How Does the Concept of Resuscitation Affect the Afterlife?



Answering the question “what happens after a human being dies physically—where do they go, and what is their experience like?” is deceptively complex. Are we talking about a believer, or an unbeliever? Are we talking before Christ’s ascension, or after Christ’s ascension? Are we talking in the short term, or what the eternal state will be? We’ll get into some of the specifics of all this in this lesson, with the ultimate goal of showing that people who are resuscitated do not ultimately end up in the final state any different than people who die once and stay dead. Both sorts of people (those who are resuscitated, those who are not) ultimately die once for all in the end, and in that unavoidable conclusion to every mortal’s time upon this Earth, all humanity faces much the same afterlife. Those who are resuscitated back into their mortal bodies (in a demonstration of God’s miraculous power over life and death) will face death again all the same, and end up in the same places as those who were not so raised. Only final resurrection (contrast resuscitation) will render us truly impervious to death’s sting.


0:000:00 - Intro and outline
03:0703:07 - Q: How does the concept of resuscitation affect the afterlife?
04:0304:03 - On the nature and composition of human beings
10:1710:17 - Types of death
14:0014:00 - Defining terms: physical death means someone’s human spirit departs their physical body
18:1218:12 - What happens after that?
19:1819:18 - Before Christ’s ascension vs. after Christ’s ascension vs. in eternity proper
  21:3121:31 - “Heavenly geography”
  33:1833:18 - Before Christ’s ascension
  37:2837:28 - After Christ’s ascension
  40:2340:23 - In eternity proper
44:1144:11 - Wait, is it just human spirits in these places? But what about resurrection bodies?
  53:0253:02 - Interim bodies
01:08:3801:08:38 - So answering that question of “what happens after physical death, in the normal case?”
01:11:1201:11:12 - And what about for those who are resuscitated?
01:17:1401:17:14 - Summary and outro


Q: How does the concept of resuscitation affect the afterlife?

Since I’m unfamiliar with the concept of resuscitation vs. resurrection, I’d be happy to hear more about it generally, but I also have a specific question:

How does the concept of resuscitation affect the afterlife? Like where did Lazarus and Jairus’ daughter go when they died (considering that they were resuscitated and not resurrected)?

On the nature and composition of human beings

Human beings are “dichotomous”—composed of two distinct parts. Those two parts are the body, and the spirit. There is no “third thing” (what they call in Latin tertium quid), even though this point is widely misunderstood, such that people often think that the concept of “soul” is distinct from body and spirit.

Biblically speaking, we do not “have” souls, but we ourselves are souls. That is to say, a soul is the combination of body and spirit together that makes us “us”. The word translated as soul in Hebrew is nephesh (נֶפֶשׁ), and in Greek it is psukhe (ψυχή; cf. the English word psyche).

I am not a big fan at all of translating these Greek and Hebrew words with the English word “soul” due to all the problematic connotative baggage that term has picked up over the centuries. These Greek and Hebrew words can be better translated (as appropriate based upon context) with, for example, these other English words:

  • Heart
  • Mind
  • Person
  • Life (in the sense of “a human life”/“a living being”)

You might compare hearing something along the lines of “When the ship went down, 200 souls were lost.” What is meant in that statement is that 200 human beings/living persons drowned. Also, think about a statement like “He felt the sting of her words deep down in his soul.” Couldn’t we replace soul with heart there, and have exactly the same sense?

At any rate, the point is that humans are made up of body and spirit (two things), not body, spirit, and soul (three things).

Types of death

There are three “types of death” that human beings can experience:

  • Physical death
  • Spiritual death (spiritual separation from God)
  • Eternal death (also called the “second death”)—spending eternity in the Lake of Fire, eternally separated from God

When Satan told Eve that she would “surely not die” in Genesis 3:4, he spoke a half-truth. While disobeying God did not cause immediate physical death for Adam and Eve, their actions caused immediate spiritual death (spiritual separation from God), and in fact would cause eventual physical death… even if not instantaneously. Further, if God had not provided a gracious means of escape for us in the blood of Jesus Christ (symbolized and foreshadowed by God’s gifting of the animal skins in Genesis 3:21, which is often called the protoevangelium), all of us—Adam and Eve included—would necessarily face certain eternal death as well.

Our present topic is focused upon the first type of death: physical death.

Defining terms: physical death means someone’s human spirit departs their physical body

When someone dies physically, their human spirit leaves their physical body; they cease breathing. Wording things that way is in fact precisely the proper way to think about it since in both Hebrew (ruach, רוּחַ) and Greek (pneuma, πνεῦμα), the exact same word is used for both spirit and breath. That is to say, the human spirit is present when breath is present, and not when not.

I should note that the fact that this identical duality in meaning is present across both languages is at least somewhat noteworthy. Hebrew and Greek are not at all linguistically related (Hebrew being a Semitic language, and Greek being an Indo-European language), so the fact that both languages have this same exact concept points to a universal spiritual truth. (One might also compare Latin’s spiritus, which also has the same dual meanings, but contrast the two separate German nouns geist and atem, and the fact that we have two separate words in English too).

Regardless, the key takeaway point is that physical death is the removal of someone’s human spirit from their physical body.

What happens after that?

Finally, after all that groundwork, we are ready to start addressing the main thrust of the question. Put simply, what happens after physical death, and are things any different in the case of a person who will be resuscitated?

Let’s start with the “normal” case, and explain the general mechanics of things.

Before Christ’s ascension vs. after Christ’s ascension vs. in eternity proper

Discussing what happens after physical death for humans is complicated by the fact that it has not been constant throughout human history, and where/how we will spend eternity with God in the New Heavens and New Earth is yet again different.

Since some of these topics are ultimately a bit tangential to the present matter, I’m not going to spend too much time here, but a brief summary of the basics is in order.

“Heavenly geography”

My mentor created a picture to describe what can be termed “heavenly geography”:

Heavenly Geography

Some brief notes:

  • The “Waters Above” and “Waters Below” separate the three main divisions from each other. Compare the “sea of glass” mentioned in Revelation 4:6 and Revelation 15:2.
  • The Third Heaven is where the Father currently resides, separated from the world due to the tainting presence of sin in this current creation. This will no longer be the case (i.e., the Father will no longer be separated from us, but will dwell alongside us) when this current creation is destroyed and replaced with the New Heavens and New Earth at the end of history.
  • The Kosmos (composed of the Earth and the shamayim = “heavens” plural = Earth’s atmosphere and the wider universe) is where we currently dwell.
  • Hades (or “Sheol” or “the Grave”) is composed of further subdivisions:
    • “Abraham’s Bosom”, or paradise: the “good part” of Hades where pre-cross believers used to be located. (We’ll talk more about that in a moment).
    • “Torments”: the “bad part” of Hades where unbelievers go to await the Great White Throne Judgement at the end of history.
    • “The Abyss” or “Tartarus”: where certain fallen angels are currently incarcerated on account of transgressing God’s limitations put upon them (see 2 Peter 2:4, and cf. Jude 1:6).
    • “The Lake of Fire”: where all unbelieving humans and angels will be cast for all eternity (although it is presently uninhabited, and will remain as such until that future point of irreversible judgement).

I should note that in English, we tend to be a bit loose with how we use the word “hell”. In practice, sometimes people mean by it Torments (where unbelievers are before the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of history), and sometimes they mean the Lake of Fire (the final resting place of unbelievers in eternity). Those two places are technically distinct from one another, although neither is pleasant in the least.

Before Christ’s ascension

Before the events described in Ephesians 4:7-10 (Christ’s ascension), pre-cross believers went to Hades, into the part of it known as “Abraham’s Bosom”. This is where Lazarus and Abraham are in Luke 16:19-31. As we mentioned before, Hades contains multiple subdivisions, including Abraham’s Bosom and another section (called “Torments”) where unbelieving humans go after death. The two sections are separated by a great chasm, such that nobody can cross between the two sections. (This is what Luke 16:26 is getting at).

Abraham’s Bosom, though separate from the presence of the Father, was not some neutral or negative holding space or prison, but was a form of paradise (cf. Eden).

After Christ’s ascension

After the events described in Ephesians 4:7-10 (Christ’s ascension), all of those who were previously in Abraham’s Bosom were led by Christ into the presence of the Father in the Third Heaven. This is the victory Christ won for us on the cross: the veil of separation between us and God was completely and utterly split. When the Father accepted Christ’s payment for our sins, death was defeated, and God now sees believing humans only through the blood of Christ. Therefore, since then, when believers die, they join all of our previously-departed brothers and sisters in the Third Heaven, where our ancient forebears were led after Christ’s ascension.

Unbelievers still go to Torments in Hades, however. That part has stayed consistent.

In eternity proper

There is described in Revelation a period of 1,000 literal years known as the Millennium, wherein Christ will rule from Jerusalem in this present creation. It will be a time of overflowing peace and prosperity like no other time before.

But eternity proper is different from the Millennium. At the end of history, this current creation will be destroyed (Cf. Psalm 102:26; Isaiah 13:13; Isaiah 34:4; Isaiah 51:6; Matthew 24:35; Revelation 6:14; Revelation 20:11). Then God will create the New Heavens and New Earth, the New Jerusalem will descend, and we will dwell there in perfect bliss for all eternity (with no more tears, no more pain, and perfect fellowship with not only each other, but also elect angels and God).

That is the eternal state of believers and elect angels. By way of contrast, unbelievers will find themselves thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity, alongside Satan and the other fallen angels.

Wait, is it just human spirits in these places? But what about resurrection bodies?

Unfortunately, a lot of “pop culture” representations of heaven involve pearly gates, clouds, floating gold streets, and what have you—things that make it seem somehow floaty and ephemeral rather than physical. This is not compatible with the Bible’s descriptions of the afterlife.

The Bible is clear that in final resurrection we will be “like” Christ (1 John 3:2, and cf. 1 Corinthians 15:35-58), and will dwell upon the remade Earth (now free from sin and death) rather than up in the clouds somewhere. We will have bodies that are incorruptible, “spiritual bodies” that will be ruled over by spiritual impulses rather than the sinful fleshly ones like we have at present. We can only grasp the barest outlines of exactly what this means, but the key point is that our spirits will still be housed in bodies, even if they are different than the ones we are now in.

So what about before the resurrection, we might ask? Did the people in Abraham’s Bosom have bodies of some form? What about those in the Third Heaven now?

Interim bodies

The answer to these questions is yes—people in the afterlife (even before the resurrection) have bodies too. Recall at the beginning of today’s video how we talked about the composition of humans—how we are composed of body and spirit. How could humans exist as only spirit? It is simply not how God has made us, ontologically speaking.

Clothing is a metaphor employed in the Bible for the concept of human spirits being joined with physical bodies (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:1-4; Revelation 6:11, 7:9). For a human to be, well, a human, a human spirit must be embodied and joined with some form of “vessel” = a physical body.

