The Messiah Pre-figured in the Old Testament



From the very beginning, the scriptures spoke of a Messiah that would come to save His people from their sins. All the way back in the earliest chapters of Genesis (with the protoevangelium and Abel’s blood sacrifice, for example), we can see that the Old Testament clearly pre-figures the Messiah. In this lesson we go over how both blood sacrifice and prophecy (in a more general sense) point not only to the person of the Messiah, but also His suffering.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
01:3101:31 - Introduction: the Old Testament’s portrayal of the suffering of Christ
22:0722:07 - Blood sacrifice
38:4638:46 - Prophecy
50:0450:04 - Summary and outro


(Derived from

Introduction: the Old Testament’s portrayal of the suffering of Christ

Contrary to much conventional wisdom about the Old Testament, Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on our behalf is depicted everywhere in the Old Testament. Furthermore, we know from New Testament scripture that the necessity for the mission and suffering of the Messiah was understood clearly enough by Old Testament believers (as Christ explains on the road to Emmaus: Lk.24:27; see also 1Pet.1:10-12 and Heb.11:26).

In fact, there are in the Old Testament a large variety of “types” employed to pre-figure the incarnation, death and suffering of the Son of God on our behalf. The subject of typology will be covered in more extensive detail in part 4A of this series (Christology), but two major categories of the Old Testament’s portrayal of the suffering of Christ should be mentioned now:

Blood sacrifice

From the coats of skin that God provides for Adam and Eve to indicate that One will die in their place (Gen.3:21), to Abel’s sacrifice, superior to Cain’s because it depicts the Substitute’s death (Gen.4:4), to the Noahic covenant demanding respect for blood that represents the death of Another in our place (Gen.9:4), to the whole elaborate series of sacrifices commanded by the Mosaic law, all of which portray redemption through Another’s blood (cf. Heb.9:22ff.), God made extensive use of the “teaching aid” of blood sacrifice in order that it might be crystal clear to all Old Testament believers that forgiveness of their sins was no light matter: it was something that only God could do for them, and it involved a steep and bloody price that God would somehow have to pay Himself on behalf of those who trusted in Him.


The substitutionary suffering and death of Christ on our behalf is predicted and prophesied throughout the Old Testament, for example:

  • Genesis 3:15: He will crush your head, and you, [serpent], will strike His heel.
  • Numbers 21:9: So Moses made a bronze serpent and put it on a staff. And it came to pass that whoever was bitten by a serpent then looked at the bronze serpent would live.
  • Psalm 22:1: My God, My God, why did You forsake Me?
  • Isaiah 53:3: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with suffering.

Video/audio transcript

00:0200:02 - all right so the next thing we’re going to be talking about as we discuss the idea of the Trinity sort of being in the
00:0900:09 - Old Testament is we’re going to talk specifically about how the Messiah is prefigured in the Old Testament so how
00:1700:17 - uh the life and suffering of Jesus Christ is actually demonstrated through some of the things that the Old
00:2300:23 - Testament Believers did or what God had told them so that uh it should have pointed to him uh they should have been
00:3100:31 - able to see that when the Messiah came certain things would be true um and so this is specifically looking at Jesus
00:3900:39 - Christ um as he shows up in the Old Testament even though yet as yet at that point in time the Trinity had not really
00:4700:47 - been revealed in totality to these Believers so we’re going to be sort of starting out by talking about blood
00:5400:54 - sacrifice this is probably sort of the most obvious thing that points us towards uh the sacrif ice of Jesus
01:0001:00 - Christ upon the cross for us but then we’re also going to be talking about just some miscellaneous prophecy and
01:0601:06 - this section is actually quite short I I don’t think this video will be super long here um but both of these things
01:1201:12 - help point us to uh the suffering of Christ and what the Messiah would do when he came to save us from our sins
01:1901:19 - and so these things present in the Old Testament text and we’re just going to be examining a bit how the Old Testament
01:2501:25 - speaks of the Messiah so how the Messiah is prefigured in in the Old Testament so first general introductory
01:3701:37 - point we’re going to be making here when we talk about the old testament’s portrayal of the suffering of Christ is
01:4301:43 - that even though there’s sort of conventional wisdom here about the Old Testament and you know the Old Testament
01:4901:49 - you know talks of just one God God the father and in fact sort of a different topic but people sometimes say that
01:5701:57 - there’s like a almost seems like God different right you know this this this judgmental mean God of the Old Testament
02:0502:05 - versus the the god of love in the New Testament of course we know that’s not true um and part of why we know that’s
02:1102:11 - not true is because God’s plan has always been the same from the beginning he did not change God does not change
02:1602:16 - he’s always been the loving God um but at any rate with respect to what we’re currently talking about the Old
02:2402:24 - Testament actually does talk about Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on our behalf that is the substitutionary death he
02:3202:32 - died to pay for our sins here um taking judgment upon his shoulders so that we might be reconciled to God that’s
02:3902:39 - actually depicted everywhere in the Old Testament so very far from somehow the Old Testament not speaking of Jesus
02:4502:45 - Christ like I don’t know the Old Testament speaks of of just God and then the New Testament rolls around and only
02:5102:51 - then do we hear about Jesus Christ and and the idea of you know his sacrifice on our behalf to save us from our sins
02:5802:58 - it’s actually true that from the very beginning this has always been the plan of God and in fact if you look with eyes
03:0403:04 - of Faith it’s all over the place in the Old Testament so she was actually very much on the other foot here people who
03:1003:10 - want to say well you know Christians just made up a bunch of new stuff and stuck it in the New Testament we’re kind
03:1603:16 - of like I think about the right way to say this like we’re we’re piggybacking on the Jewish Traditions but we just
03:2303:23 - made a bunch of stuff up and added it on as if you know only Jesus Christ shows up in the New Testament like we just
03:2903:29 - made him up and and sort of tacked him on top that’s just not true because the Old Testament points everywhere to Jesus
