Second Baptist - 2023 Romans Study - Romans 11


Notes on Romans 11.


Verses 1-10

Who is God’s chosen people?

Why do you think God chooses them?

What is the importance of grace (verse 5)?

How is grace defined (verse 6)?

Why did God harden most of their hearts (verse 4)?

Verses 11-24

Can we understand God’s plan?

Does this scripture demonstrate Romans 8:28

How much appreciation do we show for being grafted into the tree of life?

Which is most important, the kindness or severity of God (verse 22)?

What does it mean to “continue in His kindness”?

Verses 25-36

Are we ever guilty of being wise in our own eyes?

How difficult is it to understand God, His thoughts, or His ways?

What does verse 36 mean?