Scripture therefore indirectly teaches a concept that my mentor has termed “interim bodies”. This is the idea that after we die physically but before the resurrection, human spirits of departed believers (in Abraham’s Bosom before, and now in the Third Heaven) are clothed by God in temporary bodies. Bodies of this sort are both distinct from the sort of body we possess in this life (that is, a fleshly body infested with sin), and the sort of resurrection body (like Christ’s) we shall eventually possess (the so-called “spiritual body”, or soma pneumatikon, of 1 Corinthians 15:44).

One of the reasons why this teaching is often missed or misunderstood is because of a complex textual issue relating to 2 Corinthians 5:3. Textual criticism is the art and science of figuring out what the original text of the Bible said; since the Bible was copied and recopied many times over the decades and centuries, changes could creep in and corrupt the text. The exact specifics of this particular textual matter are a bit beyond what I want to get into here (although see the link if interested in the gory technical details), but suffice it to say that the proper way to translate 2 Corinthians 5:3 is actually along the lines of “when we are un-clothed (i.e., because we have died, and our spirits have left our physical bodies), we will not be found naked (i.e., God will clothe our spirits with some new body)” rather than “when we are clothed (i.e., joined with a body of some form), we will not be found naked (i.e., we will not end up being disembodied)”. Note that the meaning is entirely flipped between those two options, and also note the nearly tautological sense of the second (incorrect) option.

To put that into a bit plainer English: 2 Corinthians 5:3—when translated using the correct textual base—says that when we put off our present bodies when we die physically, we will not be found naked in the sense of being without a body for our human spirit. Ergo, interim bodies.

There is other evidence too:

  • In Luke 16:19-31, do disembodied spirits have tongues that experience heat (Luke 16:24)? How could one recognize Abraham, Lazarus, and the rich man if they were merely disembodied spirits when in Hades?
  • Compare again those verses from Revelation that mention the white robes: Revelation 6:11, 7:9. Do disembodied spirits have robes? But they couldn’t be resurrection bodies there either, since the resurrection hasn’t yet occurred.
  • Etc.

I should be clear that there is very much here we do not know. For example, a quote from my mentor:

Quote from Ichthys

We have very little to go on when it comes to the constitution of the interim body (just the passages I have cited previously [that is, 2 Corinthians 5:3; Revelation 6:11, 7:9]). Revelation calls it a “white sheet to wear”; 2nd Corinthians also uses the clothing analogy saying that we “won’t be found naked”; and in Luke 16 both those in paradise and those in torments are recognizable, can speak, reason, and seemingly function in most important ways just as we presently can. Were I to speculate, I would say that the materiality or physicality of the interim body is less pronounced than for either of the other two. We know that we can eat in both the natural and resurrection bodies (cf. Lk.24:40-43), but there is neither need nor (probably) opportunity to eat in the interim state (whether it be the paradise of the past or the third heaven of the present), and I would imagine that this is true of much of the physical interaction which is commonplace now and will be after the resurrection again. Then again, the rich man asks Abraham to have Lazarus dip the tip of his finger into water to cool his tongue - it doesn’t happen, of course, but it may be that he was observing eating in drinking across the “great fixed gulf” (I can’t say for sure).

So answering that question of “what happens after physical death, in the normal case?”

Assuming we are talking about a believer:

  • Before Christ’s ascension, they would have ended up in Abraham’s Bosom in Hades, in an interim body.
  • After Christ’s ascension, they will end up in the Third Heaven, in an interim body.

And then after the resurrection, each person shall possess a resurrection body, just like Christ’s body after he was resurrected. The soma pneumatikon of 1 Corinthians 15:44.

And what about for those who are resuscitated?

Put simply, matters of the afterlife are no different when it comes to those people who are resuscitated, except they go backwards from the interim body state to the physical world in addition to the normal forward version of that passage, whereas others only ever make that transition in the forwards direction alone. Once they make the transition the second time (i.e., die for the second time after being resuscitated), it is as if there were nothing irregular about their afterlife experience at all.

That is to say, when Jairus’ daughter died the first time (assuming for the sake of argument she met the standards of belief necessary for salvation at the time of Matthew 9), she would have found herself in Abraham’s Bosom in an interim body, until her human spirit was called back to her physical body here in the world, at which point the interim body in Abraham’s Bosom would have no longer been necessary. But then, after she lived out the remainder of her days, she would once again have died physically, and if she was still a believer, she would have again found herself in an interim body (although probably now in the Third Heaven, since she would have likely died long after Jesus had ascended, since she was so young at the time of His ministry).

