Trinity Roles as Demonstrated in Gods Plan for Human History



The best way to get an understanding of how the three members of the Trinity work together in perfect unity to establish their shared Will (despite their different roles) is to go through some examples. The principle is true generally, but by examining the the roles taken by the Trinity in several specific areas, we can come to get a better view of how this concept actually works in practice. The roles the Trinity chose to adopt do not restrict God; rather, they are labels given to us to help us better conceptualize Him, given the confines of our limited human understanding.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
02:3102:31 - Overview
11:3411:34 - A non-exhaustive list of examples
13:2413:24 - The Plan of God Generally
15:5015:50 - Creation of the World
33:4533:45 - Revelation of the Word
41:1541:15 - Christ’s 1st Advent
45:0145:01 - The Victory of Salvation
53:1753:17 - Reconciliation of the Believer
56:5456:54 - Regeneration of the Believer
01:09:0201:09:02 - Walk of the Believer
01:30:5001:30:50 - Virtues of the Believer
01:50:4601:50:46 - Spiritual Gifts of the Believer
01:58:0401:58:04 - Prayers of the Believer
02:10:2902:10:29 - Caveats
02:26:0102:26:01 - Summary and outro


(Derived from


When we are face to face with God, we shall “know even as we are known” (1Cor.13:12). Until that time, our understanding of God in three persons is essentially dependent upon the way the Bible reveals the Trinity in the process of carrying out God’s plan for human history. In the following sections, we will briefly be examining the different roles taken by the Trinity in several aspects of administering that plan.

A non-exhaustive list of examples

There are more things that could be discussed than the few cases we will be going over here. Even with just a few examples, though, it should be clear how the working out of God’s plan for human history helps us understand the roles that the members of the Trinity have adopted.

The Plan of God Generally

Authorized by the Will of the Father (Eph.1:11; Rev.4:11), executed by the Word, the Son (Heb.1:2-3; Jn.1:1-3), administered through the Wisdom and power of the Spirit (Is.11:2; Zech.4:6).

Creation of the World

Directed by the Father (Gen.1:1; 1:3; Rev.4:11), carried out by the Son (1Cor.8:6; Col.1:16; Heb.1:2), empowered by the Spirit (Ps.33:6b; Prov.8:27-31).

Revelation of the Word

The Father expresses the Word (Is.55:11; also Is.40:8; 45:23), Christ is the Word (Jn.1:1-3; Heb.1:3), the Holy Spirit reveals the Word (1Cor.2:10-16).

Christ’s 1st Advent

Christ is sent by the Father (Heb.10:7), conceived (Matt.1:20), led (Matt.4:1), and empowered (Jn.3:34) by the Spirit as He carries out His ministry of self-sacrifice for our salvation.

The Victory of Salvation

(See Matt.12:20; Jn.16:33; 1Cor.15:54-57; Col.2:15; Rev.5:5)

The Father sends the Son on the mission (Jn.3:16), the Son accomplishes the mission (Jn.19:30; Heb.10:7), the Holy Spirit supports the mission (Matt.3:16; Jn.3:34).

Reconciliation of the Believer

Though estranged from the Father (Eph.4:18; Col.1:21; 1Jn.1:3 & 6), we are restored to fellowship with Him through the mediation of the Son by means of His sacrifice on the cross (Eph.2:12-13; Col.1:22; Heb.2:14-15), with the Spirit acting as the agent of our renewed fellowship (2Cor.13:14; Phil.2:1).

Regeneration of the Believer

The Father holds the key to eternal life (Jn.5:19-26; Rom.5:10-11), the Son purchased access to eternal life by His death for all who believe in Him (Acts 3:15; 20:28; 1Pet.1:18), the Spirit quickens or regenerates believers (Jn.3:5-8).

Walk of the Believer

The Father sets the standard of holiness (2Cor.7:1; 1Thes.4:3; Heb.12:14; 1Pet.1:16), the Son is the model (Matt.16:24; 1Cor.11:1; 1Thes.1:6), the Spirit provides the power to live as God would have us live (Rom.8:4; Gal.5:16).

Virtues of the Believer

The Father gives us the example of love (Jn.3:16; 1Jn.4:7-12) by sending His Son, who is the object our faith (Jn.14:6; Act 16:31), so that we look forward to our resurrection with a hope empowered by the Holy Spirit (Rom.15:13).

Spiritual Gifts of the Believer

Given by the Spirit, with specific ministries assigned by the Son and specific effects decreed by the Father (1Cor.12:4-6).

Prayers of the Believer

Offered to the Father (Matt.6:6), in the name of the Son (Jn.15:16; 16:23), accomplished in the power of the Spirit (Eph.6:18).


These examples are given to help explain and expound the Trinity as the Bible reveals the doctrine, but the “division of labor” suggested by them is not to be taken as strict in all cases. In most of these (and other) joint actions of the Trinity, there is overlap and further subdivision of responsibilities which is often only hinted at in scripture.

To take the last case, for example, prayer in scripture is almost always addressed to the Father, but Jesus does say (in Jn.14:14), that if we ask Him anything in His name He will do it. A major controversy in the history of the church – one that split the east from the west – had to do with the “procession of the Spirit” and the question of whether the Father only (Jn.14:26) or the Father and the Son had sent Him (Jn.15:26). In some sense, both are right (the issue turns on the Father’s role as possessing original authority and the Son’s role receiving delegated authority – note the stress on role). Therefore, in our appreciation of the Trinity, we should be careful to restrict ourselves to learning what such scriptures actually teach us, and not build dispositive doctrinal principles (that is, those purporting to settle a matter for all time, with a sense of certainty and finality) solely on deductions stemming from them. For one thing is crystal clear from everything we may glean from scripture: the members of the Trinity are undeniably “one” in their unity and purpose.

