Trinity Roles as Seen from Specific New Testament Scriptures



The Trinity Roles are clearly visible in many passages in the New Testament. While the Bible does not have a specific passage where it gives us a full accounting of how the Trinity Roles work together to bring about God’s purposes (with all the specifics listed out in tidy boxes), one would be entirely remiss in stating that the Bible “doesn’t talk about the Trinity” (or the roles therein). Quite to the contrary, the Trinity is all over the New Testament, and not even in shadows and symbolism as in the Old Testament. With the benefit of the specific revelation given to us in our day and time (cf. the concept of progressive revelation), God’s triune nature is evident at every turn, and inescapably so.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
00:5500:55 - Matthew 3:16-17
12:0512:05 - John 14:16
14:5314:53 - 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
22:4822:48 - 2 Corinthians 13:14
29:0029:00 - Ephesians 3:14-17
36:0236:02 - Ephesians 4:4-6
52:4752:47 - 1 Peter 1:1-2
58:2758:27 - Revelation 1:4-6
01:10:5701:10:57 - Summary and outro


(Derived from

Matthew 3:16-17

Matthew 3:16-17 | translation from Ichthys

Now once Jesus had been baptized, He immediately came up out of the water, and, behold!, the heavens opened for Him, and He saw the Spirit of God coming down like a dove and lighting upon Him. And, behold!, a voice from heaven was saying, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

The baptism of Christ had a much different symbolism from any other baptism John ever undertook. John had (rightly) understood the normal meaning of his unique baptism to be a visible act of repentance and a symbolic washing away of sins. This explains why he was reluctant to baptize the sinless Messiah (Matt.3:14). But in the case of Christ, the symbolism is different: His entrance into the water represents His willingness to submerge Himself into our sins (therefore to die for them); whereas His coming up out of the water represents His resurrection. In this, the role of the Trinity in Christ’s victory over death at the cross in death and resurrection is symbolized: the Son who undertook the mission to save us from our sins comes back to life (in His humanity); the Holy Spirit quickens Him (1Pet.3:18); and the Father who sent the Son pronounces His work and sacrifice satisfactory, efficacious and well-pleasing.

John 14:16

John 14:16 | translation from Ichthys

And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter, that He may be with you forever.

This verse shows the Father in a position of authority, the Son interceding on behalf of believers, and the Holy Spirit being sent to help us.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6

1st Corinthians 12:4-6 | translation from Ichthys

There are different gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are different ministries, but the same Lord; and there are different results, but the same God who brings about all results in all cases.

Here we see clearly the respective roles of the Trinity in supporting our Christian ministry in life. The Holy Spirit gives us our particular spiritual gift(s) (cf. 1Cor.12:11); specific ministries are said to be assigned by our Lord Jesus Christ; and the Father is said to oversee and empower the results of those ministries: God gives us the gift (the Holy Spirit: He empowers us); God gives us the ministry (the Lord Jesus Christ: we share in His mission); God gives us the results (the Father: all effects are part of His plan).

2 Corinthians 13:14

2 Corinthians 13:14 | translation from Ichthys

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

The Trinity is seen here from the standpoint of salvation, before, during and after: The love of the Father sends the Son to die for sinful mankind (cf. Jn.3:16); The Son’s sacrifice reconciles us with the Father by satisfying the requirements of the Father’s righteousness, and thus providing grace, that is, salvation free to us since He paid; The Spirit unites in fellowship with God all who accept this offer of grace (based on Christ’s death) originating in God’s love.

Ephesians 3:14-17

Ephesians 3:14-17 | translation from Ichthys

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father, from whom His entire family in heaven and on earth has received its name, that He may grant you according to the riches of His glory to be powerfully strengthened in your inner person through His Spirit, so that, rooted and grounded in love, Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

In this apostolic prayer of Paul, we see the Father as the authority to whom Paul prays; he prays for us to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit; the object of his prayer is that we may grow to be more like our Savior, Jesus Christ, and improve our relationship with Him in every way.

Ephesians 4:4-6

Ephesians 4:4-6 | translation from Ichthys

There is one body and One Spirit – just as when you were called it was in one hope that you were called. There is One Lord [Jesus Christ], one faith, one baptism. There is One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

In this precís of the “unity of the faith” (Eph.4:3), Paul reminds us of some of the most important common factors of our Christian faith. In doing so, certain aspects of individual Trinity roles are emphasized: the Holy Spirit’s role in bringing us into the body of Christ through His baptizing of us into Christ, and our concomitant hope of resurrection in Christ; the Lord Jesus Christ’s role as our object of faith and the Spirit baptism by which we enter into union with Him through that faith; the Father’s role as the unifying God of love, who knits His family of believers together in every way.

1 Peter 1:1-2

1 Peter 1:1-2 | translation from Ichthys

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who, though outcasts dispersed throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, were yet selected in the foreknowledge of God the Father, by means of the Holy Spirit’s consecration, for the obedience in and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Peter tells us that we believers are elected to eternal life according to the Father’s plan of salvation, the Holy Spirit’s implementation of salvation for us when we believe, and the Son’s work of salvation, in which and in whom we put our faith.

Revelation 1:4-6

Revelation 1:4-6 | translation from Ichthys

Grace to you and peace from the One who is and was and is coming, and from the seven Spirits which are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth.

In John’s salutation from the Trinity, the Father’s eternity and imminent taking of possession of the devil’s world, the Spirit’s supervision of the devil’s world (see Rev.5:6; Is.11:2), and the Son’s victory and conquest over the devil’s world are emphasized.