Video/audio transcript

00:0000:00 - hey guys so right now in this lesson we’re going to be talking about how the concept of resuscitation affects the
00:0800:08 - afterlife so to kind of be able to properly explain this one we’re going to have to talk about what the afterlife is
00:1500:15 - normally like for us as Christians so where do Believers go where do unbelievers go what will happen at the
00:2100:21 - end of History before the resurrection things like this so we kind of have a lot of stuff to get out of the way first
00:2800:28 - before we can sort of prop address the question as such so first we’re going to talk about the nature and composition of
00:3500:35 - human beings how we are made of body and spirit and what that means exactly we’re going to talk about types of death so
00:4300:43 - there is physical death there is spiritual death which is separation from God and then there is uh Eternal death
00:5000:50 - also sometimes called the second death and uh specifically here we’re going to be talking about physical death and then
00:5600:56 - we’re going to be defining what exactly that means and so physical death is when someone’s human Spirit departs their
01:0101:01 - physical body and then what happens after someone dies physically well we have to spend some time talking about
01:0801:08 - where people go after they die and so to do that we’re going to have to talk about um so-called Heavenly geography
01:1401:14 - here uh so the third heaven versus Hades versus this world and there’s some subdivisions in what we term Hades also
01:2401:24 - known as sheld or the grave so Abraham’s bosom or Paradise torments the abyss the Lake of Fire we’re going to be going
01:3201:32 - over some terms like this and then we’re going to talk about how things are a little bit different uh before Christ
01:3801:38 - descends which is described in Hebrews chapter 4: 7-10 and how things change after that um and then we’re also going
01:4601:46 - to talk about well where are we going to be in eternity all of this describes quote unquote where people go when they
01:5201:52 - die and so this is all like the normal uh the normal thing um how how things work for people people who die normally
02:0002:00 - and there is no resuscitation that’s a part of their uh afterlife experience and uh before we can even get
02:0702:07 - to that we also still have to talk about how people experience these places before the resurrection so we’re going
02:1402:14 - to introduce uh something called intern bodies uh a teaching that that holds that even before the resurrection uh
02:2102:21 - human beings that have died are not just floating around disembodied as spirits but have these temporary intern bodies
02:2802:28 - uh until they reive their Resurrection bodies like 1 Corinthians chapter 15 talks about and so that will all
02:3502:35 - describe how life after death works in the case that there is no resuscitation and so that’s kind of like all that to
02:4302:43 - lead up to that and then finally we’re just going to have one slide actually that’s going to talk about well what
02:4902:49 - about people who are resuscitated what is different for them and we’re basically going to argue that well
02:5402:54 - nothing is really different for them other than they go backwards once rather than everyone else who only goes
03:0003:00 - forwards in this uh the state transition if you will and so that is what we’re going to be examining here in this
03:1003:10 - lesson so first of all kind of restating this question of what we’re kind of setting out to
03:1603:16 - address we are going to be talking here about how the concept of resuscitation affects the afterlife or the experience
03:2503:25 - that we as Believers might have after we die and so the idea is kind of like where did Lazarus and gyrus daughter go
03:3203:32 - when they died considering they were resuscitated and not resurrected like we will be uh at the end of history but
03:4003:40 - they also kind of didn’t have the normal afterlife experience and so we’re going to be talking about well are things
03:4403:44 - different for people who were resuscitated like this like where did they go in between when they were dead
03:5003:50 - physically and then they came back to life like what happened there and so to do all of that like we just went over in
03:5603:56 - the outline we have to kind of do a lot of things first before we can get there to talk about that situation
04:0504:05 - specifically so as you can see lots of text on this slide this is the first of the background topics we kind of have to
04:1404:14 - talk about to be able to properly discuss the matters at play here so we’re going to be talking about the
04:1904:19 - nature and composition of human beings so human beings are what we are going to term dichotomus that is they are
04:2704:27 - composed of two distinct parts emphasis on two rather than for example one or three and so those two parts that
04:3604:36 - compose human beings are body and spirit there is no third thing and so you might hear that termed in Latin a tertium quid
04:4704:47 - um it’s just a Latin for third thing um but you know that has been used in philosophical discussions about such
04:5404:54 - things um so there is no third thing it is just body and spirit but I should should say that this point is actually
05:0105:01 - pretty widely misunderstood uh because a lot of people think that there is another thing and we would call that
05:0805:08 - Soul people think that it’s Body Spirit and soul not just body and spirit but biblically speaking we don’t have souls
05:1705:17 - we are souls and so that is to say a soul is the combination of body and spirit together that makes us us and so
05:2505:25 - the word that we translate as soul in Hebrew is neph and in Greek it is psuk and so you might
05:3305:33 - compare the English word psyche there which is actually basically transliteration of that Greek word um
05:3905:39 - and so both of these languages um have you know these other words that we translate or rather that uh the
05:4705:47 - translators the Bible versions often translate as soul but it’s actually not the only thing that those words can mean
05:5505:55 - and so as I say because I think there’s kind of a lot of misunder standing on this particular Point um especially over
06:0206:02 - all the centuries that people have written about this I’m not the biggest fan of translating these Greek and
06:0706:07 - Hebrew words with the word Soul just because of all the quotative baggage that that term has picked up over time
06:1506:15 - so these two Greek and Hebrew words so nephesh in Hebrew and psuk in Greek can be better translated in my opinion um as
06:2306:23 - appropriate based on context so you kind of have to make sure you’re picking the an appropriate word in what ever
06:2906:29 - circumstances you need to translate with with these other words so like I said these these words in Greek and Hebrew
06:3506:35 - can also be translated as heart or mind or person or life in the sense of a human life or a living being um and so
06:4806:48 - all of these things now if you think about it for a sec you will notice that when you think about exactly what the
06:5406:54 - definition of soul is in English you can kind of see how these other things uh become equivalent to it in the
07:0107:01 - circumstances in which we use them and so uh in our particular discussion here you might think of hearing something
07:0907:09 - like when the ship went down 200 Souls were lost um and so what someone means if they say something like that
07:1707:17 - unfortunate occurrence would be that 200 human beings or living persons drowned when the ship you know crashed or
07:2507:25 - capsized or whatever um and then you could also think of a statement like he felt the sting of her words deep down in
07:3207:32 - his soul couldn’t we replace soul with heart there and have exactly the same sense and so you can kind of see how you
07:4007:40 - can substitute these other words uh for circumstances in which we would use this word in English and you don’t lose
07:4707:47 - meaning um but those are both mapping back to these same words in Hebrew and Greek so nephesh and psuk that we
07:5507:55 - translate as soul you can also translate with these other words and so so the core point that we are making here is
08:0208:02 - that actually humans are only made up of these two things we’re made up of body and spirit and there is no third thing
08:0908:09 - there is no tertium quid we are dichotomus not trotus and so we only have body and spirit not Body Spirit and
08:1708:17 - soul and so uh we have to do a little bit of thinking when we translate here to make sure we’re using the right word
08:2508:25 - um so for example if we’re referring to a life as in you know a human life or we are referring to you know something
08:3408:34 - going on the battle for human hearts and Minds you could say the battle for human Souls um so you kind of have to figure
08:4108:41 - out you know what’s the appropriate word to replace it with in Translation but the reason why we might want to avoid
08:4908:49 - using the word Soul when we translate is because of all of the connotative baggage that word has people tend to uh
08:5808:58 - think that soul is something different than body and spirit that it’s some third thing that we are made up of when
09:0509:05 - that’s just not the case and so to kind of sidestep problems there in my opinion and in the opinion of other people I’m
09:1109:11 - not the only one who feels this way um it it kind of makes sense to avoid using it just because it kind of makes things
09:1809:18 - unclear or ambiguous because different people use the word differently and so it’s not wrong like as I say if we
09:2609:26 - understand properly that Souls are the composition of body and spirit together you know the thing that makes us us uh
09:3409:34 - we have this battle going on in our hearts and our minds like galatian chapter 5 talks about well that is our
09:4109:41 - soul that is who we are um so if you understand that definition it’s not like it’s a a bad word or anything it’s just
09:4909:49 - that a lot of people take it to mean different things and so it can be kind of unclear if we use it exactly what we
09:5509:55 - mean by it and so for that reason kind of makes sense when we’re having these conversations about what human beings
10:0110:01 - are composed of to only stick with flesh and spirit and just if we need to translate these words from Greek or
10:0810:08 - Hebrew nephesh or PUK to use heart or mind or person or life or one of these other translations just so that it
10:1510:15 - doesn’t trip other people up all right so that was the first of the background topics we need to cover
10:2510:25 - next we’re going to be talking about types of death so there are actually three types of death that human beings
10:3210:32 - can experience and so we would say that when we think of death as a concept we can actually kind of be referring to
10:3910:39 - different things here so first of all there is physical death then there’s spiritual death which by that we would
10:4710:47 - mean spiritual separation from God and then finally there’s Eternal death which you might also hear called the second
10:5510:55 - death and that is spending eternity in the Lake of Fire etern eternally separated from God and so this is not
11:0211:02 - what we want to experience and un and believers do not face this this is the fate of unbelievers of those who are
11:0811:08 - unwilling to submit to God and so a passage that is kind of related to this distinctions between death uh concept if
11:1711:17 - you will is Genesis chter 3:4 when Satan told Eve that she would surely not die if she ate of the fruit and so when he
11:2611:26 - said that he spoke a half truth while disobeying God did not cause immediate physical death for Adam and Eve and so
11:3311:33 - this would kind of be Satan’s Hal truuth here is that when Eve ate of the fruit she didn’t immediately Keel over dead so
11:4111:41 - she did not die physically instantaneously but nonetheless this action caused immediate spiritual death
11:4911:49 - that spiritual separation from God Adam and Eve hid from the Lord God once they’d eaten of the fruit they knew they
11:5511:55 - were naked it caused this barrier of separation between man and God that was not previously there that’s spiritual
12:0212:02 - death and in fact eating of this fruit would cause eventual physical death even if not instantaneously um so because of
12:1012:10 - this Adam and Eve would die eventually previously they were Immortal they were undying they did not experience death in
12:1712:17 - any sense of the word but now because of this they were separated from God they faced spiritual death and now they would
12:2512:25 - eventually face physical death as well and even more than that if God had not provided a gracious means of Escape for
12:3412:34 - us in the blood of Jesus Christ which is actually symbolized and foreshadowed in Genesis chter 3 verse 21 when God made
12:4312:43 - garments of skin for Adam and his wife um that is animals were killed their blood was shed to clothe Adam and Eve um
12:5212:52 - this is often called the Proto evangelium or First Gospel this represents um symb symbolizes and
12:5912:59 - foreshadows the blood of Christ covering us and reconciling us to God all the way back in the very beginning of the Bible
13:0613:06 - in Genesis chapter 3 we already see God’s Redemptive plan for Humanity uh being played out and of course that
13:1213:12 - comes up in the prophecy uh just a few verses before this as well but in any case if God hadn’t clothed Us in the
13:2113:21 - blood of Jesus Christ all of us Adam and Eve included would necessarily face certain Eternal death from God as well
13:2813:28 - or sorry Eternal death separation from God as well so that is you know being separated from God in the Lake of Fire
13:3513:35 - for all eternity a horrible fate that would be where we would all end up if God hadn’t out of his grace and mercy
13:4313:43 - sent Jesus Christ to die for us so these are the three types of death now in our present study where we’re talking about
13:5113:51 - the idea of the afterlife and how resuscitation might be related to it we’re going to be focusing on the first