03:3903:39 - Christ in the suffering you know Isaiah chapter 53 I don’t actually think we’re even talk about that in this set of
03:4403:44 - slides here but you know just off the top of my head the suffering servant passage in Isaiah chapter 53 it very
03:5203:52 - much speaks of Jesus Christ um and so this idea that he’s not there in the Old Testament or that the Messiah isn’t
03:5903:59 - there or even more specifically the suffering Messiah rather than you know when Jesus returns with with the crown
04:0604:06 - in Revelation chapter 19 when he’s destroying the armies of antichrist you know obviously the people in Judea at
04:1304:13 - the time that he was there wanted him to kick out the Romans it’s kind of what they wanted the Messiah to do not
04:1904:19 - necessarily suffer and die on a cross it’s not what they were thinking the messiah’s role was but even this role of
04:2704:27 - the Messiah so not the Conquering King but the suffering servant and in fact the fact that Jesus would be shedding
04:3304:33 - his blood to pay for our sins that is prefigured all over the place in the Old Testament so it’s everything important
04:4004:40 - is actually all there it has always been there and and we’re just going to take a look at that a bit as we go here so from
04:5004:50 - New Testament scripture that the necessity for the mission and the suffering of Messiah we actually have it
04:5604:56 - from the Bible itself that what we’re saying is true as in the Bible itself says that the Old Testament
05:0505:05 - points to Jesus Christ like we’re not just like asserting this and uh waving our hand at it as if you know maybe we
05:1105:11 - could be wrong because sometimes humans come up with these theological uh uh propositions that don’t directly tie
05:1805:18 - back to scripture and you can be wrong about those and you can make a mistake you can miss a jump in the logic
05:2305:23 - somewhere or something like that but in Luke 24: 27 this is Jesus on the road to a
05:3005:30 - with the others and he it says that um Luke 24:27 says then beginning with Moses and all the prophets he he being
05:3905:39 - Jesus yeah uh explained to them the things concerning himself in all the scriptures and all the scriptures there
05:4705:47 - being the Old Testament scriptures so we dearly wish that we knew exactly what Jesus had said here like which passages
05:5505:55 - was he using to support you know the idea of the Old Testament speaking of himself you know we we quoted one in our
06:0306:03 - last lesson about Psalm 110 when David says you know the Lord says to my Lord um that Messianic Psalm you know that’s
06:1106:11 - a possibility uh Isaiah chapter 53 we just mentioned that’s a possibility there’s in fact there’s all sorts of
06:1806:18 - things as we’re going to kind of see in in very brief form here there’s all sorts of things that point to Jesus
06:2506:25 - Christ in the Old Testament and and like I said not not just him but actually what going to do for us too it’s all
06:3106:31 - foreshadowed it’s all there um so we we really kind of do wish we knew exactly what Jesus had said you know because
06:3806:38 - those are certain to be you know convincing and correct you know evidence of him but we don’t we just know that he
06:4606:46 - did explain it to them but this is actually Fenty noteworthy all on its own because it means if the Bible says that
06:5306:53 - Jesus explained to them all you know the things concerning himself in all the scriptures
06:5906:59 - it means that there’s a way to explain the things concerning himself from the Old Testament scriptures I hope that
07:0507:05 - makes sense because he did it well obviously we are not him but we can do it too is the point um so that’s Luke
07:1507:15 - chapter 24 vers 27 we also have this verse in uh 1 Peter 1: 10-2 here we I I think we’ve talked about this before uh
07:2507:25 - in recent history here in this series talking about how the prophets who prophecied of the grace that would come
07:3207:32 - to you you know you being the people of the time that this was written uh so Peter’s audience made careful searches
07:3907:39 - and inquiries seeking to know what person or time the spirit of Christ within them was indicating as he
07:4607:46 - predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glory to follow so you know it was revealed to them that they were not
07:5307:53 - serving themselves but you in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preach the gospel
08:0008:00 - um things into which Angels long to look so these prophets prophecied of the grace that would come to you that is the
08:1008:10 - suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ that he would die to take our sins on his shoulders so that we might
08:1608:16 - be reconciled to God so this another place in the New Testament where it says explicitly the
08:2408:24 - Old Testament prophets were prophesying of these things it’s not like you know suddenly we changed our or something
08:3008:30 - these things have been there since the beginning and in fact the Old Testament prophets they wanted to know and
08:3608:36 - understand and I mean uh maybe we could even have a bit of sympathy with them some of these men no doubt great
08:4208:42 - believers they could feel it that there was something more but it wasn’t something that God had chosen to reveal
08:5008:50 - to them at that point in time that must have been a little bit frustrating we might think right um you know sitting
08:5608:56 - there God open my eyes let me see let me understand but but it wasn’t the right time um but anyway the point is here
09:0409:04 - that these folks also were prophesying things about the grace that would come to us that is Jesus Christ and what he
09:1209:12 - did for us and so these things it’s another point of evidence that we’re not just like asserting willy-nilly that the
09:1909:19 - Old Testament prefigures the Messiah or or speaks of the Messiah and and what he would do for us but the Bible itself is
09:2609:26 - making this claim and so you know it’s not something that we should be skeptical of is what I’m saying is that
09:3309:33 - it it is something that we just need to say well how that’s the right question to ask not not like well does the Bible
09:3909:39 - speak of the Messiah or Jesus in the Old Testament that we just need to take for granted the Bible says it does it
09:4409:44 - obviously does we need to ask well how in what ways can we see Jesus in the Old Testament so of course that’s what we’re
09:5209:52 - going to be turning to here um another interesting passage that Dr Lugo brings up to sort of support this is Hebrews 11
09:5909:59 - 26 um and this is talking about Moses considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of
10:0610:06 - Egypt for he was looking to the reward it it took my brain I confess a while to be like well why is Dr bgo referencing
10:1410:14 - this one here like what is this have to do with you know the the Old Testament speaking of Jesus Christ but when you
