they greater than other human beings
01:29:5701:29:57 - I mean it kind of depends what one means by this right are they greater humans you are they just better inherently well
01:30:0501:30:05 - not not really they have a different job however that job of theirs does grant them authority over others right but are
01:30:1401:30:14 - they better inherently well not really it’s the role you see not the person right and if we are able to disentangle
01:30:2301:30:23 - that for human beings well it’s the same thing for the members of the Trinity right how about men and women in
01:30:3001:30:30 - marriage now unfortunately there’s been a group of people throughout history that has done violence to the proper
01:30:3701:30:37 - interpretation men and women are spiritually equal um there’s a verse in Galatians says neither slave nor free um
01:30:4501:30:45 - nor man nor woman nor Greek nor Jew nor Greek right um you know basically all of these things don’t
01:30:5201:30:52 - divide us in Christ Jesus right women are in no way spiritually like lesser than men um that is false
01:31:0101:31:01 - doctrine that is heresy that is something that we should fight against tooth and nail because it’s very
01:31:0601:31:06 - spiritually damaging but within marriage the Bible is nonetheless very clear that men are the head of
01:31:1301:31:13 - households that is where the authority is but again that is a role are men better than women well no but do men
01:31:2401:31:24 - have authority in the household well yes you see what we’re saying right so just as men in marriage just as teachers
01:31:3201:31:32 - within the church just as the father in The Trinity right um that’s all there is to it um it doesn’t mean that in
01:31:4101:31:41 - marriage and in the church that those people those human beings are better than other human beings and so too when
01:31:4801:31:48 - we talk about the members of the Trinity it has nothing to do with greatness it has to do with delegated authority
01:31:5501:31:55 - within the roles that they fill um yeah yeah I did went this is a little bit Ah head skipping in the study but almost
01:32:0501:32:05 - word for word what you said Audi um as Dr lugan bille saying the same thing it is of labor but it is not strict man in
01:32:1301:32:13 - most of these and other joint actions of the Trinity there is overlap and further subdivision of responsibilities which is
01:32:1901:32:19 - often only hinted at in scripture right overlap and further subdivis Vision um we are talking about things to help us
01:32:2801:32:28 - understand and contextualize the function of the roles in the Trinity right um yeah and so you know how we’ve
01:32:3401:32:34 - gone on before about if you have a parable and you try to push it past what you should you run into problems yeah
01:32:4101:32:41 - yeah kind of the same thing here right and we’ve talked about this before uh specifically we keep harping on all
01:32:4701:32:47 - those people who get all bent out of shape about the Eternal generation of the Sun and things like that right they
01:32:5301:32:53 - have in the same way that people who who reason about analogies and Parables have gone off the rails that too is pushing
01:33:0101:33:01 - this it is a metaphor it is not literal right um although the human part of Jesus was literally begotten by God that
01:33:0901:33:09 - part is literal but I mean generally speaking what we are talking about in the roles is a metaphor to help us
01:33:1501:33:15 - understand um yeah all right well maybe we’ll pause see if folks have any questions here right
01:33:2701:33:27 - so now we’re going to talk about the role of the holy spirit in the Trinity so the third person of the Trinity and
01:33:3401:33:34 - just as with the other two roles we’re going to be going kind of in order here first talking about the origin then the
01:33:4001:33:40 - significance and then the person um of this role or this person in the Trinity so uh previously when we’ve been talking
01:33:5001:33:50 - about the origin of the father uh we we mentioned uh kind of how this idea of fatherhood comes up so there’s this
01:33:5701:33:57 - passage in Hebrews chapter 12 that talks about God disciplining us as human fathers we made this point that uh God
01:34:0401:34:04 - is basically like fathers except better in every way so our human fathers may be imperfect but God is like that except
01:34:1201:34:12 - ever to a more perfect degree and we made the point that it’s the human that copies the Divine not the other way
01:34:1901:34:19 - around that’s how typology works so too with the sun um we had all of these comparisons with uh basically where