13:5613:56 - type of death specifically and so that is physical death and so if we say we’re going to be
14:0514:05 - focusing on physical death here well that kind of means we should Define the term what does physical death mean
14:1214:12 - exactly and so we’re going to be saying that physical death means that someone’s human Spirit departs their physical body
14:2014:20 - and so we would actually probably term this that someone dies when they cease breathing um now the reason why this
14:2814:28 - assoc is uh kind of the right way to think about it it’s good and proper for us to
14:3314:33 - say this is because the words in both Hebrew and Greek for breath and spirit are the same word that is this Hebrew
14:4414:44 - word here ruak and this Greek word Numa uh these both mean both breath and spirit the same word is used for both
14:5314:53 - Concepts and so that’s why this is how we should talk about it it’s how the Bible talks about it just implicitly
15:0015:00 - through the languages the human Spirit again spirit being defined by these words is present when breath is present
15:0915:09 - and not when not and so we don’t need to go get down on I don’t know all the specifics of well what happens if
15:1515:15 - someone’s heart stops beating because they have a heart attack and and but then they come back a couple minutes
15:2015:20 - later uh the point here is that the association between these words is such that breath and life are very closely
15:2815:28 - related linguistically speaking um and so in their languages these words are related so jumping down a little bit
15:3715:37 - this paragraph here this is actually also true in Latin so the word for spirit and breath in Latin is spir to
15:4515:45 - and so that is a third language here where you can kind of clearly see this Association um it’s not all languages
15:5215:52 - though interestingly so German has two separate words for spirit and breath gist and ATM and we have have two
15:5815:58 - separate words in English too that is spirit and breath right we don’t use the same word for both of them but you can
16:0416:04 - see here in Hebrew and Greek and Latin there is this association between breathing and having a spirit that is
16:1216:12 - being physically alive because when people die their Spirit leaves their physical body alongside their breath
16:1916:19 - they no longer breathe they’re no longer alive and so this identical duality in meaning the fact that it’s there in both
16:2716:27 - Greek and Hebrew and actually Latin and some other languages as well um this is actually kind of noteworthy um because
16:3316:33 - Hebrew and Greek are not related linguistically speaking um so Greek and Latin are both Greek and Latin are what
16:4116:41 - are known as Indo-European languages they kind of share a family tree if you will but Hebrew is not completely
16:4816:48 - different language tree Hebrew is a Semitic language and so the fact that both of these languages have the same
16:5516:55 - exact concept kind of points to a universal spiritual truth that is this is the way the world is this is a a
17:0417:04 - spiritual reality because all these languages have the same concept and so this is kind of similar to this other
17:1117:11 - video in the series here talking about death and sleep it’s another case where that Association crosses languages will
17:1917:19 - so to here with this idea of breath and spirit being one and the same thing so all that technical discussion aside the
17:3017:30 - key takeaway Point here is that physical death is the removal of someone’s human Spirit from their physical body and if
17:3717:37 - you remember uh just before we had talked about how human beings are composed of body and spirit and so
17:4417:44 - physical death is when a human being has their Spirit separated from their physical body um so their physical body
17:5217:52 - uh is buried it is no longer animated if you will by their Spirit um so maybe that can be confusing you know it’s
18:0218:02 - maybe why we don’t always use that language when we explain this but the idea is that physical death means that
18:0818:08 - someone’s human Spirit has been separated from their body all right so that kind of lays the
18:1818:18 - groundwork we need to to start talking about exactly what happens after someone dies and so before we can even get there
18:2518:25 - we have to talk about well first of all what is dying is physical death and to properly explain that physical death is
18:3218:32 - the removal of the human Spirit from the body we had to talk about well humans are made up of body and spirit right
18:3818:38 - because that’s related and we also had to talk about how there’s you know different types of death and physical
18:4318:43 - death specifically is the one we’re talking about so after all of that we kind of get here where we’re ready to
18:4718:47 - start addressing the main thrust of the question that what happens after someone dies and is it different in the case of
18:5418:54 - a person who will be resuscitated and so the procedure I’m going to use here to explain this is first we’re going to
19:0119:01 - kind of talk about the quote unquote normal case so for someone who will not be resuscitated what does their path to
19:0819:08 - the afterlife look like and then we’re going to circle back at the very end and talk about well are things different or
19:1419:14 - are they the same for a person who will be resuscitated now before we can get too
19:2319:23 - far here we actually have to make another point and that is that what happens after you die actually isn’t the
19:3019:30 - same across all of human history and so there are sort of three states here that we’re going to be talking about there is
19:3719:37 - before Christ’s Ascension after Christ’s Ascension and in eternity proper so where you go when you die has not been
19:4619:46 - constant throughout human history and how and where we will spend eternity with God in the new heavens and new
19:5419:54 - earth is yet again different from both states that that uh Believers have when they die before eternity so eternity
20:0320:03 - proper that is new heavens and new earth will be yet a a third possible state that people will experience after they
20:1120:11 - die relative to what happens after they die before Christ’s Ascension and after Christ’s Ascension and then after the
20:1920:19 - resurrection all three of these are different and so some of these topics are a bit tangential to this present
20:2520:25 - matter so I’m really not going to spend too much time here like we could probably make a video on each honestly
20:3120:31 - say speaking but we’re just going to kind of try to summarize the basics of these Concepts just so that we can
20:3720:37 - explain well what does the afterlife experience look like in the normal case because we kind of have to talk about
20:4320:43 - this to be able to talk about what you know what happens after you die in a general sense well if you don’t know
20:4820:48 - where people go or what it’s like you have a hard time explaining what the afterlife is like right so we kind of
20:5420:54 - have to delve into a bit of this but we’re not going to get super off in the Weeds on some of the technical details
21:0021:00 - so in this section I’m not so much going to be uh establishing this with I don’t know scholarly arguments and lots of
21:0621:06 - verse references and stuff I’m just going to be kind of saying this is how it is and I’m not going to try to prove
21:1121:11 - it so much other than saying well in my understanding and reading of scripture and the Bible’s evidence this is what
21:1721:17 - the afterlife is like and so we’re just going to kind of assert it in summary form here and then we’re going to
21:2221:22 - describe what happens when people die and what their experience in the afterlife is uh after we’ve gone through
21:2821:28 - and summarized some of these topics here all right so this slide look a picture it’s not just text this time uh
21:3821:38 - the first thing we’re going to talk about is sort of answering the where question so where do people go when they
21:4521:45 - die and um to answer that we’re going to kind of look at what can be termed quote unquote Heavenly geography here and so
21:5321:53 - starting at the top not that it’s like necessarily two-dimensional but you know conceptually speaking uh we’re going to
22:0022:00 - start with the third heaven so this is where the throne room of God the father is um and you know we’re we’re gonna
22:0722:07 - talk about all this in the next slide here um so I’ll you know switch back and forth but um the third heaven is
22:1422:14 - separated from this present Universe uh by a barrier that we’re going to call the waters above so when Genesis the
22:2322:23 - creation account talks about separating the waters above and the waters below I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of that
22:2922:29 - or if that sounds familiar it’s actually has a purpose more than just I don’t know that land came out of water in the
22:3622:36 - creation account like it is talking about this this ontological reality of how the universe is constructed of how
22:4422:44 - you know God is separate from our present physical creation ever more important after the presence of sin in
22:5122:51 - this world um but there is a separating barrier between the third heaven and this present world this Cosmos under the
22:5922:59 - control of Satan and ruled by sin um in our present times and so there’s that separating barrier and then within this
23:0823:08 - Cosmos we have the heavens and the earth now Heavens is actually plural in Hebrew um so it’s not you know we might say uh
23:1723:17 - in English we might say the sky and the sky we would typically mean like the atmosphere but if you say night sky
23:2323:23 - you’re usually not just talking about like I don’t know like the stratosphere around Earth but also stars in the
23:2923:29 - universe right so kind of same concept in Hebrew shamayim is plural and it is talking about kind of Earth’s atmosphere
23:3723:37 - like clouds and whatnot and also the universe beyond um and then Earth is our planet um and so this is this world this
23:4623:46 - Cosmos that we presently inhabit and then there’s another barrier separating uh the this present world this creation
23:5523:55 - from what we’re going to term Hades and so kind of explaining some of this more you may also hear Hades termed Shel or
24:0324:03 - the grave um these are all descriptions of the same place that in terms of heavenly geography is separate from the
24:1124:11 - third heaven and separate from Earth and all of these all of these are separated by these barriers the so-called Waters
24:2024:20 - above and Waters below so on those separating Waters um there’s a couple verses in Revelation that talk about a
24:2724:27 - sea of GL so Revelation 4: 6 says Before the Throne there was something like a sea of
24:3424:34 - glass like Crystal and in the center and around the throne four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind so
24:4024:40 - Revelation 4:6 mentions the sea of glass and also Revelation 15:2 again describing what it’s like in
24:4924:49 - the third heaven and I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire and those who had been Victorious over the
24:5624:56 - beast in His image and the number of his name standing on the sea of glass holding harps of God so from here this
25:0425:04 - sea of glass this is what we’re talking about with this separating barrier between the third heaven and this
25:0925:09 - present Cosmos um these these barriers divide the Heavenly geography if you will into three distinct categories the
25:1825:18 - third heaven uh this Cosmos the devil’s World which is composed of the heavens and the Earth and then Hades or what
25:2725:27 - would also you might also hear it just term the underworld generally you know that’s a staple in mythological systems
25:3325:33 - but um Hades or Shield or The Grave is the third division so as kind of mentioned a little bit before the third
25:4125:41 - heaven is where the father currently resides separated from the world due to the tainting presence of sin in this
25:4725:47 - current creation so this will no longer be the case that is the father will no longer be separated from us but will
25:5425:54 - actually dwell alongside us when this current creation is destroyed and replaced with the new heavens and the
26:0026:00 - new Earth at the end of history and so that is take this middle section here this present Cosmos the devil’s world we
26:0826:08 - would say under the control of Satan uh you can contrast Ephesians chapter 2 the prince of the power of the air um Satan
26:1526:15 - is temporarily in control of the world not because he won a battle or something but because God has let him for the
26:2126:21 - purpose of testing Humanity well this present heavens and earth will be destroyed we we’ll go over that a bit
26:2826:28 - later um rolled up like a scroll replaced with the new heavens and the new Earth which won’t have sin anymore
26:3426:34 - and at that point in time God the Father will dwell alongside us and elect angels and we’ll all have perfect fellowship
26:4126:41 - with each other in eternity but this middle part will get replaced is what I’m saying um but in the meantime the
26:4926:49 - father is separate from this present World due to the tainting present of sin um and so the cosmos this present world
26:5726:57 - is composed of Earth and the shamayim mentioned this before plural Heavens uh referring to Earth’s atmosphere in The
27:0527:05 - Wider universe and so this is where we currently dwell this is what we would call SpaceTime in the universe um and so
27:1327:13 - we are here for a finite amount of time until we die until we go meet our maker we Face judgment um this is where human
27:2227:22 - beings are tested will we believe in God will we choose to follow him in this world controlled by Satan will we make
27:3027:30 - the right choices this period of testing occurs in the cosmos uh as I said right now under the temporary control of Satan
27:3927:39 - because God has let him usurp control for the purpose of testing humanity and then finally this third segment here