10:1910:19 - think about it for Moses to do this he would have had to understand something about what Christ was going to do with
10:2810:28 - with us right so how could he understand the reproach of Christ if he didn’t at least have an inkling of what that meant
10:3610:36 - um and so obviously we wish we knew more here as well like how much did people like Moses and Abraham and David how
10:4310:43 - much did they understand about what was coming um so Abraham you know Isaac being a type of Christ was willing to
10:5010:50 - sacrifice his own son trusting that God would somehow make it all work out Abraham understood something you know
10:5710:57 - but exactly how much did they know it’s a very fascinating question but the point is here in context Moses had an
11:0611:06 - inkling of some of what was to come and he knew that it was worth prioritizing following what God would have him do
11:1411:14 - instead of all the material blessings in this world he was looking to his eternal reward the spiritual reward rather than
11:2211:22 - the material and to do that to have that motivation he had to know that some of what was to come the Messiah delivering
11:3111:31 - his people you know obviously Moses is a type of Christ too not that I think we really get to that here but he is um
11:3811:38 - well he had to have at least some vague understanding of what God was going to do so all of these things point to the
11:4611:46 - fact and it is a fact like I’ve been saying because the Bible says it it’s not an inference it’s not a something
11:5111:51 - that we’re a bit shaky on the Bible says that the Old Testament speaks of Jesus Christ speaks of the Messiah and so uh
12:0112:01 - that’s kind of how we’re going to open this it’s just that we need to be in the mindset that it’s there we just have to
12:0512:05 - figure out how to explain it um so we’re not arguing about whether this is true or whether it exists but we’re just
12:1112:11 - going to be talking about well how does the Old Testament point to Jesus Christ and so there are a number of types you
12:1812:18 - know quote unquote types employed to prefigure the Incarnation death and suffering of the Son of God in our
12:2312:23 - behalf and so the subject of typology proper uh this is actually covered in part four a of this Bible basic series
12:3112:31 - that we’re going through which is christology proper so right now we are talking about theology which is the
12:3712:37 - study of God and so we’ve been talking about such things as God’s nature and his uh and uh the Trinity and how the
12:4412:44 - Trinity is explained in the Bible Well when we talk about the person of Jesus Christ specifically that’s part 4A of
12:5012:50 - this series that is kind of where all of the the types of Christ are covered and so some of the Old Testament things that
12:5712:57 - point to Jesus if we ever get there in this video series we’ll be going over those in part 4A of this series um but
13:0513:05 - for the time being we’re actually going to be going over um two separate categories of the old testament’s
13:1113:11 - portrayal of the suffering of Christ so that is in this series in in this video Lesson right now so we’re going to be
13:1713:17 - talking about blood sacrifice and prophecy and how both of these things are some of that evidence that points us
13:2413:24 - towards the Messiah in the Old Testament so that’s kind of intro here it’s how we need to be thinking about this topic
13:3213:32 - that we’re going over a you have any points you want to interject before we actually get to those uh uh specific
13:3813:38 - examples here I don’t think there’s much to say I think you have really covered the whole
13:4513:45 - ground um yes the the Old Testament does speak of Christ it speaks of him even as a suffering servant it’s actually one of
13:5413:54 - the very first things that the Lord said to the couple in the after they sinned and he was passing
14:0114:01 - judgment on them um he told them that her seed will bruise uh or rather crush the head of the serpent and that the the
14:1214:12 - serpent would bruise his heel that’s something that was ever present from the beginning of human
14:2014:20 - history so um we can take for granted that that is um absolutely part of the story of the Old
14:3014:30 - Testament by the time we get to Moses this was entrenched because sacrifices had been a normal part of human history
14:4014:40 - by at this point I mean Noah carried out something similar we we have that record of it at the end of the flood and we can
14:4914:49 - take for granted he was not the first there was also Abel who took um uh we’ll get to them
14:5914:59 - here you know the evangelium Abel Noah that’s the next slide but the point is very Ono here yeah um because like you
15:0915:09 - said from the very beginning have these things been there um yeah it’s it’s not it’s not
15:1615:16 - new yep and uh I I should just say by way of comment that maybe it seems kind of odd
15:2315:23 - for us to be like arguing this like why are we emphasizing this so much it’s because there are actually people who
15:2915:29 - make the claim that that I don’t know that the Old Testament doesn’t speak about Jesus somehow and actually most
15:3615:36 - specifically uh people who are still Jewish today who reject Jesus as the Messiah I mean some of them would say oh
15:4615:46 - I don’t know Christians Just Like cherry-picked Old Testament scriptures and like they they like made a version
15:5215:52 - of Jesus to like fake fulfill the prophecy you see what I’m saying like they think that it’s kind of like um uh
15:5915:59 - uh sort of as an analogy uh there’s this Book of Enoch mentioned in somewhere I think is is it Jude you know off the top
16:0716:07 - your head aie I can’t remember yeah but no book of it was just Enoch that was me that he he he made a prophecy that was
16:1316:13 - in Jude that’s true okay or I think there’s there’s actually a book you know or or an apocryphal go somewhere
16:2016:20 - mentioned in the Bible that basically someone decided that they were just going to like the Bible mentions this
16:2616:26 - thing we don’t have access to it so someone just wrote one that’s it’s obviously not the inspired scripture
16:3016:30 - they just like tried to make something that would like seem like it was the real thing and so where I’m going with
16:3816:38 - that example is that may be somehow how Jewish people view Jesus Christ like a bunch of people read some Old Testament
16:4616:46 - prophecy and they like came up with a person to organize around who seemed to like fulfill some of it but it’s all
16:5316:53 - fake it’s all made up that’s how they might view Jesus and so there are actually people who don’t think that the
17:0017:00 - Old Testament prefigures Jesus Christ as we know him or or the Messiah you know I’ve always been kind of curious about
17:0717:07 - this so I am not ethnically Jewish I I don’t actually know uh in my close personal life uh folks who are like it