01:34:2601:34:26 - we’re getting this idea of sunship from the Bible Well the spirit is actually perhaps uh even more straightforward as
01:34:3301:34:33 - to where we get it uh because the words for Spirit in both Greek and Hebrew mean breath or wind as well um so this idea
01:34:4401:34:44 - of some unseen force is just right there in the Greek and Hebrew and so uh the Greek and Hebrew words for Spirit you
01:34:5201:34:52 - know this is straight from ichus ruak is the uh is the Hebrew word and Numa is the Greek word here and both of these as
01:35:0001:35:00 - I say have that meaning of wind or Breeze as well as meaning spirit so when we say holy spirit in English and we get
01:35:0901:35:09 - this idea of uh some form of force or some form of uh presence that has this unseen effect this restraining effect as
01:35:2001:35:20 - we’ll talk about in in a second here it’s just kind of right there in the words um and so we don’t even have to uh
01:35:2701:35:27 - I don’t know go find specific uh you know maybe kind of this typology like we were talking about with the sun um all
01:35:3301:35:33 - of these things throughout the Bible that point us towards that idea of sunship well the idea of spirit is kind
01:35:3901:35:39 - of right there in the title um I mean I guess obviously sun is as well but the spirit’s a little bit more obvious in
01:35:4601:35:46 - this way um now just to emphasize up front here and we’ll talk about this in a little bit more just because the
01:35:5301:35:53 - Spirit has this sense of being unseen he’s this Force that’s working behind the scenes to restrain evil and Empower
01:36:0001:36:00 - good and you know uh indwell us connect us to the father and the son have perfect Unity with God that doesn’t mean
01:36:0801:36:08 - that he is impersonal that he is somehow just like a force of Nature and doesn’t have a will or personality um we’ve kind
01:36:1701:36:17 - of already been over this but it’s just we have to emphasize that that even though he is the Unseen member of the
01:36:2201:36:22 - Trinity for us that does not mean that he is not a person um that he doesn’t for example intercede for us with
01:36:3001:36:30 - groanings too deep for Words forget exactly which passage that is we’ve already read that but the spirit is a
01:36:3601:36:36 - person and so we just need to not forget that um it’s maybe easy for us to view him somewhat more impersonally because
01:36:4401:36:44 - he has these effects without being someone that we address uh like when we pray to the father we kind of pray
01:36:5201:36:52 - through Jesus Christ chist we made this big deal out of how Jesus sort of serves as the Crown Prince if you will the one
01:37:0001:37:00 - who gives us access to the throne room of the father well Jesus is the one uh kind of that we had face-to-face access
01:37:0701:37:07 - with the father is the one that we address our prayers to as the representation of deity the one with
01:37:1301:37:13 - authority but we kind of don’t have that same impact with the spirit but the spirit is the one who helps us pray to
01:37:2101:37:21 - the father and the son and so so the idea behind this is that even though the spirit’s unseen he is not somehow
01:37:2901:37:29 - impersonal um maybe in the sense that you would think of I don’t know maybe more Eastern conceptions of some force
01:37:3601:37:36 - of nature or fate or what have you um uh this holy spirit is a person and again that is rolling back to the definition
01:37:4401:37:44 - of the Trinity that we’ve been going over of three persons one Essence well the spirit is one of the three persons
01:37:5101:37:51 - um all right so that’s kind of where we get this idea of spirit of wind of breath from is that it’s right there in
01:37:5901:37:59 - the words that are used in the title in both the Greek and the Hebrew and again just to note it’s actually quite
01:38:0601:38:06 - noteworthy that this same um what I would say the same set of meanings is actually present for the words in both
01:38:1401:38:14 - languages that is not very typical actually um a lot of the time if you have a word that can mean kind of two
01:38:2001:38:20 - things you know different separate meanings very often those connotative factors will differ across languages um
01:38:2801:38:28 - but for this specific word it’s actually there in both Greek and Hebrew which is quite noteworthy so that’s kind of where
01:38:3401:38:34 - we get the idea of spirit from and as to the significance of this well just compare the idea of physical wind in the
01:38:4201:38:42 - world so the wind is a potent invisible force though we perceive it and experience its effects we can neither