Video/audio transcript

00:0000:00 - so picking up in our next section in the study here of Bible basics part one theology we are still talking about the
00:0700:07 - Trinity roles and now we’re going to be examining them as they’re demonstrated in God’s plan for human history so in
00:1500:15 - the last main lesson of this series we were discussing uh the Trinity roles as kind of seen in some specific New
00:2200:22 - Testament scriptures and now we’re going to kind of take a step back and look from a conceptual level at some of the
00:2800:28 - parts of God’s plan for human history and how the Trinity roles are present in making those uh those aspects of his
00:3600:36 - plan work out um so we’re just going to kind of talk about the the concept in general about how the roles can be seen
00:4400:44 - in the plan of God for human history that’s kind of how we understand God and we see how he works um in all of his
00:5000:50 - actions taken in regards to us uh so you know creating mankind saving mankind that sort of thing um and so here’s a
00:5700:57 - non-exhaustive list of examples that we’re be going through talking about the Trinity roles working out sorry working
01:0601:06 - within certain aspects of the plan of God so we’re going to kind of talk about the plan of God generally um then
01:1101:11 - creation of the world revelation of the word of God Christ’s first Advent the victory of Salvation that happened at
01:1901:19 - the cross reconciliation of the believer regeneration of the believer the Walk of the believer Virtues Of The Believer
01:2601:26 - spiritual gifts of the believer and then prayers of the believer and um again not meant to be an
01:3201:32 - exhaustive list here but just examples of uh how the three roles in the Trinity the three members of the Trinity adopt
01:4001:40 - their roles as it relates to God’s plan for human history and then finally we’re going to talk about caveats about more
01:4701:47 - or less how the roles are not uh how shall we say this like hard and fast rules as in it’s not so much an ability
01:5601:56 - thing with regards to the members of the Trinity acting the way they do as if they couldn’t act in any other way as it
02:0202:02 - is how they have chosen um the roles that they have adopted in how they relate to us in the plant and so um and
02:1102:11 - and basically how the lines get blurry in some places and um you know this isn’t so much as I say describing God’s
02:1602:16 - nature as a black and white um sort of God has to work this way or that way but this is how God has chosen to operate so
02:2602:26 - we’ll get to all that but this is the outline of the things that we are going to be going over this
02:3402:34 - week all right so the first uh main thing that we’re going to be talking about just kind of this overview idea of
02:4102:41 - what it means for the Trinity roles to show up in the plan of God for human history and so when we get to the other
02:4802:48 - side um after uh the heavens and the Earth have been remade the father is dwelling with us in the New Jerusalem
02:5602:56 - alongside the fellowship of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and when we are all with one another all of the believing
03:0203:02 - people from all times and places in history well at that point we will know even as we are known that is the
03:0803:08 - terminology that scripture uses to describe this concept but until that time our understanding of God in three
03:1503:15 - persons is essentially dependent on the way that the Bible reveals the trinity in the process of carrying out God’s
03:2203:22 - plan for human history and so this actually shouldn’t come as any sort of large surprise to us um in as much as
03:3003:30 - we understand God from you know our interactions with him as humans and so uh the Angels existed with God prior to
03:4003:40 - this creation cycle we would say prior to the existence of mankind and so their understanding of God you know God has
03:4703:47 - always been trinitarian in nature he didn’t become trinitarian with the creation of man he has always been so um
03:5403:54 - it’s actually somewhat interesting to consider how their conception of God if you will might be colored by God’s
04:0104:01 - interactions with them just how our conception of God is colored by God’s interactions with us now of course we
04:0804:08 - have some inkling of how Angelic history went down and how it is still currently playing out and Satan’s Final
04:1504:15 - Destination in the Lake of Fire and things like that but the point for us as humans is that we understand God
04:2204:22 - primarily through how he interacts with us in material creation um and so we’re going to be going through us the roles
04:3104:31 - taken by the trinity in a few aspects of God administering his plan for human history um and so uh that isn’t I’m
04:4004:40 - trying to think about how to say this that isn’t just like his plan for people this is this universe this present
04:4604:46 - creation this Cosmos that we inhabit uh God’s plan for all of it uh so what we might think of material creation um so
04:5404:54 - human history is a good way to say that because as uh you know the creatures that God has created with free will we
05:0205:02 - are the subjects uh in creation who choose for and against God in a way that animals do not and so we are distinct
05:1005:10 - from them in that we have the image of God uh that that’s a verse in Genesis chapter 1 Genesis 1127 talks about us
05:1705:17 - being the given the image and likeness of God and um ichus takes that to be human Free Will essentially the ability
05:2305:23 - to choose is what makes us Godlike um and so for that reason we are the focus of God’s Redemptive plan towards
05:3205:32 - creation um so along those lines what we’re going to be focusing on is how God acts towards us and what that tells us
05:4205:42 - about the roles that the members of the Trinity have chosen to adopt so you have any any just wider points you want to
05:4905:49 - make about why we’re approaching this concept talking about the plan of God um I know in the past we we’ve often taken
05:5705:57 - that step back just to try to to contextualize our in sort of the purpose of all creation um yeah uh there isn’t
06:0706:07 - really much that I would say I except something I’ve said in the past I’m sure I’ll I’ll essentially be repeating
06:1406:14 - myself um our interest in uh how the Trinity Works what the Trinity is and all of that
06:2306:23 - is because it helps us to appreciate what God is doing in our experience there the the way that
06:3306:33 - the Bible is structured we’re not told things just for the sake of being given information there are lots of things the
06:4006:40 - Bible does not tell us about eternity about God about the Angels even about life in this world lots of things that
06:4906:49 - we’re discovering um scientifically and having experience in the Bible does not concern itself with not because we don’t
06:5606:56 - have any interactions with those things but because ultim they’re not particularly relevant to the experience
07:0207:02 - we are having spiritually we’re here to make a choice about the Lord and in order to help us understand what the
07:1107:11 - issues are and understand what the stakes are we’re given a wealth of information much beyond what we um will
07:2007:20 - fully appreciate in this life and use but everything that is relevant to our actually making those
07:2707:27 - choices that is why we have any information on the Trinity as I have said before this thing even though we
07:3507:35 - did not know we we don’t see in the Old Testament that um there was the father the word the the spirit the son whether
07:4307:43 - you call it the word or the son the same thing even though we don’t see that particularly in view in the Old
07:5007:50 - Testament we will find lots of scriptures in the Old Testament that tell us that there is something um
07:5607:56 - interesting about the the the person of God we see him as one but we also see multiple personalities who are God we
08:0608:06 - see that in the Old Testament but we don’t actually see who is what where in the Trinity we don’t see the trinity in
08:1308:13 - view in the Old Testament but in the New Testament it’s brought to light it’s made clear to us and the reason for that
08:2008:20 - is because it’s bound this whole idea of the Trinity is bound with God’s Plan of Redemption so um I would say that
08:3008:30 - uh our interest in this is essentially to understand what the Lord is doing with us it is bound with the plan that
08:3808:38 - God has for realizing a family in the end and because man is Central to it because Christ is Central to that plan
08:4508:45 - we come to appreciate um what the Bible says about the Trinity as a result so um again it’s like one of those things
08:5408:54 - where um some people might feel it’s not relevant to my faith whether there are people who would say well uh it doesn’t
09:0109:01 - matter if I believe that the three are three separate persons or if it is one person wearing three different hats and
09:0609:06 - all of that but it’s going to affect your understanding of Salvation it’s going to affect your understanding of
09:1109:11 - why you’re still here after you’ve believed in Jesus Christ if you don’t understand the Trinity as the Bible has
09:1809:18 - given us to understand it so um that’s that’s what I would say it’s important to uh appreciate what the Bible has to
09:2909:29 - say about all of these things um particularly about this so that we can have um Clarity we can understand what
09:3809:38 - it is we’re doing here on Earth that’s what I have to say yeah I mean and I think it is no exaggeration to say that
09:4609:46 - you cannot properly understand Redemption for us as humans if you don’t understand the Trinity right um you know
09:5309:53 - there’s a reason why Jesus being God and man is considered to be part of the Gospel message the body of Christ so to
09:5909:59 - speak and you can’t really properly understand who Jesus was and why he was sent that is sent by the father and how
10:0710:07 - he was empowered by the Holy Spirit if you don’t understand the Trinity now the point in saying this is that we
10:1410:14 - understand the Trinity most fundamentally through God’s Redemptive plan for us as humankind right that was
10:2010:20 - kind of the overview here that’s why we’re going to be looking at all of these points along U you know as as
10:2710:27 - points along the path of human Redemption and God plan for human history but the purpose of this like
10:3210:32 - Audi has been saying is to help us make sense of that um that is the light in which we understand the Trinity and that
10:4010:40 - is the light in which these rules were adopted and I’m going to keep harping on that point because there are actually
10:4510:45 - plenty of folks who who teach things other than that as in the roles of the Trinity are inherent to God’s nature of
10:5210:52 - the three persons although we don’t find that persuasive because we say God share is one Essence so the differences in the
11:0011:00 - members of the Trinity and how they act are adopted roles for the sake of redeeming mankind right there it’s a
11:0711:07 - choice um and that’s an important point to make right God has choice in the same way that we do um but the roles of God
11:1511:15 - are demonstrated through his actions in his plan rather than God being bound as if his hands were tied um so we’ll get
11:2411:24 - to that I think a little bit more a future section not so much this one but just important points to make here about
11:3111:31 - God’s roles showing up in the plan for human history so now we’re going to be going
11:3911:39 - through a non-exhaustive list of examples of parts of God’s plan for human history and how the roles of the
11:4811:48 - Trinity are demonstrated in these parts of the plan so uh purpose of this slide more or less just to say that more
11:5511:55 - things could be discussed than those we are going over here even with just a few examples though like the few that we’re
12:0112:01 - going to go over in kind of upcoming slides here it should be clear how the working out of God’s plan for human
12:0912:09 - history helps us understand the roles that the member of the Trinity have adopted that is it will shed light on
12:1712:17 - how the Trinity operates within material creation that’s kind of the point of us going through all these examples but
12:2512:25 - just because we go through I don’t know 10 examples or however many exactly we’re going through here doesn’t mean
12:3012:30 - that there aren’t more instances and in fact it is no exaggeration to say that everything that God is working out in
12:3712:37 - the world his entire plan has all three members of the Trinity involved adopting adopting the roles that they have chosen
12:4612:46 - to support God’s Redemptive purposes for Humanity throughout all creation right in fact you should think of this as
12:5212:52 - basically unlimited as in not just in these areas as if in all the other areas only one member of the trinity is
12:5912:59 - involved but this kind of applies all the way across the board so that’s what I would say uh by way of
13:0813:08 - starting out here um Audi have anything else before we get into specific examples
13:1513:15 - [Music] um I don’t think I I don’t I don’t think I do right now just keep going okay
13:2613:26 - yeah so this one might be kind of cheating almost but the first thing we’re going to talk about is just the
13:3213:32 - plan of God generally so I know I said we’re going to be talking about specific cases here but this is kind of what I
13:3813:38 - was getting at uh just a moment ago that everything in the plan of God uh actually involves the roles in the
13:4613:46 - Trinity fulfilling their parts it’s not just um it’s not just this part and that part and that part as if there are Parts
13:5313:53 - where this doesn’t apply but the entire fabric of creation if you will has the roles of the Trinity operating um in
14:0214:02 - perfect Unity again not completely separate as in separate Wills the one will of God um operating out in Perfect
14:0914:09 - Harmony to bring about God’s purposes so the entire plan of God generally is authorized by the will of the father so
14:1714:17 - decreed by the will of the father executed by the word the son and administered through the wisdom and
14:2514:25 - power of the spirit so empowered by the spirit with evil restrained by the spirit like we’ve talked about in the
14:3114:31 - past um now there are a lot of scripture references in all of these slides um if people have questions we can go through
14:3914:39 - some of them I was going to leave this as sort of something that um people who come back and are watching this we go
14:4514:45 - through this um kind of do take your time to look at the references see where we’re getting what we’re talking about
14:5114:51 - but as we make a pass through this study at the top level was thinking we were going to talk about the concepts more
14:5714:57 - and trust that the scripture the Dr luganville uses to support what we’re saying here it’s pretty straightforward
15:0215:02 - most of the time and that’s another reason why I was thinking maybe we wouldn’t go through passage by passage
15:0715:07 - here um so for example that um the plan of God is authorized by the will of the father and executed by the son and
15:1415:14 - administered through the power of the spirit um all of these things you will see um come up in scriptures reasonably
15:2215:22 - directly like we’re not making big jumps here and that’s true for most of the examples as we go through them here but
15:2915:29 - for this first one mostly what we’re talking about is how the plan of God WR large not just individual facets of it
15:3615:36 - but how the whole thing also follows this pattern that we’re talking about about the roles of the members of the
15:4315:43 - Trinity being involved from the get-go um all the way throughout the plan rather than just focusing on specific
15:4915:49 - portions of it uh perhaps one of the most uh not easy to understand but uh uh something
15:5915:59 - that is easy for us to conceptualize in how this division of labor uh might be split out is the creation of the world
16:0616:06 - of the universe generally um and so if you think of uh creation as a process where God is building the universe if
16:1516:15 - you will in the same way um that Carpenters might build a house or things like that so we would say that the
16:2116:21 - father is the one who came up with the blueprints he’s the architect the one who has the plans and the authority to
16:2816:28 - direct the construction we would say um carried out by the son um who’s the one who affects uh creation who who bends
16:3716:37 - material Universe to his will we we might say and then empowered by the Holy Spirit um the one who is um who whose
16:4816:48 - role in this process is to um give the Firepower we might say to bring it about and so this division here um that we
16:5616:56 - have have brought about the architect and and the one who does things the one who acts in a visible Manner and the one
17:0217:02 - who acts in a less visible manner but behind the scenes to support that which is being done that is nothing new that
17:1017:10 - is what we have been talking about here but um in the creation of the world and and everything that is in it right so
17:1817:18 - that includes us as humans we can see that this division of labor is present uh among the members of the Trinity and
17:2617:26 - as we’ve been saying this is true for everything throughout God’s plan uh for human history plan for the universe
17:3317:33 - generally but it is kind of obvious in creation right um now when we see god mentioned in Genesis we will get to this
17:4317:43 - in not the lesson that we’re kind of currently focused on so this video but the next one that we do we’re going to
17:4717:47 - be talking a bit more specifically about uh God in the Old Testament and how do we know which member of the Trinity is
17:5417:54 - kind of meant in which place and things like that um but the point Point here is is that these are how the roles manifest
18:0318:03 - in the process of creation um now um this is a little bit off topic so I hope you’ll forgive me here it’s interesting
18:1118:11 - to consider how this was true not only in the days of recreation that um those of us who believe in the so-called
18:1918:19 - Genesis Gap postulate between the first and second verses of Genesis chapter 1 that is the world was judged on account
18:2718:27 - of Satan’s rebellion and and in the book of uh the first couple chapters of Genesis we actually have an account of
18:3318:33 - God’s Recreation of the world um so he blacked out the universe in judgment um uh the Waters of the deep you know were
18:4118:41 - spread across you know everything would be snuffed out in darkness this is why we see a state of Darkness at the
18:4618:46 - beginning of the book of Genesis even though God is light well this division of labor as I say we have in a visible
18:5418:54 - sense to us because the account of creation that we are given in the book of Genesis well it’s very human-
19:0119:01 - centered right you see uh we have you know the division of the waters above from the waters below and the creation
19:0719:07 - of lights and the creation of animals but in fact a lot of ink is spent in those initial chapters talking about the
19:1319:13 - creation of humankind uh for obvious purposes the Bible is the book given to us by God to help us understand him so
19:2019:20 - it’s obviously going to be focused on us but take a step back and consider that God had actually already created the
19:2719:27 - universe flora and FAA and uh you know things we don’t even know we we do know that um the Angels initially inhabited
19:3519:35 - Earth just like us right this planet we would say in our solar system in our galaxy and what have you but God’s
19:4219:42 - creation this is not the first time right and so if we are talking about creation and how the father’s the
19:4919:49 - architect and the son’s the agent and the spirit’s the empowerer well consider that what was it like the first time and
19:5719:57 - I don’t want to get off in the weeds but I think it’s interesting to consider that the roles that God has adopted with
20:0320:03 - regards to humanity right we’ve been arguing that we understand God through his roles as they manifest in our
20:1220:12 - universe you know this present creation and how God interacts with us well did those carry back into how God interacts
20:1820:18 - with the angels as well and I think um again I don’t want to get too of in the weeds here that you can postulate that
20:2520:25 - the answer is yes because Jesus Christ um has United himself to humanity he took on a full human nature he is one of
20:3420:34 - us and that should blow our minds right that God um that Jesus Christ is now fully God yet fully man and he chose to
20:4020:40 - adopt a human nature rather than an Angelic nature for example um God created the angels too um so that these
20:4820:48 - roles aren’t just necessarily the playing out with regards to God’s relationship to humanity but God’s
20:5520:55 - relationship to all of his creatures right and this to tie it back into a point that I know Audie has has made
21:0221:02 - very well multiple times throughout the study is why this rebellion of Satan and God’s plan for us as being replacements
21:1021:10 - for the fallen angels He is restoring his family those who want to choose for him that’s why we were created not just
21:1721:17 - to manifest the glory of God you know that’s the normal catechism answer but also because of this wider conflict
21:2321:23 - playing out on the pages of History we might say human beings are part of this story that is unfolding in the universe