Video/audio transcript

00:0000:00 - the next thing in the study that we’re going to be going through is examining the Trinity roles as seen from specific
00:0700:07 - New Testament scriptures so we’re going to be taking a collection of passages in the New Testament uh looking through
00:1300:13 - them and then trying to kind of analyze what they help tell us about the roles in the Trinity so not too much to this
00:2100:21 - uh just a bunch of passages we’re going to go through we’re going to look at Matthew chap 3: 16-1 17 John 14:16 1
00:2900:29 - Corinthians 12 veres 4-6 2 Corinthians 13:14 Ephesians chapter 3: 14-1 17 Ephesians chap 4: 4-6 1 Peter 1: 1-2 and
00:4300:43 - Revelation 1: 4-6 we’re just going to be examining these passages and uh what they tell us or uh how they help us
00:5200:52 - better understand the roles in the Trinity the first Passage that we’re going to look at here talking about the
01:0201:02 - roles in the Trinity as seen from New Testament scripture is Matthew 3: 16 and 17 so as we go through these I’m going
01:1001:10 - to go ahead and read the passage and then talk a bit about uh what ichus kind of has us draw from the passages and
01:1701:17 - then we’ll open it up for discussion just how we do normal things so Matthew chap 3: 16-1
01:2401:24 - 17 now once Jesus had been baptized he immediately came up out of the water and behold the heavens opened for him and he
01:3201:32 - saw the spirit of God coming down like a dove and lighting upon him and behold a voice from heaven was saying this is my
01:3901:39 - beloved Son with whom I am well pleased so the words that are emphasized uh this is a translation coming directly
01:4701:47 - from ichus we have Jesus bolded spirit of God so the spirit is bolded as well as the voice from Heaven um and so those
01:5601:56 - are the three things where you actually see the the people in the Trinity the persons of the Trinity the roles of the
02:0302:03 - Trinity present here so Jesus is the one that we can see right the person before hus he’s being baptized by John the
02:1102:11 - Baptist um and then the spirit of God well is actually taking form here you know perhaps unlike the wind we say the
02:1902:19 - spirit’s characteristic is that he’s unseen well okay fine but he is a liting on Jesus Christ he is going to empower
02:2602:26 - Jesus symbolically here in the baptism of Christ and then the voice from Heaven speaking in the first person if you’ll
02:3202:32 - note like we were emphasizing before is the authoritative father the the first person in the Trinity now um it’s
02:4202:42 - actually important to note that the baptism of Jesus is actually fundamentally different in its meaning
02:4802:48 - than all of the other baptisms of John which uh those of us that follow ichus um ichus holds that water baptism is the
02:5702:57 - baptism of John the Baptist it has always been that it has never been anything but that and that it has always
03:0203:02 - been uh in the traditional sense uh basically symbolically representative of repentance and uh basically preparing
03:1003:10 - oneself for accepting the Messiah um and so that is what normal water baptism as John did all of the other Jews meant but
03:1803:18 - it actually meant something different for Jesus right so the normal meeting of John’s baptism as I just said was a
03:2503:25 - visible Act of repentance and a symbolic washing way of sins um but this perhaps helps us understand why John was
03:3303:33 - actually kind of protesting when Jesus came to him to be baptized so this is Matthew chapter 3:14 when Jesus came to
03:3903:39 - John to be baptized John said I have need to be baptized by you and do you come to me so John tried to prevent
03:4703:47 - Jesus from being baptized well kind of rightly because Jesus had no need to be washed clean of sins um but the
03:5603:56 - symbolism of Christ baptism is actually quite bit different so Jesus’s entrance into the water represents his
04:0404:04 - willingness to be to submerge himself into our sins uh you know therefore to die by to die by them so um his coming
04:1304:13 - up from the water represents his resurrection right and so you can see that this is different symbolism than
04:1904:19 - some symbolic act to represent you know our repentance and the washing away of our sin this is Jesus being baptized in
04:2604:26 - our sins so that when he pays for them on the cross we might be forgiven and coming up from the water represents his
04:3504:35 - resurrection his power over sin and death um so in this um and now to turn us back to the Trinity maybe you’ve been
04:4304:43 - wondering why are we talking about this the role of the trinity in Christ victory over the death over Death At The
04:5004:50 - Cross is symbolized here so the son who undertook the mission to save us from our sins comes back to life right you
04:5804:58 - see things are happening to him so to speak the one that we see the holy spirit is the one who quickens him or as
05:0605:06 - we would say is the one the sort of the empowering Force here that uh he was made alive in the spirit he is
05:1405:14 - resurrected through the power of the spirit empowering Jesus behind the scenes we might say and it’s the father
05:2105:21 - who pronounces the son’s work as satisfactory efficacious and well pleasing so um in Jesus’s baptism this
05:2905:29 - is my son with whom I am well pleased well it’s not just Jesus as a you know like like this isn’t just something the
05:3705:37 - father says because it is symbolically representative here of the father’s acceptance of Jesus’s payment again
05:4505:45 - that’s the symbolism here for Jesus’s uh for Jesus’s baptism that is different than the normal meaning of John’s water
05:5405:54 - baptism so it’s kind of a lot to unpack there but the point is all three roles in the Trinity are present within this
06:0306:03 - uh you know the payment that Jesus made for our sins and his subsequent Resurrection um AUD and I have talked
06:0906:09 - about this some before um as we were talking about how in most of the things that relate to God’s Redemptive plan for
06:1706:17 - human history you can easily and obviously see all three members of the Trinity at work right so paying for
06:2306:23 - human sin we know that when Jesus took our sins upon himself uh you know suffering for them upon the cross to
06:3106:31 - sake God’s Judgment of these sins well that he did that through the power of the holy spirit so Jesus was the one who
06:3706:37 - had the mission the spirit is the one who made it possible but he was sent by the father and the father is the one who
06:4406:44 - pronounces that the payment has been accepted that um what Christ did for us was efficacious in removing the stain of
06:5106:51 - Sin from us and so in his uh death and judgment upon the cross and in his resurrection all three me of the Trinity
07:0107:01 - obviously present there and that kind of helps us understand how the three roles relate so you have any points to add to
07:0907:09 - this well certainly that that I’m not sure that this is actually adding anything but for those I’ve I’ve
07:1607:16 - actually heard someone make the argument that you have Jesus being
07:2307:23 - baptized still descending upon himself and declaring from Heaven that he is his own beloved Son with whom he is well
07:3207:32 - pleased I I don’t know what would lead anyone into believing that that is exactly how what this this passage is
07:3907:39 - saying it seems to me to be a far more straightforward demonstration of both the multiplicity of the personhood of
07:4907:49 - God as well as the reality of the Trinity that is there there is more than one person here
08:0208:02 - and whoever you are hearing here is still God so Jesus as God is going into the water as a man he is God and he is
08:1108:11 - man the spirit of God who is a different person is descending on him and somebody is speaking from Heaven that is not the
08:2008:20 - Jesus who is going into the water not the spirit who’s dep descending on Jesus so this this should be a very good to to
08:3008:30 - get um an introduction to the Trinity for anyone who you know that is an issue for um and again it says something about
08:3908:39 - the different roles being worked out Jesus is the one who is going into the water to take away the sins of the world
08:4708:47 - and we are seeing the spirit of God coming down to light on him that is the enabling to carry out this function
08:5708:57 - because we must remember what he he did in his flesh was done in the strength of the spirit he was not using his deity or
09:0509:05 - his godhood he was living as a man a true man so that if anything was going to be possible it had to have the
09:1209:12 - empower the empowerment of God behind it the empowerment of God other than himself he couldn’t use his own deity so
09:2109:21 - we see the spirit providing him with that empowerment just as the Holy Spirit provides provides it for any of us today
09:2809:28 - and then we see that the father himself is declaring pleasure which means the thing I want has been done the authority
09:3609:36 - side of things so this is a good demonstration of the multiple roles of the budhead in this just as everything
09:4809:48 - you have said I mean it’s basically just it all I think the uh the point that you made about kinosis is actually good I
09:5609:56 - didn’t really touch on that that the spirit’s role become that much more necessary to the process of our
10:0310:03 - Redemption when you consider that Jesus was under kinosis even on the cross right um so uh we would say that you
10:1210:12 - know Jesus had to be human to take on human sin right we that is a true Point theologically speaking but the
10:1910:19 - empowerment of the spirit is very very crucial there because Jesus couldn’t do this on his own right um so emphasizing
10:2810:28 - that Jesus had the spirit I mean like he was a human being in the same way that we are indwelt by the holy
10:3410:34 - spirit in the same way we are right um and so H you know not to get too bogged down in the details there but when we