01:38:4801:38:48 - see where it has come from or where it is going to we have this uh basically a verse reference here from John chapter
01:38:5601:38:56 - 3:8 um well so too is that true of everyone who’s born from the spirit um you might also compare I think somewhere
01:39:0301:39:03 - in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 maybe Verse 18 don’t quote me on that reference um Paul mentions how basically spiritual
01:39:1101:39:11 - things seem like foolishness to those who do not see with eyes of Faith well so at any rate the wind as this potent
01:39:1801:39:18 - invisible force um now of course nowadays uh with with science and and instruments that help us measure such
01:39:2501:39:25 - things like barometric pressure we have a better understanding of wind patterns you know on the surface of the Earth if
01:39:3101:39:31 - you will however the main point is is that for us in the metaphor here by analogy we experience the effects of the
01:39:4001:39:40 - wind’s presence without really being able to trace it at least not with the naked human eye and so the effects that
01:39:4801:39:48 - we experience can be anything from sort of a gentle warming influence you know you might might compare a day with good
01:39:5501:39:55 - weather out in the sunshine having a gentle breeze on your face uh to something uh like a powerful chilling
01:40:0201:40:02 - wind maybe in a storm something that would give you hypothermia lose body heat very quickly and so uh variety of
01:40:1001:40:10 - effects that’s something to emphasize here it’s not all just one thing um and we’ll get to that a bit when we talk
01:40:1501:40:15 - about the spirit’s role here um but wind and again that is the same word that we’re using for Spirit in the Greek and
01:40:2201:40:22 - the Hebrew is very descriptive as an analogy for the holy spirit’s role in the plan of God his invisible yet
01:40:3001:40:30 - powerful support for good um we have a couple verse references here um this one from Zechariah Chapter 4 uh verse 6 not
01:40:3901:40:39 - by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord right and this is zarab Babble building in this book in
01:40:4601:40:46 - Zechariah and then we have 1 Corinthians chapter 12 here talking about uh how the Holy Spirit
01:40:5301:40:53 - will basically he’s the one who enables us to have faith I’m paraphrasing a bit but um no one can say Jesus is Lord
01:41:0101:41:01 - except by the Holy Spirit um and then he also restrains evil so we have this this passage here in second Thessalonians
01:41:1001:41:10 - chapter 2 um this is talking about uh it’s prophetic um it’s talking about the Restraint of the Holy Spirit when it
01:41:1701:41:17 - gets removed in the end times um the mystery of lawlessness um well once the spirit is removed uh the
01:41:2601:41:26 - lawlessness of the world um this Restraint of evil when it is taken away the world will go will go wild it will
01:41:3301:41:33 - go crazy in a way that the spirit has thus far been restraining so this is passage in second Thessalonians chapter
01:41:4001:41:40 - 2 veres 5 and following um also uh you know uh I’m not going to go through all the
01:41:4801:41:48 - references here but the point is Spirit restrains evil um we actually have the same verse from from second Corinth or 1
01:41:5401:41:54 - Corinthians chapter 12 um talking about how well we can only confess Jesus as Lord through the power of the spirit but
01:42:0101:42:01 - also when people reject him um that uh basically the spirit is the one who controls our I don’t me think about how
01:42:1101:42:11 - to phrase this um the spirit is the one who restrains um evil among people who don’t confess but also is the one
01:42:1901:42:19 - through whom we can confess our belief um so um again just to summarize the significance of this of this analogy of
01:42:2701:42:27 - this metaphor for the role of the spirit is a potent force that is not seen by us it has these effects on um basically
01:42:3701:42:37 - supporting good and restraining evil both in us uh you know like the fight between the spirit and the flesh you
01:42:4401:42:44 - might compare uh Galatians chapter 5 where we know that the Flesh and the spirit are in conflict with one another
01:42:5101:42:51 - but also in the world more generally um both supporting good and restraining evil now in terms of the person we say
01:43:0001:43:00 - that the spirit is the third person of the Trinity so we talked about uh already the father is the first person
01:43:0701:43:07 - and the son is the second person and when we think in terms of grammar the first person um as the father when he
01:43:1301:43:13 - decrees things he uses this eye language um you know like uh my decrees stand firm for all time and it will go as I