21:3121:31 - and so for that reason it’s not just like God has this one relationship with us as humans and then he’s completely
21:3921:39 - different in how he acts with the angels I would say that it is more about how he interact with material creation um so
21:4821:48 - again don’t want to get too off in the weeds there but the point is in God’s creation of the universe we see this
21:5421:54 - division in the responsibilities that the members of the Trinity have and and that division that is present here will
22:0122:01 - show up all throughout all of the other examples we talk about as well right so um with respect to uh the
22:1222:12 - Angels um yeah it it it only stands to reason as far as I can see that indeed the the roles of God were
22:2422:24 - also uh at play then the reason I would say so is it’s not as if we’re an afterthought or that something went
22:3622:36 - wrong in the plan that God had and he had to make a fix all of this is the plan of God the Angels the
22:4522:45 - human race and ultimately the blend of God’s family at the end he always meant to have a family that came out of the
22:5522:55 - tests that angels went through that human being are going through so everything that has happened is part of
23:0323:03 - that test that’s that’s actually the reason that um we say some of the things we say like
23:0923:09 - for example that uh mankind is sort of the centerpiece the the the Lynch pin of God’s plan
23:1823:18 - because it’s it’s the Christ who is both man and God who makes the plan of God possible so without human Humanity
23:2923:29 - the plan of God would not really work because okay let’s uh let’s let’s consider this thoughts just a little bit
23:3823:38 - um if God had just created the family he wanted and not granted the opportunity for testing and
23:4723:47 - everything on what basis really would this eternal family be satisfied that their God is a good god
23:5823:58 - it would be like a fate accomp if if they have the capacity to reason through the whole Business of Being God’s family
24:0624:06 - they would essentially have to just deal with the fact that they are supposed to be his family without any
24:1424:14 - choice in the matter now there’s no there’s no reason God can’t have that he is God he can do
24:2024:20 - whatever he wants but his character constrains him to make a family that wants to be his
24:3024:30 - family eternally and for that to be the case they have to be able to make a choice
24:3524:35 - that’s number one then number two they have to see the aftermath of those choices they have to see the
24:4124:41 - demonstration of God’s character in real time to them and to others that satisfies any possible question that
24:5024:50 - could arise as to whether being part of God’s family is a good thing for them or not so when the creation of the Angels
25:0025:00 - it was it just makes sense to to think that the way that God conducted himself toward them would not be terribly
25:0725:07 - different than the way he he conducted he he conducts himself toward us the the big differences would be that the Angels
25:1525:15 - were created given all the advantages so that they did not need to sin there was no impetus there was no no necessity to
25:2425:24 - sin in fact um one of the things that we discussed today uh during our our family bible study was that it wasn’t so much
25:3225:32 - that God made the Angels unable to repent as if he gave them a handicap it was that he gave them such a huge
25:3825:38 - advantage that they didn’t need to be able to repent in other words their understanding of God was made so
25:4825:48 - great that their their their knowledge was so vast and it it it encompassed everything in a way that human beings
25:5725:57 - simply don’t quite have their ability to do so when they made a choice it’s it would have been
26:0526:05 - impossible to get them to change their minds because they had taken just about everything into account at making that
26:1026:10 - choice what new information could you give to them that would change their minds now for example consider that um
26:1726:17 - Satan knows very well he knows this is it’s not hidden from him that the Bible says he’s going to lose this fight he
26:2426:24 - knows it and he knows the time that he’s working with he knows the time that the Lord has given for the testing of
26:3126:31 - mankind the Bible even tells us not only that he loses this phase of the B of the of the battle this phase of the war he
26:3926:39 - loses completely the church is completed and given into the Embrace of the Lord Jesus Christ then he sees the Millennium
26:4726:47 - come to pass and the the the um contingent of the uh friends of the Bride realized he will see all of these
26:5626:56 - things happen prophecy completely fulfilled And yet when he is released from his prison what does he do he goes
27:0627:06 - right back to war that’s what he does so it’s not so these these these differences
27:1427:14 - that we see between them and us they’re not big enough to to suggest that there was a difference in the way that the
27:2027:20 - Lord handled them except of course there was no plan for Redemption for them because they would not you know take
27:2627:26 - advantage of that plan and I mean and I wasn’t trying to make a Grand Point by this other than I think it’s very
27:3227:32 - Illuminating for us to consider some people seem to really bulk at this idea that we understand God through our
27:3927:39 - relationship with him as in they view that as um fundamentally almost conditional upon humankind you see what
27:4627:46 - I’m saying rather than an and a characteristic of God who is independent from Human perspective we would say and
27:5327:53 - I was just trying to bring up the idea that well there was a time before h right and the way in which God
28:0228:02 - operates his choice is independent from our perception of him right we do not alter God’s being just by watching him
28:0928:09 - for example um or any nonsense like that and um something else that occurred to me as you were talking as well so this
28:1528:15 - idea of angelic knowledge was progressive revelation that’s a theological term that we typically use
28:2128:21 - to say that basically God hasn’t revealed his full plan to people throughout all of history right so the
28:2828:28 - before the first Advent of Christ it was kind of a mystery it was hidden from people’s eyes that there would be two
28:3328:33 - advents rather than just one well that applies to angels as well um not perhaps in quite the same way as we are because
28:4128:41 - they have vastly more knowledge than we do but there’s this verse in I think it’s in First Peter that talks about
28:4628:46 - even angels want to look into these things right yeah you know and and so this idea of progressive revelation
28:5328:53 - applies to angels as well um and so specifically actually God sending Jesus Christ to the Cross you know we talk
29:0329:03 - about this as this was the the move whereby Jesus crushed the head of the serpent we would say right fulfilling
29:0929:09 - that Prophecy from Genesis chapter 3 um well Satan didn’t see this move coming right God hadn’t exactly made it clear
29:1829:18 - to the angels beforehand that the second person in the Trinity was going to take on a human nature and die for the sins
29:2429:24 - of mankind that caught them by surprise we would say right um and as wise as the
29:3229:32 - angels are they didn’t see what we would call the the move of Victory right that God’s won you know we we do believe this
29:4129:41 - by the way positionally the cross is the turning point of all history Jesus conquered death death has no power over
29:4829:48 - us anymore the battle has already been won on the basis of the blood of Christ on the cross but they didn’t see it
29:5429:54 - coming and moreover the roles that went into into that Jesus adopting a human nature in submission it’s not that he
30:0230:02 - ever wasn’t acting as the agent before that but that particular facet of it was not realized until the Incarnation right
30:1030:10 - and so angels are learning too right they’re different from us they learn differently they make their choices
30:1530:15 - differently but this idea of God’s revelation of himself which is very fundamental to the Trinity actually we
30:2130:21 - will get to that again not this lesson but I think in the next one we’ll talk about this why didn’t God just tell
30:2730:27 - Humanity about the TR from the very beginning it’s a good question right um well we’re going to address that then
30:3330:33 - but it also applies to how the Angels conceive of God right and they see God’s roles working out in his Redemptive plan
30:4030:40 - for All Creatures yeah so yeah so we we we might not actually you know consider that
30:4730:47 - there was a Redemptive plan for them at that time because as we s with the position of mankind is that we start
30:5330:53 - from the place of sin they started from the place of righteousness so it was more like um
30:5830:58 - uh is this God worthy of continuing to receive our service and our worship
31:0631:06 - that’s where they were but as such um one thing that I’ve seen exus talk about is that Satan actually envied the second
31:1331:13 - person of the Trinity the role the place he had in creation you know so it was like even then they knew
31:2231:22 - about the Trinity and of course there had to be there was still that sort of division so to speak of roles some
31:2731:27 - something that um Would Have Made It sensible to think that Satan would go well if the second person of of the
31:3631:36 - Trinity um should have these privileges why can’t I you know and remember too that this is something that humanity is
31:4231:42 - also dealing with a sense of uh Envy of the Lord Jesus in the position he has you know in God’s plan and in in God’s
31:5331:53 - world so to speak so you you find a lot of people who want to be christs just like him or people who want to demote
32:0032:00 - him to the position of just any other Prophet he’s no better than I am so to speak so people have to deal with that
32:0732:07 - sort of thing today and there is no reason to think that um the Angels did not also have to deal with that um so
32:1532:15 - yeah that’s that’s what I would say I think that there is a place for uh that thought yeah for sure and I would say a
32:2232:22 - good way to put what we’re talking about is that the throne that Satan usurped is the Throne of Jesus Christ right and
32:3032:30 - Jesus will come back um we kind of already did after the resurrection but especially after his return he’ll make
32:3632:36 - the world foot stol um for the father well s or Jesus will sit at the right hand of God the father right um and that
32:4432:44 - Throne that’s what we’re talking about that’s the one that Satan us serve we call him the prince of the power of the
32:4832:48 - air I think that’s Ephesians 2 right or maybe Ephesians one I don’t remember but the point is is that Satan stole this
32:5432:54 - and he stole the seat that rightfully belongs to Jesus Christ who is the true Morning Star and Jesus is going to take
32:5932:59 - it back there’s nothing Satan can do about it but anyway I’m sorry we got a little off topic there but this is a
33:0533:05 - very interesting conversation as it relates to the roles of God in all of material creation that wider plan that
33:1233:12 - we always like to kind of uh uh bring up The Echoes of as it goes about how we live our lives is that well this entire
33:1933:19 - thing is playing out this is why we’re here this is why the universe exists and God’s roles have been there from the
33:2633:26 - beginning right his his purposes his plans stand for all time and we are just part of that getting a glimpse into the
33:3533:35 - division that um God’s perfect Unity brings as he works out his plan in the world so including in creation as we’ve
33:4333:43 - just been going over yeah so having talked about the first example of the creation of the world and
33:5333:53 - how the roles in the Trinity manifest in that particular part of God plan we’re going to talk about the revelation of
34:0034:00 - the word next So within the three roles we would say the father expresses the word Christ is the word he is called the
34:1034:10 - logos the Divine logos in John chapter 1 The Living Word of God who became flesh and dwelt Among Us and the spirit is the
34:1934:19 - one who reveals the word and you could put in parentheses here to us he’s the one who makes spiritual things
34:2534:25 - intelligible to us without the Holy Spirit who convicts our hearts of the truth we would not be able to comprehend
34:3134:31 - spiritual things because we are not inherently spiritual in the way that it is necessary to do that so our ability
34:3934:39 - to understand and comprehend the truth comes from God and just a side tangent this is one of the reasons why it’s so
34:4634:46 - incredibly arrogant to think that we are somehow saved any other way other than by grace through faith right by Grace
34:5334:53 - emphasis on that because we couldn’t even understand the things we have to believe to be saved if it weren’t for
35:0035:00 - God helping us right see what I’m saying there like we couldn’t we couldn’t even take that step independent from God now
35:0535:05 - this doesn’t mean that God conditions our belief but it does mean that it is entirely through Grace that we are saved
35:1435:14 - but the purpose of this slide is getting at the revelation of the word of God to the world um and uh progressive
35:2235:22 - revelation does come into this right Jesus is the word of God John chapter 1 Express says that he is the agent in
35:2935:29 - creation right the world was made through him it’s how we would say it you know actually that gets back into
35:3535:35 - creation of the world that we just talked about but Jesus Christ is the Divine logos we don’t kind of fully
35:4235:42 - understand that until he comes in the flesh in the first Incarnation and in fact in a positional sense even though
35:4835:48 - Christ has already paid for our sin on the cross death is already defeated he’s going to return again in Revelation 19
35:5535:55 - to defeat the armies of the Antichrist at armag get in and then he will rule from Jerusalem during the Millennium
36:0136:01 - that’s kind of still coming positionally and if Christ is the word of God he is still present progressive being revealed
36:0836:08 - to the world however when we think about what Jesus is what he represents right God’s plan Jesus is the embodiment of
36:1936:19 - the word of God in the sense of the plan of God God’s relationship to humanity it all centers on Jesus Christ this is why
36:2736:27 - we say Jesus Jus is the word of God right he is the Lynch pin of God’s plan to save Humanity but in that sense Jesus
36:3636:36 - is an expression of the father’s will right of the Father’s Love we’ll get to that I mean I’m skipping ahead but
36:4236:42 - somewhere over here right we say that the father gives us an example of love in sending his son to die for us right
36:4836:48 - Jesus is the object of our faith and we have the hope of Resurrection since we are sealed with the Holy Spirit Well
36:5436:54 - that I mean all of these things are related of course what we’re saying is Jesus say the word of God the message of
37:0037:00 - God if you want to use that so the Greek word behind word here is logos and has a whole bunch of meanings actually it’s a
37:0737:07 - flexible word we would say um reason logic uh comes from the word too logic actually you can see the root there um
37:1537:15 - well Jesus is God’s message to humanity and in fact um one of my favorite passages I I I think I might have even
37:2337:23 - brought this up already once in the study but these first few verses of the book book of Hebrews are so powerful
37:2937:29 - right that in the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets in many times and in various ways but in these
37:3437:34 - last days he has spoken to us by his son spoken to us by his son his son as the word of God as the message of God right
37:4337:43 - an expression of the father’s will something that is visible to us in the word Jesus is the Father’s message what
37:4937:49 - he did for us on the cross is the Father’s message to us but we only understand that and uh and have it made
37:5737:57 - uh have it make sense to us through the quickening of the Holy Spirit and that’s a Ministry of the of the spirit um so
38:0538:05 - that is kind of where we’re going when we say that the roles of the Trinity are all in play when we talk about the um
38:1338:13 - when we talk about the revelation of the word of God in the world so aie anything you want to say on this
38:2038:20 - one yeah um I want to add that that word uh logos also his plan so again we come back to the plan of
38:3338:33 - God the plan of God is to have an eternal family and that plan is only possible because Jesus Christ would die
38:4038:40 - on the cross for human beings rescuing human beings and demonstrating to the angels that God is
38:4638:46 - both just and merciful and thus cementing his um right
38:5838:58 - to their worship and confirming those who chose loyalty to him and condemning those who
39:0439:04 - chose Rebellion against him so again this is God’s plan which we were
39:1439:14 - talking about a little earlier that he would have an eternal family and the way he would get it is
39:2039:20 - that he would create creatures with the ability to make choices and put them through experiences where they could
39:2539:25 - actually make choices and ultimately see how those choices play out and how God responds to them so that they can
39:3239:32 - appreciate whether they have made the right choice in standing with God and wanting to be his eternal family or
39:3939:39 - whether they’ve made the wrong one in choosing against him so in Jesus Christ all of this is embodied all of it is
39:4839:48 - fully embodied and the father again is presented as the one who expresses this plan
39:5839:58 - that is the one who speaks this plan and again Jesus Christ is the one who is basically the plan we see this for
40:0940:09 - example going all the way from Genesis to Revelation he is the one who is demonstrating what will happen on the
40:1640:16 - cross much later on when he Slaughters an animal in the garden and gives the the coat of skin to Adam and Eve and
40:2340:23 - then comes later on to die on the cross and will return later on to resurrect those who believe in him so we see we
40:3140:31 - see that Common Thread running through that he is he is the one that this whole thing has been about and the spirit is
40:3840:38 - the one who is revealing this that is he is the one who is bringing it to life in our eyes we’re seeing it happen you know
40:4640:46 - he made the Incarnation possible for example and he made the sacrifice possible and he raised the Lord Jesus
40:5440:54 - from the dead and so on and so forth and he has given us today the witness that we need in our own hearts of the reality
41:0041:00 - of this truth and if we choose to keep walking with the Lord every day learning about him he continues to
41:0841:08 - unveil what this plan of God really is as embodied in Jesus Christ so next we’re going to be talking
41:2041:20 - about Christ’s first Advent and obviously this is a big part of God’s plan for human history we would say in
41:2641:26 - fact culminating in Jesus’s death and Resurrection for us this is the central part of God’s plan for human history um
41:3541:35 - Christ uh in the Incarnation is sent by the father um and then conceived LED and empowered by the holy spirit in his
41:4341:43 - ministry as a human being um during the time we would say he was under kinosis and so when Jesus became man when he
41:5341:53 - dwelt Among Us um as a human being being he was not taking full advantage of his divine power right this is the doctrine
42:0242:02 - of kinosis but he still had the empowerment of the holy spirit in much the same way the Old Testament prophets
42:0842:08 - did except because it was Jesus it would be more more intensified more in quantity however you want to think about
42:1542:15 - it he was empowered by the spirit during the Incarnation um and uh in fact the spirit was Central to him paying for our
42:2342:23 - sin upon the cross as well um so taking that step back the first Advent of Jesus Christ and we would say this is uh the
42:3242:32 - the crown of thorns not the kingly crown right the suffering servant not the Conquering King that Jesus will be when
42:3842:38 - he returns during the second Advent well this particular phase in God’s plan for human history involved all three members
42:4642:46 - of the Trinity working together in the roles that they adopted uh for working out the plan of God just as we’ve been
42:5242:52 - talking about right uh Christ is sent on the father’s Authority as a representative of the father and so when
42:5942:59 - you think of all the language in the Gospel of John that comes along the lines of the one who sent me and and his
43:0643:06 - testimony Jesus is speaking of God the Father um and so God the father is the one without authority Jesus is sent by
43:1443:14 - him Jesus is the one who is sent the one we see the one who is before us before our eyes the one working out God’s plan
43:2243:22 - since the payment of human sin and in fact the Incarnation and all of Jesus’s suffering up until the cross well
43:3043:30 - obviously that was done by Jesus Christ right the agent but he also had the indwelling and the empowerment of the
43:3743:37 - Holy Spirit and the anointing of the Holy Spirit as well you know and this is kind of well symbolized by his baptism
43:4343:43 - which we’ve already been through um we I think we talked about that if not the last lesson at least too back um about
43:5043:50 - how Jesus’s baptism unlike the baptism of John the Baptist generally speaking represents um him being submerged in our