27:4727:47 - Hades or sheld or the grave or the underworld well this third place is actually composed of some further
27:5327:53 - subdivision so not on this picture here and I said I’m not I’m not like doing the full accounting of these things you
28:0028:00 - know giving you all the scripture that supports all this or all of the logical argumentation to lay all this out I’m
28:0628:06 - just kind of summarizing what I hold to be the truth about the organization of the underworld and you know like where
28:1328:13 - people go when they die and things like that so not that I’m being uh you know kind of handwavy here I I do believe all
28:2028:20 - this I think there is evidence for this but just kind of going through the summary version like I said so uh for
28:2528:25 - Hades the further subdivis that are part of this uh one is sometimes known as Abraham’s bosom or
28:3328:33 - Paradise um so this is the quote unquote good part of Hades and this is where pre- cross Believers used to be located
28:4128:41 - and so we’ll talk more about what that used to be means in a moment here and then there is torments which is the
28:4928:49 - quote-unquote bad part of Hades where unbelievers go to await the great white Throne Judgment at the end of history
28:5628:56 - and so uh so-called great white Throne judgment well this is the Judgment of unbelievers um so there is a judgment at
29:0429:04 - the end of the tribulation when Christ Returns the church is resurrected that’s when 1 Corinthians chapter 15 happens um
29:1229:12 - and then at the end of human history right before the heavens and the Earth are remade there’s this judgment where
29:1729:17 - unbelievers go before the great white Throne to be judged for their works now they’re not sent to hell because of
29:2329:23 - their sin they’re sent to hell because of their rejection of Jesus Christ Jesus paid for all human sin on the cross so
29:3029:30 - people don’t go to hell because of sin people go to hell because of unbelief um and so at any rate torments is where
29:3829:38 - unbelievers go to await this final judgment so-called great white Throne judgment and so it’s a subdivision of
29:4429:44 - Hades it’s not the same as Abraham’s bosom or Paradise which is the good part this is where unbelievers go and there’s
29:5129:51 - actually another place uh so-called the abyss or Tartarus you know that might sound familiar if you know Greek
29:5829:58 - mythology but you know don’t import all the associations there it’s not the same right it’s not like the Bible stole this
30:0530:05 - thing from Greek mythology it’s just a word in Greek right um and so the abyss is where certain fallen angels are
30:1330:13 - currently incarcerated on account of transgressing God’s limitations put on them so a couple verses here 1 Peter
30:2030:20 - chapter 2 ver4 says if God did not spare Angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and commit them to pits of
30:2830:28 - Darkness reserved for judgment that’s what we’re talking about here the abyss now keep in mind angels are creatures of
30:3530:35 - light you know casting them into the pit of Eternal Darkness you know not going to do good things to creatures of light
30:4230:42 - right um and then also Jude chapter 1 verse 6 here and Angels who did not keep their own domain but abandon their
30:5030:50 - proper Abode he has kept in Eternal bonds under Darkness for the Judgment of that great day referring to to the same
30:5730:57 - thing as that passage from second Peter um now this is actually not to get off topic this is referring to uh Angels
31:0531:05 - breeding with human women in Genesis chapter 6 there’s these people called the Nephilim who were half angel um and
31:1231:12 - so you know that is a kind of a controversial thing we’re not going to get into that here but um that is the
31:1931:19 - sin of these angels for which they were incarcerated not allowed to mess with humans like that and so God chained them
31:2631:26 - in the abyss second Peter 2:4 Jude 1 verse6 now Lake of Fire also a subdivision of Hades now this is where
31:3731:37 - all unbelieving humans and angels will be cast for all eternity although it is presently uninhabited and will remain as
31:4431:44 - such until that future point of irreversible judgment judgment before the great white Throne is when
31:5031:50 - unbelievers are condemned to the Lake of Fire alongside Satan and all the Fallen Angels
31:5731:57 - and so have you been following along with all this you might wonderwell where’s hell fit into this you know that
32:0332:03 - is typically what we refer to as quote unquote the place where unbelievers go when they die well what do we mean by
32:1032:10 - that and we are actually kind of loose with how we use this in English so in practice sometimes people mean by it
32:1732:17 - torments so this part of Hades where unbelievers go to await the great white Throne judgment and then you know we
32:2532:25 - also refer to it uh you know like as meaning like the final resting place of unbelievers like unbelievers go to hell
32:3232:32 - for all time well in that sense if we use it in that way we’re actually kind of talking about the Lake of Fire those
32:3832:38 - are actually technically speaking two distinct places of neither of them Pleasant both of them separated from God
32:4532:45 - but not quite the same place in terms of heavenly geography so I’m sure this was a lot of information I kind of had to
32:5432:54 - get through this like I said just to talk about well where where did people go when they die there’s there’s all
32:5832:58 - these subdivisions and you know what is Heavenly geography like and what’s the difference between this present Cosmos
33:0633:06 - and and Hades which is where people go when they die in the third heaven which is where Believers are currently which
33:1333:13 - we’ll get to in a sec well what’s the difference between all these that’s kind of what we’ve been talking about
33:2033:20 - here all right so we kind of hinted at this in our discussion of all of the places where people can end up after
33:2733:27 - they die but things actually changed after Christ’s Ascension and so in Ephesians chapter 4 verses
33:3533:35 - 7-10 um it describes you know Christ leading captivity captive that is one way you may hear this phrase now this
33:4433:44 - link here is actually to uh a study in the Systematic Theology that my mentor has written about Jesus Christ so this
33:5233:52 - is so-called christology a section of that study talks about the transfer of Believers from the Subterranean Paradise
34:0034:00 - to the third heaven that is from Abraham’s bosom or Paradise in Hades to the third heaven with the father so in
34:0734:07 - our picture they went from somewhere down here in the good part of Hades to the third heaven and this happened after
34:1534:15 - Jesus ascended um and so this is why we say um things are different before and after Christ’s Ascension and so for uh
34:2534:25 - pre cross believers when they died they went to Abraham’s bosom in Hades or the good part paradise and Hades um so in
34:3634:36 - the Underworld Shield the grave whatever you want to call it um this part of heavenly geography that is separated by
34:4334:43 - the waters below so not part of this universe but separate but also not in the presence of the Father which is
34:5134:51 - where the third heaven is um so this is where Lazarus and Abraham are in Luke chapter 16 so with the parable of
34:5934:59 - Lazarus and Abraham and the rich man Lazarus and Abraham are in this place that we would call Abraham’s bosom and
35:0535:05 - in fact that’s where we get this term from um La Lazarus is said to be kind of by Abraham’s side in Abraham’s bosom
35:1235:12 - right next to him um in Paradise in Hades so as we mentioned before Hades contains multiple subdivisions all these
35:2035:20 - in fact right Paradise torments the abyss the Lake of Fire well this other place called torments This is where the
35:2735:27 - man was in that parab um and so that is where unbelieving humans go after death to await the final judgment that great
35:3535:35 - white Throne judgment and so these two sections that is Abraham’s bosom or paradise and torments are separated by a
35:4335:43 - great Chasm such that nobody can cross between the two sections and so this is what Luke 16: 26 is getting at Luke
35:5135:51 - 16:26 says between us and you there is a great Chasm fixed so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not
35:5935:59 - be able and that none may cross over from there to us and so there is this big division between Abraham’s bosom and
36:0736:07 - torments um because unbelievers get sent to torments they can’t go to paradise they are fixed they are bound and they
36:1636:16 - will be there until Judgment Day um and so too for believers they do not go to torments they go to Abraham’s bosom and
36:2536:25 - these are two separate places in their boundaries between them that’s what Luke 16: 26 is getting at now we should say
36:3236:32 - in all this that Abraham’s bosom which is where pre cross Believers went to or rather like pre- Ascension Believers
36:3836:38 - went to um well Abraham’s bosom even though it’s separate from the presence of the father because the father is in
36:4436:44 - the third heaven like we said Hades is not the third heaven and Abraham’s bosom is a subdivision of Hades well even
36:5136:51 - though Abraham’s bosom is separate from the presence of Father this was not some neutral or negative holding space or
36:5936:59 - prison so like Purgatory not that we’re going to go there it’s not like neutral or even bad this was a form of paradise
37:0737:07 - it is not the same as the third heaven and it’s not the same as the new heavens and the new Earth where we will live
37:1237:12 - with God for all eternity like a final Paradise if you will and it’s also not the same as initial Paradise I.E the
37:1937:19 - Garden of Eden but it is a form of paradise right a good place to be this is where Believers went before Christ
37:3037:30 - ascension all right so that was before Christ’s Ascension now we’re going to talk about where Believers went after
37:3637:36 - Christ’s Ascension so again as described in Ephesians chap 4: 7-10 all of those who were previously in Abraham’s bosom
37:4337:43 - were led by Christ into the presence of the father in the third heaven and so we would say that this is the victory that
37:5037:50 - Christ won for us on the cross the veil of separation between us and God was completely and utterly split we are no
37:5837:58 - longer separate from God the veil has been torn into and so we are able to be in the presence of the father because he
38:0738:07 - sees us through the blood of Christ when the father accepted Christ’s payment for our sins death Was Defeated and God now
38:1538:15 - only sees believing humans through the blood of Christ and for this reason since then when Believers die they join
38:2338:23 - all of our previously departed brothers and sisters in the third heaven where our ancient forebears were LED after
38:2938:29 - Christ’s Ascension so after Christ ascends he takes his his seat at the right hand of God the father in The
38:3538:35 - Third Heaven um believing humans up to that point were transferred to the presence of the third heaven because now
38:4238:42 - after after Christ’s sacrifice had been rendered uh God sees us only through the blood of Christ so that’s the change
38:5138:51 - that’s why they are now allowed into the presence of the father because they are covered in the blood of Christ
38:5738:57 - positionally they had been saved before on credit so to speak because Christ paid for all human sin um upon the cross
39:0539:05 - it wasn’t like their sin before was somehow like not punished um there’s this verse in Hebrews 3 chap or Hebrews
39:1239:12 - 325 um that says God passed over the sins previously committed uh so Old Testament Believers uh before Christ uh
39:2139:21 - you know payment for our sin on the cross and his resurrection and Ascension they were saved on credit so to speak
39:2739:27 - because it was the blood of Christ that sacrificed that he died for us on the cross and and was judged in our place
39:3439:34 - for human sin that’s what saves everybody past present and future and so Old Testament Believers positionally
39:4039:40 - saved on credit here um but because the father now sees Believers through the blood of Christ that’s why we are able
39:4939:49 - to be in the third heaven and that’s why they weren’t able to be in the third heaven before and so this is the change
39:5539:55 - that happened after Christ Ascension as described in Hebrews 4: 7-10 now in this unbelievers didn’t change unbelievers
40:0340:03 - still go to torments in Hades to await the great white Throne judgment that part stayed consistent it’s just that
40:0940:09 - pre Ascension Believers went to Abraham’s bosom in Hades and post Christ Ascension Believers go straight to the
40:1740:17 - third heaven in the presence of the father that is the thing that changed after Christ
40:2540:25 - ascended now now if that wasn’t already enough for you we’re going to talk about eternity proper now as well and so there
40:3240:32 - is described in Revelation a period of 1,000 literal years known as the Millennium wherein Christ will rule from
40:3940:39 - Jerusalem in this present creation so not new heavens and new earth but in this present creation uh The Returned
40:4540:45 - Christ you know he’s coming with the crown this time not the suffering servant um he will rule from Jerusalem
40:5340:53 - in this present creation and it will be a time of overflowing peace and prosperity like no other time before now
40:5940:59 - I should say that I am stating this as fact and I believe it is true um plenty of people disagree on this period known
41:0641:06 - as the Millennium um there is a form of end times interpretation called a millennialism that doesn’t believe in
41:1241:12 - Millennium at all and so we’re not going to get into that here just thought I should mention it that I am taking a
41:1741:17 - position here um but in the Millennium literal 10,00 years under my interpretation and you know what I would