17:1517:15 - hasn’t been uh people in my Social Circles but when we have all of this stuff in the Old Testament that points
17:2117:21 - to the suffering servant what do they make of Jesus Christ I I guess they just must think
17:2717:27 - that he wasn’t the real one right he’s just a pretender um but it’s all over the place you know and and so anyway
17:3517:35 - what I’m trying to say is that the reason why we’re talking about this and emphasizing that no really Jesus Christ
17:4017:40 - as the Messiah was there in the Old Testament not even particularly hided you know you don’t have to try real hard
17:4717:47 - to find prophecy that directly lines up with the suffering of Christ um and you know we’re not going to spend a lot of
17:5317:53 - time on it here in this section because the point is almost self-evident you read some of these passages in the Old
17:5817:58 - Testament can’t escape it um but people don’t buy this they don’t believe this point that
18:0618:06 - somehow I don’t know that that this wasn’t God’s plan from the beginning um and so I we don’t need to concern
18:1218:12 - ourselves over much with the fact that some people reject this um because people reject all sorts of truth but it
18:1718:17 - is just worth emphasizing that Jesus is there from the very first pages of scripture God’s Redemptive plan from
18:2418:24 - human history through the shedding of the blood of his one and only son has always been there um we’ve made the
18:3118:31 - point before that when God kicked off creation you know because God exists outside of SpaceTime he knew that in
18:4018:40 - doing this he was kicking off a chain of events that would send Jesus Christ to die on the cross um he knew that upfront
18:4818:48 - before he did anything and that’s something that we struggle to understand as humans because that’s not how our
18:5318:53 - knowledge works but that is how God works and so because everything is forn and for our ordained when God chose to
19:0019:00 - make creation he was at that very instant choosing to send Jesus to die on the cross for our sins um and so we’ll
19:0819:08 - get to this a little bit more you know a started go in there we’ll cover blood sacrifices perhaps the most obvious
19:1419:14 - typological parallel we’ll cover that next but just that point that it’s been there from the beginning is so crucial
19:2019:20 - for us in in kind of having the faith we ought in the consistency of the Bible you know the uh message message that God
19:2919:29 - has seen fit to give Humanity across all of human history has always been consistent this has always been the plan
19:3619:36 - and it is 100% consistent in a way that other books are not that’s why inspiration is such a big deal for us
19:4419:44 - it’s important stuff is what I’m trying to say yeah I I actually would have pointed
19:5119:51 - out just one more thing that it’s not just that people tend to reject this but also that
19:5919:59 - the Old Testament is part of the scriptures even though we Believers uh of the church
20:0720:07 - age um derive so much from the New Testament there’s plenty in the Old Testament
20:1520:15 - that shows us exactly who God is it’s not something we we get away from so even though the Old Testament is um It’s
20:2620:26 - The Testament that has been done away with the plenty in it that actually shows us or or or would I say
20:3420:34 - illuminates I rather it’s the other way around the New Testament actually illuminates a lot of the stuff in the
20:3920:39 - old so yeah and that stuff in the old is useful for us today as well so it’s not just for people who struggle to believe
20:4820:48 - that um Christ is actually in the Old Testament the whole thing is the word of God for us yep I mean you might compare
20:5620:56 - how certain parts of like Daniel and Ezekiel are in fact quite necessary for us to make sense of Revelation um some
21:0221:02 - of the the eschatology there like the Daniel has stuff that you have to understand it to properly be able to
21:0921:09 - interpret that I mean so that’s one example but also things like creation our understanding of creation and even
21:1621:16 - Satan’s fall um is that Ezekiel 28 trying to remember Ezekiel 28 and isah king of you know Ty as a typological
21:2621:26 - parallel to Satan our understanding of Satan and his fall mostly comes from the Old Testament you know so together like
21:3321:33 - you said it is the word of God and and uh generally speaking as a principle it’s true that we mostly understand the
21:3921:39 - old through the lens of the new that is true as a generalization but there are also plenty of New Testament passages
21:4621:46 - that make no sense without the context of the old you know it is the uh the Bible together all parts of it you know
21:5321:53 - equally inspired word of God we have to interpret it in light of itself um and that that cuts both ways um
22:0022:00 - so not to get too off topic but yes very important point for us um and why it’s important for us to emphasize
22:1022:10 - this so the first of these things that we’re going to be talking about that really prefigures the Messiah and the
22:1722:17 - suffering of Jesus Christ is blood sacrifice so Audi actually started just off the top of his head going through a
22:2322:23 - lot of these uh when we were kind of introducing this idea of the old testament’s betrayal of the Messiah here
22:3022:30 - um but from the very beginning blood sacrifice has been pointing us to the Cross so from the coats of skin that God
22:3822:38 - provided Adam and Eve to indicate the one that will die in their place this is right after the fall in Genesis chapter
22:4422:44 - 3 Genesis 3:21 says the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them this is often called
22:5122:51 - the Proto evangelium or the first gospel because we see from the very beginning that that covering Adam and Eve requires
23:0023:00 - the shedding of blood um so clothing them in in this way kind of as a metaphor for you know covering their
23:0823:08 - unrighteousness is seen as requiring the shedding of blood of another um and we also see this in Abel sacrifice Superior
23:1823:18 - to Cain’s because it depicts the substitute’s death so we at least not we I have something up on my side somewhere
23:2523:25 - about how it’s not like God just like arbitrarily decided Well you know Abel raised sheep and stuff in the pasture
23:3223:32 - and and Cain was a farmer who grew you know things in the field therefore God just arbitrarily liked Abel better or
23:3923:39 - whatever we are to understand God’s rejection of Cain’s offering uh in large part because Cain was presenting it as
23:4823:48 - his labors his work look at me God I’m so great look at what I gave you whereas Abel was taking the life of an animal
23:5623:56 - and looking towards what that represent Ed um and so we’re making that by inference because the alternative is
24:0324:03 - just that God’s arbitrary in a way that is borderline unjust right we understand that when God does this it’s not for no