43:5843:58 - sin so to speak but coming up being resurrected after the cross God’s acceptance of his payment for our sin
44:0544:05 - right that is the the metaphor of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist well the spirit is the one who
44:1444:14 - enables this as well um so I don’t think too too much to say here other than it is another reflection of these roles
44:2144:21 - that we’ve been talking about um this time obviously very critically important to the plan of God in that the um the
44:2944:29 - conception the birth um the life the crucifixion the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the plan of God in essence
44:3844:38 - right this is the the Cornerstone the lynchpin of God’s redempt plan for Humanity um a you have anything to add
44:4744:47 - to this particular one no except just to repeat what I said yeah yeah it’s actually the same it’s the same as we
44:5644:56 - will continue to see now we’re going to talk about the victory of Salvation now this is
45:0845:08 - obviously very closely linked with Christ’s first Advent although the first Advent kind of encompasses both the
45:1345:13 - Incarnation and Christ payment for our sin where we would say the victory of Salvation really more focused on the
45:2045:20 - cross and what that means for us here um so if you think of this in an almost a military context or
45:2745:27 - something where we have these very clearly delineated Authority relationships um the father is the one
45:3345:33 - who sends the son on the mission the son is the one who accomplishes the mission and the Holy Spirit is the one who
45:3945:39 - supports the mission right so you want to think of it like a special operations mission right God is like Special
45:4645:46 - Operations Command that’s the father and the son is like the the the team of operatives that get sent to do it and
45:5345:53 - the spirit is supporting um the team leader down in the world right I’m not quite entirely The Perfect Analogy but
46:0146:01 - it helps us understand that the purpose of Christ coming into the world to pay for our sin it was a mission this is why
46:1146:11 - the Incarnation happened this is why he became a human being and lived Among Us was to take that penalty for our sin in
46:1946:19 - our place um this was the mission to which he had been assigned the cup that he was to drink from you want to use
46:2646:26 - that language as as he was praying in Gethsemane I think it’s in John chapter 17 I want to say maybe I’m wrong on that
46:3246:32 - you know he was praying for our benefit not because he didn’t actually want to do the will of the father but to give us
46:3846:38 - a sense of what he was willingly signing up for right he was accepting the mission that the father had given him um
46:4646:46 - to pay for all human sin past present and future that we might be reconciled to God the father that was the mission
46:5446:54 - that Jesus signed up for right um so that’s why the father sent him that’s what the son did when he was in the
47:0047:00 - world and he was supported by the spirit in this Mission assigned by the father again just the same idea that we’ve been
47:0847:08 - going through all along here yeah so can I say something yeah yeah keep going yeah go for it okay okay right so
47:1847:18 - there’s a there’s a reason I want to jump in here it’s critical to to remember that when the sun came for this
47:2747:27 - job for this Mission he had to live a truly human life without taking advantage of his
47:3447:34 - deity in any way this is something that I feel is usually lost not not not lost in its entirety I think that we all at
47:4347:43 - least comprehended on some level but there are certain things that about the way he lived his life and the things he
47:4947:49 - did that leads quite a few Believers to the conclusion that he he did take advantage
47:5747:57 - of his deity without realizing that doing so would have would have invalidated his sacrifice the Lord Jesus
48:0448:04 - had to be a real true human being like anybody else in this world he had to or else he couldn’t be the the captain of
48:1548:15 - our of our Salvation he couldn’t which explains then the father could send him and he
48:2448:24 - was going on on an extraordinarily difficult Mission nobody has had that kind of mission since the beginning of
48:3048:30 - the of the human race until now nobody could have been sent into a world in that way had to maintain perfect
48:3948:39 - righteousness and still die for the people who would eventually murder him people who persecuted him and ultimately
48:4548:45 - killed him and he was going to be paying the price of their sin by the by his death it was an impossible mission for
48:5248:52 - any ordinary human being to handle and remember even though he was born sinless even though he was special in every kind
49:0049:00 - of way he was still a human being so the only way he could have accomplished that mission was taking full advantage of the
49:0649:06 - Holy Spirit that’s the only way which of course brings the whole
49:1349:13 - idea you know to play that there was a division of roles he had to live a truly human life without taking advantage of
49:1949:19 - his deity the Holy Spirit had to play the part of supporting him that is he had to hold him up in the way that de
49:2649:26 - was supposed to hold him up and this the reason this this is critical for us to appreciate too is that in our own
49:3449:34 - personal lives as Christians in this world we have undertaken a very in fact you could say an impossible mission as
49:4049:40 - well and the person who is supporting that mission and making it possible at all is the holy spirit without him it’s
49:4749:47 - never going to work so again this division of roles comes to Bear because it shows us again as I’ve just
49:5749:57 - said how it is even possible for any of us to get through this world as a Believer and not lose our faith because
50:0450:04 - the captain of our Salvation did the same thing he lived a truly human life without taking any advantage of all the
50:1250:12 - advantages that he did have as God he certainly couldn’t be tempted with anything as God because he had
50:1950:19 - everything and yet when he was born into this world he was born to the line that God had promised would rule the world he
50:2750:27 - was born to the line of David and David had been promised that he would eventually rule the world that there
50:3250:32 - would always be someone sitting on the throne of Israel and ultimately God was going to give the rulership the
50:3850:38 - Premiership of the Nations to Israel so Jesus was born to that role but his family was poor and he wasn’t even
50:4650:46 - recognized as having come from the davidic line everybody thought he came from Galilee he did not come from
50:5250:52 - Galilee he was from Bethlehem in Judah they didn’t Accord him the respect that was due to him and he had to endure that
50:5850:58 - sort of thing how many of us could take that sort of trouble but this is what where again we see how this division of
51:0851:08 - labor works out he played his own role which was to live that life he was called To Live taking full advantage of
51:1451:14 - the role another one was playing the Holy Spirit supporting him in every way to make sure that that role worked out
51:2151:21 - and I think like you said I I I think we just it’s not so much that people would disagree with the point we’re making
51:2751:27 - like in a theological sense is that it just doesn’t get discussed that much right as in we we have this obvious
51:3351:33 - focus on the father sending Jesus and Jesus perfectly exercising his Free Will in the world but the thing is that on
51:4351:43 - its own in his Humanity Jesus couldn’t have done it right the Holy Spirit has to play that role of support otherwise
51:5051:50 - the Incarnation isn’t possible right I think maybe that’s a bit harder for us to grasp but um if you take a back and
51:5751:57 - you think when we fight against sin in the Christian Life sanctification if we try to do it solely on our own will now
52:0452:04 - of course we have a sin nature Jesus did not that that is a complicating Factor it is true however it is impossible for
52:1152:11 - human beings to completely you know turn their backs on sin 100% like how Jesus had to do to be a worthy sacrifice
52:2052:20 - without the power of the Holy Spirit right um so when Jesus is facing the tests why the devil you know as recorded
52:2752:27 - in the gospels you bet you he was praying and the Holy Spirit was working within him for him to resist the
52:3452:34 - Temptations for him to do the right thing in those circumstances and this is why the Bible says that Jesus can
52:4152:41 - sympathize with us he understands us because he was actually a human being in the same way that we are not just that I
52:4952:49 - don’t know he kind of looked like a human being but on the inside he was all different right no he was one of us
52:5452:54 - truly and that means that when he went through tests and trials and and tribulation and all that
53:0153:01 - difficulty that AI mentioned that no one before or since will ever have to endure what he endured he only got through it
53:0753:07 - with the power of the spirit he couldn’t have done it without the power of the Holy Spirit that’s where we see the
53:1253:12 - roles come into play like you said um yeah so now we’re going to talk about
53:2153:21 - the reconciliation of the believer and so we would say the believer to the father the father as the the face the
53:2853:28 - representation of deity right as Audi has used that phrase um the one who has the power to judge us as the one with
53:3653:36 - authority right well our reconciliation to God and and specifically the father as the one manifesting that
53:4353:43 - authoritative presence to us that happens through the payment of Jesus Christ that’s the victory of Salvation
53:4853:48 - we just talked about his payment for us on the cross the culmination of his Incarnation as a human being well the
53:5653:56 - Recon ilation of the believer to the father happens through the roles of the Trinity have adopted too so the father
54:0354:03 - is the one that we are positionally arrange estranged from um we are restored to fellowship with him through
54:1054:10 - the mediation of the son by means of his sacrifice on the cross right so Jesus intercedes from us he is he is our
54:1754:17 - Advocate and intercessor but he’s also the one who paid for our sin on the cross and the spirit is the one who
54:2554:25 - actually uh for lack of a better word makes that Fellowship possible with God as in we are united with God we have a
54:3254:32 - fellowship with him through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we talked about this a little bit before in you
54:3954:39 - know the the Great Commission the pass the passage that often gets proof text for water baptism we talked about how
54:4654:46 - actually we are becoming United with the person of God um father son and spirit it’s why the Trinity is invoked there
54:5454:54 - it’s not just oh well I’m going to do some ritual and say father son and spirit and wave my hand over you it is
55:0055:00 - you are becoming one with the Trinity which is composed of these three equal members we we use that Pastor to talk
55:0655:06 - about equality they’re mentioned in the same breath we become one with God upon belief upon spiritual baptism into the
55:1555:15 - person of the father and the son and the spirit and that is mediated through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit um in
55:2155:21 - Romans chapter 8 Paul says that those who do not have the Holy Spirit are not of God right we are sealed with the
55:2755:27 - spirit it is a sign of our belief right um it’s the hope of Resurrection we have that sealing of the Holy Spirit but the
55:3555:35 - spirit’s ministry here is the one of of reconciling us he’s actually the one through whom we have this reconciliation
55:4455:44 - we would say because his his indwelling presence within us is what gives us unity and fellowship with god um and so
55:5355:53 - uh in all three of these ways right again the father as the representation of authority the one whom we are
55:5855:58 - estranged from on account of our sin the son as our Advocate and intercessor alongside being the one who paid for our
56:0656:06 - sin through his actions on the cross and the spirit being the one who actually mediates that reconciliation between us
56:1356:13 - and God um by by indwelling us by giving us that by linking us to God the father and God the son and God the Holy Spirit
56:2256:22 - himself is is through that indwelling of the Holy Spirit within us um all three members of the Trinity heavily
56:2956:29 - involved in this process of reconciliation on that the theological term for it here a you have anything you
56:3756:37 - want to you want to comment on as it when it comes to this particular facet uh I don’t think I have much to
56:4556:45 - say on it um I think you’ve covered the grounds yeah I don’t think I have anything to say yeah all right good deal
57:0057:00 - so the next one we’re going to talk about is the Regeneration of the believer now I should say that I think
57:0757:07 - sometimes in uh trying to think about the right way to phrase this maybe the way people talk about regeneration you
57:1257:12 - may hear it combined with baptism or baptismal regeneration people sometimes get the wrong idea about this um this is
57:2157:21 - nothing more than us being indwell by the Holy Spirit after we believe so at the point of belief uh we are made new
57:2957:29 - people you know we are born again from above that’s the way that John chapter 3 would phrase it we put off the old man
57:3557:35 - and put on the new man and all of these things are describing our new state as God works within our hearts to unite us
57:4457:44 - with himself through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and so I feel like trying to think about the right way of
57:5157:51 - phrase is maybe certain groups throughout history have they’ve tried to like make this some sort of magical
57:5757:57 - ritual or something or I don’t know um I’m just trying to think about the way I just I feel like that there are
58:0558:05 - people who take regeneration that use that word and then they attach other things to it and they make it more
58:1058:10 - complicated than it really is um so I don’t want to get too off topic rambling here about all the the false things that
58:1658:16 - people say about this but it really is no more than us being united with God through the indwelling of the Holy
58:2458:24 - Spirit and once he is living within us he helps us resist sin and uh guide us in the truth and make spiritual things
58:3258:32 - known to us um there’s this verse I think it’s in first corini chapter one that talks about how one um like the uh
58:4558:45 - how foolish the gospel appears to those who are not being ADW by the Holy Spirit right um so we do not discern spiritual
58:5358:53 - things entirely intellectually but through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit he helps Quicken our minds to
59:0059:00 - spiritual truth so this is what we are talking about when we are talking about regeneration but to turn us back to the
59:0759:07 - roles in the Trinity the idea behind this um as it pertains to eternal life and us being sealed with the Holy Spirit
59:1559:15 - is that the father is sort of the one who holds the keys to eternal life uh the one who has the authority to uh to
59:2359:23 - give it or withhold it um the son is the one who purchased it uh by his death on the cross for all who believe in him and
59:3259:32 - this is traditional formulation of the Gospel nothing should sound new here but the spirit’s role in this is that he’s
59:3959:39 - the one who actually regenerates us the one who uh unites us with God and indwells us giving us that power to
59:4859:48 - discern spiritual things so there’s this passage here um that is quoted in John chapter 3 this is what I was mentioning
59:5559:55 - being born again from above right um and of course when Jesus is talking to uh Nicodemus In this passage um he kind of
01:00:0401:00:04 - doesn’t understand what what does it mean to be born again how can I go again into my mother’s womb but Jesus is
01:00:1201:00:12 - talking about us becoming part of um the body of Christ being baptized into the person of God as we we’ve continually
01:00:2201:00:22 - harped on that passage in Matthew chap 28 the Great Commission talking about us becoming spiritually United with God
01:00:3001:00:30 - through the indwelling of the holy spirit that is what we are getting get here um and so everyone who is born of
01:00:3701:00:37 - the spirit is born again right Born Again from above um this is what we are talking about about
01:00:4301:00:43 - regeneration and it’s just no more again that the father’s the one with authority the son’s the one who paid for it and
01:00:5001:00:50 - the spirit is the one who empowers us to live in our newness of life these are the same roles that seen continually so
01:00:5801:00:58 - aie do you have more to go on um anything we’ve talked here about regeneration and what that means for
01:01:0701:01:07 - us yeah um one thing I would like to point out is that regeneration is literally
01:01:1601:01:16 - regeneration like we are being remade essentially we are being
01:01:2601:01:26 - reborn so everything that you said is true the other aspect to it is that we
01:01:3501:01:35 - are not going to be the same people we were before we were joined to God through faith in Christ in fact once we
01:01:4701:01:47 - have become once we have believed we receive if you will a new nature we we become different people as
01:01:5801:01:58 - um Paul put it in I believe 1 Corinthians 5:17 or something like that I think it’s
01:02:0501:02:05 - 5:17 of First Corinthian or else second Corinthians um uh how does it put it if any man is is uh believes or is born
01:02:1601:02:16 - again he’s a new creater all things have passed away all things have become new um if any man is in Christ he has become
01:02:2401:02:24 - a new Creator creation all things have passed away everything has become new so that’s a very critical point of um this
01:02:3201:02:32 - regeneration and why this is uh important is that on the one hand God is Not
01:02:4201:02:42 - refurbishing what we used to be making it a better thing he’s making something entirely
01:02:4901:02:49 - new then on the other hand this is the work of God our part in it is that we’re saying yes and you see you see again
01:02:5801:02:58 - this this um division of labor so to speak we are being made new we are born again we are born a new from Above This
01:03:1001:03:10 - re being reborn is a work of the Father the Son and the spirit the father has a role to play in it the SP the son has a
01:03:1901:03:19 - role to play in it the spirit has a role to play in it that is what we are discussing so this regeneration this
01:03:2601:03:26 - remaking of the person is a work of the Trinity it’s not something that is happened stance it’s deliberate on the
01:03:3501:03:35 - part of the Trinity and each member of the Trinity plays a role in realizing it yeah yeah so something I was looking for
01:03:4401:03:44 - I know it’s in one of the Peter series I can’t find it I know it’s one of the earlier ones that talks about the idea
01:03:5001:03:50 - of uh sort of positional versus experiential versus Eternal you know what I’m you what I’m mentioning Audie
01:03:5701:03:57 - um so this comes up a lot when we talk about sanctification um or even salvation generally right Paul Paul uses
01:04:0601:04:06 - the phrase this I think it’s Paul you know working out your salvation with fear and trembling right it is a present
01:04:1201:04:12 - progressive sort of thing and what I wanted to get at here and just going off of what what we’ve just been talking
01:04:1801:04:18 - about is how um regeneration for us this idea of us being born again sometimes I think people
01:04:2601:04:26 - overemphasize the sort of you know oneandone nature of it as if well I’ve been saved I am a believer now and then
01:04:3601:04:36 - they use that as an excuse to not do anything after that um and so uh drct lugan pill often talks about how when we
01:04:4401:04:44 - are in the Christian Life we are either moving forward or moving backward and there is no sitting still um so if we
01:04:5101:04:51 - are not pushing forward spiritually we will eventually atrophy if let the weeds of the world choke out our faith we will
01:04:5801:04:58 - be backsliding um and why this is important for us is because even though it is true that we are new people once
01:05:0601:05:06 - we become indwelt by the Holy Spirit and and God makes spiritual truth accessible to us through the quickening of our
01:05:1501:05:15 - understanding through that indwelling of the Holy Spirit Well we can’t just do nothing with it after that we have
01:05:2201:05:22 - expectations um to pull from the military metaphor which we’ve discussed before in that last series we did on
01:05:2801:05:28 - peroy we spent a long time on it we are Christian Soldiers who’ve been given a duty and we have marching orders and if
01:05:3601:05:36 - we fail to act on that we are disobeying orders and that carries severe consequences in the military but we are
01:05:4401:05:44 - soldiers of Jesus Christ so where I’m going with all this to ties back to Regeneration is that it is not just
01:05:5001:05:50 - something that’s in the past that okay now we’re washed clean before God and yay now we can be saved eternally and I
01:05:5901:05:59 - can just go enjoy my life now we have all of these things that we need to be continually working out in a present
01:06:0601:06:06 - progressive sense um and it’s not like God will I don’t know so if if we just don’t work hard enough God will like