01:43:2201:43:22 - have planned it things like that um the authoritative uh the one who speaks forth his decrees we’ve talked about how
01:43:2901:43:29 - the son is sort of the second person the one whom we access the one who we address we talk to as one of us face to
01:43:3701:43:37 - face and the spirit is the third person who we don’t address and who doesn’t address us but he is there nonetheless
01:43:4501:43:45 - working out God’s plan in the world so again unlike the father he does not speak directly to us and unlike the son
01:43:5401:43:54 - he has not been made manifest to us you know taking on human flesh being born into the world in the Incarnation but
01:44:0101:44:01 - instead just like the wind the spirit is unseen by us but also just like the wind that doesn’t mean that we don’t
01:44:0801:44:08 - experience his power that we can’t feel the effects of his ministry and just to emphasize again the spirit is not
01:44:1701:44:17 - impersonal he is a person he is one of the three members of the godhead in the Trinity and so when we say that we feel
01:44:2601:44:26 - his effects it’s not in the same way um that we have these laws of nature if you will or or things that aren’t personal
01:44:3501:44:35 - um so um we talked about this passage before where um the spirit I should have pulled this up beforehand um Audie do
01:44:4301:44:43 - you know off the top of your head um the passage where in the New Testament the spirit is is said to be the one Speaking
01:44:5001:44:50 - um I think this is Ephesians is it Ephesians or Hebrews it’s in Hebrews chapter
01:44:5701:44:57 - 4 Hebrews 4 I know it’s quoting an Old Testament scripture um can you hear me yeah I can hear you
01:45:0701:45:07 - okay it’s in Hebrews chapter 3 Hebrews chapter 3 yes right here um the Holy Spirit
01:45:1501:45:15 - speaks here right um so I’m sorry I should have pulled that reference up before but this is the point the Holy
01:45:2201:45:22 - Spirit despite being this force that is largely unseen by us he is still a personal member of the godhead um he’s
01:45:3001:45:30 - still speaks and this also gets to one of those other points that we’ve talked about before that the roles are not uh
01:45:3901:45:39 - let me think about the right way to put this they there are somewhat blurry lines of distinction between them right
01:45:4601:45:46 - um it is not uh as certain groups suppose something that is like forced by Nature upon the members of God it is
01:45:5401:45:54 - something that they have elected to adopt in uh a way in which we humans might understand them um so um I think
01:46:0401:46:04 - that’s that’s uh about what we have to say about this um so to wrap up what we’ve gone over here for this third
01:46:1201:46:12 - person we’ve talked about where it comes from in the words um the significance of this analogy of viewing it like wind and
01:46:1901:46:19 - then also how uh despite the fact that the spirit is UN seen he still has these effects in the world but he’s also still
01:46:2601:46:26 - a person AI do you have anything to Riff on here maybe especially given this this quotation we just pulled up about the
01:46:3501:46:35 - spirit speaking and um tring to think about other one where it says he intercedes for us he intercedes for us
01:46:4401:46:44 - should be Romans chapter eight yes yes right before yeah Roman that’s right before the um you know the
01:46:5201:46:52 - the whole chain of forn predestined Justified glorified sort of thing so not much um except just as
01:47:0201:47:02 - these things you’ve pointed out the note it’s not that we’re strictly saying he doesn’t speak to us he doesn’t you know
01:47:0801:47:08 - interact with us and all that it’s just that the role he plays in the Trinity um largely places him in a and
01:47:1701:47:17 - we’ve talked about these roles overlapping in some ways you know so we know that calls Jesus our inter
01:47:2301:47:23 - even though that’s more the spirit’s role you know so we have things like that happening um in the scriptures uh
01:47:3201:47:32 - so I think I think that the dis the discourse so far it should make sense as to why there is often that difficulty
01:47:4101:47:41 - with making sense of how um the spirit is the spirit for those who start to think that um uh the the spirit of God
01:47:5301:47:53 - uh is is somehow the animating force that makes the husk that is the father you know work or something like that if
01:48:0201:48:02 - God the father is the body and spirit somehow isting principle that’s not how any of this works he’s called the spirit
01:48:1001:48:10 - because of the role he plays that he is more in the background even though he is his effects are very very obvious and