24:0924:09 - reason it’s because Abel must have been looking with eyes of faith in fact I I’m making it sound even wishy washer than
24:1524:15 - it is in Hebrews chapter 11 um Hebrews chapter 11 specifically calls out Abel’s Faith right by faith Abel still speaks
24:2424:24 - even though he is dead that’s Hebrews chapter 11 verse4 uh by faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain
24:3124:31 - did what does that mean it means that Abel was looking towards the truth of this his offering of blood represented
24:4024:40 - his understanding that he couldn’t do it on his own another person had to pay for him um and of course Cain did not have
24:4824:48 - that that is why God Favored Abel’s offering and rejected Caines not because God’s arbitrary and just liked Abel
24:5624:56 - better for whatever reason was because was doing things of righteousness um looking towards ultimately the sacrifice
25:0425:04 - of Jesus Christ on the cross now did Abel know exactly that that was what was going to happen no probably not but he
25:1125:11 - understood through faith that God was the one who would provide a sacrifice to redeem him um in the same way that Adam
25:1925:19 - and Eve would have believed in God’s promise through the Proto evangelium in Genesis 3:21 and then comes up again in
25:2625:26 - the noic Covenant here the end of Genesis or sorry Genesis chapter n um when you know during the Covenant that
25:3525:35 - God gives to Noah said that we’re not supposed to eat flesh with its life that is its blood blood representing Life as
25:4325:43 - a metaphor super common across cultures and languages not just Hebrew um you know this blood is the life force think
25:5025:50 - of vampires right not the vampires actually exist but the idea that human beings have their life in their blood is
25:5725:57 - like not new but in the Bible because that’s the only version of things we should care about
26:0326:03 - in the Bible this idea that life is caused by the shedding of blood you know that our our Redemption costs the blood
26:1226:12 - of another this is why we are to respect the blood of animals even because we understand what it means what it
26:2026:20 - represents so of course this was this is important in the Jewish dietary code but this is the Covenant God gives to Noah
26:2726:27 - so-call noic Covenant Genesis 9:4 you shall not eat flesh with its life that is its blood you have to drain the blood
26:3426:34 - first because the blood represents payment for sin um it’s important it’s not for no reason that God gives this to
26:4326:43 - Noah and then of course perhaps most clearly we have the elaborate series of sacrifices commanded by the Mosaic law
26:5226:52 - all of which portray Redemption through another’s blood and so we’re going to just briefly here I’m not going to read
26:5826:58 - this whole passage but uh there’s this this passage in Hebrews chapter 9 talking about how Jesus was a sacrifice
27:0427:04 - once for all in a way that the blood sacrifices under the Mosaic law were not but just look at verse 22 here Romans
27:1227:12 - chapter 9:22 and according to the law one may almost say all things are cleansed with blood and without the
27:2027:20 - shedding of blood there is no forgiveness think about that for a second without the shedding of blood
27:2727:27 - there is no forgiveness this been in the law for centuries at this point it has always been pointing towards Christ’s
27:3527:35 - ultimate sacrifice for us so verse 23 therefore it was necessary for the copies of the things in the Heavens to
27:4227:42 - be cleansed with these but the Heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than
27:4827:48 - these so verse 25 um and Jesus did not offer himself as the high priest here did year by year with blood that was not
27:5727:57 - his own but he offered his own blood to redeem us um so you know we go through more of
28:0428:04 - the passage here Hebrews chapter 9 verse 22 again without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness all of the blood
28:1028:10 - sacrifice in the Old Testament were just Shadows of Christ sacrifice pointing us to him the coming Messiah who would
28:1728:17 - suffer and die to reconcile us to God the father and so as we can see here God made extensive use of the the teaching
28:2728:27 - Aid if you will of blood sacrifice to make it crystal clear to all the Old Testament Believers
28:3428:34 - that forgiveness of their sins was no light matter it required the shedding of blood that is serious I mean and and we
28:4228:42 - can today properly appreciate that taking the life of an animal you know in this in this uh this understanding that
28:5128:51 - it represents you know that being dying in place to forgive you your sins not even not even your life but just your
29:0029:00 - sin requires the death of something that should just show how serious it is um now um pointing out here taking a step
29:0929:09 - back Christianity sorry rather uh Judaism was not the only language sorry the only religion I’m having a hard time
29:1729:17 - here the only religion that had blood sacrifice so this was common in for example the Greek and Roman state
29:2329:23 - religions as well however christianities and and the Jewish form of this points towards that understanding that it is
29:3229:32 - God who takes away our sins it’s not like the animals have any power themselves right um contrast what these
29:3829:38 - other systems of religion might have thought but it is only because God has providing the substitute just like he
29:4529:45 - did uh when Abraham was going to offer Isaac God is the one who provides the substitute for us um but the shedding of
29:5429:54 - blood just shows how serious sin really is it causes is the death of another being um and only through their blood
30:0330:03 - can we be forgiven our sin just shows how serious it is right and so this is something that only God could do for
30:0930:09 - them and it involved a steep and bloody price that God would somehow have to pay himself on behalf of those who trusted
30:1730:17 - in him God is the one who provides the payment for our Redemption and so in this way you can see that all the way
30:2730:27 - back from the very beginning part of Genesis and AI was making this point when we were talking the last time this
30:3330:33 - idea of blood sacrifice has pointed us right to Jesus Christ and you can’t get you can’t get away from this this is
30:4030:40 - what the Old Testament says this is the system of symbolism in all of this points directly to the sacrifice of
30:4730:47 - Christ upon the cross a you want to elaborate on any of this anymore um any points that I missed you always cover it
30:5530:55 - so completely there is not much to say um it’s enough to know that all the blood sacrifices that were in the Old
31:0531:05 - Testament were pointing to the Cross so it’s not a new thing um even if uh people have issues dealing with the