10:4110:41 - say that what we’re saying is that the the role of the spirit when Jesus was on the
10:4710:47 - cross was very necessary as someone distinct from Jesus right um Jesus couldn’t do it in his Humanity under
10:5610:56 - kosis so that’s a a good point and and you’re completely right that this passage this is one of the ones that
11:0311:03 - makes the least sense if you don’t see the three persons in the Trinity is being separate persons that was one of
11:1011:10 - the points we made when we were talking about um just an overview of the doctrine of the Trinity generally
11:1511:15 - speaking there’s the other passage I think it’s in John chapter 14 where Jesus is requesting that the father send
11:2211:22 - the spirit that’s another great passage that illustrates why you have to have all three members of the Trinity being
11:2811:28 - different person otherwise you’d have God asking God to send himself right like it just doesn’t
11:3611:36 - make sense um yeah and those are perhaps the two clearest passages I can think of that just it it
11:4211:42 - it makes the Trinity it’s there it’s directly there you cannot really interpret these passages any other way
11:4911:49 - um so just reiterating things we’ve already gone over but it’s an excellent point because this is one of the
11:5511:55 - clearest passages in the entire Bible I think that shows not only that it has to be three people but also what those
12:0112:01 - three people do yeah speaking of John chapter 14 um a
12:1312:13 - and I have mentioned this as another verse very much carrying the sense of the necessity of the three persons of
12:1912:19 - the Trinity so we just got done talking about how all three persons of the Trinity are are sort of logically
12:2612:26 - necessary in the baptism of Christ because they can’t all be the same person you know someone being baptized
12:3112:31 - descending from heaven and speaking from Heaven all at the same time kind of can that all be one being same thing here
12:3912:39 - with you know Jesus is I here asking the father to give the comforter well sort of logically necess logically necessary
12:5112:51 - that these are three separate persons in the Trinity right distinct persons is the phrasing we would use so John 14:16
12:5812:58 - getting a little bit to myself says and I will ask the father and he will give you another comforter that he may be
13:0313:03 - with you forever um so pretty short verse here but this is another excellent verse that just outlines the need for
13:1113:11 - the three persons of the Trinity but actually more to the point of what we’re talking about here with how do the roles
13:1713:17 - of the Trinity function in the New Testament scripture well you can see here that the son is the one interceding
13:2413:24 - for believers he’s the one asking for the spirit right the father is the one in position of authority the one whom
13:3013:30 - the son is asking and the Holy Spirit is the one who’s being sent to help being sent by the father actually just how
13:3713:37 - Jesus is sent by the father so in a position of subordination in how he is functioning
13:4413:44 - in his role towards mankind Audi and I have been pretty emphatic in emphasizing that when we talk about quote unquote
13:5113:51 - the subordination of the father or sorry the subordination of the Son and the subordination of the spirit it is not by
13:5713:57 - nature or necessity but it is by the the roles they have adopted in God’s plan his Redemptive plan towards Humanity um
14:0714:07 - so uh I don’t think there’s really too much more to say A you have anything here um this one is pretty clear son is
14:1414:14 - the one asking father is the one in Authority spirit is the one being sent as the
14:2014:20 - Empower I don’t like that’s all there is to it really um yeah that’s all I don’t think there’s anything to add to that I
14:2814:28 - don’t but just to reiterate this is nonetheless even though it’s not hard
14:3514:35 - this is an excellent verse to bring up when we’re talking about these things because it’s clear as day um and
14:4214:42 - alongside this other one right both of these show that the necessity of the three distinct persons and show the
14:4814:48 - roles as they manifest in God’s actions towards us next we’re going to look at 1
14:5814:58 - Corinthians chap 12 veres 4-6 so uh verses 4-6 in that chapter say there are different gifts but the same
15:0815:08 - spirit and there are different Ministries but the same lord and there are different results but the same God
15:1415:14 - who brings about all results in all cases so in the Greek I would be pretty sure that spirit is going to be Puma
15:2315:23 - here Lord is going to be cuos and God is going to be Theos and in context here spirit is obviously the Holy Spirit Lord
15:3115:31 - is referring to Jesus Christ and God as in just Theos is referring to the father um and that tracks it checks out because
15:4015:40 - we are given gifts through the Holy Spirit um Jesus Christ as the head of the church is the one who gives us
15:4915:49 - Ministries and God the father is the one who perfectly incorporates what Ministries he forn knows us as having
15:5715:57 - into his perfect plan so um uh let me that was off the top of my head let me actually read what ikus has to say about
16:0416:04 - this so we see the respective roles of the trinity in supporting our Christian Ministry in life that’s kind of what
16:0916:09 - this particular passage here in 1 Corinthians 12 is talking about the holy spirit gives us our particular spiritual
16:1616:16 - gifts right you can also compare verse 11 of this chapter one in the same Spirit works all these things
16:2316:23 - Distributing to each one individually just as he Wills um also incidental side note we’ve been been talking recently a
16:3016:30 - little bit about how the holy spirit is personal how he is not an impersonal Force well in 1 Corinthians chapter 12
16:3816:38 - verse 11 he is said to have a will the wind as an impersonal force does not have a will not how persons do right so
16:4816:48 - but that’s tangential here the point is he’s the one Distributing the gifts individually to each person just as he
16:5316:53 - Wills specific Ministries are said to be assigned by our Lord Jesus Christ and the father is said to oversee and
17:0017:00 - empower the results of those Ministries so God gives us the gift through that’s the Holy Spirit he empowers us God gives
17:1017:10 - us the ministry that’s the Lord Jesus Christ we share in his mission so just as Jesus Christ was sent into the World
17:1717:17 - by the father and he had the mission of living a perfect life and dying on the cross for our sins well so too each of
17:2417:24 - us is actually sent into this world with a job with a mission and once we uh become Believers once we are saved we
17:3217:32 - are supposed to grow into that mission we’re supposed to grow into the point of Ministry of doing what God wants us to
17:3817:38 - do here and Jesus Christ is the one who determines that for us and God also is the one who gives us the results and
17:4517:45 - that is the father all effects are part of the father’s perfect plan for all of human history
17:5217:52 - so aie you have additional points to make on this again it’s H yet well in this particular one people might stumble
18:0318:03 - over who is being I think the scriptures have covered that question about the differences and personalities and
18:1018:10 - whatnot but again we see that the three of them are involved even in the operation of the church so in our
18:2018:20 - individual salvation that each person is saved we see that they’re involed because it is it takes Jesus dying for
18:2718:27 - our sins for each of us to individually be saved but in the function of the body of Christ as an organization as an
18:3418:34 - organism that has many different parts we see it takes the three of them as well the spirit as you have said
18:4418:44 - providing each of us as a definite um specific function in the church the Lord Jesus himself assigning
18:5418:54 - us our specific roles the the places we fill in in the church and the father um bringing about as you said the
19:0519:05 - results in those things so that is to say um just as the three of them are I think that largely all of this is
19:1419:14 - telling us that the roles that the Trinity the persons of the Trinity play are roles that are involved in our
19:2419:24 - Salvation in our spiritual growth in our maturity and ultimately in the rewards that we get in other words you don’t
19:3219:32 - find them separating at any point such that in this place we would have the spirit and the son or the spirit and the
19:3919:39 - father or the father and the son or one uh with the others out of picture the three of them are working together in
19:4719:47 - everything from start to finish we see that in they’re working together they still maintain fact that
19:5519:55 - each of them is playing sort of a different role from the other as we said there will always be overlap there is
20:0220:02 - always overlap but in the end we still see sufficiently like in this place it’s pretty straightforward that one does
20:0820:08 - this another does that and the third does this which actually is a template for how the church itself functions the
20:1520:15 - pastor teacher does one thing the Evangelist does another the Apostle does another Prophet does another so in other
20:2220:22 - words we are the the would you say the antitype of what the Trinity itself is the Lord has
20:3120:31 - structured things to work the way that if you will he works so we we learn all of this from that
20:3920:39 - too that’s what I would say and I mean just to kind of tile this together when we talk about you know the
20:4820:48 - unity of the Trinity uh we we’ve emphasized this point right one in essence reiners one in essence this is
20:5520:55 - why everywhere you look as Audi said you can’t have one operating without the others now we struggle to understand