41:2441:24 - say the Bible actually says because that’s what Revelation says um Christ will rule from this present creation but
41:3141:31 - eternity proper is actually different from the Millennium because it’s a new creation new heavens and new earth so at
41:3741:37 - the end of History this current creation will be destroyed so I have a lot of verse references here I’m not going to
41:4341:43 - read all of them but um you know this this creation will be replaced new heavens and new earth one of these
41:5241:52 - verses talks about um the Earth being rolled up like a stroll yeah here it is Isaiah
41:5841:58 - 34:4 um the host of heaven will wear away and the sky will be rolled up like a scroll um so this present creation
42:0642:06 - will be destroyed and then God will make the new heavens and the new Earth uh the New Jerusalem will descend from the sky
42:1342:13 - and we will dwell there in perfect bliss for all eternity No More Tears no more pain and perfect Fellowship not only
42:2142:21 - with each other but also elect angels and God God’s entire family those who have chosen for him in this life will
42:2842:28 - all have perfect Fellowship in the new heavens and the new Earth and the New Jerusalem living with the father and so
42:3442:34 - that is the Eternal state of Believers and elect Angels by way of contrast unbelievers will find themselves thrown
42:4142:41 - into the Lake of Fire for all eternity alongside Satan and the other Fallen Angels so like a fire one of those
42:4742:47 - subdivisions of Hades we talked about this is where people uh unbelievers will end up in final judgment for all of
42:5542:55 - eternity um so as you can see you know this question of well where do you go when
43:0143:01 - you die well are you talking about before Christ Ascension after Christ Ascension or after eternity here where
43:0843:08 - will we be in you know the end state of things well all those are different and so that’s why this question kind of hard
43:1443:14 - to answer uh just like simply or shortly that’s why kind of we’ve gone through uh this this General State of well where
43:2243:22 - are the possible places you could go and when do you go to them like what divisions of History um were people
43:3043:30 - going to these places and based on what events so that’s what we’ve talked about here obviously a lot of information but
43:3643:36 - the point is that when you die uh or sorry rather when people have died throughout history Believers would have
43:4243:42 - either ended up in Abraham’s bosom uh before Christ’s Ascension or into third heaven in the presence of the father
43:4843:48 - after Christ’s Ascension and then in eternity we will be dwelling with God on the new heavens and the new Earth Earth
43:5643:56 - in the New Jerusalem as described in the Book of Revelation but that won’t happen until the end of human history after
44:0344:03 - this present universe that’s infested with sin is destroyed completely and God makes the new heavens and the new
44:1344:13 - Earth okay now before we can get to actually answering that question of well what happens after you die we still have
44:2044:20 - yet another facet to talk about and that is kind of in what form do we exist as I don’t know like beings after we die
44:3044:30 - like are we just Spirits floating about or do we have physicality and so uh this is going to be the last general
44:3844:38 - information topic I promise before we actually get to answering the main question and so fortunately we have a
44:4544:45 - lot of explaining to do here too but this is the the last background thing that will help us explain exactly what
44:5144:51 - the afterlife is like and so unfortunately a lot of pop culture ref representations of Heaven involve like
44:5844:58 - Pearly Gates clouds floating gold streets and things like that uh things that make it seem somehow floaty and
45:0545:05 - ephemeral and almost not real rather than something that’s physical and this isn’t at all compatible with the Bible’s
45:1245:12 - descriptions of the afterlife there is physicality there especially new heavens and new earth this one people get very
45:1945:19 - wrong because in eternity we won’t be walking around up in the sky somewhere we will be on the new Earth in the New
45:2545:25 - Jerusalem like ground not Sky um it is completely different and so this is just you got to
45:3245:32 - be careful about what I don’t know like connotations Heaven might pull up for you because a lot of what people think
45:3945:39 - Heaven is it’s not really there like another one humans do not have wings in heaven that’s not a thing um you don’t
45:4545:45 - earn your wings humans do not become Angels either so all sorts of problematic I don’t know teaching that
45:5145:51 - you can pick up from popular representations of this that don’t have they’re grounding in the Bible so all
45:5845:58 - that aside um unlike what some people think Heaven is not floaty and ephemeral it is physical it has physicality and so
46:0746:07 - the Bible is real clear that in final Resurrection we will be quote unquote like Christ so that’s a direct quote
46:1446:14 - here from 1 John chapter 3:2 says beloved now we are children of God and it has not appeared as yet what we will
46:2246:22 - be we know that when he appears we will be like him because we will see him just as he is so we will be like Christ we
46:3046:30 - will have Resurrection bodies just how Christ did and then there’s this other passage here in 1 Corinthians chapter 15
46:3846:38 - now uh some folks might just know off the top of their heads 1 Corinthians 15 one of the biggest passages in the Bible
46:4446:44 - talking about resurrection and so we’re going to go ahead and read this whole thing and you know it’s a few paragraphs
46:5046:50 - here so um it is just really important for talking about the resurrection for talking about about what bodies we will
46:5746:57 - have and what our state will be like in the resurrection State you know not in temporary bodies as we’re about to talk
47:0547:05 - about not in Abraham’s bosom not in the third heaven but once Believers are resurrected what happens so talking
47:1347:13 - about the Revelation picking up in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 35 Paul says but someone will say how are the dead raised
47:2147:21 - and with what kind of body do they come you fool that which you s does not come to life unless it dies and that which
47:2947:29 - you sow you do not seow the body which is to be but a be grain perhaps of wheat or of something else but God gives it a
47:3747:37 - body just as he wished and to each of the seeds a body of its own All Flesh is not the same flesh but there is one
47:4447:44 - flesh of men and another flesh of Beast and another flesh of birds and another of fish there are also heavenly bodies
47:5147:51 - and Earthly bodies but the glory of the Heavenly is one and the glory of the Earthly is another there is one glory of
47:5847:58 - the Sun and another glory of the Moon and another glory of the stars for Star differs from star in glory so also is
48:0548:05 - the resurrection of the dead it is sown a perishable body it is raised an imperishable body it is sown in dishonor
48:1448:14 - it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a
48:2248:22 - spiritual body if there is a natural body there is also Al a spiritual body so it is also written the first man Adam
48:3048:30 - became a living Soul the last Adam became a lifegiving spirit so just pausing there that’s verse 45 1
48:3848:38 - Corinthians 15:45 the last Adam is referring to Jesus Christ um so Adam became a living Soul the last Adam
48:4548:45 - became a life-giving spirit that is what Christ did for us so picking up at verse 46 however the spiritual is not first
48:5548:55 - but the natural natural than the spiritual the first man is from the earth earthy the second man again Jesus
49:0249:02 - Christ here the second man is from Heaven as is the earthy so also are those who are earthy and as is the
49:0949:09 - Heavenly so also are those who are Heavenly just as we have borne the image of the Earthly we will also bear the
49:1649:16 - image of the Heavenly now I say this Brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the
49:2449:24 - perishable inherit the Imp imperishable behold I tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we will all be
49:3249:32 - changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be
49:3849:38 - raised imperishable and we will be changed for this perishable must put on the imperishable and this Mortal must
49:4749:47 - put on immortality but when this perishable will have to put on the imperishable and this Mortal will have
49:5349:53 - to put on immortality then will come about the saying that is written death is swallowed up in Victory oh death
50:0050:00 - where is your Victory oh death where is your Sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks
50:0850:08 - be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore my beloved Brethren be steadfast
50:1550:15 - immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your toil is not in vain in the
50:2250:22 - Lord so don’t know exactly how long I read that for probably a few minutes there but 1 Corinthians 15 picking up at
50:2950:29 - there verse 35 very important discussion in the Bible about resurrection and so I obviously don’t have enough time to
50:3750:37 - unpack all of this I just wanted to give us the full context actually read that chapter um because it is critical to us
50:4450:44 - understanding the difference between the bodies that we have here on Earth as humans versus the bodies we will have in
50:5150:51 - Resurrection so we obviously see that in both these cases we have have bodies um so verse 44 it’s swn a natural body and
51:0051:00 - raised a spiritual body if there is a natural body there is also a spiritual body direct quote from the Bible there
51:0751:07 - is a body for us in eternity we will not be disembodied and so to pull us back to our discussion here on the slide we know
51:1751:17 - that in final Resurrection we will have a body just how Christ had a body and so we will be living in the new heavens and
51:2451:24 - the new Earth not up the clouds somewhere like we were talking about we will have bodies that are Incorruptible
51:3151:31 - spiritual bodies as Paul puts it that will be ruled over by spiritual impulses rather than the sinful fleshly ones like
51:3851:38 - we have at present now we can only kind of grasp the barest outlines of exactly what this means but the key point is
51:4651:46 - that our spirits will still be housed in bodies even if they are different than the ones we are now in and obviously as
51:5351:53 - this passage shows they will be different they are Heavenly because as is the earthy so also those who are
51:5951:59 - earthy and as is the Heavenly so also those who are Heavenly we will bear the image of the Heavenly when we are
52:0752:07 - resurrected so the question in all of this was that’s the resurrection State and right now we are in the earthy State
52:1452:14 - we are in these these bodies presently corrupted and infested with sin and fleshly desire well what about before
52:2152:21 - the resurrection we said the resurrection doesn’t happen until you know Jesus returns at the end of the
52:2652:26 - tribulation this is before the Millennium that’s when Believers are resurrected that Judgment of Believers
52:3252:32 - happens which is separate from the great white Throne judgment so kind of confusing apologies about that but
52:3852:38 - before that before that Resurrection what were people like you know did they have bodies then because
52:4452:44 - the bodies we talked about just there in 1 Corinthians 15 those are Resurrection bodies and the bodies we have now are
52:4952:49 - fleshly Earthly bodies so what about in between did the people in Abraham’s bosom have bodies of something form what
52:5652:56 - about those in the third heaven now so the place where people were LED after Christ’s
53:0553:05 - Ascension so to answer that question we just raised here that is um do people in Abraham’s bosom have bodies and so to
53:1453:14 - people in the third heaven the answer to that question we’re going to argue is yes people in the afterlife even before
53:2153:21 - the resurrection as discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 have bodies too and so you’ll recall at the beginning of
53:2853:28 - today’s lesson we talked about the nature and composition of human beings we said human beings have body and
53:3553:35 - spirit we are dichotomous and so back in what we’re talking about here all the way here where we are um the answer to
53:4553:45 - do we have bodies in the afterlife is yes because human beings have bodies that is ontologically speaking that’s
53:5153:51 - simply how God has made us we aren’t human if we are just spirit because humans are composed of body and spirit
53:5853:58 - um and so how could we only exist as Spirit if that’s not how God has made us that that’s not our nature um so that’s
54:0654:06 - the general argument here and as the Bible talks about it this concept of human spirits being joined with physical
54:1354:13 - bodies is typically spoken of metaphorically in terms of clothing uh so a spirit puts on a body so to speak
54:2054:20 - um there’s several passages that we’re going to look at here so one of these is 1 Corinthians CH 5 veres
54:2754:27 - 1-4 um so first 1 Corinthians chap 5: 1-4 says for we know that if the Earthly tent which is our house is torn down we
54:3654:36 - have a building from God a house not made with hands Eternal in the heavens for indeed in this house we grown
54:4354:43 - Longing To Be clothed and note the clothing metaphor here Longing To Be clothed with our dwelling from heaven in
54:5154:51 - as much as we having put it off I’m going to come back to why I translated that as off not on it’s important having
54:5854:58 - put it off will not be found naked for indeed while we are in this tent we groan being burdened because we do not
55:0655:06 - want to be unclothed but to be clothed so that what is Mortal will be swallowed up by
55:1255:12 - life so uh again this verse three here not going to actually spend too much time because we have time in the video