31:1631:16 - coats of skin understanding them to be the very demonstration of what God had said God did say that the seed of the
31:2431:24 - woman would crush the head of the serpent look at you and that the serpent will
31:3131:31 - bruise his heel everybody who has read that I don’t think I have seen a single um interpretation in all my years of
31:4031:40 - looking at the Bible and reading commentaries where anyone had an issue with that being a pointing to the cross
31:4731:47 - and uh just as as Stephen very eloquently pointed out right
31:5231:52 - now if we investigate every culture that has existed in in this world there has always been blood sacrifice in every one
32:0332:03 - of them or at least some form of appreciation for such things why because it’s innate
32:1332:13 - every every collection of human beings every nation that you have found has had some appreciation of the fact that what
32:2132:21 - we ow to God is a blood death even if they did not really you know follow through on that understanding to come to
32:2832:28 - the knowledge of God himself and his Messiah it’s always been there in fact in the time of the um Israelites when
32:3832:38 - they were marching to Canaan one of the problems with Canaan at the time was the sort of sacrifices they were offering it
32:4732:47 - got to the point of actually murdering their children as sacrifices to their gods these are perversions of that
32:5432:54 - understanding that what we owe God is a blood debt that’s someone has to die in our place for us to regain or to be
33:0133:01 - reconciled to him so we it’s always been there there is no question about it it’s not just that everything in the
33:0933:09 - scriptures have been pointing to what the Messiah would do when he would come but everything in the scripture has been
33:1733:17 - pointing to Christ himself so now I think it’s it’s almost interesting to think about how the the
33:2633:26 - willingness of the sacrifice so to speak um I’m trying to think about how the symbolism plays into this a bit but you
33:3533:35 - know you have these people who would be willing to sacrifice their own family to escape judgment right if if it would
33:4233:42 - work right and it’s unfortunate in the history of the world that some people think like this you know they they will
33:4833:48 - sacrifice maybe not literally on a physical altar but you know in how they behave with their children they’ll do
33:5433:54 - whatever it takes to save their own skin this is not what blood sacrifice pointed to in the Old Testament as in oh well
34:0134:01 - I’m going to go sin so now I have to kill like three Lambs instead of two you see what I’m saying like it was never
34:0934:09 - this idea of well you know it’s just commensurate to the amount of sin I commit so if I sin more I just need to
34:1534:15 - kill more things that is not God’s attitude towards sin um and you know Paul talks about this somewhere else you
34:2334:23 - know that Christ died does not give us a license to sin this idea that our debt has been paid what now shall we sin no
34:3034:30 - more you know let that not be Paul tells us that is not how we are to take this and and in Jewish culture it’s not like
34:3834:38 - you know the laws prescription of the killing of animals to cleanse them from their sin meant that that you could have
34:4534:45 - well I mean it would not Shock me if there were people in the history of the world that did think like this but this
34:5034:50 - is not how we ought to think about it who said well I’m rich and Powerful so I can s more because I can afford to buy
34:5734:57 - more things to pay for my sin right um yeah you know it is a sad sad thing that there are people who probably did act
35:0735:07 - like that under the old Covenant um you said I’m a rich and powerful man I can afford to do what I please because I can
35:1635:16 - pay for it I me I can pay for it right you see that you see how that Twisted that is relative to how this actually
35:2435:24 - works where God is the one providing us the sacrifice what one of us actually provides animals and makes them grow
35:3335:33 - none of us right humans don’t control that God controls that and so what one of us can actually provide the sacrifice
35:4035:40 - for our own sin we do not provide animals you know arrogant as some people might think well I own you know I own
35:4735:47 - the mother animal and the father animal therefore I own the baby animals it’s not yours nothing in this life is ours
35:5235:52 - it’s only given to us put in our hands by God right where at best we are are stewards in fact we are slaves we are
35:5935:59 - Servants of God and anything past that thinking well I get to pay God pay god with what the currency that he gave you
36:0936:09 - the clothes that he gave you the life that he gave you I hope you see where I’m going with this yeah that is the
36:1536:15 - arrogance of this to think that somehow we can pay for this on our own that well I can acquire animals to cover my sin
36:2436:24 - therefore I can sin because you see it’s okay I satisfy God’s justice you know people actually say things like I mean
36:3236:32 - probably not so directly right but they act like this that as long as the scale is balanced I can do what I want I can I
36:3936:39 - can follow that letter of the law because you see I’m following the law you know the law says I have to
36:4536:45 - sacrifice this if I do this and look I made the sacrifice I am good in the eyes of the
36:5136:51 - Lord that’s not how it works you know um so I I think maybe given how I separated we are from the the um it’s
37:0537:05 - the right way to put it like the the visceral nature of killing something with your own hands to pay for your sin
37:1237:12 - I think we’re a little bit separated from that and it’s not necessarily a bad thing it just means that maybe this
37:1737:17 - doesn’t hit as hard for us as going up to an altar putting your hand on the neck of an animal and taking its life to
37:2537:25 - pay for your own sin I think perhaps now I’m not I’m not saying we need to go reinstitute this
37:3237:32 - although you know the Bible does say under the tribulation uh uh you know the ministry towards people of Jewish belief
37:4037:40 - that some of the temple sacrifices will start back up pointing to Jesus Christ but I think maybe if people had to with
37:4837:48 - their own hands take the life of an animal every time they sin they would sin less you think that um again not
37:5637:56 - saying we need to go start this but but understanding exactly what it costs we don’t want to cheapen that uh by being
38:0638:06 - quick to sin and I feel like sometimes we do we don’t we don’t keep in our mind what it cost Jesus to pay for even the
38:1238:12 - smallest of our sins sorry I’m rambling a bit I don’t want to get off topic but you know it’s
38:1738:17 - just blood sacrifice is so essential but we have to understand it properly that God is the one who provides this not us