01:48:1901:48:19 - undeniable as you have said he is the one one that is restraining evil in the world he’s also the one empowering
01:48:2601:48:26 - everything that is good everything that pleases God in the world so but he is not in the foreground he is not in the
01:48:3401:48:34 - for he’s not the one we we run into so to speak I think it’s really interesting to
01:48:4101:48:41 - consider you may see this come up as a theme in literature some this idea of the individual versus the collective the
01:48:4801:48:48 - spirit the role that he plays is actually present in both angles and I was somewhat inelegant getting the point
01:48:5501:48:55 - across um just because I don’t know why I was having a hard time phrasing it but this idea of the spirit allowing us you
01:49:0201:49:02 - know the he’s the one through whom we are able to confess Jesus Christ right um and this idea of in the personal
01:49:1001:49:10 - individual sense um what we do uh gate kept isn’t quite the right word but we are empowered by the spirit as
01:49:1801:49:18 - individuals um it’s kind of he’s the one through whom we are connected to God he’s the one who indwells us when we
01:49:2401:49:24 - believe all of that’s at the individual level but we also talked about how the spirit empowers good and restraints evil
01:49:3001:49:30 - in the world as a collective right so this idea of individual versus Collective or you know the world more
01:49:3701:49:37 - properly not the individual um the spirit is present at both macro levels if you will um and his effects are seen
01:49:4501:49:45 - in both places um and so I think that can be helpful for us understanding his role a bit better is that it’s not just
01:49:5301:49:53 - you know in an individual’s life this is true on the global scale as well as this passage in second Thessalonians mentions
01:50:0101:50:01 - when the Restraint of the spirit is removed then we’ll really see how he’s been restraining things across the
01:50:0901:50:09 - world I think that’s that’s about that all right so the thing that we’re going to
01:50:1801:50:18 - close with here in this examination of the Trinity rules is going to be mostly discussing how uh these analogies that
01:50:2601:50:26 - we’ve spoken of for the persons of the Trinity for these roles the idea of the fatherhood of the Father the sonh of the
01:50:3401:50:34 - Son and the spirits uh invisible empowering and restraining force in the world well how these things are
01:50:4201:50:42 - analogies and we don’t get to push the analogies to describe reality other than by analogy I mean it sort of seems like
01:50:5001:50:50 - a maybe a really obvious point to to make but it’s actually critically important because a lot of heresy in the
01:50:5601:50:56 - past has been because people don’t appreciate this point um and so maybe that’ll be more clear in a second here
01:51:0301:51:03 - so these things are representative of the individual roles in the plan of God for mankind and the analogies have been
01:51:1101:51:11 - given to help us understand the relationships and the functions of the three Divine Personalities in that plan
01:51:1601:51:16 - so how they relate to each other so to speak but we should not push the names of the roles past what they are intended
01:51:2501:51:25 - to be in the Bible which is analogies to our human frame of reference as in these are for us they are not clinical
01:51:3401:51:34 - descriptions of how God works so to speak so much as they are ways for us to better understand him and so um if you
01:51:4301:51:43 - have studied the nature of God at all You’ probably come across the words anthropomorphism and
01:51:5001:51:50 - anthropopathism and these are long technical jargony terms for describing how sometimes we ascribe things to God
01:51:5901:51:59 - to make him kind of like humans in form right um and actually I think maybe we don’t maybe we don’t anthropomorphize
01:52:0701:52:07 - God so much as we anthropopathy him anthropomorphism was I think more common that’s like I don’t know uh viewing
01:52:1301:52:13 - animals as more like humans in form path is and deals with this idea of emotion so a good example is God’s anger well in
01:52:2101:52:21 - any case just take a step back when we do this we are making God sort of fundamentally something he’s not to help
01:52:2901:52:29 - us better understand him now this isn’t like I don’t know this is some sort of terrible practice because the Bible uses
01:52:3501:52:35 - this right when we anthropomorphize god um we are saying he is a father well God is not a father in the same sense that