21:0321:03 - this as human beings because this is not how human beings work if I will something that that has propositionally
21:1021:10 - speaking has nothing to do with whether someone else wills it or not maybe they do maybe they agree with me maybe they
21:1421:14 - don’t right so in an organization even ones with perfect with that are supposed to have greater Unity than others so
21:2221:22 - let’s take the Church of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians CH 12 we are supposed to be United as one body so if doing things
21:2921:29 - right as Christians we’re supposed to be a whole lot more united than most human institutions right how about marriage
21:3521:35 - that’s another one two become one flesh part of that is literal part of that is also metaphorical in that husband and
21:4321:43 - wife are supposed to be on the same on the same page so to speak right uh kind of plays a big part in raising children
21:5021:50 - you have to be on the same page for that but even in marriage husbands and wives they are not always in of them
21:5821:58 - might do something and the other one not have a part in you see what I’m saying it is not logically necessary for them
22:0422:04 - to be involved in that way in the same way that it is for the Trinity because the Trinity is One in essence um they
22:1222:12 - have perfect Unity of will human beings no matter how close you are with someone else never have perfect Unity of will so
22:1922:19 - I again we’ve been over all this before but all of this Builds on itself um and this is a point we’re going to keep
22:2622:26 - rehashing repeating as we go here is that everything that we’ve been talking about with the Trinity maybe it’s not
22:3222:32 - laid out in a nice bullet point list in the Bible but it is all there and it is just asserted Audie has made this point
22:4022:40 - before it it doesn’t argue for itself it just presents itself as true you know and that’s why we have to appreciate
22:4722:47 - these things the next passage we’re going to look at is in 2 Corinthians chap 13
22:5622:56 - verse 14 it says the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with
23:0323:03 - you all so this is a benediction it is one of the last things in the letter here um if not the last I could go look
23:1223:12 - it up um but the point is is that this is Paul closing out his letter to the Corinthians uh with this sort of formula
23:2023:20 - and this actually shows up at the beginning and the end of many books in the New Testament mention all three
23:2623:26 - members of the Trinity right and so so here’s what ichus has to say about this um ichus says the Trinity is seen here
23:3223:32 - from the standpoint of Salvation before during and after the love of the father sends the son to die for sinful Mankind
23:4123:41 - and you might compare uh John 3:16 the traditional verse of the Gospel here for God so loved the world that he gave his
23:4923:49 - one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life that verse is this idea of the
23:5623:56 - Father’s Love sending Jesus to die for our sins but the son is the one who actually does die for our sins it is his
24:0324:03 - sacrifice that reconciles us with the father by satisfying the requirements of the father’s righteousness and thus
24:0824:08 - providing Grace So salvation is free to us because the son paid for because of his sacrifice and the spirit is the one
24:1824:18 - who actually unites Us in fellowship with God uh after the father has accepted this offer of Grace based upon
24:2424:24 - Christ’s death and all of that again coming out of The Father’s Love in sending the son in the first place so uh
24:3324:33 - I mean everything that I just said is true you see that in this verse right but again AUD and I’ve been emphasizing
24:4024:40 - this you would be misguided in saying that for example the Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t love us right we said God is
24:4724:47 - love if you remember back to when we were discussing the perfect character of God God is good manifest in the world to
24:5424:54 - us as God is love all three members of the Trinity share the same essence God is love you know that’s what I think 1
25:0025:00 - John chapter 4 talks about this but in this specific way what we’re talking about in with regard to the roles of the
25:0825:08 - trinity in God’s plan it’s the Father’s Love For Us that that about the right way to play when he came up with his
25:1725:17 - plan that’s why he sent the son right um and this is where trying to squint too hard and to draw a neat little box it
25:2425:24 - doesn’t work super well because of the unity of the Trinity but the point is in the plan of the father he sent the son
25:3025:30 - the son is the one who acted who paid that sacrifice willingly submitted himself to the father’s will to pay for
25:3725:37 - sin upon the cross and the spirit is the one who not only resurrected Jesus Christ but also unites Us in fellowship
25:4425:44 - with God by indwelling us after all those things are true right and so the point is less that Jesus Christ doesn’t
25:5125:51 - love us or that we don’t have fellowship with Jesus Christ or whatever because we only have fellowship with the spirit the
25:5625:56 - point is that these are the ways in which the roles of God have manifested in God’s Redemptive purpose for
26:0326:03 - humankind a you have further points on this uh not much I think you really covered it all because again a
26:1326:13 - demonstration of how the three work together in any given thing so yes Grace that Jesus provided through
26:2126:21 - sacrifice he made the love that came up with the plan that required Jesus to make that sacrifice and the Fellowship
26:2826:28 - that the holy spirit makes possible or that he actually effects through that sacrifice so it’s um as you have said
26:3826:38 - again the three of them working together to realize any given thing so again and again that’s what we see the three of
26:4726:47 - them together to and so so that also sort of tells us what we want to know about the Trinity which is how they are
26:5626:56 - one even though though we keep seeing the separation of roles we keep seeing how they are one because they’re all
27:0327:03 - realizing the same thing that all three of them want and that is a critical thing they’re United in will and purpose
27:1127:11 - so even though they’re doing different things so to speak they’re all accomplishing one
27:1927:19 - thing and that’s just it right and that is the essence of what three in person one in essence means in practice right
27:2727:27 - as it as it describes God’s attitude towards us and how he acts towards us in the world um so uh just take a step back
27:3527:35 - um this is why the Trinity isn’t just academic to us right because understanding this is fundamental to
27:4327:43 - understanding how God relates to humanity is that all three members of the Trinity jointly act to redeem
27:5227:52 - mankind um they all have this purpose of of giving mankind this way to submit to God to to reclaim salvation after our
28:0328:03 - sin to prove to Satan that in fact God can redeem his sinful creatures all of those who choose to submit to him um
28:1128:11 - that’s all there and part of us understanding that properly as we ought to is understanding that this has always
28:1928:19 - been part of God’s plan and that’s all three members of the Trinity God is working in the world to affect this for
28:2628:26 - us Jesus paid for it the father father planned it from eternity past the spirit’s the one who who gives us Unity
28:3228:32 - with God after we believe but all of that is tied into the United will of God as the being with one Essence right
28:4128:41 - three persons acting in their various ways to affect the same goal is quite fundamental to properly understanding
28:4828:48 - the statement you know God works to redeem mankind right they’re all three integrally involved in that process um
28:5628:56 - yet they do different things right and that is what the Trinity means in essence next we’re going to be talking
29:0529:05 - about Ephesians chapter 3: 14-1 17 so I’m going to go ahead and read this passage and then I’m actually going to
29:1329:13 - go look at a place where we have previously discussed some of the interpretation of the verses here so
29:1929:19 - this passage Ephesians 3 picking up at verse 14 says for this reason I bow my knees to the father from whom his entire
29:2729:27 - family in heaven and on Earth has received its name that he may Grant you according to the riches of his glory to
29:3329:33 - be powerfully strengthened in your inner person through his spirit so that rooted and grounded in love Christ May dwell in
29:4129:41 - your hearts through faith so uh we’re not going to spend too much time on this but I have pulled up over here uh in a
29:4829:48 - separate tab uh this was a past lesson of our study uh the one titled all members of the Trinity are deity this is
29:5629:56 - one of the long videos actually and uh in the time stamps here you’ll see that about an hour and 20 some odd minutes in
30:0230:02 - we have a time stamp uh for a deeper dive into the interpretation of Ephesians 3: 14-15 and what we talked
30:1030:10 - about um in this past video and again you can go ahead and find this video in the playlist if you’re curious um as we
30:1730:17 - were discussing uh this word here every or the whole or entire is how Dr Lil translated it in this which this
30:2630:26 - translation comes right off IUS here he translated it as his entire family well we were talking about the idea of how
30:3530:35 - all the entire family of God receives its name um from the father and we’re talking about what that means and the
30:4230:42 - distinction being that it’s it’s not so much every like every family as in all the families or all the the last names
30:4930:49 - of a group of people so to speak is that the entire body of Christ we get its name you know we are are members of
30:5930:59 - the think about I’m not being very elegant here um we derive our identity through the father right um he is the