01:06:1401:06:14 - kick us out of his family or something um that’s not what I’m getting at here but the point is is that he wants ever
01:06:1901:06:19 - so much more for us than just doing the bare minimum to not go to hell right doing the bare minimum to be saved from
01:06:2601:06:26 - our sinful State and actually accept Christ sacrifice that should just be the starting point for us that’s how we
01:06:3301:06:33 - ought to view this um and I just another point to emphasize here is that the only way in which anything happens in this is
01:06:4301:06:43 - through God this is one of those reasons why um all of these heresies of the past that deal essentially with the subject
01:06:5101:06:51 - of us working our way into heaven somehow is complete nonsense because you can see in this process we’re talking
01:06:5601:06:56 - about the only way that we understand spiritual truth is through the indwelling Holy Spirit which is given to
01:07:0201:07:02 - us by God and we are able to have access to him and have it be just because Christ paid for us right so the father
01:07:1201:07:12 - planned it the son paid for it and now the spirit is the one who gives us access to the truth where is there room
01:07:1701:07:17 - for us to claim that we did anything to save ourselves there just isn’t any when we properly understand this it becomes
01:07:2601:07:26 - real clear that the Redemptive plan of the Trinity is the only thing that brings us into the family of God and we
01:07:3101:07:31 - have to not say no and of course that is exercising free will on our part but it should just go to show that all of these
01:07:3901:07:39 - things that we’ve been talking about here for the Trinity is God working out his plan and in fact it’s not us we
01:07:4601:07:46 - don’t have a hand to play in our Redemption here in God making us new people and so if we are to actually live
01:07:5401:07:54 - as the new people people that God wants us to be it comes entirely through his power and we get access to that by
01:08:0101:08:01 - submitting in our free will to the holy spirit that indwells us um that’s what it means for us to be regenerated in the
01:08:0801:08:08 - spirit to be the new man um uh a chapter that’s really good for this I don’t want to go too far field here but Galatians 5
01:08:1601:08:16 - talks about the tension between the Flesh and the spirit and how we need to live by the spirit that is that I guess
01:08:2201:08:22 - walk by the spirit is what verse 16 says here um so if we are led by the spirit we are
01:08:2801:08:28 - not under the law we need to do the things of the spirit and those are spiritually discerned not physically
01:08:3401:08:34 - discerned here in this world um and so where I’m going with all of this is that it’s not just something that we get to
01:08:4101:08:41 - sit on our hands after we are saved we have to submit to God and God will give us the power to do things after that but
01:08:4901:08:49 - I don’t know I just want to talk about the progressive nature of it a little more anything to add or are we good on
01:08:5501:08:55 - on this idea of regeneration you think no you you can go on all right great so the next one of these things
01:09:0701:09:07 - that demonstrates the roles of the trinity in the plan of God that we’re going to talk about here is going to be
01:09:1301:09:13 - the Walk of the believer now this one should be familiar for anyone who has watched uh our series on parapo theology
01:09:2101:09:21 - the section of the Bible basic series on ichus talking about the Christian walk um we did that one a couple years back
01:09:2901:09:29 - before we were doing this present study which is part one of that series on ikus that one was part 6A and so we spent oh
01:09:3701:09:37 - a nice long time I think there was like 90 some odd videos in that series talking about that study but that entire
01:09:4401:09:44 - thing was talking about the Walk of the believer and so to Riff on what we just talked about in the last section talking
01:09:5101:09:51 - about regeneration I was making the point that we have duties and responsibilities and expectations and
01:09:5801:09:58 - things that we should strive for as Christians past just being saved past just having that indwelling of the Holy
01:10:0401:10:04 - Spirit Well when we are indwelled uh the holy spirit gives us spiritual gifts God gives us talents and
01:10:1101:10:11 - aptitudes and we have a purpose in the body of Christ and that is very much part of what this idea of walking um for
01:10:1901:10:19 - us as Christians is uh going on our pilgrimage to Zion being soers here in the world all of these things point us
01:10:2701:10:27 - to that responsibility we have to set our eyes set our eyes heavenward and kind of put our heads down and uh do
01:10:3601:10:36 - what God wants us to do right and that looks different for different people common Pitfall there is somehow thinking
01:10:4201:10:42 - that all people have to be the same in this well God calls us all to different things know that’s that passage comes up
01:10:4901:10:49 - a lot 1 Corinthians chap 12 talking about how um uh just using that that metaphor of the human body some people
01:10:5601:10:56 - are hands some people are eyes some people are feet and so on um so what this looks like for human like all all
01:11:0401:11:04 - of the members of the body of Christ in very detailed specifics can be different but the walk generally speaking as we
01:11:1301:11:13 - talked about in that other study we talked about how it’s all centered around spiritual growth and so this is
01:11:2001:11:20 - uh one of the the mantras I would say that ichus repeats all over the place he reads
01:11:2501:11:25 - studies in Bible basics or any of the big studies the Peter series you’ll see Dr lug B emphasize this three-fold
01:11:3301:11:33 - process of learning believing applying the truth and then helping other people do the same right so that learning the
01:11:4001:11:40 - truth and then applying it being tested to refine our faith and then growing into the Ministries that God wants for
01:11:4701:11:47 - us all three of these things are somewhat sequential but they also are Cycles they feed back into each other
01:11:5301:11:53 - and that process of spiritual growth is what God wants of us that is how we walk with him um as soers here in this world
01:12:0301:12:03 - so that’s the overview now how this deals with the roles since again that’s the point of going through all of these
01:12:1101:12:11 - um all of these ways in which the roles of the Trinity are demonstrated in the plan of God well when we think of this
01:12:1701:12:17 - in terms of sanctification in terms of the standard we are trying to meet the father is the one who has adopted the
01:12:2501:12:25 - position of authority within the Trinity is the one who sets the standard of Holiness um so he is um we’ve used the
01:12:3401:12:34 - analogy before of him being like the king and Jesus Christ being like the Crown Prince someone who intercedes for
01:12:4001:12:40 - us before the king well the law of the land the scepter of authority The Sword of Justice you want to think of these
01:12:4701:12:47 - things are sort of in the father’s hands he’s the one who sets the perfect standard for us that we ought to live up
01:12:5401:12:54 - to and then Jesus Christ is the one that we can see is our role model so we have an
01:13:0101:13:01 - entire lesson um in that last series I mentioned uh about Role Models I think several weeks in fact and of course we
01:13:0801:13:08 - talked about people like Moses and Elijah and David but we did end with Jesus himself and that is no mistake
01:13:1501:13:15 - because Jesus is our elder brother in the faith he is the first fruits of the Resurrection but for us he ought to be
01:13:2201:13:22 - our final role model um he lived a perfect life and we can emulate that if we study his his actions and how he
01:13:3201:13:32 - thought about God and doing the will of the father in the gospels he is the perfect person for us to emulate as a
01:13:3801:13:38 - role model as we go through walking our own lives and how that relates to the Trinity role is because Jesus came into
01:13:4701:13:47 - the world right as the one in the Trinity who we see the accessible member the second person of the Trinity as we
01:13:5401:13:54 - thought about in Prior lessons in this study he’s the one who we can set our eyes upon because he is like us he
01:14:0301:14:03 - understands us and more to the point for us we can see him he manifests himself to us in the world and then just as
01:14:1001:14:10 - always the holy spirit is there behind the scenes giving us the power to live as God would have us live and so uh just
01:14:1901:14:19 - talked about this in our our last discussion here on regeneration as well we do everything we do in the Christian
01:14:2601:14:26 - Life through the power of the spirit so if you think about um this in terms of like lifting weight well maybe we are
01:14:3401:14:34 - responsible only for a small fraction of that weight and the Holy Spirit does all the heavy lifting for us that’s the
01:14:4001:14:40 - appropriate way to think about this we have to choose to lift up the object but we have a great deal of mechanical
01:14:4701:14:47 - advantage if you will through the indwelling Holy Spirit who actually does all of the hard work for us if we just
01:14:5301:14:53 - submit ourselves to to him and so in this way walking how God wants us to walk we look to the father to understand
01:15:0201:15:02 - that perfect standard that’s been set uh to to keep our eyes upon uh really Perfection you know we have this verse
01:15:1001:15:10 - in in I think it’s Matthew 548 I want to say how good my memory is yeah we have the standard for us is perfection right
01:15:2001:15:20 - just as your father in Heaven is perfect right and so you see in verse directly actually kind of glad it’s that good at
01:15:2701:15:27 - Cross didn’t even remember it was this specific but you can see this is why we say the father is the standard here
01:15:3401:15:34 - right um now if we go look at the context of this in The Sermon on the Mount that’s what Matthew Chapter 5 is
01:15:3901:15:39 - um Jesus speaking here um well that’s the very last verse here but um he’s talking about the standard for us um in
01:15:4901:15:49 - fact the context of this is loving our enemies that’s what comes right in this section here and so the father is the
01:15:5601:15:56 - standard that we set our eyes upon and Jesus is the one who we look to as a role model that we can see and the
01:16:0401:16:04 - spirit is the one who gives us the power to do this that is the division of labor between the Trinity roles in the
01:16:1201:16:12 - specific area so Audi do you have additional thoughts to add I believe you meant to say that the
01:16:2001:16:20 - father sets the standard not that he is the standard you know so oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right because
01:16:2601:16:26 - we can never be the father of course yes yes um there’s there’s something that just occurred to me one reason that
01:16:3301:16:33 - we’re exploring these things is that um as I as I sometimes say when I am trying to summarize the whole business of the
01:16:4201:16:42 - Bible is that the Bible is concerned with telling us what God’s plan is and in order to give that plan substance and
01:16:5201:16:52 - um reliability it tells us who God is what kind of person he is and what his abilities are like because I mean why
01:17:0101:17:01 - would you sign up if I think some of us would understand what it means when a a startup says hey come work for me you
01:17:0801:17:08 - know you’d be like doing what what what what what is your startup about and you know why should I believe that tying my
01:17:1701:17:17 - um economic wellbeing to you is a good idea you know then if it’s joining an army what is the army is purpose because
01:17:2501:17:25 - it’s my life I’m actually signing off to you do you have good reasoning for the the the the strategies and the tactics
01:17:3601:17:36 - that you employ and what is the purpose for which I’m fighting and you know these these things will be will be made
01:17:4501:17:45 - clear in the nature of whoever the Army is fighting for So the plan of God is what the Bible is really concerned with
01:17:5501:17:55 - but while it is really concerned with that it also um goes on to explain to us why that plan is something we should
01:18:0301:18:03 - sign up for by telling us who God is and what his nature is so when we look at the things like this the the the
01:18:1001:18:10 - distribution of duties or the division of labor so to speak in the Trinity the various roles that each person of the
01:18:1701:18:17 - Trinity um self assigns we get to learn why we can and trust that the
01:18:2501:18:25 - things that we are engaging in are worth it the work of the believer for example is one of the hardest things for
01:18:3301:18:33 - believers to deal with we the standard of Holiness that we’re talking about is when we say ridiculously high it’s
01:18:4201:18:42 - not that it’s unreasonable it is that all you have to do is think about it to decide you don’t want to do it it’s too
01:18:5001:18:50 - hard for human beings which is exactly why the Bible tells us about the fact that the Trinity is so involved in it
01:18:5701:18:57 - without the father setting a standard for Holiness then what are we really doing we have no direction for the
01:19:0301:19:03 - choices we’re making but because he sets a standard now we know the direction in which we’re going but he does not just
01:19:1101:19:11 - set standards and leave us to just go figure it out by ourselves then the holy spirit is there
01:19:1701:19:17 - to tell us look I know you so essentially what we’re seeing is you’re cutting in and out a bit um
01:19:2801:19:28 - I’m only catching like every third word maybe I don’t know maybe just give it a second try again um I am so sorry I have
01:19:3701:19:37 - no idea how I can fix that it’s probably going to just be a network problem okay I mean maybe just try saying what you
01:19:4201:19:42 - said for like the last 15 seconds again or so if you could remember back um okay um I I think what I what I was saying is
01:19:5101:19:51 - that it actually is the fact that we see the involvement of the Lord in this work of the believer that we have confidence
01:19:5901:19:59 - that it can be done we see how the Lord is engaged in it we don’t see just the role of the father that he sets the
01:20:0501:20:05 - standard of Holiness although that is important without the father setting a standard of Holiness we wouldn’t know in
01:20:1001:20:10 - what direction our choices ought to be going but he sets the standard and some people do stop at that point and then
01:20:1701:20:17 - they get lost in the in in legalism thinking that it’s just about meeting a certain standard standard of Ethics but
01:20:2301:20:23 - that’s not just what this is about the father sets out what these standards are the son models them for us showing us
01:20:2901:20:29 - that it’s not just a set of rules but that in the way he lives his life we see this this very intimate connection to
01:20:3701:20:37 - the father living out those standards that he has set but we also see he does not do that by himself he keeps pointing
01:20:4401:20:44 - out the fact that it is the father who does this in him so we see the spirit working it out in him and promising to
01:20:5101:20:51 - do it with anybody who is willing to walk the same path as the Lord Jesus did so the the point here is not just oh
01:21:0001:21:00 - this is how the Trinity distributes duties in in this sort of matter in this in this sort
01:21:0801:21:08 - of example but that the very walk of the believer is very intimately um the Trinity is very intimately involved in
01:21:1801:21:18 - the very walk of the believer so the father does give us a direction for which to which our choice should be you
01:21:2501:21:25 - know trending and the sun gives us a model something to say this is how this is
01:21:3301:21:33 - what the father is talking about and the spirit says I know you can do it I helped the Lord Jesus do it I can help
01:21:4101:21:41 - you too and we know the Lord Jesus lived a perfect life so that tells us that even if we do not quite hit Perfection
01:21:4801:21:48 - because of our sin nature the holy spirit is very very he if he could help this human being even though he was God
01:21:5701:21:57 - live the perfect life he certainly can help us manage coming close to it so this is this is what we’re supposed to
01:22:0401:22:04 - be taking away from this that things like what we’re discussing right now show us how intimately
01:22:1001:22:10 - involved in this plan of God that we we will be discussing in other things that we get into when we when we’re done
01:22:1801:22:18 - discussing theology we’ll probably talk about angelology and whatnot as we see the plan of God unfolding we see how the
01:22:2501:22:25 - Trinity is intimately involved in realizing it both on an individual level and on a collective level so that is one
01:22:3401:22:34 - thing I thought to point out at this juncture sure something you brought up as well is that Jesus Christ in his
01:22:4101:22:41 - kosis was empowered by the spirit in the same way that we will as we have to function as as Believers in the here and
01:22:4901:22:49 - now um so I know I kind of made a big deal out of this I can’t remember for this last lesson or a couple back that
01:22:5501:22:55 - when Jesus lived his life he was indwelled by the spirit in the same sort of way that we are and so I think
01:23:0301:23:03 - sometimes people tend to have this idea in their head well Jesus was God so of course he’s holy and stuff I mean I know
01:23:0901:23:09 - I’m being really vague in that but that’s sort of the point people are really vague about it they just say well
01:23:1401:23:14 - you know they draw a qualitative difference between themselves and Jesus and just say well of course Jesus is
01:23:2001:23:20 - going to be holy right because he’s God and they just kind of wave their hand at it and they don’t think about what that
01:23:2501:23:25 - means exactly and so it is true that Jesus did not have a sin nature um he was born of uh a virgin and one of the
01:23:3501:23:35 - reasons why that’s important it’s not just a miraculous sign in a prophecy um ikus uh interprets the Bible uh to
01:23:4401:23:44 - to maybe interpret is not quite the right word um ichus holds the position and I think it’s a good inference to
01:23:5101:23:51 - make that the sin nature passed down through the male line um one reason for that is because it makes the Virgin
01:23:5601:23:56 - birth very theologically significant right but long story short no matter how you get there Jesus Christ did not have
01:24:0201:24:02 - a sin nature we on the other hand do have sin Natures um there’s this passage here in 1 John chapter 1 um it says that
01:24:1001:24:10 - if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us now uh this kind of often gets missed by
01:24:1801:24:18 - interpreters I think this without sin bit here is talking about the nature um if we claim that sin does not dwell
01:24:2701:24:27 - within us that would be a little bit of a looser translation here that is a different thing than what verse 10 talks
01:24:3301:24:33 - about here if we claim we have not sinned right so our sinful actions come out of a sinful nature we have that
01:24:4101:24:41 - sinful nature all of us Jesus did not um actually interestingly Adam and Eve didn’t start out with the sin nature
01:24:4801:24:48 - either um so what this brings into US is that um when we talk about Jesus resisting temptation right that is a way
01:24:5801:24:58 - in in which the uh he had these pressures put upon him and he faced these trials in the desert Satan
01:25:0401:25:04 - tempting him with these things um Jesus didn’t have a sin nature stabbing him in the back quite in the same manner that
01:25:1001:25:10 - we do but he still faced very real pressure and Temptation now where this kind of leads us is to this idea of
01:25:1801:25:18 - false notion I should be very clear because we have a sin nature this idea of this perfect standard that we’re
01:25:2501:25:25 - called to aie mentioned when he started talking this idea of it is a hard hard thing to live up to right if you take it
01:25:3301:25:33 - seriously and that’s one of the things I think I should emphasize here too is there’s very many people in the
01:25:3801:25:38 - Christian Life who say oh you know like uh why so serious basically um you know you’ve been saved oh look we can all
01:25:4601:25:46 - love each other in perfect unity and fellowship in the body of Christ and God wants us to be happy and and you know
01:25:5301:25:53 - things like this this and and they put the emphasis there and it’s true God loves us God does want us to be joyful
01:26:0101:26:01 - in him but it’s not joyful as in a lack of problems or a lack of struggle is that we are supposed to have that
01:26:1001:26:10 - perspective that because we are saved eternally we shouldn’t let anything dampen our Spirits here in the world
01:26:1601:26:16 - because it’s all just temporary right it’s it’s a very different thing is what I’m trying to say and when we get to
01:26:2101:26:21 - this idea of sinlessness and perfection we need to actually keep our eyes fixed on how perfect that standard truly is
01:26:3001:26:30 - and I I think we are very bad at this and this isn’t just to dig at oh leodan churches and we’re so much better than
01:26:3701:26:37 - that right this is a struggle for all human beings for our entire lives is is internally metabolizing and keeping our
01:26:4501:26:45 - eyes set upon the Perfection of God and and understanding that yes we have a sin nature no that doesn’t mean that we have