01:52:4301:52:43 - you or I have a human father but he is still Our Father why because in the same way that human fathers for example
01:52:5101:52:51 - discipline us and are the authority figure in our lives that we need to respect and submit to and things like
01:52:5701:52:57 - that well God is like that right and that’s why it’s a helpful way to help us understand him same deal with the
01:53:0301:53:03 - sunship of God and the Unseen effects of the Holy Spirit again these things are analogies for our benefit but the
01:53:1101:53:11 - problem here is when people take this and then they say that well because Jesus is the son of God that therefore
01:53:1901:53:19 - somehow it has to be true in what I would call the real objective ontological sense that the father
01:53:2501:53:25 - somehow originated the son that the son is created and hopefully you see right away that that is a problem that’s a
01:53:3301:53:33 - very different thing we’ve already emphasized in our study here that all three members of the Trinity share in
01:53:4001:53:40 - the same Essence they are all co-equal and co-eternal and consubstantial but they can’t be co-eternal if one
01:53:4701:53:47 - originates the other right now it is true that the human nature of Jesus Christ
01:53:5301:53:53 - was begotten we might say you know that is the word that you’ll hear come up here but that is his human nature and
01:53:5901:53:59 - his human nature only the Divine person of the Son of God is Not generated from the father and you can see where people
01:54:0701:54:07 - get it because in human terms Sons come from their fathers right well and their mothers you know um but the point is
01:54:1501:54:15 - that’s not descriptive of how the members of the Trinity relate to each other that is pushing the analogy too
01:54:2201:54:22 - far and so many heresies in the past you know many of them stumble on this point they say well the Bible speaks of God
01:54:3101:54:31 - the father and God the son therefore somehow the son must come from the father but in fact the son is co-equal
01:54:3701:54:37 - co-eternal consubstantial with the father he cannot be originated from him it’s simply not true that is pushing the
01:54:4401:54:44 - analogy too far um and so this the true of the spirit as well sometimes people will subordinate either the son or the
01:54:5001:54:50 - spirit as kind of being lesser than the father in some way maybe proceeding from him that is the language you’ll hear of
01:54:5701:54:57 - the spirit these things are not true they are pushing the analogies further than is permissible and so that’s kind
01:55:0401:55:04 - of the point that we’re making here fundamentally is that these things are just analogies they are nothing more and
01:55:1001:55:10 - nothing less and they are supposed to help us understand God and they are good and godly and we should use them because
01:55:1601:55:16 - the Bible does and they’re for our benefit but they are not supposed to tell us exactly like the scientific
01:55:2401:55:24 - accounting of things so to speak and trying to take them that way is incorrect you are trying to take the
01:55:3001:55:30 - text in a way that it was not meant to be taken um so you might hear things such as this the the Bible is not meant
01:55:3701:55:37 - to be a science textbook right people will say this about uh the Book of Genesis it is true to a degree but the
01:55:4301:55:43 - point is when we interpret things we need to understand what their purpose is what their point is doesn’t mean that we
01:55:4901:55:49 - can make the Bible mean whatever we want it to mean but it does mean that we need to read it as it was meant to be read so
01:55:5501:55:55 - to speak um all right so one other thing and I’ve already emphasized this the spirit is not impersonal right he is
01:56:0301:56:03 - invisible and largely unseen as an agent here in a way that the son was not so for example christophanies in the Old
01:56:1001:56:10 - Testament and obviously Jesus being physically Among Us however he does act in a very personal way towards us and
01:56:1701:56:17 - towards the other members of the Trinity um so there’s a lot of vers references here um I would encourage people who are
01:56:2401:56:24 - interested to go look these up these are coming from the study I didn’t make these um but the spirit is our comforter
01:56:3001:56:30 - and our encourager those things are something done individual to individual right person to person we would say um
01:56:3901:56:39 - leadership encouragement and empowerment these are personal uh what we might say actions of the spirit um personal and
01:56:4901:56:49 - animating you know he’s not just a force and so this is another way in which people take the analogy and then they