55:1955:19 - but there is a textual problem here this needs to be translated as off not on um you know I’ll I’ll talk more about
55:2655:26 - that when we get there I think it’s a you know maybe a minute from now or whatever but uh this passage here second
55:3255:32 - Corinthians chapter 5 verses 1-4 talks about the Earthly tent versus the Heavenly tent and talks about this idea
55:4055:40 - of being clothed versus naked and that is the metaphor to think about in terms of human Spirits so um two other
55:5055:50 - passages Revelation 6: 11 uh talks about people in the third heaven having white robes um uh very beginning of verse 11
56:0056:00 - says there was given to each of them a white robe and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer
56:0756:07 - and so on so they were given a white robe and then so to Revelation 7:9 says after these things I looked and
56:1556:15 - behold a great multitude which no one could count from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues standing
56:2256:22 - Before the Throne and before the lamb clothed in white robes and palm branches and and so on so again white robes are
56:3156:31 - things being worn by Believers in the third heaven so for a human to be a human a human Spirit must be embodied
56:4056:40 - and joined with some form of vessel and that is the physical body it must be clothed with a body that’s the metaphor
56:4756:47 - that the Bible uses so that’s the metaphor we should use too and so in this scripture indirectly teaches a
56:5456:54 - concept that my mentor has termed intern bodies I’m not sure how standard a theological term that is that’s what
57:0157:01 - ichus the website run by my mentor calls it um that’s the terminology I use to to follow his um but this idea that humans
57:1157:11 - must be embodied that’s just how we are as humans that’s how we’re built um so what this is is the idea that after we
57:1957:19 - die physically but before the resurrection as talked about in 1 Corinthians 15 human spirits of departed
57:2557:25 - Believers uh who were previously in Abraham’s bosom before Christ Ascension and now in the third heaven after Christ
57:3257:32 - Ascension are clothed by God in temporary bodies and so bodies of this sort what we are calling intern bodies
57:4057:40 - are both distinct from the sort of body we possess in this life that is a fleshly body infested with sin and the
57:4857:48 - sort of Resurrection body like Christ’s we shall eventually possess in eternity this would be the so-call spiritual body
57:5657:56 - and in Greek that is somatic that is spiritual body I I think it’s actually plural in 1 Corinthians
58:0458:04 - 15:44 like so well I don’t know I have to go check the Greek but it might be like
58:1158:11 - soaa would be the plural form of that but um the point is we will have these spiritual bodies in eternity like
58:1958:19 - christs separate from the fleshly ones but in the intern there will be a body that is like neither of these what we
58:2658:26 - are going to call the intern body uh the sleeves are our Spirits are put in the clothing we put on in the intern period
58:3658:36 - And so to flush out this topic a little more um one of the reasons why this is very often missed or misunderstood is
58:4558:45 - because of that that issue I brought up when we were looking at 1 Corinthians 5 veres 1-4 right this thing in verse
58:5158:51 - three where I said having put it on we will not be found naked is really more having put off the old physical body and
58:5858:58 - so uh my mentor has a uh an explanation of this up on his site in one of the questions and answers um I taking a sec
59:0859:08 - to load here um but this is kind of a complicated textual issue so textual criticism is the Art and Science of
59:1759:17 - figuring out what the original text of the Bible said since the Bible was copied and recopied many times over the
59:2559:25 - decades and centuries changes could creep in and corrupt the text so just as if you or I copy something down we might
59:3259:32 - we might misspell something we might not we might miss a word that could happen with the Bible as well um so the exact
59:3959:39 - specifics of this particular matter um are kind of beyond the scope of what I want to get into here um it’s pretty
59:4759:47 - complicated pretty technical um so again you can see this link uh to go kind of read all the Gory technical details
59:5459:54 - about this particular issue but suffice it to say that the proper way to translate 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse3
01:00:0301:00:03 - is actually along the lines of when we are unclosed again here having put it on we
01:00:1001:00:10 - would say hav put it off if you want to use that that form of translation we say when we are unclothed that is because we
01:00:1701:00:17 - have died in our Spirits have left our physical bodies because bodies are the clothing analogy here so when we are
01:00:2301:00:23 - unclosed that is we have died physically we will not be found naked that is because God will clothe our Spirits with
01:00:3101:00:31 - some new body so you can see here in as much as we haven’t put off like our physical bodies we will not be found
01:00:3901:00:39 - naked and so the difference here in the Greek I’m going off memory it didn’t look like the link was working I maybe I
01:00:4501:00:45 - don’t have internet right now um is that um the Greek has prepositions n and x and so the question here in the prefix
01:00:5601:00:56 - is are we putting it on or taking it off you know and so that is the textual matter here um and so uh the alternative
01:01:0501:01:05 - and this is the way that other translations take it in fact most translations translate this way is
01:01:1001:01:10 - saying that when we are clothed so notice the difference clothed versus unclothed um we will not be found naked
01:01:1801:01:18 - and so what that means is well when we have a body we will end up not being naked that is not having being out of a
01:01:2501:01:25 - body and so you can kind of see that this second version one of the other things strengthening the the texture
01:01:3001:01:30 - argument against it is that it’s really tological it’s like super obvious and repetitive like if we’re clothed we’re
01:01:3701:01:37 - not naked well okay that’s great but you know like why would we need to say that versus the correct textural form and
01:01:4701:01:47 - again if you want to see all the details you can read this link but the correct textual form is saying something more
01:01:5301:01:53 - along the lines of when we become unclothed that is because we die we will be clothed by God that is God will give
01:02:0101:02:01 - us a new body to clothe us and so uh sorry that was a bit technical um I tried to keep some of the details out of
01:02:0801:02:08 - it but to put all that into pler English when you translate 2 Corinthians chapter 5:3 correctly it’s saying something more
01:02:1601:02:16 - like this that when we put off our present bodies when we die physically that is our spirits leave our physical
01:02:2201:02:22 - body we will not be found naked in the sense of being without a body for our human Spirit AO intern bodies like
01:02:3001:02:30 - that’s where we get the idea from in scripture so it’s not just this verse alone that this rests on although as I
01:02:3701:02:37 - say this is not understood a lot primarily because of the textual issue in this verse um so there’s also the
01:02:4301:02:43 - passage in Luke chapter 16 that we’ve been thinking about so if you wanted to say that human beings are somehow not
01:02:5001:02:50 - embodied in eternity or sorry not in eternity in the afterlife well what if about uh this Parable here in Luke
01:02:5701:02:57 - chapter 16 do disembodied Spirits have tongues that experience heat and so the rich man in this Parable asks Abraham to
01:03:0401:03:04 - let Lazarus dip his finger in water to cool off his tongue for he is in agony in this flame well how can someone who
01:03:1301:03:13 - doesn’t have a physical body have a tongue right and then moreover how could you even recognize Abraham and Lazarus
01:03:2001:03:20 - and the rich man if they were just disembodied Spirits in Hades what do spirits look like how do you tell one
01:03:2601:03:26 - from the other it just doesn’t seem like this Parable here um and I should be clear like I’ve talked about in previous
01:03:3401:03:34 - video that this is literal it’s not just like made up this is you know historical people who actually lived Abraham was a
01:03:4101:03:41 - real person Jesus doesn’t just make up stories using real people this is a description of something and so it is
01:03:5001:03:50 - actually describing how the afterlife Works how Abraham’s bosom works um and so for that reason how could these
01:03:5601:03:56 - people just be disembodied if they’re recognizable and they have physical attributes like tongues so that’s
01:04:0201:04:02 - indirect evidence too right and then you can also compare those verses that we read initially in Revelation chapter 6
01:04:0901:04:09 - and Revelation chapter 7 talking about the white robes that people in the third heaven are wearing so how can
01:04:1601:04:16 - disembodied Spirits wear white robes how does that work they have to have bodies but they can’t be Resurrection bodies
01:04:2401:04:24 - because this is early in Revelation the resurrection hasn’t happened yet so they can’t be the resurrection bodies that we
01:04:3001:04:30 - were talking about in First Corinthians 15 because that hasn’t happened yet so they’re not alive they’re not in the
01:04:3701:04:37 - world they don’t have their physical bodies but they don’t have Resurrection bodies but they have to have bodies
01:04:4101:04:41 - because they’re wearing robes Argo intern bodies so that’s where we’re getting it from in scripture now in
01:04:4801:04:48 - closing off this this introduction of this teaching I should be real clear that there’s a lot we don’t know here so
01:04:5501:04:55 - I’m just going to go ahead and quote something um from my mentor’s website he has a question and answer up on intern
01:05:0101:05:01 - bodies and so almost you know I’m just going to go ahead and read the quote off his site but this is describing these
01:05:0801:05:08 - things that we’re talking about these bodies that we have in between when we die physically and the resurrection the
01:05:1501:05:15 - bodies that we have in between intern bodies well we just don’t know a lot about them and so my mentor says this we
01:05:2101:05:21 - have very little to go on when it comes to the constitution of the intern body just the passages I cited previously so
01:05:2801:05:28 - that is 2 Corinthians 53 which has the textual issue we talked about uh and then the two passages from Revelation
01:05:3501:05:35 - talking about the white robes um so picking back up in his quote Revelation calls it a white sheet to wear second
01:05:4301:05:43 - Corinthians also uses the clothing analogy saying that we quote unquote won’t be found naked and in Luke 16 both
01:05:5101:05:51 - those in paradise and those in torments are recogniz can speak reason and seemingly function
01:05:5701:05:57 - in most important ways just as we presently can were I to speculate I would say that the materiality or
01:06:0301:06:03 - physicality of the intern body is less pronounced than the other two and so we know that we can eat in both the natural
01:06:1001:06:10 - and Revelation bodies um there’s a quotation from Luke chapter 24 here which is you know uh when Jesus appears
01:06:1801:06:18 - to them uh he ate this piece of broiled fish before them he was physical he ate the fish um so we can eat in both the
01:06:2601:06:26 - natural and Resurrection bodies but there is neither need nor probably opportunity to eat in the interim State
01:06:3301:06:33 - whether it be paradise of the past or the third heaven of the present and I would imagine that this is true of much
01:06:3901:06:39 - of the physical interaction which is commonplace now and will be again after the resurrection then again the rich man
01:06:4501:06:45 - asked Abraham to have Lazarus dip the tip of his finger in water to cool his tongue it doesn’t happen but it may be
01:06:5101:06:51 - that he was observing eating and drinking across Ross the great fixed Gulf of Luke 16: 26 I can’t say for sure
01:07:0001:07:00 - so again this is my mentor on the the concept of intern bodies and there’s just a lot that we don’t know for sure
01:07:0701:07:07 - um it is possible plausible even that maybe they aren’t quite as physical so to speak as the bodies we presently have
01:07:1601:07:16 - in the resurrection bodies but even that we really can’t say with certainty because we just don’t have a lot on this
01:07:2201:07:22 - from the Bible we know that are bodies because human beings have bodies because we are composed of body and spirit we
01:07:2901:07:29 - know that they can wear things because the people in the third heaven in Revelation 611 and 79 have white robes
01:07:3701:07:37 - that they wear and we know that 2 Corinthians 53 when you translate it using the correct text uh vises textual
01:07:4501:07:45 - criticism teaches that when we become unclothed because we die we will have we will not be found naked that is we will
01:07:5301:07:53 - have a body well all of these things teach it but we just don’t know very much past that um so we will be embodied
01:08:0101:08:01 - in the afterlife even before the resurrection but what exactly that means we just shouldn’t teach too much
01:08:0801:08:08 - dogmatically on it because we just don’t know from scripture and that’s kind of that’s kind of like the the point to end
01:08:1401:08:14 - on here in emphasis is just that we shouldn’t go past what the Bible teaches on this and um again it’s not as direct
01:08:2101:08:21 - a teaching some other things as you can see here just a few vers but the concept is clearly there by
01:08:2601:08:26 - inference that when we die we will still have bodies in the afterlife even before the rection even before the resurrection
01:08:3401:08:34 - they will just be intern bodies rather than Resurrection bodies all right so with that we are