31:0731:07 - authority figure the head of our family so to speak and that’s why we are Christians we get our identity through
31:1431:14 - the head of the family and that’s God so any case not to get off topic there just thought I would pull up this cross
31:2031:20 - reference if people want to go read a little bit more or not read listen to a little bit more about these verses here
31:2731:27 - here in Ephesians CH 3: 14 and following we did actually spend a good bit of time discussing them uh in that previous
31:3431:34 - segment but now on to how we’re going to be using these verses in our present discussion so uh in talking about how
31:4331:43 - this verse helps illuminate the roles of the Trinity that’s kind of the point of this section we’re going through with
31:5131:51 - all of these new testament passages we’re talking about uh we can see that the father is the authority figure to
31:5731:57 - whom Paul prayed so Paul is the writer of Ephesians here Paul bows his knees to the father and
32:0332:03 - the father is the one from whom the entire family in heaven and on Earth has received its name uh in order that
32:1032:10 - purpose Clause that God May Grant to you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened in your inner person and
32:2032:20 - then we see the spirits role come into this we may be strengthened through the spirit of God uh through the Holy Spirit
32:2832:28 - and then the object of our prayer is Christ so that we may be uh to sorry so that we may grow to be more like Jesus
32:3832:38 - Christ and improve in our relationship with him in every way and again we pray to the father to be strengthened through
32:4632:46 - the spirit that we may become more like our role model our elder brother in the faith Jesus Christ who is the first born
32:5332:53 - in Resurrection we might say and so again we see all of the roles of God mapped out here the father is the
33:0133:01 - authority figure uh the one who um has the power and the authority to Grant the request that we ask the spirit is the
33:0933:09 - empowerer the Unseen one who who empowers us both to make our good choices for God and also restrain sin in
33:1733:17 - the world here specifically we’re seeing his his empowering role um in the lives of us as Believers and then Christ is
33:2433:24 - the visible member of the Trinity the one who we look to are the one who we can see who is accessible to us and
33:3233:32 - because we can see him we try to emulate him he is the object that we kind of uh put our put our eyes upon we fix our
33:3933:39 - gaze upon as we kind of try to become the people that God wants us to be and so you can still see all three roles in
33:4533:45 - the Trinity working out according to the names or the analogies that we’ve been discussing for the roles um and that has
33:5233:52 - kind of been uh the whole purpose here and again um we’ll continue to emphasize that these are analogies the roles are
34:0034:00 - supposed to help us understand the function of the members of God in the Trinity and so I think this passage just
34:0734:07 - like the last several we’ve been looking at give us that clear sense of the division of labor if you will between
34:1334:13 - the three members of the Trinity Audi you have anything you want to kick in on this passage and the division among the
34:2234:22 - roles if you’re talking you’re muted oh I’m sorry about that I forgot that I actually muted myself so I said um not
34:2934:29 - really I don’t think I have anything to add to what you’ve said and it’s pretty much repeating how you know uh
34:3634:36 - everything functions within the Trinity so yeah carry on repetition uh just to be clear is not a bad thing here and um
34:4634:46 - if you recall back to some earlier lessons I’m trying to think about how to phrase this this idea that the Trinity
34:5134:51 - is not taught in the Bible I I don’t know if you’ve ever heard someone say something like that um word is not used
34:5834:58 - of course that is a label we came up for the concept but this idea just to hammer that point home again is that it’s all
35:0635:06 - over the place in the Bible um you just have to you know look and and put on your thinking cap a bit and you’ll see
35:1435:14 - that uh and again this is specifically New Testament passages with that progressive revelation that God has seen
35:2135:21 - fit to reveal his Triune nature to us it’s all over the place in the New Testament and that’s why we’re going
35:2635:26 - through the bother even if it may seem a little bit repetitive to look at all of these different verses is just to show
35:3235:32 - that it is really permeates the entire fabric of the New Testament this teaching does and so for that reason we
35:3935:39 - can have full and sure confidence in it we don’t need to be I don’t know troubled by the fact that the Bible
35:4535:45 - doesn’t lay it out in what we might call A A scientific accounting of things because the Trinity is clearly taught in
35:5335:53 - how the Bible talks about God and that’s all we need to care about really um so with that we’ll move on to the next
36:0436:04 - passage now we’re going to talk about Ephesians chapter 4: 4-6 so uh one chapter pass what we were just talking
36:1336:13 - about in Ephesians 3 we have Ephesians 4 picking up at verse 4 says there is one body and one Spirit just as when you
36:2136:21 - were called it was in one hope that you were called there is one Lord Jesus Christ Christ One Faith one baptism
36:3036:30 - there is one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all so uh In this passage we kind of have a
36:3936:39 - summary of what we could call the unity of the faith uh it’s I mentioned in the previous verse here in Ephesians 4 so
36:4636:46 - Ephesians 4:3 talks about being diligent to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of Peace um so in this overview
36:5436:54 - here well what does that mean exactly we see the unity of all of these things this this constant repetition of the
37:0137:01 - word one so Greek has a word for one just how we do in English as in one as opposed to two right or three or four or
37:1137:11 - what have you um but you can see the unity that’s being emphasized here so there’s one body one Spirit one hope one
37:1837:18 - Lord One Faith one baptism one God and Father of all right that’s a lot of repetition of that word and so it hits
37:2637:26 - just as hard in Greek as it does in English here um some of these things are what we would call the most important
37:3337:33 - common factors of the Christian faith right so um I should note as we talk here so those of us who follow ichus
37:4237:42 - would know that this one baptism here we are referring to us becoming members of the body of Christ what we would term
37:5037:50 - spiritual baptism into the person of God that’s how we would translate the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28 um we
37:5737:57 - are baptized into the person of God the father and God the son and God the Holy Spirit um and that’s different than a
38:0538:05 - ritual of water baptism um we are talking about becoming unified with God and in fact that completely fits into
38:1338:13 - the purpose of this verse talking about the unity we have right um so just get that out of the way in our
38:2038:20 - interpretation those of us who follow ichus we take this as the baptism uh in a spiritual sense making us with God
38:2838:28 - becoming indwelt by the Holy Spirit doesn’t have anything to do with water per se that’s different than how many
38:3438:34 - other people take it of course but the unity that we’re talking about here you see all of these factors come together
38:3938:39 - there’s one body of Christ one Spirit one Lord Jesus Christ one faith that is Faith in Jesus Christ that saves us and
38:4938:49 - one God and Father of all right um You can see the unity in all of this here so even in this though we’re still kind of
38:5738:57 - showing uh the difference in the roles in the Trinity so the holy spirit’s role is in bringing us into the body of
39:0539:05 - Christ through his baptizing of us into Christ right and so that’s what we were just talking about he is the one who
39:1239:12 - unifies us with the person of God we are indwell by the Holy Spirit and in that we become members of the body of Christ
39:2139:21 - um now we talked previously about how us being quote unquote United with God does not mean that we are I don’t know that
39:2839:28 - we somehow become him in a a Divine I don’t know ontological sense you know the fact that we are quote unquote
39:3539:35 - partakers of the Divine Essence doesn’t mean that we like are God right that we are united with God does not mean that
39:4139:41 - we become God in the problematic sense but the point is the holy spirit connects us to God we have perfect
39:4839:48 - fellowship and unity with him through the Holy Spirit um and then we have hope in the resurrection through Jesus Christ
39:5639:56 - why does that related to Jesus Christ well because Jesus Christ was the one who was resurrected um he is that one we
40:0340:03 - look to our role model but also prove positive that God does resurrect us right um and so for anyone who would
40:1140:11 - doubt the resurrection well Jesus Christ is living proof that God does raise us from the dead we have that hope through
40:1940:19 - the resurrection of Jesus Christ um but of course Jesus is also our role model as our object of Faith the one we
40:2740:27 - believe in right that’s where faith comes in here right we believe in Jesus Christ both who he was and what he did
40:3440:34 - for us that is what we would consider the Core Essence of the Gospel message that he was both God and man came down
40:4040:40 - to take human sin upon his shoulders that we might be reconciled to God that is what we have faith in but that is
40:4740:47 - fundamentally targeted at Jesus Christ um and then uh we of course enter into Union with him and the father you know
40:5640:56 - God generally through that spiritual baptism again cross reference that passage in Matthew 28 Great Commission