01:56:5801:56:58 - try to over apply it they say well you see the word for spirit is wind therefore just like the wind is
01:57:0401:57:04 - impersonal because it is the wind is not literally a person if we do make the wind a person we personify you know you
01:57:1101:57:11 - might hear like I don’t know Father Christmas or something right or Dawn as for example a woman with a trailing gown
01:57:2001:57:20 - or trailing cloak or something right that we’re personifying inanimate things well the spirit isn’t like that he is
01:57:2801:57:28 - like the wind in that the effects of his role as he plays out in God’s plan in the world are largely unseen but that
01:57:3501:57:35 - doesn’t mean that he isn’t a person and so these are just but two cases here of people taking the analogy and then going
01:57:4501:57:45 - further with it than we should um and so again the analogies are just analogies and nothing more but they do help us
01:57:5201:57:52 - better understand the roles of the trinity in the plan of God and that’s why they’re there in the
01:57:5801:57:58 - Bible Audie you have any thoughts on any of this stuff that we’ve gone over here not much just a reiteration of what we
01:58:0701:58:07 - said earlier of what I said earlier which you have essentially repeated which
01:58:1201:58:12 - is uh represent what the roles are supposed to be or what the rules are they don’t really tell
01:58:1901:58:19 - us for example most people get uh really interested in the identities of
01:58:2701:58:27 - different uh angels in the scriptures the names the names the spirit
01:58:3501:58:35 - the what we want to know about the godhead but they do tell us what we need to know which is how each member of the
01:58:4401:58:44 - Trinity is involved in this business that really concerns us in such to such a great
01:58:5501:58:55 - extent we are part of something really big really Eternal and we are learning just how involved God is with it um that
01:59:0601:59:06 - again like you said that he is Spirit does not mean that he is impersonal it also does not mean that um he is the
01:59:1401:59:14 - thing that is really alive and the rest of the godhead is more like I don’t know husks or something of that s all of this
01:59:2301:59:23 - is simply speaking to the functions the roles that they play so um I’m I’m not sure there is much more to add to all
01:59:3301:59:33 - that if anyone at this point honestly I feel more and more as if if anyone stumbles over these things they really
01:59:4001:59:40 - really want to stumble over them it’s in many studies now we have discussed pretty much the same thing over and over
01:59:4801:59:48 - again which is that whenever we come across analogies whenever we come across these names were not supposed to think
01:59:5501:59:55 - of them as if we’re thinking about human beings or creatures of any kind we’re talking about God he’s a fundamentally
02:00:0302:00:03 - different sort of existence from the universe he’s not like us we were our our creation was based on what he is but
02:00:1402:00:14 - that does not mean that he is like us we are if you will a poor imitation of what he is
02:00:2302:00:23 - should tell us that whenever we are trying to make sense of him we don’t use ourselves I love the way that someone
02:00:2802:00:28 - actually put it several months ago on clubhouse he said that you don’t do theology from
02:00:3402:00:34 - anthropology so you you leave man as man and treat God as God a lot of things that about God that we understand are
02:00:4402:00:44 - made understandable To Us by relating God to us through our experience in other words it’s like you know what a
02:00:5102:00:51 - father is yes God is something like that you know what the spirit is right yeah well the spirit is something like that
02:00:5902:00:59 - but that does not mean that you know the spirit is that and and God is that there are differences between what God is and
02:01:0702:01:07 - what we are even though in in a lot of ways if we understand what we are we get a good understanding of what God is
02:01:1602:01:16 - that’s yep yep and just I to Riff on what you’ve said said here it really should be obvious to us that’s something
02:01:2502:01:25 - that I think it perhaps Bears repeating given that a lot of people seem to not find this obvious or they argue it’s not
02:01:3202:01:32 - obvious and I don’t know how to say it in a a perhaps a diplomatic way other than it’s just they’re they’re wrong and
02:01:4002:01:40 - this is not hard is what we should say and we shouldn’t equivocate on this um the things that we’re talking about it