38:2438:24 - it’s not a matter of us being able to somehow level the scale through actions we take through just
38:3038:30 - acquiring more payment if you will because ultimately everything only comes from the hand of God and failing to
38:3738:37 - appreciate that means we really cheap in Grace and we should not do that um yeah very
38:4938:49 - true other than blood sacrifice the other main thing we’re going to be talking about here in this somewhat s
38:5638:56 - somewhat short section in our study of theology proper is going to be talking about how prophecy helps point us to the
39:0539:05 - Messiah and the sufferings of Jesus Christ so prophecy prefigures the coming Messiah and like we mentioned before um
39:1239:12 - all of the typology kind of gets covered in more depth in part 4A of this series on ichus but for our purposes here we’re
39:1839:18 - just highlighting a couple of the high level areas in which the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ as the Messiah
39:2539:25 - and so we just finished talking about blood sacrifice here and now we’re going to be talking about just a few of the
39:3039:30 - prophecies that point us towards Jesus Christ as the Messiah now of course this list is very far from comprehensive and
39:3839:38 - we’re really not going to go into too much detail here we’re just introducing some of these examples that point us to
39:4539:45 - Jesus Christ that are in the Old Testament so as we’ve been saying uh in this lesson this has been the case from
39:5239:52 - the beginning this has always been God’s plan for redeeming humankind and the New Testament didn’t just like come up with
39:5939:59 - some Grand new idea that hadn’t been there before it is fulfilling these things that have been around from the
40:0740:07 - very earliest days that God communicated with humanity and so here in Genesis 3:15 we have a prophecy so we spoke of
40:1540:15 - the Proto evangelium with blood sacrifice here the the animal skins that represent the shedding of blood for the
40:2140:21 - Forgiveness of sins well in Genesis 3:15 just a few verses earlier in that chapter we have a prophecy it’s says
40:2840:28 - that enity will be put between the serpent uh being Satan you know at least metaphorically here and the woman and
40:3540:35 - between your seed and her seed he shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise him on the heel so he here we
40:4440:44 - interpret now through the revelation of the New Testament to be Jesus Christ and the Serpent’s Seed you know well uh
40:5340:53 - we’re going to interpret it you know among other things as being Antichrist so it has multiple fulfillments uh in
40:5940:59 - the events of Revelation for example but also Jesus crushed the head of the serpent upon the cross he paid for our
41:0741:07 - sin and overcame death this was that final Victory Satan’s already positionally
41:1441:14 - defeated but this prophecy in Genesis 3:15 this is talking about the Messiah the one who saves his people from their
41:2241:22 - sins it’s what the Messiah is in by conception right he saves God’s people um well Genesis 3:15 clearly referencing
41:3141:31 - the Messiah right this is book chapter 3 the first book of the Bible this is really early on in our understanding of
41:3941:39 - God um and it’s right there um now of course we have the benefit of some hindsight in interpreting this nowadays
41:4741:47 - but this has been there from the very beginning and whatever this meant however the oops however the the early
41:5541:55 - people of Israel interpreted this they would have understand this to be a comforting promise right this is a
42:0142:01 - prophecy that that the seed of the woman will be victorious Over The Serpent and all that he represents in a negative
42:0942:09 - sense so that’s Genesis 3:15 we have a another verse here in Numbers chapter 21 so this is the bronze
42:1842:18 - serpent put up on a staff that when the people were bitten by venomous snakes in the wilderness they would look up at
42:2742:27 - this serpent who was put up again think about the symbolism of the Cross here who was put up here to take away you
42:3742:37 - know the the Venom that would lead to their death right I mean I don’t know how exactly what people think you need
42:4442:44 - to be a metaphor for the cross in Jesus Christ but this is certainly one of them um Numbers chapter 21 Moses made a
42:5342:53 - bronze Serpent and set it on the standard and it came about that if a serpent B any man when he looked the
42:5842:58 - bronze at when he looked to the bronze serpent he lived clearly prefiguring Jesus Christ being put up on the cross
43:0543:05 - to pay for our sins right um now there’s more context to this we’re not going to get into all of that here but this is a
43:1243:12 - clear typological reference to the Messiah taking away the sins of his people um numbers CH
43:2043:20 - 21:9 we have Psalm 22 verse1 another Messianic Psalm and and we hear Jesus say this from the cross my God my God
43:3043:30 - why did you forsake me um far from my Deliverance are the words of my groaning um we understand that this speaks of the
43:3943:39 - suffering of Jesus Christ right when God the father was having Jesus take the punishment for human sins that face the
43:4843:48 - Judgment for human sins Jesus says this on the cross not because you know God uh you know the right way to put this um
43:5743:57 - you know not because the father hated Jesus or wanted to cause him harm or things like this but because when Jesus
44:0544:05 - was paying for human sin he was taking the sins of the world upon his shoulders and and Jesus saying this should be a
44:1144:11 - powerful reminder to us of exactly how much this costs now we will never properly appreciate this as humans we
44:1844:18 - can’t um and and we should do our very best to try but we won’t really understand what it means to take the
44:2644:26 - sort of the the Eternal weight of sin upon Jesus’s shoulders for one sin much less the sins of the entire world we
44:3444:34 - cannot even comprehend that what that cost but this should help give us a sense of of how much it would hurt so to
44:4244:42 - speak what Jesus would feel like on the cross but notice that this is quoting from a Psalm Psalm 22 long before Jesus
44:5144:51 - was born into this world and came to die for our sins um and then I Isaiah chapter 53 as it is mentioned here in
44:5944:59 - this series this is the suffering servant right um Isaiah 53:3 he was despised and forsaken of men a Man of
45:0745:07 - Sorrows and acquainted with grief and like one from whom men hid their face he was despised and we did not esteem
45:1445:14 - him a prophecy of Jesus Christ right he lived this this life of of suffering and then put to death the most unglamorous
45:2345:23 - way possible crucified upon a cross to pay for our sin sins this is the suffering servant who has been prophecy
45:3145:31 - for centuries before Jesus Christ came into the world and so this idea here that we’re going with with all this