41:0341:03 - we are united with all three persons of the Trinity right they are all God we become um United with the essence of God
41:1141:11 - which is something they all share three person’s one Essence and then finally as to the father um the father’s role is
41:2041:20 - that of this unifying love he knits his family of Believers together in every way that is kind of what this this
41:2841:28 - uh think about this phrasing here would get at this is overall and through all and in all God is the one weaving
41:3541:35 - everything together in this perfect tapestry this perfect fabric to uh unite us not only with each other but also
41:4241:42 - with him with God in Triune three persons um and so God’s plan is what weaves that tapestry together and so you
41:5241:52 - can see all three roles working together to perfectly realize our salvation and Redemption and we’ve been over this
41:5941:59 - right every single time we have God’s plan for Humanity worked out him saving us out of our wretched State and
42:0642:06 - bringing us into fellowship with him all three members of the Trinity are involved in the execution of that um and
42:1242:12 - they have different things that they do different focuses if you will but they all are united in will in making this
42:1942:19 - come about for us so a you have anything you want to add here about this passage in Ephesians chapter 4
42:2842:28 - um as you said it’s it’s again just how all three of them have how they’re working can you hear me yeah I can hear
42:4042:40 - you okay okay okay so um it’s how it the I think that just as you said it’s how the three of them again work together in
42:5442:54 - accomplishing one thing um the father has this role where he is the one recognized as God and the spir the
43:0443:04 - Lord Jesus has seen as the object of what the father is actually accomplishing and the spirit is the
43:1043:10 - empowerer in this particular um uh situation it is Jesus as you have said who is associated with the faith we
43:2043:20 - also see that it is in being made one with him that we are being made one with the Trinity so um I think the way that
43:2843:28 - Professor Robert would put that is that uh because we’re baptized into Jesus that is that the spirit makes us one
43:3643:36 - with him and makes us one through him with the Trinity as well and may be remembering that a little bit um all
43:4643:46 - right not exactly the way that he puts it but it it’s it’s essentially as you said and like you said before repetition
43:5443:54 - is exactly good but you know this is really the same thing over and over again um I think that here the comments
44:0244:02 - I was making earlier you know could come to B we’re learning about this not because we need to see the distinctions
44:0944:09 - between what the father does what the spirit does what the Lord Jesus does that’s not the point really what we’re
44:1644:16 - seeing is that the three of them are intimately involved in actually realizing this objective that they have
44:2544:25 - and that um uh they they they might have different roles they do have different roles in
44:3144:31 - realizing it that’s why we said that there are different roles in Trinity but the main point in the end is
44:4044:40 - that we know this so that we have confidence in what is being done that it is actually God who is involved from
44:4944:49 - start to finish it is God who conceptualized the plan of of Salvation the plan of
44:5644:56 - creation the of the church whatever you want to call it his plan he conceptualized the the working out of
45:0445:04 - that plan that the things that are done toward realizing that plan is still him it is still God who is doing it even
45:1145:11 - though it is the son that we see now in View and the means by which it is being accomplished the power that makes it
45:2045:20 - happen the one who is making sure that every little bit everything that is involved even like uh brother
45:2745:27 - would say not even the the slightest swerve of the farthest Quark of gluon or whatever what whatever particle um
45:3745:37 - subatomic particle you could think of the smallest the least consequential the the person who is
45:4345:43 - managing every single detail of God’s plan to realize it is still God himself except this time it’s the spirit so from
45:5245:52 - start to finish it’s all God if the church is going to work it’s God God conceptualized the church he he he
45:5945:59 - brought the church about through Christ the sacrifice on the cross and the spirit is the one who is empowering the
46:0746:07 - church to function as the church so all through we see that this is still the spir the the the Trinity working
46:1546:15 - everything out and we should emphasize as well that God doesn’t just do this willy-nilly out of I don’t know some
46:2346:23 - fancy um but there are reasons why the Trinity has organized their Redemptive plan for human history in the way that
46:3146:31 - they have um so I pulled up a passage that came to mind here from me in Hebrews chapter 4 that talks about Jesus
46:3746:37 - as the great high priest he understands us uh uh Hebrews 4:15 says we do not have a high priest who is unable to
46:4546:45 - empathize with our weaknesses but we have one who’s been tempted in every way just as we are yet he did not sin
46:5146:51 - therefore on account of that that is verse 16 let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence because
46:5946:59 - we know that Jesus is like us he understands us he took on human flesh and because of that because of this
47:0647:06 - particular role that the son in the Trinity adopted it’s for our benefit because in being a a human being which
47:1547:15 - as we’ve talked about before in terms of soteriology in terms of how we are saved it was necessary that Jesus be both
47:2147:21 - human and God uh both God and man to pay for our sins upon the cross that was a necessary part of our Redemption but
47:2947:29 - also just because it means that he understands us God has a perfect plan and part of that is the roles that the
47:3847:38 - people in the Trinity play so how about the Holy Spirit as the comforter right as the one who indwells us who
47:4647:46 - understands what we what we mean when we pray even if we can’t articulate it that’s uh the sort of Latter verses in
47:5347:53 - Romans chapter 8 talk about the spirit interceding for us well we have that because God has
47:5947:59 - planned that for us because the Holy Spirit indwelling us part of his role is granting us that ability to call out to
48:0848:08 - the father even if we can’t articulate it and all of these things are perfectly accounted for in God’s plan so these
48:1448:14 - rules are not random it’s not accidental but God is working it all out perfectly so that his plan might be fulfilled
48:2348:23 - um so I don’t know exactly where I was going with that I was just kind of riffing on what you said
48:2748:27 - um the reason why we stud this is because they are all present and it just helps us understand what God is doing
48:3448:34 - how he relates to us um not so much like you said to draw distinctions between the members of the Trinity but
48:4048:40 - understand how God is working out his plan to save us um yes how how in how involved he is um earlier before we came
48:5048:50 - back into the recording question had been asked about how to know when um it is
48:5748:57 - Jesus speaking when it is the father speaking when it is Spirit speaking and so on and so forth these distinctions
49:0249:02 - were not actually made uh or particularly they weren’t in view in the Old Testament so the question why are
49:1049:10 - they now in view in the New Testament can partly and even satisfyingly be answered with God wants us to know him
49:1849:18 - you know that he is a trinity and these are the persons of the Trinity yes that’s true but even more than that it’s
49:2449:24 - just the confidence that we get from who is actually doing the thing that we need done to be saved it is God
49:3649:36 - who conceptualized the Plan of Salvation for example the father did it is God the
49:4349:43 - Father the person who came and paid the price for that salvation is God but the son the person who who worked out all of
49:5349:53 - that who empowered it to make sure that it all worked out because for example when the when the sun was going to the
49:5749:57 - Cross he was not leaning on his deity to do anything so who made made it all possible it was God the spirit this time
50:0850:08 - so it’s like just as you have confidence because you know the person who designed the car you’re using or built the
50:1550:15 - whatever it is you just because you know the Craftsman you know the engineer you know the person who and you have
50:2150:21 - confidence in their skill that’s why you use whatever it is they created likewise the that you know that it is God who is
50:2850:28 - behind all of this consider another thing that people frequently stumble all over we struggling with this matter of
50:3650:36 - sanctification you are constantly striving against sin and sometimes your your strength is broken but then you
50:4350:43 - recall that it is God who works in you both to Will and to do of his good pleasure it is God that’s the holy
50:5150:51 - spirit in you so the person you’re counting on in order to win your fight against sin is still God it doesn’t have
50:5950:59 - to be the father who is seated in heaven it is the spirit who is resident inside of you so you see all of it is to build
51:1051:10 - our confidence we’re not told about the Trinity just so we can know about the distinctions in their
51:1651:16 - roles and all of that stuff it is to tell us that in no part of anything God is doing has he left anything to chance
51:2651:26 - or entrusted it to human beings who cannot be trusted or even dedicated delegated any of it to the angels it’s
51:3451:34 - him working it all out from start to finish he does use the Angels he does use human beings he uses the world