01:26:5301:26:53 - any excuse or license to sin as an oh I’m sorry God I can’t help it it’s it’s you know it’s the devil made me do it
01:27:0001:27:00 - right or the sin nature inside me made me do it we have free will part of what that means is that we fight that that
01:27:0701:27:07 - conflict we mentioned you know that passage Galatians chapter 5 I brought up before we have to actually actively be
01:27:1301:27:13 - resisting um even to the point of shedding blood I think that’s Hebrews chapter 4 is it Hebrews 124
01:27:2101:27:21 - Hebrews 124 or 412 yeah it’s 124 um so we have to very actively strive and resist the sin nature within us but just
01:27:3201:27:32 - because we as our broken finite human beings with a sin nature can never achieve that standard of perfection
01:27:4201:27:42 - doesn’t mean that’s not the standard for us and just let me repeat that is still the standard even given where we are and
01:27:4901:27:49 - so I think a lot of the times people make peace with this way more than they should they say throw up their hands a
01:27:5601:27:56 - bit and saywell we are imperfect it’s impossible for us to be perfect that is true right false Doctrine paganism is
01:28:0301:28:03 - this idea that it is possible for human beings to be completely sinless and in practice how this plays out in people
01:28:0901:28:09 - who say they believe something like this throughout history is they just redefine sin to be a very narrow category of
01:28:1401:28:14 - things that they don’t particularly struggle with and then they look down on everyone else and say well look at me
01:28:2001:28:20 - I’m sinless and it’s just it’s very false anyone who is honest about Sin especially sins of the Mind sins of
01:28:2701:28:27 - thought it becomes clear real fast that complete sinlessness is straight up impossible for us as humans have you
01:28:3401:28:34 - never thought an an unpleasant thought about someone else or or been angry if someone does something that is it’s not
01:28:4201:28:42 - just like it’s not just your feelings like they did something objectively wrong to you they wronged you um you
01:28:4701:28:47 - know they stole from you or slandered you or things like this and do we react more than maybe we should right I guess
01:28:5301:28:53 - anyone with even the slightest sliver of humility understands that this idea of no sin ever is a standard that you know
01:29:0401:29:04 - human beings cannot ever meet and so take a step back I don’t want to ramble too long here where I’m going with this
01:29:1001:29:10 - is that the point is not to be crushed by this uh but the point is to look to Jesus Christ as the model for the one
01:29:1901:29:19 - who lived this life that we are in but he did it perfectly but he did it through the exact same means that we do
01:29:2601:29:26 - that is through the indwelling Holy Spirit resting on the power of God rather than his own human flesh right um
01:29:3501:29:35 - so I you know we could talk more about the differences um between the sin nature and and how the sin nature and
01:29:4101:29:41 - the devil work together to tempt us and lead us into sin and how our Free Will is still involved in this and how Jesus
01:29:4701:29:47 - is a little different because he didn’t have a sin nature but where I was going with this for the most part was that
01:29:5301:29:53 - Jesus Jesus actually lived this life as our model perfectly and just because we can’t live up to that doesn’t mean that
01:30:0101:30:01 - that’s not the standard that that’s not where we should be shooting uh where our uh direction finder if you will should
01:30:0901:30:09 - be pointing um so I just thought that was kind of a critical point to make here is that it is not supposed to crush
01:30:1501:30:15 - us but we’re supposed to look to Jesus as our example as our role model um not being despondent about how how far short
01:30:2301:30:23 - we fall but resting in the power of the spirit to even if we get down and we stumble to pick ourselves back up and
01:30:3001:30:30 - keep on going to keep on treading that path towards Zion because that’s what God calls us to um so I know I just
01:30:3701:30:37 - rambled for a lot there I think it’s all pretty relevant stuff but a you have anything to to add no I think you really
01:30:4401:30:44 - covered it okay good deal Okay so so the next one that we’re going to talk about about how the Trinity
01:30:5701:30:57 - roles are relevant in the plan of God and how they are demonstrated in the plan of God in human history he talking
01:31:0501:31:05 - about the virtues of the believer so we talked about how we are uh we have this regeneration through the Holy Spirit we
01:31:1201:31:12 - have new life um God makes us new people we put off the old man and put on the new man we then strive after the
01:31:2101:31:21 - standard that God sets for us right uh looking to the father to set that standard of Holiness emulating the son
01:31:2801:31:28 - through the power of the holy spirit it’s what we just talked about and now we’re going to talk about the virtues of
01:31:3401:31:34 - the believer so what things do we exercise through the power of the spirit as we live our lives walking towards
01:31:4201:31:42 - Zion um to use that pilgrimage analogy here and so uh as it relates to the Trinity roles the father gives us the
01:31:5001:31:50 - example of love in that he sent his son who’s the object of our faith as in we have faith in Jesus Christ both who he
01:31:5901:31:59 - was and what he did for us on the cross so that we look forward to our Resurrection with a hope empowered by
01:32:0601:32:06 - the Holy Spirit and so one reason why you know I when I first read this I was squinting at a bit I was like well what
01:32:1201:32:12 - does the Holy Spirit have to do with hope exactly right like why is the holy spirit necessary for us to understand
01:32:1801:32:18 - this hope right because like the father sending the son in love that that’s kind of obvious right the son being the
01:32:2401:32:24 - object of our faith it’s kind of obvious but what does the Holy Spirit have to do with hope and this gets to that sense
01:32:3001:32:30 - that I was talking about before about how spiritual things are um discerned through the spirit right and so for us
01:32:3901:32:39 - to have that that understanding of Eternal hope and the hope of our Salvation we would say that that future
01:32:4601:32:46 - expectations of of things not yet happening right we say we have a certain expectation that’s the difference
01:32:5301:32:53 - between our Christian hope and the sort of flimsy sort of probabilistic Hope of the world like I hope it doesn’t rain
01:33:0001:33:00 - tomorrow is very different than I hope I will be resurrected on the last day because we have certain knowledge in the
01:33:0801:33:08 - promises of God it’s a different concept entirely right um and uh I don’t actually think there’s a different word
01:33:1401:33:14 - in Greek sometimes uh uh different languages have more or less precise language for things um as in in English
01:33:2201:33:22 - and Greek alike I believe we’re using the same word to mean kind of both sort of like things that that we kind of
01:33:2901:33:29 - might come about but aren’t certain and this certain expectation of future things that’s what we mean when we talk
01:33:3501:33:35 - about Christian hope but for us to properly metabolize this kind of the point we can only do that through the
01:33:4301:33:43 - quickening of our sight empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit otherwise we have no ability to kind of understand what
01:33:5101:33:51 - this future expectation means the spirit also Comforts us um you know we we can rest in him it’s a good way of thinking
01:33:5901:33:59 - about it right and one final note that I thought about helping explain this hope is that the holy spirit is the Seal of
01:34:0601:34:06 - our Salvation um just how they they is used to be a really big deal in Antiquity uh you know before we had
01:34:1201:34:12 - email addresses and what have you is how do you know that the letter is from the person that it says it’s from right they
01:34:2001:34:20 - would have these these wax seals that they would press with um a stamp you know a bearing a perhaps a particular
01:34:2901:34:29 - symbol or pattern um and this was sort of a symbol of authenticity a proof of you know the uh the that the the the
01:34:4001:34:40 - contents of the letter were who they were saying there from and things like this but that seal is supposed to be
01:34:4601:34:46 - sealing us for the last day until the time of Resurrection the Holy Spirit when we are indwelt by him um we are
01:34:5501:34:55 - marked out as being um certain recipients of God’s grace right if we are sealed with the Holy Spirit Come the
01:35:0301:35:03 - Resurrection Day we will be resurrected unto eternal life with him he’s the symbol of our salvation of Our Hope
01:35:1101:35:11 - right okay so that’s faith hope and love right as I say I think hope maybe a little bit more of the difficult one
01:35:1701:35:17 - here to kind of wrap our heads around but kind of helps make sense when you understand that all spiritual things
01:35:2201:35:22 - including our understanding of the uh the certain realities to come uh as God’s plan comes to a close in in
01:35:3001:35:30 - creature history we only understand and can really believe those and metabolize them through the power of the spirit
01:35:3601:35:36 - that’s kind of what this one’s getting at um but I pulled up here um found this right before we roll a recording um this
01:35:4201:35:42 - study in the Peter series of ichus talked about imitating Christ so uh the 17th lesson in the Peters episol series
01:35:5001:35:50 - on ichus um actually talks about these three Keystone or Capstone virtues um and the verse reference here actually
01:35:5701:35:57 - comes from 1 Corinthians chapter 13 so this one you will probably recognize like if we go look at this passage um
01:36:0401:36:04 - you’ll probably recognize because it gets read at weddings a lot um this you know like talking about love is you know
01:36:1201:36:12 - all these things and love is patient and kind it’s not envy or boast it’s not arrogant or rude um does not insist on
01:36:1901:36:19 - its own Ray is not irritable or resentful all of these things you know love shares all things believes all
01:36:2401:36:24 - things hopes all things endures all things um all of these things commonly read like I said at weddings but in this
01:36:3201:36:32 - particular passage um Paul mentions three things actually he talks about faith hope and love and of these three
01:36:3901:36:39 - the greatest of these is love right that is what should characterize our lives and our walks as Christians um you know
01:36:4501:36:45 - to love in the same way that God loves us and sent his son uh to come down and live a perfect life and die for our sins
01:36:5301:36:53 - um you know first John chapter 4 talks about love as well but the point here is that all three of these virtues sort of
01:37:0101:37:01 - help us structure our life as Christians and so uh Faith um so I’m not going to read these paragraphs I do encourage
01:37:0801:37:08 - people to go find this this part of the study I think it helps cast light on why we think about these three virtues kind
01:37:1501:37:15 - of what what the significance of them in is but um we we have faith in Jesus Christ we hope into our eternal
01:37:2301:37:23 - salvation empowered by the eyesight um the quickening of our of our discernment through the Holy Spirit right and again
01:37:3201:37:32 - this is not an empty dream but of a reality unseen a certain expectation of things to come um and then our love um
01:37:4301:37:43 - comes through the outpouring and emulation of God’s love for us right so we love others because God first loved
01:37:5101:37:51 - us showing that love in sending his son to die for our sins upon the cross um so there’s more we could say here um but
01:37:5901:37:59 - I’m just going to go ahead and read uh this sort of not summary but uh uh this this phrasing of this right so uh in
01:38:0701:38:07 - this study in Peter in uh the 17th lesson here Dr Lille says that Faith focuses upon the trustworthiness of God
01:38:1401:38:14 - in faith we follow him because we trust him and we see this through Jesus Christ hope focuses on the Promises God has
01:38:2001:38:20 - made to us made understandable To Us by the holy spirit so we endure this life with joy because we have been promised a
01:38:2701:38:27 - far better one forever in eternity and then love appreciates what God put the father in parenthesis here what God the
01:38:3601:38:36 - father has done for us in sending Jesus Christ and reflects that gratitude to others we serve him and his church in
01:38:4201:38:42 - love because he first loved us so that’s sort of the idea behind how we we map out our lives as Christians living in
01:38:5001:38:50 - these virtues of faith hope and love uh kind of emul Ting the father The Father’s Love in that he sent his son
01:38:5701:38:57 - for us while we were yet sinners emulating the son um because we see him and we have faith in him he’s the one
01:39:0401:39:04 - who guides our belief because of what he did for us and then we hope towards our Eternal future through the power of the
01:39:1201:39:12 - holy spirit so Audi you have points to add to all of this yeah um I think it’s just one thing
01:39:2001:39:20 - really um the disposition is that there are really
01:39:2701:39:27 - three um I don’t know what what to call them polls I don’t think p is actually the
01:39:3301:39:33 - word but three things that we are called to as Christians in other
01:39:3901:39:39 - words if if if you could think of the Christian walk as a video game there are three
01:39:4701:39:47 - levels and uh attain beating those levels getting to those levels is kind of like rounding
01:39:5601:39:56 - out your walk so he matches um Professor Robert matches his levels to faith hope and love and is it like the the crowns
01:40:0601:40:06 - um you know of course yes but I I didn’t want to come right out of the gate of the crowns okay right right right each
01:40:1401:40:14 - each of those crowns matches to those levels so if you master the business of faith for example you win the crown of
01:40:2101:40:21 - righteousness you master the um level so to speak of Hope then you win the crown of life you beat the level
01:40:3001:40:30 - of love you win the crown of Glory that’s how they are matched so the the the idea here is this that Christianity
01:40:3701:40:37 - calls us to these three things they’re in fact sort of how we are supposed to understand the Christian calling these
01:40:4501:40:45 - three things are the the explanation or the embodiment in the three of them we come to understand what a Christian is
01:40:5501:40:55 - and what a Christian is called to so um when when when we see then this uh business
01:41:0501:41:05 - of uh the father demonstrating Love To Us by sending Christ who is the object of our faith and uh you know the hope
01:41:1701:41:17 - that the spirit himself um enables us to hold on to these things are speaking to what the Christian walk really is about
01:41:2801:41:28 - on the one hand we see in this world full of pain and trouble and whatnot that we are called to something and we
01:41:3901:41:39 - have access to something because God loves us enough to open that possibility for us he does not abandon us to
01:41:4801:41:48 - our insanity and our misery he does not abandon us to that so he demonstrates that Love To Us by giving us the gift of
01:41:5701:41:57 - Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ becomes the anchor for our faith we can hold on to him in confidence that this love that
01:42:0801:42:08 - God is showing to us through him will result in the promises the actualization of the promises that the holy spirit is
01:42:1801:42:18 - a taste of so to speak so again like I said coming to appreciate
01:42:2701:42:27 - how God works in realizing the plan that he has set out for us serves to encourage us in our walk of faith in
01:42:3801:42:38 - this world consider that the Hope thing that you’ve talked about for so long now is critical and that is why I sometimes
01:42:4601:42:46 - don’t quite I won’t say I don’t understand but I kind of pity those believers who do not look up who who are
01:42:5401:42:54 - caught in the issues of this world and think that somehow our our job is to make the world a more delightful place
01:43:0001:43:00 - to live in it’s like you miss the things that God is actually calling you to the better things that he has prepared for
01:43:0801:43:08 - example you can never make the Millennium the Millennium is a gift that the Lord is going to give to us when
01:43:1401:43:14 - Jesus Christ comes back and conquers the world takes over the rule what he will do then we will never be able to do
01:43:2201:43:22 - however hard we tried we cannot change this world from an arid Wasteland into the Garden of Eden like Jesus is
01:43:3101:43:31 - going to do we’re never going to make animals become very friendly toward each other we will witness lions and wolves
01:43:4001:43:40 - consume sheep and the like until we die that’s what’s going to keep happening when the Lord Jesus returns Everything
01:43:5001:43:50 - Will Change now that’s a promise that he makes to us and the Millennium is not even the it’s not even close to being
01:43:5601:43:56 - the best that the Lord calls us to we are also presented with the hope of Eternity the Eternal State a perfect
01:44:0601:44:06 - Universe where there is absolutely nothing on toward nothing unrighteous we we have them promised a
01:44:1201:44:12 - resurrection body which does not have a sin nature no impetus no no impulse to sin against the Lord I don’t know how
01:44:1901:44:19 - many people would not be relieved by the end of this fight that this constant fight we have with ourselves to do the
01:44:2801:44:28 - right thing which we know we should do which we want to do but which we frequently don’t do so these are these
01:44:3701:44:37 - are things that we we we place our Hope on that we will come to these things eventually and the Holy Spirit is the
01:44:4501:44:45 - one who assures us that it’s going to be the case that we will realize or we will have these these promises realized in
01:44:5501:44:55 - our experience and Jesus Christ and his work everything we learn about him is supposed to empower our
01:45:0301:45:03 - confidence encourage us to continue to maintain the confidence that this this hope this hope that we have the promises
01:45:1101:45:11 - we have been given will be brought to life so again my my my my contribution is that we we remember that this work
01:45:2201:45:22 - that we have been called to is made possible by the fact that the Trinity is so intimately connected with it in this
01:45:2901:45:29 - way the father has made this work possible by demonstrating his love to us giving us Jesus Christ who has become
01:45:3601:45:36 - the object of our of our faith we can look to him just as um Hebrews 12 verse um verse one tells us as we look to him
01:45:4801:45:48 - we are being also made into the same image this is where Corinthians 3 comes in and being made into the same image as
01:45:5701:45:57 - him guarantees to us the hope that the holy spirit is encouraging us or empowering us to hold on to in a world
01:46:0601:46:06 - full of disappointment and futility yeah that’s uh that’s what I think I can say yeah I agree completely
01:46:1501:46:15 - and I should say that our hope is a natural outflowing of the faith that we have if we really believe that Jesus Jus
01:46:2301:46:23 - died for us and paid for all sin and conquered death on the cross hope is natural right so these
01:46:3001:46:30 - things are not separable boxes but they’re all related um and this is something I think I about the right way
01:46:3601:46:36 - to say it but hope is completely logical you know how I don’t know if you’ve ever come across this but um uh Carl Marx is
01:46:4501:46:45 - famous for calling religion Christianity specifically the opiate of the masses I don’t know if you ever heard this um and
01:46:5301:46:53 - uh there’s another pretty famous writer coming out of the Soviet period um his name is George Orwell you know he’s
01:47:0001:47:00 - famous for writing the book 1984 he also wrote something called Animal Farm where one of the characters not to get too far
01:47:0701:47:07 - into the details basically presents religion as this fantasy Utopia that couldn’t possibly exist it’s just it’s
01:47:1501:47:15 - something that people just want to believe right it’ be nice to the world we’re actually like this but you know
01:47:2001:47:20 - it’s just a bunch of people who uh it’s unrealistic fantasy right well the hope that we have as Believers what I’m
01:47:2801:47:28 - trying to contrast there is that it is actually 100% rational to have joy and hope for the Eternal things that God
01:47:3801:47:38 - promises us if we actually have faith in Jesus Christ and in what God has done for us because if we have faith and we
01:47:4601:47:46 - actually believe it well we know that God has already told us if we believe in the promises of God We Trust God’s
01:47:5201:47:52 - character character the demonstration of his love that he sent to us what Jesus did for us on the cross if we actually
01:47:5801:47:58 - believe that then in fact it’s irrational not to be joyful and have blessed expectation of things to come
01:48:0601:48:06 - that doesn’t mean that it will be easy but my point is the hard bit is actually believing in not that hope is somehow
01:48:1201:48:12 - like I don’t know that people it’s kind of easy to get stuck down here in the mud and and the struggle and the fight
01:48:1901:48:19 - like AI said and to lose sight of that but the whole point is is that if we really believe what God has done for us