45:3845:38 - prophecies is the idea that the Old Testament did not prophecy the the coming Messiah or what he would do for
45:4445:44 - us in suffering for our sins upon the cross it it’s simply false all of these things are there in the Bible and I mean
45:5245:52 - again as as we’ve been going over from the beginning since we started talking about uh the trinity in the Old
45:5845:58 - Testament it’s not exactly as if all of these things would have been completely obvious to them in the same way it is to
46:0446:04 - us now with the benefit of the additional revelation of the New Testament and and hindsight but these
46:1046:10 - things have been there since the very beginning and as I say we could go on these are not the only things that we
46:1846:18 - could use to show how the Old Testament prefigures the coming Messiah but it’s just a collection of examples that
46:2446:24 - should show how the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ and what he did for us long before Jesus ever came into the
46:3146:31 - world um and that’s this all this is alongside blood sacrifice right which we said that symbolism clearly points to
46:3746:37 - Christ but all of these things these prophecies these other types this typological symbolism that points us to
46:4446:44 - Christ all of that was given to us as well all of these things together point us to Jesus Christ as the Messiah who
46:5346:53 - will suffer for our sins and so this is why we say that the Messiah is prefigured in the Old Testament and
46:5946:59 - clearly too like not not just in a maybe we think that you could kind of interpret things this way when Jesus
47:0747:07 - explained things to those people on the road to Emmas he wasn’t just drawing connections that weren’t there he was
47:1447:14 - explaining these things that had been there from the beginning and making it clear what they actually pointed to um
47:2147:21 - and that’s just the way we need to take this these things clearly point to Jesus Christ and when we look with faith we
47:2747:27 - should see that from the beginning God’s plan has not changed here it’s been consistent always pointing us to Jesus
47:3447:34 - Christ and what he did for us on the cross so anything you want to contribute here Audi um about any of these verses
47:4247:42 - or or any others that you can think of uh not not really not not really the these are just a sampling
47:5147:51 - of the scriptures that speak to the um coming of the Lord Jesus and what he would do for our sins suffice to say
48:0148:01 - that the Old Testament is replete with this basically if you spent a whole day reading through Isaiah you’d come away
48:0948:09 - wondering why anyone would would even think that the Messiah was supposed to come and do what just chase the Romans
48:1948:19 - away and take the throne everything that you read will point you to that to the Cross to Jesus coming
48:2748:27 - it’s it’s very hard to read the Old Testament and the New Testament and go away you know thinking that they’re
48:3548:35 - disconnected from each other they feed into each other very well and um one clearly foreshadows the other perfectly
48:4748:47 - so if if we just if all we wanted to do was to come up with examples of this it would make for a full session that’s the
48:5648:56 - fact of it I don’t think there is uh much more to say there is very little that needs to
49:0249:02 - be interpreted in many of these things the words are very straightforward it takes a deliberate hardening of one’s
49:0849:08 - heart to miss these um these references and what they’re talking about and just to emphasize you know
49:1649:16 - that’s why Dr Lil titled the the section of this here well um you know this introduction the portrayal of the
49:2449:24 - suffering of Christ it’s not just the person of the Messiah that’s prophecied it’s also his sufferer um and what you
49:3149:31 - need to emphasize that is that you know like it’s not simply that a messiah would come to save the Jews that is true
49:3949:39 - save God’s people but that he would come to suffer for them that is right there as well um and as I say this is a
49:4949:49 - stumbling Bo has been a stumbling PO for the Jewish people for centuries Millennia now um but that doesn’t mean
49:5649:56 - what we’re saying isn’t right there yeah yeah all right so as I said a bit
50:0850:08 - shorter this week here talking about the old testament’s portrayal of the suffering of Jesus and how the Messiah
50:1650:16 - was prefigured in the Old Testament so Jesus Christ specifically and what he came to do for us by suffering for our
50:2350:23 - sins and our place upon the cross uh we talked just about how from the very beginning the Bible has has given us
50:3050:30 - this understanding of the Messiah who was would come to save us from our sins we mentioned this verse in Luke chapter
50:3750:37 - 24: 27 that talks about you know Jesus explaining to those men on the road to emus everywhere that the scripture spoke
50:4550:45 - of him and uh you know we don’t have that conversation but we’ve just gone through some things that should show us
50:5050:50 - that yay verily the Old Testament really does point to Jesus and him crucified at that and so that that is just what we’ve
50:5750:57 - been talking about here in this lesson and so blood sacrifice is very obvious symbolic pointer that that points us
51:0451:04 - straight to the cross the blood sacrifice are just Shadows of Jesus’s sacrifice upon the cross the symbolism
51:1051:10 - has been clear it has been there from Genesis 3: 21 the prto evangelium it’s been there since the beginning has
51:1851:18 - always been consistent in pointing us to the necessity of shedding blood to pay for sin um and of course Jesus is that
51:2651:26 - final sacrifice like Romans sorry Hebrews chapter nine talks about once for all he died upon the cross to deal
51:3351:33 - with sin and death then we talked about prophecy various verses like genesis chapter 3:1 15 with the uh you know
51:4151:41 - Jesus crushing the head of The Serpent and the serpent striking his heel you know the bronze uh the bronze serpent
51:4951:49 - put up on the staff to take away uh the sins of the people you know the Venom saving them from when they were bitten
51:5551:55 - and all these other things that point to Jesus’s suffering as the Messiah like Isaiah chapter 53 the suffering servant
52:0252:02 - just also serve to point us not only to Jesus Christ as the coming Messiah but also point us directly towards him
52:1152:11 - suffering for our sin both of these things together give us that picture that the Old Testament very much spoke
52:1952:19 - of the Messiah and what he would do for us so that’s been this section here um in the next lessons here we’re going to
52:2552:25 - be focusing on appearances of God in the Old Testament so theophanies and christophanies and what the differences
52:3352:33 - between them are and things like that so that’s where we’re going to turn next