51:4051:40 - around us but it is him doing it all from beginning to the end that’s to build our confidence to tell us that he
51:4951:49 - was well prepared before he even made us that’s um that’s what I would say yeah um I did
51:5651:56 - pull up just one verse in the Old Testament you know this who do we know who’s how do we know who’s talking here
52:0252:02 - right this when the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah in verse four of the book of Jeremiah Jeremiah 1 verse4 well
52:0952:09 - who is it that’s talking here is the father or the son where we were going with this is that you can have these
52:1452:14 - sorts of conversations not exactly a bad question it’s just the point of all of this isn’t to talk about
52:2152:21 - micromanaging I don’t know like who said what when and like come up with a a strict formal accounting of things so
52:2852:28 - much as emphasizing that God has this plan that he’s working throughout all of human history and everything has been
52:3652:36 - perfectly accounted for like AI has pointed out and that’s the confidence we have right
52:4252:42 - um so yeah I think that’s a good place to cut this one next we’re going to talk about First
52:5252:52 - Peter chapter 1 veres 1-2 and so that Passage says Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to those who though Outcast
53:0153:01 - dispersed through Pontius galatia caposa Asia and bethenia were yet selected in the for knowledge of God the Father by
53:0953:09 - means of the holy spirit’s consecration for The Obedience in and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ now those of
53:1753:17 - you who have read uh the Peter series on a this I’m going go pull that up in a second yeah this verse you have seen
53:2453:24 - this one a lot because um this series that ichus has on the Peter series I would say at least the first few lessons
53:3153:31 - all focus on different facets of what this verse is getting at this opening verse in First Peter um so Peter tells
53:4053:40 - us that we Believers are elected to eternal life according to the father’s Plan of Salvation and not to get off on
53:4753:47 - a side tangent that doesn’t mean that God drags us Kicking and Screaming it means that God knows who will choose him
53:5453:54 - we are elect on account of of God’s for knowledge of our choice um but God planned everything in order to give us
54:0254:02 - that choice to begin with right Free Will depends upon the Divine decrees that that make everything in the world
54:0954:09 - tick if you will um so we are elected uh elected to eternal life according to the father’s Plan of Salvation the holy
54:1754:17 - spirit’s implementation of salvation for us when we believe so that is us becoming United with God through the
54:2354:23 - indwelling of the holy spirit that happens the point that we have faith right so when we have faith in God um we
54:3154:31 - become born again that is the language that the Bible uses in other places we become indwelled by the Holy Spirit we
54:3854:38 - put off the old man and put on the new man um and so the holy spirit is the one who affects that change within us when
54:4554:45 - he comes to indwell us and um and change us from the inside out and the son’s work of Salvation that is what we put
54:5354:53 - our faith in The Obedience in and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ based upon what the son did for us on
54:5954:59 - the cross that is the payment through which we have our Salvation um and so the father’s plan the holy spirit’s
55:0755:07 - implementation and empowering and the son’s work um as the visible the one who we see um he’s the one who did the thing
55:1655:16 - so to speak right he is the one who went to the cross for us um the one whose work we can see before our eyes or at
55:2455:24 - least written in the words of scripture um well this is again that three-fold division of labor that we see of the
55:3155:31 - Trinity working out um our Salvation um with each of them perfectly fulfilling the roles that they have set out to fill
55:4055:40 - so Audi you have more to say on this verse or any of what I mean it’s the same stuff again
55:5055:50 - but yeah exactly it’s it’s the same stuff this one I think is speaking
56:0056:00 - again starts you’re a a bit far away from the mic sounds like you maybe move a little
56:0756:07 - closer or okay okay is this any better a little bit yeah okay I said this this one is you
56:1756:17 - know speaking more directly again to the the plan that God um uh instituted on is for knowledge is
56:2856:28 - realizing um by means of the Holy Spirit and through what Jesus did on the cross so it’s it’s the same thing I don’t
56:3956:39 - think I really have to add to it you’re exactly no and we sh you know um because again it’s just the point being hammered
56:4956:49 - over and over and over again and I should also I just throw in here a not that we’ll do it for every single
56:5456:54 - passage we read but the roles do overlap right um as in the spirit in restraining influence is quote unquote doing
57:0357:03 - something right we say it’s not just the son who does work as if the father and the spirit don’t do anything right and
57:0957:09 - it’s not as if Jesus didn’t have the will and intentions I he submitted himself to the father’s will right but
57:1757:17 - his will was in alignment with the father’s will it’s not that he didn’t have will right see what I’m saying um
57:2257:22 - so we should have pushed this past those bounds that are proper um we’ve talked about that before analogies are just
57:2957:29 - analogies but also when it comes to this um the roles that they adopt the lines can be blurry and that you know that’s
57:3757:37 - not a bad thing it’s just these are the ways in which God has seen fit to explain himself to us that is the
57:4457:44 - fundamental purpose of these analogies in the Trinity is to help us better understand him and so for that reason we
57:5057:50 - don’t get to go saying well a sun wouldn’t act in this way so therefore God’s not you know the sun is not really
57:5557:55 - a sun or whatever see what I’m saying like it’s supposed to help us understand the roles that the members of the
58:0058:00 - Trinity have adopted um but in that as we’ve just been saying all of these roles are consistent the father is the
58:0858:08 - planner and the architect the one who has for knowledge and decrees things the spirit as the empower the one who
58:1458:14 - implements and the son as the one who came to die for us who implemented salvation through his death upon the
58:2158:21 - cross all of these things consistent across the verses that we been talking
58:2958:29 - about finally last verse we’re going to be going over here in this section talking about New Testament passages
58:3658:36 - that kind of help illuminate the roles in the Trinity we’re going to be talking about Revelation chapter 1 verses 4-6
58:4358:43 - that passage says grace to you and peace from the one who is and was and is coming and from the seven spirits which
58:5158:51 - are before his throne and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of
58:5758:57 - the kings of the earth so this is sort of John’s salutation um yeah following in kind of a similar form here from this
59:0759:07 - one that we just talked about in First Peter and then we kind of looked at a benediction here um in 2 Corinthians uh
59:1459:14 - so kind of the ending of a letter rather than the beginning that also mentions all three people in the Trinity right
59:1959:19 - but here in uh The Book of Revelation this is the Apostle John writing um the father’s ET eternity and um his imminent
59:2959:29 - taking of possession of the devil’s World um this one I just take a step back a little bit this one um I was
59:3559:35 - reading over this before the video today and I was like this one is worded a little bit differently you might have to
59:4259:42 - squint at it a little bit to see how we are kind of connecting this to the uh the roles that we’ve been talking about
59:5059:50 - the the things that each of the members of the Trin do but we’re saying that the father is going to um imminently take
59:5759:57 - possession of the devil’s World by that we mean he’s going to rule over it with authority um but that won’t come
01:00:0401:00:04 - completely until the new Heavens the new Earth right but um the spirit is kind of supervising the devil’s world he is um
01:00:1101:00:11 - restraining the influence of evil nothing happens except that which God allows and so we have a couple
01:00:1701:00:17 - references here um and so it says the seven spirits of God again compare seven spirits here in Revelation chapter 1 and
01:00:2501:00:25 - chapter 5 are said to be sent out into all the Earth right the spirit has this restraining influence we’ve talked about
01:00:3101:00:31 - this when the Restraint of the spirit is removed um as I think second Thessalonians talks about um lawlessness
01:00:3801:00:38 - will abound across the world um and so the Restraint of the Holy Spirit here um uh he is the one restraining evil in
01:00:4901:00:49 - the world who is basically keeping everything in check and then the son through his victory on the cross has
01:00:5801:00:58 - Victory and Conquest over the devil’s World um and so you can kind of see um the father as the one with authority the
01:01:0501:01:05 - spirit is the one with that mission of empowerment and and restraint you know working behind the scenes in an unseen
01:01:1201:01:12 - capacity and the son as the agent the one who acts they’re all still here but uh the way that ikus has chosen to focus
01:01:2001:01:20 - on this specific verse is kind of in relationship to the world right we say this world um Satan’s World system this
01:01:2901:01:29 - Fallen Cosmos if you want to use the Greek word for World um all of this is kind of currently under Satan’s control
01:01:3601:01:36 - he has usurped rulership over the world but he didn’t do that because God lost a battle or something like that it’s