01:48:2601:48:26 - it is natural for us to have that expectation of God’s promises coming to full fruition uh in the Millennium in
01:48:3501:48:35 - eternity where truly this world will be set to rights in a way that it just cannot be until them so all of these
01:48:4201:48:42 - things feed into each other as AI has has has put well all of these things are that that demonstrations of God’s
01:48:4901:48:49 - intimate connection to the plan that he’s working out for us here um and I do think that this sentiment that we have
01:48:5801:48:58 - of of these things coming together um these Capstone virtues I did find that um the the that’s actually Peter chapter
01:49:0601:49:06 - 18 talks about you know the crown of righteousness life and Glory corresponding to these virtues of um uh
01:49:1401:49:14 - faith hope and love well this is what we work towards as we work out our faith in this world um so we have a a couple more
01:49:2301:49:23 - here to go but we are giving it that sense of of even on top of Salvation even after we’ve been saved the spirit
01:49:3001:49:30 - has made us new people we’ve been regenerated through the power of God we’re not done yet this is one of those
01:49:3601:49:36 - ways in which we continually move forward in the Christian Life through the power of God right God’s plan for us
01:49:4201:49:42 - as individuals um that’s what we’ve been going through God’s uh Trinity roles as demonstrated in God’s plan for human
01:49:4901:49:49 - history right and this is specifically God’s plan for us as human beings you know individuals
01:49:5501:49:55 - composing the human population so that’s where we’ll cut for this one
01:50:0201:50:02 - and we only have a couple more left here so before we get to those just say that you can see here that we are now in this
01:50:0901:50:09 - section talking about you know after we become Believers after the Holy Spirit has given us a new heart we still walk
01:50:1701:50:17 - through this life right we ought to demonstrate these virtues we have spiritual gifts what we’re going to talk
01:50:2301:50:23 - about next uh we pray in the faith um as Believers that’s part of our our job and our responsibility these are things that
01:50:3001:50:30 - we do as Believers um past step one right I’m just going to keep emphasizing that because it’s important for us to
01:50:3801:50:38 - keep that in mind um that all of these things we build on top of that Foundation that we start with when we
01:50:4401:50:44 - have our initial belief so now we’re going to be talking about the Trinity role roles as it
01:50:5301:50:53 - relates to spiritual gifts for us as Believers so um we kind of talked this last section about the virtues that we
01:51:0201:51:02 - are to live our lives by as Christians but one of the things that we are supposed to do after we have been saved
01:51:1101:51:11 - and after we have grown to maturity is to fulfill the Ministries that have been assigned to us by God and within the
01:51:1901:51:19 - division of labor of the trinity in the they have adopted the spiritual gifts themselves are given by the spirit so we
01:51:2801:51:28 - might say through the power of the Holy Spirit the specific Ministries that we are assigned are given to us by the son
01:51:3701:51:37 - and we can only carry these out under the power of the spiritual gifts given to us by the spirit as in we cannot do
01:51:4501:51:45 - these things on our own power or our own authority uh because we have been delegated power and authority from God
01:51:5301:51:53 - and then finally the specific effects of our Ministries are decreed by the father and so that means that the way in which
01:52:0101:52:01 - our efforts in a spiritual sense so the things that we do to help support the church or help support the teaching of
01:52:1001:52:10 - the word of God or help our brothers and sisters in material need all of those things how they are used how they
01:52:1701:52:17 - integrate with all of the efforts of the other thousands millions and billions of believers across the world that is
01:52:2501:52:25 - determined by God the father in his perfect plan that takes everything into account and has for ordained the best
01:52:3301:52:33 - possible outcome for knowing all of our choices before we make them and so the passage that talks about what we are
01:52:4201:52:42 - discussing here the um the roles of the trinity in the spiritual gifts and how our spiritual gifts function comes in 1
01:52:5001:52:50 - Corinthians chapter 12 which is that that chapter that talks about the body of Christ and so in verse four it says
01:52:5701:52:57 - that we have a variety of gifts but the same spirit so the spiritual gifts come from the power of the indwelling Holy
01:53:0401:53:04 - Spirit there’s a variety of Ministries but the same Lord that’s Jesus Christ assigning us the thing the task that we
01:53:1201:53:12 - are to do as our commanding officer and then there are variety then there are varieties of effects but the same God
01:53:1901:53:19 - who works all things and all persons and that is the father perfectly incorporating what we do in our service
01:53:2701:53:27 - to the body of Christ into his plan for how things work out in the world uh taking everything into account and
01:53:3401:53:34 - making sure that everything fits together to fulfill the purposes uh that will stand eternally so these are how
01:53:4301:53:43 - the roles of the Trinity function in the spiritual gifts of the believer and I guess just one last thing to say is that
01:53:5101:53:51 - all Believers have spiritual gifts this isn’t just something for maybe we would think pastors or missionaries or
01:53:5801:53:58 - something like that all of us have a role to play in the plan of God here um and so this applies to everyone in the
01:54:0701:54:07 - body of Christ equally now we are called to different things but that we need to fulfill our Ministries as Christians is
01:54:1401:54:14 - a universal across all people in the church aie do you have uh more points to Riff on with regards to this
01:54:2301:54:23 - uh I guess not not really I don’t think I have much to say about it um I think I think you made the the uh distinctions
01:54:3501:54:35 - quite clearly or at least you made you made it clear exactly how the Trinity is operating in this um the the the
01:54:4401:54:44 - perspective from which I have continue to come is always that we see that this is all the Lord
01:54:5301:54:53 - investing in this whole thing so it’s not just that we are uh how shall I put it for example
01:55:0101:55:01 - when we’re talking about fulfilling our ministry in this life we we essentially think it’s all about what we choose to
01:55:0801:55:08 - do and we we feel like we have this huge burden of responsibility which we we should be conscious of the fact that
01:55:1401:55:14 - it’s a huge responsibility but on the other hand it is the Lord working all of this out the spirit is giving us spec
01:55:2201:55:22 - special spiritual abilities to do certain things and the Lord Jesus is not leaving us to just figure out what we
01:55:2901:55:29 - want to do with these abilities but specifically assigning us roles to play in the church and then we don’t just
01:55:3701:55:37 - play those roles and hope for the best nor do we play those roles and seek to produce certain effects there are
01:55:4501:55:45 - effects that will be assigned to what we do by the father himself so it you could see all the bases are covered is the
01:55:5401:55:54 - important thing it’s the critical thing how the how the Trinity is so invested in realizing this that nothing has been
01:56:0101:56:01 - left to chance and of course if anything was left to chance it wouldn’t happen at all and we haven’t been left to carry
01:56:0601:56:06 - all the burden by ourselves we are seeing that in all of this the Trinity is fully 100% invested so and I do think
01:56:1601:56:16 - actually now that you mention it the specific effects bit this can be really important for us to understand
01:56:2201:56:22 - that it’s not all on us the reception to what we say maybe people don’t believe um if you’ve read some of the Old
01:56:3201:56:32 - Testament prophets uh Jeremiah or some of the the prophets who were not warmly received by the people of Israel this is
01:56:4001:56:40 - what we mean by specific effects so you can have the best of intentions and go about your ministry diligently and that
01:56:4901:56:49 - doesn’t mean that people will listen and the amount of reception you have whether it’s lukewarm or people are really
01:56:5601:56:56 - excited or you’re ignored completely that is within the hands of the father um and no matter how we feel
01:57:0501:57:05 - in the matter we need to trust that God knows what he’s doing and so none of this is a mistake none of this is left
01:57:1401:57:14 - up to chance as Audie said now of course that doesn’t mean that it’s always easy for us to figure out you know what our
01:57:2001:57:20 - gifts are much less what Ministries are much less what we should think about the effect of our
01:57:2601:57:26 - Ministries we have a great deal of blindness due to our limited perspective as humans but regardless all three
01:57:3401:57:34 - members of the Trinity play this this part together to bring about the church building itself up in love everything
01:57:4201:57:42 - goes through the truth um Ephesians chapter 4 is a good cross reference uh for the the church building itself up in
01:57:4901:57:49 - love through the truth but spiritual gift play this important part in God’s plan
01:57:5501:57:55 - being worked out in the world in as much as we are the hands and feet of God in the world like that analogy in 1
01:58:0201:58:02 - Corinthians chapter 12 talks about so the last main thing we’re going to be talking about Trinity roles with
01:58:1301:58:13 - as it pertains to the plan of God being worked out is how our prayers uh are answered by the Trinity and how the
01:58:2101:58:21 - mechanics of this is sort of tied up in the roles that the members of the Trinity adopt so when we are told to
01:58:2901:58:29 - pray we are supposed to pray to the father and a cross reference from this comes in Matthew chapter 6 this is Jesus
01:58:3701:58:37 - uh telling us that we need to not pray on the street corners to be seen but we should pray in secret uh
01:58:4601:58:46 - earnestly lifting up our requests to the father um and the reason why this verse is quot in support of this point is
01:58:5301:58:53 - because well it makes it very clear that we are actually praying to the father um as opposed to Jesus Christ or the holy
01:59:0001:59:00 - spirit so he is the one generally speaking to whom we offer our prayers uh in the analogy that we used before when
01:59:0801:59:08 - we were explaining the Trinity roles a bit we mentioned how the father is kind of like the king he’s the one bearing
01:59:1501:59:15 - the authority of the godhead and the son is sort of like the Crown Prince or the advocate for us of the people he’s sort
01:59:2401:59:24 - of the intermediary the bridge between a God who is sort of far away in this position of authority that is uh sort of
01:59:3201:59:32 - unreachable by us and the Sun is the person who intercedes on our behalf um the visible one and so that is why um
01:59:4001:59:40 - you know as we talked about then while we’re pulling that back in now that’s why we pray in the name of the son
01:59:4601:59:46 - through what Jesus did on the cross we have access to the throne room of God through his blood that is how we might
01:59:5301:59:53 - phrase this and so uh this cross reference from John chapter 15 here uh coming about this uh
02:00:0202:00:02 - uh about the the same place that we talk about the analogy of the vine and the branches for us as Christians people
02:00:0902:00:09 - bearing fruit connecting uh ourselves to the vine of Christ and abiding in Christ uh well that is kind of the context of
02:00:1902:00:19 - this passage but it makes it clear that whatever we ask of the father in my name as in in the name of Jesus he may
02:00:2902:00:29 - give to us now of course we have to be praying within his will and so we don’t get to ask for anything and just attack
02:00:3502:00:35 - Jesus’s name on the end and say okay God give it to me you see I I uttered the magic words that’s not what we mean by
02:00:4102:00:41 - this but we mean that we understand that we have access to uh the throne room of God uh with Jesus Christ as our Advocate
02:00:5002:00:50 - because of what he did for us like that’s the mechanics of it we are allowed to present ourselves before the
02:00:5702:00:57 - father to lift up our requests before the father only because the son purchased access for us so to speak um
02:01:0402:01:04 - not that God wanted to condemn us and was just sitting there waiting for an excuse but this is the plan that God has
02:01:0902:01:09 - architected to make it so that sinful Humanity has access to that Throne I me it didn’t just happen it wasn’t like
02:01:1702:01:17 - Jesus was the one who did it and the father has been cold in aloof he was the one who sent the son but the point is we
02:01:2302:01:23 - have access to ask the father for our requests in prayer through what Jesus did for us and finally we kind of have
02:01:3202:01:32 - the ability to to do this you know our connection with God is mediated through the indwelling Holy Spirit we’ve talked
02:01:3902:01:39 - about this before as it pertains to spiritual baptism when we have this this process of regeneration when we put off
02:01:4802:01:48 - the old man and become indwelt by the Holy Spirit that’s kind of the connection we have to God with the Holy
02:01:5402:01:54 - Spirit indwelling us giving us eyes to see spiritual things well we pray through the power of the spirit um and
02:02:0302:02:03 - so example verse reference for this one Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 talks about um us with all prayer and petition
02:02:1102:02:11 - praying at all times in the spirit and uh you know it’s not a complicated phenomenon here we know that whatever we
02:02:1902:02:19 - do positively in the spirit in sorry the Christian Life we do through the power of the spirit so when we work out things
02:02:2602:02:26 - in our Ministries when we love others as we ought it’s not entirely on our own power we do this but we are empowered by
02:02:3302:02:33 - God living within us and so too when we pray and so along the lines of the Trinity roles that we have been talking
02:02:4002:02:40 - about all this time we again see here the father in the position of authority the one to whom the prayers are offered
02:02:4702:02:47 - the son is the one we see the one who has purchased access to the throne room of God for us the one who intercedes on
02:02:5402:02:54 - our behalf the one we kind of keep our eyes on and address and then the spirit is the one who empowers it all behind
02:03:0102:03:01 - the scenes and makes it all possible connecting us to God uh through his indwelling presence in our lives so um I
02:03:0902:03:09 - think just as all the other examples we’ve talked about we can pretty clearly see the rules delineated here um all
02:03:1502:03:15 - three of them choosing to adopt these uh different positions these different things that they do with regard to the
02:03:2202:03:22 - prayers of Believers yet all completely unified in purpose uh to bring about how God wants us to pray uh as members of
02:03:3002:03:30 - his church because he does he commands us to pray it’s something that’s important for us to do uh to fulfill
02:03:3502:03:35 - God’s will in the world for us as Christians so I think that’s most of what I have to say here AI does anything
02:03:4102:03:41 - else jump out at you oh well um one critical thing I suppose is it’s not as if the scriptures
02:03:4902:03:49 - are saying that if you were to pray to the Lord Jesus you’ve done something wrong or if you were to make a request
02:03:5602:03:56 - of the Holy Spirit you have committed some sort of error the thing is that the way that the scriptures put it is more
02:04:0302:04:03 - like this is largely how it works again there’s that overlap the Lord Jesus is himself said if you asking if you ask me
02:04:1202:04:12 - anything in my name I will do it you know so it’s not as if we cannot pray to him
02:04:1902:04:19 - and being how the spirit uh functioned in um uh the days of of the of Israel and what he says in Hebrews chapter 3
02:04:3002:04:30 - and is the Dynamics of walking with him there’s nothing wrong with praying to him either the thing is that largely the
02:04:3802:04:38 - structure of it is that it is the father that we tend to pray to and we’re able to uh make our request this is something
02:04:4802:04:48 - really critical I think that because because of of of the sheer um ignorance of our times the ignorance of
02:04:5902:04:59 - the truth of of biblical truth of our times people take prayer for granted um if I did not
02:05:0802:05:08 - marry my Abby chances are that there would be no circumstances under which I would probably be able to approach her
02:05:1702:05:17 - father to say anything to him he simply is not in my circle
02:05:2402:05:24 - whatsoever so consider that sort of situation if you wanted to make a request of someone like that you
02:05:3102:05:31 - certainly can’t just walk into his office and say whatever you like to him you would need someone who would open
02:05:3802:05:38 - that door to you someone who would essentially say to him for my sake hear him out that’s what the Lord Jesus did
02:05:4602:05:46 - for us when we pray in the name of Jesus it’s there’s nothing wrong by with saying in the name of Jesus I ask for
02:05:5302:05:53 - such and such but do we really understand that what we’re saying is I want you to treat me as if I wear
02:06:0102:06:01 - Jesus in making this request of you and once you understand that this is literally what you’re doing with the
02:06:0902:06:09 - Father the next question you’ll ask yourself is would the Lord Jesus ask for what you’re asking for that’s another
02:06:1602:06:16 - thing it’s kind of our identity as servants we have been delegated this position to act on behalf of Jesus
02:06:2202:06:22 - Christ who’s ouring officer if you want to look at it like that so if you’re in the military let’s use the military
02:06:2802:06:28 - analogy here and your captain tells you okay private go to the Supply Depot and tell the clerk that we need you know
02:06:3702:06:37 - thus and so and you go and you’re gonna say hey my captain sent me you see what I’m saying like we are under his
02:06:4602:06:46 - authority but you can’t attach his name and then ask for things that obviously aren’t going to contribute to the
02:06:5402:06:54 - mission because the person it so I guess the clerk at the Supply Depot isn’t the best analogy for the father someone with
02:07:0002:07:00 - authority okay Congress um but the point here is that when we ask we really are asking like you said attaching ourselves
02:07:1002:07:10 - under the banner of Jesus Christ and what he did for us and so this is one of those reasons why we trying to think
02:07:1702:07:17 - about the right way to say this um it’s not like oh you need to be really careful when you pray because if you
02:07:2202:07:22 - pray wrong God’s going to Smite you or something that’s not what we’re talking about but what we are talking about is
02:07:2902:07:29 - that we need to understand what it is that prayer actually is when we make a request like this H how how closely
02:07:3702:07:37 - bound it is with this understanding of God listens to us only because we are washed clean in the blood of Christ and
02:07:4402:07:44 - so that’s why we shouldn’t attach anything improper to our prayers because how can anything improper
02:07:5202:07:52 - you know be be put before the father alongside the sacrifice of Jesus Christ no matter what we do it’s always going
02:07:5902:07:59 - to be dirty rags compared to the Cross right but the point is we really ought not put selfish requests or Petty things
02:08:0802:08:08 - or just things that obviously when you think about it you know you look at it sideways for even a second you just know
02:08:1402:08:14 - this isn’t the will of God we don’t want to pray those things because it is serious it’s important
02:08:2102:08:21 - stuff when we are asking we are asking in a formal sense in the name of Jesus according to what he has done for
02:08:2902:08:29 - us we need to make sure that we are acting as the servants God wants us to when we pray
02:08:3602:08:36 - too yeah yeah now perhaps someone might ask how do you know what’s proper um I don’t
02:08:4402:08:44 - know if you’ve wondered this and we could easily get off topic here but I shall keep it short if you wonder God I
02:08:5002:08:50 - don’t I don’t know how you’re working in this this situation what should I even pray um that’s kind of where the Holy
02:08:5602:08:56 - Spirit comes in right uh we are not uh expected to always know exactly what God’s will is so that we might pray
02:09:0402:09:04 - for it it is perfectly acceptable to say I trust you God I don’t know how you are working in this situation but I know
02:09:1202:09:12 - that you will you will have your your ends mat your purposes and goals completed and I just pray that the
02:09:2002:09:20 - outcome that is your will would come about and that you would give us Grace and peace in it to accept your will
02:09:2602:09:26 - understand have faith you know things like that well the spirit translates that for us we don’t have to have it all
02:09:3302:09:33 - figured out um and so that’s kind of where his support role comes in um this passage I know we we’ve brought this one
02:09:3902:09:39 - up I think a fair bit since we’ve been talking about here the role of the spirit in Romans chapter 8 um he is said
02:09:4602:09:46 - to intercede for us um you know we brought this up among other reasons uh because because it it obviously shows