01:08:4301:08:43 - finally ready to answer that question of what happens after physical death in the normal case so if you remember back uh
01:08:5101:08:51 - we said that we were going to try to answer you know like what happens when people die in the normal case before we
01:08:5801:08:58 - try to handle well what happens when people die right before they’re resuscitated like what’s the difference
01:09:0301:09:03 - there well before we’re going to get to that second case we need to talk about what is the normal State of Affairs for
01:09:0901:09:09 - people who aren’t resuscitated and so assuming we’re talking about a Believer here which you know Lazarus presumably
01:09:1401:09:14 - was and we don’t actually know so much about Gus’s daughter but probably so well before Christ’s Ascension they
01:09:2101:09:21 - would have ended up in Abraham’s bosom in Haiti or in the Paradise in Hades in an intern body and so this is before
01:09:2901:09:29 - Christ’s Ascension as described in Ephesians chapter 4 now after Christ’s Ascension they will end up in the third
01:09:3501:09:35 - heaven in an intern body still this is in the presence of God the father and so in both these cases this is after they
01:09:4201:09:42 - died physically but before the resurrection they end up in intern bodies it’s just a matter of where you
01:09:4801:09:48 - know before the cross uh before the Ascension of Christ the pre cross believers were in Abraham’s bosom and
01:09:5501:09:55 - after Christ’s Ascension now when people die they go immediately to the presence of the father in the third heaven but in
01:10:0101:10:01 - both cases they still have these temporary bodies that they’re in until the resurrection and then finally after
01:10:0701:10:07 - the resurrection each person shall possess a resurrection body just like Christ’s body after he was resurrected
01:10:1401:10:14 - that’s the Som numatic of 1 Corinthians 15 verse 44 this is the spiritual body that we will possess in eternity and so
01:10:2301:10:23 - this is is quote unquote what happens after you die um this is in all the details and hopefully now we know what
01:10:3001:10:30 - all of this means we know what we mean by before and after Christ’s Ascension we know what Abraham’s bosom is we know
01:10:3701:10:37 - what Hades is we know what an intern body is we know what the resurrection body is because we read that whole
01:10:4301:10:43 - passage in 1 Corinthians 15 all of this hopefully based on all of that background work we did even though it’s
01:10:5001:10:50 - just several sentences here you can see that this entire I’m quite sure we’re over an hour now this long video has
01:10:5601:10:56 - been going over all of the terms that we use here to talk about well what happens after we die so this is the normal case
01:11:0501:11:05 - this is what happens when a person who is a Believer dies physically and so finally we’re going to
01:11:1701:11:17 - get to the the point of this whole video was to answer the question about well what about those people who are
01:11:2401:11:24 - resuscitated is their afterlife experience any different and so put differently matters of the afterlife are
01:11:3101:11:31 - no different when it comes to people who are resuscitated except they go backwards from the intern body to the
01:11:3901:11:39 - physical world in addition to the normal forward version of that passage whereas others only ever make that transition in
01:11:4501:11:45 - the forward Direction alone that is most people when they die they go from this world to Hades and never back to the
01:11:5301:11:53 - world again so I’m going to go look at our picture since pictures are helpful um so most people when they die they
01:11:5801:11:58 - leave here they leave this Cosmos the devil’s world and they go here and then after well okay so this would be before
01:12:0701:12:07 - Christ Ascension they they would leave here go here after Christ Ascension they leave here they go here um but people
01:12:1301:12:13 - who are resuscitated um again before Christ Ascension they would go from here to
01:12:2001:12:20 - here they end up in Hades and then they’re resuscitated and they go back here so most people only go this
01:12:2501:12:25 - direction those people go from the cosmos to Hades back to the cosmos versus most people just go from the
01:12:3301:12:33 - cosmos to Hades and then that’s it they will not be resuscitated they will that’s where they will be until the
01:12:3901:12:39 - resurrection and so that’s the only difference here is that most people only go forwards but those who are
01:12:4601:12:46 - resuscitated go backwards too but they only do that once really because once they make that transition a second time
01:12:5301:12:53 - that is they die a second time after being resuscitated it’s really as if there were nothing irregular about their
01:12:5801:12:58 - afterlife experience at all so we’re going to use Gus’s daughter as an example here and so assuming for the
01:13:0401:13:04 - sake of argument that she meant the standards of belief necessary for salvation at the time of Matthew 9 uh
01:13:1001:13:10 - not going to get into that too much either but basically what we believe now after Jesus came and died and was
01:13:1501:13:15 - resurrected what we have to believe to be saved it’s not quite the same as what pre-c cross Believers did because there
01:13:2201:13:22 - wasn’t as much revelation at that point God’s like epistemological standards if you want to use jargon would be
01:13:2801:13:28 - different for people but let’s assume for the sake of this argument that you know gyrus was a leader of the Jews and
01:13:3401:13:34 - that he was teaching his family to believe and you know further that his daughter was actually past the age where
01:13:4001:13:40 - she had moral uh like accountability you know it’s not like a specific age for children depends on the person but like
01:13:4601:13:46 - let’s say she was old enough that that was true but that she did believe all that out of the way let’s say that gyrus
01:13:5101:13:51 - his daughter would be saved like that’s the short version here well then when she died she would have found herself in
01:13:5801:13:58 - Abraham’s bosom in an intern body until her human Spirit was called back to her physical fleshly body here in the world
01:14:0501:14:05 - at which point the intern body in Abraham’s bosom would have no longer been necessary but we don’t really know
01:14:1101:14:11 - what happens to it like did it get recycled so to speak or you know uh well we don’t know no idea again we just
01:14:1701:14:17 - don’t know very much about intern bodies but point is she died she went to Abraham’s bosom she was in an intern
01:14:2301:14:23 - body she gets called back when she’s resuscitated the intern body is no longer necessary and now her human
01:14:2901:14:29 - spirit is joined with her physical body in the world again but then after she lived out the remainder of her days she
01:14:3601:14:36 - would once again have died physically because that happens to everyone who’s resuscitated they don’t live forever
01:14:4201:14:42 - after they’re resuscitated they die again and so after all this she would have once again died physically and if
01:14:4901:14:49 - she was still a Believer at that point in time she would have again found herself in an intern body in the
01:14:5401:14:54 - afterlife although probably now in the third heaven since she probably would have died long after Jesus had ascended
01:15:0101:15:01 - because she was so young at the time of his ministry so Luke Chapter oh I forget Which chapter it is Luke chapter 12
01:15:0701:15:07 - maybe I I don’t remember exactly where this Parable is in Luke but Luke says she’s about 12 um when this happens and
01:15:1401:15:14 - so you know if she was 12 and Jesus does this early on in his ministry Jesus’s Ministry was three years long we don’t
01:15:2101:15:21 - know exactly the dates but plus or minus a couple years years here well Jesus would have probably been died and
01:15:2601:15:26 - resurrected and ascended before she was 15 for sure and so if this happened and she lived a you know a normal lifespan
01:15:3301:15:33 - you know for that time period maybe 50 60 um years then she probably would have died decades after Jesus’s Ascension and
01:15:4201:15:42 - so all that to say if she was still a Believer at that time because only Believers are saved then she would go to
01:15:4801:15:48 - the third heaven but in an intern body so Vis the initial question here the point is when people who are
01:15:5601:15:56 - resuscitated die they go to the same place that everyone else who dies normally does the only difference is
01:16:0201:16:02 - that they go backwards too at least once you know so they go from either Abraham’s bosom before the Ascension or
01:16:0901:16:09 - the third heaven after the Ascension back to their physical body they live out the rest of their days they die
01:16:1401:16:14 - again they go back into an intern body to wait for the resurrection just like the rest of us so that is how all this
01:16:2201:16:22 - works for those who are resuscitated and so I hope this video has been helpful I’m sure it has been quite a lot to take
01:16:2901:16:29 - in um but nonetheless now that we’ve been through all of this hopefully what we say here makes sense you know talking
01:16:3501:16:35 - about human spirits and intern bodies and Abraham’s busm and all that we’ve hopefully gone through enough that when
01:16:4301:16:43 - you have to explain this and think about it in your head all of what we have said here uh kind of comes together to give
01:16:5101:16:51 - us that full picture of what happens when people people die and the fact that those who are resuscitated they have
01:16:5701:16:57 - kind of this this strange transition when they go backwards from you know Hades or the third heaven back to the
01:17:0301:17:03 - cosmos and then they die again and then end up in an intern body a second time well hopefully all this kind of make
01:17:1001:17:10 - sense in context with everything that we’ve talked about here in this lesson all right finally to pull it all
01:17:1901:17:19 - together because this has been a long one just talking over the outline of what we’ve gone over so we introduced
01:17:2501:17:25 - that question of well does resuscitation mean that people’s afterlife experien is any different than people who aren’t
01:17:3201:17:32 - resuscitated that is kind of what we were setting out to answer here but before we could even get to that we had
01:17:3601:17:36 - to give an awful lot of background information we talked about the nature and composition of human beings how we
01:17:4301:17:43 - are dichotomous body and spirit we talked about the three types of death physical spiritual and eternal death and
01:17:5001:17:50 - how we are specifically focusing on physical death in these questions here we talked about how physical death means
01:17:5701:17:57 - someone’s human Spirit leaves their physical body um and so uh breath and spirit are the same words in Greek uh
01:18:0601:18:06 - and Hebrew so uh nephesh in Hebrew and R sorry no that’s that’s soul um ruach in Hebrew and Numa in Greek mean breath and
01:18:1901:18:19 - spirit and so we talked about how when people die they no longer breathe then that’s the association there we talked
01:18:2501:18:25 - about well what happens after people die well where do they go we had to explain Heavenly geography and the third heaven
01:18:3101:18:31 - and Satan’s Cosmos the world system we now inhabit and Hades or Shield or The Grave or the underworld which is where
01:18:3801:18:38 - all the other subdivisions are and then how those are separated by the waters above and the waters below like the sea
01:18:4401:18:44 - of glass mentioned in the Book of Revelation and so that’s Heavenly geography that’s where we go when we die
01:18:5101:18:51 - so to speak and then we we talk about how that’s actually different for believers before and after Christ’s
01:18:5601:18:56 - Ascension although in both cases unbelievers still go to torments to await the great white Throne Judgment at
01:19:0101:19:01 - which point they’ll end up in the Lake of Fire and then that’s eternity proper so in eternity proper uh Believers end
01:19:0801:19:08 - up uh having perfect fellowship with each other and God and elect angels in the new heavens and the new Earth oops
01:19:1501:19:15 - while unbelievers and Satan and the other Fallen Angels end up in the Lake of Fire and to close out our background
01:19:2201:19:22 - discussion we talked about intern bodies and so this idea that uh after we die physically we’re no longer in our
01:19:2801:19:28 - physical bodies here in the world but before we get the resurrection bodies of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 we are in what
01:19:3501:19:35 - we’re going to call intern bodies these temporary bodies that God gives us so that we will not be found naked as 2
01:19:4301:19:43 - Corinthians chapter 5:3 says if you translate it from the right text you you know do the textual criticism to get to
01:19:5201:19:52 - the right textu base and so then after all that we we said that well what happens after you die physically in the
01:19:5801:19:58 - normal case well for for normal folks they they go from the physical world either to Abraham’s bosom or the third
01:20:0501:20:05 - heaven uh depending on if uh Christ had ascended at this point like when they died and then the only difference in the
01:20:1201:20:12 - case of those people who are resuscitated is that they go backwards once they make that transition in the
01:20:1801:20:18 - reverse Direction until they die a second time in which case it’s permanent then it’s as if their experience is no
01:20:2501:20:25 - different than anyone else’s in the afterlife so I hope this was helpful an awful lot of information here but
01:20:3101:20:31 - hopefully this helps explain the afterlife and what we believe as Christians you know like what does the
01:20:3701:20:37 - bible teach about when we die where do we go what happens how are we what will we
01:20:4401:20:44 - experience when all of this happens and so long video here but good stuff talking about these tops topics of death
01:20:5301:20:53 - and resurrection and what we believe on these matters as Christians