01:01:4301:01:43 - because God let him God gave him the Reigns to test humanity and that’s why we are here as humans to choose for or
01:01:5201:01:52 - against God that’s why God allows Satan to Run the World system that he does and to manipulate uh governments
01:02:0001:02:00 - corporations culture media you name it um to kind of try to turn us away from him is to give us that true test of
01:02:0901:02:09 - faith so that those who choose for him choose of their own will that’s why we are here as humans um but ikus kind of
01:02:1701:02:17 - relates this verse to the idea of the relationship that the members have towards the devil’s world so the father
01:02:2301:02:23 - will take possession of it right after Jesus has made his enemies a foot stol unto him right we talk about the
01:02:2901:02:29 - Millennium coming when Jesus will reign from Jerusalem and there will be peace like never before upon the Earth um this
01:02:3701:02:37 - is preparation for the new heavens and the new Earth when the father will dwell with us but the spirit’s the one who
01:02:4301:02:43 - controls what can and cannot happen who restrains Satan’s influence from overstepping the balance that God allows
01:02:4901:02:49 - and of course um Satan is already positionally defeated um in the prophecy in Genesis you know he will strike your
01:02:5601:02:56 - heel and you will crush his head well that head crushing so to speak happened on the cross Jesus defeated death once
01:03:0301:03:03 - for all human sin was paid for Satan has no power over us so long as we believe in Jesus Christ um so you can still see
01:03:1201:03:12 - all of the roles in play here um even when it comes to our understanding of how God relates to this present creation
01:03:1901:03:19 - that will be destroyed and recreated without sin um once the end of the ages has come upon us but I don’t think um
01:03:2801:03:28 - this is any different than what we’re saying it’s just perhaps worded in a way that is a bit distinct from um some of
01:03:3401:03:34 - the other passages we’ve talked about so a you have anything you want to go on um this specific passage here if you’re
01:03:4001:03:40 - talking you’re muted okay yeah um Grace do you can you hear me yeah I
01:03:4601:03:46 - can hear you can you hear me okay so um I I don’t think there’s uh terribly much much to say it’s not I
01:03:5701:03:57 - don’t think this is more this is particularly okay so you have a greeting coming from the significance of what is
01:04:0201:04:02 - about to happen in the letter this this disc significant that it’s the three members
01:04:0801:04:08 - of the Trinity giving that greting um and of course the one who is and was and is coming is the
01:04:1701:04:17 - father earlier this today when we were having our Bible study this morning um we had called was to talk about the fact
01:04:2701:04:27 - that the father is sort of himself imposed Exile in the third heaven waiting so
01:04:3401:04:34 - that he can return to it that’s what this is actually speaking to and knowing the Book of Revelation this is a very
01:04:4101:04:41 - very uh significant statement to make that the the the the the position that the father is taking in the Trinity is
01:04:5201:04:52 - that he is the god who had to lead the creation that he made because of the would have had to
01:05:0001:05:00 - destroy the rebels and all the things that they had messed up so creation would not have survived him staying
01:05:0601:05:06 - because of love for his creation he rather went into watch you might fall self-imposed Exile until his
01:05:1301:05:13 - creation has been rescued from all the rebel all the rebellion in it has been cleansed of all the rebellion in it the
01:05:2101:05:21 - seven spirits um just as just as it’s it’s precisely what uh what um Professor Robert was talking about
01:05:3201:05:32 - the supervision of the devil’s world the idea too is also that the this this whole business of the return of the
01:05:4201:05:42 - father to the creation that he made is being realized through the energy and the activity of the spirit in the world
01:05:5001:05:50 - the seven Ministries so to speak that here to realize the end of all that rebellion
01:05:5801:05:58 - and the realization of the family of God the Eternal family of God to which he will return in the new universe that
01:06:0601:06:06 - will be made and the Lord Jesus is the one whose sacrifice makes all of that possible so again even if we’re not
01:06:1801:06:18 - looking at this strictly in terms of roles we’re still seeing that the Trinity is engaged in this One goal of
01:06:2701:06:27 - rescuing creation from The Madness of Satan and the rebels that that have joined him
01:06:3401:06:34 - and reinstituting that family ideal that the father started out with and meant to
01:06:4401:06:44 - have in the end so that’s that’s um what we are seeing here again I think now for those of you who do read
01:06:5401:06:54 - IUS uh a lot of what we would talk about God’s purposes in leaving the world in a
01:07:0101:07:01 - fallen State a lot of this gets to that initial series on ichus the satanic Rebellion the precursor to um the series
01:07:0901:07:09 - on eschatology here in Revelation does talk about how God has allowed uh this rebellion of Satan that is ongoing we
01:07:1901:07:19 - are in the midst of it this battlefield that we go through um for his purpose he doesn’t allow it because he couldn’t
01:07:2601:07:26 - solve it today right this instant just with the snap of his fingers but because it is part of his his will part of his
01:07:3301:07:33 - plan um and so this business with God’s relationship to the devil’s world and to the rebellion of Satan that is ongoing
01:07:4201:07:42 - discussed in the satanic Rebellion series and of course how all of this will come to an end discussed in the
01:07:4801:07:48 - coming tribulation Series onic this um so that is not only the seven years of the tribulation but also the Millennium
01:07:5401:07:54 - and then the white throne judgment after the end of human history and then the uh when the new heavens and the new Earth
01:08:0001:08:00 - are made and Jerusalem descends that all covered in the coming tribulation so this idea of the devil’s world coming up
01:08:0701:08:07 - here uh kind of has interplay with what I would call the the great things of human history the why are we here what
01:08:1501:08:15 - is creation how is creation operating what will happen to Creation in the end all of that is kind of what this is
01:08:2201:08:22 - getting at so think big picture um but big picture uh so as narrow as our salvation and Redemption for each one of
01:08:3001:08:30 - us as individuals and to as wide a scale as the entire fate of this present Cosmos God in Triune person in Triune
01:08:4101:08:41 - nature is in control of it all working all of it out for his purpose purpose for his perfect purposes um and so
01:08:4901:08:49 - that’s all we have to keep in mind um even when we talk about the world itself and this present universe corrup
01:08:5501:08:55 - corupted by sin and Rebellion God is working in this according to the division between the roles that we have
01:09:0201:09:02 - just gone over in perfect Unity to bring about his purpose the restoration of this universe once all of the Rebellion
01:09:1101:09:11 - has been put down uh Jesus has already won on the cross but after the culmination of human history once all of
01:09:1801:09:18 - the Fallen Angels have been replaced and the double portion the so-called friends of the Bride in Millennium uh God will
01:09:2501:09:25 - close this chapter of human history and his family will be complete all of that is being worked out according to God’s
01:09:3201:09:32 - plan um so just to bring us full circle this is why we talk about the Trinity everything in the universe everything
01:09:4001:09:40 - that we learn and teach and believe about God ties back to what he is planning for us um and how he is working
01:09:4701:09:47 - out that plan uh throughout the world and so this applies to the world as a whole as what we’ve just talked aled
01:09:5501:09:55 - about has been doing just as much as it applies uh to us as individuals or even us as the corporate Body of Christ um
01:10:0201:10:02 - you might think of like Ephesians chapter 4 1 Corinthians chapter 12 us as the body of Christ in the world well it
01:10:0801:10:08 - applies to us as individuals to us as the collective Body of Christ the community of Believers but it applies to
01:10:1401:10:14 - the world as well um God’s perfect plan worked out by all three members will be done according to his will perfectly um
01:10:2501:10:25 - nothing can happen except that which God has ordained um and so that’s kind of where we’re going to wrap this um we’ll
01:10:3201:10:32 - go back through uh the passages we’ve talked about here in just a sec but that is the conclusion to end on here is that
01:10:3901:10:39 - all of these passages that we’ve been talking about um in the New Testament point us right back to the functioning
01:10:4601:10:46 - of the Trinity and how all three members of the trinity in their roles point us to God’s complete control over
01:10:5401:10:54 - everything in the Universe I’m just going to well not so much to say uh by way of
01:11:0301:11:03 - outro here um these are all of the passages that we’ve gone over in discussing how the New Testament talks
01:11:1001:11:10 - about the roles of the Trinity so Matthew chapter 3: 16-17 John Chapter 14 verse 16 1
01:11:1901:11:19 - Corinthians CH 12: 4-6 1 Corin 2 Corinthians chapter 13 verse4 Ephesians CH 3:
01:11:2701:11:27 - 14-17 Ephesians CH 4: 4-6 1 Peter CH 1: 1-2 and Revelation 1 veres 4-6 and to be clear there are probably more verses
01:11:4001:11:40 - that we could um find to also be discussing the same points this isn’t meant to be completely comprehensive or
01:11:4801:11:48 - exhaustive but all of these verses help us get a better understanding of the roles of the trinity in in God’s plan
01:11:5601:11:56 - for Humanity and the World At Large and so that’s kind of been our purpose in going over all of these verses here