02:09:5302:09:53 - that the spirit is a person not some sort of inpersonal force uh but this is the support role so he is a critical and
02:10:0102:10:01 - important part of this process as well especially making up for kind of our our limits and our our uh you know
02:10:0902:10:09 - insufficiency as human beings approaching god um the spirit is the one who gives us that that
02:10:1502:10:15 - connection yeah yeah all right well I think that is the
02:10:2102:10:21 - last of our main sections so we’re going to close off by talking about the caveats to kind of everything that we’ve
02:10:2802:10:28 - gone through here so the last thing we’re going to do before we close out uh this this section
02:10:3702:10:37 - we’ve been going through about the Trinity roles as demonstrated in God’s plan for human history and how he works
02:10:4402:10:44 - it out in all of these different ways we’ve been going through is we’re going to be talking a little bit about some of
02:10:4902:10:49 - the caveats here uh ways in which we just need to be careful when discussing these things to make sure that we are
02:10:5602:10:56 - just being uh uh accurate in how we handle the roles as God works in not in the world so we don’t put God into a box
02:11:0502:11:05 - more or less or we don’t try to confine each role and say well they they can’t do that you know it’s not you know it’s
02:11:1202:11:12 - not possible or whatever we are obviously very finite beings and we don’t understand God much less concept
02:11:2002:11:20 - just like eternity or Infinity um and so the point here is that all these examples we’ve been going through are
02:11:2802:11:28 - trying to help us explain and expound upon the doctrine of the Trinity as the Bible reveals it so we want to make sure
02:11:3402:11:34 - that the basis for our belief and our teaching on this subject is coming straight from scripture we aren’t making
02:11:4102:11:41 - up Doctrine we’re not trying to build these complicated philosophical systems and what have you we are just trying to
02:11:4802:11:48 - ascertain what it is the Bible says and teaches but the caveat here is that the division of labor that suggested by the
02:11:5602:11:56 - roles in the Bible is not necessarily meant to be strict in all cases and strict I would say in terms of a
02:12:0302:12:03 - scientific accounting of things or uh you know coloring Outside the Lines we might say in most of these and other
02:12:1102:12:11 - joint actions of the Trinity there’s overlap and further subdivision of responsibilities which is often only
02:12:1702:12:17 - hinted at in scripture so if we have the least bit of humility we ought to understand that that like the Bible is
02:12:2402:12:24 - not exhaustive in outlining exactly how the three members of the Trinity divide labor in everything that God does in the
02:12:3202:12:32 - world because there’s an awful lot that God does in the world um you know in fact if everything that Jesus did were
02:12:3802:12:38 - to be written down as said at the end of John’s gospel the world would not be able to contain it well how much more so
02:12:4402:12:44 - God in three persons everything that God does in the world like we’re we’re not going to see at all it is impossible and
02:12:5302:12:53 - so like I as I say if we have the least bit humility that ought to be obvious but in all these joint actions of the
02:12:5902:12:59 - trinity in their United purpose there’s overlap and further subdivision so when we talk about the father being
02:13:0502:13:05 - identified with love in that he sent the son to die for our sins while we were yet sinners it’s true that the father’s
02:13:1302:13:13 - decision to send the son you know as the one with authority positionally putting him in the world to save us was a
02:13:1902:13:19 - decision that showcases love magnified but the son loved us enough to die for us and the spirit loved us enough to
02:13:2702:13:27 - make that sacrifice possible so it’s not like the Son and the spirit don’t love us or can’t be identified with love and
02:13:3402:13:34 - so too with the other virtues and I’m kind of talking about this uh this this topic here that we went over and that’s
02:13:4102:13:41 - true in a whole bunch of things as well so you know the effects of the Ministries are decreed by the father in
02:13:4602:13:46 - his plan but the Ministries that were given are assigned by the son but you know he knows our talents and aptitudes
02:13:5202:13:52 - so he he’ll give us Ministries that bring about the effects decreed by the father like it’s all related is what
02:13:5702:13:57 - we’re saying here and so the wrong way to look at this is well the father can’t do that because or the son can’t do that
02:14:0402:14:04 - because or what have you because like I don’t know it violates the principle of fatherhood or you know people try to
02:14:1202:14:12 - build boxes like this and that’s what we’re saying you shouldn’t do in this these analogies because as we’ve said
02:14:1902:14:19 - before you should think in your head uh Trinity role equals analogy right not descriptions of the generation of the
02:14:2702:14:27 - sun we’ve been over that that’s heresy we shouldn’t go there the son is an eternal member of the Trinity how can he
02:14:3302:14:33 - be created um so we are talking about these roles as analogies to help us understand the way in which the members
02:14:4102:14:41 - of the Trinity act in the world and so in this last thing that we were talking about um prayer uh well even though we
02:14:4902:14:49 - almost always address it to the father like that’s the examples we have from the Bible are pretty consistent in this
02:14:5502:14:55 - way Jesus does say um and this is in John chapter 14 that if we ask anything in his name if we ask him anything in
02:15:0202:15:02 - his name he will do it um and so that’s not praying to the father that’s praying to Jesus so we say oh well you see it’s
02:15:1002:15:10 - not like a contradiction or anything and um you know we actually talked about this off the recording just a little bit
02:15:1402:15:14 - ago um you know we can pray to any member of the Trinity and we should not let this in the way of us praying out of
02:15:2202:15:22 - fear of praying wrong the point is is is that like there there aren’t lines here so strong that it is indefensible for us
02:15:3202:15:32 - to ever address the son in prayer as our commanding officer and our elder brother in the faith as one who understands us
02:15:3802:15:38 - could we never pray to him or include him in our prayers and I mean sometimes I was speaking for myself I just pray to
02:15:4502:15:45 - God and you know God is made up of three persons United in will do we need to specify I mean I think
02:15:5402:15:54 - just getting really focusing on the details here majoring on the minors making the mountains of the mole Hills
02:16:0102:16:01 - is not the right approach to this um uh especially trying to say well this can’t be so because you know this role means
02:16:1002:16:10 - thus and so um the more that we try to force it the more that we aren’t kind of going down the right path here um
02:16:1902:16:19 - another example here so we know that the father as the one in heaven the one with the authoritative plan who is sort of
02:16:2602:16:26 - delegating um the and architecting uh everything that happens so uh there’s this controversy in the early church uh
02:16:3502:16:35 - this you may have heard this has to do with so-called filio Clause it’s a Latin um for and the son when the spirit was
02:16:4202:16:42 - sent was the father the one who sent him or was it the father and the son who sent him um to us I mean in many
02:16:5102:16:51 - practical terms doesn’t matter the spirit was sent uh to us to indwell us but uh this is getting at the idea of
02:16:5902:16:59 - roles again well the son is acting as the one who was sent to us initially on the father’s Authority so it’s perfectly
02:17:0702:17:07 - acceptable for him to send the spirit as a representative of the father but the father is the one in Authority who you
02:17:1402:17:14 - know has this plan and so you know he can send the spirit as the one sort of uh pointing and structuring the foran on
02:17:2102:17:21 - a construction site right um so both are right you know the issue turns on the father’s role as possessing original
02:17:3002:17:30 - Authority and the son’s role receiving delegated authority as God’s messenger in the world the representative if you
02:17:3602:17:36 - will but again both of these things only deal with adopted roles as in they are not inherently by Nature limitations
02:17:4502:17:45 - upon the members of the Trinity and so the point in all this is that we just need to be careful to restrict ourselves
02:17:5202:17:52 - to learning what the Bible actually teaches us you know the roles as God tends to organize um our understanding
02:18:0202:18:02 - of him through these analogies in scripture and we should not build dispositive doctrinal principles and
02:18:0802:18:08 - it’s kind of a big word but uh it means things like basically that are purporting to settle a matter for all
02:18:1502:18:15 - time basically pretending like we know exactly what all this means when we don’t because we’re small and finite and
02:18:2102:18:21 - human um solely on deductions steming from what the rules might mean um so I it it’s not said in the Bible but it’s
02:18:3002:18:30 - something that we say well based on the nature of fathers I think so and so like that’s when we’re getting off in the
02:18:3502:18:35 - weeds um because the thing that should be clear to us from everything that we get in the Bible all the examples that
02:18:4202:18:42 - we’ve been going over here is that the members of the Trinity are undeniably one in their unity and purpose so all of
02:18:4902:18:49 - these things that we’ve been going over so you know like you know the creation of the world the plan of God the
02:18:5502:18:55 - revelation of the word the Advent of Christ what that means for us in terms of about salvation the reconciliation of
02:19:0002:19:00 - the believer you know I could go on and on and on everything that we’ve talked about in this particular lesson all of
02:19:0602:19:06 - these things the members of the Trinity are united they have a purpose in this and so just because the father acts in
02:19:1402:19:14 - this way and the son acts in this way where those lines are how they intersect with each other um where the boundaries
02:19:2002:19:20 - are are they’re all God all of this is being worked out for our good and we’re supposed to help um we are supposed to
02:19:2802:19:28 - understand them like these analogies were given to us in the Bible to help us make sense of where those
02:19:3402:19:34 - responsibilities are within the in the trinity in the roles they’ve adopted but again as we’ve been saying they’re
02:19:4002:19:40 - analogies we don’t get to push it past what is there and so they’re just supposed to help us organize um in a
02:19:4802:19:48 - wider sense of scale how it is that the roles in the Trinity work that’s all there is to it and so that’s really no
02:19:5402:19:54 - more than the point we’re making here is that if you are ever tempted to push something and and um what’s the right
02:20:0202:20:02 - way to phrase this like try to say it has to be thus and so because of XYZ chain of logical deductions you’re
02:20:0902:20:09 - probably pushing it too far that’s just kind of the rule of a thumb that I think we would want to adopt here so a you
02:20:1602:20:16 - have any points that you want to cover more uh in this kind of warning section of of where the bounds
02:20:2402:20:24 - are yeah um when it comes to the Trinity what again we’re concerned with is coming to understand why we uh are
02:20:3302:20:33 - signing up on God’s plan the Bible is particularly concerned with telling us this is why God made everything this is
02:20:4202:20:42 - why you are here and um this is what is required or expected of you you and what the Lord is calling you to the
02:20:5302:20:53 - rewards he has uh prepared for those who choose to follow him and all of that stuff now of course when you hear all
02:21:0202:21:02 - the plans and you hear all the promises and all of that bottom line is why should I trust that this is good for me
02:21:1002:21:10 - so the Bible also provides us with some insight into who God is and what he is about so when we are studying the
02:21:1902:21:19 - Trinity it is essentially telling us this is the person behind the plan this is the person making all these promises
02:21:2602:21:26 - and this is why you have any confidence that everything is going to work out the way you have been told it will work out
02:21:3302:21:33 - so when we hear about the roles in the Trinity typically we’re learning two things one is
02:21:4002:21:40 - that um yes God is really three persons he is not just one person wearing different hats that’s one one of the
02:21:5102:21:51 - very important things for example those who keep insisting that God is just one person who has three faces or whatever
02:21:5702:21:57 - it is they like to think have to explain how and and and they say ridiculous things which we have talked about in
02:22:0502:22:05 - this series that God sent himself to die on the cross and they say things like at the
02:22:1602:22:16 - baptism of Jesus Christ it was God the Father who spoke to himself while being baptized and who descended upon himself
02:22:2702:22:27 - in the form of a dove ridiculous things like this but we see with the way that the Bible makes these
02:22:3502:22:35 - delineations while also reminding us that they’re not to be taken as strict because we are supposed to understand
02:22:4302:22:43 - that there are there is quite a bit of overlap in the way that the per the persons of the Trinity um um function
02:22:5202:22:52 - toward the realiz the realization of their plan so what we are seeing in the first place is that there are really
02:23:0002:23:00 - three persons three persons that is just to tell us what God is like and then on the other hand that
02:23:1102:23:11 - this is how thought out how everything has been so accounted for that there has been nothing left to
02:23:1902:23:19 - chance every everything has been taken care of by God himself each person of the Trinity weighing in in some way to
02:23:2702:23:27 - make sure that everything works out the way that God wants it to that’s what we’re supposed to take away from this
02:23:3302:23:33 - once we start to go into anything other than this we get into all sorts of trouble we’re not here to make
02:23:4102:23:41 - theology just like the majority of Scholars so to speak um throughout the the the 2,000 years of church history
02:23:5202:23:52 - seem to think that we were here playing an intellect that the whole point of Christianity is some intellectual game
02:23:5702:23:57 - what we’re trying to build up theories as to what is what that’s not what we’re trying to do here we’re simply taking
02:24:0502:24:05 - what the scriptures say to understand this is who God is and therefore why we can trust that everything will work out
02:24:1102:24:11 - the way that he says that it will and this is how he is working it all out so that we know we can be certain that
02:24:1802:24:18 - nothing has been left to chance everything has been worked out and we can be confident that it will all play
02:24:2302:24:23 - out as we have been promised so um the cavates then are to tell us don’t make more of it than what
02:24:3302:24:33 - we have been told and that’s a worthy cave to me given the history of the of the church visible in the past 2,000
02:24:4102:24:41 - years well I also just think like I said the reason why why do we have these analogies because they help us better
02:24:4702:24:47 - understand God we all have human fathers you know some of them may have been you know better or more lacking than others
02:24:5402:24:54 - but we have this framework to fit the idea of fatherhood into it helps us understand God same deal with the idea
02:25:0202:25:02 - of sunship you know and The Heirs if you will you know specifically sons of kings and that sort of thing and you know
02:25:1302:25:13 - empowering forces like the wind we have ways in which we can help we can better understand God we can anori him or we
02:25:2102:25:21 - can ascribe these characteristics to him through these loose General analogies that help us better fit an infinite
02:25:2802:25:28 - Eternal being into our limited Minds that’s all this is um so as we’ve been saying just don’t make more out of it
02:25:3602:25:36 - than than what it is um and it’s really no more and no less than that um
02:25:4402:25:44 - yeah yeah all right well this has been quite the section um we’ll go over in a sec all the things we talked about but
02:25:5302:25:53 - giving us this deeper understanding of the Trinity roles in all that God does for us as he works throughout
02:26:0302:26:03 - history so we’re going to go back through everything we’ve talked about since this has been kind of a long one
02:26:0902:26:09 - here this lesson everything that we’ve gone through um all of these examples that we went through again emphasizing
02:26:1402:26:14 - that this is not the only things that God does in the world as it relates to his plan so a non-ex exhaustive list
02:26:2102:26:21 - what we said here um so we talked about the plan of God generally how the members of the Trinity are all involved
02:26:2902:26:29 - in the working out of the plan of God in human history talked about creation the revelation of the word Christ’s first
02:26:3802:26:38 - Advent the victory of Salvation the reconciliation of the believer regeneration of the believer and then we
02:26:4402:26:44 - spent some time talking about these things that we do after we are saved right so it’s not just
02:26:5002:26:50 - up until the point that we choose for God and we become part of his family then we have to walk on our pilgrimage
02:26:5702:26:57 - to Zion uh we have these virtues that we’re supposed to live by faith hope and love we have spiritual gifts we have
02:27:0402:27:04 - jobs that have been assigned to us uh with effects that the father has ordained to work out his will in the
02:27:1102:27:11 - world and then we’re supposed to pray as Believers this is an important part of our walk with god um you know praying
02:27:1702:27:17 - for other people in the church and just the world generally it helps connect us to God but we do that again um as it
02:27:2402:27:24 - relates to different roles in the Trinity understanding who they are and what they represent in God’s plan for us
02:27:3102:27:31 - so not going to overly belabor all the points here but the overview takeaway is that in all of these things we said so
02:27:3802:27:38 - let me see 1 2 3 four five 6 Seven 8 9 10 11 different points here that we’ve been through we have seen time and again
02:27:4702:27:47 - that the father and the son and the spirit all have these parts that they play in every single facet of God’s plan
02:27:5602:27:56 - for reconciling us to him both on an individual level and a corporate level um in every single part of this plan all
02:28:0402:28:04 - three members of the Trinity are united in bringing about the effects that God wishes in the world so for example in
02:28:1202:28:12 - reconciling us to him in giving us this opportunity to um be covered in the blood of Christ so that we might spend
02:28:1902:28:19 - ET eternity with him in perfect fellowship with God and one another well all three members of the Trinity play
02:28:2702:28:27 - critical roles in bringing that about and they are in perfect unity in none of these things uh does one member of the
02:28:3402:28:34 - Trinity want to do one thing and another one of the Trinity want to do another there is no conflict they have adopted
02:28:4002:28:40 - these roles that we’ve been talking about of the father and the son and the spirit as the empowering wind if you
02:28:4702:28:47 - will um these roles that we were discussing for the sake of bringing all these things about but they do so in
02:28:5302:28:53 - perfect Unity um and that is just the main takeaway here and so that’s why when we read about some of the caveats
02:29:0002:29:00 - that we have about uh you know basically why in all of this we shouldn’t get it through our heads that God can’t do this
02:29:0902:29:09 - or that it’s because we are just trying to better understand him using the analogies he’s given us in the Bible and
02:29:1602:29:16 - so hopefully all of this discussion that we’ve had in this section has helped make it clear to us um just a little bit
02:29:2202:29:22 - more depth how all of the roles work out in all these facets of God’s plan throughout human history and so in the
02:29:3002:29:30 - next lesson we are going to be talking about the trinity in the Old Testament so as opposed to just kind of The Wider
02:29:3702:29:37 - scale of human history that we were talking about here in all of God’s plans for us as human beings we’re going to be
02:29:4202:29:42 - looking at um how the Trinity was present even in the Old Testament um and so there is this passage uh in the New
02:29:5002:29:50 - Testament where Jesus is walking on the road to Emmas with people and he explains how the Bible spoke of him you
02:29:5702:29:57 - know and then they don’t recognize him until he breaks bread and then their eyes are opened but if you’ve ever
02:30:0102:30:01 - wondered what exactly was it that Jesus talked to them about during that time well that’s sort of I I we can’t promise
02:30:0902:30:09 - that we have everything that Jesus because we don’t have that recorded for us in the Bible but we’re going to take
02:30:1302:30:13 - a stab and talking about how we see the Trinity um uh maybe a little bit through a veil but we still see it present there
02:30:2002:30:20 - reflecting the reality of it even in the Old Testament so that’s what the next lesson will be focused on