02:01:4702:01:47 - doesn’t matter that people have argued about them long and philosophical for hundreds of years in church history well
02:01:5302:01:53 - so what because these things are pretty clear from scripture and this idea that we’re talking about about analogies just
02:02:0002:02:00 - being analogies it’s pretty Central to the discipline that we typically call hermeneutics this idea of interpretation
02:02:0702:02:07 - of the Bible this is not like so to speak an 8,000 level course in hermeneutics it’s one of the very first
02:02:1402:02:14 - starting ones right you have to read the Bible as it was meant to be read right and part of that is you don’t push
02:02:2002:02:20 - analogies further than they should um so that’s just to say what AI has said here about this idea of people who
02:02:2702:02:27 - stumble over this they kind of have to want to because you have to twist things to take it in the the ways that that we
02:02:3602:02:36 - are arguing are incorrect um you have to be pushing something that basically you’re making this assumption that the
02:02:4202:02:42 - text doesn’t make itself um so uh with that that’s where we’ll close out this and uh um in the next lesson we are
02:02:5102:02:51 - going to be talking about uh how the roles show up in the New Testament more directly so we’ll be reading more
02:03:0102:03:01 - scripture so that’s where we’re going to end this lesson here talking about the roles in the Trinity so kind of an
02:03:0702:03:07 - overview of the three roles as we find them in the godhead and so we kind of started out uh talking about how the
02:03:1602:03:16 - roles in the Trinity um are kind of there to help us give perspective on how God works um so a Biblical way we would
02:03:2402:03:24 - say right as opposed to some ofat the illustrations that we’ve gone over previously that fail to capture that
02:03:3002:03:30 - idea of three persons one Essence uh kind of in a way that doesn’t mislead us and so um God has been uh for all time
02:03:4002:03:40 - relating to us in his Redemptive purpose towards mankind so saving us from our sin redeeming us um From Slavery to sin
02:03:4902:03:49 - reconciling us with himself in uh making us Sons and Daughters we have the inheritance of God With Jesus Christ as
02:03:5502:03:55 - our elder brother the first fruits and the resurrection all of this stuff he’s been doing this um and these roles that
02:04:0102:04:01 - he’s adopted as he relates to us um we’ve already talked about how all three members of the Trinity are involved in
02:04:0802:04:08 - all of these processes so all of that all of those jargony terms like Redemption and justification and all of
02:04:1502:04:15 - that sort of things all three members of the Trinity are part of it we talked about uh shared names of the Trinity so
02:04:2202:04:22 - Elohim in the Old Testament and as well as the tetragrammaton the proper name of God I
02:04:2902:04:29 - am who I am uh he who was and is and is to come we talked about the individual names for the Trinity and the roles that
02:04:3702:04:37 - they adopt so the father as the first person the one who speaks in the authoritative eye voice the son as the
02:04:4402:04:44 - accessible person the one who took on flesh that we can talk to as our older brother uh in the faith as the one who
02:04:5202:04:52 - intercedes for us before the father sort of just in the same way that uh people might go to the Crown Prince rather than
02:04:5902:04:59 - the authoritative King on the throne because he’s more accessible and then we talked about the Holy Spirit as the
02:05:0602:05:06 - Unseen yet powerful force that empowers good and restrains evil both in us as individuals and in the world as a whole
02:05:1302:05:13 - and then finally we just closed here talking about how all of these roles are just analogies we don’t get to go
02:05:1902:05:19 - further than what they are as analogies and so two examples we talked about was how the son is not actually originated
02:05:2802:05:28 - from the father and that if you think that because of the role son of the title son you’re getting the wrong idea
02:05:3402:05:34 - you’re pushing it too far same idea with viewing the spirit as wind if you view the spirit as impersonal you’re pushing
02:05:4102:05:41 - it too far the spirit is still a personal he’s one of the three persons of the Trinity so that is what we’ve
02:05:4802:05:48 - talked about uh in this last lesson and now we are going to be tur turning to talking about more actual direct
02:05:5402:05:54 - scripture to kind of back up some of what we’re saying and just to get a feel for how the roles function um as the New
02:06:0002:06:00 - Testament uh lists things out so that’s what we are going to be turning to next